I Let Twitter Choose My Tournament Team...

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rely in 30 minutes with players cup three with  stone jenner now wolf you might be asking yourself   how did this how did it come to this  anyway yeah so i have 30 minute delay on   which means that this is not an interactive  stream at all i don't even i'm basically this   is just a youtube video for me basically  but you will get to watch it live and it   probably won't make it onto youtube unless  something crazy happens um i also this is   very much a don't try this at home kids you  know uh do not do not look at what i do here   and think to yourself i want to do that i strongly  recommend against it you're not this is we're   not playing good pokemon today we're playing a  little bit off the rocker pokemon today but yeah stony j i think it's up to you buddy okay let's  get started get the flinch come on stoney j   come on stoney j give me a big twinkie over  here oh no it's so doomed oh my god oh my god they could max quake my torque will be kind of  bad right does torque will die to that probably   not right oh it's i'm bringing comfy okay so their  goal is to yawn me i guess wait what do they want   can i just leave part of the umbrella and body  first amber and because that's the more that's   the most threatening one here the comfort  doesn't do anything right it just taunts me   it doesn't even have protect we shouldn't do  that if they alice which is still fine right   oh right safety goggles all right oh yeah not  my best idea was it was that my best idiot   wow oh yeah i had the item i didn't even look well i don't want to take a nap so i  should probably switch right it doesn't   have recovery oh it doesn't recovery oh yeah okay  i definitely have to deal with that comfy right   all right change of plans chat uh it's they yawned  my one yes all right um so i guess which is when   you sort out they're probably floral healing  and yawning again right let's go torquel and   tazation let's just get stoney j in right now  i think it's time because of the yawn stone   journal let's go back in why did not sludge  on there what am i doing because it's almost   certainly floral healing all right it's tony j  nice job okay they stayed in that's good they   have no offensive pressure so even though i'm not  like doing anything they're also like not doing   anything i guess i can fabulous meet this term  but i don't really do anything if they do that   floral healing right yeah okay that's fine  the question is what's this umbrella doing   is it snarling me it couldn't moonblast it's  probably yawning again though and then i can just   oh the umbreons oh the emerald's male it's good  i can attract it you want to get into my yeah   okay that's nice wow wow all right i guess it's  up here it switched to when you cause i'm not   any danger i could actually take the kill if i  wanted i just sub and switch to when you swore   but yawn isn't the sound move so doesn't go  through sub which is stupid in my opinion   okay switch it out who's pushing in here  oh lugia but i can sleep out of that   that's the one i guess they could attack  the partner slot baby doll eyes okay i'll   get me down to my plus one now uh does  asian still ko plus one is this umbreon um is the umbrella the umbrella's not threatening  anymore right although it is yawning the other   slot i actually think i want to just double down  the stove yeah oh bye-bye comfe a ferrothorn oh my   god what am i doing oh what am i doing okay it's  av fair thorn i can show one shot that if i want   but i get you on this turn right okay i have  to kill the umbra i don't know what i'm doing what am i doing oh my god i gotta slow down   because i'm just clicking so many bad buttons  so i get i gotta remove from that right yeah   of course it's a contact move all right it's fine  though we know all four there mines this is yawn   wow i don't know why i haven't oh yeah i didn't  sleep the umbrella because it's safety goggles   it's fine this is fine i'm comfortable this  kind of gameplay does something right wait   wait i wanna oops i'm gonna run enough time sacred  sword and switch to stoney j this probably kills   because of the boost it's a pretty good chance  to yeah being played supposedly 30 min although   i guess it depends on if they have bulkys or not  oh there's much umbreon actually it's interesting   lugia again okay they got me that's really  good positioning actually because now they've   put me in an awkward spot they've actually done a  really good job positioning unfortunately for me   right oh they want to get steel spike boosts on  the um it just looks like about thirty percent   they want to get steel swipe boosts in the  lugia i guess but like lugia does never damage   the shin i can just see on it right yeah i'm  playing super bad okay let's do this two shots   that's a clean two shot thank you  ferrothorn this is a earth and cue station   um unfortunately the iron  bombs turned actually add up steel spike into who though oh i  actually had stone journey unexpectedly   um okay do i need stone genre after this order  sack i might lose to this loogie i don't think   i've positioned properly i've been playing super  bad because after a calm night it's actually kind   of scary but i don't sun up either i don't want to  stack torquel right now though unfortunately okay   i just take ferrothorn it's fine bye bye not bad  okay it's good to know sick uh neutral behemoth   blade into two boosted ticker swords is kill i  only have one hp for one more step after this too   all right uh i don't know how to win this because  this lugia is gonna get like actually problematic   pretty fast oh i'm faster wait it's zero speed  lugia okay let's get started get the flinch it's actually probably going to drain and kiss  and kill me right i'm behemoth blading into   lukey to get some damage down and i'm switching to  torque i think oh god this is actually zero damage   i don't have a way through this and then wait i  do oh that's multi-scale without multi-scale and   no life orbeez there let's see i better kill the  other pokemon i better treat louise all my friends   are dead did because if i attack the lugia it's  just gonna it's just gonna floor healing up so i   may as well go after the campaign although it's  probably gonna ally switch but that's fine too   this company is annoying yeah i don't know about  the offensive movie anymore i probably should   have brought thunderous because i don't have  a good max target either i can't back stoney j   draining kiss comes out into my stone during  my torque i don't kill the comfort anymore   though which is kind of stupid so maybe  that's my bad but i i don't think i'm so   i think i have to get rid of comfy eventually  and i need to get some up as well so this   is okay i think the issue is now i have to  deal with ally switch oh this doesn't kill   because of the intimidation for them too  many probably kills though oh it actually   survives all right that's good to know i  need stone jr and attack boost tickle confet   to go for here yeah setting set up on me which  is bad but it probably doesn't have too much   special attack does earthquake even kia torque  at this range probably not right no it doesn't   even kill turbo with earth power oh it's with  light screen up uh without light screen if it's   if it's modest max special attack it might kill  me would you still be okay right do i protect i   think i should protect because i can always sub  sub beyond next turn i think the ally switch   i think it's allies for truth tower this turn  and if not i at least keep lugia out of uh   multi-skill range okay there we go all right  now it's just umbreon and lugi uh left bye-bye   yeah this is actually a problem i might want  to think of a timer but i don't think it's   been 20 minutes to that yet so i don't think i  can do anything there i can't believe i sleep   better than i'm going to turn i should've just  touched up the config that was the bad part   because i don't think they want to get yawned as  the thing if they call mine again then they're   definitely they're definitely very brave  say the least um earth power into my oh   okay that was my bad i just super saiyan there  um okay this is actually a problem now right   i think i switched stone journey around because i  need to uh the end game is a venusaur here right   that's the that's the goal i don't have no idea  of knowing i don't even know how strong it is yeah   uh yeah getting it on there would be really  good i think they're just baby dollars in   earth power but i don't have another play  so i just bring sony j in unfortunately oh interesting that's really  wait does i'm going to taunt   i didn't even check it has yawn right  that's what it wants to do this turn   snarl oh okay i guess they didn't check my set all right cool that's quite good for me if i get k out here is that good for me or bad for  me i think it's good for me right how many choices   are left i think i actually want to get killed  here so i'm gonna go protect plus body press   stick up the on down anyway they push call mine's  right aerobus oh they produce a venus switching   in i actually may die to that oh that's not good i  wanted to get ko this is just kind of bad isn't it and i could have burning jealous seat  as well for the birth oh there you know   i couldn't have because they  might have done something else and after the sun ends which is pretty  bad right okay i get 30 or 45 here   does it go down does it go  down to um sacred sword now   i think i just behemoth blade into lugia and  switch to dinosaur because i'm not that worried   about they're plugging a baby doll allows me  to turn right to try and survive with umbreon yep a good call by me this gives a free venus  switch uh but i'm playing with sleep turns   which is concerning but i shouldn't die to plus  one airblast and they don't have a speed boost   anyway so i'm trying to win what i'm trying to  do with vine lash damage right that's the play great brook the multiscale it is leftovers  though so maybe that wasn't my best idea i   could have just gone for damaging my brain that's  probably better yeah i don't know if i can break   through this yet it's already because now we  can wake up already right we saw that behind   the flight should do like 40 so that's what i need  to get them into right um i don't think this kos but i'll go for it anyway if they wake up and  they and they survive vine lash it's pretty bad   for me i think if they wake up and they attack a  disaster and they survive vineland i think it's   really bad because i didn't definitely shoot  my teammates and i never maxed for any value   yeah earth power plus yawn is probably game  over for me or wake up earth horizon okay they   don't go that's bad they didn't go for the baby  don't always please kill oh that's real bad this   is about to get real bad really fast don't wake  up don't wake up don't wake up that's the worst   case scenario that's fine as long as i survive  all right that's fine that's fine it's fine   snarl oh that's also fine please paint  not yet no yeah no the quirky new that's   fine though right this is actually i think  pretty close to being really good for me because now i got to go for wait dude  let's look at the last move is it recover   oh didn't see there was recover okay that's  real bad i forgot that it could just heal   okay now i get to go for yawn plus max ooze i  think i might have messed this up unless this   timer anytime soon i thought the timer would