[OLD] Kingdom Hearts 3 - Caddicarus

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Honestly he brings up a lot of good points that counteract some of the negative things people bring up on this sub

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 23 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Iwannabetheguy000 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Feb 17 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Lol that Woody is nightmare fuel

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 7 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/ellthelowborn ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Feb 17 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

I commented on his video and it was that I finished the game last night and him releasing his video today was like perfect timing, heโ€™s up there as one of my favorite youtubers so I always look forward to a new video from him. Also I love how at first he wasnโ€™t too keen on the story so many years ago but when he played them recently he loved them a lot more, heโ€™s not even a final fantasy fan, I mean neither am I but I first played these games a few years ago and I liked the story immediately, for the most part

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 5 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/chiakinanamiis1 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Feb 17 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

One of the reasons I enjoyed Caddyโ€™s perspective here is because heโ€™s coming at all of this as a fan who fell off the KH train but reluctantly came back on to eventually love it.

His reviews are what inspired my own KH marathon last year

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 6 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/AntonRX178 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Feb 18 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

I fucking love this guy's videos.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 10 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/JustAStarcoShipper ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Feb 17 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

The Only Man Worthy Enough To Review For KH3

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 7 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/CyberShiroGX ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Feb 17 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
I know a great game I can play today the kingdom has three drinking game every time a character in the game says the word heart light or darkness take a shot go fast don't know I swear what if you cuz I saw that I said [Music] [Applause] [Music] Kingdom Hearts was a story about a lovely little sausage called Sora who had two friends named Riku and Kairi Riku got possessed by darkness Kyrie went missing and Sora had to use a giant key along with the help of Donald Duck Goofy and a few Final Fantasy characters to stop the darkness in multiple Disney worlds in order to get to the end to save his friends then it got complicated the first game was a roaring success for its action RPG cross hack and slash gameplay in a 3d space and had the added benefit of classic Disney nostalgia to win even the most heartless person over and so after the original in 2002 they made a sequel that wouldn't see a worldwide release until 2006 the story into didn't follow off from one at all for some reason but it didn't matter because everyone loved you even more than the first and that left fans wondering where on earth Kingdom Hearts 3 could be and wouldn't you know 13 years later it was finally released with absolutely no content or even hints of what was going on in the meantime took your sweet ass time Square Enix that whole paragraph there is what I'm sure a lot of people playing Kingdom Hearts 3 will probably be like especially Xbox one people they'll be looking at Kingdom Hearts as a trilogy one two three with this closing off all the events of these two games with three specifically being the 13-year long way conclusion to the previous games which is just not the case at all there were loads of other games in the series that had just as much time and effort put into them in the middle of all these releases once or twice in a game store you probably saw in the corner of your eye a random Kingdom Hearts game that was released on maybe something like the PSP or the Nintendo DSi the Nintendo 3ds or maybe even the Game Boy Advance and you'd be right in assuming that these were just portable spin-offs but you couldn't be further from the truth these were as important and as integral to the main story as any of the other mainline Kingdom Hearts games and they were releasing relatively frequently in fact the most recent chapter at the Kingdom Hearts story was actually only released in 2017 I'm fully aware there was no indication about that over the years and the multiple systems they released the games on really didn't help but give the director of the series Tetsuya Nomura his due he realized how done this all was and so provided a simple and concise way of letting everybody catch up with every majorly important story game with these nifty ps4 collections and they have been out for a long time before three ever came out so at this point there's no excuse for people that complain but not knowing who characters are in three Kingdom Hearts 3 was not made for newcomers everybody it's common knowledge that the series is confusing and it's now all here for you it takes less than 5 minutes to look up the game order releases and chronology on the internet and if you aren't happy about that or don't have the time to play the other games might I recommend this incredibly to the point and simple to follow 30-minute video that covers everything important in Kingdom Hearts between 2002 and 2017 and if you don't want to do any of that and still want to call the game out for not being appealing to newcomers well then this just wasn't made for you okay not every sequel has to appeal to every man woman and child every time a new game comes out son series award their fans and this is just one of those series plus as I've said before in my other Kingdom Hearts videos from the past the subtitles of all the other games relate entirely to the way the games themselves play because one two and three play in an almost identical way with more being added to what makes Kingdom Hearts so great to play with every iteration calling chain of Memories for instance Kingdom Hearts 2 would have implied that this was the direction the series was taking and I think I would have put people off from ever touching the series again if they weren't a fan of it so I do understand what they were doing but the multiple systems they were releasing on that's when it starts getting ridiculous I mean there was even a mobile one I'm home by or while regardless speaking of somebody who only recently marathoned every Kingdom Hearts game right before the release of three Wow what a damn ride it's been this game essentially caps off events of a story that has been bobbing and weaving around for over 17 years now and when the first trailers dropped the Kingdom Hearts 3 the hype was so real even the most die-hard fans couldn't form coherent sentences about how much of a big deal this was [Music] [Laughter] [Music] hello caddie are you playing Kingdom Hearts 3 yes