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y guys what is up it's teach here coming at you again with another video on Ark survival ascended and I'm going to show you in this video how to run very quickly the um Tech cave right so once you've got everything sorry I couldn't think of the word it's super easy all you need is the stuff that I have in my inventory you're going to need a pretty good shotgun with about 500 shots if you're planning on doing this on gamma um if you're doing this on Alpha you're going to be about know four or five times that because you're going to need some more people but that's what I would suggest but you're going to need all of the uh things the soups and stuff like that that you you on my bottom right because it gives you increased healing it gives you increased uh just increased everything basically you'll need some food you'll need some water Med brw and then you'll need a you can see that I've got a chest piece and boots and the rest of it is just uh fur right because the fur is going to keep you alive on the inside because it's super cold in there now it's going to cause a bunch of damage right up front so just be aware of that you can see that I'm taking damage here but my soups that I'm eating are are actually counteracting the damage that I'm taking um so those soups are pretty important now that's that's kind of like the start outside of that that's all the basic stuff you need you'll need an archo pyer or whatever they're called in order to get past all this the stuff that's kind of difficult so we're just going to skip everything if you don't mind smash that like button leave a comment below for the algorithm and then consider subbing to the channel now I'm going to show there's going I'm going to put myself into some like refill stats mode so I can show you what not to do inside this cave um but it's pretty simple right you get inside you got 5 minutes till the door closes if you're not inside when the door closes sorry you're not going so yeah that's kind of what it is so basically this entire cave there's three parts there's the part that I'm about to go down now that you have to either fight the dinos or skip all of them the second part is kind of like the defeating the individual bosses and then you got to Fe defeat the overseer and those they're basically your three parts of this cave now in order to basically do all of that we're going to do it in the cheesiest way possible because we don't want to fight anything right we want to avoid all of the stuff and you can see that right now that's our goal that's all we want to do we're just going to stay up as high as we can in the ceiling and just avoid all of these not fun things to face now you can do that very easily the RQ pic because it's kind of like a coasting dyo will continue to hold you right up into the ceiling and um you you can avoid pretty much everything pretty easily right um and in order to do that you're just going to drop down this uh little Cavern right here now all you're going to do with this is you can see that these guys are uh freaking out they're all trying to attack me I let them typically fall before I do because they will fall you don't want them jumping on top of you because sometimes they can cause a lot of problems um but you're just going to kind of Coast down to the bottom of this entire cave now once you get down to the bottom you're uh kind of going to try and get a little bit of a a lip and find a lip if you can and that's going to let you get a little bit of height because you want to stay pretty high when you're doing this cuz if you're not not super high up um you can see that there's some very scary things down there that'll kill you so be careful of that um once you get down to the bottom of this you can see that all that nasty terrifying not fun stuff is uh waiting to kill you so just stay with your bird your bird will bird will save you the bird is definitely the safe way to do this now again if you are still watching go ahead smash that subscribe button I've been looking try I guess I have been trying to get uh 100,000 subscribers ever since I started this Channel and it's kind of been my little dream so if you want to help me out it cost you nothing so that's that's a little bit of an incentive there right um in order to do that um but that would be super dope if you want to subscribe to the channel so yeah I would appreciate it but it's up to you obviously you do you um yeah so now that we've got down to the bottom of that Cavern and I've kind of did my little Spiel right there you're just going to keep going um never stop because if you stop the uh dinos there once you as soon as you hit the ground all of the dinos nearby are going to do their best to murder you and we don't want to do that so yeah we have avoid that your arop sterics just lets you fly past literally everything um yep and we're still just going to keep going and as long as you're staying high in the air like I am right now you don't need to be super careful right because everything down here wants you dead but if we can just avoid literally all of it we don't need to do any of that now it's kind of hard to steer this thing so uh what you want to do the best case scenario is you go out over The Lava now going out over The Lava does two things one if anything is following you it's going to go into the lava and it's it's hosed two it gives you a wide birth so you can kind of avoid some of the shenanigans like there's the uh yeah you don't want that thing to smoke your armor right now and you don't want to get hit by a uh little mole jumping out of the ground that's going to knock you and then you got all kinds of problems and you wasted all your resources staying over The Lava as much as possible even though it seems