aMSa: The Only Yoshi (who could do it)

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what do you have to say to the people that are watching from home he plays to win meet omsa he plays to win unfortunately for amsa the character he plays is really terrible well before he made the character good next time my turn as with many Japanese games Our Story begins in Japan in 1991 a little dude named Messiah chica Moto was born and instantly he had a purpose play Yoshi in every single game that allowed him to it was no different when in 2001 hell laboratory released the sequel to Super Smash Brothers titled Super Smash Brothers Melee which featured a returning character young Messiah was ecstatic to see hours and hours of fun spent with his siblings ninety percent of the time spent as Yoshi seeing videos of techniques players would use for mini games like break the target's home run contest and race to the Finish Messiah and his siblings were introduced to the game's fledgling competitive scene and with that sought to emulate these cool tricks they'd see used in these videos with all this time put into the game Messiah would quickly become the best in his neighborhood destroying his friends and classmates though as with most people naturally as time went on his interest in the game waned after all there were new Yoshi's to enjoy seemingly every day years down the line the Yoshi Enthusiast would enter College to study Physics one evening a friend of his who knew of his early dominance in melee would introduce him to someone named sane and recommended they play a bit of melee together amsa happily obliged and not long after the two were sat in front of a heavy old box TV ready to game Messiah of course selected Yoshi sane's cursor however would hover over a different character the result was recorded [Applause] game set you know there are plenty of players all over the world but even better than me sane said oh Messiah would go home and look into these better players and allured by their speed and blazing hectic movement was immediately enthralled even having watched those old high score videos of the best players this was not the melee he played with his siblings as a child the game had evolved foxes moving at incredible speeds putting on a light show I thought you could swallow a dog for a bit my nigga Peach is comboing in ways he'd never imagined [Applause] Captain Falcons igniting the crowd hitting knee after knee after knee Falco locking down his opponents with laser converting into full stocks taken in a Flash Conan's misspacing Landing grabs with brutal but beautiful accuracy and Jigglypuff doing her thing oh man that's that's it in other videos he saw huge crowds hundreds of people gathered in one place chairing a Nintendo mascots beat each other up it was awesome there was just one problem though where were all the Yoshi's 2013 the year Messiah would begin entering tournaments Yoshi was not well regarded in fact Yoshi was considered comfortably shit near the bottom of the tier list the sixth worst character in the entire game unlike the good and decent characters he had trouble comboing and killing he was wide and easy to hit and he was also just weird in many many ways other characters just weren't he couldn't jump out of a shield putting him out of severe defensive disadvantage his double jump started by making him dip down his up special which is typically a move used to get back on stage instead makes him throw an egg and he made all these noises as such no one really cared to use Yoshi at all no one was pushing the character let alone playing him and by that token playing against him Yoshi's word stinked undeterred and eager to compete Messiah would Don the mantle of competitive melee's Yoshi himself bottom tier or not he would compete with Yoshi red Yoshi because red is cool and despite all of Yoshi's perceived shortcomings he would play to win first though Messiah needed a tag he would go by when entering tournaments initially he settled on a shortening of his name Masa though upon learning this tag was commonly used by Japanese fighting game players he swapped the A and the m to form the tag that would become legendary amsa [Music] taking notes from his Yoshi forefathers like vectorman and leffen's Yoshi practice began after getting the basics of melee down one of the first Yoshi specific pieces of tech he would learn to implement was parrying in melee to add weight to attacks the developers added freeze frames when players would get hit and hit something both of these extending the player's Shields however due to Yoshi's uniquely programmed eggshield Yoshi receives no freeze frames when an opponent hits him during his shield startup animation where Yoshi is invincible and if the Yoshi player precisely times it so an opponent hits him during the startup Yoshi can act way before his opponent can leaving some otherwise safe attacks wide open for a punish time too early however where the attack hits yoshik's shield and your chance to Parry is lost time too late and you just get hit in amsa's early days this punish would typically be a single neutral air let's just say a modest reward for this two frame or 0.03 second technique using just the game's Basics combo practice and the ability to Parry somewhat consistently things started out pretty solidly on omsa's competitive Journey at his very first tournament in January of 2013 he finished fifth out of 15 and at a second fourth out of 16 and just a few months after that at the first tournament in the battle Gateway Series he would finish second out of 24 players now for having only played for half a year in a game that at that