How Good are the NEW Pokemon in Legends Arceus?

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hello everybody today we're gonna be talking  about the new pokemon added in pokemon legends   arceus and how good they will be uh in competitive  pokemon when they are allowed this is probably   obvious but this video is gonna have spoilers  in it so if you don't want spoilers click off   of the video now or save it for later whatever um  we're gonna be going through cerabid which has all   the details on these pokemon that are in the games  available um it's worth noting that of course this   isn't going to be a perfect estimate estimation  because we don't know they're like uh updated   move pools you know with um with the like how it  would work in a traditional pokemon game we also   don't know how some of these new moves add new  legends rcs translate into a traditional pokemon   game but i think we have enough information to  make a pretty educated guess which is my goal   with this video today um before we jump into the  specifics i would like to ask you to subscribe   we are almost half a million subscribers  well we're getting close to half a million   subscribers i should say we will be doing a big  a huge project for that as a thank you to you   all for the support we hit half a million which  is i'll be ranking every single type combination   in pokemon um that currently exists it's over a  hundred type combinations it's gonna be a ton of   work but i wanted to do something big to say thank  you for all the support so um if you wanna support   the channel if you care about competitive pokemon  if you just wanna watch more legends rc's content   i really would appreciate you subscribing anyway  without further ado let's jump into weird deer so   weirder has interesting typing i think that's  the first thing worth noting it is normal and   psychic um this is interesting because it  is a kind of a high like it it basically is   minor changes to both the normal type and the  cycle psychic type so normal loses its weakness   it's um weakness to fighting type and  exchange gets it weakness to dark and psychic   loses its weakness to ghosts in exchange for  an immunity which is um interesting but it   also loses its resistance to fighting so it's an  interesting combination um if this has been before   sword and shield i probably would have told you  i don't think this combination is very good but   the after seeing indeedy with this combination  it actually has been quite nice on a kind of a   bulky supportive pokemon and so um i think  that it's actually not inherently bad the   next thing we want to look at is the stats it  actually is pretty decent stats space 103 hp   is pretty good uh to be honest like pretty that's  pretty high based at um when it comes to hp a   decent pretty decent attack and special attack  105 is totally fine um and then like i would   say below average defenses but overall i would  say it's pretty average given the hp um one of   the weaknesses here is that it does only have a  base 65 speed stat which is not very fast at all   um to tell you the truth and so um with that  in mind it it really depends on a lot of other   factors so the stats basically give it a chance  but it doesn't it's not inherently overpowered   or anything like that so the next thing we want  to look at is the abilities it actually has three   good abilities intimidating the best um in terms  of like the things that are both common and strong   intimidated is probably the best uh ability in vgc  um it lowers both opponent's attacks by one stage   and it's just a generally really good um utility  ability um so that's really good frisk is also   nice in certain scenarios i don't think you'd  ever run over intimidate but it is nice because   in doubles and competitive pokemon um you'll  actually reveal both your opponents held items   which you know um i remember when dust claps was  really good it would have frisk and it would you   know you'd immediately know half the items in your  opponent's team because you would lead off with it   a lot of the time and um with that you would  immediately um you would immediately you would   immediately know like half their half their  rights because it revealed two out of four   and then last but not least sap zipper is a solid  ability like i think weirder if if pokemon could   have all three their abilities were to be super  strong i think because all three of these are good   i mean getting it immunity to grass is nice and  then also getting an attack boost is good as well   um next let's look at the move pool we see  sideshield bash which um 70 base power 90   accuracy it's worth noting that in the traditional  pokemon game base power seems to seems to have   been turned tuned down here a bit like double  edges normally 120 base power for example so   this might be an 80 or 90 base power move um it's  definitely interesting it's a same attack which   is cool um double edge is a really nice normal  the best probably physical normal hip attack on   the game that that is currently exists since the  