this doesn't mean this is the end of Kingdom ours though because I just you Kingdom are three as another chapter of a grander story so do I think there's gonna be stuff in the future absolutely I don't think this is like the grand epic finale everyone was expecting I guess but I never saw it like that to begin with in case you're wondering as well in this video there are going to be gameplays spoilers but only gameplay spoilers characters boss spoilers and that kind of stuff but as far as story events go and the endings and the secrets none of that is going to be touched so if you're freaking out about that and you still wanna watch this video you can't there's gonna be none of that and with that let's dive into Kingdom Hearts 3 oh sorry my mistake I mean Kingdom Hearts 2.9 and then three so hey without spoiling anything what is the gist of the story here well I mean it's definitely a story full of we can infiltrate from a window inside babies and toddlers I mean what more can I say it's Disney it's the classic Sora Donald and Goofy gang back together it's nostalgic yet fresh and across all the other games I have slowly become an unapologetic fan of all the ridiculous batshit insane nonsense that happens in Kingdom Hearts plots with this game not disappointing at all in that regard even the game's own characters don't know what's going on in the first five minutes you know the last Masters oh but I don't mind any of that because once you just accept the absurdity and consider everything the other games have built up to I still found the story of three remarkably enjoyable especially towards the end you said that you battle those intruders before tell us where and why well as you're asking a very complicated question I'm confused that guy in the black coat would he trust me don't go that as expected it isn't without its issues and totally stupid pods unrelated to the actual story you can tell us to take care of Sora [Music] I put sort of in your hands [Applause] [Music] yen said for such an old wise wizard that's been in nearly every single game so far the biggest prick in the whole series the thing is though Kingdom Hearts 3 is in essence the Metal Gear Solid 4 of the franchise it's not been made with any attempt to fill brand-new players in on what's going on which I don't personally mind because of what I said earlier I think continuing stories are allowed to exist over years upon years of games but that means you have to expect every possible level of fanservice good guy and bad guy from past games returning for one last bow and every single element culminating into a grand spectacle so it's able to finalize the Zainul saga the guy who has basically been the secret bad guy from the very beginning of Kingdom Hearts it is just a bit of a shame though that to me even as a Kingdom Hearts fan the actual plot felt a bit too much like a bookend until you get to the final hours the final pieces of the jigsaw are being placed as it were for most of the game and that's kind of it really Riku and Mickey are spending most of the time looking for aqua in the realm of darkness so they can save her and find out where she hid Ventus axel Orly and Kyrie are off training with their new Keyblade and Sora has the job of just regaining his strength he lost from dream Drop Distance and to do so must follow his heart towards all of the different Disney was that he feels may need his help and if he's lucky maybe he'll bump into Terra in order to bring him aside and break zayna's control from him until the final portions of the game that's kind of orders going on here there isn't much development or a cohesive drive to Sora and the players quest and more like a weirdly paste along crescendo to the final battle to stop Zainul scheme of controlling Kingdom Hearts itself and basically destroying everything but what made me look at this a little differently is by judging it not as a big old standalone epic final final - the idol game and more is just an additional chapter - a much bigger story Kingdom Hearts 3 at its core is a smaller chunk of one massive game and I suspect it really helps out that I marathon - every other game right before playing it because if I had jumped into this after years of no Kingdom Hearts engagement or hell even after Kingdom Hearts - or god forbid even as my first game I would have most probably just given up with everything kena mastery does not give a single spindly Johnny about you unless you're fully aware of everything that it's been building up to as a self-contained adventure it's kind of weak and not that engaging at all unless you a fan I mean there are a few interesting things going on here like the organization of Zayn all trying to overtake the Disney worlds in more specific and logical ways so they can try beating Sora to the chase before he regains his strength which in turn gives more reason than ever before for the Disney worlds to be here other than just nostalgia panic they thought about how the world's actually connect to the plot and I appreciate that for instance Davy Jones's heart being locked in a box yet him still being able to live and breathe is vitally important to what the organization is trying to do with their research on non-human replicas as vessels for hearts to place inside which is also why the Toy Story world is important to them because you know they're sentient Cuesta Arnaz heart being thought out by the power of true love after Elsa accidentally froze her would be very useful to the organization and even for neatest of being comprised of nothing but negative energy would thrive in the Monsters Inc world as all of those negative emotions in the screen canisters it's cool to see the villains interact more with the worlds for what's inside them instead of just antagonizing Sora but there is still plenty of us who don't worry as far as the stilted cutscenes and awkward pauses go I mean that's a Kingdom Hearts table by this point I wasn't expecting the last of us or anything it has been like that since the very first game and I'm glad that they kept that choice in it's not exactly good I'm aware but I wouldn't have had it any other way and for the voice acting I mean it's not exactly as good as Denzel washing machine but for Kingdom Hearts standards it's just as cringy cheesy and on occasion even as half Elana motive as I was hoping for for a silly as what's going on is on screen the performances do the job splendidly there's also a weird lack of Final Fantasy characters here but honestly I didn't really mind it firstly because of how they all usually stayed in hollowed Bastion and Traverse Town in the previous games which we never visit in this game well you know aside from cloud and several offers scoff and secondly because three is definitely more focused on Sora Donald goofy Mickey Riku and the rest of the main Kingdom Hearts characters more than the side characters I'm personally glad that all the focus went into them after all we've developed over 38 games so far I mean I did love how the originals crossed over more with other franchises but let's be real in the grand scheme of things they were just kind of there hey who are you I'm cloud Who from other video game I see I'll say though making this video without any kind of story spoilers is insanely difficult because everything the filler does build up to at the ending back it will mean everything to you if you've been following the story since 2002 and there is so