A Fresh Start on a Beautiful Desert Island! - ARK Survival Ascended [Episode 1]

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here we go guys Arc survival ascended and I've just spawned in for the first time and it seems to be pretty safe are we actually safe though cuz for the most part that doesn't you know just because I didn't get attacked immediately doesn't mean I'm not going to get attacked right now I think we're good this looks gorgeous it's very dark hang on there we go we got better lighting this looks gorgeous but oh my God it looks so different at the same time uh it's going to take me a little while to get used to a lot of this and um settings wise you know I've played around with a good bit of the settings you know not the actual like server settings but the actual in-game settings to make it look really nice and run really well uh pretty good so far there's probably a couple things I still need to change but yeah we're uh we're probably good to go for a video so just it might be janky at times and if it is I am sorry and what the hell is that what is that green oh my God there's like a bunch of different ones hang on what is this verd Berry a common greenberry uh found in many bushes tasty could be used for green dye okay what's this one uh is that how how would you pronounce that is it Kean Berry or Canan Berry cuz it says it's good for Sanai is there like a berry for each of the dyes that's cool nice all right well I guess we got like a bunch of extra berries now that's actually kind of nice I like that yeah I mean it's such a simple little thing but still super handy um all right well anyway let's let's stop talking about the berries and uh start talking about what we're doing well first of all this is the island server this is the server that me and the boys are going to be playing on for the uh foreseeable future at least wait can I break the trees once they're already on the ground or is that okay so technically that's going to like disappear oh yeah there it goes it just disappeared um yeah so this is going to be the server that we're going to be playing on um it's going to be like the main Series going forward you will probably not see any Arc survival evolved going forward it's all about Arc survival ascended I still need a little bit of thatch really my Knuckles are bleeding and I still need to punch more trees God damn it all right here we go so settings wise on the server uh they're very very basic I think the only thing I changed so far is The Taming I turned it up to 2.5 and um yeah I think we're pretty good to go can we make that it didn't really look like it was highlighted properly there okay well we got a pick we've also got a level and uh what do you guys think about the new synac I tried to make him look as similar to the old synac as possible from what I can tell there's no there I can't get the dreads it's it's kind of uh I don't know I don't know if that's going to be a thing we might have to Rebrand the whole Channel no I probably won't do that but we might have to change some stuff I don't know uh let's see what do I want to pump we'll probably wait that makes the most sense and let's go for spear and of course a hatchet we cannot afford the campfire just like old times guys just like old times oh real quick I meant to say if you want to pick up an ASA server I've got a discount link for them down below all right here we go so I do want to tell you straight off the bat and I don't have the emote mod to do this but just imagine me putting my thumb up guys go ahead do me a favor hit the like button if you're excited for AR survival ascended of course it kind of sucks that console players can't play right now but I I I truly think that when you guys do get it and hopefully you get it soon you guys are going to enjoy it just as much as we hopefully are going to be as well I don't know haven't really played much of it we'll we'll see um so far pretty solid pretty beautiful to be honest uh we're getting a bunch of stone here actually which is super handy uh let's go and hit a rock then what happens when we hit the rocks and break them that's not breakable okay yeah most of these are probably not breakable what about over here by the way I spawned in a what is it uh I think it was East Zone one so couple little extra new noises there oh I think the visual are changing like the the whole rock is like cracking do you guys see that all those cracks are just appearing all over the whole Rock that's actually kind of Handy cuz then you can tell when The Rock's about to break yeah I kind of like that actually I think do we did we break it or did we break off a piece oh no we broke the whole thing cool oh my god look how amazing I am wow okay cool well anyway um yeah I'm super excited for this game guys uh I'm just I I'm kind of annoyed that it took so long to get here but we're finally here and it looks pretty amazing and hopefully it runs amazingly and uh you know hopefully it's fun we we'll see uh let's see let's try and get like the basics done here cuz this is episode one don't expect me to go off and uh do anything absolutely insane uh we do need a hatchet actually so I I need to hit some more trees here so um lots of new changes to this game we'll encounter a lot of them as we go but for the moment I just want to focus on survival um I don't really know what like what's around here obviously like things are going to be a little bit different from normal Arc so um yeah it's going to be a little bit of of of like a learning curve I feel like the color change between the non- craftables and the craftables is not a huge amount I mean I can tell the difference but feel like it could be a little bit more obvious or something anyway let's see uh inventory so they've like changed everything in here like you can you can pretty much just like sort out your whole inventory by just like going into these different categories here which is kind of cool um yeah so if we had like a bunch of this other stuff we could actually access it all which is nice um yeah let's just like leave it on default for the moment put on a shirt oh wow that is very white cool uh can we craft pants probably not yeah we need some Fiber we need lots of fiber all right let's get this in here cool so what's the hatchet like probably the exact same I think it's just higher res than the first hatchet from uh from normal Arc you know what let's grab some more Flint we'll grab some uh we'll grab some wood are you kidding me am I getting attacked by a freaking Carno by the way you can't pump movement speed by default and I haven't enabled it which I can do what is that noise what am I hearing was that a drop what the hell was that uh this Carno is he going to be able to catch up to me here I'm going to run out of stamina pretty soon this this is this is yeah this is probably going to be it for me for good old syac um am I able to get away oh my God look at him what's he doing what the hell that was so weird he just stood there stared at me and then now he's just walking away oh my God the trees like bouncing in the distance is terrifying okay yeah this UI is a little bit different he knows he can't get to me and so he's like walking away trying to pretend that he's just going to leave me but then he keeps coming went back is he going to try and find like a