counterintuitive is what you want to do we're just going to hover over the top of this right that's all we need to do now one thing I will mention the RQ sterics right the thing that that we are currently flying right now we want to make sure we have one with good stamina if you don't have one with good stamina don't do this um you need to have one and just like level it up let it kill some things max out your stamina cuz if you don't max out that stamina sometimes it can cause problems when you're flying you can get these things now it's not hard to get them with really good stamina or you can just take a break where you see like that rock right there I could just go land on that and there's nothing nearby that can kill me um so just make sure you've got some stamina when you're doing this cuz you want to stay high now especially towards this last part of this cave right we're just skipping all of this um towards the last part of this cave there's some stuff at the very bottom and it's really frustrating and I've done this way too many times you can see how all these OS down there we just skipping all of it they can technically go inside of this little bubble right it used to be a thing when the bubble happened they couldn't go into the bubble but now they 100% can so that Acro will run you down and if you stay high enough above them you don't have to worry about it because they can just not get aggroed and then you're good to go right so by staying up high we're avoiding all of that Shenanigans and hopefully we don't pull them and if we do we just pull them into the lava and we kind of skip everything here right that's the goal skip it all you don't want to run into the dinos um you can see that as soon as we hit this wall though we're kind of uh into a zone of cold now that cold zone is great and all but it's also very dangerous because it will kill you and that's why we have our handy dandy suit see how we have no issues at all because our uh we have our fur on we did take quite a bit of damage because of the Heat and but we are watching our health down there watch your health bar for sure um but because we're wearing our fur we don't need to worry about the actual uh stuff down there you saw that I died over there that's just you know part of the game the number of times I've died doing this cave trying to figure out all it's like little tricks and stuff like that is almost laughable all right so the rest of this your armor is going to be perfect you want the cold resistance because that cold resistance is going to give you extra um what it fortitude I guess and and that's kind of part of the trick of this boss fight is they want to make it as difficult as possible so you can't just wear a whole bunch of flack or Riot I don't even care about the bird anymore sorry buddy you don't you don't have any value anymore and then we run up here now if you've never done this before this is your first teleport point you get up to it just tap it it takes a minute now there's nothing special that goes on in this minute but you certainly want to make sure you're restoring your health at this point because you want to go into this boss fight with as much health as possible so now we've gotten past the first chunk congratulations if you've never done that before that's a uh success good for you now again things you need to watch out for we're going to fly for pretty much this entire boss fight just so you know ahead of time you're going to have your shotgun out nothing is dangerous until we get into the actual fight and starts key points here only choose one side to stay on stuff in the sky needs to be taken out first once the stuff in the stuff in the sky is taken out stay up high in the sky and take out the things underneath you and that's pretty much it right that's we don't really need anything else that's how we beat this boss fight and you can see that I'm gaining all my stats back up we have all of our Brews good to go if you really wanted you could wait those additional 370 seconds in order to refresh those uh but you don't have to all right so now we are next into this I'm going to go and dismiss that sorry that bothers me for some reason and uh now I'm going to go ahead and waste my element I wouldn't do that if I was you though but you can get just you see there's over there um pretty much every section in here has a note so you can get those bonus XP points um I think you can get a four and a two so you end up getting 8X XP in here um but it's also a really cool cave if you've never done this and you have time take your time in this beginning part and just look around it's really neat it's uh super cool you can kind of look at all like there's planet Earth right and off to the left over there you can see like the initial Arc setup and then as you go you'll notice that there's some things underneath your feet as well that are pretty freaking cool right um I'm almost to the point where I can show you the actual Arc underneath you and I thought this was a really cool addition right you can see there's like the critical version of earth oh no we've got big problems everything's problematic oh no we've got Solutions and then it's like oh no now we've got a giant Dinosaur Land with everything that is just spawned in above us and there is the ark beneath you now it's a super cool view right you can see there's the volcano it's just a neat thing like I don't know if you've ever seen it but it's a lot of fun to like look at this stuff it's one of those things that's unique um it takes a lot of detail to do something like this so they put this all together and then they've got the additional arcs over here in front of us um and this is kind of how they showed you you've got the different maps and stuff like that that which is pretty cool but that's