much to gush about in the ending part it's indescribable just for some examples without spoiling anything those particle effects that come out of that one guy's weapon because of who was sacrificed to make it that one part where certain characters use the ps4 controller in a special way after somebody gets lost in a certain place all those final cutscenes of certain characters being in certain places as it all closes off it's incredibly satisfying and that includes even the secret ending and the absolutely bombastic nonsense of the post-credits scene I mean to make it even better do you want a full-on confirmation that the team making these games are fully aware that it is completely stupid and it doesn't take itself as seriously as everybody thinks it does this is the part where you spout some mumbo-jumbo and disappear right there you go no fanfare let's play the game then before we sink our teeth into it I need to pick what I desire and that's easy I decide Mickey is this who you are no that's Sora oh god the excitement is already too much Sora has pissed himself everyone up the game stop the game this wasn't a very good start that anybody was it so let's just kick off into the first Disney World to see if things improve Hercules again what does everyone's infatuation with that no you know what Hades I really don't know I can't count how many times we've been to this world and it's never that good whenever we go there I'm with you here well I mean I can't say at least one thing in confidence this early on that the visuals are bloody amazing oh my god or the intro cinematic was incredible enough but within the actual game itself kicked by prick it's brilliant from the start and never lets up until the end what you have here is the same level of depth and impeccable detail fragmentary passage had as a teaser for what three would be like but with the same tech being refined and improved for the better in nearly every way most noticeably and how much smoother it is okay well I can't lie there is still a fair amount of stuttering in this game and it can be pretty bad when new areas are loading up and especially when there's lots of characters on the same screen but overall it runs much smoother than what fragmentary passage was able to do with the same breathtaking magic attacks and particle effects so I'm thrilled to see that they actually spent time on getting most of the kinks out with this new engine on my ugly gorgeous limited edition Kingdom Hearts 3 ps4 pro little bit the game runs 90% of the time at 60fps with the stuttering never hampering the atmosphere for me much like with blood-borne it's not perfect but it really does look too phenomenal for me to care that much it's like a true 3d Disney movie come to life it's whimsical it's colorful and I'm sorry to sound cliche but its magical too when I reach twilight town for the first time heard a familiar comforting beautiful theme creep in and then saw how much more was crammed in even if it is just a side world that was truly special to me there was imagination brimming out of every possible corner of Kingdom a story from environment effects to magical and final attack animations that it almost hurts my head thinking about it and not only on most of the world some of the best to explore in Kingdom Hearts but I made that much more impressive by how good they look too with lots of them featuring many contrasting themes and locations within the same world with its own unique color scheme and such to it so it never feels like you're stuck in the same place and as we start talking about the gameplay well Kingdom Hearts 3 leaves you in control of probably the most powerful character in all of the series so far Kingdom Hearts 3 Sora can sometimes leave you totally overwhelmed and overpowered for all the [ย __ย ] he's able to pull off compared to the previous games so before I say anything else if you haven't played this game yet and you want to play it in proud mode because on a standard mode playthrough I didn't find myself feeling that massively challenged it's way too easy and I get the feeling that this was done to be a little bit more accessible to the general public but considering the story of three after all it's been building up to that just seems ridiculous to me but of course you don't start off that powerful that all gets unlocked as you play the game but as we discussed Sora starts the game with all of his strength and abilities lost from dream Drop Distance and it's so serious that it makes Donald and Goofy go all twiddly fingers please stop doing that I don't know anything is a bit it's also amazingly enough leads Pete to have the only good idea he's ever had in any Kingdom Hearts game and yet Maleficent doesn't take him up on it when they have the perfect chance to strike I don't know about his sidekicks but kid keep later here looks way purer than the last time we saw him I say we finish him off while we still can waste no time with the boy he's inconsequential I mean despite all of this it doesn't stop Sora from being able to run directly up vertical walls which he was never able to do before and as you can't the cutscenes but hey I'm not about to argue with a game series that has the two in it who are different characters as far as the rest goes though well if you played Kingdom Hearts 1 or 2 specifically and really enjoyed them you'll feel right at home here you use the d-pad to cycle through your commands with magic attack and items and spend a lot of your time locking onto enemies whacking them with the hack-and-slash elements and dodging around or guarding into counter-attacks where appropriate this is all felt crunchy and satisfying to play since the very first game and it hasn't changed at all for here it just feels more fast and more expressive than it's ever done before most of the time you'll stuck with Donald Duck and Goofy a mage and high defense character respectively who help you throughout many of the battles are able to level up individually alongside you and can be assigned their own weapons items and armor while you go through menus to decide how each element of their behavior can be used during the game from a fence there and use of special attacks to recovery of your own health and magic or there's all with the same consumable items that you have to share throughout the game to stop you spamming healing constantly the area's you explore feature big open spaces and cramped corridors alike with many instances are much better and more responsive and less stiff platforming than one and to offer you and the world's beg you to explore every part of it high and low in order to find hidden treasure chests speak to certain people and complete various side quests which breaks up the combat quite nicely the moment in this game is identical to fragmentary passage with that weird looking slide as you shift left and right but honestly I got used to it very quickly because of how slick and smooth the rest of the movement is in the game if the terrain is steep enough you'll automatically slide down it you Auto parkour up sparking points of interest by hopping across pinpoint thin ledges do the previously mentioned wall run vertically or horizontally to reach airborne animus fast or chain flashy attacks off of them and after a steep enough drop you can even air dive towards the floor and if a target is waiting below you a press of the button and bingo slim Ingo you explode into the stupid faces