VG Myths - Can You Beat Sonic 2 & Knuckles Without Pressing Right Or Left?

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Good morning, everybody, and welcome back to  VG Myths: the online internet video game TV   show taking zero steps forward and two steps  up. Sonic the Hedgehog 2 is the long-awaited   sequel to Sonic the Hedgehog 3, featuring  even more momentum platforming action,   aided by the age-old momentum gaining strategy  of holding right to win. But what if you're   terrible at winning? Can You Beat Sonic the  Hedgehog 2 Without Pressing Right or Left? The rules are simple: we must beat the game,  from start to finish, without ever giving a Right   or Left directional input. This is only  vaguely theoretically feasible with the   roughest of the rest of them, Knuckles, thanks  to his abilities to glide through the air,   climb up and down walls, and very importantly  reverse direction by jumping off walls.   He'll be our player character of  choice. And, for obvious reasons,   cheat codes and save states are banned. With  the rules set... we're nowhere CLOSE to getting   this run started! Cuz, I don't know if you  know this, it's kind of a well-kept secret,   but in order to play video games, it's incredibly  important to actually have a video game. Let's head back through the time vortex to  September of 2018, when I sucked and failed at   the Sonic 3 No Right Run. We did that run on what  at the time was the most easily accessible version   of the game: Sonic 3 & Knuckles on the Sega Mega  Drive and Genesis Classics collection on PC.   Being on PC, custom button remapping was  incredibly easy, allowing me to remove Left   and Right from my controller's d-pad entirely.  The moment that run was over I naturally looked   into doing the same thing in Sonic the Hedgehog  2, but alas, Sega Mega Drive and Genesis Classics   includes Sonic the Hedgehog 2 and ONLY Sonic the  Hedgehog 2. Knuckles is only playable in a special   "Knuckles the Echidna in Sonic the Hedgehog 2"  variant, originally by locking on a Sonic 2 cart   to a Sonic & Knuckles cart. While vanilla Sonic 2  has been thrown around on basically every platform   at some point, this version of the game has gotten  comparatively few official releases. In 2018,   the two most accessible Sonic 2 & Knuckles  releases were via Sonic Mega Collection from   several console generations prior and the Xbox  Live Arcade, both of which I owned. Sadly, these   two versions are nonviable for this challenge. The  controller options of both releases only allow the   remapping of buttons and not directional input.  Without the ability to unmap left and right,   the d-pads and control sticks of these controllers  would make accidental diagonal inputs too easy,   putting the entire run at risk every time you need  to press up or down, which is often. Of course,   I could have gotten around this easily by sailing  the seven seas, but for VG Myths I try to do every   run on an official release of the game on official  hardware. With a Sonic 2 & Knuckles run nonviable,   I bided my time: surely one day Sonic 2 &  Knuckles would see the light of day again,   on a modern platform with an options menu that  trusts me enough to make the game unplayable.   And as you're probably already aware, on  June 22nd, 2022, Sonic Origins, with Knuckles   playable in Sonic 2 was released on all modern  platforms, including PC! We can't use it! Sure,   there's an actual genuine options menu, which  features some of the best remapping options in   the industry which is impressive considering these  games are played with one button, but there's   another problem. Sonic Origins' versions of these  games are all remakes, rather than emulations or   ports of the originals. The nitty-gritty physics  and gameplay of these games isn't exactly 1:1,   including one very, VERY particularly important  detail. On the original Genesis and Mega Drive   versions of both Sonic 2 and Sonic 3, if  you glide into the left edge of the screen,   Knuckles will automatically reverse direction.  By the time of Sonic Origins, however, the unsung   hero programmer of Sonic Team had apparently  been fired for wasting company time on the most   inconsequential mechanics, so Knuckles will  be stuck staring at the edge of the screen.   