spot to get up on oh my God he actually probably could get up here I'm not even going to lie this is this is not how I Envision the first episode going dying to a Carno of all things um where can I get away I could probably I don't know uh which way do I go do I go that way or do I go to Carno alley over here uh I'm going to go Carno alley there might be another one or there might not be another one we'll see um he is getting out out of the water right now I ran into a tree that's cool let's just keep running oh he's is he coming no no he's not coming is he I think we're good I think we're okay we we'll see um cool let's uh let's just keep going in in here maybe just try and get up and around this like a little tiny Cliff here um yeah so it's kind of terrifying honestly I don't know the UI yet I don't know how it will react to things did I just okay that's a parasaur that's pretty good uh oh there there is a supply drop right here it's like inside of a tree hello can I open you yeah you're a green so we got to wait a little bit till level 15 that's totally going to be gone by then H all right it's also getting very foggy right now well let's yeah let's focus on grabbing up some Flint here we'll grab some more uh fiber and we'll grab some more wood and we'll just work on getting some Spears and maybe I can kill that power swur actually that could be a thing so um oh we're getting a bunch of new berries there did you guys see that we got like a purple one as well cool yeah um lots of lots of stuff to learn this is going to be very Bare Bones kind of episode for the moment you know I'm I'm learning with you guys I haven't experienced this this game by itself yet um all right we do have another level actually let's go ahead and I'm going to vote stamina I feel like I'm going to need that uh let's go for sleeping bag looks different thatch Foundation looks gigantic I'm guessing maybe you can higher them up and lower them down let's actually craft one of those you know what let's actually go straight for a little thatch Hut that makes a lot of sense um oh you know what I think that they changed it so we can actually use the the wall as a doorway and probably also a window as well that's going to be pretty cool let's just grab some more fiber here if we can um and then I want to make some pants just to uh to not have my underwear hanging out by the way they like upped the res of the underwear check that out it's no longer like dirty underwear anymore it it I don't know I don't know how I feel about that I kind of like the stains anyway let's see let's go ahead and grab uh yeah let's grab that and then a campfire and then we need to make some Spears I need to do that next we do have everything that we need hopefully and we just need this wood let's get this done and also I should be building a um uh a torch as well let's see uh let's pop those on are those going to be different oh yeah they are look at that dude that's cool how do I make the die then huh I don't know might be like can I like drag it on no probably not maybe like a mortar and pestle or a cooking pot like normal yeah probably all right let's see what else do I want to do um thatch Hut we can work on that after we make the spears let's make a whole one spear cool let's uh oh wait hang on was I like crafting it there I need to check that out next time hang on oh look at that do you guys see that the Bush is still technically there you like remove the fibers oh that's really nice oh my God I it's such a tiny subtle little detail but the fact that leaves are getting removed moved as I'm harvesting it it's really cool I don't know is it just me or am I like is anybody else excited about these kind of little little changes that just make it a little bit more immersive I don't know I'm very excited for this kind of stuff hello Mr stego you are very very scary right now I do not want to mess with you let's see um we need did we yeah we should be able to craft some more Spears we got two more okay so we got three Spears in total let's pop that there um I'm I'm going to vote a torch next we need one stone can I grab oh oh look at the little baby stego oh my God yeah this is another change there's wild babies um that's so cool he's following his mama oh my God is it just one what happens if I get too close to it is the is the parent going to attack me I have no idea I actually kind of want to stay away from you just for the moment we'll check out the babies at another stage but that's so cool just seeing them in the world look at him he's actually like following his mom around that's a that's that's great that's absolutely fantastic there's a frog here as well we are kind of close to the swamp all right let's see um that's a very big uh tree let's go ahead and hit that a little bit so I I do want to maybe just quickly check out making a little thatch Hut we can probably try to put a bed in there or something hello I almost hit you um I can already tell there are some settings that I'll need to tweak and stuff like that I can see kind of in the distance things are kind of getting weirdly blurry so yeah we'll try and focus on fixing that eventually I've just realized that's not like a tree I can break that's an actual uh yeah let's go ahead and just pick all the leaves off of this thing that's so cool I love the fact that they it actually removes them as you're going that is amazing all right let's see um let's go ahead and craft one of those and we're going to need a bunch of walls but I need that for that it looks like I have everything else let's go ahead and do this I'm wondering if we can find baby frogs like in the water in the swamp that would actually be kind of cool we got to we got to just there's so much to check out I I was about to say we got to go check out the stuff but there's so much like there's so many new things and like I'm just so excited to experience all of this like it's a fresh new start for Arc familiar kind of uh formula in like a different landscape essentially this is still the island and from what I can tell things are the exact same we do still have Doos let's go ahead and get our very first kill in Arc survival ascended here we go bom got him uh what level are you okay we might need to tweak things cuz he's only a level four that doesn't seem right so yeah again things will need to get changed what level are you wait what level is everybody you're level four as well okay yeah so everybody's level four for some reason H I didn't know I didn't know that that would be a thing okay I'll fix it after um oh quick come on kill him oh the blood effect is different as well look at that hang on hang on H let me get oh what the hell you just stopped what the hell's happening got him hell yeah what about you what are you doing what are you do you want nothing I think we're good all right let's go ahead and harvest this guy getting a little bit of hide from them not a huge huge amount but a little bit am I wait did that say I was getting overweight there I think it did uh how am I doing okay yeah no I'm I'm kind of okay for the moment let's see what is that noise oh the drop was going away that's what that was oh that sounded so weird cool all right let's see I wonder can we get like berries and stuff from uh trees that would be kind of cool probably not H you know what I'm actually kind of