Sora after around a second or so even goes into a much faster sprint compared to the other games to make getting around the levels no matter how big the least painful so far if there's a small part of the game with not much going on then you get the other stuff taken from elements of all the previous games but thrown into here to make Sora as powerful as he's ever been you can flowmotion attacks similar to what dream Drop Distance did with free running and such allowing you to dodge into poles hanging bra Cheers walls and even grind herbal rails in order to get around or link them into attacks against foes but it's nowhere near as broken or exploitable in this game as it is in dream drop even if you grab more equippable abilities to make it more useful there aren't opportunities to use the flowmotion literally everywhere around you you can only really do a few set moves individually at a time you can't link attacks onto walls onto attacks for what feels like forever you can't fly around for years after a wall jump into another wall and some enemy encounters don't even allow you to use the walls this way at all but with the more restrictive nature of it this makes you feel that much better to tell apart of the level to piss off as you break the game and get through it early back on point though you start off the game like any other Kingdom Hearts game but while looking as magnificent as a renaissance oil painting our combat plays out as smooth as my legs okay well not that one you get more and more moves as you go throughout the Hercules world so you're eased into everything you'll be able to mess with which eventually ends up with you getting all the mechanics present in fragmentary passage which in itself was a mix of classic Kingdom Hearts and birth by Sleep you get a charged barf at different Keyblade formation changes and final attacks depending on the type of magic or physical attacks you string together in order to change it which also keeps in that lovely list of what's available for you and how long you have it for so you can best plan and utilize what to waste or cancel out in order to reach a really good a tag later on this as I've said before is a fantastic part of birth by Sleep that keeps making combat swap around and change up to reward you for playing well in the amount of different combos abilities and finishes you're able to pull off from these form changes with AoE attacks or even something as simple as much more powerful magic if you favorite spells over physicality are a little mind-boggling the form transformation animations could be a little shorter I suppose for how often this happens but on the plus side this isn't just a cutscene and the transformation does attack enemies so I don't mind it too much another thing taken from birth by sleep is the insanely cool shot lock attacks which behaves similarly to the Dead Eye system in Red Dead Redemption where you slow down time and have to lock on your cursor to as many targets as possible before you get hit yourself in order to fire projectiles or perform some kind of special move and that in itself has its own charge bar that you can refill through items or successful fighting the shot lock also allows you to quickly zip toward specific places of interest while in mid jump to help out with platforming exploration or enemy warping and depending on the type of Keyblade that you use you get a new shot lock attack to play with with some being much more useful than others so the game makes you choose between the overall stats versus the bonus shot blocks you'll get for each Keyblade Donald and Goofy themselves along with any other Disney hero you meet in the world have their own high damage finishing moves that can be activated under certain circumstances depending on how close you are to them and how well they have been able to keep the battle up without taking too many hits but to keep you in control you can either use them or ignore their cries while you sort out something else on the battlefield but I personally use them whenever I could because I mean Christ look of them there's so much fun there's also the d-link mechanic from birth by sleep but behaves a little bit more like the combat style changes in Kingdom Hearts 2 mixed with the summons that are in Kingdom Hearts 1 & 2 and for the cost of an entire magic buy you can use a special link attack from a Dream Eater wreckit-ralph Simba The Little Mermaid and Stitch for potential mountains of damage depending on the terrain in the situation by the way they also have their own finishing moves and along with this the magic spells themselves have seen a considerable buff compared to any other games so far so you have the least amount of magic to play with sticking mainly to just elemental spells but that never became an issue for me because I prefer assigning magic to my shortcut triggers and spamming spells up to four times in succession or using the mid combo or even using them whilst slide dodging past enemies it's a decent trade-off if you ask me along with the fact that magic can even be chained into other attacks like air spells allowing you to fly into the air and slam your Keyblade down or blizzard leaving trails of ice that you can grind along for flowmotion attacks off from them the magic bar itself also has this clever mechanic of punishment for those going to trigger-happy with it because if you go over your limit that you have available including use of your curing or Link summon attacks you're stuck in a cool-down charge period of not being able to use any magic at all until it refills or you use more ether to speed the process up so keeping an eye on what you're doing is encouraged and satisfying to get good at or even more interesting during combat if you've been relying on magic too much and then have to go full-on counter dodge and physical for a bit while it recharges it's also a lovely touch how you can assign many different shortcut sets that you can swap between for your ideal loadout of Link's and elemental magic nor something I ever did personally but it's great to see that it's there speaking of swapping you can even have multiple key blades on you at once that you can switch between on the fly not only for moments where you feel like you need more powerful magical physical strength but also for the sake of their own unique shot block attacks charge meter formation changes and finishing moves and also their own unique uses of the same magic spells you already have but while in those different formation Changez this is all okay though because support you back in a little bit you do have a few costs for form changes such as with the monsters in keyblade form change not allowing you to guard while you're using it the Toy Story 1 giving you great range and damage but high stagger if you get touched and the special rage form while you're low on health giving you more power at the cost of your own health along with less control of where you actually are in the game world while you perform combos and you're a little worried that keeping all the keyblade's won't work in the long term as the game gets harder though well have no fear because it's possible to go to the moogle shops and actually upgrade all your current key blades so they're stronger in strength and magic for later game areas allowing you to enjoy the special moves or designs of some of your favorite key blades instead of just leaving them behind when you unlock the