rest is gone or sorry since return is not gone   so solid solid stab options there and then in  terms of coverage gets high horsepower megahorn   um and that's just about it um the thing that's  worth noting is that if we look at stantler i want to look at like cool so stantler um same abilities as stantler interestingly enough  and then um what's interesting about stantler is   that it gets a couple interesting coverage moves  so i didn't even know it got lunge that's a big   deal i don't think lunges and um legends rcs so  that's interesting and prison is pretty niche   but can be strong under the right conditions um it  also gets skill swap so i've talked about this and   trick room so um i've talked about this before  but one thing that's like people sort of asked   me about stanley and the one thing that stantler  has that is unique even when i mean if we look at   stats you can see very clearly it's not good um  but the thing about stanley that's interesting is   that is the only user of intimidate and skill  swap so that's relevant because um there's an   ability there are abilities competitive and  defiant which um give your pokemon a stop boost   or they they reverse every opponent if you're  if your pokemon gets a stat drop they they will   compensate by getting either a two-stage boost  to attack or two stages boost a special attack   um what's interesting about sandler is that it's  the only skill swap and intimidate user in the   game or it was last time i checked at least and  so what that means is that normally you're not   able to activate your own competitive or um  defiant you if you use bulldozer air or you   try and you know side target yourself with tail  whip or whatever um it's not going to work it's   not you're only going to lower your stash not get  the boost the exception to that is my cat is being   super crazy um the exception to that is if you  use skill swap intimidate you will activate your   own boost so that's kind of a niche any pokemon  with trick room and intimidate is going to be   uh viable i think so i think weirder under the  right condition it could totally be good between   assuming you have some of these support moves  that stantler gets between a prison trickeroom   and um skill swap i think it could absolutely be  good under the right conditions um especially in   a more limited format so weirder get to get to  pass from me um how many do i need to go through   by the way okay cleavor clevor is interesting  so this is a split path evolution for scyther um with the ability swarm sheer force and steadfast  so the first thing i want to talk about is the   typing bug and rock this is crustal's typing  there's something else like let me just look   really quick i'm missing something obvious  there's another pokemon that gets this that   i think gets more useful in crosstalk chuckle  obviously but i think there's something   armaldo i think there's something  else that i'm forgetting about crustal i guess not okay well there's a couple pokemon  with this typing it's not bad typing it's   i would say it's okay bug and rock are both kind  of like iffy typings but there's a couple nice   things about this number one rock typing um is  good because it gets a special events boost in   sand which can be really nice um and it also has  good stab options like rock slide and it's nice   to hit like fire and flying types which is good um  this is also a rock type that isn't weak to ground   which is nice and it's a bug type that's not weak  to flying so both those things are good in terms   of abilities um probably shear force is going to  be your most common one because it has the most   general usefulness but um steadfast and swarms  swarm is pretty inconsistent but steadfast can   be useful i think synthesis would be way better  if it replaced the flinch with uh with the speed   boost but um it's like they both have used shear  force is the best though in my opinion um looking   at the stats so it has really high base attack  135 is super super solid uh decent hp good defense   below average pressure defense i'm sorry with  the i don't know what's going on outside sounds   like a leaf blower but i do apologize for that  it's frustrating because it only starts when i   start recording um and then 85 speed which is a  bit slow so the speed is a little iffy um let's   see here in terms of move pools stealth rock is an  offensive move in this game with 40 base power um   gets x scissors psycho cut accessory also has  a heightened crit rate in this game which is   interesting given i talked about that rock  slide um air slash swords dance let's see   what else here silver one okay so of course we  don't really know exactly what the move pool   um let's see if scyther gets anything interesting  here that could be useful here i think that you're   here you know our internet storage dance agility  the screens u-turn air slash brutal swing   baton pass bug buzz exeter okay so um for  this pokemon i think the real thing that's   hurting is the speed i was curious i thought  cycler might get tailwind it might depend   on