excited for the fact that there's new berries you know like a bunch of different Collectibles I'm I'm down for that this one's for magenta so we've got magenta green and then cyan cool like that a lot um let's go ahead and let's see well we got another level here uh I think I'm going to pump that into maybe health I guess uh what else do we have unlocked now uh yeah we got the mor p so we make maybe we can make one of those soon you know what actually let's focus on making this little thatch Hut if we can and then I didn't mean to hit that button and then we can um and then we can hopefully focus on just like checking out some of this new stuff that we're unlocking like the uh the mortar and pel I'm wondering if we can do something with the new berries in there that'd be kind of cool so let's make like three four walls actually I've just realized yeah four walls make sense because one of them we can turn into a doorway uh and then a ceiling as well and we just need a door now which I don't know if we have unlocked we do now we also have a storage box as well look at that amazing um okay cool let's see uh let's put this right there you know what actually it' be so handy like these little tabs right here structures that's going to be so handy once you have just an inventory full of things oh man all right let's see so where should I put this probably like right on the edge I would say oh not okay I fell off like a little lip there so that is slot number five can I make this go up oh I can look at that you can make it go up and down and then you can also of course rotate it that's pretty cool let's go ahead and pop that right there nice okay little thatch Foundation they look a lot different from the first game so that's pretty cool let's go ahead and just place down all the uh the walls I did I didn't mean to hit that one I can pick you up though right let's see wait pick up there we go cool the UI is so different as well things are going to take a long time to get used to but I'm I'm here for it so right here you can see if we hit R we're going to switch between the variants so we've got to the door frame uh I don't know what that one there is wait what the hell is this one thatch door wait this is a Oh short door wall or doorway sorry uh this is a thatch doorway huh what's the difference like I I I'm I see I see the difference but like can I still fit a door there I think maybe possibly um yeah so then obviously we got the window so let's just go for let's go for this one sure why not let's just let's make that uh ceiling wise what are the different versions have we got any other versions I think it's just this right huh so is there no like a hatch frame for that no oh you know what there's probably not one for thatch or there was one for thatch in in survival evolve though right I think pretty sure there was H Maybe I'm Wrong I have no idea anyway um let's make a door and then I want to make a Mor pestel and then also we do need a bed probably when do I unlock the bed I think that's pretty soon that's like uh yeah yeah that's the next level right here cool all right let's uh let's just try and focus on getting to that for the moment let's put this door on um is there any like different versions of this I don't think so oh there you can actually decide which way you want it snapped on but I guess one way has the thatch facing in the other way has the thatch facing out okay I thought that maybe meant like which way the door would swing open which I don't think it does because obviously the outside looks different cool uh I keep getting stuck behind that like little lip right there well that's uh I I mean for like a very first base it's very spacious as you can see the structures in this game are a lot different so by the way I'm holding down right click and it just brings up a Crosshair which is pretty amazing so in the first game in survival evolved uh I believe a wall was probably like up to around here so you can see the new walls are a lot taller they actually match the foundation like so the the length between um you know the foundation sides is the exact same is the height of the wall so everything's modular now which you know it's going to take a little bit of getting used to for building and everything but all in all I think it's a great change and there's a lot of new building pieces as well actually so lots of new stuff to be checking out for the moment though let's focus in making up this Mor pel that actually might help me level as well and then we're probably going to I don't know we're probably going to have to kill a couple parasaurs and some stuff to hopefully get up to the point where I can make a um a uh a bed yeah wait how many how many piece of high do I have okay yeah you know what I think a bed's 40 right I think it might be it's somewhere around there we got a fiomia as well we can take that thing out uh let's just H should I go for I feel like I probably shouldn't go for the mor pestle right now you know what we do have a little bit of meat let's get that cooking let's get that uh let's get that roasting up over here beside my little house boom uh we go in here let's just put in a bunch of wood what is in here okay so it just shows the crafting recipes cool uh let's go ahead and pop that in and there we go Sable AutoCraft what could that mean do I have to craft it oh wait maybe maybe doing this would make it so you have to manually craft it I'm not sure how that would help is that what that is okay interesting I mean you know what let's just uh can I cancel okay I guess I can't let me just put it out put it back on and enable AutoCraft just so I don't have to sit here and craft more uh cool well I mean I I don't know how that would come in handy but for Meats especially I can understand it in a cooking pot that would make a whole lot of sense in there I'm going to leave this tree I like this tree um yeah things are so different dude I'm I'm just like the grass and everything is like a lot taller it's crazy there's so many new things to get used to well everything's super low level right now so I think we're probably good to maybe hunt down this fiomia might be able to kill him I missed him completely I think oh no here he is let me get you come on ah I can't catch up to him he's too fast come here bro oh he's like stopping for me what the hell okay come here let me okay you know what oh oh I almost I could have easily hit that frog no let me get you come on you're like a tasty meal come here no is he had of stamina or something what the hell's happening I have no idea let's just do it hey I got him yes all right that should give me enough hide uh oh I've just realized hang on how am I how am I doing torpor is rising that the way that this is like the the color and everything made me think that I was about to be knocked out okay let's uh let's go ahead and maybe put those there so I don't like automatically just eat all of those let's just eat all of the berries that we have I assume that there's no other effects from all the other standard berries uh besides of course the uh stem Berry which I ate it was just one of them though we're good um we did get our level which is great so let's go ahead and uh continue chopping up this dude in just one second when this is fixed we probably should just go down to the water and get a drink