have  had to kick in already if i was gonna win on timer   there's no this has taken 20 minutes yet what do  they do here is the question do they go for the yeah i should i should have realized i wasn't  going to kill and just doubled into lugia   although i couldn't really risk going down there  with position because i would definitely lose   they recover okay that's fine they're  trying to stall me out that's okay wow wow um i don't know if i can do anything  about this it's nap time now i usually behemoth   blade plus sludge one plus sludge bomb to kill i  could have gone for max who's this term but it's   actually better like this is a good play because i  need to be smacking with venus orientation at the   same time they go for recovery again i think it  was a bad uh it was a bad play but it's fine right   there they're trying to win on this all  right should i should i start stalling   how much difference do i have left because i have  pokemon advantage all my friends are dead syndrome   i definitely did not respect it i didn't even  look at the lupia's moves that was my bad   i got one more turn to vine latch so yeah this  next these next few turns are kind of impactful   um i just need to come on where's the timer it  should be soon right i just need to not one turn   sleep and i win right um their two year term is  higher than mine so i shouldn't really be stalling   here i think i'm just gonna go on the offensive  because i might need time like even if timer if   timer comes now i need a need like i'm two minutes  twenty five so here's a quick click my moves   extra animations i'm now plus one of  these shims that means i'm actually a   fair bit stronger than i've been when i've been  attacking lugia i think it's gonna be the crit   no that is not bad damage at all we've this  is the last one of mine last as well in the   first turn of guaranteed sleep uh i  guess okay it depends on if they get oh okay here we go chat here we go uh feels good  to be back baby this is my last behemoth blade   good thing i have the timer or else this could end  very differently um so i may as well use the full   time right because i'm out of behemoth blades  which is real bad like really really really bad thank you timer mccann uh i probably won although  behind the floor is better i made a mistake two minutes left okay okay i would have just  won by attacking as well okay so i don't want a   timer sag uh i have enough time so i just speaking  with sludge bomb right i just put 30 seconds here i mean i could have okay gg yeah so winning the  timer like just two things number one you get   the win but number two it also tilts your  opponent so i like to go for it when i can   if i feel like tilting my opponent i'm brand new all right that's  fine right i can probably just   double the umbreon for the one shot right  with max knuckle and sacred sword yeah this   is max knuckle secret sword i might run into  steam versus the flu via but i think it's okay   oh no baby doll eyes it's probably uh oh bye  bye bye bye plus two for the rest of the game that's permanent attack boost they have no more  ways of removing those so we're in pretty good   shape here it's probably called mine but  i don't know if it's it's actually just   raw earth power uh the expected sub right  i don't know oh yeah look he's really bad   i forgot about that if i was sweaty i would  just count and see if i can see what that   tells me about the spread but i'm not feeling  sorry a bit sweaty today fairy then comes in um   all right let's see here i think i just lightning  and protect i'm pretty sure what if ferrothorns   moves it's just soft fast it's actually not that  threatening fairthon's moves are it doesn't have   anything for doesn't have anything for thunder  so i'm just lightning here because i'm plus one   they're probably gonna max if i had to guess they  actually switched they were baiting fighting moves   into comfy i guess yeah okay now i've already  predicted their alice which once they're less   likely to go for it now oh they're just gonna  they don't oh okay all right they're loot maxing   louie they want to go over the earth power kill i  guess just get to protect um these attackers are   permanent but how valuable are these actually  behemoth played into lightning probably kills   right yeah but he played into lightning should  definitely kill because he played his plus two now   this is plus zero lugia yeah as you can see  plus one lightning is already doing a chunk   i don't think they have counterplay to that so  i'll go for that because that way even if they   ally switched they just wouldn't get their health  back and i would kill the coffee quake comes out   yeah as expected we just want actually they're  super slow lugia so speed just doesn't even matter   not much damage there especially this boost  doesn't matter i can double the lugia right   what are they what's the worst thing that happens  i can't get taunted i can't get really anything   right in the worst case they floral healing  and then i probably get the kill and ah   if it just double that yeah big misplayed into max  lightning is probably a ko and they still didn't   they didn't bring an answer for thunderous so even  if they do floral healing here and survive it's   not that big a deal i think it's full of healing  that's fine we could have killed the comfort here   but i thought the plus two behemoth blade plus  plus one max lightning would probably be enough   because this is gonna do probably  like this could do up to 40 i think   if i was really sweating i would have calculated  for sure though that's why don't try this at home   just do 40. uh it's like 35. thundy did about that  yeah i think that's the kill it might survive i   don't know for sure i just barely survived okay  that's actually a problem now isn't it all right   oh the airstream okay i'm gonna take all right  now it's game over did i live that they expected   to switch but i was contentious too for damage all  right not bad they're forced to make a defensive   plan lugia this turn i mean even if the station  goes down there it's fine right because instinct   er two comes in then because then i play alice  which mini game right it's probably stone jordan   i just rock slide plus wild charge right to  get the kill uh in this case i wild charge into   if i wild charge lugia and behemoth blade comfy  is there any counter play to that i don't think so   oh they weren't before healing again okay  that's my bad but i think they're still dead   uh wild charge probably probably because four  healing was only yeah they're definitely the wild   chart now i know i think it's good to take out the  comfort you get the damage stick and lugia because   this dynamics can only hit one one but yeah it's  guaranteed to be faster than my thunder i kind of   forgot about that it's just zero speed lugia which  means it's 130 stats so i can kill a good one uh i   can kill myself it can't kill my thunderous so i  guess station goes down here which is still fine   right because my last one is instant and that  seals the game this is a round one win bye-bye bye bye bye bye all right that's the  game it didn't matter at all i could go insane to steal the game  but it's funnier to go stone turner   all right sooner 100 accessory so far this is  plus one plus power spot yeah it would have   survived with that power spot power response  too strong gg ggg all right we won good games we got kind of lucky that  lugi was kind of hard ggs position default okay that's actually fine  right it doesn't have alice switch or anything   so i probably just have a clean cable into  the dragonfall than air streaming station   in the worst case scenario they're a really bulky  dragon hole but they're i mean they're goggles   do i think they survive a hit okay they're max  speed okay that's really interesting that's   really really interesting um okay i know they're  spread now so i just air streaming station and i   behemoth blade into the dragonfall right what's  the worst thing that happens is which instant   i got an attack boost i don't think i need  to overthink this one if i win this game i   can probably win game two because they're not  going to be dragon ball game they're probably   not going to bring dragon ball game too but yeah  we can't get too far ahead of ourselves so this is   also this could be super physically bulky  dragonfall protectation that's quite good   that's quite quite good uh let's see if we get  the kill here i mean this thing looks like it's   an offensive dragon pull to me i can't imagine  it has you'd like to invest almost 252 eb's i   think or like maybe not that much we need to  invest a lot in bulk to survive this attack bye bye i was a good turn one i got the speed  advantage i just did some damage dragonfall   all right i got speed of energy and i got a ko   although i didn't have to use  this turn of dynamics do it   okay it does very little damage uh four times  that um probably breaks up i think it's best   just to lightning here what are the other mods it  could be real real one would die right probably   doesn't switch in would you really definitely die  to the combination i think i go for lightning here   i could also hardly the switch okay they just  stay in i know this kills but their addition   goes down one way or another oh they actually  don't max what are they doing thundering me are   they volt switching that's unfortunate okay i got  the kill though um yeah they're stalling their   dynamics i guess but it doesn't help too much i  think we get rid of two other mods in two turns i could still lose this because uh my offense is  very frail right like it's a very fragile offense   hurricane they're trying to go for a hurricane  hurricane out of rain confusions did they get it   no confusion okay that wasn't really  a well-used turn in my opinion   this weekend is talon snarl skull room so i'm  tempted just to go for let's see i can also double   the zapdos here doesn't it it's oh it's av zapdos  oh zappos can't even protect okay i don't know   their dynamics in this game but it probably has  to be zapdos um it's wikiberry i mean it probably   based on what i have in the back  i want damage and speaking right   so i think i just double this weekend just to  cover the dynamics oh this thing's probably   oh oh thankfully it's not pressure because  that way i get more behemoth blades off   they could max guard i guess all right actually  max that was actually really smart i'm not   gonna lie to you what are they doing though  because that week is one of their turns of max   because they're trying to chip down my i'm  trying to keep down my handy okay that makes   sense full switching to thunder all right  uh i'm just getting kind of low to be honest   i think i can just ko with wild church plus  behemoth blade but then do i lose i probably   don't list this weekend because i bought the lawns  right why i showed you he was played here trying   to take out zapdos because i wasn't sure who was  going to max so i went after the one that's more   threatening but yeah leave a play this should do  fifty percent 52 and wild church should be 48.   