the game i'm pretty sure in some games so i  think it's tailwind in some games it doesn't so   with cleaver i think there's  a couple things you can do um oh it gets close combat i think that cleaver is a  decent user of both choice items and assault best   items because it has high base attacks so choice  band um obviously gives you a big increase in   power choice hey hey don't eat that he's trying  to get into trouble um choice scarf also lets   you at speed pokemon especially in a slower meta  game so i think that could be good choice scarf   with like rock slide um u-turn close combat and  then the coverage move depending on the format   could be good i think um yeah uh and so i think  that that has value i think choice band can be   pretty strong as well because you get choice  band shear force rock slide which is a spread   move or choice band shear force maybe a bug move  of choice i don't know lunge or um if access or   keeps the titan crit rate whatever um and then  the slope is just to allow yourself to be bulky   especially like useful in sand um a very very  bulky uh rock type but overall i think just like   just like weirder the thing that hurts clever the  most is it's low-based speed stat the rest of the   stats are fine but the low base speed stat makes  it pretty difficult and that's especially relevant   because unlike weirder who has trichome cleavoir  if it doesn't get access to tailwind um is gonna i   think have a hard time oh yeah the other thing is  if this thing gets tailwind you could totally run   tailwind on it right tailwind rock slide bug move  protect that's a super solid set you can do the   same thing with swords dance tailwind or swords  dance protect bug move rock move but the thing is   because you're so slow and um bug and rock don't  have priority moves that are widely accessible   um you're probably just gonna be uh not in not in  great shape to say the least um by which i mean   how do i say this like you can get a sword santa  but it doesn't matter if you get out of bed and   k out and you don't have such exceptional bulk  that you're likely to stick around for forever so   yeah that's cleveland let's talk about ursaluna  which is the evolution of ursaring what is this my cat is really getting trouble  i can hear like clawing my bed um   let's talk about the typing first  ground and normal is interesting is   this this isn't unique typing right  what's the other pokemon with this is this unique i think i don't remember  from the i don't know it can't be unique   i didn't cover it in the other video oh diggers  be kickers but yeah so um normal basically doesn't   really improve a lot of types but it it can  add another dimension to them so basically   normal is nice because it gives you an immunity  to ghost you get a weakness to fighting and then   you get more stab coverage move so um i think  normal ground is actually pretty decent because   the normal is a pretty good move in hitting a  lot of pokemon for neutral and some of the types   that resist are like ghost which ground hits for  neutral steel which grounded were super effective   rock which groundhog is perfect so it's actually  surprisingly good offensive type coverage because   um yeah and it also works the other way right  like the pokemon the ground can't hit flying   and grass and bug normal all hits for neutral so  offensively it's actually a pretty good uh type   coverage type combination let's look at the  stats next which i think are actually quite   impressive super high base hp super high  attack good defense bad special events and   then or like average special advantage and  then low speed a lot of these pokemon are   slow however these stats are very very good  130 bcp is remarkably bulky 140 base attack   is very powerful that's almost as high as lander's  theory and form um and then good defense as well   so this pokemon is i'm going to say this pokemon  without even seeing anything else about it is good   um in terms of moves it gets player of high  horsepower headlong rush which is i think like   120 base power close combat in the maze in the  main this is basically ground tunnels combat it   gets fire thunder and ice punch which is a huge  deal giga impact um stone edge play roof and then   that's it does it get double edged double edge as  well so um that's really really really strong and   on top of that it has three very good abilities  so guts is the most consistent here with um   giving you an attack b uh boost when you are  uh inflicted by status condition um i don't   think this is accurate though i don't think guts  activates on sleep and i don't think it actually   does freeze either but i guess it's not really  relevant um a nerve is a good utility ability   if you want to play like if you don't think  there's a lot of status and you want to run   like an assault best set then i think a nerve is  good and then bulletproof is a really cool move   uh because it protects you from all of these moves  so in certain meta games like orosphere um bullets   he's been all cultures that have been used before  rsv or bullet