point had been out for over a decade second out of 24 players is pretty damn good especially when some of his opponents had been playing for years however this was second out of 24 in Japan which was considered a much weaker melee scene skill-wise than both North America and Europe [Music] fuck it let's go to Evo based in Las Vegas Nevada Evo is pretty much the fighting game tournament and coincidentally 2013 the year amsa began competing would feature melee for the first time in six years and with the hype surrounding it Evo 2013 would quickly rack up what was then the most entrance of any melee tournament ever by far and it would have all of the best North American and European players present realizing this might be a once in a lifetime chance amsa accompanied by fellow Japanese players konatori and Chic would travel across the Pacific to introduce himself to the world and show players what he could do beforehand though amsa had added a few things to his Arsenal on top of further refinement of his parrying amso would begin implementing double jump canceling a technique only possible for a few characters one of them being Yoshi for these characters when you use an aerial attack soon after your double jump their upward momentum from double jumping is halted this might seem like somewhat of a bad thing since you lose your potential height however this allows these characters to return to the ground way more quickly than if they had just jumped normally which means chaining multiple Aerials or Aerials into other moves is extremely quick allowing for sick fast combos that otherwise might not even be possible on top of this amso would also make better use of his double jump armor a mechanic exclusive to Yoshi that lets him tank through attacks for 69 frames after double jumping or until he acts out of his double jump though moves that have enough knockback either naturally or because Yoshi's percent is high enough will break the armor at Evo amso would decimate his first round of pools before reaching Mewtwo King then ranked number three in the world Mewtwo King was considered one of the five gods of melee a group of extremely talented players who are the favorites to win any tournament they entered and who almost never lost to anyone except each other to even put a dent in Michu king would be an incredible feat let alone with a load here in this best of three set we're the first player to reach two wins takes the match things started out as everyone expected a solid multi-stock win for Mewtwo King and game 2 started off similarly with Mewtwo King eventually going up four stocks to two but not long after amsa would step it up [Music] hitting insane combos with his newly implemented techniques amso would take a game off of one of the Gods playing for many years and was no stranger to tight sets in the final game Mewtwo king would slow things down considerably and despite some cool stuff from amsa would again convincingly to stalk him sending amsa into the losers bracket here amso would make quick work of Mr F before losing o to two to a Falco player named the shizwiz ending his Evo run and in first place the new smash melee world champion [Music] [Applause] this is who has your throne as melee had its new Evo Champion crowned in mango the most dominant of the five Gods with a ridiculous seven consecutive set run through losers bracket omso would end his first International Tournament solidly in his own right with a respectable 25th Place outplacing many Legends of the game playing to win as he was though 25th frankly wasn't even close in an AMA thread after Evo 2013's conclusion mango was asked if he thought low tiers could be viably used in competitive play mango was unconvinced in spite of this with just his Japanese results and Evo amsa in his first year of competition would be ranked 77th in the entire world and would be the only Yoshi on the entire list in January of the next year amso would enter his second International Tournament Apex 2014 where he would sweep his round one pools getting a win on legendary Ice Climbers main shoot at in the process concluding in this picture of his now iconic pop-off he'd then go on to beat silent wolf a fox Mane ranked 16th in the world it's a wrap he's all done this kid the real deal 25th at Evo then fly Amanita in ice climber's main ranked 21st amsa's run continued until he faced another of the five Gods Dr PB who defeated the red Yoshi at two to zero and immediately afterward he would lose again to kobold ending amsa's run at Ninth Place just shy of the prestigious top eight consisting of the last four players in the winners bracket and the last four players in the losers bracket who fight to win the entire tournament on Championship Sunday and if amso wanted to win the red dinosaur first needed to get there not long after this though amso would enter MLG Anaheim 2014 where he would have what is possibly the most heartbreaking performance of his entire career it was here that amzo would first face off against two of his biggest future Rivals hungrybox another of the five gods and Evo 2013 winner mango has said with hungrybox was a brutal zero to three three zero and while he did manage to take a game from mango his other sets weren't too much better and a few of them would see amsa go up 2-0 in the best of five set but be reverse swept to lose amsa ended his pool winning one set out of seven this poor performance resulted in amsa being placed in losers bracket of the next day's Championship racket where he would face Falcon player s2j in round one and after going up 2-0 he would once again be beaten three games in a row to lose the set placing dead