STOLEN from the Auction, $3500 Crane. Will it Drive Home? Will it Lift??

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hey everybody welcome back to diesel Creek my name is Matt currently out here at the Richie Brothers auction yard one of my favorite places where we have made some purchases only one of which will be the focus of today's video If you haven't seen the rest of this series the link is down in the description today we're here about a crane check this bad boy out it's got a flat tire today that it didn't have when I looked at it the other day with Muk but not too big a deal I paid $3,500 for this thing and it's a little old it is missing the main crane block too you see this is just a secondary block there's two winch lines on this machine same with this one over here I should have bought this one too this one only sold for 40 or $4,000 but see we're missing one of these that's going to be an expensive part to come by I do believe oh look at that they got that cable just duct taped in there that's scary so we're missing a a headache Ball but other than that she's Cherry I'm excited I haven't heard this thing run I barely looked at it but for 3500 bucks couldn't go wrong so so it's got a DT 466 and a carrier on the bottom here and a 453 or 471 I don't remember yeah 453 up top I don't know what the heck that stuff is gross looking but anyways according to the website they both run this one looks like it's got new batteries in the bottom here I'm excited about it we're going to we're going to drive this thing home so me and my buddy Sam are going to come back here later tonight and try to drive this thing home we're got to pump up that tire we're going to pull it outside of the gate so that we can come back after hours and get this thing so we fire up the compressor and throw some wind in that tire hopefully she holds the paint job looks really good on this thing but I think it was actually done several years ago it just got a lot of signs of like rust peeking out of things that wouldn't be there if it were painted last s well I can hear it losing air so we're uh fighting a losing battle that's good enough for us to pull it outside the gate we'll have to fix that later yeah she's losing air pretty good that's a shame all right so like I said I did not look at this thing hardly at all before the auction the website says that it starts up and runs and moves so here's to hoping I guess we should check some fluids before we get too carried away here yeah look at that two brand new batteries nice oo I think we're we're missing a piece here for our exhaust oh yeah yeah look at that little DT466 a Bonnie of beauty and a joy forever where's the dipstick holding the camera there it is oh brand new oil man this thing was just serviced I think I love it where we check our anifree at I guess over here there's some in the there's some in the D gas chamber oh yeah she's full of fluid that's good man Dam this thing's mint we'll worry about the crane portion once we get home I guess fuel should be the other thing we check pretty good bit of fuel in there definitely enough to get us outside the Gau right well I jump in here and there's no key she's not going to go with no key that's a major bummer rebuilt engine an 03 well I got smart here I went up to the upper half the crane and uh the key up there was in the ignition and it's the same key so we should be good to go here [Music] contact that thing fired right up oh I'm excited oil pressure seems to work hope the fuel doesn't doesn't seem like we're charging got to build some air oh this thing sounds mean we're building air pressure Al beit kind of slow all right our air pressure is up I think I figured out the transmission we've got a goofy gear pattern so 1 2 3 4 5 that's Goofy and then transfer case over here so you got different ranges one 2 3 so this will be fun to figure out on the Fly I think I'm in low range right now so I think I'm in low range hopefully I can find first gear and just creep on out of here see if we're going to move oh yeah yeah you don't want to get in a collision with this thing brakes are released the air pressure gauge isn't plummeting so that's good see for first gear well the clutch is nice and light first gear are we going to move no maybe not nope what's happening maybe I wasn't in first nope still not [Music] happy [Music] now we're just stalling the engine right out but at first get this thing over into first or what I think is first yeah there we go we're moving now well still stalled it out though gutless as the day is long what is going on here [Music] all right so our transmission is not the transmission that it says it is because where second gear should be is actually reverse so we must be in a different gear altogether so I'm going to try and go where I would think first should be oh yeah look at that we pull right out in first gear nicely done all right let's do this [Music] this thing is going to be tricky to drive home oh that was close [Music] oh [Music] this thing's awesome all right we made it safely parked out here outside the gate for me and Sam to come get later I'm actually feeling a lot better about the drive home now that thing was kind of scaring me but just driving it across the lot here it feels really strong the clutch seems like super light I don't know if it's a hydraulic clutch or what but like the pedal is effortless but it doesn't seem to slip at all so hopefully we're good we got a pretty good couple Hills to go up all right it is actually the next day it didn't work out to haul it yesterday so we drove it across the auction yard for not but it's bright and early and we're ready to hit the road if you can hear some air hissing in the background it's nothing to be concerned about it's just an inside rear tire back there it's got a little small small leak got Sam here to help uh escort and make sure we don't die somewhere along the way tow truck yeah the old F450 is going to be putting in some work if we got to do some yanking but uh what do you think the likelihood that we're going to make it 100% yeah that's what I like to hear