neat so you are fine standing right here as soon as you start touching metal this boss fight is technically going to start so in order to avoid all of our major problems right now what we're going to do is we're going to go ahead and slowly move our way down and right now you'll see all of those green things show up right we're going to avoid them we're going to avoid everything we can so you want to get up pretty high I usually hover ra about here now if you hold shift you will stay at the same height and that's kind of our goal right now we don't want to move up we don't want to move down we want to pick a good height to sit at and stand above everything now by standing above everything we don't need to go fight anything on the ground again so we're kind of cheesing the entire fight again right but that's the point you want to cheese everything some quick tips for you before we start this if you hold space bar it takes more energy and it takes more stuff in order to actually move up and down so more element is going to be charged if you're holding space bar but if you hold shift like I am and stay at the same height um it's going to use less element so you just use that and then correct with space every now and then in order to take our brusos and things along those lines we have to land on the ground so I would pick a corner like that one or that one over there to use as your generic Corner in order to land on the ground now remember what I said don't worry about anything on the ground until you take out the things in the sky first and that is a generic rule of thumb if you do not take the things out in the sky you got big problems so make sure you aim for the things in the sky first right so we took out those things in the sky we don't see anym now we can start shooting oh we see some more if we can take them out before they get to us that means they don't do damage and that's our goal right because if we lose our Tech chest piece or our boots or something like that we have to land we have to use our backup stuff and we can probably do this entire thing without doing any of that but it is what it is so so what you're going to do is you're going to go through five phases basically you're going to go through phases where he he's got that like Shield up he cannot take damage inside of that shield and he's going to spawn in both Flyers ow um he's going to spawn in all these flyers all over the place try and use as little ammo am on as you can but they are the important ones to shoot so keep that in mind take them out of the sky as soon as possible make sure there's no more then do more damage to him now once he gets low enough he's going to transform into the first boss now the first boss that you're going to face is the Mega picus MEAP picus can throw a rock that will One-Shot you so stay high up in the sky and avoid The Rock when you see him throw it the AI has gotten exponentially better make sure you are moving or changing your direction because it goes very high and it can kill you so by staying higher up in the sky we're avoiding that entire thing right and we just want to keep keep moving and either backing up see how he's throwing that rock right we're just avoiding it as soon as he throws it I usually double tap space bar and that double tap of space bar will give you the ability to dodge pretty much everything that's dangerous with it double tap that space bar even if it wouldn't have hit us we're staying high up in the sky all right so this is phase two you've gotten the enough damage down in the original boss where you face the MEAP pacus and uh again this is in gamma only if you're playing an alpha you have to do different phases for each one you kill this guy and this is the only time you'll see him now unfortunately he can be a little bit of a pain in the butt because he does have a ton of Health it's not as much as the dragon but is still a ton of Health right so again you're noticing that I'm double tapping space bar every time he throws a rock cuz it's not worth losing to a rock it's so frustrating I have had that happen it is not great to do that all right so if you can't that space bar you're not good enough at it see how I'm kind of hovering over his shoulder this uh Mega pius's shoulder you can do that as well in order to do the entire fight um and he can't hit you with a rock if you're rotating in a circle cuz he can only throw the rock forwards all right so we're almost there come on now thank you all right so if he's not there we go see now he's so far down that he can't even Target us so he's just going to keep chasing us that's what you want there we go all right so MEAP picus is down notice how we're still maintaining that same height I use those as like little um awareness things and they fixed it because you used to be able to land on those little lips right over there but you cannot do that anymore so just be aware of that and remember as soon as he spawns that we're looking for things that are flying in the sky there's some of them uh did I shoot it before it even spawned in that's kind of awesome can't remember the last time I did that and so here's the thing right some people think that you're going to die if you get hit by the lasers that is not the case you will take a small amount of damage I don't see any more things in the sky nope we don't okay so if you get hit by his lasers uh you will get basically with your stuff stunned but because you can still hold shift or hold space bar um you are allowed to hover in the sky and not take damage okay that hurts why is that even a thing where did you get stuck where you took that long to to do damage um so we're holding that shift in the space SP because we don't want to take damage so this is that next phase of the boss fight we're trying to get him down