The Final Signs - Powerful Reminder

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Hey [Music] we have reached a point now we're coming towards the real end things are getting very very very hard we tend to look for hope and because we are weak and we find ourselves unable to change whether individually or in the community we tend to look for a hope something external will happen something rather it's something allah subhana wa ta'ala promised his prophet sallallahu alayhi wasalam promised we're waiting for it and we can't wait for this change to come and happen let us be very very clear that every Muslim should not wish to ever live until you see these days my brothers and my sisters they are called the freedom these are the major tests that will come at the end of time you wanting to see the malady you wanting to live until them at the Epis is a sign that you do not understand how heavy and savvy these tests are rather every Muslim should ask Allah subhana WA Ta'ala to protect him from even seeing these tests most probably with the current state if we see any of these tests we will definitely fail but the human nature is as such who never prosperity comes Dean starts decreasing again and unfortunately this is the case and we realize it Allah subhana WA Ta'ala says in the Quran whenever we bless in sin whenever we give in sin too much when everything is too comfortable families smooth work is smooth health is all right masha'Allah the human being starts believing he is God himself or acting as if you know I don't need anyone I'm independent when hardship tests him a bit he starts losing hope straight away this is the quality of insane but subhanAllah my brothers and my sisters our habit is a search when things are smooth we neglect Allah so likewise after prosperity and hair spread on earth in a silencer I'm spying people again we'll start neglecting allah subhana wa ta'ala and neglecting deen and then other major signs will appear one of these major signs my brothers and my sisters mr. Diwan allah subhana wa ta'ala will send severe smoke very very strong smoke that will cover all earth for a believer for someone who is close to Allah someone still on the path this smoke or this heavy smoke will only result in a small flue and anyone who does not have a man does not have belief does not have a relationship with Allah this smoke will be punishment for them it will take the soil and it will take away the hearing again another sign that will differentiate between believers and non-believers and very limited information in the authentic sunnah of rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is available about this sign but it's something we have to believe in accept and ask Allah subhana WA Ta'ala to protect us from that we never ever see these days also one of these other signs my brothers is a the landslides the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam warned his own mother towards the end of time three major landslides will happen a major landslide in the east a major landslide in the west and a major landslide in the Arabian Peninsula the last remnants of humans that are still in doubt still in nearly no hesitant after this there will be no more chances because shortly after my brothers and my sisters the most major of science Willoughby which is the Sun rising from the West the professor la la soirée us Elam taught us and told us Allah subhana WA Ta'ala is the most merciful he subhana WA Ta'ala accepts the repentance of anyone my brothers and my sisters regardless of your sin regardless of how much you disobeyed Allah until the Sun rises from the West that's it no a man can be gained after this this is the point where no more repentance can benefit you if you repent then it is as if we have not repented it does not benefit your Deen does not benefit your relationship or the law this is it this is the time this is the hour starting my brothers and my sisters also shortly after the Sun will rise from the West Allah subhana WA Ta'ala will release the beast when the order of allah subhana wa ta'ala comes the beast is released some narrations saved there appear in different places but then mainly it will appear in mecca from the harem and the job of this peace is to go around all earth and to mock people some narrations the beasts will have the staff of Musa alayhi Salam and will have the ring of Solomon alehissalaam any believer allah subhana wa ta'ala will order this beast to mark his face a mark of a man that will make his face luminous it will make his face bright and appearance and anyone who failed to fulfill the orders of Allah failed to bring true Eman and belief in his heart the beast will come with the ring of Solomon and it will mark his face a map of darkness so believers and those who don't have belief my brothers will be completely distinct and completely separate again all in preparation for Judgment Day and then shortly after a loss of Hana wata'ala will send a huge fire from Aden in Yemen this fire will start slowly slowly pushing people towards a shell this is where all humanity will be gathered just before Judgment Day starts it will start in Yemen and will go around all earth collecting people people who have Amman people who still have a relationship with Allah they will ride happily and safety because they are they