The automatic reversal is too useful a mechanic  to leave behind, so Sonic Origins is nonviable for   this challenge. But Sonic Origins DID inspire me  to stop being lazy for one fraction of an instant   and finally realize I could have done this run two  years ago! In February 2020, SEGA AGES Sonic the   Hedgehog 2 was released for the Nintendo Switch,  emulating both Sonic the Hedgehog 2 and Knuckles   the Echidna in Sonic the Hedgehog 2. While many  releases of the four games in Sonic Origins   were scrubbed from sale in an attempt to make you  forget they'd have been available far cheaper for   years, SEGA AGES Sonic 2 was spared. At the time  of the SEGA AGES release, this run would have been   viable thanks to the Switch Joycons featuring  a segmented D-pad: each direction on the d-pad   is a 100% separate button internally, making  accidental horizontal input only possible by   literally pressing the wrong button. And shortly  AFTER the SEGA AGES release, the run became   even viabler with a Switch system update allowing  for controller customization. Simply swap Left and   Right to the unused shoulder buttons, and you've  got a D-Pad incapable of horizontal input! Plus,   I didn't actually realize it at the time I did  the run, but you can also go the extra mile   by remapping the left analog stick to the right  analog stick, at which point you could chuck your   controller out the window and the run would be  100% safe. Anybody outside the window not so much. That said, now that we're ready to get into the  run, I should probably warn you that chucking your   controller out the window is a realistic risk. Say  hello once again to Knuckles' insufferable best   friend: the spring. Without horizontal input,  there's absolutely nothing you can do here:   it is impossible to escape these springs. At  least, not by doing something. The only way   to continue the game is to sip a latte until the  stage timer counts one second after 9:59, at which   point Knuckles will die of old age and revive back  at your most recent checkpoint. It's tempting to   call these moments softlocks, but they're not  technically true softlocks since you'll be able   to keep playing *eventually*. For the sake  of accuracy, we'll instead be calling them   lattelocks. Now, you might be thinking:  Gamerchamp, Gamerchamp, why sip a latte?   Wouldn't it be faster to just reset the game  and reload your save? Yeah, about that, there's   a very good reason I'm not using save files:  they don't exist. Save files weren't invented   until Sonic the Hedgehog 3. If you reset the game,  you're choosing to go all the way back to Emerald   Hill Zone. And to make the situation even worse:  not only had save files not been invented yet,   infinite lives hadn't either. Knuckles begins  the game with only 3 lives. You can collect   more as you play, but obviously our ability to  collect lives is going to be severely limited.   Lose them all and your game is over. This run  is FAR more hardcore than Sonic 3 & Knuckles,   with the constant impending risk  of an end to the entire run.   If you get lattelocked, you're just gonna  have to bounce around patiently until timeout. Sonic 2 & Knuckles does have one  huge benefit over Sonic 3, though:   level design is overall a lot simpler, with many  levels just being a straight shot to the goal.   Even so, I recommend you look up a map for  every level and follow a path least likely   to end in a lattelock. The first boss fight is  pathetic. For all boss fights going forward,   you'll also be happy to know Sonic 2 & Knuckles  patched in a very useful feature that wasn't   present in vanilla Sonic 2: your ring count is  remembered at each checkpoint. When you die,   you go back to that checkpoint with  your ring count restored, so even if   there are no rings after a boss checkpoint,  you'll still be able to take a few hits.   It's also worth noting once the boss is dead  you need to be careful tiptoeing your way onto   the capsule. Unlike the left edge of the screen,  gliding into the right edge of the screen does   not cause Knuckles to reverse. Have fun sipping  that victory latte until your inevitable failure. Chemical Plant Act 1 is also mostly a straight  shot if you keep to the upper paths, but don't   rush for the goal quite so quickly. We're on a  shopping trip for an infinite supply of Knuckles!   Check out the map: near the end of the level,  at the top, are three extra life monitors in a   row. Cough cough cough. They're really dumb  extra life monitors. Really dumb and stupid   and only a dumb stupid idiot would ever think to  even go after those extra life monitors! Really   absolutely stupid kinda idiot, really. Like the  kind of idiot that would spend an hour just going   after those over and over, like, using an exploit  at a friggin' checkpoint. Don't do that! That'd   be really stupid. So, you can actually just like  go into this spike pit, and like, so what you do   is you wait until yo-you're about to drown, and  then, when you're about to drown, also you only   have one life, and then you jump in and then  you drown during your taking damage animation,   and for whatever reason that makes you lose a  life from drowning but then also lose an extra   life from falling off the bottom of the screen. So  you get a game over because you hit 0 lives, but   then also you, you lose a life after 0 lives which  puts-, which puts you at, at, lowercase y5 lives.   