next one and giving you more reason to swap around with them during fights the Kingdom Hearts 2 AP system is back in terms of how ridiculous the amount of customizable abilities there are to unlock and that can be swapped around and unequipped based on how many points you have available this counter strikes and counter dodges to slide underneath threat combo plusses aerial recoveries and counters different mid combo Rises and ground pounce it's off the charts experimental and really fun to mess around with they even got my favorite Pixar character Remi involved with how you can find ingredients in the world and then take them to him so you can cook up recipes with WarioWare starred micro games of which the better or more accurate you are rewards you with better food which you can then prepare into a starter main course and dessert meal that will provide you with temporary stat bonuses for about half an hour this is a brilliant feature totally adorable and breaks up the gameplay just that little bit more when the alternative could have just had the meal be automatically made which is kind of boring in comparison it also creates a tiny bit more tension if you find a particularly rare ingredient or you can cook a food that you haven't cooked before and there's always that chance that you're gonna mess the micro game up and lose the ingredient and lose the chance to make the food you haven't made yet I mean it's not as if or anything but it still makes the food a little bit more important than it would be otherwise peppered with all of this stuff or also the minigames hidden in every world that all play out totally differently and provides you with big small permanent or consumable bonuses alike all together giving you the most amount of kingdom hearts gameplay variety you could ever have wished for in the whole series but like I said at the expense of it being a bit too easy unless your difficulty is on proud mode Larry and steel remember no man's sky didn't it's art well how about we have a new version of no man sky but with actual stuff to do reasons for things to exist variety to encounters and with all of this existing within a tiny side game within a bigger action RPG I hope you'd like that because that's what the gummi ship segments are like fair enough you can't land on any planet or rock you want to and it isn't that deep all things considered but despite all of that it's still more fun than vanilla and home and sky when it first came out and you can completely ignore all of it if you want it for just a simple method of reaching each different Disney world at least there's a lot going on here I'm not sure if I prefer this over Kingdom Hearts 2 is varied and seizure-inducing arcade shooting segments but I do think it's taking steps in the right directions by making your gummi ship an actual tangible thing floating through space exploring the system's battling waves of enemies and finding treasure this here is way more explorative than I could have ever expected you find new ship parts and upgrades hidden away in meteors use air currents and speed pads to get around quickly follow bread crumbs of power-ups and ship parts that lead you to unlockable warp points crystal for airship blueprints and even extra optional boss encounters that are just fair in the middle of the world and you even find these really cool treasure orbs that are very easy to unlock give you a lot of stuff and I really hope our reference to treasure planets because that is a highly underrated Disney movie and will be badass as hell to include in any other Kingdom Hearts game just say and then you have the battle system where you see how high the difficulty of the fight will be before flying into clusters of enemy ships and then take them all on with equippable special weapons and unlockable tiny ships alongside you basically giving you the best of both worlds if you prefer to explore but also love the fast-paced speed race of battles that Kingdom Hearts 2 had to offer I spent way more time in this part of the game that I've cared to admit just wandering around and seeing what I could find it harkens back a lot to Wind Waker actually but in space and if you aren't a fan of it that's no issue because you can still set a marker for your next world use a fast travel point and go straight there while ignoring everything else around you and even that is more visually engaging and exciting with maneuvering around lasers and obstacles than what Kingdom Hearts want gummi ships allowed you to do granted it could have a little bit more variety in backdrops music and enemy types with a - inspired fast-paced bullet-hell stuff but with everything else going on I'm personally not that fast especially if you aren't want to bother going into the incredibly D creation tool to install new weapons armor and agility panels that now even allows you to use materials and textures to decorate blocks instead of just colors my ship was made of crystals and I called it the cat storm because I'm jamming okay so I just got to my next world and this loading screen popped up and I've got to say I'm rather confused it has a main image and a profile pic and a hash hashtags is this Instagram yeah so in this game Sora has a gob-dan smartphone the spoiled little bugger and because of that he's able to do all sorts of things with it most importantly though take pictures and selfies with the introduction to this mechanic being pretty entertaining introduction introduction hey tough look you drew the short straw it's okay oh I'm sitting out of a photo whether you're Donald this isn't just a cute little detail either there's side quests are complete with them most notably the moogle shop-owners photo missions that give you lots of bow for taking snaps in the middle of combat or during your many treasure hunts around the world and even cooler the Hidden Mickey emblems which is basically what would happen if the Hidden Mickey challenge at Disneyland was put into a video game and gave you a secret and into your home life for finding another oh and you get other handy benefits for finding them like jewelry even cooler these Mickey emblems are often devilishly hidden within the environment and not always just planted obviously on things rewarding the very observant and giving you another thing to do while exploring the gorgeous Disney World there's also other great details too not just that riku's keyblade looks more like a modern car key than a traditional door key but even with more slight additions to gameplay the most noticeable to me with a brand new attraction attacks based on Disneyland rides these not only look spectacular and give me warm tingly memories of riding these rides at Disney theme parks but also provide incredible uses against large groups of enemies and reward you for paying attention to the enemies since you have to hit the ones with green circles to activate them the green circle itself is time so you're left to wonder if it's worth going after that single enemy at the risk of leaving yourself open and if you accidentally activate one and had some of the finishes you were wanting to use you can always just cancel it you can even skip the intro sequences for the special attacks if you find them too repetitive and want to use them a lot and if you thought that fighting an army in Kingdom Hearts 2 was the ultimate bad mofo thing you could do in all of Kingdom Hearts when in Kingdom Hearts 3 you can fight an army