seed um energy ball uh gyro ball ice   no um mud bombs on a max mod doesn't really count  um pollen puff has been used before pyroball has   been good before rock blast is good situationally  rock record has been used a couple times um shadow   ball and sludge bomb are the big ones so and then  seat bomb as well but shadow ball sludge bomb and   weather ball i think there's three really big  attacks so you're already immune to shadow ball   and you resist sludge bomb so it's probably not  amazing on this mod but in in certain conditions   it can be a very powerful ability so what you have  with ursulina is a pokemon with very good stats   it's probably a pokemon that does well like trick  room um when i look at this mod i think if this   were like if this were like a similar format to  when generation eight first came out and there was   a lot of kind of like triggering pokemon concelder  was good and ursulina gives me similar vibes now   it depends a lot in the final move pool like  if it has um priority moves if it has you know   whatever whatever but i think that it's a pokemon  that obviously the guts is really strong i'm just   gonna quickly look at her story and see i don't  think it shouldn't get any priority move maybe   there's something here that i missed since we  can imagine this is pretty decent representation yeah it doesn't look like anything yawn is a good  utility move belly repellent belly drum oh my god   um yeah so anyway when i look at ursulina i see a  pokemon with very very wide range of applications   um guts allows it to be flame orb or toxic war  playing web is better though um and be a super   strong physical attacker especially a breaker in  trick room a nerve and bulletproof are also good   abilities as well you can run flamewarp you can  i wouldn't run a choice between pokemon like this   but you could run soulfest you can run citrusberry  you could run a resistance berry like um chopal or you want you can use it in trick room you can  give it like you can try to make it bulky and   have it just function um outside of all this it  has taunt which is really nice in order to stop   um like trick them from going up or it  can be a counter trigger mod i think   it's a great pokemon and i would be i would  definitely expect to see this in a limited   event a game basket legion is now a pokemon  that i was super excited for personally and   the stats actually the pokemon of the  different forms of different stats so   water ghost is really cool when it comes to  typing it's jealous typing which is another   pokemon that was good at the beginning of sword  and shield um it has three good abilities uh   all right rattle so rattle can shoot speed boost  when you're intimidated now it's not really   relevant it hasn't been relevant to sword and  shield because the users of it are like persian   magikarp sudowoodo dunsworth scramble there's no  good users of it basically in sword and shield so   i forgot that it did this but yeah you basically  rattle is a very good ability however adaptability   is really really really broken and then mold  breaker can be useful as well like moldbreaker   will allow you to attack around like uh disguise  that will allow you to tack around um storm drains   stuff like that sturdy so that can all be useful  uh let's look at the stats next so we already   know water ghost is a good typing really high  base hp pretty good attack i guess um okay this   looks better to me let's look at the differences  same hp lower attack same defense higher special   attack okay this is a special attacker there's a  physical attacker same special event same speed so   the physical attack is probably going to be  better but maybe actually with rattle the   special attacking one can be good as well that's  a very high base hp 720 is very good 112 is   solid it's not good but with adaptability you'll  still do damage defenses are a bit below average   but with the high base hp you can kind of get away  with that and then once again it's super slow so   well not super slow but it's too slow to really be  good so rydal is definitely looking appealing here   this looks like it wants you to use it as a mixed  attacker or like it can be either um it could be   either a mixed attacker or a regular attacker um  it's interesting that the different forms have   different stats as well which is cool so let's  look at the moves hex shadow ball wave crash okay   interesting this looks like it might be a  recoil move that raises speed this is one   of those moves i'm not going to be able to speak  super um specifically on because we don't know   how that would translate exactly but yeah um ice  fang almonds win combine rest icy wind shadow ball   aqua tail psychic okay so basically  with this this didn't give us that much hang on let me look aquajet that's a big one  final gambit okay that's actually extraordinarily   relevant hang on okay it's all coming it's  still starting to make sense to me okay so of the pokemon we've seen so far super power  okay endeavor okay scale shot flip turn   i think this thing could absolutely be