Can you beat Pokemon if all stat drops are permanent?

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today we're doing a challenge where all stat drops are permanent basically we get a pokemon right we send it into the battle let's say the opponent hits us with a sand attack [Music] we permanently have that sand attack it's never going away if we get growled our attack falls at the end of battle that gets applied forever but that's not the worst part it can go below minus six you can bring if you keep getting growled your attack can go all the way down to one what about stat increases [Music] stat increases are not permanent stat increases go away as normal they do not change anything and haze i don't believe works um i think haze only works for stat increases so there's no reason to haste it just ruins my day but uh yeah [Music] that's what we're gonna do uh i'm gonna hope we don't get sand attacked in the first route because haze is in gen 1. i think let's let's just get going um something that i have done if you get growled followed by howell that howell doesn't exist [Music] what if a pokemon has keen eye let's look at the game we're playing really quick this is pokemon blue abilities don't exist yet held items don't exist yet what about status conditions i don't know about status conditions i don't know uh hey add sign how do status conditions work because attack burns have your attack is that permanently applied every time you get burned your attack gets cut in half this is a man by the way [Music] only stat modifiers oh thank god okay it's only stat modifiers don't worry the um hey and is this similar to no exp uh i don't know is movie wednesday over we finished the challenge last week we're on to a new pokemon challenge that's level five pop trend by the way chad's thank you for the 10 gifted subs funny redditer man logan jenny buddy messi's uh toyoki lacretime gantz uh archangel red raven one seeky boy um real snooper thanks to the dono kerf pablo lightning ace uh haruka thank you for the thousand bits uh robin sagittarius edible zero thank you so much uh blumber thank you as well let's get into this uh pokemon legend is about to unfold yeah yeah fun adventure i'm sure um these are original game colors so don't complain about it being hard to see because this is what it looked like when you were a kid your nostalgia glasses are on but anyways uh one thing that i did change is i added a run button um i added a run button to this but uh at sign made this for me at sign making most of the uh the mods these days so shout out to at sign uh let's go out [Music] but this is uh this is gonna be interesting for sure uh the reason why we're doing it in this game is this challenge specifically requires a lot of like reprogramming how a lot of the game works so the older generations are easier to modify like that um but uh we have three pokemon i think it's time we decide which one which pokemon are we doing do we have a pole can we get a pole which one let's get a poll just so you guys can like click on the option is that possible take all three yo this isn't gen 2. does a badge boost glitch still happen let's say no papa girl thanks for the nine months just brandon thanks to the prime erico uh toru thank you let's see who are we picking i know um let's see char squirt or bulb we're gonna see it's actually pretty close between squirtle and bulbasaur right now char apparently no one likes charmander despite it being the best one [Music] um [Music] all right looks very close it is going to be [Music] bulbasaur all right looks like bulbasaur is going to be the starter let's pick it up do you want the plant pokemon bubbles are absolutely bubble source very energetic yeah trust me thanks to the gifts up give a nickname absolutely we're naming this one at sign after the the creator of this mod um at sign again thank you so much and uh [Music] what does charmander have growl does charmander have growl oh okay so i'm gonna it failed and missed let's go okay [Music] okay yeah uh-huh is what a start [Music] uh [Music] this is so look we're already doing one damage stop [Music] okay he's already dead six what is this uh i didn't pick up the p potion in the pc okay let's check the stats now i'm just curious what are the stats on ad sign look like wow two attack [Music] okay [Music] [Music] i just reset no no no we're sticking with that sign do the enemies said drops too i mean well yeah but it's only for the one battle you fight them hey you came from pallet town [Music] wait for leech seed you realize that we have to level them up to get leech seed how do we level them up how do we does it go lower than minus six so yeah um our bulbasaur is currently at minus six um and if we get into another battle it can go even further than that it can go minus seven minus eight minus nine it can just keep going although like if it gets used one more time i think we have one attack so there's no reason to but yeah um can it go negative no it sounds like it's gonna be a lot of grinding it's gonna be the opposite of a lot of grinding i'm gonna hope there's no grinding [Music] you should use high crit rate moves since they ignore stats no did you look at our stats no no i think you guys i think you misunderstand how this works at the end of that battle our attack was permanently dropped like our attack is just two now if you crit on a two attack it's not gonna do much more damage if you have any questions please read the command [Music] how would crits work please go back about 10 seconds into the stream [Music] um do we need to talk to mom crits literally do not matter [Music] does growth permanently increase stats please read the command i'm just going to ignore these comments now uh do these guys have growl what do they have i don't even know yeah at sign i hate to say it but i'm like okay you know what i'm gonna check at science learn set when can it learn absorb or something is there any chance i put it on screen there's no room for it there's no room [Music] people are just gonna have to read the title it says everything stat drops are permanent question are stat increases permanent let's read the title again stat drops are permanent okay what happens know what let's just move on you angry today are you timed out today but yeah i need to i need to figure out what level we learn stuff wait wait wait um wait uh let me let me google give me give me a second to google bulbasaur learn set gen one okay now that we're into it let's go leech seed at level seven if we can get to level seven we can do something [Music] we can't fight the rat at that we can't um if we get to level seven we get leech seed if we can get a grass move grass moves are special so if we can get a grass move we'll be in a pretty good spot um but let's go can your stats go below minus six in a single battle that's an interesting question that i i think is very valid um so your stats are permanently applied at the end of a battle or when you switch out your pokemon whatever so if it goes to -6 you finish one battle it can go to minus six again so technically it's like kind of like a minus 12 but it is only at minus six in that battle they can't if you're at minus six already like if they use six growls another growl won't do anything i believe i believe i'm not exactly sure but um um what is the worst thing that these guys can do to me oh string shot yeah we probably shouldn't hmm [Music] there's a metapod okay if you switch out when your pokemon is switched out the the permanent thing is applied it's a level six this is good um that answers your critical hit question for anyone that's curious [Music] um what about evasiveness or accuracy also the case if i get hit with a sand attack that sand attack is with me forever [Music] it's crazy how samantha has new and fresh content with a 20 year old game it's kind of crazy actually i i feel like i feel like a lot of the poketubers really dropped the ball with a lot of these like just just ideas like we're coming up with them left and right it's it's weird is it me or the game name on stream wrong oh god do i need to grab it again um one sec let me just go into my downloads folder uh did they update windows and they change the how the folders work i don't know why but i'm having a really hard time finding stuff um let me just grab something really quick so people stop asking um uh i can't find it whatever i'm just whatever just just this is sword and shield whatever um okay this is uh the certain shield dlc zorro egg thanks for the two whooping thanks to the 11. okay but yeah something that we probably will have to use in battles is we do get temporary we we can use like x items to get temporary bonuses for that battle specifically but you know when we're using an x item the buffs are permanent but the debuffs or sorry the the buffs aren't permanent but the debuffs are so if we use like an x attack but then get growled we lose in the long run [Music] but hopefully we get a lot of exp for this that's not bad that's a level okay if we get one more level don't fight me okay if we get one more level we get leech seed and then we can just leach it our way up to level um uh we can leech seed our way up to level 13 where we learn vine whip and vine whip is a special move in this game [Music] why doesn't twitch have an overarching pokemon category sword and shield is the overarching category ruby thanks to the 21 months man i'm so used to playing um ds games that i'm so used to using a touch screen [Music] okay scruff i'm not gonna fight caterpies because caterpies have string shot um we could go and catch um we we could catch some pokemon and just switch train i think that might be the best choice is we catch a few easy pokemon and we switch train with them i feel like that's pretty clever we should do that because we could just have throwaway pokemon that we switch train with right any ideas for future team members i have a few ideas i'm not gonna spoil it though um [Music] so we're gonna catch pokemon to throw away just a level up what about effort values uh do those exist in this gen i'm pretty sure effort values don't exist i'm pretty sure stat xp is the thing [Music] okay here's a rat at that level four now the problem is if we get if we don't catch this on the first try we're in a kind of a bad spot but we caught it on the first try excellent okay tyler thanks for the 17 months okay we got a rattata nickname it sure i'm gonna nickname it after a sub who are we naming it after cicada wave you know what i'm gonna name it wave this is the substicator wave [Music] there you go you're a pokemon uh wave now we're gonna catch i think just a full team really quick as best i can why would have you been a bats in a bad spot because if it tail whips me my defense is permanently down xoxo carter whereas like with these pokemon they're just throwaways i probably shouldn't use a level two editor yeah and now waves defense is permanently down which is a bit problematic [Music] give a nickname yes who are we aiming this after i'm just going to be real fast so we can catch a few amp you're a throwaway rat at that boy amp welcome to the team what are we naming it sorry what are we doing we're catching some pokemon to train with yo nidoran female okay didn't you already do this no we tried to start this once but realized um i what i described to adsine was not what i meant so um that's i fixed it up and i did some other challenges in the meantime nickname it catch me okay catch this let's see let's see trev we'll throw you away sounds good [Music] trev welcome to the team all right uh i think we might switch straight in the in the forest wait we can get a potion here right [Music] that's all [Music] is it possible to get stuff locked for this run oh absolutely yeah uh if we get stuck with the terrible pokemon or with like a pokemon that have all of its stats down sand attack down and um and we don't have any any items to to buy uh poke balls absolutely we could get stuck for sure can you do you uh izzy k okay i'll see what i can do ah do opponent stat drops stay no all right so we got a level five caterpie and before it can do anything to me uh we're gonna send an amp do stat decreases have diminishing returns no they're just they're really really bad it gets like i mean you can look here i'll show you really quick i'm not going to switch but good we didn't get string shot that's nice [Music] why do i speak miss tackle [Music] he's x pokemon yes uh wave [Music] it failed string shot this is good uh a good reason as to why we're doing this in this challenge is because status moves like string shot growl they actually have a a base 75 percent chance to hit rather than the 100 that they're supposed to have i'm fairly sure okay so um they they have a higher chance to miss if they do go use those moves i'm fairly sure i'm not exactly sure what the exact number is but yeah it's good pokemon blue will any level of pokemon listen to you even if you don't have the required number of badges civid i believe you've only played pokemon sword or shield because that might be how it works in the most recent games that's not how it works in every other pokemon game every other pokemon game oh wait we can just tackle here every other pokemon game if you can train up a pokemon as strong as you want