are they can't wait to meet allah subhana wa ta'ala another group my brothers would more hesitant so allah subhana wa ta'ala will make this fire forced them so they will stop moving to a sham on camels or in transportation want a camel - - a camel up to ten on one camel just to arrive there and others my brothers the fire will push them pushing because they are trying to avoid the meeting point for Judgment Day and the fire will spend the day with them the night with them when they sleep the fighters is around them this is the Haditha rasulullah saws Allah until it will gather them all in a sham and this is when Judgment Day will start but we want to leave today with a very very important question how does this topic my brothers and my sisters affect our current life what did I benefit today and what change will happen in my life some people they spend a lot of time you know interested in the signs of the hour but don't lose direction don't lose perspective he a man came to muhammad salallahu alaihe wasalam with the same interest earlier rasoolallah metis era when is the hour he was interested he wanted information from rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam but look at where muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam directed him polymer are the tell AHA what have you prepared for this hour which is the key point we have to leave with today what have we prepared for this hour what have we prepared for these science what have we prepared for our days that are finishing quickly in this dunya my brothers and my sisters people who are waiting for the baddy people are waiting for major signs people are studying major sign rather think how am i preparing myself for that day don't wait for the Magni don't wait for these sides you'd rather die before these tests rather ask yourself I might die tonight if today is your last day or tonight is your last night Judgment Day has started for you don't worry Batman D orad adjourn or the return of insulin insulin your Judgment Day has started what have you prepared the disease that is eating the womb of muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam in our time is what we've all told in amman long hopes if i ask anyone present here today brother sister can you die tonight can tonight be your last night Kasana you just prayed earlier be the last prayer you will ever pray to that person saw that coming now be the last ather you would ever pray in your life every Muslim in the world will say Allah at worship of course who my brothers and my sisters really in his art has true and genuine doubt that today might be my last day ask her a student in school how is your Deen how is your Quran how is your salah in the masjid how is your manners how is your o'clock how are you dealing with your parents there's my lovely Michelle Allah he I'm just too busy now I have no freedom no way I'll achieve anything in this period but I promise you chef insha'Allah once I graduate from school Allah Akbar Shaitaan pets you on the back you know he Pat's you on the back of your neck say Habibi he talks to you like your best friend he talks you like a share says brother you are stuck now you're in a situation now I promise you once you graduate from school freedom don't worry I'll take you to the most myself and he keeps patting you on the back and massaging you softly until you submit insatiable now in no way insha'Allah after school 100% d Masjid 'man quran school finishes he graduates the chef comes him say masha'Allah masha'Allah sister what happened where are your promises ago sir although I'm stuck in uni now and in university again we delay although we stock it's very hard to fit met the fit man yuneisia you have no idea we are struggling it's very hard no way I can worship online that tonight but you shall lucious I promise you and Shaitaan just promised me to share our law once I finish uni hundred percent what am I gonna come where am I gonna go hundred percent Masjid Quran the cloud whatever you want I'll be there with you I'm free no assignments no doctors no exams nothing freedom he finished his University of Haram and he wants to get married I said sure we are living you know in a very very dangerous place all I want is a partner to assist me in my Dean Sharla once I get married 100 percent I'm just missing this Sakina in my life once she comes in my life I'm Romeo she's Juliet and we're on masha'Allah everything will be sweet Dean will be beautiful Salah in the message she went Mia for the headstone I'll wake her for desert little does you know Haram once he gets married in their lair in here alone no Solano the endo la nothing people get married and they start saying oh where are the days of freedom why my brothers are my sisters now you think you are busy but soon when you have a family you have children now you have to pay bills you have to pay rent you have to do this you have to look after her take her out take her the holidays she wants the issue ones that you want this year he wants that and it's gone this is why my brother's if you look at our lives there is no point in life where a Muslim will have free time for Dean we have to make time for thee the Muslim plans that says now is the time no delay don't believe the promises of Shaitaan don't believe the false ropes of shorten Andy please