optimism let's see if this pig is going to fire up today contact oh you just can't beat a DT466 the crane has 99 problems but death ain't one I open the fuel tank before and I could see Fuel and I thought it looks like it's got enough but I was going to dip the tank and I never got around to dip in the tank so I should probably do that before we get on the road cuz the fuel gauge don't work I thought you were going to tell me you ran out literally like 150 ft no after pulling out well let's hit the road this is going to be a long ride oh grabbing a gear oh God it's kind of just billowing smoke from all angles when he's going up a hill oh oh uhoh oh no I was just going to say I uh I hope the brakes will hold it [Music] SHO I was hoping the brakes would hold I'm like what am I going to do when he starts backing up [Music] I feel like this is a good forward commercial Towing our crane she's helping maybe more fuel go through the fuel filters all right while we're less than halfway on this little adventure and uh well I can't say it wasn't eventful so we came up that big long hill and that was the the one thing in this trip that I was really worried about was that big grade and sure enough I missed a gear cuz you know it's my first time driving a Grove crane and after I missed the gear then the engine started cutting out so I don't know if we got clogged up fuel filters or what but the rest of the route is pretty mellow and just kind of rolling so I'm hoping for the best it seems to be running okay now so we're just going to have to find out fingers crossed here we [Music] go [Music] [Music] [Music] a thing is clear out a go [Applause] now doing it see if I see if you can backwards with me you're pretty out of the way we seem to be out of momentum I me this car ram rod [Music] [Applause] you it runs until it doesn't runs runs really well until it doesn't want to test thatu [Applause] I so there's this electric fuel pump I noticed back here and I don't know that it's giving us any juice little roadside fuel pump rebuild it doesn't seem like it's getting power I guess now we actually have a good connection to it yeah the moment we're into trouble my my pit crew just Springs into action starts diagnosing all my crap oh I saw a spork I don't think you did oh it does have 10 volts 10 volts that's almost enough to run a pump so I don't know it's probably just a bad fuel pumper let's give her the direct fire I'm surprised this isn't a 24 volt unit there is nothing no spark you got a good ground no as good as it's going to be don't you scratch that paint now yeah I think we're a fuel pump short on this operation that would explain why it works until you hit the hill and it actually wants Fuel and it's like nah quick Parts run for a new fuel pump hopefully does a little more pumpy we're going to give it a professional mount job of slapped right in here I think everything about this setup skimps on performance what sound not if you count the gurgling sound you got that one more hose clamp we need yeah I don't see what could go wrong now this is how you turn the fuel up kids you just actually have pressure coming up to the engine I can't believe it smoked as well as it did honestly for starving for fuel some people know this is a fast fuel system it's actually just a fast fuel system faster than zero fuel system installed it oh all the fuel pumps we're pumping now bud perfect I see what could go wrong here yeah that won't Arc out actually I don't think it would it was plastic pretty well covered got this beautiful extra tail of the strap package mounting that I think this would pass a do inspection let's see what all this fuel pressure will do for oh yeah I bet it has all the 200 horsepower now that's way better Snappy let's do it you can do it girl oh we're getting diesel gas now hey out of the way folks if only they made Jake breakes for [Music] DTS [Music] [Applause] [Music] and [Music] go [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] [Music] check it out guys we made it not going to lie I was pretty nervous when that thing cut out on the hill in the first leg of our journey luckily enough it started back up and ran just enough to help us get it up that big hill the F450 was struggling Sam was driving my truck you know in case something like that happened and so we hooked to it and we were able to get it up the hill safely out of the way didn't cause any accidents which was what I was really concerned about the brakes the brakes held out good so no concerns there so as you guys saw we had to throw a little 12volt fuel pump on it just to make it back here not a big deal that's an easy enough fix I will not complain about that one bit I'm excited about this thing I was just talking to Buddy Lord muuk about it and as he would say that is a proper crane so indeed it is as you guys know I have some lattice boom cranes some old friction typee lattice boom cranes and I've also got uh a couple trucks with knuckle boom cranes on them and I also have the first crane I bought which is a Ford truck crane this blows all those out of the water okay I still haven't heard the upper half run it's a Detroit so I have all the faith in the world plus the website said it ran so feeling pretty confident that it's going to fire up one of the things I'm thinking about doing with this crane is lifting the roof off the shipping container shop probably not too many of you guys watching today were around back when this building got put together but I did do it on the channel it was one of my earlier videos and the roof system on here which everybody asks about it was like a prefabbed building unto itself I bought it secondhand so it was dismantled and I just reassembled it well there were extra roof legs because it was a freest standing structure and then I just shortened it and put it on top of the boxes at the time I thought I'd never need need that much extra height for what I was doing out here things have changed a bit and I could use that extra ceiling height so I'm thinking with this crane I should be able to just lift the entire roof off if I have some spreader