i guess this technically is the sword shield category but ignore that um [Music] what was i saying right um in pokemon games you can train up a pokemon to level 100 before the first badge it'll obey you it only disobeys you if it's traded traded pokemon don't obey you this is so you can't just play with your friend he gives you his level 100 dragonite and you sweep through the game it only applies to traded pokemon that level [Music] thing this looks just like sword and shield i know it really does i never knew that yeah that's how it works i find it so funny that in my uh in my no damage run some of the most prevalent comments are this guy totally cheated he has a level 100 [Music] by the third gym [Music] and it's obeying him [Music] what are you talking about is that the dunning-kruger effect is that what that is is that what that is is that that's called [Music] yeah they got event pokemon 1100 and they don't obey you because it's a form of training yeah because they're considered traded [Music] my charmeleon stop listening to me level 30 at the second gym it's traded or you misremembered because i get all level seven okay level seven and we learned leech seed okay that will help a lot for training um i'm gonna check what's the stats on this again yo the attack actually is up to six now the attack has gone up a little bit just because i haven't gotten growled recently [Music] that's better than two if we can get to level 13 there are so few things in this game that drop your special stat that if we can get to have a special move we'll be in a really good place um but i need to figure out how to fight um we'll see this will be interesting cat if we use tackle that's fine that's a strong caterpie wow why don't you speed up this uh what do you mean i don't have a game boy color light speed [Music] it was in pokemon fire red wait a minute in fire red loading stuff would use a high level pokemon when did they remove that i can guarantee you're misremembering because i remember that um i had a friend of mine in daycare he had a level 50 charizard and he had just beat the first gym he didn't realize there was any story in pokemon and it i remember i was like can i help you please and i got through five gyms in a day and that charizard listened to me the entire time the dude was just fighting wild pokemon he'd been fighting him for like days he's like this is cool i guess okay [Music] you can give him an hour abby he's been doing that a lot level seven weedle does it only know poison sting at this level wait a minute this might only know poison sting poison sting isn't permanently applied we to learn set gen one all right [Music] why is this level seven yeah there's a string shot okay that's fine [Music] don't do a lot of damage oh no no no no no no no no calm down one damage one health oh it's a crit catch it it's a trainers i figured i could fight a trainer it's fine i wasn't planning on using [Music] trav don't know why i growled uh why is this tackle doing so little fortunately poison sting does less than we have we do so this could be fine is that a shiny wheedle this is gen one my man there's no shinies in gen one three words fixed damage moves one word where okay [Music] oh yeah seismic talks seismic toss i forgot about that i was like uh only dragon rage in nightshade and there's only like the only pokemon that can learn dragon rage is like i'm pretty sure gyarados and dragonite in that line and the only pokemon nightshade i'm fairly sure is the gengar line and that would suck but you might be right that could be okay sonic boom no sonic boom sucks at sign level eight let's go okay trev levels up oh wait a minute kyle kuna calculus only gonna know harden oh super fang yo [Music] yo oh can you ev train in this gen um ev training [Music] kind of it's like they don't have evs but like each stat has like an exp value associated with it and you can like max out every stat with like evs if that's what you want to call them [Music] oh wait why am i not leech seeding rain of sharkness thanks to the two months spark thank you for the 13 blade kozak uh yondu red tadpole thank you so much dion okay yeah i don't know why i wasn't using leech seed sorry about that uh but leech seed does kind of suck in this game it does kind of suck in this game and apparently stat exp won't have as much impact with this or so i've been told [Music] but man it's weird to have a level eight with six attack it's a bit rough that's for sure yo good morning ludwig bigger pigeons thank you for the five gifted subs thank you so much better use weedle will we change no i think we'll we'll send in this um all right ryan thanks for the three is lud finally free now i'm pretty sure he has like 20 hours left yeah i know where i know where um i know where that is [Music] wolfray yo wolfie thank you for the raid welcome everybody from wolfie stream we're playing pokemon blue except stat drops are permanent so uh my starter got growled six times and now it has an attack stat of five six has an attack stat of six and i'll see how we're getting string shot i'm going to show you trev's uh speed after this battle it's rough but how's wolfie stream what's up [Music] are boots permanent no no they're not boosts work as normal [Music] all right we defeated the bug catcher that was actually a pretty good battle trev was kind of killing it trev is gonna be incredibly slow but it's gonna be a monster but check out trev's uh speed six yeah you can see which uh stats were dropped huh stats yo its attack went up to nine now let's go okay congrats wolfie wait did he beat tayden lisa oh no oh i didn't realize that was a trainer oh i do i really don't want my starter to get string shot because i need him to out speed the geodude later on um i think we'll be fine because trev is a monster now and like i don't care about trev's speed if we can make it past the start of the game we won't get hit by as many string shots we just need to make it past the start of the game trev's attack still hasn't been lowered which is super nice um and i am running from every pidgey we ever see because sand attacks could ruin a pokemon if we get hit with a sand attack that pokemon is basically just unusable we just throw it out the trouble with death fodder i'm kind of getting attached though [Music] kind of getting attached get a persian why surfer guard thanks to the prime rival as a pidgey we're gonna have to take him out yo trev with the speed still incredibly low caterpie will i change let's we're switch training outside until he learns vine web i think i'm gonna keep trev trev i i know i said i was gonna throw you away but like this could be decent this is gen one so being slow means you get perma-crit right it no it's the other way around the faster you are the higher chance of critting you have so uh hmm we're probably just not gonna crit but yeah haze i'm fairly sure only applies to the stat changes that went on in that battle i'm fairly sure i'm not i might be wrong uh i'm not sure when the stats are applied i'm pretty sure they're applied when the pokemon is switched out but i'm fairly sure at sign had to like completely reprogram the like the stat system in this game to do this like at sign messaged me um this morning he was like hey i made some fixes to it just so you know i had to change the box system so it can oh there's only like 12 boxes instead of 14 and the boxes can only hold 17 pokemon now to make room for the memory for the uh pokemon's extra information that goes along with them i was like okay probably wasn't gonna fill those boxes up anyways get a pokemon with clear body you're very cute maddox [Music] there's no abilities yet they don't exist uh we should fight i think honestly i think fighting in a few trainers pretty good get persian with payday i guess yeah if we get a pokemon payday we kind of can't get soft locked no we'd have to win a battle we could still get stuff locked [Music] okay base speed matters for crits oh anyways zero attacks zero damage i i don't think we can get to that swift is in this generation but like why just right rattata or something no that's one of the worst things to fight one of the worst wild pokemon to fight right now is either a rattata or a pidgey pidgey's have sand attack which can make our pokemon just unusable forever and rattatas have tail whip why do i get tail whipped [Music] decrease it doesn't decrease your stats i'm gonna i'm not gonna consider hp a stat because that just doesn't seem interesting or fun [Music] you know what i should do if i ever do another pokemon no damage run i feel like something that would make it a little more bearable and yo level 10 let's go okay level 10. something that would make it more bearable is um uh pokemon but you can't heal the hp it's essentially a no damage run except you can get hit a few times yeah a permanent damage run not a no damage run [Music] harden [Music] thank you for the two months by the way i did i did miss that uh kev pad and surfer thanks for the primes what does bulbasaur look so sad it's because its attack is that of a level four wheedle gerk thanks to the 22 appreciate it and uh burgund thank you as well did you do the last nut i didn't do any nuts there you go we're nothing like crazy today uh let me go back and see my chat my chat my chat my chat my chat my chat there we go switch i think trev can handle this a level nine weedle [Music] you miss the hidden potion whatever we'll get it later [Music] um how do we handle psychic types by destroying them in a single hit get sideway of a level based damaging move interesting thanks for the potion the world's slowest nidoran it's not that slow come on this this nidoran isn't that slow uh oh something else that i'm gonna say uh i'm not allowed to use guard specs [Music] what are guard specs it makes us so you can't get hit with any negative stat changes um we need to fight a little bit more because we need our pokemon to get to level 13 or at sign and honestly i don't think i'm going to use x items i don't know uh we'll run run run run run run run run oh my god i almost fought that pidgey they can have sand attack does yo dude have sound attack we're gonna try and out speed it so we don't even have to worry about it [Music] can we make at least one pokemon with one in each stat i hope not i'm in the background of your computer let's go pidgeys are the most terrifying thing in the world have you seen jaden animations nuzlocke videos i'm pretty sure i watched uh at least the most recent one the platinum one i watched a little bit of it live actually the i think the one thing we'll need to watch out for yeah is the onyx's screech onyx having screech would be bad um i've been really trying to avoid getting hit by that and screech is too uh two i know i didn't use leech deed i should have central san attack we're ignoring that trainer [Music] six pokemon on a team six stats that can go to zero it's not quite right did you know there aren't six stats there's only four plus accuracy invasion which is six um [Music] there's six stats that can be affected that's true did you beat whooper only we did manage to beat it i'd be red on like the second try because we got like one in a million odds and red missed every single one of his moves all of them didn't hit a single one it was ridiculous i've never seen anything like it [Music] level up i'm pretty sure yeah at science attack is actually getting to be okay it's not great but honestly that's not terrible for being at uh at minus six that's pretty good kyle kuna i'm pretty sure calcano just has like nothing you see that like it took blue three hours it took red three minutes exactly the shade thanks for the prime ken koala thank you for the tier two two months [Music] if you beat brock without wetting out i think we'll get the five mil nice oh my god um i gotta tell you guys about something so i've got a lot of questions of what games i play in my free time um i'll tell you in my what adolescence is adolescence like teenage years in my adolescence [Music] i played a few games in just a few i played pokemon played a little bit a little bit big plan a little bit of minecraft but i played a lot of the binding of isaac like a like a quite a lot actually and i i've also played it on stream i i one million percented uh after birth plus on stream actually i got a message yesterday from a guy that was like yo i got this code for binding of isaac repentance it's the for like all of isaac you want it and i was like sure you know who that guy was edmund macmillan he messaged me out of nowhere and said hey you want to free the isaac i was like what it's the guy that made the game so yeah we might play it on stream a little bit because like it's one of my favorite games from like my adolescence and the creator of the game was like hey you can have this if you want i'm yeah yeah [Music] so yeah i think pikachu hmm did you ever do anti-birth no don't know what that is uh rengar thank you for the tier one i appreciate it so i think if someone does redeem the uh um the bonus stream maybe we'll play some i don't know repentance on like a saturday or something do like a nice big bonus stream [Music] because i'm pretty sure rune is is fairly close [Music] it's super good you'll love it yeah i'm at the point now where i just don't have time