instead but uh yeah let's just get this real quick come on give me that delicious hide come on a little bit more we might actually have enough for both of these things let's see so we're going to need to unlock the bed wait what do we need before that oh the sleep sleeping bag no I'm a couple engram points short ah that sucks all right well you know what in that case am I am I good to craft the two of them I've got 62 how much is it for the bed it is it's 40 I don't have enough for both H I think maybe going for the mortar would be the smarter option so let's go ahead and uh let's get that ready where do I CRA oh there it is okay it looks so much different I just didn't even notice it there so we need a good amount more Stone but we could do it we could do it for sure it might actually be a good idea to go down to the water watch out for the Carno which I think he over there is that him that looks like the Caro no no that's a Theo I've just noticed I just saw a big big therapod and I think it is the Theo where even is he uh yeah that's the tickle chicken don't want to mess with you where's that Carno he was like a little bit further around this way think we might be okay here let's uh let's hop down and uh try and get some water cuz I'm I'm really hurting here we go let's get down here okay let's just run straight for the water I'm going to dunk my face in come on hopefully the the tickle chicken doesn't look like it's going to come from me but you never know we don't know what this new game is like okay I think I'm good um all right you know what let's also grab some Stone while we're down here as well cuz there's a bunch of it just on the ground uh uh never mind maybe no no we're collecting okay not very common okay there we go a little bit this is probably not that efficient it probably would be way more efficient for me to just swing my axe so I might go ahead and do that in just one second we'll do it down here as well which would make a whole lot more sense as well all right cool so um yeah we'll get this done and then I guess we'll check out the mor pestel there might be some more stuff in there we don't really know let's just uh just watch out for that Carno I can't believe it I'm like stuck between a Carno and a freaking tickle chicken that's just not okay for episode one you know this is just it's just rude oh I just realized we have enough sweet that actually might give me another level um yeah it did sweet all right we did it by the way um you may notice now the level up uh like icon is actually a little implant which I think suits it a lot better than um than what we had before so yeah definitely really cool let's see uh uh what should I be leveling we have a huge amount of oxygen what the hell why do we have so much I didn't change anything to make that happen that's strange H maybe I don't know you know what let's just go with some more weight it weight is always good it's always a good choice let's see uh let's go for this we do still need a little bit of hide I know but we are probably no we' got both wait did I miscount I must have had like more hide or something or maybe this didn't cost as much as I thought it did maybe let's see um oh it only cost 15 I thought it cost 25 okay now we're good we are golden let's go ahead and grab a little bit of wood and then we need a little bit of thatch as well grab it from this tree break this one down I love the way they just topple over like that it's going to be even cooler once we have like a big dinosaur to be just walking through a forest with just like straight up Jurassic Park Vibes what is happening here is this tree broken I think I think it's gone I think we're good um let's go ahead and make that bed then uh can we oh we're still short a little bit more thatch okay we're good let's just grab it from here a little bit more sweet is that enough should be enough right yes okay cool so uh torch got to make that wait did I already make one I don't think I did no I did not okay we're good let's go ahead and make that we we're going to need some more Spears as well um just like all the stuff right now but we got the main thing things we got the bed we got the mortar pestle that's that's huge that's great for episode one I did not think we'd get this far especially when I saw that cardo immediately it was just like okay I guess we're just going to die respawn somewhere else um all right let's see let me get up here to my little thatch Hut what the hell what did I just hear I heard something I don't know what yeah I don't know what the hell that was all right I'm just going to I'm just going to go over here oh we also got some meat now as well see yeah we got like 19 pretty good I'm going to put that number seven which is where I usually have my my meat and I think in here oh what the hell did that just snap oh no oh wait is it snapping it's kind of no way is that a thing oh do you guys do you guys understand what's happening right here it's it's not snapping to the ground it's snapping to the walls that's amazing that is such a good change because it's always been so frustrating when you go to place things in Arc and they just want to place all over the place you want to place in the middle though which I definitely don't want uh disable snapping we hold Q for that okay and then uh we have it aligning though that's nice that's really nice I like that a lot I do that's actually yeah that's a great change it's so simple it's such a simple thing to change but it goes such a long way it really does um let's go ahead and put some we'll keep we'll keep a little bit of Flint uh you know what do we have enough Ingram points oh yeah we do sweet all right let's make that make a little bit of spark powder it's always good for XP and just drop the rest of that in craft as much of that as we can uh what time is it it is 6:00 so it's getting kind of late and it's going to be getting dark probably really really soon that's still a frog over there okay what what do I need to fix this a little bit of thatch Okay cool so yeah it's going to be getting dark really soon we just we got to survive the first night that's that's that's the plan that's the goal going forward here oh my God come on uh wait was it thatch oh it was thatch oh yeah I I had to use my Hatchet anyway it's it's all good uh we got another dodo hello okay do I have enough for I do not I need a little bit of fiber wait let's see here we go can I grab more leaves okay I guess I had a tool out my bad it's going to take a little bit of getting used to even though that was always a thing just trying to find excuses all right let's see let's go ahead and make that what level am I level eight okay we're level nine now never mind why am I leveling so so quick this is insane [Music] um yeah you know what we'll go with some more stamina just cuz I feel like that would be super handy um oh I didn't have a spear for a sec we're all good we got it and you are at level seven I don't know what the hell the levels are right right now so my bad um I'll fix it though we'll fix it eventually Harvest you up you only got like six it's all good um okay what okay it's the frog that kind of freaked me out just a little bit uh what else do we need oh yeah I want to make more Spears so I can't do that from there anymore see um just grab that put that onto my last slot we