bars I'll lift the entire roof and I can just basically put the legs on all those posts on either side and reinstall it that' be a a heck of a project but honestly shouldn't be that terrible there's only two electric lines I'll have to disassemble and take that sheeting off the sidewalls which I wanted to do anyhow because I'd like to put lean tws off both sides of this building really and it would get me a lot more clearance on the outside edge too if I did what I'm talking about here so definitely something on the agenda I think but down the road a piece doesn't have to happen today or tomorrow for the crane portion of this unit we got a 453 Detroit Diesel oil's good just got to check the antifreeze and give her a go there's a good shot of the Detroit valve cover there you can see look at that we got antifreeze little cloudy maybe but antifreeze nice and green ah well the website said the crane portion ran with a jump let's hope they aren't lying all righty let's see what this baby's going to do contact sounds like a Detroit to me [Music] [Music] [Music] well that doesn't hardly seem right I don't think your Detroit's supposed to stall out under very little load all right well we're back on our Grove crane here it's been a week or so for me but I believe in the last clip there you guys saw the crane just die on me it just shut off kind of like it ran out of fuel I didn't have time to play with it that day but the next day I came out here and I hit the key and the thing fired right back up so I got a little excited there I ran the boom up some more and I did spin the house a little bit as you can see and then it died out yet again so we have a fuel issue I do believe we're going to dive into that today it did conveniently die with the house in a good location because now we can get under here to the fuel tank and I've already taken the liberty of breaking this nut loose with the crescent wrench a little bit and just start to back this plug out of the bottom of the fuel tank here that's not diesel fuel coming out of there that's straight water coming out of the bottom of our fuel tank here so we're going to let that just sit there and drip for a while until we switch over to fuel I also noticed we have another uh water separator filter over here so we'll try to drain that housing out see if there's a bunch of water in it there's also your secondary or primary or whatever you want to call it another fuel filter over here on the engine and I noticed this the at the sale before I ever even brought the thing home the fuel filter what's supposed to be in there is just sitting here tucked up underneath this hose this thing's been dripping for quite a while at this point I'm trying to back it off a little more and expedite the process but I know what's likely to happen is the plugs is going to come out and we're going to start dumping fuel everywhere so I do have a barrel down here underneath of us there is a lot of water in this tank my guess is this machine has sat for a long time there we go yeah still straight water anyways my guess this machine has sat for a long time and this steel tank has done a lot of sweating and condensating over the years which is all added into this tank well we must have running about a gallon of fuel or a gallon of water out of this fuel tank but it's finally diesel now so we can go ahead and close the plug up and we'll start checking the filters oh yeah straight water just like I suspected boy we get some actual fuel to the engine instead of just uh water this thing will probably run great wasn't much water in this filter on this side though surprisingly this one was pretty much all diesel fuel hopefully we got all the water out of the system I'm going to go ahead and try to fire this thing back up the old Jimmy definitely sounds a lot happier now oh I'm excited I suspect from here on out this is going to be a very uplifting video well I found our first operational flaw with the unit the swing brake does not appear to be working so there's a handbrake right there next to the operator's seat I didn't actually believe that this was serving any purpose and I still not for sure what it's doing because it doesn't appear to affect anything I've tightened it up as much as I can and we still got no swing brake I was under the impression that this thing would just automatically apply the spring the uh swing brake every other hydraulic crane that I've messed with that's what it does all right so our swing brake appears to be this deal right here it's just like a forklift parking brake pretty much and that should lock your swing now it's doing something I have it adjusted as tight as I can get it but it's not doing enough to stop us from swinging part of that could be because we are not level you never really want to operate a crane unless you're level uh the reason we're not level is because that Outrigger isn't working so to make the Outriggers go up and down there's a button for each Outrigger and there's also a button for each Outrigger extension so all the extensions worked three out of four of the Outriggers actually go up and down number four here does not go up and down I popped that rubber off of there just a minute ago it was rotted and breaking off anyways we actually have a couple spare ones just chilling here like they were going to replace them and never did anyways I'm suspicious to the button first of all so this is just a momentary switch you have to hold that button and then you run the hydraulic pedal down here on the floor what's for putting your Outrigger up and down so I got to pop this panel off of here real quick and then we'll throw a multimeter on that button and see if we're getting continuity out of [Music] it all right well nope that button is not our issue it appears to be working all right well it took about a half an hour of poking around on this machine trying to find it but I finally found the hydraulic solenoid block here and lo and behold the one that controls that Outrigger has a missing ground wire so I'm going to do a couple wire repairs here and then hopefully we have a good Outrigger