last it was with these heartbreaking losses that Spectators began to notice something strange about amsa other than you know amso was always always smiling in a game where handshakes from the best of the best would often look like this and this and this and players would be visibly upset and combative amsa stuck out as someone that could not only be reverse swept several times in one weekend with Grace but keep a smile on his face the entire time despite his play to win mentality amso was just happy to be playing the game and to many his enjoyment of the game was infectious he's doing a little dance still though for amsa there was much serious grinding to be done to make up for this performance what's up with it it's a scar at Kings of Cali four at Dave and Buster's in uh Westchester I don't know we're near La after another disappointing result at CEO 2014 [Applause] amso would enter Kings of Cali 4 a tournament featuring three of the five gods in mango Armada and Mewtwo King here it seemed amso would regain his footing a bit if that's a set it goes to office of 3-0 under the stage 3-0 by amsa good stuff but not long into his impressive winners bracket run a run that at this point amsa really needed omso would again face Mewtwo King this is one of the best players to ever play the game Mutual King versus a new Japanese Rising Star amsa who's playing an obscure character can you even see man I love armstrough can you see him taking a matching man what are you doing is this guy yeah like like I said I'm not trying to hate but I can't seem also taking it it's gonna be very very difficult she made it to Winner's Corners you know it's awesome you know I've been hoping that he used the right oh as strong as stronger than you think upward angle four oh that might be a kill oh okay that might be it oh my god so let's go the crown comes alive dude camping this feels like that egg is so she's throwing up oh that's what it means being wanted that's what meets King wanted oh you didn't go anywhere so the first the first hit does do any knockback right but the second one does hella and so the second one got him out of his double jump whoa whoa okay that move that move dude oh there it is whoa he found it oh what the hell no I'm still coming off of like some rough losses in MLG he also uh didn't make it out of bulls at CEO he's got a lot to prove right here right he's doing a lot of work against one of the best players in the game he owes that oh insane these eggs don't make sense that's it oh my God Giver please show the whole crowd everyone is watching this in this whole venue whoa [Applause] this doesn't suck ninja King on his last dock he doesn't are we gonna witness Amsterdam taking a set off of one of the Gods one of the Gods of the game don't get too impatient opposite Jabs big that's it he doesn't sure you can in Celebration unplugging his controller oh my god wow everybody giving on to a big round of applause closing out the biggest win of his career omso would face mango for the second time this set though mango seemed more confident in the match-up quickly three owing amsa after falling to the losers bracket omsa's run would end at fifth place after losing to Lucky and despite these two back-to-back losses to be eliminated with a win on one of the world's best players amsa had received all the motivation he needed to continue pursuing competitive melee the victory was stellar and playing as Yoshi it was almost unbelievable though while it was true he had beaten one of the best players ever to win the tournaments Mewtwo King was capable of winning omsa had to be able to beat not only Mewtwo King but everyone else Mewtwo King was able to beat which he was still far from being able to do omsa needed more to close the gap more practice more Tech skill more experience so with renewed confidence the journey continued Apex 2015 saw the beginning of an unprecedented rise in popularity for melee it was here that the game first saw a tournament reach over 1 000 entrants and it was here that amsa would have his best performance yet amsa had now graduated and mere months before Apex 2015 had become employed as a systems engineer a schedule that previously allowed him to rather easily juggle school and melee practice analysis traveling and competing had been replaced with days that typically looked like this at 6 30 amso would wake up and shower at seven amso would leave for work and on his commute study recordings of his melee matches after his hour-long commute he would arrive at work at 8 30 to prepare for the day and eat breakfast 9 30 saw amsa actually start work and after working for 10 to 11 hours he'd leave work commute an hour back home to eat dinner then near midnight practice the game amsa would fall asleep a few hours later typically getting around five to six hours of sleep before repeating the cycle this meant the vast majority of omsa's melee play time was reserved for weekends where he would sometimes practice for as long as 12 hours straight a stark contrast to most top melee Players whose jobs were too play melee with this new lifestyle he had to adjust to it was a miracle his Apex run was as incredible as it was [Music] [Applause] [Music] moment but Lefty gets the up smash [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh my goodness suicides and also makes it into the top eight so this will be His Highest place to get any national you know I think a lot of people were questioning you know is it a real deal after trudging his way through losers bracket amso would meet mango once again where they would fight for fifth place mango who had months earlier won Evo 2014 was firmly