just need a bunch of fiber and then I'm going to get a little bit more Flint if I can please give me some more Flint there we go okay we got a little bit and the whole rock is gone cool at least I mean like it doesn't explode into the sky anymore like they used to I don't know how I feel about that I kind of like the way they did that oh my God yeah I really like the way the whole Rock just starts getting cracks all over it actually that's a really nice little detail come on almost there it looks like it anyway any second now wait for it hey nice nice okay uh we also going to need need what is it again we're going to need some Fiber and I think we're good on wood actually getting a couple more of the greenberries I'm never going to remember all the names if there's like 16 of them so yeah um I I might just end up calling them the greenberry the magenta Berry you know I feel like that would be a better name for it considering is that frog eyeing me up kind of looks like he's pissed no he's good we're friends I think I hope um I could actually potentially bow him that could become a thing we might actually be able to do that can I not craft in here okay let's go ahead and do that there sweet we got like four of them in total I think right um let's see what else can I make we can make the Bola but that's going to use up the majority of my points we're actually also if we have the bow in the next level but we need to bear in mind that to get the bow we're probably still going to need the slingshot unlocked which is six points and we also need the bow and the arrow so it might be before we might have to get to like around level 11 before I can actually even use the bow you know um so yeah that might have to become a thing I guess um you know what let's go make a storage box what do we need for that um oh what the hell is that Berry oh that's okay it's a seed oh you can grow them as well oh my god wow yeah there's going to be a lot there's going to be a lot a farm with every single Berry sounds very fun but that going to be a huge amount that's going to be insane all right uh let's see what was I doing again oh yeah storage box let's go ahead and pop that right there we need a little bit of thatch a little bit of uh fiber and just a tad Touch of wood come on give me that fiber a little bit more how much was it again I think we're yeah we're good on fiber I'm just going to collect a decent amount I'm actually kind of curious if the boxes will stack up on top of each other that would be great I don't know if they're going to do that that but we'll see let's go ahead and do this wait can we pull out the torch at the same time we can't that's so stupid man uh yeah we'll uh we'll go ahead and just do this I guess when we need it later if it gets a little bit dark we can just drop it on the ground or whatever come on got you what else do I need little bit of wood yeah I have enough for two of them with the thatch let's grab a bunch of wood here then got one I make the other one any second now maybe hey there we go sweet all right this is uh this is really cool oh my God it's just like it's the early game Arc is like some of my favorite you know times in Arc like realistically it's just it's just there's something so fun about it the danger of constantly getting eaten by things you know not really being able to do anything as well and having to avoid all of the dangers is uh it's kind of exciting I really like it um let's see let's cook up some more meat if we can we need a little bit of space there we go um what else can we do okay yeah we got these storage boxes please tell me they stack up on top of each other they're obviously going to do this which is pretty standard now uh how do I wait okay yeah let's make it a line towards this wall now can I place another one up on top it doesn't look like it's going to allow me in the way that it's it's not going to snap up on top but it is seems it does seem to be possible to actually place it there which doesn't seem correct is that supposed to be like that I don't know if that's right oh hang on hang on wait wait wait hang on I just did it I just cycled through the snap points I didn't realize it would actually Stack Up on Top just like that that's uh that's new for vanilla that was only ever an s+ I could put another one there as well actually huh we might do that this little thatch Hut is actually kind of filling up but you know what yeah it's probably good we uh we won't stack too many more in here but just a little bit more there we go we got one that's cool man I'm so glad that they actually did that you know the building changes is probably what's really going to excite people I would say um just cuz like obviously we've been dealing with the same kind of quirks and annoying bugs and stuff like that over so many years now so um yeah just like having some like different changes is definitely going to make it like a little bit of a fresh experience and there's also other building pieces like I said I don't know can I look up like Gable or something let's see uh I don't know if it's an actual piece it might be like a slop piece or something but it's probably not going to show me all the variants yeah it's just going to show me the one um I might be able to make one though you know what I don't want to waste the angam points we are about to unlock the bow it would be a definite shame to waste them all on something else at this point um Okay cool so what do we need to do we need to level um guess H we're oh yeah hang on a second no we are leveled I just haven't applied it yeah look at that dude okay yeah it says up there in like tiny little purple text although even with the last game it says it in massive green text and I still ignored it most of the time but yeah um all right let's see so we should do we have enough to unlock it all see oh yeah the the arrows are only two oh yeah we do look at that okay perfect we got a bow we got a bow Already episode one we're doing amazing um let's see let's get the bow uh Ingram right there I'm going to get the arrows there too H did not mean to hit that um okay so let's go ahead and make a bow then is that cheaper no no that's the same amount as before cool all right let's go ahead and grab just a little bit of wood uh yeah we got more than enough and then we just we basically just need a crapload of fiber and a little bit of thatch of course for the arrows but we'll just focus on the bow first I hear another dodo where is it I hear you little dodo where the hell did you go I might tame him actually that'd be kind of fun I could hear him a second ago where is he is he down there um I don't really know where did that dodo go I heard something there was something around me sounded like a Dodo I don't know uh let's go ahead and grab some more fiber that's not fiber cool um this is definitely fiber though right there we go uh we got enough the bow nice what about for the arrows what do we need we need flint and thatch and a little bit more fiber can I gather any more okay there we go come on a little bit more come on keep it coming come on character there's the dodo I just spotted him in the Tall Grass uh can we tame him we might be able to can I unlock the club you know that's so terrifying the Frog oh my God can we um can we do do this maybe I could use a slingshot feel like that's