Which is a really big number of lives and so then  the game is just like "Oh, you actually got a lot   of lives. Nevermind on that game over, y-yeah,  keep going!" Just like th- the only thing is, uh,   d- j- j- er- prolly die a lot. Prolly die  a lot a lot becuase if you get extra lives   then you'll be back at 0 lives, which is fine!  B-Being at 0 lives is fine cuz then if you die   you just go down to lowercase 5y lives again...  wh-, uh, uhh lowercase y5! Uh, but, like, s-,   but if you go up to 1 life, then you're gonna  go down to 0 lives when you die and you don't,   you don't wanna, you don't wanna die and have 0  lives. It's okay to live with 0 lives just don't,   just don't die to 0 lives, and you're good!  You can do this in Chemical Plant Act 2,   which is like super not even a big deal to get  to. It is the fourth level, so just do this- *two voices overlap* Oh god,  I ran out of space, ahahaah! -from here on we're just trying to  beat the game one level at a time. In Chemical Plant Act 2, we'll have  to get smart with our pathfinding:   the walls reach all the way up to the top of the  screen. If you just follow the level's main paths,   they'll all eventually lead you into vacuum tubes,  ending in lattelock. But if you're at all familiar   with Sonic 2 speedrunning, or just efficient  casual play, this is a total nonissue. Look at   this area on the level map. If you enter this area  from the long slope at the beginning of the level,   then Knuckles will treat the horizontal piping  ahead as a solid object. *But*, later in the   level you're expected to return, passing through  this gate which only opens from the left side.   Moving through this path hits a trigger  that makes the horizontal pipe intangile,   allowing Knuckles to instead travel down the  lower path leading to the rest of the level.   The wall just to the left of that gate is  actually itself intangible, so simply glide   on in and pass through the gate. The rest of  the level has no vacuum tubes to worry about.   With our SEVERAL MINUTES plus Chemical Plant visit  over, we can finally move on to Aquatic Ruin Zone! In Act 1, keep along the top path,   which is almost entirely a straight  shot with absolutely no hazards. Oh. In Act 1, keep along the top path,  which is almost entirely a straight   shot save for this pillar which will  rise up and lattelock you on approach.   Preemptively jump on the log immediately  prior for enough height to reliably clear it. In Act 2, the top path is now nonviable: there  are multiple rising pillars in the way, and while   you can technically clear them, the time risked  by a lattelock isn't worth it. Instead, try to   stay on the bottom path, which is technically more  dangerous but only in ways that kill you instantly   rather than agonizingly. Though I will note that  when I actually got into the run proper I ended   up on the middle path by complete accident  and bounced around wildly with no idea where   I was going. That strategy is not recommended.  The boss fight might look like trouble with a   newcomer's eye. However, a little piece of  trivia from the Sonic 3 run still applies.   If Knuckles lands on the very edge of a platform  and does his OH NO ledge leaning animation,   he will, for whatever reason, turn himself to  face the direction he's leaning. Using this,   you can get yourself on top of the left  totem, at which point you can spindashes,   which conveniently bounce you back. With Eggman's  hammer bonked, move on to Casino Night Zone! No- *exhasperated laughter* Keep a map by your side throughout the entirety  of Casino Night; there are lattelock traps around   every corner. I ended up taking the bottom  path; the top and middle paths both carry the   risk of falling into this pinball launcher  pit, which shoots straight into the air   and thus causes a lattelock. The bottom path,  while littered with lattelocks, is at least   slightly easier to weave through. Soon you'll  reach bumper hell, with a cubby offering free   lattes if you're stupid enough to fail the  dice roll. But I figured out a trick to it:   the bumpers aren't capable of cancelling Knuckles'  glide, they just bounce him up or down depending   on the angle. That means even if you're  unlucky enough to glide into that death cubby,   you'll just grab onto the wall and can jump  out safely. If you clear the cubby and hit   the upper wall, you can make a gliding  drop onto the blocks, and can-, uh... Huh. *sip* In Act 2, there are some springs to avoid on the  bottom path, so I instead took the middle path.   