crit here would be nice but we don't need it for  sure we really just want to dodge the static hera   all right it's definitely a range of wild  charges we just hope not to get static here   unfortunate all right i guess i could lose  this now because i maybe made a mistake wait so we can genderless all right kill that   do i haven't died at max geyser here this is a  support speaking right i can't think of this being   because it's not focused i don't know oh it's  darkness actually wait what into into thunders y'all ever heard of defiant  all right let's see some   damage thunderous versus a plus two versus suicune   with wild charge at plus two they're dynamaxx  they have no wackenberry and they're calm okay   with lifeform how much are we doing you all want  to see some damage i know oh we don't even kill uh i think i want to fly into the suicune and then  switch to stone i can't flinch them though just   i'm gonna beat him with blade once for some  good damage i'm also gonna be in the blades   this is actually a mistake though i could i could  lose by making this play i was actually super   dumb i don't i'm thinking that was super super  super stupid i needed station out there bye-bye   oh i'm faster even paralyzed this weekend zero  speed that also means two doesn't have to be   in taiwan by the way oh no i just speed  boost that's why i forgot i've never met   i actually know it's fine yeah because i dodged  the geyser and then i get the kill with fly now   as long as i hit because plus two fly with  light warp kills from here thanks to stone jr   i can just switch into stone or get the kill this  also shows them that i didn't have total venusaur   in the back i hope they don't forfeit if they  don't forfeit i confirm i don't confirm i can   further my background we're not twerking okay  excellent yeah so they should they know that   my last ones were not torqueful venusaur which  is very valuable because now i'm more likely to   go now if i bring torque venusaur in the next  game it's more likely to be married all right   fly versus one of those bulky pokemon of all  time thank you stern jr not bad not bad not bad i could yawn here and then  max flair into the station   because that way would survive actually that's  not so bad that actually makes it that makes   it that's a lot safer right because they're most  likely gonna max zapdos here i'm just gonna like   that i'm gonna go on max flare because they're  expecting sleep patterns and zapdos right and   i really wanna make sure i should get to use  dart like get to play with dynamics this game   because they do if they do if they protect here  and they get sleep powder then they just lose so   they're gonna cover for sleep powder and by  attacking with both most likely is my guess   i think that's killed i'm actually not even  sure i'm like for sure should yeah bye bye   bye bye bye bye restricted pokeman please die  please don't please die all right very nice   that's a very good turn one for us we want  to show up station we're just so we're still   faster than zapdos and then we got the on off  on we should get the owner i guess if we get   credit it's possible to lose but there should  be airstreaming here into windy sword don't die   let's go when you sword who needs  kobe berry not you am i right ladies   all right because zappos is the most threatening  so getting a yawn on it is very valuable   wow because now it's basically done  with dynamaxx it gets one attack off   so we're going to do to win this game is the  question i think i just max scored this turn   and then install another turn of their max yeah  i've got really no reason to attack here right   i can max guard and then switch to stone journey  actually i don't know i can just protect protect   here check the max card to get the sleep off and  then i want to get vine lashes most of my damage   this game yeah this is why like torque venus  are super stupid because like i conditioned my   opponent by not bringing it game one and they were  super weak with game two and then like i knew that   they weren't gonna be prepared so they like didn't  have time to fully think through the repercussions   of like what would happen if i just max because  they tunnel vision on the sleep powder so   therefore like i planned this like by not bringing  total when you store game one and like i knew that   if i won game one i would have a very good shot  of catching them off guard game two anyway double   protect the stainless approach meaning zap this  is nap time this is absolute's last attack that   was the right move they attack into torqueful  but they're not iron ball so they still take a   nap there's a ton of damage to protect there might  be a crit actually no charcoal's really frail okay   i can't sleep anymore because i've let you  try and make sure i don't actually mess it up   you ever larry it into my when you swore makes  sense yeah covers for switches i guess uh but now   it's now time for zapdos and what's more important  is that dynamics is almost over for well i mean   it's also for both of us but it's a bigger deal  for them than this for me um wait what do i want   the position i want is i want to get into um i  want to get sushi and stone on the field next turn   i can't detract anything oh man this sucks  like i want to set up for substitute plus   rock slide basically that's really good for me  if i can give it off and thanks to powersport   i actually think i put them in a range of  rock slide so depending on their move this   turn first i'm going to sleep on all right i'm  just now able to wake up which is concerning   oh wait zappos is a speed boost right i  did not account for that in my planning   uh i forgot this episode of speed boost and has  a weather ball too do i die does he not have   some boosted weather ball and i'm dead to  weatherball right how many drinks of sun are left   two turns of sun i want you to let your  train i just rock slide here and protect   i think because they're probably  flareless weatherballing right   or they're switching into now yeah okay that makes  more sense all right that's my bad again i made   two bad moves in earlier this weekend yeah when  you speak it was the last one um they're probably   gonna go for tailwind i can still win this it's  just gonna be a little bit difficult i think i'm   relying a lot on the vine lash damage but i think  i might i could have stopped i was too i played   too safe that's my bad i missed not the zapdos oh  no all right this is going very badly very quickly the odds are getting worse and worse for me  every turn and i can't even flinch the sweet goon   i have to rock slide again for sure because  it is speed booster right i'm not crazy   it is bboost i'm not crazy okay i rock slide  and go into torque here trying to stack it off   and it's in cinema is now in body press range like   there's still some stuff going for us but  it's definitely risky um is kind of bad   oh man uh i should just play like should  have played the controller player hit okay oh no it's so doomed oh god that's really bad  am i stronger okay it's tailwind that's not bad   actually it doesn't actually matter except that  the zapdos is a problem i'm out of sun do is my   torque okay i think i lost by being too safe yeah  i should not have been safe here um i think it's   actually okay to protect you on here i think it's  a bad play i should calculate probably kills i   don't have time to change moves that's unfortunate  that's really unfortunate okay oh my bad okay oh it is volt switch yeah that's super my  bad rain dance oh well i could just rock sliding   i won this game um okay that's not good uh i was  super bad across the board i forgot a rain dance   all right i need to bring torque and  safely here or i need to switch for sure   um the issues they're volt switching this  turn right and that was the last turn of   fine lash correct i played this really badly i  shouldn't miss both rock slides that was that   was stupid to me electricity is now gone though  what are they likely to do here and do i have any   safe moves like if they scaled me  and i rock slide how bad is that   actually they scold me in a rock slide it's fine  right because they're guaranteed volt switching   so i just do this and try and get a kill  like one of my moms is dead but not both let's go stoney j because rain isn't  that big a deal i just need to make   sure that decision gets in  without an intimidate drop   and rain is up like also means that zappos isn't  that more that much more threatening like yeah i'm   counting on body press to kill i'm pretty sure  it does a max defense and rock slide isn't like   good but it also means they get more damage on the  sweep which is nice this is scald into hoomst and   just stone drainer all right that's really good as  long as body press kills i think we still win this because it's their last sort of  tailwind and zappos can't protect itself   and we already know that please come please  let's go not bad let's go tour cool not bad   this is why we use this kind of torque and  a stupid eruption turbo is the last retail   number one and i get the attack boost which is  more important and the zap just gave up a speed   boost by switching which is why yawn was good  and it's skin guaranteed behemoth blade range   i think let's see minimum damage is 53 percent so  it's guaranteed in the beginning of flight range   um i predicted both default their last turn  to tailwind to counter correctly not bad   they have no way of getting speed  controllers turn so i can protect them both thunder yep and skull natorical presumably  um kind of is it possible for me to lose this   uh it'll be difficult right because i got that  actually if i get uh a parrot here right and   that makes it a little bit hard um is it bad  it's better to be on right because body pressed   into body chris yeah just being played on i'm  faster because tail is over i kill the zapdos   let's see if i get parrot i don't even know  if paris probably i'd prefer probably burn to   pera right kill zapdos thank you that's all vine  lash damage by the way i didn't hit that thing   with a single attack right the other static okay  that's fine hundred percent great i guess the bad   it's bad here in the case that they skull twerkle  yeah they didn't though all right uh crit doesn't   kill me i'm super super super safe okay i'm not a  crit though right but i don't even need to protect   like do i even need to risk paralysis here i  don't right because if they scold if they scald   my torque then that's fine because it's called  twerkle then they would never they would need   like three consecutive pairs probably scald  again into my torque i was going to move my   swirl you did a good job though you were great at  this match i just needed to knock out full paired   right a couple times okay secret sword comes  out and snap time this might even just kill   yeah i needed sorry i usually just needed um out  of like four turns wait here that's one here's two   like i want to discalled crit so i just need like  two out of three instead of one out of four which   is like odds are better for me right it's one turn  yeah i just need one more non-pera in the next two   turns okay this one i or i need one word on parrot  before they wake up and then because golden skull   probably kills me at this point so if they get  the one turn sleep and the and the terror again   they win probably no okay they didn't get it but  my paragon is the same situation okay bye-bye gg huh all right that's kind of good i feel like  that's pretty good geez i wonder if this is pretty nah deep ultra moong is zetian  and sin or lucky in the back   yeah deeply mungus okay cool um what  do they want to do here is the question   i assume airstream plus behemoth like  kills i'm not positive about that   hey what is draggable doing because i'm  maintaining the speed advantage if i do this   because i can't really max draggable stundies