good so  i think that you have a couple options with this   of the pokemon we've covered so far  i think ursulina is like the best   in a vacuum but i think if one of these pokemon  that we've covered so far would it were to   be useful in the current like competitive  format i think vasculation has the best shot   maybe not the current one because of election  reality but i think there's some interesting   things here so if we assume this gets all of  masculine's moves but more then you have a   couple really interesting moves the one i want  to call the ones i want to call out our aquajet   um which is very useful soak is a good utility  moves final gamble we're going to talk about   in a bit and then like head smash double edge  those are really strong coverage moves and then   um the last one is super power which is also a  good coverage move so and then of course that   would flip turn as well so um i think a rattled  basket lesion could be really strong i also think   like i said adaptability is strong i don't think  you ever really run mulberry because the other   abilities are better uh but with a set like this  you probably you'll probably always run water move   ghost move aquajet plus one um so in your water  it can be liquidation if you want to do damage if   you want to be like choice band plus adaptability  or if you want to be um assaultfest rattled or if   you want to be a soulfest adaptability those  are all fine water ghost again is pretty good   typing and so it's interesting because you're  immune to fake out um what i think is really   interesting is that this pokemon is insane base  hp and it's under level form gets um access to   um access to final gambit and so what that  allows you to do is still train it and speed   and attack like you would traditionally but also  have final game but as an option on like assault   or choice of choice scarf sets and um that or i  guess traceband and and tris specs as well but   um what that allows you to do is basically say  all right like i can use this pokemon regularly   or if i take a ko with it like if i'm up in  pokemon i can use it to like maintain a lead   or i can use it to eliminate a threat it's very  interesting and when you consider it's immune to   um fake out and it could get a speed boost with  um rattled i think it could be really really   strong so i think this is a super cool pokemon  it's not gonna be as flexible as your seluna   um but i think it could be really interesting  the moves are especially interesting to me   um and the abilities are good i'm glad they didn't  give it higher base attacks and special attack   because i think it might have been too strong um  but i think it seems like a well designed pokemon   that can really shine into the right condition so  i think it's cool um three left sneezler sneezler   is interesting so fighting in poison is not  good typing i would like to rag on it more   but the truth is that toxic request is typing  and has been good in certain positions however   the thing about sneezeless there's no toxic  because that is dry skin which is a super good   ability so let's see how the stats are um good  attack 130 good speed or first like actually   fast pokemon which is interesting so um yeah so  that's definitely uh that's definitely giving it   more to play with it's frail it's kind of like  a wheat it's kind of like weavile right like   80 hp 130 attack bad defenses and then 120 speed  although the physical defense is bad but the hp   especially defense are both fine so this clearly  wants to be a fast and frail physical attacker   um with poison jab drain punch um iron tails  coverage shadow claws covers neither those   are very good power shift interesting i didn't  actually remember this um not gonna be useful   to poke one like this close combat basically  with pokemon like this so it was star claw with a pokemon like this i think you're  running dire clock close combat protect   and then one maybe swords dance maybe taunt um  maybe poison jab maybe a coverage move i don't   think it's super interesting um you kind of you  just don't have a lot of flexibility here and so   whether or not it's good really depends on the  format in order for this pokemon would be good   it would have to be a format where um it was  faster than pretty much everything because it   doesn't have the bulk to hold up in format with  like reggie lucky boom and that kind of thing   um yeah and i mean obviously it would have to  have decent offensive typing uh it would also   depend on the move pool and i can't really look  at the underlying moves because it evolves from   history and sneasel which i don't really have  that much to say the abilities i didn't talk   about them too much at all um pressure is not  super good and then poison dutch is okay there   it's actually it's okay like especially  when you consider close combat and   dire claw make contact i think it's not inherently  bad it's just not flexible so there's nothing much   to say about it if that makes sense um i think  you're gonna be good in a format where there's   strong fairies