There are a couple springs to look out for in the  pits below, but eventually you'll bounce into the   boss fight. This is thankfully the easiest  fight in the game since it's enclosed in   an arena with climbable walls on both sides, and  was very much not designed with Knuckles in mind. Next up: Hill Top Zone. Act 1 is the  most linear level seen in the game yet,   with almost nothing that could  really be called a split path.   Make sure you keep along ground level  until you reach this loopdeloop:   if you glide above it, you'll encounter a wall  which cannot be climbed on, thus latteing you. Follow the lower path and you'll eventually reach  an unavoidable setpiece I'm pretty sure a decently   sized fraction of you have been waiting for:  possibly the most infamous roadblock in the run.   There's a spring right next to the wall, which, if  walked over, results in a lattelock. Unlike most   other instances, we can't just climb the wall:  there's a hidden hallway we'll climb up into,   which only features a sideways spring at its  dead end. As I'm sure you're already aware,   this run has been theory crafted in the past, and  people have found multiple different solutions   to this puzzle. Some said to make a seemingly  pixel perfect landing on the edge of the cubby.   Doing so properly causes the cieling to push  you to the left. Problem is this comes with   a ten minute penalty on failure, so while it's  totally doable if you're doing a segmented run   and can freely reset or load a save state, it's  completely nonviable in a full run of the game.   Others said to make a properly timed glide onto  the spring, carrying you through the upper passage   with your momentum. This also comes with a 10  minute penalty on failure. Thankfully, I managed   to find my own strat. Climb into the cubby, hit  the spring, and mash the jump button to start   and end a glide immediately, halting your movement  within the cubby. Now, perform a 1-tap spindash,   and try to jump right as you're reaching the exit.  If you fail, there's little risk of a lattelock:   you can quickly turn right back around using  the far wall and try again. It will definitely   take a few tries, but with a properly timed  spindash jump you can just barely thread the   needle and get past the upper left wall, which  you can glide onto and escape from the pit. The rest of the act, and most of Hill  Top Act 2 feature no special roadblocks.   The one sticking point is the boss fight. Make  very certain you have rings when hitting the   last checkpoint, there are none to be found  after and I don't want to imagine how hard   this fight would be without 'em. A totally  safe strat would be difficult to pull off,   so I instead recommend trying your luck on  abusing invulnerability frames to mash up   Eggman in the lava. When he submerges  you can safely wait for him on the walls.   Once he's beaten, you can climb out of Hill Top  and drop straight back down into Mystic Cave Zone. Mystic Cave doesn't have all the pretty flashing  lights of Casino Night, but make no mistake,   it's a rival in latte consumption. The lowerable  bridges aren't legally walls and thus can't be   climbed on. For most of the stage you can see  these coming, but watch out near the end of Act 1:   if you fail to resist the temptation and jump down  for that shield monitor, you'll be locked behind   an upcoming bridge. Also pay special attention  to the pulleys that activate the bridges.   The game remembers whether Knuckles grabbed them  while jumping or while grounded. If while jumping,   Knuckles is allowed to glide, no problem, but  if while grounded, Knuckles will be permanently   stuck on the pulley, holding onto it with one  hand while sipping a latte with the other. In Act 2, I kept along the bottom path, mostly  since that's the simplest. When you reach these   sliding boxes, jump into the middle. It looks  like a major crushing hazard, but Knuckles will   miraculously be spat out the bottom. When  the bottom path forces you to turn around,   dive into the first pit, rather than gliding  across. Continuing past this spring wall   would have put you at risk of running into  the backside of a bridge. From here you'll   reach Eggman without incident, who can be very  easily cheesed with your invulnerability frames. Oil Ocean Zone is a nice change of pace: if you  just keep following the natural path forward   you should never encounter any trouble and  won't need to consult a map. Casually propel   yourself to the end of both acts for the fight  against Eggman. Just before reaching the fight,   however, there's an invincibility monitor to find.  