just  so well in the next dragon pole i think the worst   case scenario is they protect the mungus it's  just very risky for them because i mean it's not   that risky it's pretty obvious but if they get  it wrong then they would probably lose the game   does it protect oh okay no protect uh it's for  generators i'm not that worried about it that was   a good play actually that that was actually a good  play because they get either dragon dance off or   they oh almost killed wow that's super strong oh  phantom force interesting um that's not bad for me   though i haven't sit in the back and i get a speed  boost off of this and who do they go into nowadays   i don't know what they expected there but  uh it's a good turn one for me bye-bye   not kingler not killer not killer otherwise  kingler is still fine right i would just   lose if it's kingler i'm just forfeiting right  now i don't think i could be killer oh no it's   good station is one of the pokemon in the back  right so the question is who's the other one who do they even go into here it's gotta  be is it it's not a lucky position okay um   i mean i'm plus one speed and they can't max  this turn right so they're probably protecting   um i'm not that worried about the about the  dragon pulled it's almost certainly a protect but   that's not a big deal for me right i think i just  knuckle in behemoth play to get the attack boost   unless they want to switch  which was unlikely i think   does it protect unfortunately yeah i didn't  have anything better to do that was a thing yeah like i could have subbed i guess but it  just was so risky and for no real reward right now it's not much damage but it gets thunders up  to plus one which is good we also don't know what   they're targeting with this next attack it's  probably i thought it was asian but it might   actually be thunderous it's force into the  position okay it's not um wait how much does   thunder receive a dutization a plus one probably  not very much right well in order to ko mu they'd   have to go for i think i want airstream to drag  a fold here and the hemoglobin disaster because   that covers almost every option i think and the  only way they get rid of those in this turn is if   they want to go for a a max dragon pull and go for  phantasm and then we would have yep boosted dundee   i guess what they're supposed to do is okay  kale they i could have maybe maybe taking   that dragonfold is better right maybe it was too  hasty they go for probably phantasmatization for   the ko right and that makes my life really  awkward because thunder is my only offense   left so i may actually accidentally lose this  because i will run out of dynamics and then   yeah and then i'll minus one defense  thunder is into phantasm or airstream   it'll come down to whose incentives faster  oh i'm already attacked boosted though phantasm yeah it's bad for me station  police civilization doesn't put this ah   ah okay it's really bad it depends all it all  depends on what this last pokemon is truthfully   all right this is actually really bad uh because  i don't have any offensive pokemon in the back so   this is i should have just taken out this the  that was a bad move i got spooked honestly i   got really spooked okay please be faster i  don't know what i'm speeding this actually   they're faster okay that's really bad um i messed up super badly i super messed up  super my bad bros okay we have to switch   stoner now because even though we're faster  they're just gonna fake us out and then i will   lose that one right should stone gender  in and parting shot the instant i guess   so they always they always i messed up so badly  they always fake off close phantasm i think   and i don't protect them thunder is ah  this is really bad this is really bad i   should have had two worldviews when this game  is over let's fake out into my stone joiner yep it's phantasm into my stone  turner wait do i even die too do i wait hang on this is just this thunder's  even it probably doesn't die to dragonfall right no life or but it's probably jolly  right it could be adam and i guess   um i'm non-maxed and they're maxed  they're if they're a jolly i don't   die right oh it's a roll to die on fundy so  i'm still better off switching here i think   surgery another max fantasm but i don't think  they're that worried about distributor right   now i think they're very worried about thunderous  so i just do this and then i tried one with the   stone journal boosted flair blitz on instagram  that's the play i could get this wrong i'd be   still being a lot of trouble though but i think  they're kind of forced to target thunderous here   with dragon move right or protect here that's also  a good move and try and get the chip damage down   because i don't know how bulky i am and even if  they're jolly max attack it's a roll in my thunder   wrist but they don't know that like i don't know  anything about my set right now and it's not a   very good role it's probably like 50 it's less  than 50 for them to kill with warm wind for jolly all right stone trainer come on buddy for all the  marbles i might as well defend which is an issue   i want this to be either guard or  phantasm or warm wind into fundy   it's probably there's got to be interference  right yeah okay good uh but i'm that's fine   right i drop attack which is bad drops attack on  both stone jews gonna get the flinch though agree give me the flinch tony j give me the flinch  nope badge flare blitz into who dundee   okay this draggable doesn't have to protect so  what i can do is rock slide flare blitz and pray   okays there's rock slide here and i can't  block with wide guard unfortunately but i   can rock slide flare blitz what's the other  moves in this scenario that moves in this   incinerator are darkest it doesn't darkest  larry but it's not that strong right now   and yeah dragon ball does not protect phantom  fours okay they're disappearing to the ether please flinch i need this one to flinch  really bad or crit either one is fine   give me the flinch for all the models i could have  hard read that as well i'm so funny that would   have been better i'm kind of playing too fast i  think flinch what's the point in using this move   if it doesn't flinch huh i would do instant again  okay i don't think i died i i gotta calculate but   i don't think dragon pulled into my stone jr kills  my custom set phantom force a minus one defense   it's a roll but it's a pretty good roll  i'm slower right so this parting shot here i'm sorry stone turner it's defense drop for you  that's a pretty good roll because they're faster   than me right they're instances faster this is  a really awkward end game they lower my attack   and i'm over their attack cool i guess what i'm  wondering is first of all what is this internet because we're playing a mini game now  like when each pokemon protects right   i mean i might lose this if i get this play  wrong like this play is very very very important   because it basically what it determines is   minus three flare bust is fifty three percent  to my thunderist and then drag a pull with   uh phantom force yeah i mean i'm basically  dead to the combo here so i either call the   phantom force and go for fly or i'd probably lose  right fake up plus but i don't think i want to do   that or i could superpower wait if they go for  dragon arts and yeah i think i have to call the   i think i'm going to call that the dragon  darts this turn and i'm going to go for   fake out foul play there's the fake out into the  dragonfall or the instant i got it wrong again wait a second how much does  some scenario do to drag a pull just 30 percent um is it about at that rate  so what's my odds here either i think that my   incentive or beats there in center at minus three  or i think that i kale will drag a pull with this   i'm not i'm only good crit here i hope that  flare blitz kills is basically the thing   it doesn't crit oh god and then i also when if i'm  not in range of yeah i played them really badly   ensign goes down i'm not sure if maybe it was  better to just play maybe maybe madison declarance   in the 1v1 i think i missed this in a lot of  ways but this is a very good role to kill i think burn doesn't matter but crit would  kill we also might not even need crit   oh okay just get the kill no crit all right all  right cool all right we won game one that was   really close because i didn't i had such an  early game lead and i totally blew it oh boy   that was really bad i didn't have a good answer  to dragon pool i don't know what i was thinking i definitely switched thunderous out here into  torval i think i can't drop the attack but i   can lower the attack by two with sun um because  it's gonna max okay with max kingler that means   venue thought he can definitely clean up and i  don't think zacchaeus should go down this turn i   guess it's possible um i either wanted to be tired  and just flat out faster it might be bulky's done   on this team i think they probably want to  target on fundy though because thundurus   is the more threatening pokemon when you  consider wait actually there's the she's   just going to protect i just saw that that  was really dumb all right here's kingwood oh it's faster and to torque on to toronto  you want to hit turbo so okay it's max speed   okay oh you want to hit torque so  bad bro you want to talk about so   bad all right this is good i put out  a sub range now that's very valuable bro you want to talk so  bad bro you wanna hit it so bad and that's what we call behemoth blade this  is g-max foam burst which doesn't set the rain it   kills my torque bullets all right turbosman's job  by being a homie oh twerkle you're so good holy   cow that's why we call them torqual that's why  he's called the turquoise i have so many options   i didn't think the torque was gonna take literally  zero from that so what are their options here   there needs a double intimidation to koa  right oh i could yawn the kingler but the   killer isn't really that much of a threat and to  be honest um i think i want to burn in jealousy   with twerkle the issue is what happens with my  other pokemon i think and now my least favorite   pokemon is actually thunderous right so i  think it's pushing this thing out into this   and clicking burning jealousy is really good it  gives me a good position pretty much regardless   of what the opponent does um i just need to  make sure that i kill zodian at some point   what else congress into gmax venusaur and then um  the station is dead to any other attack including   um any residual damage to protect right yeah okay  but i feel like this play was correct to be honest i could have you on the torpo i guess but  i still think this is the best play i have okay 119.51 but now things get interesting right   because now what happens is they gave  my funders a plus four attack boost okay is it only plus two there's another plus  isn't it plus four oh is any no uh is any drop the   same amount or is minus two i actually don't know  how that works i guess we'll find out right now i'm in a good position i should not throw  this that's one plus two okay cool um   but i don't really want to max thunders  because i just take infinite damage rate   so i think i just wild charge and i  might run out as turns right of sun   but it's not that important because after  this goes down they can't ko they can't get   my thunders right i just need to get phenosaurian  okay they didn't switch they never behemoth blade   yeah they probably thought i was gonna max  there but i wanted