don't worry in the future in the future this is the disease that is destroying our Dean everyone thinks insha'Allah in the future things will get better this why harbour audio love one whom my brother's they took the advice of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam compete in good deeds compete indeed before you are hit with one of the seven afflictions what are you waiting for a poverty such poverty that will make you completely forget about Dean or the opposite brother come to the message a message by the time is money for me every minute dollars are coming in too busy to worship Allah too busy to learn the too busy to learn Quran or such money and richness that will make you transgress against Allah subhana WA Ta'ala or a disease that will make you uncomfortable or will destroy your abandon and worship you know when someone is sick even if have a little flu you can't worship Allah subhana WA Ta'ala properly what are you waiting for now you are healthy maybe tomorrow you will be sick or old age maybe Allah will make you live until you are old and then you can't worship Allah properly you want to go to the Masjid your back is hurting you know sudden death nowadays my brothers and my sisters young men young women are buying more than older people elder people are living but young people are dying more often now but still my brother's return is fooling us how with the shell are you waiting for the Dajjal how sir the hour is even more bitter and worse what are you waiting for why are we denying our Deen for while I was still having hopes and planning long term plans the Muslim lives day by day my brothers and my sisters the prophets of Allah who alayhi wasalam grabbed a young man very very famous his name was Abdul Abdul Rahman Adi Allah Quran who the son of our model kebab he grabbed this young man by the shoulders live in this dunya as if you are a stranger a traveller or a transit passenger we are not hearing this dunya to stay one lorry you are not living here forever love whatever you want love whomever you want get attached to whatever you want soon you will have to leave you will have to depart you will have to separate abnormality allahu anhu was smart he was a young man he used to say when you wake up in the morning don't expect the evening to come if you hit the evening don't expect the morning to come so if you know your death is coming o Lord he will re no work no wife no children you were run to the Masjid and start crying and bleeding for Allah reading Quran yah Allah forgive me Allah accept me no time to waste a true believer my brothers and my sisters lives as such he is not waiting for Judgment Day to start he wants to leave everything before this day is even close he knows that his Judgment Day might start tonight might start any second and because of this feeling they are working very very hard day and night they are competing like Allah subhana WA Ta'ala ordered them Allah said race it's erased my brothers and my sisters erase for the forgiveness of Allah and paradise the width of which is heavens and earths he beg of you we hear about this era we hear about the Hereafter we hear about the greatness of Allah the might of Allah the strength of Allah who hear about Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam we want everyone to leave today's gathering with a genuine intention of repentance ernest sallallahu alayhi wasallam allah subhana wa ta'ala is so pleased with the repentance of his slave more than more than before you was traveling and had his camel with him all the provisions all his water was on this camel and then he lost that camel somehow death is shortly coming no water nothing he goes to the shade of a tree reclines there for a bit sleeps for a bit wakes up and finds the camel right above his head he grabs the rope how happy is this man his livelihood came back to him a hope of life again came to him Allah subhana WA Ta'ala is happier Allah is more pleased when his slave returns to him then this man is my brothers and my sisters so please enough delay wallah he my brothers the more you delay the harder it gets don't let Shaitaan fool you with foolish jokes please my brothers repent to Allah return to Allah and start preparing brace for these feet and that are surely coming brace and ask Allah subhana WA Ta'ala to protect us protect our Eman protect our brothers and our sisters everywhere and protect humanity we want everyone to see the light we want everyone to taste the sweetness of Eman before it is too late there's a camera here I work on a vehicle thank you very much you
Channel: One Islam Productions
Views: 289,988
Rating: 4.9185071 out of 5
Keywords: muft menk, ismail menk, islamic lectures, islam, muslim, muhammad, Allah, god, abu bakr zoud, abu bakr, daily reminder, nouman ali khan, nouman khan, eman, ihsan, patience, marriage, divorce, depression, angles, hellfire, heaven, jannah, makkah, dua, supplication, salah, prayer, sin, ramadan, fasting, seerah, muslim lecture, 1islam, 1 islam productions, sadness, jesus, bible, khalid yasin, stingy, Quran, koran, signs of hour, final hour, judgement day, omar bana
Id: ISmlm3bCBAE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 30sec (1110 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 12 2020
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