of heartless and nobodies at the same time in a similar fashion followed by bombing the wall while riding Thunder Mountain and watching them a rock to the sky like you're punching a bowl of Maltesers there are a lot more contextual attacks to do during combat to like cover shooting when an enemy has fast firing projectiles and status effects like being burned don't just stagger you but physically mess you around as punishment for not being careful enough when you use certain Donald and Goofy team finishing moves while locked onto specific enemies you can take advantage of new attacks that can often one-hit kill the enemy that you opt onto along with this there are new trinity moves that instead of just being a symbol you activate to find more secrets like in kinematics one actually give you new ways to explore move around faster and generally just be more adorable but hey do you want another drinking game take a shot whenever something in the game happens and you say out loud to yourself this is so cool all of those ridiculous antics from 1 & 2 are here but with the new speed of the gameplay wall running flashy attacks towering bosses and bursting levels of joy especial attacks you're essentially playing through the stuff that you would have only ever watched into with contextual button actions and that feels great and the bosses themselves are made majorly impressive because of this if they aren't hitting you with attacks just as flashy as yours then they're teaming up in groups to give you more to deal with and I will admit there is a sad lack of Disney villain boss battles to be sure but honestly like the lack of Final Fantasy side characters I wasn't too bummed out by that either I prefer having to stop nothing but the heartless and nobodies for the sake of the final battle the game is building up to with the occasional disney boss battle thrown in for good measure and if you want another drunken game take a shot whenever Donald says something that you can understand you'll be fine because you never can thank God for the subtitles in the cutscenes because during the combat I seriously can't make out a single thing he says I can't tell if I should reply to Donald or give him CPR are you choking Donald or are you in the middle of a giant sneeze he'll make OFI the voice of reason in this story may your heart be your guiding key have you listened to him recently he's with them he sounds like a blocked up sink Hey hmm I hear a voice no you don't say it's like one of those spot the differences puzzles except really easy I'm sorry that I was being so stubborn please forgive me now anyway I think it's about time that I talk about the worlds in this game individually and how I felt about them and I've got to be honest I was a little bit apprehensive to start with because Kingdom Hearts 2 did rely a lot on empty flat spaces but in Kingdom Hearts 3 I'm glad to say that even if there's a slightly bigger world than another one or there's slightly less content in it compared to another one they are all still a joy to explore as a whole these worlds are the biggest and most explorable in the series so far and offer tons of platforming completely optional and miserable combat encounters to level up or find treasure and equipment and even if there's not much going on in one world in comparison to another there's still always something to find something to smash up some kind of ingredients to find for cooking and even some kind of Mickey emblem there's always something worthwhile to find whether big or small for Olympus well yeah we may be going back there yet again for the 8th time so far but I'm at least happy to say this is in my opinion the best incarnation of the Hercules world so far mainly because it's mostly being destroyed but also because it's a great teaching tool and very rewarding to go through as you unlock all the permanent Rouge Sora will use for the rest of the game for as repetitive as it is I would have loved to see the Coliseum cup games from Kingdom Hearts 1 and to come back just for the sake of it whether it's in Olympus or it's in the underworld I thought that was a really cool addition Burton ended with everything else it's absolutely huge and insanely varied compared to the stale boring Coliseum aesthetics we've seen countless times and the amount of optional branching paths and explorable locations it's off the chart the weather effects are a sight to behold - and it's overall a very impressive way to kick off the adventure there's even a few shortcuts to break in order to make exploration a little easier or even statues to knock down to find secret treasure chests and it's all capped off with a marvel of a boss battle that's nice and easy yet a feast for the eyes Hercules son of Zeus demigod has strength and stamina not strong enough for knee-deep water for Christ's sake you're a duck this shouldn't be hard for you after Twilight town then and well I've already complimented the visuals here there booty-ful but it's also a nice smaller area for practicing some of the flowmotion attacks on tree branches this is also where you meet Remi and have to rescue him and Wow holy [ย __ย ] unlike previous games the town is actually populated this time you'd think this was a town or something I'm not sure about the residents themselves though they're a little bit too weird for me and they like to hang around and you keep veal beef inside boxes of popcorn toy box well I mean come on Woody and Buzz are talking about the heartless and nobodies who needs Toy Story for with this around and for the rest of the world it's a little bit more wide-open and blocky than some of the other worlds but I still massively enjoyed it for all the variety of it being set in a multi-storey more the amount of options were combat are high - with the exclusive mech toys in this world with many of them having different special attacks that can be hijacked by you or enemies on the flight to keep things moving at a nice exciting pace and the vast amount of flat surfaces and shells - free run around make combat that little bit more enjoyable for flying enemies being toy sized and being able to fit through vents and stuff is pretty fun and not to mention the missions in this world involve you actually having to listen to the characters and look around for abnormalities in the toy shops instead of just walking around to random areas to trigger cutscenes and to be honest the animations of the dinosaur toys that get possessed are enough to make this game of 10 out of 10 in my eyes there's even a little Rock'em Sock'em minigame to unlock a treasure chest and in the best part of the whole world woody steps up and outright tells there not to piss off darkness is the hearts true nature [Music] whatever you're talking about I don't care put buzz back the way he was then get lost whoa someone needs to cool the cannibals because that was Savage Korona from tangled well aside from it being a beer it's easily the best-looking Disneyworld in the game and not just for the luscious greenery in color contrasting you get to see fire spell scorch the grass ice attacks form across ponds and the use of sunlight and shadows is truly wonderful Rapunzel using her own hair for attacks and holding it in a bunch of she runs around behind you is adorable and what about this bloody dancing minigame a I won't lie when I say I had the goofiest smile on my face during this whole part wait no I don't mean actual goofy smile