back to venus for this game   they're probably doubling actually they probably  know only one attacking plenty of i guess   uh body press is better but doesn't really  matter i don't know why bring jealousy   okay she makes a phone breath someone's dead  here i think we'd rather have it i don't even   know probably yeah thunder's going down here is  actually good for me perfect now we're cooking   now we're really cooking oh i just watched her  for incineroar though right it's kind of annoying i could still lose this for sure okay station going down is really nice though i  saw twerkle alive as well which is good because   i can maybe reset the sun okay let's go when you  saw because it's probably a scenario right here   right yeah there's instant okay uh what i want  to do here it's probably just crab hammer right   the issue is i don't really have  a safe switch anymore right this   instrument has citrus berry though um do i die  i probably died a sun boosted uh attack right   um i'm not uh i am pretty much dead just  like with the sun so should i max guard here   wait do i even need to max i could just sleep  part of the incident as well and just be like a   vintage player but it gives me a chance to lose  right whereas if i gmax vinelash into kingler   yeah i'm gonna gmax fine lash to kingler and  i'm gonna body press the instant if it's a   moon is probably the last one i think or maybe  dragonfall ah yeah that was a bad play by me   darn okay oh i threw this i think i  actually just threw this super hard   because if they one shot me here i'm going  to lose to incineroar some sun unfortunately   or dude take out these figures they played  really well darn it amongst takes zero from that unfortunately with the crit even oh my god   all right if you just were hanging there  you're not saying you're not hanging in there   flare blitz if you knew yeah it's a lot of  recoil oh i survived um that's interesting   it's actually very interesting because  now they're going to take a ton of damage all right big that was a nice roll  for me oh so close but that's actually   uh that seals it that's game over i don't  think there's any moves left they have   i don't think we have any moves  left that can still win for them   nice okay yep that's guaranteed chip damage i  have max flare here right what happens if i uh if   i if my gmax vine lash instead it just came over  right do you like to find lush and gianna mungus   i think that's game over right because if they  switched to kingler then like they got a gmx   fine lash and the mungus and kingler should never  beat station so i'll go over the killing instead i   can't even protect right so this is a guaranteed  kill and then i have two strings of vine lash on   the kingler ah that was bad okay they're kicking  one of my mods here i just don't know which one i guess if i lose to kingler i could lose  but it's pretty low hp at this point right   my sludge woman's torque i guess oh sport oh right  they can spore me oh but that's fine because now   kingler comes in necessary gmx fine lines to  protect or i could just kill a mungus how much   is venus or with gmx finance doing the kingler  it's probably max hp right it might ensure it's   max hp because it probably wants to be stationed  at plus one let's see gmax vinelash through   protect with life orb there's 52 percent that's  a lot of damage i think that gmx vine lash here   and then switch here is pretty much game over  because even because the moon is only damaging   move is sludge bomb right as long as like kingler  goes down eventually they lose and sun boosts deal   with sun up like zation has a better chance of  winning this i think protect yeah i could have   gone from max guard and the leaf sword next turn  i guess and also wouldn't be fine i just figured   this does so much damage to protect also they need  to splunk yeah that's they would die to vinelash   in two turns right so that's pretty much game  over they need to they would need to one shot musician spoiler i was really good playing  good play good play to play um i think that   they this person actually played really well  i think that i just slightly outplayed them   because i also played really well um  all right king is going to die to vine   lash next turn that's what seals this  because yeah the chip damage is too much   because the the mungus never they need to one-shot  my station basically which is not possible in sun   because even though crits ignore drops they  don't know where the drops occurred by sun um i can literally do nothing and win i protect  here because why not and i protect here as well   why not okay first of sleep second turn to sleep crab hammer they need this  to one shot it's actually   a really strong move oh that was the crit okay gg i'm sorry trouble you did great and now the source  parting shot good mic all right i played this   pretty poorly actually but i um both games  i played well i like i had various streams   very much extremes because i was  playing really well and very badly   uh but there's a game over they don't  have any moves that hit me anymore and what i want what do i want what any of  us want really i want to deny speed control   right so i want to fake out into this and  sub okay i know this is talented not taunt   it's probably just taunt though right it  was a really good play and i lose okay gg okay um i have to parting shot into  this and behemoth blade into this unless   helping and thunderbolt kills me that  i'm dead here but i don't think it does   oh this is helping hand here okay t-bolt spotted damage let's play game over um yeah i don't know what i'm  supposed to do here honestly actually i can do my speed control right by going  into venus over here that was a good move i i   didn't really do anything about that let me just  learn to think a little bit though because i can   deny speed control here if i if i would like which  is kind of valuable or i can maybe deny speed   control so by bringing an instance here this is  called his helping hand tailwind protect and taunt   or helping entailment moon blast and taunt so it  doesn't have protect so now it's in fake eye range   so the question is does it want  to does the value tell in here or   is it how you taunt because each  of them gives me something right   tailwind it values okay they expected  me to probably go somewhere else there   they don't have goggles on this team right it's  electrode yeah they want to go for speed control okay i needed a sleep better here it's  kind of important if i miss it's bad right   okay bad um okay it's fine as well yep that was a really bad miss unfortunately if  that hits i'm in really good shape um what's   the goal here because they're probably gonna vault  switch this turn right do i kill lucky with those i think i lose i'm out of  time i don't have time to calc   oh no all right i really need to  knock kill here oh electro ball   oh right i didn't even look at the moves oh  no hanging in there oh jesus gg more played unless this survives now i need to max there missing sleep powder doomed me um but it's  okay i probably could play better as well   oh it's landing next okay it's fine right   there's air streaming here right so i could switch  here and burning jealousy and potentially get a   burn down and then try and win in the late game  like because i don't think i could speed control   ever if they air stream here right i don't know  this is correct but it's what i'm choosing to do because i figured they might max this turn  i could just be earthquake though as well   yeah they actually end up maxing so i think  this is the airstream is the thing i think   it's helping him max airstream taunt it's really  cool okay there should be air syndication i think   i'm pretty sure yep or yeah instrumentalization  okay i played pretty well if i hit that sleep   header i might actually won this um i'm dead  to uh what am i dead to now i get the burn you have to bring jealousy  off this is av you kill both   or kill one burn the other because of the  speed boost thank you bringing jealousy because this is actually potentially winnable  potentially because curium isn't that bulky   right their taiwan's gone and so venus was the  fastest thing in the field and i haven't maxed   yet right when you're sort of a great friend okay  cure him okay um well i'm dead to any they want   to go for blizzards right realistically  or do they want they want they apologize   earth power me right my question is dynamics  venusaur how much i take from these attacks   because i can't predict torpol so i'm probably  turtles almost certainly did earth power right   oh wait i could sleep out of the curum right can i  sleep on her body first to cure him or can i hard   read a cure and protect and go for a wait how much  is i wish i had more time already time there's no   time to call because my [ __ ] is broken ah that's  really frustrating i wanted to see if who's into   i wanted to see if ooze into max of vinelash  max flair and sun kills okay versus curium that's why you mean protect yeah okay  that's why i wanted to calc around this   qmw i'm juganda maxed i'm sun up  you get the vine lash down which is   really nice oh they're going for double  airstream here that's their play right because that way they're faster than  me still can't predict torque though   i want to torque oh interesting features are  still pretty healthy then i didn't really have   a better move to be honest with torquel other than  body pressing so the question was should i have   gone for wait how does just heat wave at sun in  sun doing to cure him um it ah this is actually   winnable wait i think i could win this depending  on this turn max strike has a chance to kill here   um and then there's a one versus one of burned  landers versus venusaur with fine lash up   they're adamant they're jolly right yeah they're  they're jolly so that's what they were going for   infinity store yeah and they're curious really  fast now because they got two speed boosts i   could have max guarded there but it doesn't help  me i had to make this play i think yeah that was   well played i didn't have a counterpoint  to that except uh spraying the miss fly   because now they get to go for uh fly and burn  blender's fly probably kills me i'm just like   probably there because it's not guaranteed  it's jolly landers tea right later is tea why is this not in the calc it dies okay i  think i made the right moves though i don't   think anything better to do so if i had to protect  this is winnable but i don't protect so i would   need them to miss a like i would leave them to not  fly this turn and they always fly this turn right   because they're faster than me they can miss  fly though it's not 100 accurate so i have a 35   percent chance of wanting this if i had one more  turn of max i wish the calculator wasn't broken   but i can't be too upset with myself i mean i  didn't play very well maybe it should be kobe   berry cumber would have potentially say change  this i'm saying yes i don't want all right lee   storm miss fly this dinosaur dodge it nah yeah  i didn't deserve to win that one i played pretty   bad this match was just too hard i could have  played better though where did i make mistakes   the regular lucky stuff letting  the station go down was pretty bad   um i mean we have a general idea of what  they want to do now right like we know that   they're not going to just give us curum for free  because as long as asian remains a plus some speed yeah okay same way just before let's get rid of  the ones that