to play the games pretty much whenever i travel the only game that i play is uh is binding of isaac though did you ever play the flash games oh yeah i've been a fan of it since flash like i think um uh i think i have a few hundred hours in in even the flash one [Music] another line talked about you on stream the other day what was he saying i gotta know first isaac was java not flash oh yeah yeah i guess um [Music] are you sure uh was it it was like a mini game on one of those minigame sites right that's how it started it was what it was like a program by itself it was on newgrounds flash the flash was java i don't i don't think so all right we need like one more level and i'll also vote and i'll also talked about your video renaming in one of his recent king of retail videos huh cool if you could handle pretzel if you know where that is could you send it to me out of curiosity i'm always interested what people have to say about stuff that i'm talking about you know what i've been considering when i get time just like like a few if i have a week with like a few extra hours in it i'm really tempted to like message creators that i really like and just be like hey this is going to be really weird but can i just change some of your thumbnails and titles can i just make them for you for like you know like a day or two just see how it does i'm really tempted and it's not like uh it's not like uh i think i can do better is i want to see if it helps if that makes sense right like i want to see if it's like is it my channel specifically is the reason why my stuff does well or is there like something else it'll be a cool experiment yeah [Music] so maybe i'll maybe i'll ask like some of some of my content creator friends that are like yo level 8 trav foofy thanks to the five scratch that's better than tackle who's on lowest percent um lincus and i run the channel but we get other people to edit speaking of lowest percent [Music] cj's video kind of popping off cj's video is like stonks dude he killed it i'm just gonna growl a bunch here are you gonna load youtube studio or what's up [Music] like it like the the channel has almost 200 000 subscribers but the video in just a few days is 260 000 views like 70 000 people that aren't subscribed to the channel have watched it that's so insane [Music] uh we'll switch trev in them off [Music] i'm surprised that if you love playing binding of isaac they don't do speedruns challenge runs or general gameplay on your channel normally i actually used to i used to when i averaged like three or four viewers uh i did do uh like i i a million percented isaac like after worth plus i'm pretty sure like once after birth plus came out i had like a little kick maybe i'll bring it back can't find cj's channel cjy a yeah mies was here for the binding of isaac streams like i think there's like two or three clips of me finishing like ultra hard and me finishing like speed the speed challenge as well but it's it's really cool technically yeah a million one percent whatever yeah dg club thanks for the four months appreciate it yeah five subs whoopee thank you have you ever streamed with girls other than marissa i mean yeah um we've done streams with lickle i was on elizabeth and caroline's stream uh who else i mean i've done among us with like a bunch of different people like i've streamed with my mom i've been on abby's stream uh i've been on who else's streams have i been on because yeah like there was like um who else [Music] i was on anna's stream for uh for a morning uh [Music] i mean yeah anna yeah anna kremling um lily beat you no [Music] hmm but yeah i think um yeah i think just because i got a code for repentance i think it'll be fun to just like start over a uh start over i guess yeah we were on abby i think we i was on abby's stream with maisie and cj [Music] string shot it doesn't matter trav's treb's speed is one already you can't stop him [Music] lean boys leaning in is this a raid who's this raiding from andolene maybe i'm not sure what it is thanks for the raid i guess didn't go through it's definitely thousand emily's husband thank you so much for the seven months appreciate it add sign level up one more level and we can fight the first gym gen one always starts so slow [Music] one more level hat was your first pokemon experience no hat wasn't uh yasa thank you for the prime scrunch thank you for the prime did you enjoy the mr beast tournament that you were in oh yeah my goal wasn't to win that challenge my goal was to get fundy to win and they didn't show a lot of it but everything that i did was to make fundy win and fundy one i'm happy with how it turned out oh my god thank you for the thousand bits [Music] dennis fundy with the wind yup i had to work together to defeat techno blade [Music] what did funny win a ten thousand dollar fridge he promised me half of that fridge i'm expecting a half of a fridge in the mail at some point [Music] cut which way though um like you know how there's a separation between like the freezer and the the main part of the fridge right in the middle where those are all right how much more exp ask just for the doors 237 level up should be super easy so you get the freezer i'll let fundy decide he's the one that won the challenge big bomb there's 100 bits uh switch [Music] sagittarius thanks for the 200 bits [Music] i'm gonna post your perspective no um the reason why my camera looks so garbage in that video you guys can see my camera quality was just garbage um i don't know what happened but my local recording recently they're just they just don't work that that's the that's what made me realize how bad they were um that's why that's a lot of the reason why we set up my new computers right away was so i could locally record again because no matter what i do i can't seem to locally record it's like ah it's overloaded or something something's overloaded even no matter what i do something gets overloaded in my computer so um i just need to get the uh the hard drive in there which the hard drive that i got was dead on arrival so we got to get a new one um in fact i need to get that tomorrow morning the hard drive so i can install it gyro ball doesn't exist in this generation i think it takes another like 15 years for gyro ball to exist [Music] how you get in in what [Music] neuter twitch hey welcome khabib [Music] you sent me the video on on twitter okay wait a minute where's twitter did you add me or [Music] she's talking about using your renaming method let's see what someone had to say about me can you be quiet please is nl tries kukiomi still blowing up i i gotta i gotta check i'll check after today's done let's see if the graph may have experienced uh i'm just listening there's nothing to see hello baby hey we're listening to an nl section apparently he says my name and i just i just want to hear that if you didn't see i did the small ant strategy i i renamed the video to how to act in public in 2021 even though the video came out in 2020 maybe i don't know maybe even 2019 thanks easiest sale of all time classic [Music] apparently it's my strat to just name something to okay but here's the thing i didn't clickbait any anybody the the video that i did that most recently with okay okay the video that i did that most recently with the title i'll read the title out for you i don't know what you guys are talking about well let me scroll down it's actually been one of my better performing videos recently now the the goose game video where i change it from sport goose goes on a date to literally just goose game no reason to watch it in 2021 there isn't any reason to watch it it's just goose game and yet and yet you guys want to see this graph take a guess as to when i change the title [Music] i told people not to watch it and it just went you gotta recommend it the other day too it's ridiculous dude whoopee did beat red yep it's so hilarious the comments on that video are so fun too i i i was like um i i pinned a comment because so many people were finding the video and i was like i did a little experiment with the title the fact that you're seeing this comment tells me that it worked the comment has four thousand likes the video is 7500 [Music] and then all of them are like what how did you do this it was at the top of my recommended you found a bug or something what the heck like all the comments are like how did you do this how did you do this that's the stroke thanks for the bits by the way um lacy thanks for 100 bits well thank you thanks for the prime i didn't hack youtube i hacked into their minds it's not a bug in the youtube algorithm it's just it's it's a it's a bug in your brain small ant that's the bug i'm in your brain hello watch my video it's just good marketing [Music] it's mind control [Music] brothers you got on the videos in the first guys cause of the interesting thumbnails let's go i do my best thumbnails are some of the most important parts of youtube video ants are not classified as bugs come on don't don't be that guy come on come on it's like um [Music] like uh i'm trying to come up with an example like a sports reference a classic uh sports analogy a classic sports analogy hmm i i i got that i always have classic sports analogies i feel like that's part of my brand despite not playing sports hmm shut up it's whoopee wednesday all right we'll name one whooper so you don't have to complain [Music] it's like yeah saying that uh saying that is like saying tomatoes a fruit and not a vegetable no one cares right like does not hurting anybody i thought pokemon blue had no colors if you play it on a game boy color it adds some color to it and i am playing it on um uh a i think this is like the nintendo 64 game boy player thing [Music] because i i mean you guys can't see it but like oh i really don't want to this might can you guys see that yeah you guys can see that i had to crop it out but i'm playing on the thing that has this whatever that is i can't remember what it is what it's called [Music] is that a support game boy i remember just having that oh yo pyro welcome to the stream it's the nintendo switch pro xl no this is pokemon sword and shield exclusive dlc i was like hey nintendo you know it'd be great there's game freak specifically you know it'd be great more money you know how to make more money just sell your old games again and they're like how much you want it for 15 bucks 60 and it's a deal oh perfect sounds good to me anyways uh we've almost leveled up we literally doing one more battle [Music] oh there's no peepee [Music] i was clickbaited i thought this was sword and shield what wait a minute wait a minute there's no way you were clickbaited [Music] oh damn it whatever um i was trying to hide my view count for myself you're you were click baited you thought this was sword and shield what you thought you thought this was sword and shield okay it looks just like it about the same graphics that's true yo sofa thank you for the prime i do appreciate it looks better oh yeah this is a retro sword shield well i had the view count if it's higher than usual i'll feel nervous if it's lower than usual i'll feel bad [Music] what is usual there's never a usual number which is why i don't want to know it because if i start to think you know what if this viewership is the usual and if it goes down i'll feel bad if it goes up i'll be nervous i have nothing to gain by knowing that number during stream it doesn't matter level 13 that's how i learned vinyl let's go get the first badge let's get out of here i'm gone dude i'm out i'm just trying to take care of my mental health all right does still influence you that much yeah like western flyer let's let's think about it from like uh from like a streamer's perspective right um this is my let's look let's say this is like a business right and it's people walking into your store just uh we're trying to draw with the more reasonable let's say you know 20 people come into your store one day right you're like okay that's a good day and you get used to 20 people coming into your store checking out the stuff seeing what's up and then one day 10 people come in and the next day 10 people come in it's like am i doing something wrong like why are only 10 people coming in today coming into the store today like is is did something something changed like am i is my advertising for the store not doing it good job is there like like it uh it's tricky and i don't wanna i don't wanna like i'm fine thinking about that off stream as to you know why streams might not have done as well like if it's not as entertaining if a topic is something else but i just don't want to have to worry about it while i'm streaming i'm trying to just my purpose while streaming entertaining is possible that's my only purpose here [Music] all right we are now fighting brock [Music] so let's do it fingers crossed that onyx doesn't outspeed and also that it doesn't you screech and we hope we don't white out [Music] beautiful that might be a level close onyx i'm not changing pokemon by to please tackle's fine totally fine that should be a ko easy that sign is level 14 [Music] not a problem brock was easy it's going to take a while before anything can lower our special so ad sign should be pretty strong for a bit here um [Music] sweet tm-34 bide more like bad actually no it's