no but because that's sickening but I mean it's hard not to look like that during this part look curse or a go it's not difficult it's not even that great taking a step back but would I rather have this over any of the Kingdom ours to Little Mermaid tossin yes and I'm saying a lot since this is only a five minute diversion is that at the point of the entire world we're a heartless expert I also wanted to share with you this epic boss ending I was able to pull off with an aerial dive there's no reason for this I just was very proud that I captured it for this video and I think it looks badass as hell fight me thanks this Monstropolis well firstly mike wazowski looks more or less exactly as he does from monsters inc in terms of body animations in the texture of his skin it's actually quite frightening how close we're getting to big-budget 3d animation within interactive mediums it's just a shame I can't say the same for the voice acting around although I'm numero uno the leaderboard baby as perhaps the worst impression of him I've ever heard this world is one of the more linear in the whole game with the battle arenas connecting to mostly straightforward corridors but that doesn't mean it isn't fun because it still is plus it's quite explosive and kinetic for being mostly set in a factory that gloop boss thing was the first time in standard mode where I actually found myself a little bit challenged as well it's quite hard to read its attacks it uses multiple arms to harm you with their own health bars and the abilities it has can lock you into combos based on where you're standing I have to pay attention to my surroundings quite a bit here and I appreciate that also am I the only one here that found Mike and Sulley getting rid of venetus the funniest [ย __ย ] ever right in the middle of one of his monologues they grab him throw him into a door grab that door and throw that into another door grab that door and throw it into another door grab that door and throw it into another door and then shredded to pieces all in the space of a few seconds whoever wrote that bit in have a drink on me that was brilliant take a shot when everything the Hundred Acre Wood where your and out are dead yeah seriously there's no a or owl in this world which is already a - in my books but does this world save itself in any other areas well it's as lovely bubbly cuddly and disgustingly cute as ever but with it being an optional minigame world like with other Kingdom Hearts games the minigames on offer in this world are sadly at the worst in the entire series for me it's just the same thing copied and pasted multiple times over for no reason and you're stuck to exploring rapid house only what the hell happened here look at the stuff you can do in Kingdom as to when you're going through the book of poo ripping up all of the paragraphs that that this is cool why can't we have anything like this again the Hundred Acre Wood minigame in Kingdom Hearts 3 is basically bust a move which is fine enough on its own but repeated over and over again with little to no changes that's just lame Square Enix I don't know why this world was even here with how bad this all was if I wanted to play blossom blast I just played blossom blast but problem is I don't want to play blossom blast in the first place because blossom blast bloody blows and all of this just so we can discover that human feces has a heart made me vanish from Poe's heart perfect arendelle from frozen my God look at our footprints in the snow this is amazing this is amazing for me this was the part of the game when my teammates actually started dying on me making this a pretty engaging area in terms of combat enemies we're hitting harder and Rama's meals really ended up helping me here aside from this well you can roll snowballs around into enemies for quick kills and satisfying XP grinding but the sad thing is that with most of it taking place on a snowy mountaintop there's so much of the same kinds of colors here making it one of the more unremarkable areas to explore for me it's still fun though don't get me wrong and still chock-full of detail with very creative enemies but in comparison to other world it feels a little bit more OneNote with how it's designed and looks what doesn't help it is the theme of the world being a constant climb up to the top of the mountain only to then be thrown back down again which only succeeds in making the act of exploring the mountain feel more repetitive than it actually is I'm here completely honest with you girl daddy caddy are you sick of letting kill at this point well tough [ย __ย ] because the whole song ripped straight from the movie is in this game but there's a twist that makes it all worth it to me Sora Donald and Goofy were there the entire time during that scene and even interrupt the singing personally I can't stand the song but I mean I would be stupid to not expect this kind of thing to happen especially in Kingdom Hearts and that small twist of the game existing alongside the film for a second was pretty funny don't forget it stood a lot better than you also think that Hans couldn't be any more evil well now he can create black holes from goop that comes out his butt and then he turns into this sure why not Aleem issed the middle section of Olaf's body while I was rebuilding him and so had no choice but to fail the mission the first time over and I made one of my least favorite Disney characters look like this which was worth any hardships this level gave me tenfold see I told you a walking talking snowman here we are at the Caribbean with pirates in it that's the best name of the film is an urn Wow Mike Wazowski 'he's character model was cool enough but this whole world is a visual marvel it's insane how far we've come since Kingdom ours too I would have been totally okay with the whole game taking this realistic gritty rough textured approach personally it looks so detailed and fits the style of cartoony a character's pretty naturally for the rest of it though well for me this was the best world in the game by far after you do all the wishy-washy linear stuff and a bit of exploring around the world for items in a main quest you are then able to freely explore the high seas in your very own pirate ship as you swim around and dive anywhere you'd like go to any island any settlement or hidden cave that you can find to plunder some of the rarest items in the game find hundreds of crabs to upgrade your ship's health and weapons tasks and prepare yourself for the final battle in a giant whirlpool of Lovecraftian abominations this was a great world the underwater sections are easily the best in the series - and handled combat the most elegantly it controls really good you can use most of your ground abilities like guarding and dodging along with your magic and deep dive exploring all of the different caverns and shipwrecks isn't only great fun for the level design but rewarding - especially with no air meter to worry about and the choice to propel your way through nice and fast to keep everything quick and slick and echo sailing past themselves are basically a slightly more stripped-down version of Assassin's Creed threes Navy battles but much easier to control and infinitely more hilarious with all the different special moves you can use after you connect cannon fire enough times without taking damage by guarding at the correct moments I mean look at this look at this you can't tell me that