the best player in the world at the time and being in top 8 at the largest Tournament of all time amso would be sure to put on a show hot cake [Music] by the end of 2015 amsa had single-handedly resin Yoshi up from 21st on the tier list to 12th Yoshi now sat as not one of the worst characters in the game but in the upper half of the cast amsa also ranked as 24th best player in the world and once again was the only Yoshi among all of the top 100 players after this omsa's International presence declined considerably due to his new responsibilities as a full-time engineer he simply did not have the time to attend as much as he once did while his results in Japan were solid with him even picking up a few first-place finishes in these smaller events what little things he did attend from 2016 onwards saw a somewhat disappointing plateau of results typically in the 12th to 9th range where the Yoshi would again and again place within this new unfortunate standard never quite able to replicate his incredible Apex 2015 perform welcome to smash Summit 66666 yo we are here we're about to start some singles about to get into the real shit now guys no more Smiles things changed in a big way in 2018 starting at smash Summit six an Invitational featuring 16 of the absolute best players in pools amso would face off against hungrybox who in 2018 was an absolute Beast ranked number one in the world with ease at this point hungrybox had a 4-0 record on amsa and none of their sets were close for hungrybox and arguably his most dominant fear of competition to lose to amsa would be crazier than omsa's Mewtwo King Victory four years prior completely ridiculous and yet [Applause] after this historic Victory omsa's trajectory only seemed to move upward as he reached fifth place a number of times racking up several top 10 wins along the way with these results it was hard to argue in for the first time in the year-end rankings amso was placed within the top 10 players in the entire world amsa the only Japanese player on the list who traveled at a minimum of 12 hours to compete in North America then back home another 12 hours playing a mid-tier was beginning to make people believe that Yoshi could be a viable tournament threat that Yoshi a low tier turned mid-tier by one man with a full-time job could take a tournament over the best best players in the world people were beginning to believe that maybe maybe amsa really could do it omsa stocks were at an all-time high at Genesis 6 where after beating top talents such as spark sfat and ginger amsa had made it into top 8 through winners bracket after a dominant showing from plump in Winter semis amso would fall to losers bracket to meet mango for the fifth time in his career mango who had lost early in the tournament to Magi was on a classic mango run through losers and looked Unstoppable tearing through seven straight top players in a row amsa though instilled with Newfound confidence in the skill to take out even a player as dominant as hungrybox was a new man and not only did he beat mango for the first time he whooped his ass part-time magician specialty at making stocks disappear on the man oh my God they always beat the brakes off of me they're doing a lot more Full House with the parenting doing it for Japan Tokyo explain it he's like hey you ever felt with back on steel toe you'll run out your tanks [Music] oh my God dunk dip can mango do this he can but it's gonna be hard man it's gonna be tough oh it's a quick snack bro the trickery up 2-0 in the set now yep trying to get in there but he keeps getting hit whoa okay that was lying your eggs oh the Jap reset oh my God [Music] no for the fear of heart but not even hamsa is looking so good in this set right now yep shouts Through The Notches oh man and that is it for mango here at Genesis [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh my man ran a marathon yeah he did an answer [Applause] the 3-0 the quickest of Thrills oh man advancing in bracket omso would then lose the fellow mid-tier main ax placing fourth at the biggest Tournament of 2019. oh my goodness gracious they're both at 69 and they're both loving it though the rest of his years showed no slowing down as amsa racked up another win on Mango at Smash and splash 5 and a third victory at Super Smash con 2019 ending the year with a three to nothing record against him amso would even pick up another Victory on hungrybox who once again would be ranked number one on the year-end rankings he was now able to pick up wins consistently on some of the best of the best players who were able to win the biggest tournaments of the year and his ax would secure Pikachu's first major victory in the game's entire 20-year history Rumblings began in the community that amso was next up and that uh made made me yeah next time my turn Marshall also I still think that yossi is not the military characters you'll see should be high to your character like a top 10. I I approve it um just myself thank you guys these huge results inspired amsa to quit his full-time job to pursue melee full-time and finally fully invest himself into his dream of winning with Yoshi if amso was able to do all of this with a full-time job playing a mid-tier developing and pushing the character all on his own it felt like an onset dedicating his life to the feet of taking a big tournament could only result in one thing 2020 started off rough for amsa where at both Genesis 7 and smash Summit 9 the red Yoshi would place the ninth amsa had experienced a state of emergency or chips before or though much of Japan has been under lockdown restrictions there's no let up in the surge of coronavirus cases