not so bad because that's a fixed damage move wait a minute that might be okay a lincoln thanks to the five dollars omg super hd stick and leaf dlc super remastered 180 yup counter would also be good yeah [Music] yeah bye is useful what a world right [Music] he learns razor leaf at level 27 razer leaf is the best grass move in the game uh i really don't know what to expect here i'm just gonna save and find out you accidentally spent all your coins on that specific prediction keeper thank you for the prime what about petal dance i guess petal dance is okay but razor leaf i think almost always does the same amount of damage uh the only thing you can do here is string shot me that's fine razor leaf can miss all right wait arun are you at five million small coins now are you actually at the five mil [Music] you have five million points [Music] arun redeemed a bonus stream for 5 million points 5 million small coins i'm just checking to see if i'm busy this week do i have anything planned for saturday [Music] ah uh the mods are saying not this weekend please all right next saturday not this saturday but next saturday i'll do it i'll do a bonus stream we'll play binding of isaac repentance on the 17th 10 days from now five million points what game you gonna play edmond mcmillan sent me repentance he was like hey if you want to stream this go for it i'm like ah hell yeah sounds good to me not redeemer's choice no no you could make me stream something that i wouldn't want to stream i wouldn't have fun with so i get to pick i get to pick and it's it's a cool game it's it's a really fun game to watch i've fallen asleep to it for like 10 years um yeah 10 million coins absolutely absurd are you gonna play three new world invasive fury already did that all the way through [Music] more minecraft we're doing minecraft tomorrow don't worry how did you make this i didn't make this this was that sign it's a really fun game to watch falls asleep to it okay northern lion just has this tone of voice i can't even watch northern lion's streams anymore i do occasionally but i just get sleepy now i've been conditioned [Music] [Music] that's that's literally my ritual to fall asleep is i'll throw on an isaac episode i'm asleep by the time he hits the second floor you want a whoopee boy 2.0 we already finished whoopee boy 2.0 we did the whole challenge you missed the entire thing we were doing it for like five weeks [Music] he bores you no he's incredibly entertaining i honestly wish you wish i i had as much wit as he as he does whoopee three we'll do it in a few months probably we'll do uh i don't know like gen five whoopee or something like that yo trev is actually getting kind of [Music] [Music] strong gen 8 whoop you can beat in one stream yeah it's pretty quick fallen asleep to vods every night for the past three weeks travis fodder don't get attached no we're attached to trev all right i want trev to stick around barbecue rib thanks for the prime mark and thanks for the tier one how do you get ideas for new challenges generally um i'll think of it while like maybe someone in chat will say something that like triggers a thought oh this is scary if they use tail whipper in a really bad spot no tail whip ah okay it was just one it's not too bad [Music] atkins second there's no screech [Music] we kind of have to switch no it knows rap oh no okay that's better gen one rap is one of the best moves in the until in in the entire game it's crazy as long as he doesn't learn me we'll be fine i need to get a better pokemon for sure it would be nice if we could train up a magikarp that would be pretty clutch actually i'm thinking about it but yeah our uh our defense is now permanently down on our bulbasaur it'll probably be applied at the end of the battle will you use the legendaries oh why not then they're in the game for a reason we'll probably go catch zapdos at some point [Music] but yeah at signs defense is lowered it's actually pretty high on defense already so that's fine forever down yeah yeah we always have that tail whip with us now we're always at minus one defense did the stat traps continue through evolutions yep always have it wait so lower the stat is there a limit as far down how how far down it can go uh let's see is trev still screwed the limit is one trev can get hit by one more string shot andrea thank you for the prime it has two speed its speed is doubled let's go my defense is now two-thirds of the original apparently yike weedle okay wheedles are fine how are you so fast i added a run button what's a story that i could tell i feel like i feel like we haven't had a story in any any pokemon games recently because a lot of the challenges have required a lot of focus what kind of story could i uh tell you guys about hmm i'm trying to think a scary one have you ever been stuck somewhere [Music] yeah if you're gonna hack the game might as well add some quality of life exactly dentist story i mean i really like going to the dentist pretty much no matter what i whenever i go to the dentist the uh they do like the the cleaning and then the actual dentist comes in they're like oh yeah okay whatever looks at stuff but um quite often what'll happen is they're cleaning my teeth and then they're like how long did you have braces for like i'd i didn't have braces [Music] like really yeah you have really nice teeth i was like oh thank you and then the dentist will come in he'll look at my look at my teeth be like how long do you have braces for like i never had braces like nice like so it's that dentist is a nice experience um [Music] you're the opposite how long did you not have braces for is that isn't your dentist supposed to know if you have braces by now well they take a look at the teeth and then they look at the file i guess but i mean i have that [Music] you should get braces i already did oh that's the way to put it no yo 20 months let's go any moments you look back and cringe at have i told you guys about the the newspaper story [Music] no it was bad [Music] i don't know if i should tell it okay i'll tell it um i'm trying to think about a phrase so i was at school and my school has this big event um at the end of the year we the whole school is split into four teams and we have this big competition this big competition where there's like quizzes like physical activities like random little games um and one of the uh the entire school the whole school i might have told this one yeah i think i might might have done it it's like it's like a sports day but just with random like it's not like sports it's like really wacky games like really how long if you if you tape one of your teammates to a wall the person that sticks to the wall the longest wins like stuff like that just random games like that yeah the hogwarts house is basically that's a field day okay we'd have like a field day wait i wasn't paying attention um anyways there was one where it was a a newspaper outfit competition where you have a bunch of newspapers and um you have a bunch of newspapers and you have to make a costume and the best costume wins and we i'm in like grade eight at this time [Music] and uh our team realizes that we don't have a costume we don't have one and so the um the our teammate team members is like is anyone not doing anything we need someone to make a costume as fast as possible so me and my friend were like we got this we got this we'll go make one and so it's very simple we're like we need to have something if we have something we'll get some like participation points so what i do is i have them stand there and i just put newspapers all over them make a hat put it on and send them out a pointy white hat a white robe and he walks out in front of the school i didn't know this was the thing that represented anything at the time i live in a small town and so this looks like something that is definitely not it's it's not good but everyone apparently knew what this is except for us and everyone's like like what the hell like why would you do that and we're like what are you talking about like what and then someone like shows us a picture and we're like [Music] we didn't know we didn't know that looked like a kkk robe like yeah and we got last obviously um so yeah that was uh rather unfortunate but like we we just didn't know we're in grade eight we live in a small town we're not aware of anything that goes on in the world what's the role kkk robe i'm not going to explain it on stream you can google it but yeah that was uh that was rough for sure um [Music] that was uh a very awkward day [Music] we were like this is a sick ghost costume guys no no no it wasn't did the school yell at you we honestly just didn't know we just didn't know and so no we weren't punished or anything but um you know you just didn't know where are you from i'm from a town that has a population of like 2 000 people in the middle of nowhere [Music] so like i mean you're just i was 13 years old right you don't know what town i'm not gonna tell you that yeah at least i wasn't wearing it can't imagine how awkward it was for him [Music] jigglypuff [Music] i think it only a sing [Music] you still talk to that friend not really grew apart after high school i think um i think every single one of my friends uh i think every single one of my friends from high school i haven't really talked to all that much there's been like one that i still have on snapchat actually whose name happens to be chris not my roommate chris another chris i'd like a few close friends in high school he messaged me recently he was like dude i saw your youtube you're killing it man he just messaged me on like my snapchat that i forget i forgot i had him on it's like hey thanks and he's been doing pretty well so yeah it is very weird yeah i feel like almost all the time like the friends you make in high school they're only your friends like they are genuine friends but they're only your friends because it's like you're you're stuck together so you might as well be friends right [Music] yeah especially in small towns yeah i guess the bigger the uh i would say the bigger the school probably the longer your friendships would last right like if you went to like a really big school i bet uh i bet friendships would last a lot longer because you can be a little more selective but like i mean we we were friends like we're like um in high school i know a lot of people thought i was gay because me and my friend were just inseparable like if we held hands people wouldn't question it they'd be like yeah okay not we didn't hold hands but like if we did people would be like yeah whatever are you not gay oh no not at all what enzyme's evolving ivysaur [Music] oh what does she have [Music] [Music] um i don't know what this can do to me but i'm just gonna switch to trev i'm sure we'll be fine [Music] sierra thanks for the prime [Music] you know i just remembered something that that i just really i i made the realization a little bit ago actually um i remember one day i think it was sometime when i was in high school i was just sitting down on the couch on my my mom and dad walked in front of me like hey just so you know if you're gay that's totally fine not that you are but if you are that's fine and it was just out of nowhere to me i was like where is this coming from like what is what is this and i was like what like i don't get it and i think that recently i realized what happened when me and my best friend that people in school thought we were gay we would have sleepovers and um we would basically play video games on like we just had like a fold-out couch in front of the tv and stuff we'd we just fold out the couch and just play video games until we fell asleep in the same bed so we just we just sleep in the same bed and stuff and i think the act of just doing that just sleeping in the same bed probably led my parents to believe that we were like like gay but not it was just we're just playing video games so we fell asleep because i mean why is that gay i mean if you don't know what's going on you you just you know you walk into the basement and two dudes sleeping in the same bed i mean it's not that far of a jump i guess there's just two homies sharing a bed but honestly though it was kind of sick uh do you know growl i think they might know growl that's actually fine though okay it was kind of sick though what we would do is we would get like as many blankets as we possibly could and we would just pile them up we'd get like all of the blankets we'd get like all of the blankets we could find and like my mom has a lot of blankets to the point where like it would be like three feet thick of blankets it was like a massive stack and i had like my dog is like a little shih tzu and we just like chuck it in and just be like sink all the way down into the blankets and you just give up and like fall asleep in the crater and you just like slide under the blankets and it's like the heaviest weighted blanket you've ever felt it was the best growl failed it can miss animal abuse nah he was good he was good like he could get out if he wanted to but it was just so cozy he didn't [Music] harriet thanks for the seven months two guys in a bed six feet away because they're not gay i don't even think the bed was six feet wide it was like a small a very small couch like i'm not even sure