well it's still not really pretty but I was able to clean this up a little bit get some better connection get that uh Second solenoid connected to the ground fingers crossed let's fire it up and hope this thing [Music] works it works yes we got that Outrigger working as you guys saw and I got the crane completely level leled up now I had to use that 2T level on the actual chassis of the truck because the incab level well it must be out of adjustment or not true or whatever as you can see we got all the wheels up off the ground and everything everything's completely level we are ready to make our first pick the very first pick we're going to make with this thing is not crazy heavy but I sure couldn't lift it by myself and we are going to need this thing to make the rest of the big picks [Music] well here we are we got the hook block that we needed it has four shibs in it so we can hook this thing up to the main hoist cuz we're running off the auxiliary line right now so this thing is going to go on the main hoist and we will be able to lift 60,000 lb I'm excited what I've also got here is a cable sling and I bought that because it has some nice long legs on on it we should be able to pick up containers with that [Music] sling all right so I've put the boom tip close to the ground here so that we can figure out exactly well a the configuration of the boom because yeah it looks like there's a manual pin section here so you got two power telescoping sections and then it looks like this section here has to be manually extended and then pinned not sure what's going on with that also this thing here looks like it flips up or something yeah it flips up and pins into that thing I have no idea why or what for one on both sides maybe that's something to do with the jib I really couldn't tell you but it looks like if you wanted to extend the red section here you'd pull this pin out somehow slide that boom out maybe there's a procedure for it that I'm not aware of um and then pin it in place I don't think we're going to need that section for most of the work that we do so if you are more familiar with cranes than I am please let me know down in the comments what that flipping bar thing does on the top there and also if there is a easy way to slide that last extension out clearly it has to be done manually so to rig up our new block we are going to have to pull the cable out of the main hoist run it all the way down the back of the boom here I believe we go over the center shiv here from there I'm not real clear maybe we go down over this end I I'm not positive anyways we will end up going over one pulley through the same pulley on the Block back up the next pulley same pulley on the Block end up filling up all four of these so obviously this is your main drum this is your auxiliary drum this is the line that we're working with at the moment looks like the main hoist cable broke at some point or they just cut it off poorly and let it strand out one or the other the cable appears to be in pretty good shape there's a little bit of surface rust going on on the outermost layer but the rest of it looks like it's been well oiled it was probably all well oiled when this thing sat and this is the surface that saw the most weathering anyway we got to string that line we run it all the way down our boom here this is the part where things get fuzzy for me I better try to find a manual for this thing there's a will there's a way baby I all right yeah as long luck would have it they left the 5/8 termination Becket in the cab of the truck part that'll just go on here like so and we got to put our cable in it all right we covered this in the video of me putting new cables on the 22b shovel people went fullon crazy keyboard Commando on me because I did that right there and they said oh you're saddling a dead horse ah that clamp shouldn't do anything all that clamp is there to do is to prevent the dead end from possibly sliding back through the Becket if all goes right it should never ever move anyway this is just an extra insurance policy there's no other way to clamp it if you clamped it on this side you would be taking up the load and not letting the Becket do its thing that is done as per the Crosby instructions going up that looks more good [Music] [Music] her [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] for [Music] [Applause] [Music] well that beautiful little cable sling that we bought really came in [Music] handy that thing's just about perfect for picking up these 20-footers it's going to be a little bit short for the 40ft boxes but I think we can add on to it and be just [Music] fine [Music] la [Music] [Applause] yeah [Music] [Applause] [Music] w [Music] great great success well guys I don't know about you but I don't think I could be happier with this purchase I am quite frankly tickled to death with it everything went just about as well as you could have asked it to we could probably still use to go through some things on the crane here do a little oil change some stuff like that but nothing too serious everything's working pretty great I really can't complain one bit for $3,500 I'm pretty sure we stole it anyways I hope you guys had as much fun watching this video as I did making it if you did let me know down below by either leaving a comment or at least hitting that little thumbs up button down below the video really helps out the channel and doesn't cost you guys a dime if you'd like to help support the channel in a little more direct way head on over to diesel pick yourself up some sweet swag over there we've got hats t-shirts beer koozies sticker packs all that and more over at the store that's diesel link is down in the description but anyways guys that's all I got for today as always thank you guys for watching I'll catch you on the next one [Music] later [Music]
Channel: Diesel Creek
Views: 657,774
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: aZ6HpEowI2Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 9sec (3249 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 05 2023
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