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- boo little Ollie to me an alien and what we do [Music] Lagoon dovely whoo first of all the bearers of life is a life which is a barrier which has a barrier between this world that we live in and a world that is unexplainable to us you can't understand it it is a life of a certain type with its own with its own with its own unreality and it is nothing like this world and it is not the year after the day of judgement nor is it this world it is somewhere in between Allah says in the Quran Baena Homer borrows a whole area billion about the two oceans that meet in this life says between them there is a barrier the two seas do not mix so this we use the word Balasa and the same word is used for that life after here before the day of judgement Allah says in the Quran was in a homeopath moon and behind them after the meaning after you die there is a better world until the day you are resurrected this points out to us that there is a life barrier that does not mix with this life and does not mix with the day of judgment but in a verse it talks about not mixing particularly between the life after death and this world that you're living you can't mix you don't know what's happening to them they don't know what's happening to you and you cannot understand them when you are dead you understand what's happened though it's a Bourassa a barrier between this life in the next when you're dead before the day of resurrection this bizarre world my dear brothers and sisters in Islam as soon as you die the soul begins to experience the BIR Tawil if you want me to give you a slight example if you want to get a closer to your minds in a very slight example it's not exactly like that consider dreams when you're asleep your body is in the room and everyone can see your body witness your body touch your body hear you but your soul is doing something different seeing something different hearing something different it's not right it's in a different place don't even know where you are sometimes or often but your body is there - the living person the worsen who is awake all I can tell you is I see a body that's sleeping but you're in a whole different world some people are sleeping they don't even know that they're sleeping they think it's reality and some people know that they're sleeping when they're dreaming have you ever experienced that you know you're asleep so the butters of world is similar to when your soul goes out when you're asleep similar you don't require oxygen have you ever seen yourself in your dream underwater and you're talking okay sometimes it's a result of the brain we know that but also the soul does go to places where the soul doesn't need to survive on what use your body survives the body survives on food and oxygen but the soul doesn't so if you can understand dreams you can understand the Barossa as for me I don't think anybody understands the phenomena of dreams and the way the soul comes out when you're asleep and similarly we cannot comprehend the berserk world this bizarre world my dear brothers and sisters is a temporary station between here and Hereafter the day of judgment in this temporary Barossa world a person is able to find out if they are going to heaven or hell because the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said the hadith from salem says in al-kubra a one who managed little earthier for in a german who had family bada who a sermon or in lamien german who family auda who assured them in our shadowmen the grave is the first part of the hereafter of the Day of Judgment if he or she is saved from the punishment and torment of the grave then whatever is after it is going to be better and easier he'll be saved from more bigger things if he has not saved from the torments and punishments of the grave then whatever is going to come after that is going to be worse and we mentioned last week that our believer when he sees his place in Jena and the angels show him in paradise in the grave he says o my lord let the last hour come I want to go to Jenna and the disbeliever says when they see their place in Hellfire when the angels show him in the grave he says o my lord don't let the last hour come don't let it go because he knows that what's going to come after that he's gonna be worse my brothers and sisters in Islam when a person goes to the grave the prophet sallallaahu seldom tells us he or she takes with them three things one stays and to return who knows what that what these three things are when we take the body to the grave it takes with it three things one stays there and two returned the prophet sallallaahu salem said your family and your wealth returned he was not going to go with you in the grave unless you do what that remember about 13 years ago this old woman died she had a beautiful she had this car this classic car and that's all she loved in her life her children left her family left her but she had this beautiful 50 model 50s model car and in her will she wanted to be buried with it so they made the grave huge and they buried her in the car if you want to be like that even then you don't take your wealth your body decays and your car stays someone comes digs it up and takes it but what what comes back is your wealth and your family your family forgets you any what I mean by forget I mean they're remembering you physically in the head but slowly you get on with your life afterwards what stays with you are your deeds you're good and bad deeds because that's what's going to determine where you're going to be what's going to happen to you in your grief brothers and sisters in Islam Albertus of life means that a person will be either punished or rewarded in a certain way in there and it is the sign for what is going to come next the promise of are seldom indicates or tells us that the dead people visit each other in their grave no the dead people visit each other in their grave for he said some olive oil a hero Selim when you bury your dead then make their coffin make their shroud nice and put on beautiful fragrance to them make them presentable for the people of the grave yet deserve what they visit one another for the prophet sallallaahu re wa sallam told us about this scenario that it will happen he said has seen on a fan a Motorhome for in nam myoho know it as a reservoir own a vehicle for him Sarah and Fleur make their shroud nice for in their grave the dead people visit each other and inside muslim from salah salem said like either Covina ehtekaf Ana Hadouken a horrible failure simcha venom if any of you put the shroud on your brother then make it presentable presentable meaning it's an image but someone else is going to see it there is a similar hadith of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam tells us that bury your dead with the soil horn with the righteous people for the neighbouring person of a grave can harm the person who is next to me they are being punished they said the other soul Allah when they did how they're going to be harmed he said once you get harmed by your neighbor in real life they said yes I guess and therefore when you're dead you get hand by your neighboring dead person so if you can choose a grave that is righteous if you cannot it's ok Allah and Allah will look after them