it was that wide [Music] like it was like it was like maybe like four or five feet wide the dog was afraid to speak up for himself oh he was great he was very cute [Music] did you kiss the homies good night i've never never kissed the homies good night [Music] the only questions matters if you had socks on i i probably didn't probably didn't have socks on [Music] no socks yikes [Music] normalize friends cuddling cuddling kind of good though who the hell wears socks to beds i don't know you just got to get more blankets if you're wearing socks to bed come on [Music] all right sleepovers at my friend's house and he had like 30 like 30 socks or yo sky smasher thanks for the prime appreciate it 30 blankets okay i was like why would you wear 30 blankets oh man speaking of 30 socks there was this one time where i was pretty young i was pretty young and i looked at my sock drawer and i was like i made this realization you can put on multiple socks at a time i was like this is so cool i wonder how many i can put on and so i put i i took out all of my socks and put all of them on at the same time i had like 30 pairs of socks on my feet was like this big slippery's vape god thanks for the five subs [Music] and um i wound up a friend ended up uh knocking at the door and they they i walked over the door and said hey i gotta show you something come over here and so go open the door and i and i'm like oh i can't put shoes on it's like my feet will be fine i'm wearing 30 socks and so i go walk outside hang out with my friend for a little bit he shows me the thing and i go back inside and my mom is furious she's like why did you go outside in your socks and at that point i'm like the purpose of shoes are to keep your feet safe from the ground these socks are doing the same thing and she's like why is she so mad my feet are fine look i like show her my feet's like see my feet are fine it's just the socks why did i switch what am i doing that's like there's there's nothing wrong here what's the big deal i didn't realize that it was the socks that was the problem i was getting my socks dirty how many socks until it's considered a shoe can the sonics take me out i need to switch [Music] do prime subs give you the same amount of money as a normal sub pretty much yeah like four or five socks you think there we go until there is at least one layer of sock that doesn't get wet in a puddle okay okay for the next battle could rash does does that still drop yeah i think so wait a minute can its defense still drop nope it can't it's not one defense sorry poopy thank you for the three dollars my guy any plans for radical red we'll see we'll see i might be able to play through radical red at some point this is the weirdest stream you've been to it's a good stream it's until you can't kick anything and it won't if you kick something and it won't hurt you are you sure [Music] do vitamins work to raise the stats back up i don't think you know how vitamins work my guy [Music] yeah some shoes don't work like that like if i throw on a pair of flip-flops and kick a steel door i'm breaking a toe flip-flops are a type of shoe or i guess thongs depending on where you're from flip-flops aren't shoes or sandals are sandals a type of shoe according to your next shoes if you want to go as far as look up the definition of shoes you will also find that sandals much like boots are considered types of shoes that's so crazy uh okay i'm really afraid i'm gonna get tail whipped tail whip is terrifying [Music] trevzar throw away [Music] um i think scratch still does more as long as they don't get tail whipped do not tail whip me you monster don't tell with me you monster okay we're still fine we're not fine we miss scratch scratch thousand one and two fifty six [Music] good zubat uh uh but want to travel female nidoran i'm just gonna hope it doesn't have any oh that's super effective and this gen yikes hmm scratch can miss any move can miss there's a one in 256 chance that any move will miss can attend modify the one and 256 thing from happening oh yeah that's super easy to fix do i like do i like the pole yes obviously what even is the question of course yeah of course [Music] yo that'd be so sick making a better gen 1 patch that fixes all the bugs in gen 1. [Music] it'd be super easy to fix them [Music] has anyone done that all the bugs well like the annoying ones did they not do that when they release it for 3ds no exactly the same games for 3ds that's called gen2 i guess is one of 256 the bugger intended that's a bug they accidentally put a like uh equal tour greater than rather than greater than or something like that or like a greater than instead of an equal to or greater than i don't know it they they just use like the wrong thing operator for like a section [Music] please take them out oh no okay this is fine [Music] okay this rocket there's one more trainer that we have to fight but like we cannot risk fighting him with our current team we'll see pokey link thanks for the four months and uh elon and whooper works thank you advantage thank you for the 10 bucks i'm glad you like the the shiny only vods [Music] would fire red couch as patched gen one you know i guess fire red is like the remake yeah you know what fire red is patch gen one angry [Music] does that drops even say when you black out yeah they're permanent yeah i bet you could like hmm like a pokemon yellow fix would be interesting where it fixes the the bugs that make the gameplay worse and like adds a run button and uh you know just just makes some things a little bit better to be fair set gains should also be permanent nah that makes it too easy we could just get a pokemon with sword stance and sweep and we just win she's got a pokemon with agility swords dance you use them in one battle and then you never need to do anything else ever again you could delete those moves have full like you could have you could delete sword stance and agility after using them three times each and then um then that pokemon is gonna be a monster for the rest of the game you can just max out your attack and speed and then nothing can stop you you have four moves that are free to do whatever you want um yeah super mod played in that all right zero guy thanks to the prime conditions aren't permanent i mean until i heal them yeah i'm fairly sure psychic is the only thing that drops special in this game that's the only thing we gotta worry about is the alakazam hopefully we'll have a strong enough pokemon to take out the alexander one hit but we'll see i'm just imagining a level 100 venusaur still cowering because of clefairy growled at it two months ago alakazam is a glass cannon in this generation because there's no special split its special stat is its special defense and special uh attack so it's actually pretty good in this gen one of the best it's speed and special stats are insanely high [Music] can you evolve cadabra by level up no oh [Music] i'm pretty sure alakazam is one of the best known legendaries jackalbrot thanks for the prime i really need to kill this in one hit don't tail whip don't tail whip don't tail whip if you survive no i really cannot afford to get hit with the tail whips [Music] maybe it'll one hit ko now [Music] um i guess travel take it out leech life is fine supersonic okay tauros was one of the best pokemon in gen one persian also was really good just crazy actually cloister of all pokemon was super good high defense high special it's a defensive monster in both stats okay let's check what's the stat look like now 32 it's actually not not bad i thought it would be worse oh yeah never mind it was trev's defense that was loaded earlier i think maddie thanks to the six then person with the fastest being gen 1 one of the fastest why are the colors weird they're not weird this is just what the game looks like since you're canadian do you know how to speak french no that's only like quebec canadians juliana thanks for the two months and then like some other people this game is old it needs a remake it has a remake fire red leaf green [Music] since you canadian do like poutine yeah that's good i really enjoy it oh yeah this has two remakes it has let's go and fire red leaf green they remade the remake oh do these have screech i don't know let's hope trev can handle it pound that's fine that does quite a lot actually it's a random move but it was scratch oh disable disables a random move looks like trev isn't getting the exp this time unless they disable a bunch [Music] that's fine i think at sign can out speed and take it out i love how happy this grimer is it's just who's who's the a does that look i think is that that looks really close to i think little yay right [Music] uh we'll just tackle hopefully that takes it out we're good okay this is fine oh but vault could no screech no squeeze no speech please no screech no no why did that do so little [Music] [Music] my defense not going down wait a minute oh that was a crit i'm pretty sure they they had yeah well i think um crits ignore stat changes that's why i did so little [Music] [Music] so we want to get crit now i don't have any potions i might have to leech seed i should have each seed from the start i think we might win this still [Music] if we don't win i'll just reset oh wait if we get taken out in one hit then it doesn't get leach seated does it oh no it missed that's gonna take three turns two turns maybe oh we're going down right i think we're going down to that [Music] but what if we reset the game boy though because i did save right before that battle [Music] uh i'm just gonna save a state really quick quick because what if i just do that cheating why save scum smh what do you not like that should i know should i don't save should i not um save scum too late i mean after this it is a challenge run all right no saves coming that's fine no saves coming i guess looks good silver looks good um we're gonna leech seed all right no saves coming [Music] but we should survive this now that i'm gonna actually use good strategy but that screech is bad tackle was disabled that's fine who cares it's fine after thinking about it i think it's much cooler to instead disallow saves coming because it puts a lot more on the line mistakes are a lot more significant if you use focus energy does it become permanent [Music] it's a good question because technically focus energy is a stat debuff because in this game when you use focus energy it reduces your chance of creating to 25 the usual amount it actually doesn't work [Music] fun fact oh we got screeched okay don't screech again please no no no no no no i can't take it [Music] why now my defense is like five dude wow tackle does nothing still though it's kind of hilarious carvings attack sucks all right we should win this because i have leech seat up but man huh this is gonna be interesting how we're gonna do this yeah i am also seven levels higher that definitely does help oh okay [Music] okay we defeated the super nerd this is good i went from 34 defense to 11. [Music] has the same amount of defense as my level 4 rattata has attack [Music] oh it's fine it's okay what's the objective of the game eight badges and win i guess we just can't get hit by any physical attacks then huh um we need to figure out how to take out our rival i think we're gonna take out the gym before we do anything else uh we need to figure out how to take out the pidgeotto in like one hit because it knows sand attack and if we get hit with a sand attack the pokemon is just unusable now we just can't use it uh i think i'm gonna fight all the trainers in this gym because their water should be relatively easy marin did i miss your gift subs uh thank you for the two gifts i'm sorry for missing that eclipse uh pythagorean two thank you um rugs charizard pepperoni lana kitten korematsu thank you so much appreciate it all right horsey benjamins thanks for the prime oh no smoke screen [Music] i hope you're okay now i don't think sheldon knows any stat dropping moves tackle okay we're good we're good level 20 that's nice that can't be it is a doobie [Music] are there any pokemon in the city that can't get their stats lowered um no goldeen i don't think goldie knows any dangerous moves it does have pec which is oh my god my defense is so low that almost one hit ko'd [Music] what about tentacle clear body mustard gaming your age is showing um there's no abilities yet abilities don't exist for 10 more years your zoomer is showing is evident um do misty's pokemon no any dangerous moves let's find out i don't know pikachu might have helped we probably could have got a pikachu yeah that would be nice we'll see six years this game about six year really no couldn't have been six years okay fingers crossed they don't know any moves that can lower my stats tackle misses let's go [Music] that's fine doesn't do anything okay uh what to start i don't think starmie knows anything dangerous i think it just knows like tackle and bubble beam oh my god that's dangerous because my defense is like zero [Music] yes tackle missed [Music] let's defend the dummy the dummy okay we're good we're fine easy jim hmm my defense is 15. [Music] okay well you can use yours cut anytime uh that's a really good uh move um but we need to get stronger i need to be able to ko the pidgeotto in one hit how do we