faster this time because that was   a real issue last time i'm assuming that magnet  reggie lucky doesn't kill me right that it wasn't   a role i should probably count that because  if i get that wrong i'm definitely done for   i also definitely have to protect  here i think every day of the week unfortunate very unfortunate okay it's interesting i kind of subbed there but i need to get  some speed to actually have a chance of   winning this i think this was now the helping  in thunderbolt it's a world it's a 50 chance to   kill so what do they get they really get the  role to kill do i lose insta is it just an   auto loss from that point because i would have  plus two plus one i'd have close to thunderous   but i think i would just always lose right so  is there a do i have a better play because if i   switch what happens actually switching to instant  here is okay right because then i can parting shot   because then they probably going to  cure them correct and then if they   cure them they have to hailstorm decay of  thunderstorms she gives me a parting shot   out in position and that gives me actually  this is still fine i actually switch here   i just can't risk helping in thunderbolt  i'm doing this gaming station this time i can also just fake out for the kill into the  thing but i don't think it's necessary i think i'm   always um attacking again helping hands yeah this  is the right play and doesn't need its health as a   resource because it's dead to earth power anyway  okay let's see what okay this is dundee plus one   which is quite nice i survived the attack no pera  i don't even know how this kills it's actually   really if i don't kill her we're in actually  turbo good shape okay i got the galaxy's strong   okay yeah let's turn on my max as well  but it's okay because station's gonna be   used offensively to stop their next turns i  think actually subbing turn one and then air   streaming turn two are really nice there yeah  there's curium okay all right here comes the   big guns any big guns in chat they have to hail  storm if they want to i guess they could help   storms just to land you that'd be pretty bad  for me right yeah they have to hailstorm here   they're probably switching to landorus right but i  don't think i have a really good switch into that   if i just won that game one i might have been  able to close this out it's gonna be if they   switch wins into landy i guess i think that pretty  much confirms their maxing and hailstorming though   which is very interesting stone jr  is potentially game-winning here   which is kind of crazy to think about but i  think stone jr in the back actually wins the game   because they max curum here which means they're  giving up speed control for the rest of the game   assuming the airstream or hailstorm but they have  to hail storm here or they could guard i guess   how strong yep okay that's really good i  lose thundi unfortunately bye bye bye bye   however we're actually putting ourselves into like  a super nice end game i think because what's the   lander set i think this is winnable it's av landy  with earthquake fly rockslide superpower doesn't   have any damage output they have one turning tan  one left this is wonderful this is super winnable all right stone jr it's time well it's almost  time because at minus one that shouldn't be doing   infinite damage with earth power through  protect and yeah it's still out of range   and now we've probably shot the landorus right  to get to minus two if possible because now the   landorus is no longer threatening they would need  to stall for four three more turns i was like   they'd have to save kiram for three more turns  which would probably require a double protect   stakes max quick but we don't have any  special pokemon left actually we didn't   bring any special one into this fight so  it's fine i could fake out the landing but   we actually want this in order to go down  here we do not want to survive this turn   probably shut the landing because it's  guaranteed drop and then i protect station earthquake excellent they actually damaged  themselves there which is cool with me i mean   it doesn't really matter but it's still cool  with me bye bye and now the question is how   are they going to get through stony j that's  my question to the world i just need to make   sure i time the hailstorm turns correctly because  there should be two turns if there are three turn   tuesday left okay perfect because actually does a  little more damage than i would love to be honest   true be honest however it's not a huge deal  landrus's moves are earthquake fly rockslide   and superpower it's holding the assault fest uh  talon's over they cannot switch into whimsicott   i now get to bring in stoney j and go for the  w because what this does is it means they never   get speed control again because they basically  i always wide guard here actually attract um   the questions do i want to hard read the protect  because it's super obvious i think i just behemoth   played this turn into curum and wide guard it's so  obviously going to protect do i want to stop i'm   just going to go for it yeah i should have subbed  maybe i don't know this stuff felt like too risky the pose is super powering trying  to get some damage down right superpower into the right that's  actually kind of annoying i just sucked   i guess i'm dead to crit it's actually  doing a fair bit of damage unfortunately   okay i actually might lose this potentially oh wait do i still i think i still lose this  because i didn't think about landorus in the end   though it can only superpower me  right i don't think wide guard and   behemoth played again i just hope  that they hopefully i mean i guess   they could sack here stacking makes the  situation really really kind of precarious they're stacking wins to hail  i guess in the hopes that or captain hail turns wrong please  don't get thumbled okay no double   okay unless like unless i counted he'll  turn wrong which is definitely possible   because this should be the last turn of hell  right this next one like this is this is the   last damage you turn hell right carom's down this  is turn four of kiran right so it's pale still   i sail something goes out okay so now to two  versus one 39 times four is that am i in range   i'm out of range of sub that's really bad that's  real bad chad i'm not gonna lie to you stoney j   it's up to you it's tony j i think it's up to you  buddy oh god i know i asked for a lot of stone   turner but this this is really it i have neutral  land i have neutralization i have minus one   stone tuner against landorus oh god what are my  options chat do you believe in the power of love   oh chat oh chat it's time attract protect i  think i have to do it i think i have to do it   i gotta put all the marbles  here please superpower me   don't earthquake don't earthquake oh my god  i played they outplayed me there's nothing   else to say about it i don't die though stoner  is super bulky okay one earthquake ends this it's a track time baby okay uh what are my options  here like if it's gonna superpower me do i lose   anyway so i should probably wide guard right  like if superheroes at this point in the game   i probably lose right i probably wide guard this  turn pray for the attract and then behemoth played i think they're uh they might superpower  me here but like it's always if   like i always still have that i have  a 50 chance of track this turn and if   rockstar is going to kill anyway then  i have a 50 chance of track next turn   meaning i basically have three to four chance of  winning if being played in the rock slide kills that crit oh my god all right well we used  to track okay game three all right our first   game three for both of us all right that was  really hard the stone journal was actually a   freaking tank stone was so good oh my god  okay it's game three for all the marbles a lucky wins okay same we did before so i think  the mistake i made last time is thinking that   station's hp matters if i'm gonna do this lead  right and this like helping in thunderbolt is   too risky for them right i think i think  it's just the airstream sub here it's very   risky if they helping hand me but like the  realistic play is to protect again right   because if they elect like if they can get a speed  boost this becomes very dangerous for my opponent   there's like because plus one speed station i  speed is the whole team minus the two in the field   realistically like it's outspeed secure and landy  and tailwind so i'm ensuring that i can find a way   to get that plus one speed by setting a substitute  one instead of protecting is really good it's just   risky because if i get it wrong i probably lose  so my heart's definitely in my stomach right now   but like we also know that helping in thunderbolt  isn't guaranteed ko right we know it's only a roll   not helping hand come on not helping hand oh  no they super hard red me that's really bad   owen to thundy oh hello fancy seeing you here  that went very well i'm not gonna lie to the chat   that went extraordinarily well  because now i have a sub up uh um wait so what am i can i i can do whatever  i want right now right i can kill both moms wait   can i kill both mods here what are they gonna do  i air stream again right to get to plus two speed   into this and i does plus one secrets or kill a  lucky according to this plus one tickets would   always chaos so i could sacred sword here but  i'm wishing my stub i'm always air streaming   am i was there streaming it also airstream  here right there's probably airstream here   and sacred sword here right what's the  worst case they full tuition to landy   i'm still plus two speed at that point  right and we know i don't die to anything   tailwind okay it's also very risky to bring  the enemy in here but that's another story   this whole twitch oh it's t-bold okay  i think i get both kills here actually because secretary should get this ah they have bulk that's really bad uh it's  somewhat bad i would say it's not really bad   i could have doubled the election there because  actually doubling the election was the better   play that was a mistake on my part um because  what they can do now is they can oh wait they   can't really electro rub me down though right and  i know i don't die to thunderbolt from this range   so i can air street i can behemoth blade  actually maybe not taking the killer was good   in hindsight we know i don't drive a  thunderbolt so i can just air stream into this   because even at plus one i'm still faster  and there's no guarantee they even know that   airstream plus became they might actually have  assumed that i was adamant because i'm so because   of the thunderbolt did less than they expected so  i can just airstream plus behemoth blade and put   myself in a really good nice position i could  still lose this this is not over by any means   because for protect okay that's fine  what is this going to be electroweb   volt switch thunderbolt electrical thunderbolt  okay could move yeah i could move it did i get   a critter parrot here and i'm pretty much in clear  no pera no crit nice i could have protected there   but it didn't seem worth it truthfully all right i  have neutralization uh attack plus one thunderous   stone joiner in the back the issue is they're  gonna go for the double protection i don't know if   i have a counter plate of that oh it's urshifu oh  it's choice been urged for that's very interesting   um okay that's not what i expected at all wait  if i get this turn wrong i lose