kind of Overkill you know what we'll do it we'll do it real quick we'll get this little dodo uh drop some names to the dodo down below uh if I can tame it anyway we'll see give me a second we'll see how this goes first and then maybe leave a name um crap I need some flint all right uh do I have enough for it though I think I might should definitely have enough for it I do not oh I'm one hide short oh yeah yeah I have my hide in here don't I see uh hide is down here one hide please and one slingshot please and thank you you need some water H let's go ahead and just type in Fairy and I'm just going to go ahead and drop that on the ground for the moment and you too and I'm just going to eat the rest of these just eat every single one including the seed love that all right let me grab these nice and I might actually just choke those into here for the moment there we go that works I've just realized I ate the only thing I had to feed the dodo it's all good we'll we'll sort it out in just one second let's see um any more bushes around here I can grab from is this a bush uh oh it is okay me berries no no oh oh there's technically another Bush right here cool got a couple met berries okay that's good we got the dodo right there I do need to hit a rock we also need to drink again so I might actually have to go right down to the water unfortunately all right let's go ahead and grab some Stone from this just probably like one more piece three is definitely Overkill okay we got four all right let's see come here little dodo wait is there another one here oh there is wait what the hell is there one over there as well or am I just seeing things I think I'm just seeing things I have no idea what the hell I thought I saw bom got you out nice all right let's pop in the meder berries and we'll just pop in a couple more he probably won't need all these um now can we we can use the taming tracker look at that he automatically goes on I like that actually you don't have to you don't have to enable it but if you want to and it's getting kind of annoying the UI actually is is much cleaner than before it doesn't block up the middle of your screen you can see it over there on the right but yeah we can actually go ahead and dismiss that one and make it kind of go away so if I don't if I know I'm taming a doo and I know where it is I don't necessarily need to have it um you know appearing on my screen so that's pretty cool let's see let's go ahead and just Chuck you into here definitely a big fan of some of these changes go ahead and just drop you down there so yeah leave some name suggestions for the dodo down below we'll just um I might have to you know what I might be able to fit them in here actually uh H where do you snap to probably nowhere we'll leave you there for the moment um all right let's see what do we need oh yeah we're going to make some arrows uh we got our bow going to just go ahead and swap that with the torch and arrows can I craft a bunch of those here we go I guess we can't hold down the blueprint I need uh thatch and more Flint okay cool we'll go over here for both of those things all righty come here give me all of the Flint very very nice and then we got a couple trees over here we can hit for the thatch so yeah maybe maybe try and go for like 20ish so how much is it per it's one piece of flint per so we have more than enough right now I'm actually going to collect just a little bit more I do realize I'm still very very thirsty I'll deal with that in just one second we just try and get some arrows going before we do anything let's go ahead and hit that a bunch get a bunch of those crafted nice um it almost like what am I doing there like that looked weird am I actually like is there like a crafting animation or something or hang on can I craft something uh what do I need to craft another uh Arrow another little piece of thatch let's go ahead and do that I just want to see what it looks like it almost looked as if I was crafting it or something something my hands looked busy I don't know what the hell was happening all right let's see uh we need to repair this let's see let's go ahead and do that real quick uh yeah okay that sucks uh both of my tools are broken now we can repair both of them which is great I think yeah cool all right let's go ahead and get some more of those going um yeah so we've got over 20 arrows now which is amazing so hopefully we won't have to use it on our little trip down here to can I land on this tree is that going to stop my fall damage did I take any it didn't look like uh maybe I did I might have taken a little bit I'm not sure let's go ahead and dunk my face in actually I just want oh my God whoa that's beautiful yeah that is uh that's going to be cool I can't wait uh oh we have like a little oxygen meter there as well look at that cool let's go ahead and am I full of water yeah I am cool let's go ahead and get back up here if we can ooh I just realized that carob could still be around here somewhere I'm actually not certain where he went he was like right here last we saw him no idea but I guess we're just going to have to run this direction cuz I've already started if we if we run into him we do have a bow I might actually be able to take him down as well considering the levels seem to be all borked right now we'll uh we'll deal with that very very soon but um yeah let me uh let me get back up here if we can possibly come on and I think we're good I didn't see the caral at at all so I I don't know he might just be gone I know by the way there is like a pinging system which I actually had to move off of Center click which is what it is by default I'm not going to have it there CU that's where I have my like K mode camera my orbital camera so I actually moved to Decay but um yeah you can like Ping things so like if I was with a tribemate is that an alpha Raptor I was just down there are you kidding can I kill it do you reckon oh my my god did you guys just see what happened Alphas can eat the corpses now this is huge is he going to come for me I think he's finding his way around if he comes up here that means that he knows how to oh no way no no no no no are you actually kidding me no uh let me lead him away from my house uh very very very far if we can uh this going to hurt my ankles okay we're fine um did he follow me off why didn't he follow me off what the hell he found his way up and around did you see that path finding that wasn't a fluke by the way that's how it's supposed to be dodo you better not oh you better not get uh get killed can I what is that by the way hold R to dismiss okay oh okay I was tracking him cool wait can I get that back up oh my God okay we are super low on food let's go ahead and do that try and heal um let's actually pull out the torch then uh that's pretty cool can we still drop it on the ground as well oh yeah we can where did it go what wait what no way fir crotch what is that what like is that a thing belt oh it says belt oh you can put things on your belt that's a very strange place to put it by the way I don't know if I'd put it there that is also that doesn't look anything like a torch that is kind of cool but at the same time kind of strange but at the same time really nice change I like it um yeah I'm freaked out by that alph Raptor by the way is he is he eating my house what is happening