across Asia Japan is further tightening its border control measures and this road bump would be no different at smash Summit 9 the last major tournament amso would go to before kovid halted international travel and effectively paused in-person competitive melee he would fight fiction a fox player ranked number 12 in the world the winner of this match would be placed in the winners bracket the next day the loser in the losers bracket after being beaten game 4 fiction would counterpick onset to Final Destination a completely flat stage with no platforms platforms which Yoshi loves to move around with and counter-attack on to put it simply this stage really sucks for Yoshi and it had been the go-to counterpick against amsa since he first began traveling and though he put up a great fight amso would lose this game five securing his place in the losers bracket the next day this loss clearly affected amsa because For the First Time most can recall amso would be visibly dejected slumping down in his chair after the loss great stuff winners that's really good for him that's huge that is massive eviction Making Waves man the next day amsa would win his first set before immediately losing the next one ending his run at Ninth Place the same placement he had gotten at the only other major tournament he would attend in 2020. the year prior amsa felt he had finally reached the level where he could realistically win a major now I'm crew timer for sure so I can spend my time more and then uh yeah I can I could win the tournament and many others felt the same but now at the beginning of 2020 it seemed he had regressed back to where he was for so many years and amsa had to sit on this film for a year and a half the narrative has been that obviously can win a tournament but like the theory the theory was the theory was well he could if the theory was it kind of missed his window unfortunately I mean I appreciate his enthusiasm but uh gotta prove it at some point late 2021 saw anza's return to competition with smash Summit 11. and as mango soon to be voted the goat of melee would make one of his best losers bracket runs of his decade plus long career amso would again end at Ninth Place foreign ly he was playing catch-up both North Americans and Europeans had been able to continue practicing and competing against other top talent via online play even when in-person events weren't possible but as the sole top player in his region amsa's practice was much more sparse and of much lower General skill at subsequent Majors however amso would see a bit of a return to form then in April of 2022 amso would enter pound where he would make an incredible loser's run of his own being taken out of winners bracket early by Peach main polish before making a six-set run through losers to the highest placing of his entire career third place wow and that might do it what it does it just taking that stock out of nowhere taking out players like Cody soon to be ranked number two in the world this combo is crazy it's still going obso in top eight Japan where you at and then ranked five for the first time ever hungrybox being the one to finally put an end to amsa's Onslaught he's pulling out all the tricks now oh that's it that's it yeah the air Dodge um left and h-box takes it hungrybox ending the Cinderella run from amsa they have a huge huge run from amso though out placing at a third place out placing so many good players yeah probably the best player who's never won a major a few months later at Double Down omso would somehow top this performance making his way into winners side top 8 without much fuss he would face the number one player in the world Zane whom he would take out with a resounding 3-1 he gets clogged off the side oh my God now in winners finals of a major for the first time in his nearly 10-year career had to face Cody whom he had just beaten a few months earlier at pound after falling zero to two in the set amso would decide to experiment Cody was utilizing platforms way better than he was amsa realized he needed to stifle that and he needed to streamline his play focusing on simple Combos and simple neutral game amsa needed Final Destination wait for the for the punish um I think fd's not good because I'm certain and Yoshi love platforms we love platforms yeah it definitely feels like I'm still reaching a little bit and [Music] [Applause] though his experiment was successful Cody secured the following game to end the set at a 3-1 and amsa dropped to the losers bracket officer one stock away from heading into Grand finals but a salty run back also looking so good how do you even go up in a percent deficit to Yoshi right now beside you from ledge yeah fiction goes in with the Dare and amsa does the bread and butter Perry wow I'm such a triumphantly moving into Grand Finals over fiction just an hour prior amsa had made it into winners finals of a major tournament for the first time and now omsa sat in Grand finals of the entire thing he would face Cody again taking him to game five and once again trying his experimental counter pick things look to be building up to a bracket reset and potentially amsa's first major victory until an unfortunate suicide brought everyone back to reality but Big Planet this could be it for awesome oh the egg barely died oh my God a critical Miss amsa dies last stock when he has the edge oh my God Cody going through a wave of emotions right now the win doesn't want to win like that and so much respect between these two players a hard-fought set for both of them okay I'm here with amso uh after a Monumental second place finisher Double Down how does that feel it must be a kind of a new