right because i   could i can behemoth blade and superpower i think  i lose hang on wait do i lose no i should have a   guaranteed win here because i can superpower here  and switch and then as long as the nation comes in   after hale and after taiwan i always win right the  thing is that instant always takes one right and   sonora always takes one attack and i'm plus three  speed i need to hope that thunder is one shot from   here because there's actually no guarantee it  does this might have been a mistake actually okay fails that probably means  unfortunately they're going for oh did no damage oh i lost a super  threw a super through a super through   oh didn't wait it blizzarded miss messages it's  in dodge okay could have been worse i guess i   lost though that's really upsetting oh what  kind of play was that they haven't maxed yet   wait no it's still okay right is it okay how  many the tailwind did they protected wait i went   i went there there's only one turn of them left  because then they brought in this so as long as i   oh no but stone jr can't kill here can it [ __ ] plus rockstar is not gonna kill this thing  right how much is stone jr versus with rock slide   versus urshifu how much am i doing here oh god i'm  doing 13 to 15 percent bro fake up that's that's   like 25 fake on plus rockslide should kill  here and then tailwind's over next turn right   i could also flare blitz here could i just fly  let's just better is just better here no figures   needed because if they don't they can only max  one question they might actually max urshifu here   it's in a pokeball it might be urshifu actually  yeah that's a really good move tan one's over but actually i think this is still winnable  depending on blizzard and stuff oh they   missed that blizzard i should have flown if i'd  flown it was game over oh they protected okay   blaster to tailwind two turns of max left   what do they do here though they can't ko they  need to ah oh it killed knuckle into stone jr okay i kind of flare blitz there it feels bad come on stoney j come on stoney  j give me a big twix here nope not at your okay um there are 10 ones over  so i got to go for a rock slide and flare blitz   here right i have no better play it's always rock  solid flare let's go this is so tense i just need   one mon down because they shouldn't either on  here they knuckle into stone jordan i'm sorry   don't get no no no okay okay okay okay okay who  are they attacked oh no they're gonna blizzard me   oh no no no no no they're gonna blizzard  me they're just going for blizzard right   they're just banging on a 50 chance to win i'm  gonna lose blizzard no earth power earth power   and two oh they they messed up they messed  up by one oh my god stone junior was so good   oh lord they messed up i think we went i think  we're going to think we're going because there   was kills here i'm doing not a recoil oh thank you  thank you players kept two ev spread oh thank you   instead of her holy cow cause tail was over they  have no speed boost instant goes down i should   just play with the first time i lived okay instead  of now taiwan's over and one is positioned in one   shots all right all right there should be game i  think this is a game they have no tail one they   have no speed boosts i should have played more  defensively with my station earlier they have   plus one attack and that's it so i get to  go behemoth blade that blizzard must end   up being pretty influential but it's only  a 49 chance to get both of them so the odds   are my favorite and if they missed thunderous  and the game was over i could have flown yes   and that's behemoth blade it should one shot  if it doesn't i will be absolutely shocked all right that's good really good  games that was really difficult   ggs that was a lot of fun i'm  not going to rest oh my god   that was crazy i think since this is time to be  a little bit more aggressive than i've been being   where's the conversation okay that's what  i expected um truthfully they're probably   gonna double protect here right i can go  torkle and set myself up really nicely for a   what are they in the back right what is their what  are they i don't understand the thunder sensor   i think i definitely am supposed to do something  cinderella right here i think i have to go torque   orientation maybe just go station and get the  speed boost and put pressure on them that way   they could actually just attack position  here as well or they get like helping   in close combat i guess it was a bad  play i was i i kind of hit myself with   a secret sword though i mean even hoping  secretary's not gonna do that much damage once i got protect so civilization protects here i  guess they wouldn't want helping hand there right   yeah okay okay this is fine  i break the focus sash um   i have chaosation here and i only have to take  up behemoth blade to do it right how good is   that for me it's probably pretty good right it can  be human played an airstream and get to get myself   in a really nice position because they don't have  tailwind up yet so they can't release they can't   help and hand me truthfully actually i hope the  hemoplague and airstream kills but i'm fairly   certain yeah i actually accomplished earlier  definitely kills so i can be hemoglobin station   and airstream is asian i get the ko here how  good is that for the rest of this game when i   have plus 2g station which means i ought to  beat everything in tailwind right including   choice including swiss character fish they go for  tailwind that's fine they did not get quite here   they're faster than me now which is fine i have  to get hemothblade somewhere or play rough maybe   ever been played into my probably shane i would  guess but thunder is a real problem for them so   it might be found you too oh it's funny actually  okay that's fine like station being a full hp is   really nice in my opinion this is plus one  behemoth blade so it should do a fair bit okay don't get the ko but it's fine  because we didn't really need the ko there okay with that all right that's fine is  it drakovic max here like what's coming   on what's going on it's probably drink  of a switch in here right it's probably   helping hand and then switching to drakovich  which would mean i would have to sacrifice my   thunderous spectre actually to switch okay but  that dies to i'm close to speed right so i can   just i can just definitely one shot this there's  no move that can use that protect tillman helping   him blast they can't do anything about this they  can switch to incineroar but they'd still be   taking a really powerful attack it wouldn't gain  that much ground out of it in my opinion okay   they actually just max spectre i guess they're  going for max score but i'm still going to have   plus one station at plus three speed after this so  even if they ate max strike me i'm so fine right   oh did that live this i thought it didn't i  really didn't think i lived this am i crazy max speed if they move bus drop me okay  they're max b that's confirming that   not super useful but good to know i got  bad news i got bad news for my opponent   that's so that's gonna be a one win i don't think  with no dynamics they can come back from this   didn't even have to reveal that i brought to  torque on the back either which is really nice   and they're forced to show me their  last one here unless they want to   disconnect because they keep can't  forfeit mid sending out of pokemon that's really good info in my  opinion wow this is a three turn   game because thunder is max turn one  it's kind of crazy instant okay cool i guess they could have doubled  me this turn they could have   they should have that last time they could have  switched into it which would be kind of bad   okay i win game one that's not bad at  all we need to do that one more time supernovas are guaranteed here all right it's  game one let's do that again for game two i   do have the option of one yes or i didn't even  like how are they going to adjust is my question   because like it shows it puts me in a position  versus spectria which is kind of an issue   when you got dracovicious delete actually okay but  it's choice scarf dragonfish i got i interpreted   it right away um all right now i'm not gonna lie  to you i might i want to make a really hard read   here because i'm pretty sure is asian switches in  this turn and the tailwind and then they go for   helping hand plus because i'm pretty sure that's  their play so i want to they expect fake out   airstream here right so they they probably want  to protect oh wait does that even work this is a   really risky read do i want to make it it's kind  of useless right it doesn't do that much for me   their minds won't attack like they might  they in their scarf so they probably can't   internet worst right and that's pretty bad for  me but then i get to get position in right yeah   i'm going to have hardware to switch into the  oh chad that wasn't my best move in fact that   was one of my worst ones ever i guess they  were just comfortable giving up dragofish   protect whims okay that's my bad chat i made a  bad play i'm not gonna lie to you i could just   fake i want to just fake out airstream oh they  fished from just dundee okay they're going for   the two shot all right i put myself in a bad  position i probably lose now could just i want   to just fake out airstream i don't know what i  did there i'm super throwing um i can probably   still win this but it gets a lot harder now  because i let thunder take so much damage for no reason i need to get three spirits shouldn't be  a boost up as well um which i can't do right now   because it's a tailwind so yeah i think i think  i threw this that was really dumb with me i just   need to fake out your stream turn one i i just  got greedy for no reason even switch the tour   actually you know what the best player is probably  historical airstream whims right because that   gives me very nice positioning cluelessness all  right did you find a way through this talon turns all right yeah that's not bad it's  not great but it's not horrible either i wish i knew how oh it's interesting and tutorial   it's not so much um i get rid of one of their  mods but i'm in pretty bad trouble here i wish   i knew burning jealousy effectively like this  i could have airstreamed into the whims again   is that better i actually lived there because  i think now i just lose disaster right   i might be able to still win this because  i do have so uh they don't really waste   any speed boost right because it's probably  spectralization is the last two i'm pretty sure   this play is always i wish i could say i wish  you burning jealousy burned here but i don't   um yeah anyway i have a pretty clear play they're  going over helping him behemoth blade right just   to cover the insulin so i'm going to switch  in and lose my dynamics and go for burning   jealousy so i could have yawned as well but i  want to i need to break the one that goes focus   stashing putting getting behind the plate  or getting fiery burning jealousy here also this is good for it's good because  it breaks them just kind of focus and in my two shot position  if i'm lucky but probably not   helping hand yep blade unless they wanted a  hard read to switch in but that'd be unfortunate   if they sacred sort of here oh my god oh it's  horrible okay does less it does like 57 damage   which is quite nice okay let's find  out if i burn here i don't think i do do it two shot do i burn give me the burn i would station i would uh wait