do that can we tell you the moves and sure [Music] catch pikachu it's impossible to go back now we we can't catch a pikachu we can't go back we're stuck here until later in the game uh i think we're gonna have to ch train up trev maybe [Music] oh that's level 12. um hmm i think spiro can have growl rat attack can have tail whip [Music] i think level six sandshrew huh [Music] what do we do [Music] i'm thinking i have an idea i may be making a mistake i'm just getting this for later um we may be making a mistake but uh wait wait wait what level does travel evolve at is it level 15 are accuracy drops per minute yes trev evolves at level 16. what's trev's speed oh right three uh huh [Music] [Music] can we catch a zubat no we can't i should have caught more fodder pokemon early on i should have caught some geodudes to fight the the spiro with i or is his pidgeotto i didn't even think of that we should have caught some rock pokemon [Music] um do you have any fodder pokemon we have no fodder pokemon no we're gonna have to catch some like ratatas and spiros for fodder for his the rivals team the stats still go up a little bit every time yeah [Music] damn [Music] is it a making nearby that wouldn't help at all uh i just need to run because we can't risk getting uh tail whipped sand true learned sand attack at level 10 so we can train safely on wild ones okay um why are your levels so low uh what do you mean we have a level 21 and a level 14. can you sleep in an over level venusaur no because um the only special move we have is vine whip and that's not going to do much to a pidgeotto and our attack has been permanently lowered by like six stages so we're in a really bad place with that [Music] we can't fight a spearow can learn sand attack hmm nice hub count yo 10 420 let's go uh i'm gonna go to the bathroom real quick i'll be right back [Music] i made it back [Music] how's everybody doing are we ready for more gaming is a cerulean yes we're trying to figure out how the heck to proceed and i think the the way to proceed is just get a bunch of pokemon for fodder did you fall in yeah sorry it took so long i just had to bash point girl on twitter real quick only i'm allowed to don't be mean to point girl ruby's call thanks to the prime um okay if we can level up trev twice that would be nice uh i think trev out speeds treb speed is fine right no trev's speed is the one that's bad never mind um [Music] uh red eyes get hyper fang at level 14 interesting i think we're going to try and catch some level 12 ratatas maybe level them up we'll see what we can do what did eric do deserve bashing nothing nothing um basically ludwig is doing a a pokemon nuzlocke where he names pokem names people in chat after the pokemon but if that pokemon dies you get banned in chat uh eric the pokemon died and eric was banned from chat then eric tweeted about it and i said ludwig did it on purpose your mic is echoing echo echo echo echo echo [Music] no it's not i know they're just screwing with me screwing with me screwing with me screwing with me [Music] um please why why [Music] i just want to catch this could we get soft blocked we absolutely could yeah if we're not careful we could get soft locked here [Music] like if we're not careful we could potentially mess this up and not be able to proceed and i said no saves coming this might be a challenge that we have to retry from the beginning can you sweep the vine website special in this gen no not against the fire type and the flying type yo shannon what's up nugget thank you for the three why do you taught yourself it's fun self vlog is almost impossible no you're wrong i believe if we get stuck with pokemon that have terrible stats we're just stuck i'm doing good i get crazy likes because you're on twitter let's go [Music] okay right level 10 i want a level 12. stuck up on pokeballs i mean we could but i don't know [Music] you shannon your goof no um probably level up trev here [Music] shannon with the lmao use the guff command no wait only mods can use that don't use the gif command don't use it [Music] it won't work [Music] i forget that it's model why do mod only commands exist here i'll use it at least i recognize this time it's cj there you go [Music] i used it for you it's this cj [Music] i actually recognize that i said it this time [Music] nifsky got four five four nine four eight wait really [Music] actually [Music] [Music] someone got the first 454 in super mario [Music] bros this is uh um [Music] almost this is the last second barrier that will ever be passed right here it will never go under 454. the task is like .2 seconds faster [Music] the task plays like 12 frames faster or something some garbage like that [Music] it's crazy [Music] four minutes 54 seconds this run ties the tas what's the username nitsuki n-i-f-t-s-k-i [Music] how many frame rules can we get past none [Music] basically the way this game works is that you can only save or lose time in increments of 0.3 seconds and this run ties the tasks every single level it gets the exact same frame rule that is perfection and then the final level is not on a frame rule [Music] the only place you can save time is in the final level [Music] and uh like i don't know i'll find the task really quick and show you guys the difference [Music] yeah the world record for tas is four minutes 54 seconds .265 for uh no left right [Music] which is oh it's humanly like is what can be done in a console so this run is one of the biggest speedrun achievements of all time um can you play it you want to take a minute or two to watch it [Music] he's back okay let's watch it really quick it's only five minutes let me thank people i'm about to end stream by the way i gotta get all this highlighted uh nine minutes for four months awesome bro let me look at that again i can't believe it one coin toss isn't this restreaming i mean can't we just technically watch it i'm pretty sure you can just watch this it's fine oh no he did declare it unwinnable what do you mean unwinnable you weird chimp all right okay i own up to it i'm sorry for cheating i can't hold it in i got to get this off my chest i cheated this 454 i cheated so hard oh you cheated it sorry yeah this is a nifski if you want to watch them just to be clear i'm just going to watch this real quick 454. when did he get it where'd he get it when he get it where did he where was it hello oh there he is okay um so it's probably five minutes before this here no it's before this four minutes back let's watch one of the greatest gaming achievements of all time wait why oh my goodness did he really cheat he didn't no he didn't when did he get this is it this one oh yeah you can see his chat moving okay uh it's four minutes before this so let's go 36. here's the run here it is he didn't cheat it's that he was joking it's sarcasm you guys should understand that if you watched my stream but i'm not really used to it nice jump buddy i'll point some stuff out as we go through here i have made a tape for knowing that i know i can get this but the way this game works is it allows you to leave the level like it loads the next level every 0.3 seconds so you can only save or lose time every 0.3 seconds but to be able to make those time things you need to do some insane glitches to be able to make the most optimal stuff so um what he did right there i think is like four frame perfect inputs in a row like you press like left and then like two frames later you press right for one frame and then left again and then right it's insane answer to that question yeah 0.35 seconds so he did like a dirt like he reset there i guess he didn't make the frame rule he got the glitch but he didn't get the frame roll because he wasn't fast enough you see how perfect that was he wasn't fast enough in that level to make the frame roll it's yeah four or five frame perfect inputs here yeah he clips into that block so the flag doesn't drop and he doesn't have to wait for it but uh yeah this is uh an insane glitch like it's like this speed run is like getting to the limit of human abilities why are you playing pokemon blue the greatest speeder achievement of all time just happened and we're watching it this is the 454. like look at this glitch here this one's even harder that's insane that one was five frame perfect inputs turn up his audio it's just mario music for but sure it's rounded to 67 because of 66.666666 technically around 67 1 but the 454 happened he does another like several frame perfect input trick in a row you have to press a for exactly 1 60th of a second for that like since today's like a good day for this it's kind of good it kind of motivates me more actually he's practicing the inputs in between levels you see it did okay god the precision from this is insane but like look at his chat as he gets further into the run that was a wrong war by the way he made mario move a few pixels forwards to sew two loading zones were loaded at the same time or something in the game gets confused and sends you to the wrong place so that was a wrong warp that's not where the game is supposed to send you is this summoning salt no this is what [Music] no this is nifski the world record holder and the first 54 oh my god look at look at this jump is keyboard a separate category no it doesn't change anything two for three of plate one what is going on but like his chat is freaking out now like this run from someone who has doesn't speedrun super mario bros it's gonna look perfect it looks like he's made zero mistakes ever yeah that trick saves an insane amount of time all right wonder how many hours he's played this game uh looks like he has 15 000 attempts he's attempted this run 15 000 times so a while yeah that bullet bill trick saves 0.7 seconds yeah every single level does this this flagpole glitch when is this from three hours ago come on dude but technically an hour ago stay calm but like his chat is just exploding like this is a a pixel perfect frame perfect jump coming up by the way like everything is so insanely precise now 160 of a second pixel perfect right there fast excel on the end maybe a.d i think holy cow wait what hey def oh my god yes yes dude what oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god i clutched it out i stayed calm and it worked holy cow so that's one of the greatest speedrunning achievements of all time this is one of the most popular i mean it's one of the best-selling games of all time a year ago this wasn't like this wasn't supposed to be possible by a human being because it has like it's it'll never go lower than 454 it'll never go lower than this like the decimal can go down a little bit by like humanly like 0.2 seconds maybe but like you can save like frames frames clip that no you can clip it like the record can be brought down like maybe maybe 0.2 seconds maybe but it's never going to go below 453 or 454. it will never go below go below a 454. the tas the computer perfect frame perfect every single input tas doesn't get a 453 it's not possible to get a 453 this is the last barrier that will ever be broken lightning 42 is the last thing and that saves what like point three seconds maybe it's crazy it's crazy so yeah i mean if you want to watch more of this stuff nifski now has the world record niftsky crazy absolutely crazy anyways back to pokemon i just wanted to watch that [Music] timbit thanks for the two months bastion zero thanks for the year uh volume's good okay are you gonna finish grandmaster trials i did you missed it [Music] it is possible to get 454 a new glitch needs to be found did you know it's possible i can jump to the moon if i figure out that i can jump to the moon if i just figure out how to jump to the moon i can jump to the moon yeah you just jump high but have you tried yet well i haven't tried jumping [Music] all right there you go you got it junkis [Music] please sketch the right at that i just want to run at that yes okay that rattata table scott that is really good you want to give a nickname to it yes which sub are we naming it after um who are you naming after who who who we naming this who who is it who's it gonna be um oh my god which sub yo rose i like rose [Music] rose welcome to the team we need to buy more pokeballs level 12 again we can one shot this right we get one shot this it'll be fine yeah not bill murray thanks for the three months appreciate it why can't you go back [Music] i don't know have you beaten misty yet misty was easy [Music] just jump high enough yeah tas is one frame from a new frame rule that would get a task 453 yeah but they got to save a frame and that's the tas it's not humanly viable and that's the left and right tasks i believe hey i can hop i'm glad you like the stuff how's the stats your pokemon right now horrendous actually terrible but that's okay crazy at a record that will never be broken well that record it technically still can be broken because you can still save some frames on eight four but ah it's like man so here's the stats of at sign you can see its defense was lowered and its attack was lowered defense significantly ooh okay [Music] poison powder is pretty good [Music] poison leech seed not too bad meets the trash thanks to the prime yeah lowering special is really uncommon so if you can get a special pokemon that's strong we'll be in a pretty good spot yo