experience yeah so yeah I didn't want to get uh win the major at this time but uh yeah that was a pretty good experience to me all the uh my fans who also like that every time the chance for me like I'm I'm sorry it gave me the much of the power for sure and yeah I really love better I I didn't want to keep uh competing in this game forever in October of that year amsa along with most of the best players in the world would enter the 10th installment of the big house now the big house is normally a really big tournament but this one was a different sort of big this was the most stacked Tournament of all time not in terms of entrance no but by Metric of the amount of top talent there it wasn't just five tippy top players vying to win and a couple thousand relative scrubs that era had passed this was near nearly a thousand entrants consisting of almost twice as many players who could realistically win and dozens more Killers just beneath them with something this stacked the odds of amsa again making the Run he did at smaller Majors like double down or pound was slim to none but this could be the experience he needed to in the future prepare to win one of those less insane events omsa's run began by dominating his pool's opponents reaching top 64 amso would swiftly 3-0 Crudo then do the same to the number 10 player in the world khadoran one of the prospects to take the whole event that looked very very decisive though so dude this put him in the path of hungrybox whom at this point he had an abysmal record of three wins to 10 losses hungrybox was definitely not one of the people he wanted to run into to recreate his pound and double down performances but he'd give it as all I haven't spoken with officer that much see is he prep do you feel like omsa does a lot of prep okay well that was okay that was interesting maybe a little too late for this game one but oh because he's gotten hit by some crucial ones that was another Crouch under a pound not likely yeah Just Ducky moms has kind of SD both his stocks this game so like even though Xbox is winning I'm not that convinced that hbox is really like convincingly outplaying opsa yet that's what it is though yeah I still feel like pumps is in control oh my god it feels like he's in control of this look I mean physically look at the stage also has a control of practically all of it it's down but not out that's that's for sure yeah this is what we observed that FD and Dreamland are pretty tough for Yoshi and even that looked pretty doable there were some unfortunate STDs for mobs at the start opposite is right now 154 no signs of slowing down while Absa really is a beast G's and oh my goodness every time opposite gets one of those like Teche setups with the Border oh no but it bucks that's a clutch let's grab off the wheel a little bit Yeah but wait a minute Alpha not down oh no what just happened an egg stage Spike pop and h-pop was out of jumps up 2-1 against hunger box but we are on Greenland we are I I would almost question if how many games options won over Xbox here like lifetime who stops to one offset hungry box is this close to the losers bracket a bear doesn't do it wow Yoshi a heavy boy and 176 45 seconds we might be going inside ladies and gentlemen no oh no oh my goodness that's the only way pagebox needs a rest he needs arrest 52 percent this is not tenable this is not terrible five four three two one do you remember timer on seconds left and it just hit me and I'm so by the way also as cool as a cute couple he didn't force anything oh my goodness is this what you wanted to see from Big House foreign once again amso was in Winner's side of top eight his first match would be against Sensei an incredible Fox who had made a number of insane upsets to reach Winner's semi-finals punishing after that but a lot of situations maybe you don't get the opportunity to do that but Ops is looking pretty good so far in the set get in game one an odd situation to double jump castle and then the moment you land about the drill shine of strategy yeah I'm sure there's a guy like Yoshi players oh [Applause] also gotta say it feels like also super prepared for the transformation this is awesome takes it 3-1 on The Cece waiting for him and winners finals was mango at this point amsa had caught up to him in set count though mango is still ahead six sets to five mango was playing incredibly some of the best he'd ever played and to stifle this would be no small feat but amsa well played Yoshi and that's what he was expecting that percent lead is not so much that's a tight window to get on Yoshi the heavier you are in this game the less hits that you incur oh Texas down smash muscle from Bad Girls shades of the suits they said I'm just trying to prioritize moves that uh are sure killed yeah right and like he doesn't want to give me one of one in the winners bracket finals and this is such an important set because whoever loses and goes down to the losers record may not cut back this is looking like Mango's got control right now oh my goodness I'm still looking for the second place as long as Fox zombies it's not that long tone 2-1 awesome could you imagine a Yoshi it Grant vinyls at the most stack chartman of all time you know I want to say no but I know I can't imagine it but I was thinking about how deranged I'm so must be to not only be a melee player but to insist on playing with the ocean of all characters to the fitter end s hey [Music] he's alive [Music] [Applause] 2022 since humans have started counting years and not lost track a Yoshi in the game of Super Smash Bros melee has defeated two of the Gods of the very game to secure a spot in Grand finals