and stroke steel types which again  are two of the best typings in the game if not   the single two best probably this probably are the  two single best type league typings in the game so   i think that in those conditions sneeze there  could be good but yeah really it can't exist in   a form with reggie lucky in my opinion but it  is strong into like boom um uh incineroar and   has good typing into those it's going to hernias  it's not going to dissation um yeah it's just   it's not this is not bulky enough to to do well  if it's not about speeding things i think next   up is overquill so overcool is interesting i like  the design of it a lot um let's look at the stats   good hp good attack good defense bad special  there like blow average questions events and then   slow once again so one thing this is probably  an issue where the speed makes it really   difficult to use the rest of the stats are fine  i would say above average attack slightly above   average physical defense slightly below average  special defense and then speed um the typing is   interesting this is the same typing as a lull  and muck where it is only weak to ground the   thing is that i don't think this these stats are  better than alolan muck and with that in mind um   i don't know why you would ever use this  over a lollipop except that the abilities   are worthwhile so let's talk about the abilities  so again intimidating is one of the single best   abilities in the entire game um if not the single  best ability in terms of like distribute in terms   of like you know widely distributed abilities  um and so intimidating it makes a pokemon it   definitely helps pokemon a lot additionally you  can use it on rain teams as a poison type attacker   that does well into the um grass type pokemon  that often many times water type struggle with   i would never use poison point i would say swift  or intimidate all your abilities um bar barrage is   a good ability i think this might be a signature  it is a signature so you have our barrage is super   solid especially under the right conditions  um it's a physical attacker that's physical   um it might get flip turned it's kind of  hard to say in this game since it doesn't get   the only wasting water tape move against is  aqua tail so i don't want to judge it based   on that because let's look at actually regular  cloth fish although it's slightly different   oh i guess it's it's not really it's not a  water tape though so maybe maybe i shouldn't   be looking at that but yeah it would probably get  physical dark type moves as well um so far this   looks kind of like a coverage issue it might be  able to be a decent support pokemon because it's   got good defensive typing but yeah actually  that might be interesting maybe you run like   a saltfest intimidate and then you run like icy  wind and then like um snarl i see you and snarl   um where's the poison barb barrage and then dark  move like physical dark move like foul play for   example or not top player with intimidate but  yeah like uh throw chop or knock off or whatever   maybe just knock off right um something with that  i think could be good and that way you kind of use   it more as a support pokemon this pokemon like has  the to me it like okay maybe it's just based on   the design the design makes it look like it wants  to be like a really strong physical attacker but   it actually doesn't terribly set up it has good  like it's not terribly set up to be a support   pokemon it only has one weakness so uh yeah i  think a soulfest pair this thing with like a   willow boom to give some recovery or maybe  you run protect plus black sludge and drop   icing winter snarl um earning poison dark support  probably drop lazy wind or i don't know maybe not   i don't know um yeah so i think it could be good  to support pokemon it's probably not going to be a   sweeper most of the time unless certain formats  um unless certain formats allow for it but um yeah in general i think i think it could be  okay to support pokemon which then leaves   us with just one pokemon left which is an  amorous though it does have two forms so   i mean this thing makes people should make you  nervous right it's a new uh it's a new it's a new   genie which is um for anyone's played competitive  pokemon cause for a lot of concern on top of that   it has the single best typing of any genie which  is fairy flying now i don't know if fairy flying   are actually good together it's probably not  better than ground flying as a combination but   in terms of the secondary type in a vacuum fairy  is like the single best type in the game right so   giving a genie with the best type in the game oh  interesting it's always female the other genies   are always male so um it's very interesting  and it's also pretty radically different   between the two forums so um healer is really  inconsistent but it can be useful under the   right conditions the issue is that healer doesn't  kill itself contrary however is a very powerful uh   a very very powerful uh ability that is like  i mean it's one world on tornadoes when it