this isn't the best ship combat you've ever seen in a video game there isn't any sign of the classic he's a pirate theme and that is a slight down or I guess but then I remember how great it feels to connect a cannonball hit with some flammable gases to sink ships in it instantly and I forget all about it this world totally rocks and I easily spent the most time getting lost in here I also suspect there's a running theme in this game of all the Disney inhabited it's just not giving a single crap about what the bad guys want to do and not let them get away with it I mean you've got Woody confronting Zaire not my consult getting rid of Vanitas for the time being and now we have Jack Sparrow doing this take a shot only we have San fransokyo from big hero 6 a solid world and a decent way to end things but not one of strongest words in the game in my opinion it's a little bit too big for its own good and aside from the extremely fun ring chasing minigame there isn't much else to do in terms of mission content or anything like that but what makes this much better is the fact there are so many secrets to find hiding away in alleyways and rooftops enemy encounters to run into buildings to run up rails to grind along and tying it all together are the story missions mostly being just one big explosive and epic encounter after another in true superhero crime-fighting fashion there's even a mission where you've got to save all of your friends under the clock because they're being beaten up by the main threat of the world and the visuals well I mean I was kind of hypnotized a lot of the time I've gotta be honest I'm also sad to say the world is a little bit too short as well compared to the others but I mean it's baymax so I can't find myself disliking it at all really sharing photographs can be a positive bonding experience that's as far as I want to go in this video though because the rest of it is just major spoiler territory and I don't want to ruin anything for you so overall what did I think of Kingdom Hearts 3 well wow I don't think I can say it's my favorite installment of Kingdom Hearts but I can say that I enjoyed it nearly as much as Kingdom Hearts 2 it is so so close in different ways of course it's an incredible achievement in many ways but in one or two places there are some really stick out iffy design choices and that's a problem because how long have they been doing these games now and you would have thought that the refine formula would be just even more refined I wouldn't have expected any kind of small step back no matter how small it is I mean that's not even including the fact that there isn't anywhere near as much postgame in additional content as Kingdom Hearts 2 even and that's probably the biggest point of content for a lot of people but like I said I think it succeeds in way too many other ways for me to even consider it being a step down it's far from it in my I don't think it's the best one overall but I wasn't disappointed with it let's just leave it at that the thing that really resonated with me about Kingdom Hearts 3 at the end of the day though is how much love was clearly poured into every crevice of it the beginning moments have unique animations for Sora identical to his Kingdom Hearts 1 model just for the sake of playing as him for 10 seconds using the camera with your friends gets them reacting in many different ways make sure you get my goods there's even hidden QR code minigames that you can unlock and play on your phone wherever you are that are not only important to end game content but are just cool on their own since they deliberately decided to take a clunky Game & Watch approach to all of them when they could have easily looked and felt like every other part of the game and come across as completely redundant and I won't lie they also control really well and are quite addictive even things are sweet and simple as party members talking to you way more than they ever did in 1 or 2 makes the game feel like a well crafted labor of love with more optional humorous dialogue happening depending on what you do and things are subtle and insignificant as REME looking depressed when you say you don't want to go into the best robe any other game in the series will probably have just hanray me is a static NPC with a text bubble that just cuts back to the game if you choose not to go in but here no stop stop that's enough don't be sad I'll come in and overtime for you baby hey that's not related so we're not being able to count as camp in the end though well we started this video with a fanfare so it seems only fitting to end with one are you ready everybody [Music] but my lord it feels good to be out of that hair gel don't about you guys I hate stuff like that in my I don't do products I just hate it but anyway thank you so much for watching till the very end of this video of your bodies you want to see some outtakes for today's video stay tuned there at the very end of this video so just want to go through a few things before we get there first of all I want to thank you all so so much for staying until the very end of this review that I did for you today my god this was a massive video and that means more to me than you can even imagine I mean at the risk of sounding a little bit pukey and cliche especially with Kingdom has been the subject it touches my heart seriously it does if it means that I'm doing something right because if I can keep you engaged for this long and you enjoy it and I can get a laugh out of you or whatever that really really does mean buckets upon buckets to me seriously I thank you so much and thank you once again to everybody who has supported me via patreon for last month all these people on screen right now have gone to the description below to my patreon page and pledged a certain amount to appear in the credits thank you so much all of these amazing people that have held to keep the show running especially when you've got to wait a little bit longer for massive videos like this and special special thanks to the top tier supporters for last month oh mama to basal car hacking in-game a man I have a portal gun XO pass Mathew Hubble Chris Slattery Mills Co hi Brandon Brandon binary code Kirsten be cyberpunk symphony Nicole goo Nara Dave Marshall Nathan young Victor Patrick Bower Robert a lamb sure the game shed Daniel Leon Mitchell read 80 Thornton Smith and Maximilian a Lee thank you so much every single one of you amazing people in fact the most recent chapter and the Kingdom Hearts Tory was only released rasa ria everything at once everything i get an email and the dog decides to snort like a little old man [Music] [Music] one day I lost my my feet [Music] oh gosh
Channel: Caddicarus
Views: 819,631
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kingdom hearts, kingdom hearts 3, kingdom hearts review, kingdom hearts 3 review, kingdom hearts gameplay, kingdom hearts 3 gameplay, kingdom hearts iii, square enix, kingdom hearts iii review, sora, kh3, game review, game reviews, completionist, kh3 review, kingdom hearts iii gameplay, barry kramer, kingdom hearts lore, kingdom hearts plot summary, kingdom hearts plot synopsis, kingdom hearts explained, keyblade, kingdom hearts 2, kingdom hearts 1, kingdom hearts dunkey
Id: jDkfat8BVWk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 15sec (2955 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 17 2019
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