archangel thanks for giving us some nifski nifski welcome to the ant colony [Music] okay can you stats go below six yeah i think mr mai might be a good choice yeah we the mr mime might be a good choice um that's scary though [Music] is health considered a sad not by this definition no that we're using level 12 uh it's level 10. what came earlier if this wasn't sword and shield well it's not sword and shield it's pokemon blue you can check the title it says pokemon blue in the title it's also it's also swish but it's it's blue [Music] just use experience share paper you can't hold items in this game kazam or kadabra cadabra is better than mr mime and gen1 is it [Music] is does cadabra have better stats than mr mime because we can't get an alakazam there's an east be share on gen 1 no there isn't there's an exp all which miscalculates it and doesn't give you enough exp peyton thank you so much for the three months um if we can get outside up to level 27 razor leaf will destroy because it crits almost every single time so that'll be interesting cadaver is way better because the special stats aren't split i guess so yeah it's not really a glass cannon what will world record get nifsky the thing with speedrunning is that you don't really get anything for getting a world record other than the satisfaction of knowing that you're at the top [Music] you are the best at that game [Music] so games that are super popular like super mario bros you might get a lot of support because a lot of people have played that game [Music] but like most people that speed run they speed run because they like speed running like i there's a uh there's someone that i know that these speed runs like just a bunch of old um like sega games uh old like rpgs there's maybe like two or three other runners like categories he just likes it it's just fun you know getting good at games that you have nostalgia for that you really enjoy it's um you know some people just do it because they really enjoy it you know it's pretty cool to be like hey no one in the world has beaten this game faster than me there's a lot of different reasons but like i know like when i do a speed run i i have two reasons it's you know to get really good at a game that i enjoy is really satisfying yeah i mean that's just one reason it's it's to get good at a game that you really enjoy it's just really fun you know it it's spending more time in something that you have fun with that's most of the reason why i do speed running what does santro look like that it's terrifying what it looks like a shrew can the stats go negative no at least 100 bits yeah well actually i i am being a little bit dishonest [Music] um uh the reason why i did min minimum capture speed running um uh when you get the world record for that um that's i just whenever i meet someone that's like hey this person is pretty cute i'd like i i think it would be cool to go on a date with them just say hey guess what i have the minimum captures world record instant yes irresistible [Music] so yeah um you know i got the record i got a gf cj was feeling a little lonely so so i let i let cj get the world record and uh you know cj has a gf2 now yep it just works does the gf transfer with the record not that i know of i don't know [Music] isn't cj your gf the gf wasn't transferred just rotated catch it god damn it don't tail whip oh my god i hate you dude uh this is you know what this rattata is basically useless now because we get killed in one hit two hits hmm why not catch sand shrews i don't think it's really worth it is mauricio your goof no well i'm six of the 15 months we played like minecraft together twice what i didn't realize if you play minecraft with someone you're dating now hey lincus don't bring lincus into this yeah [Music] was the mario speedrunner same niftsky n-i-f-t-s-k-i stat drops or what i don't know i didn't hear it either omega riley thanks for 14. hope you're having a wonderful tuesday i am [Music] please give me a pokemon that's like good i like to defeat my rival level 10 sandshrew actually might be useful i don't know all might thanks to the tier one appreciate it [Music] why does sandshrew look like that this is what sanchez originally looked like before the anime before everything these are what pokemon were supposed to look [Music] like quick attack not a big deal yo nux new pokemon challenge yup it's a tough one it's a tough one i didn't buy pokeballs did i i could have swore i bought pokeballs that's why i was doing this did i not buy pokeballs [Music] i guess i got distracted hmm while we're grinding i wonder if i can come up with another story well what's something to talk about what's what's worth talking about i feel like i've told so many i i know there's more because like whenever i'm about to fall asleep i'm like oh that's a good story i could tell that on stream and then by the next day i completely forget it but like i know there's a bunch of different stories that i could talk about hmm wait you should get a pad and write them down i really should yeah that's called dreaming no it's not dreaming i'm awake still waiting under stdq uh i tried like three or four times never got in so i'll just give up it's just not worth the effort again thanks to the tier one [Music] have you fixed your car yet i have go into your roommate's room and just say hi to his chat he is just right over there it's kind of funny my my roommate started streaming but um he doesn't have enough room in his bedroom to put a desk so he just has like a desk in the living room now that he's just streaming from so i could just walk out there and be like sup i don't want to harass them though why don't you fight them uh we're running away from the ones that know sand attack what could we do for the moon pokemon center you can't you can't go back yeah i like sancho i actually prefer him that century new sound attack well we can take them out in one hit think we can take this rattata out in one hit time to find out oh yo okay our accuracy drops also permanent yep unfortunately they are [Music] hmm the first time you asked someone out i've only actually ever asked anyone out once i think i feel like most of the time it's just either i got asked out or we like hung out enough where we kind of just like looked at each other it's like so are we like dating [Music] like the first time i asked someone out i was just like we were at like an event and uh she needed a ride home and i was like yo you want to go on a date and she was like yup i mean there's really nothing else to it [Music] level 23 let's go [Music] why are you grinding now i'm trying to catch level 12 ratatas so we can take out the pidgeotto because it knows sand attack and we need pokemon to we need our strong pokemon to not get hit with a sand attack [Music] why does chad care about this stuff so much your gf asks you out through scrabble is that what what that message said that is pretty sweet actually i had a first date where we went to like a board game cafe thing and um she was like let's play scrabble and i was like okay uh i think she got like 50 points and i had over 300 because i was because i like literally like half the things that i i hung up with my grandparents like two weeks to a month in in um [Music] like two weeks to a month in the summers i hang out with my grandparents so we just play a bunch of scrabble so we we got pretty good at it but like i just decimated this girl like it was it was a it was terrible for her i was like i ain't no sim i ain't i ain't throwing nilo thank you for the 17 appreciate it [Music] so yeah absolutely destroyed her in scrabble then we tried a game called da vinci's challenge which um she also didn't realize that i played with my mom like twice a week growing up as well destroyed her in that it was like i had like triple or quadruple her points like it was embarrassing it's like what is she doing we played battleship i still won even though it's all luck i didn't even pick these games [Music] sure okay abby's luck in battleship is stupid i played battleship with abby i think like a few months back and she don't miss i don't know how and what was it and also yahtzee i'm pretty sure i played yahtzee with abby as well she got two yahtzees in a row i'm not even kidding two and a half you you can't compete against that it's not possible [Music] name okay it's cool thanks for the prime like abby got two in a row and i just i just left i was like you know no you win i'm done you can't you can't win against that it's impossible [Music] just get three in a row there was only two turns left she's far too skilled it's not skill based when it's online and it's just randomly generated numbers it's not like dexterity of rolling the dice she clicked the button and got lucky dude what's your opinion on milk uh if you drink it by itself kind of a monster but put it in something else and it's it's not too bad why are you attacking so much would you prefer if i didn't attack or just got here what are the rules oh we're just looking for shinies [Music] wow unsubbed milk is the best i mean it is pretty good with like something else are you currently drinking just milk why now your mouth is going to be have that like coating of milk for the rest of the day you have that milk mouth feeling and like [Music] and it's not why why do you pronounce it like i don't pronounce it like anything i'm just saying milk what about milkshakes milkshakes are great okay i really like milkshakes i have them all the time but milk by itself no heroes he's the tier one chris benio thanks for the seven oh no you have offended people ah i don't know i don't know what to tell you guys actually i was watching northern lion and he said almond milk and i was like i'm not the only one it's a canadian thing i didn't know until now [Music] take a shot every time mentions northern line he's like one of the only content creators i watch what else am i supposed to talk about like rural dialects how do you say rural rural rural rural rural rural role roll i rule row roll [Music] roll think merle okay roll roll i can't do it [Music] rural rare all yo say aluminium aluminum there's rare rare well so jurassic park how does that go again no that's this route theme uh what it um say keyboard keyboard [Music] ad signs leveling up let's go we still haven't found another level 12 ratata say ambulance and is there a different way to say ambulance is that is that jurassic park [Music] bar thanks to the two where is tall aunt he's right here sitting in the chair see this is a full-size chair i'm like so much taller than it isn't this crazy ugh just do the rest of the stream standing you love that it's such a good shirt look at it it's the best shirt bruh how tall are you i'm scared it's an effect [Music] the swirl is a lot less round than you remember it's been through a lot of fighting big lacroix la crow like crap big thanks to the tier one okay you guys are doing this on purpose at this point [Music] la croix no that was lacroix l.a crocs [Music] chair is definitely a paid actor maybe wait can we go down further than this we can go down [Music] i'll tell you in meters uh 1.85 1.85 meters do we just try the rival fight it could completely demolish our team i kind of just want to do it screw it we're going for it we're going to i'm just going gonna do the rival fight i'm done grinding [Music] um if we get sand attacked sad [Music] if we white out and we lose the battle we are really really screwed and like if we get sand attacked and we lose the battle we're in a terrible terrible place all right the man's here you're still struggling to get along back here i really am dude i'm struggling i am struggling he has four pokemon it's level 18 what oh accuracy is gone forever that's permanent that's never going away i growled and looked several times it's not fair dude oh you sand attack no [Music] just a hit uh dss that you're the 22 months [Music] we are so screwed no sand attack don't don't you dare sand attack or anything don't stand attack please don't send no sanitation no [Music] [Music] that's not fair that's not fair [Music] [Music] do [Music] it's the two years stuck mugs in such a long time thank you for sticking around for so long [Music] do are you only going to use bulbasaur well we can't use bubble store anymore we're permanently at 50 accuracy now i think we could still win if we're able to poison and delete seed his uh if we're able to poison and leech seeded starter we might be able to win but uh it's gonna be it's gonna be rough then shadow thanks for the four months and uh celebil thank you for the five i don't think we can learn like swift or anything which is a problem [Music] okay we're almost back up to full health [Music] but he's rattata don't don't tail whip oh thank god okay this is fine and it was a hyper fang final fantasy oh god [Music] so [Music] uh so now at sign will miss all of his moves 50 of the time his defense is down to 20. um trev will also misses moves fifty percent of the time his speed is also three [Music] [Music] uh this might be the hardest challenge in pokemon i've ever done i think we have to restart we're gonna have to restart with a better strategy unless we can buy x accuracies i don't want to save scum either [Music] if we grind the sand true to level 31 we can get swift geodude