what's that sparking up there what is that I have no idea I guess we'll have to go up here and find out this could be the end of me and maybe also this episode we'll we'll just take a quick little look up here and just see see what's happening uh is is my house being eaten no doesn't look like it nighttime is so much brighter now by the way this is nice that's a nice change too I've always hated the idea of Arc like just the fact that it was just pitch black at night time was just the stupidest thing you know like there was always a moon and in an area like this it would probably get lit up a lot I guess we are also on an arc which could be part of the reason am I what is that weird like lighting glitch is that because of my torch is that because of it what is that from I don't know what the hell that's from that's very very very strange um yeah anyway but um yeah like the nighttime looks so good it looks absolutely amazing the fact that it's not super dark is great love that all right I don't know where that alpar aftert went guys I have no idea it might come back for me who knows um how do I what is this map uh oh yeah tracking tab cool all right let's see what is this select your favorite okay uh POI as in point of Interest probably let's go ahead and select my dodo as my favorite my favorite dodo where is he wait what does that mean then does that mean that he like pops up or something or am I not far enough away that's probably what it is let me run a little bit over here is he going to pop up again doesn't seem to be let me see I guess I didn't do it right um oh you know what I'm probably not actually tracking him am I am I doing it now it's kind of hard to tell like what the hell what am I doing wrong here I have no idea huh all right we'll figure it out as we go let me just I don't want to be any further away from my little house there's probably trons in that forest for sure um yeah let's uh let's just chill here for a moment um let me pump one into that and probably one into fortitude we're going to need to start worrying about that pretty soon uh let's get some of this stuff made for sure and let me also see I want to fill that water skin if I can do I still have hide I think I do you know what I'm going to close the door I don't I don't feel like having any unwanted guests here so let's go ahead and grab that can I do it I don't have enough fiber do I I'm missing one that's just not fair I don't want to have to go back out there do we actually have enough for all this stuff I think we might how much is it for the shoes uh we do not we don't have enough for a full set of everything but I'm going to probably maybe go for the uh the gloves maybe and and the water skin yeah that makes the most sense all right let's open that up this is very very scary I don't like this at all all right let me let me grab from here is this a bush give me give me all of the stuff it's so much brighter but at the same time it is still a little dark so I can't see if there's anything approaching right now so yeah I it's it's definitely a great change though I'm super happy with that um wow yeah it's going to be so strange just getting used to all this and I know I probably said that like 10 times but it's just so weird I've been playing this game for like 7 and a half years now and now I've stopped playing it and I'm playing essentially a carbon copy of it what is that up in my top left hand corner what the hell was what is that it's like just a square I'm so confused it goes away when I go over here it's like a little like face cam almost that's I guess that's what I look like or whatever um that was me all along I look like a zoomed in plant I think I have no idea what the hell is happening is this still there no it's gone now it's back all right weird um let's see let's get this made let's get that made we do not have enough for the boots we're going to be just uh I think a couple short yeah all right that's all good we can work on that later um let's at least get those on boom and then let's put this onto the hot bar right there we're good on arrows did I just hear something I think I just heard something but I'm not certain don't like it oh my God that was terrifying oh I did not like that at all that was so scary oh my god wow yeah no that's not okay I just the way I'm running with this bow is really cool looking as well I'm I'm loving this I really am um Let me let me just chill over here for the moment oh tickle chicken thinks it's time for a sleepover I I I I do not consent um I'm just going to close that yeah that's fine um that's so scary he was like right behind me the whole time oh my God that could have been so bad do we have anger points yeah we do yeah we can make that uh gunpowder's further down isn't it think gunpowder yeah there it is right around the um the flare launcher I think I think right yeah I think that's what that is uh we can learn cening paste pretty soon but that's going to be useless to us we can also learn stimulant which is pretty useful but maybe not that useful for me right now can I learn that yes I can nice oh you know what we can also learn the spy glass but there's probably no point of doing that because I can't actually I can't actually do anything with it for the moment um let's go ahead and make couple of those you know what let's also just split the stack there we go so we have four pieces of meat that are going to spoil pretty soon um um nice give me the second one nice okay that's huge little bit of uh narcotic there that's going to come in clutch eventually um do we oh hello what the hell that looked so weird as it was Landing Theo wants it though I might not yeah I might have to stay back here you know what I think we're good this is a white drop so I should be able to access it let's see um oh okay it's got some good stuff in it okay grabbed everything what happens now oh it just Fades away oh that's cool damn and there's like a like a light in the sky as well where it came down obviously I know that drops have always done that can sorry can we talk about the fact that the green Obelisk is just lighting up the whole sky over there that looks so cool and can we also talked about the fact that I've probably been hungry for like 5 minutes and you've been commenting yeah I know I'm sorry let's just get back in here for the moment let's see what do we what do we actually get I didn't even love we got a flag cool we got a war map let's go ahead and pop that up um Mr dodo we will be planning out our war against all Theos uh that looks right I don't think there's any changes there you guys notice anything different we just go ahead and take that away uh that doesn't really help uh I think that that's all correct like that that doesn't look any different really um the only thing that I'm kind of seeing is oh oh hang on I thought that that would um pull out like a Crosshair but I guess it doesn't uh you see like right here that like Little River I'll pull out the torch again um that River almost looks wider but maybe it was always like that I've just never noticed how wide it looks on the map but um yeah that that all looks pretty pretty too yeah it it it looks it looks right I don't think there's actually any changes realistically cool all right let's see what do we have oh what is this okay yeah that's another seed uh we