at perhaps the most stacked Tournament of all time there's one set standing in officer's way from winning the biggest house the biggest house and his first super major amsa now sat in Grand finals through winterside at the hardest tournament ever and awaited his opponent mango now with the fire of losers bracket in him would make quick work of Cody leaving just two players in the entire tournament amsa and himself moving into Grand finals the goat had just one goal take the big house through losers bracket as he had done the big house before mango and amsa fist bum the crowd erupts in anticipation Grand finals begins mango is no stranger to this exact situations he is one of the scariest players to play in a grand finals when he's coming from losers he is just a fighter through through and any nervousness on the part of his opponent he will sniff out and he will smash and I have to say that for Ops I can imagine how much this means because it's been so long that he's been fighting to get to this exact place I think the biggest obstacle in this path is closure smacking that box oh that's hard to take if you haven't seen that before what if that's one of those moves that's uh fix knockback the Yoshi I'll throw it's a really weird to Tech and that's gonna be game one I can't believe and also turned that opening into a stock let's see who can take this next one yeah this is like oh this could be huge wow just so much damage every hit also gets he is just pummeling mango wow 118 oh my goodness going across the whole thing is one stock away from like oh completely dominant position in this tournament yeah this is oh my God okay great deck for mango look at the distance oh my goodness gracious backless getting beat down he is getting beat down it's just such a problem right now 2-0 toe it's real real one fuck away these top tier characters with endless tools this is Yoshi you cannot jump out of Shield he doesn't have enough beat oh my goodness from all the way from Kings of Cali where I had you know I was commentating Yoshi versus m2k and I was like there's just no chance um there's no shot the grittiest player I've ever known the most amazing melee player I have ever known is down to his last stop here at the Big House 10. what is he out or is mangle gonna open one last door oh two Affairs he's on the board Bengal taking his second stop flea mango is coming alive I'm gonna call it like I see it and I'm just gonna say that I think that object is feeling fresher I think the toughest part of all this problems is that he was right there is he thinking about it I'm telling you how could he not I don't think that office physiology is helping him right now that's all I'm trying to say well whatever's going on with Mango's physiology is helping him yeah we're going to game five that was some of the best spots heels to play that I've seen of tournament and probably all my life he's crazy the stage that he used to Hate by far the worst stage for him we're getting the first stop mango for the first time looking at the uh you know the one who knows the matchup better that's gonna be it okay he doesn't miss that through time he misses that three times [Music] that's probably a dead box broccoli mango has shown that he's awake both players are awake wild is going to a set too it had to be last October history will be written now last stock with more percent than mango the situation becomes Do or Die lose here and go into the second set with one of your biggest Rivals the king of losers runs or win win through the determination of 10 years of play thousands of hours of practice thousands of screaming fans dozens of Heartbreakers so much effort all this time all this passion and love for this one game it all comes down to this this character formerly a low tier on this stage previously and impossible to win on counterpick against this opponent the greatest player of all time playing the best character at the most stacked tournament ever hamsa did it the first time in history awesome wins a super major the hardest tournament we've ever seen in 22 years juven was one open up one miss tank from mango Jeffrey said up there Jeffrey said up here finally he sweeps the floor oh mango smashes the controller down he knows that he has he knows how close he was mango put up an incredible fight because that was looking like it was gonna be easy peasy for um then it looked like it was going to be easy peasy for mango and there were gonna be broken hearts but at the last stop game five big house ten I don't believe it Yoshi is the best of the 987 competitors before and by the way this is not just the first big house he's won it's the first major the first major he's ever won and it's the hardest one ever [Music] big thank you to Alpine Antonio G chanry Droid dubs rewatcher of mcsheps fobby George Bush GamePlayer 1500 guava with a question mark Harpo dog I've got three marks of Excellence using kv-2 with 107 millimeter gun fizzy John B kathrog Lenny M lonely rolling egg lrc napkin Matthew B P Jiggles PM Casey sappy chaos Chef have you tried meditation that rack the storm the flying fire Trend wrecked wiverin and yoshichi yeah [Music] I did it yeah so I prove it so you'll see is actually a good character
Channel: AsumSaus
Views: 2,545,572
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: smash bros, ssbm, super smash bros melee, smash melee, melee, smash bros melee, asumsaus, amsa, mango, mang0, hungrybox, amsa yoshi, amsa melee
Id: 2WMBwFO65J4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 10sec (3250 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 10 2023
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