mount moon yeah we can't go back that accuracy so deadly snacks thanks to the prime yeah i think if we bring a lot of geodudes with us like it's just inevitable that we take out the uh the opposing pokemon like we take a bunch of like level 810 geodudes i think those would would probably sweep the team neato king i don't think you can get a needle king because it's pokemon blue and i'll go on a red yeah geodudes go bats probably wait this title implies that if an enemy uses growl you permanently use attack here i'll show you um let's let's look at um trev's speed stat real quick you are correct [Music] i have one idea i hate it but it might work not bubble beam [Music] i'm not sure that bide can miss i i'm not sure if bide can miss i don't know if it can or not [Music] i think abide might this is the only way that we can proceed they only have regular potions dude it can miss it doesn't bypass accuracy checks well we pretty much have one more shot at this [Music] [Music] it always hits in gen 1. sweet whatever i'll probably take trev out no shreve just useless and see if it works come on man i'm pretty sure bide has priority as well in this gen [Music] that should take it out right yes okay that's a level that's good use a bro we will not switch uh ambra should bring our health back up to max if we can hit a leech seed we just need to handle each seed if we if we hit a lead we just got to hit a leech seed oh we need we just need to hit a leech seed okay um i'm just gonna use bide to waste a few turns this should bring our health back your accuracy now i'm pretty sure our accuracy is permanently at minus four currently which is i think less than a fifty percent chance they hit 100 accurate moves might be at minus five yeah um i don't use too many bites we have a one-third chance to hit moves okay it missed because it didn't do any damage did you finish whooper only i did yep um i'm gonna poison powder now just a waste of turn poison powder didn't affect it it's missing but if this bite strat works always if we can get past this rival i think this this run might proceed cono thank you for the prime grammy thanks for the five months we're missing all of these by the way how it says it doesn't work um it's because we're missing them we've missed six poison powders in a row can start drops go below or above six times yeah yeah i'm pretty sure my defense has been lowered on or my speed has been lowered on one like 11 or 13 times or something like that do you need another pokemon to take out the rattata i don't think so i don't think we do use ratatat will we switch no rival on ssn will be difficult no it won't not with the strategies that i think of no no no [Music] we have a chance charmander's probably gonna use the fire move that science defense is so low now though [Music] okay hmm why do you have a lear dude might as well quick attack there's nothing really else to do blobby thank you for the three months we might survive a single ember we did sucks we got yeah we got sand attacked once come on don't scratch don't scratch no scratches yes i'm pretty sure we can take that yeah yes [Music] take it out please yes we defeated the man it worked [Music] uh our defense is so low now bobby thanks for the four months that's like 50 of my original defense [Music] [Music] yeah i might as well save do you think this round is possible absolutely that's why i'm doing it uh bobby thank you for the four months blobby swallow thanks for the three i'm gonna lose my speed here i mean we can't really use that sign anymore anyways and then it tackles yo we hit a vine whip okay pretty sure we have less than a 50 chance to hit vine whips now scruffy ruffy thanks for the prime that rival fight [Music] um we just need to talk if we can get the bill we'll be okay [Music] aurora rose thank you for the prime [Music] please hit the fine whip [Music] if we can get to bill we can win we need to get to bill accuracy drops are permanent yes how many more pokemon one more weedle will we change i mean sure i guess we'll send out rows rose got it growled once so the attack isn't that great i'm pretty sure yeah rose's defense was decimated before as well [Music] [Music] okay i'll send it outside now if we hit um i think we might have to have two vine whips did we only have one vine whip [Music] i have to hit a leech seed please hit a leech seed please please please please italy this is what is five accuracy is rough this is one sand attack this is five sand attacks we got hit by sand attacks five times total but we can now win the battle i'm just gonna abide just for fun we can we can win it's uh we don't have as it's there's a chance to win still here uh with accuracy it actually can't go lower than -6 because there's no like number to apply if that makes sense [Music] catch new pokemon how do i train them like it'll be really really difficult to train a pokemon there i i do have a few ideas though um we're gonna maybe catch an abra uh abra does get very strong very quickly because it can learn confusion at level what is it 15 i think it learns confusion at maybe level 15. 16 level 16 sorry yeah if we can get an abra we have that that will help a lot [Music] um metapod takes way too long to level up against okay just keep quick attacking i'll be a happy camper good good didn't use sand attack we're still only at minus five this is chill does she energy take it out in one hit excellent okay these nidoran will stay in [Music] poison sting does nothing at sign speed is pitiful now three damage it's not it doesn't matter why am i freaking out um yeah at sign is just like a wobble fat now this is an okay amount growl my stats literally don't matter now with that sign as long as you don't lower my defenses need iran it doesn't matter [Music] um what does that say create these because i ask at sign too [Music] i'm like hey ad sign you think this is possible and then add sign is i'll figure it out it's insane that sounds incredible like literally with the minecraft lockout um if you guys haven't watched the minecraft lockout part two it's not on youtube so if you didn't watch it on twitch uh but the minecraft lockout mod where it automatically detects when you've completed uh lockout goals it has like menus that are custom made that that i mean i designed the the visuals of but at sign implemented exactly how i described um i was like hey hat sign you think you can do this outside who's like i got you what i didn't realize is atsun messaged me he was like hey i'm not able to actually complete a bunch of these goals uh because i don't know how because i haven't played the game at sign made the lockout mod and adson hasn't even played minecraft and he did he did it he just figured it out [Music] he was like so i couldn't test out the dragon one because i don't know how to kill it that sign is legendary dude get him outside has minecraft but he just oh it's amazing please you gotta hit at least once or twice nice travel leveled up [Music] i bought minecraft to test things for the floor is lava mod i had no idea i thought you would like modded minecraft before when you said yeah i could do it but you literally bought minecraft so you could make the mod that is insane dude i thought you would like played it a little bit but wow pay him oh i pay at sign for the months don't worry [Music] that might chao oh it actually didn't do too much [Music] very nice okay three there's an atkins atkins can leer [Music] nothing happened is it because my defense is as low as it could get sorry okay that's that again don't just poison me and we're able to abide now no matter what happens i think we're good i think rap is fine because we're like still storing energy right wait does did rap cancel bide it freezes me in bide i was stuck in bide forever [Music] can't rap be the strat to go here where do we get in atkins we can't get napkins yet we can't do anything i'm just stuck i can't hit my accuracy is too low trev's defense is probably one now at least rap missed never mind that's a ko um we didn't miss it's better than getting a hit i guess not really rose got um oh we're dead um okay um we're gonna have to catch some level 12 rattatas i i don't know what to tell you [Music] yo wait waves accuracy hasn't been dropped yet uh we're going down from that yeah okay well let's let's just take a peek at uh 8 14 10 46 [Music] okay all right um at sign you good back to level six i'm gonna try and catch some level 12s pokemon is cool bacon it is thanks for the two months i appreciate it [Music] sandshrew isn't good okay dahmer thanks for the prime haven't you already done this ant no when would have done this cheeto polar banana thanks for the prime i can't escape oh my speed is so low that we can't even get away from wild pokemon [Music] oh level 12 please [Music] defense is down to seven i need a level 12 dude i if i can get a level 12 ratata i can fight level six um i oh my god if i get to that i can fight level six sand shrews until we have uh a level 14 it learns hyper fang and we can just decimate a bunch of pokemon but like we need something stronger than i you know let's just try and catch this whatever [Music] do you want to give a nickname yeah who are they named this after uh [Music] me because i'm a rat all right oliver i'm naming this one ollie ali onto the team for a little bit actually do we have a level we do have a level 12 we could probably use repels rebels we could use rebels let's do that if we can buy rebels i don't even know if we can buy rebels yet [Music] i don't have any money for rebels all right we're gonna put uh rose out front and only level 12 should appear now [Music] probably should have been standing the grass so we're gonna hope we encounter a level 12 before repple runs out [Music] before reple runs out [Music] [Music] well that was useless yep got it [Music] okay what are we naming it izzyk all right i think that fits is he gay i'm really far down aren't i let's fix that my posture isn't the best [Applause] [Music] is still stuck on it no we defeated the rival it's just okay i have one idea [Music] i don't like it but it's an idea i need 350 so [Music] i'm gonna have to sell that rare candy [Music] um to buy one rebel that hurt i had to do it we need money okay um now i need to check something [Music] wild spear up here that's fine [Music] i was hoping there's a corner that i could just like turn back and forth in but i don't think there is because i was just gonna turn left and right because it's really hard to just turn left and right in place with a single rebel yeah we're probably gonna catch level tens because like you can infinitely use a rebel if you tap left and right in a square because that's fine i'm going to catch a sphero i think we'll just quick attack hopefully it hits nope because spiro's peck is actually [Music] it's pretty strong [Music] we're just trying to hit one move to weaken it so the pokeball is a higher chance to catch but we're getting so weak okay i think that's enough please work i don't have the money to be wasting [Music] pokeballs got it okay spiro name it catch all right i'll name it catch [Music] catch welcome to the team [Music] x breaker thank you for the sub uh vigilance thanks to the tier one okay we're gonna have to deposit some pokemon [Music] as he fought the rival we beat the rival but all of our pokemon were unusable after the fight like they're all at like -6 accuracy [Music] uh some tells me that's the wrong [Music] number [Music] the game froze [Music] [Music] do [Music] well [Music] we'll figure it out it's fine i'm gonna have to call it a day looks like it uh it is having a bit of an issue that's okay though i don't feel like resetting we've been streaming for four hours it's a little short but hey that's okay um we'll be back tomorrow for minecraft speedrunning uh friday we're doing an ocarina of time randomizer legend of zelda if you enjoy that if you enjoy this we're continuing it but uh thank you so much for watching everybody apologize it ended early that's okay though what happens in that sign don't worry about it don't don't feel bad about it okay don't feel bad about it outside it's a it's a complete change of the game i get it let's raid someone who are we going to raid today wait what how is chris at a thousand followers already what chris made it to a thousand followers that's nuts how did my roommate get to a thousand followers sorry [Music] should we raid my roommate that could be funny oh chris's stream broke ah frick wait my mom is streaming we're waiting my mom my mom just started streaming we're rating my mom i hope you guys enjoyed my mom's stream uh thank you so much for watching everybody i will be back tomorrow um thanks for watching bye
Channel: SmallAnt VODS
Views: 541,838
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon, smallant vods permanent stat drops pokemon, smallant vods pokemon challenge, smallant vods pema stat drops pokemon, smallant vods pokemon blue, smallant pokemon challenge, pokemon challenge, stat drops are permanent, stat drops are permanent smallant, smallant challenge, smallant vods challenge
Id: jmJLr1ZMEVw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 229min 4sec (13744 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 26 2021
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