have our spoiled meat but unfortunately we do not have the narcoberries for that that's all good we have a better spoiler timer on this so we're going to drag the worst stack over here then dump that back over there in fact I'm actually going to put that into the dodo that's going to help us boom nice A little bit of extra time how much time was it in here 14 minutes and we got 56 amazing we actually dump some of this other stuff in here as well actually makes a little bit of sense the new seeds and everything dude there's like so many new items and this is just a few of them realistically there's probably one for every single die which means unless they've added new ones which it it basically essentially means that there's going to be like 16 new types of berries that's going to be crazy oh we got a standing torch let me go ahead and put that outside is it safe it better be uh I think we're okay oh we still got frogo over there let me go ahead and pop down my torch uh somewhere uh maybe here I guess I don't know that works just pop that into there boom little bit of extra light okay where's the Theo I want to know where it is because I do not want it coming into my house I think we're okay go ahead and just take that off there we go nice didn't want that on my belt anymore we don't really need it it's actually super bright it's crazy um that right there there's like a hole in the sky and that's a green drop that's pretty cool man this is all beautiful all right uh what else can we do what else should we do oh I've just realized we got a bunch of Spears from that as well we just pop like a bunch of those into there uh we got a ton of arrows already um let me dump these into here get that crafting nice uh yeah there's realistically not a whole lot else we can do right now until we get some actual stuff so I don't know is there anything to go hunt around here besides that frog I mean we could actually kill the Frog if we had hide but we do not I might actually still be able to kill him though to be fair you know what I'm going to try we got to we got to take risks here we got to we got to do things I hit him okay we just got to stay away from him don't let him lick me okay oh he's going to lick me oh crap I thought we'd have killed by then he was only level five okay that actually might knock me out I got licked once but that's okay let me just get into my house if I'm going to get knocked out we'll just have a little sleep oh hang on wait wait do I have um stimberries I do not okay am I still increasing tour no it's dropping okay perfect dude we killed the Frog and I didn't get knocked out and embarrassed amazing oh we can also take our arrows back as well we got two of them nice um let's go ahead and grab you give me all that hide we can make our um was the boots I think we were waiting on I think so let's grab some of this come on give it to me a little bit more no no okay that's it I guess it's really hard to tell sometimes oh okay we're just grabbing and grabbing and grabbing I'm not sure where it's all coming from uh there we go we're getting more okay cool let's see um let's make those uh those boots real quick and then also hat I didn't how did I not make the Hat what the hell what's wrong with me what kind of Arc player am I I don't even want to wear it but like well I don't want to have it like out and about but um obviously I'll still wear it the we got a little bit of fiber there nice and let's get that going kind of curious if it will cover up my hair or kind of go over the top kind of hope it goes over the top just cuz then I would know that they've been improving the game in smart ways no it does not can I can I do this I can see hide hat okay do we have just like all the emotes here this is cool we still have this oh he doesn't open up his mouth though that's weird okay let's go ahead and uh and pop my hair back out cool we have the Hat on we have the boots with the with the just normal boots they don't have any fur I really wanted to say that um H what else can we do here wait hang on did I put any berries and stuff in here no I oh I did I put a little bit of stimberries in there I knew I had some somewhere that's what I was thinking I was like okay I know I have some but obviously I just couldn't place it um you've got some levels little guy melee damage for sure yeah if we're going to start a war we're going to need a war dodo and this might actually be it all right um we do do we have a little bit more narcoberries in here we do not okay it's all good let me drop the stimberries into you okay are we good what's happening you know what I feel like this episode so far has run really really long and in all honesty I might just keep it the way it is you know kind of like bring you guys along with my experience of like actually just checking out this game properly you know so far what I've done is just try to balance my settings and uh and just fly around the island a little bit you can actually see the areas that I've be to right here oh my God that's weird I thought I'd pull out a map in my hand but I don't I never actually did this before uh oh that is very very strange uh yeah okay well the map is there how do we how do we like do things oh it actually shows my coordinates as well oh that's sick it shows them down at the bottom there damn I'm kind of curious if it would show my like tribe mate and everything once uh the other guys get on here and we find each other we'll tribe up for the moment we're just going to probably be doing things solo everybody will go on their own little Adventure eventually we'll kind of meet up and uh and tribe up and everything and and yeah we're not going to have like a massive communal like crazy base but we might actually make like a little kind of outpost area together but uh we're not going to spend a huge amount of time constantly uh living around each other I want for sure I want to uh I got some ideas of what we're going to do in this series and and I want to try and on some of those things and everybody else has their own ideas as well so super exciting um but yeah I think uh I think we're probably going to call it there for the first episode yeah it's uh kind of close to an hour I think yeah H all right nice well anyway guys uh that that's going to be it then if you have enjoyed this one go ahead do me a favor hit the like button and um yeah thanks for watching and of course there's going to be more keep your eyes peeled turn on notifications and everything and um yeah I'll catch you in the next one with my dodo that will hopefully have a name by then please leave some names to this dodo it needs a name so badly look at it look at this little stupid face he needs a [Music] name
Channel: Syntac
Views: 1,984,755
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ark, ark survival evolved, ark survival ascended, asa, new ark, ark 2, ark remastered, ark survival ascended gameplay, asa gameplay, ark survival ascended episode one, ark episode 1, ark ep1, ASA episode 1, syntac asa, syntac ark survival ascended, syntac series, syntac new ark series, ark survival ascended settings, ark survival ascended how to
Id: EpCW-EnYgpQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 17sec (3497 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 26 2023
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