to enough Health where he spawns in the spider so see how he's got that going on right now he's going to spawn in more things in the sky shoot them as soon as you can because that prevents you from taking damage and there we go all right took three of them out before they could shoot me and you can go into third person mode but I personally prefer third one or first person mode just for this boss fight specifically uh because I don't want to take damage from stuff from a distance all right so we should be pretty close to spider actually and spider is the easiest one so the reason we're choosing this side by the way some people like to not play on this side um is because with this side we have to reduce the number of things that we can face and by staying close to a wall there's only so many things that can fight us right so he actually went to dragon that time that's interesting I don't think I've ever seen him go Dragon mode this is insanely dangerous by the way the dragon is by far the most dangerous one that you're going to face do not get anywhere near the ground because this thing will fire and it will use its fire attack and you will die there is no surviving it I have made that mistake way too many times so just stay as high as you possibly can on the ceiling otherwise you are in big big big big big trouble sweet okay so you can see that he still takes pretty heavy damage however of the three he's got the highest health pool so we're just trying to stay up in the sky to avoid him now as soon as you get close enough to him he will launch that fire attack do not get close to him I can't say it enough this is the one quick way to lose this boss fight especially if you're doing it like I am right now because he will there is no surviving it he will One Tap you um because that flame not only does the damage for um actually hitting you but it also does the burn damage so you can't heal fast enough to no matter how much health you have um it basically surpasses your armor so just be very careful about that all right so I'm hovering as close as I can get to the ceiling and I'm just going in a circle making sure that he has no chance to even hit me there is no increased damage portion on him and he doesn't take increased damage from uh Firearms so that's kind of what you're going to think about just stay high all right so what other quick tips can I say while we're taking this guy out don't even worry about the things on the ground don't waste your ammo because as long as you're not Landing you don't need to worry about any of that um so next thing I guess if you you are running low on health or anything you cannot take this while you're hovering in the sky you have to land technically right so in order to do that what you're going to do is between boss fights not during between them you want to take out um a corner so like that corner over there or that corner over there and land in it now once you land in those Corners quickly take everything and then double tap to go back up into the sky because if you land long enough they will bust your armor and you don't want to do that [Music] obviously so I guess this is on official settings I should mention that so that's why it's taking me so long because this thing has a ton of Health it's almost ridiculous um unfortunately you can't kill the uh dragon like this in the regular mode because he will spawn in his dimorphodons and those things will shred your armor which sucks I wish I could figure out a way to get past those if you have any ideas for that leave it in chat I would really appreciate those ideas cuz I don't have a way around that yet all right so now we beat the dragon we've beaten the uh other one and now he's a little bit beneath half Health he's going to go into this this mode he's going to shoot the things into the sky keep in mind we're watching where he shoots those things into the sky there's one right next to us ow how did you even get that thing down before I I mean I feel like I shot okay what thank you ow ow ow reloading all right so you can see that these things are that pryo thing because they're the ones that are going to do damage to you see how I'm holding it I'm still shocked but I'm good to go right so keep unloading into this thing avoid those things if you can the uh little pipes because you want to not take damage and durability because you if we can do this on one suit which is very doable by the way that's our goal again notice how I was getting low to the ground there I'm double tap my space bar and I'm back up in the sky all right next phase is going to be the spider we don't want to let him oh man I let him get one last thing off so if you do enough damage to this guy he won't be able to launch a second wave and that's a a big time thing if we can avoid that right all right now we got to focus on these things before they can make it to us ow stop so again see why we're facing the uh we're trying to keep pillars between us and him is because when these things are chasing us we want to avoid being stunned am I being shot by any more of them I can't see them at least are they beneath me or something ah I hate this thing there we go that might be it right there that's it okay so we're going to go up in the sky again we're being shot I was like where are they they were right above me of course they were all right so this is the uh where's the spider there she is she takes a little bit to be able to kill her um but I suggest you stay really high in the sky because she can still shoot her little like stuff I don't know how to say it other than she can still shoot her stuff so if you stay like above one of her shoulders when she's launching her Goo uh there it is so she did her last thing there we should be able to shoot her pretty soon here come on now maybe that's