Turn yourself around on the little ledge ahead,   grab the monitor, about face on the oil slide,  and run into the boss fight asap. This will   let you get him most of the way dead without  any risk. To finish him off, hug one of the   side walls and wait for him to resurface; he's  completely incapable of attacking you down here. We're now nearing the endgame with Metropolis  Zone. Paths get really difficult to follow based   on the map since the level loops vertically, but  when it comes to actually playing there's still   generally a top, middle, and bottom path. In Act  1, I recommend keeping up top, but be warned that   you can lattelock if you drop into the middle  path at the wrong time. Other than that, there   shouldn't be anything to watch out for: blindly  glide forward through Acts 1, 2, and 3 to reach   the boss fight with Eggman, who requires almost no  horizontal movement even in a casual playthrough. Sky Chase Zone is a dev-intended  autoscroller freebie, so the next   real level is Wing Fortress Zone. Wing Fortress  at first seemed absolutely literally impossible,   until I stumbled upon knowledge that is going to  blow your friggin' mind. You know those rocket   jets? They're just background decorations, they  don't actually hurt you. I am 99% certain that   I am the first human being in history to discover  this fact, because I refuse to believe otherwise.   Less obscure is the cheese trick to skip most  of the level, which is even easier with Knuckles   than with Sonic or Tails, d-pad or not. Dive  face-first into this fan near the beginning,   invulnerability frame through it, and bam, you're  now halfway through the level. Get a low glide   from the falling platforms to avoid an upper  air gust and skip the next platforming section,   then continue through the mostly  uneventful remainder of the level.   Just one note: this cubby is a tight squeeze  for Knuckles, so tight that he's not legally   allowed to jump once inside. If you can't  jump, you can't glide; you can only *sip*. Along the way, I highly recommend obtaining almost  100 rings before touching the final checkpoint.   I didn't manage it myself, but it would ensure  you won't have to lose any lives during the Wing   Fortress boss. It's fought within two  laser walls which can't be climbed on,   thus making it impossible to turn around once  you've moved too far. Enter the battle with   as little distance as possible. If done right,  you can leave one or two rings on the ground as   insurance. Juggle yourself on the platforms as  they fly by while jumping into the boss above.   You won't have enough time to kill it in one  cycle, but with your invulnerability frames and   some properly timed jumps you can get it in two  or three. It probably looks really confusing, but   don't worry, the floating platforms have a habit  of catching you, just focus on hurting the laser. Once the laser is dead, steal Eggman's secret  Knuckles and jump down to officially enter   the true final battle in Death Egg Zone. All that  lives grinding we did back an hour ago was almost   entirely to prepare for the Death Egg, in which  there are exactly 0 rings. You'll need to defeat   two bosses in a row without getting hit once. The  first is The Silver Robot Guy Who Looks Like Sonic   Whom We're Giving An Overly Long Name Both As A  Matter Of Tradition But Also To Poke Subtle Fun   At The Multitude Of Ambiguously Named Metallic  Hedgehogs. He always follows the same attack   pattern, so get enough hits on him fast enough and  you can take him out the same way every time. Time   for the double final boss: Death Egg Robot. We  have to hit him 12 times rather than the usual 8,   and it is absolutely impossible to turn around.  If you reach the right edge of the screen,   you're dead. His openings for attack are  small in a normal Knuckles playthrough,   and microscopic without horizontal input, and  every piece of him that isn't a damageable hitbox   is an instant death hitbox, sending us to the  beginning of Death Egg Zone. But with Eggman   approaching fast you'll have to throw caution  out the airlock and jump into him without fear at   every opportunity. Spindash jump into his  underside as soon as he reaches ground level   and before he starts moving. You'll be launched  backwards; jump and glide to position yourself   at a mid distance, and get ready to spindash back  into his underside right at the moment when both   his arms are passing by the middle of his body.  