was   the only year that it was like legal when  acrobatics flying gym was legal and gen   uh five 2013 worlds and then overcoat is very  good as well because overcoat is a super super   useful utility ability because not only does  it protect you from sand and hail chip damage   you're not affected by rage powder or sleep powder  which is a pretty massive deal to say the least um   next look at the stats so let's talk about  the incarnate form first this is very similar   to traditional genius it is a strong special  attacker with uh average hp i would say below   average defenses and 115 attacks out of strong  special attack stat and it's slightly slower   than thunderous and um tornados so it's kind  of in the middle between landorus incarnate and   um and the thunderous and tornadoes incarnate  because those are 108 right and this is what i   said there's already 108 i think there's a 110 so  yeah it's basically just barely slower um it's got   a good really good special attack stat and strong  like a good physical tech set that's still usable   when you consider contrary and then good hp as  well so that's interesting what's very interesting   is when you look at the theory and form so the  theory and form is the one with overcoat so   overcoat you have base 46 speed so this is  always going to be pretty much used in trickery   with very good bulk 100 special events 110  defense 74 hp and the same offensive stats so um   this is basically a slow trickery attacker that  isn't affected by among us which is very valuable   uh if we look at the moves it's kind of hard to  say for sure but iron defense is very interesting   probably not useful most of the time um moon  blast the single best fairy type attack uh   springtime storm is also uh interesting  it is a special attack which is um like seems to be pretty strong as well the low  accuracy probably compensates but 95 for this game   could be as much as like 110 in the regular game  maybe even 120 so um it could this basically is an   omni boost move so it can it can boost all of its  stats with returns or if it's in ethereum form we   can lower the target's defenses for three turns  um which is just a permanent drop in the main   series game so this is a very very very powerful  pokemon um and this move is really really strong   as well the accuracy is a little bit spooky but  um even if you don't want to use this you have   moonblast so you don't even need to use it and  it might have play-off as well again moves we're   kind of speculating on so yeah um power shift  is interesting though not necessarily good here   really good coverage moves so mystical  fire sludge bomb earth power dazzling gleam   um these are all really good coverage moves again  it does get play rough and then we don't even know   like it's a full move set yet so um yeah this  is the least this is probably the single most   broken pokemon that they've released and um  if this thing becomes legal and competitive   i honestly really don't know i actually i actually  really don't know i think it could be very very   strong especially this doesn't give them any  flying moves i don't even see air slash here   it doesn't learn a single flying move despite  being flying type so if this thing were to   god forbid hurricane like tornadoes which i don't  think it will because of how the genies typically   work but if we were to get hurricane it could be  bad and it probably gets super it has a chance of   getting superpowers since both all three of the  other g excuse me all three of the other genius   gets super power so um yeah to say the least this  thing is going to be strong it's going to be very   very very strong pretty much regardless of the  format and um yeah it has a lot of options so um   and this is with a paired down move pool as well  so with even with less moves available it still   looks very powerful so uh yeah out of all the  pokemon this is the most likely to be a problem so   anyway let me know if you think of the comments  down below of the new pokemon what your favorites   are what your least favorites are what you're  most worried about um and yeah next up we'll   probably talk about the galorean forms or  the historian forms of the new pokemon so   thanks for watching please subscribe if you  haven't already and i'll see you soon bye
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Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Wolfey, Pokemon, VGC, Wolfe Glick, Competitive Pokemon, Pokemon VGC, Pokemon Sword and Shield, twitch, twitch streams, pokemon nuzlocke, nuzlocke, pro gamer, gaming, gamer, hardcore nuzlocke, smallant, ludwig, pokemon challenge, pokemon challenges, alpharad, legends arceus, legends arceus new pokemon, new pokemon legends arceus, pokemon legends arceus new pokemon, kleavor, wyrdeer, legends arceus gameplay, shiny pokemon, shiny hunting, legends arceus review, legends arceus ost
Id: vEmE9Abh8kM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 16sec (1696 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 04 2022
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