don't get the whimsical  here if iko whims there's still two turns of   tailwind right so i'd actually rather body press  this asian i think ah there's a bad play spectre   right that was really bad um okay this is  really bad wait i need to kill the whimsicott   if i kill him i could i win right wait this is  actually fine providing i don't get a moon blast   do they protect oh my god oh just reports fine  okay wait did so much damage what the heck   am i burning jealousy i always win that was  really i'm just turbo throwing constantly i'm   never dead to let's just hop right here i thought  by burning jealousy here every time i think so as   long as one of my pokemon survives long enough to  attack the winds uh when's this protecting though   uh but then instant comes in can fake out right  i don't know why i forgot they hit protect   i'm just i'm playing so badly don't protect  just moon blast i can't play well more play   oh what am i doing i should have yawned at  least okay they just killed twerkle well because legozation now like i needed  to deny trick room somehow is the issue   and they have a special attack boost too  this is over i lost i messed up super bad oh man okay uh i threw so badly i threw super  badly it's okay okay i don't think this is   winnable anymore um i go instant i fake out  plus wild charge uh this is maybe still level   there's probably a way to do this actually um i guess i just foul play the  whimsicott and harding shot the spectre   i should just go for the win i'm just going for the win it's fine i'll  lose but i'll like if they stay in here   they went for the double and got it i lost on  double protect this game was guaranteed mine   and they went for double reject and got it but i'm  only this position because i i play badly anyway   so i can't be too upset right phantasm okay minus  one defense plus two special attack on this vector   here uh if i had one turn left a song this is  actually still winnable oh man it feels super bad uh double protect there if i if they  fail that i win always because then   it's i yeah unfortunately i made the right play  at least tell me the sun is stopped please stop   the sun slow it's definitely over and for it i  guess they could still potentially throw this   um by the time kaizo man i can't have lost it i  lost a game here this is super bad oh it's still   maxed um oh let's just max quakes me for the  ko okay well i lost i guess i want to see if   wait if i protect here are they just tailwind  right so i always have to fight in tailwind double protect is a lame way to  lose i'm not gonna lie to you   yeah that's all right i mean i played  pretty well they just yeah but i don't know   sorry i played really poorly and that's  why i lost and that's why i deserve to lose like that turn one was atrocious i don't  i don't know what like what i was thinking   and now like never came whimsical was also really  bad like i just kind of autopiloted through this   um i don't think venus is combo i think i  have the right pokemon i think i got exactly   the right pokemon i just need to be a little  bit more disciplined and like not make super   terrible hard reads because like who cares if  the ancient switches in there right if i get ridiculous i guess station switching there is kind of  bad though right that's what was the issue   and if i'm going to make a play like that i should  just be so if the situation's the same what i   should be doing is airstreaming the whimsicott and  switching to torquel right which that says we have   really nicely for body press burning jealousy or  burning jealousy plus airstream right because all   i need to do is get speed control when i win this  game right this should definitely be winnable i   just played really really really extraordinarily  badly they're also not bringing incinerator right they're probably bringing the same pokemon  again which is dracovish lead right   could i just leave station here how  much does asian take from dragofish   no i shouldn't does that would that  would require me to leave thunderous   but getting rid of the whimsicott so i don't  need to get through the first tailwind because   none of their max moves like give them speed  to control except for a strike what's that   spectre is the lead okay into insane plus  stundy um it's a little spooky not gonna lie but the thunder is backstar just one it shot not but that's okay right actually i  don't need torque or anything i can air stream   here and switch the torque on saktoriko  and get turned to fake out pressure because torque wasn't necessary isn't  that necessary isn't senora right   okay this is tricky for sure but it should still  be okay because i just helping hand max quake   into instant slot this turn oh they got a special  attack boost from that which is actually quite bad   ah yeah cause helping hand is actually really  bad for me right yeah i might even go seek here   yeah helping hand max quit coming out unless  they want to go back to phantoms i'm just   giving you the game for free that would  be nice but it's got a quake right yeah   i was the issue of torque hole i shouldn't have  brought totally although yeah i mean i guess stone   journey stranger puts me really nice poppy yeah  the issue is that chilling grimly activates now they're lightweight right grenade that comes out crit  doesn't help me here um just about half hot um i think i go instant always because i'm probably losing at this point  right i need to start making some good   plays so i either attack the spectra or not  expect like expecting them not to protect   wait what am i doing i ah i had fake out airstream  for guaranteed kill and then i went from there   oh my god what am i doing okay um   oh oh i got it i got it okay we're  still in this we're still in this   oh man yeah i didn't use takeout all set okay so  we're still alive this is the run is live uh live but i'm still in trouble because i lost fake up  this turn i lost intimidate this turn as well   okay but okay we get rid of one's call which  means we have speed advantage for now i need to   use my last tucked airstream as well quick  again okay we're trading mons this i think   i've extreme turn one i would have just been the  same position but better standard vincent yeah i   i live not helping hand life or helping hand with  non-life work but not both you can't live both um   okay this is getting real scary but it's fine i  guess um the question is who comes in now right   that's like the number that's the question of the  hour but i have one turn left to air streamization   right so they're plugging position as well yeah  um what's the worst thing that happens here   the worst thing that happens here is they protect  right although actually how bad is it that they   protect we know we're at least speed tied right  we know we're speed tied i have two pokemon that i   was speeding chaos spectre right so my airstream  despector the worst thing that happens is max   guard correct like i want to airstream behemoth  flight here even though i know it's very likely   that they should protect so what does it set me  up for next turn that sets me up for a behemoth   blade and wild charge as they switch and then it's  a 50 50 right so do i just go completely yolo mode   i don't know if this is correct they could  also change in this turn but it's fine the   issue is i just want to avoid 50 50s okay  i'm very glad i didn't over predict here   um the issue is this isn't guaranteed ko okay  it's a ko i'm not faster this actually might   be really bad though for me right it depends  on who they target down maybe sub was better   sub is probably better here although i don't  think i could risk it because i thought maybe   there's a chance one of them protected oh man all  right i need to crit here give me a thick grip i'm guaranteed faster now which is great but i  don't predict when thunder is which is quite bad didn't [ __ ] okay who are they targeting  probably probably i actually don't know   who they're targeting here but whoever it  is is taking a lot of damage unfortunately   it's thunder okay that's probably the last  pokemons incineroar there's two turns of sun   left right what's the item in sonora sugaberry  okay that's good okay so it's plus one instant   the issue is now it's a it's a 50 50 right  actually is it a 50 50 to signature my two   shot here right i don't know if this is a 50 50  i think that i have a relatively good move and   that i double the instant here because that  covers for protect and that also covers for   because i'm plus ones action speed and i don't  really ship damagation either like if they double   let's say the doublesation if the double station  i would survive right so if they double thunderous   with fake up this attack then i would have sacred  sword and sacred sword for the win right assuming   that secrets are two shots which really should  because i don't have the berries so i'm just gonna   double the incinerator right here i think  fake out they just went for they okay oh they cripped me oh god okay okay it's an  easy two shot okay what are they doing with   this man though behemoth played into whompst what  if they're adamant if their item could they kill   me i don't think they kill me here thundi oh they  went for that okay okay the sun ends now i have   plus one specialization versus plus one attack  station incinerators moves are flare boats taunt   fake out darkest layer yet it's a really risky  play for them i think they only went on crit   i just always take your sword here right did  of protect there's no harm in protecting right there's no benefit either  like if they're gonna protect   okay let's go it wasn't a 50 50 because  they never killed me so i just did this okay   that was way closer than i traded but they adapted  really well this is why you this is why game two   is so important because like they figured out  what they had to do for game three but they   didn't figure it out for game two so if i played  well i would win game two um but that is my bad   that was way way more difficult like my matchup  was very that match was very heavily in my favor all right five oh with stone jr five oh the stone turner not bad at all  we'll take it we'll absolutely take it   cool cool all right so we somehow made it  through players cup day one with stone jr we   lost two games total yeah we lost one around five  and four and five at least dropped a game there   i think that's all i have to say i don't really  need to drag this out um thank you for watching i   hope you enjoyed and i guess we'll be back next  saturday with more of more players cup because   we advanced in the winter side of the bracket so  um oh wait no next week i probably won't be able   to stream because i want to broadcast it so um  yeah anyway thanks for watching hope you enjoyed you
Channel: WolfeyVGC
Views: 335,707
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Wolfey, Pokemon, VGC, Wolfe Glick, Competitive Pokemon, Pokemon VGC, Pokemon Sword and Shield, twitch, twitch streams, pokemon nuzlocke, nuzlocke, pro gamer, gaming, gamer, hardcore nuzlocke, smallant, ludwig, pokemon challenge, pokemon challenges, alpharad, vgc, vgc 2020, vgc 2021, stonjourner, zacian, twitter pokemon, pokemon twitter, wolfe glick vgc, wolfe glick tournament, wolfe glick tournament win, pokemon tournament, pokemon tournament winner
Id: xQttxv-iVt8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 86min 39sec (5199 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 25 2021
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