The hitboxes are super wonky and unintuitive,   so you'll need to aim a bit lower than  I personally think looks safe. Do this   perfectly and you'll hit him 4 times before he  stops moving. At that point, get ready again:   just as he's about to become fully centered,  spindash into his underside twice in a row.   Note that after landing Knuckles has a winddown  time before he's allowed to crouch and spindash,   so the timing on that sixth hit is trickier than  it appears. On that sixth hit allow yourself   to be propelled backward into the edge of the  screen. Eggman will try to drop on top of you:   wait for him to lock on, then glide forward just  a little bit. When he lands, jump into him twice,   and quickly make your escape with the tiniest baby  step possible, jumping over both arms right before   they're fired. Since Eggman always locks on to us  when falling, we're edging closer and closer to   the right edge of the screen to get away from him.  You're going to lose a lot of lives undershooting   your mark here, but overshooting your mark is just  as deadly. On this first escape, you want to aim   Knuckles so his sprite is fully contained within  the background window. On the second lock-on,   get two more hits in as Eggman lands and proceed  forward. This is going to be a huge baby step,   since Eggman is now walking forward towards us.  Keep in mind that there's a little bit of room   where Knuckles' sprite can overlap with Death Egg  Robot's boot without actually touching its hitbox.   Every pixel counts, so you're gonna want that  overlap to happen. With Death Egg Robot now at   2 HP and victory within reach, it's time for the  absolute hardest trick in the entire friggin'   run. When Eggman lands, he'll be facing the left  and lunge forward. This drops his jetpack down   and forward, whose flame has a damaging hitbox  that will hit us if we're still standing close,   and on top of that he fires some bombs behind  that will hit us if we're standing too far.   But just to the left of his jetpack is Eggman's  barely accessible eggbutt. We can hit this as he   falls but then we have to dodge the approaching  jetpack. To do this, as you're falling from the   previous attack, just barely tap the glide button.  This is an incredibly precise timing window both   on the initial jump and the glide: so precise, I  can't even do it by sight, I just press the button   like I think I'm supposed to and hope the screen  reflects what I'm envisioning. If done exactly   correctly, you'll be far enough to the right to  dodge the jetpack AND far enough to the left that   the first set of bombs won't touch you. The SECOND  set of bombs, though, absolutely will. Just as   Death Egg Robot leans forward to fire that second  set, jump in the air and glide forward, again with   the smallest possible baby step in the hopes you  just barely scrape past the bombs' hitboxes. If   you sufficiently minmaxed all prior baby steps,  when Eggman locks on a fourth time you'll have   just barely enough space to edge past his feet.  For this final jump, the timing doesn't need to   be as precise, since all his hitboxes disappear  the moment his HP reaches zero. With Knuckles   getting his revenge against Eggman for crashing  the Death Egg onto Angel Island by dropping the   Death Egg out of orbit, the Sonic 2 & Knuckles  Hold Right To Lose Run is Mission Complete! In retrospect, this just might  be the most uniquely sadistic VG   Myths run ever. I heavily  recommend it to all your friends,   though please avoid if you're  worried about your caffeine intake. Before heading out, shoutout  to Youtuber Billehbawb, who,   as previously mentioned made a video  about the same challenge a few years back,   which I definitely must note I did  watch before doing the run myself,   which probably shaved a couple hours I would  have spent trying to figure out Death Egg Robot. And finally, special thanks to  all Patreon backers including: Let me know how much this video sucks  and how to improve in the comments below.   Your favorite flavor of latte for  watching, and get out of my house!
Channel: Gamechamp3000
Views: 360,804
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gamechamp, gamechamp3000, gaming, video games, sonic the hedgehog, sega, mega drive, sonic origins, knuckles the echidna, nintendo, playstation, xbox
Id: Eex097RQfk0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 39sec (1959 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 30 2022
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