it sometimes it takes a second for her to like register that you're here and then you can kind of like kill her there we go okay so this one again we're going back up to the sky because she can launch her little balls of death and you'll see him launch them in a second here and we're trying to avoid it the benefit about the spider she is uh oh I have to be inside of her render range to shoot her oh I hate this boss one come on now there we go all right so if you can stay behind her shoulder she cannot do damage to you um until she launches her little balls like that right there and if you just double tap space bar when she does it you can actually avoid all of them so double tap space bar and then you go from your mode back into uh shift and you're good to go right right we're back into our render range so we can shoot her again and when she does her attack we're going to double tap space bar again so I'm notice how I'm rotating kind of around her in a circle the reason that we're doing that is because we want to make sure there it is we're double tap and space bar and we're good to go so reloading shooting and are we out of render range again we might be out of render range there we go Okay so so this is the one you have to stay close to so it's a little bit of a change up okay there's the firing of the ball right we're going to go ahead and shoot again because we don't want to get hit by it double tap the space bar and it's just rinse and repeat until she's low now after her the uh boss kind of goes into final mode there there we go back inside of the range she takes increased shotgun damage so that's super nice all right there's gamma brood mother taken care of and last up is this guy in final form right so as soon as he's got that Shield up he's going to not take damage and he spawns in his little homies over here all right there's they're right next to me of course you're going to spawn him in right next to me what a jerk okay yeah again focus them first ow I hate this thing there we go okay now avoid these if you can oo that one's going to hit me and then try and keep a pull between you and it because the uh more you take from damage from those things the more Dura you take on your chest piece and we want to avoid that and it moves very fast so we're just going to keep shooting it yeah buddy we'll be pretty close over here you can see probably one shot left one one round left I guess um and it's still moving pretty quickly we want to try and avoid letting it go into invincibility mode again because if it goes into invisibility mode then we can't shoot it and then it's going to do another round of the things like that right there there H that frustrates me I was so close too we might be able to actually kill him before we can take damage from those things I stand corrected hey we did it there we go killed the overseer and you can see everything kind of blows up and it's so pretty right boom and it's that easy that's all you have to do you got a little bit of a cool down timer it does this cool little intro thing if you want there is a 4X note I believe on each corner I can't remember which corner it's on but you can get the 4X note and uh pretty freaking cool one of my favorite things to do is come stand like right in the edge of this and watch what's going on because you can kind of see what's uh what's so neat about it you got all these arcs above planet Earth or at least it looks like planet Earth and it's just fun to watch you can pump all your things you're going to lose them anyways make sure you stay alive for this right you want to get your levels and then that's it it's really not that difficult and into [Music] Oblivion yeah so if you look down it's like hey look it there's the island island I'm floating above you thank you pass and then boom here we go and then all of a sudden it's like oh look at all the other arcs there's hundreds hundreds of thousands scorched Earth Extinction all these other ones and then planet Earth Here We Come into this little evil corner of the universe is this what happiness felt like love no this is more like Pride yes that's it it I'm proud of you Survivor you've accomplished what few have you've ascended I once did too when I was her Helena she was an Explorer too and like you she traveled the arcs and discovered their secrets you're following in her footsteps keep going discover what became of Helena and her friends survive the many challenges ahead and you'll find me here waiting for you together we may yet be able to save our world and that's it so if you wait watch to the end of this or did it on Alpha there's still a little bit of like a little mini perk that you get but then it goes back to press to start create a resume go into the island You' got to essentially download your new character because it's got an update put into its arm and that's it so if you watch the entire thing uh please make sure you smack that like button leave a comment below for the algorithm and then consider subbing to the channel That would be super awesome other than that teach out [Music] uh
Channel: Teachers Game Too
Views: 63,703
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ark survival ascended, ark survival ascended gameplay, ark survival asc, ark survival ascended release date, ark survival ascended trailer reaction, ark survival ascended news, ark survival ascended live, ark survival ascended reaction, ark survival ascended xbox partner preview, ark survival ascended console, ark survival ascended launch, asa first 10 minutes, asa cheats, asa metal, metal spawn, metal, metal ark, island metal, island top 5 metal
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 51sec (1671 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 05 2023
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