make dua for them be evening attire the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam tells us to think about these moments he said a man Nicolo octoman decree her demon led that la ilaha mohammed are our channel mode Akira's Academy led that al mode for anonymity ll Cabrillo an inlet a column a fee he fare polo unable to Lorber process enemies to say talk a lot about death any not just death talk about the hereafter talk about the purpose of life when you talk about the hereafter means you're talking about the purpose of why you're actually here he said for it is if you were to talk about it a lot then it will help you not to be distracted by what I see and when you go into the grave the grave talks to you and the grave says I am the house of the strangers I am the house of being alone I am and the Prophet Elias Elam said the closest Allah is to his servant or one of the closest times east to his servants when he's in the grave when he has no father or mother or children or brothers or sisters to company more friends Allah span Taylor is there for him for a believer the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam told us that a person who is being punished in their grave the animals can he him or her rasul allah allah wa sallam tells us in a hadith where he said ala nadya lon or I showed of the allama on her said to old jewish women entered my house one time in Modena because there were neighbors and they said to me the people of the grave get punished inside their graves so I said to them you are lying this is not true people in their gross don't get punished then they left then the Prophet Elias LM entered and I said the aerosol Allah two old women from the Jews came to me and said the people of the grave get are getting punished in their graves the prophets of our salem said sadaqa tell Najibullah either burn the smell will behave they spoke the truth there's two jewish women the people of the grave who are getting punished they get punished until the animals can hear them so the human beings in the jinns can't hear them but the animals can hear them every now and then she said I never saw the prophet sallallaahu l'm after that day in prayer or after prayer except that he would be seeking refuge in Allah from the punishment of the grave I don't mean to scare you but it is our deeds which inevitably decide what the status of our graves are gonna be like in our old amarillo jennifer twomey - now he the regard from the gardens of paradise or a pit from the pits of hell fire when I add up in there so the promise are selling himself is to say I will let him inaudible cook oh my lord I seek your protection from the punishment of the grave and this is what we should be doing as well this is the hadith which is narrated in Behati by the way and in another hadith from Salim said the smell will bear her in mokulua all of the animals can hear when he is being punished meaning every now and then all animals all types of animals can hear and the Prophet Sawa are seldom passed by two graves one time this is also cited Ethan Bukhari and Muslim where he saw two graves and that sahabas were with him and he went to some a particular type of plant and he cut off a bit of its branches and placed one on one grave and another one on the other grave with his hands and I asked him why did you do that aerosol a lot because that's not normally what you do to the people who have died for their graves this is not the norm but the problem didn't especially just for these two he said in a home where you are there been one man you are there Bernie be carried what they are being punished right now but they are not being punished with something big what what he means by something big meaning in our eyes we don't consider it as a huge thing but to Allah it is a big thing that's why they're being punished because Allah doesn't punish with something small well punish you for something that's a severe that's really severe but in our eyes we don't see it a severe because we take it for granted he said the first person is being punished because he used to spread rumors about people and causes bad reputation to others and causes you know fitness by spreading rumors and gossiping about people lies about people and the second person he used to not urinate in privacy so he would urinate in open and people would see his private parts just like that in another to have seared it tells us and Allah knows best that he didn't cleanse himself from urination is to pray like that with the impurities deliberately Allah knows best either of them are big sins he said I placed those clovers maybe because of my hands placing them Allah span to Allah will lessen their punishment until the clovers have withered away and these were Muslims from the home world of false alarm or actually Zayden otherand or the allahu anhu narrated that once well The Messenger of Allah spent Allah was passing through a grove or a grave owned by the tribe of Bunawan ajar arabic tribe called been on a jog the professor salam was seated on his camel or his mule and the mule unexpectedly turned its course and it seemed that it would throw him down he was about to throw the prop sighs Selim offered as if it's afraid of something like when a horse sees a snake all of a sudden five or six graves came into view the promise I said them inquired does anyone know who I buried in these graves and a man said I do or a companion of course I said I do and he asked when did they die the pros are seldom asked and the companion replied during the days of jahiliyya yani the days before islam came up the promised are seldom remarked they are undergoing punishment in the grave were I not afraid that you would and you a work were I not afraid that you would not be able to bury your dead I would have been prayed to God to let you to hear a part of the punishment of the grave that I am hearing any if it wasn't that I knew that you bury each other I would have let you hear asked Allah to let you hear what I'm hearing right now but if you were to hear it you probably wouldn't bury each other anymore after saying it's the promise our Selim turned towards us and observed he said seek the protection of Allah from the punishment of hell we all said I will let him in either bill copper I mean I've been no problem then said seek the protection of Allah from nay punishment of the grave they said now all the below him in are they will cover the Prophet SAW sell him then said seek the protection of Allah from every mischief manifest as well as hidden so they said now all the whittany muharram in hama button the probes are cell and then said seek the protection of Allah from the gravest mischief of the JED so we said now we will a he I mean fitna Tintagel this is the hadith from salem which is narrated correctly in Muslim and also there is a hadith of the Prophet SAW said limoges in Bukhari and Muslim that now I would like to take you on that journey just for a little while to witness what is happening in the life of Albert aza right now as we are living now things in the Barossa that are occurring firstly before I mention is hadith the Prophet SAW has seldom told us that when a person dies their soul goes to a place a destination that you and I cannot see or witness in the Berta's of world the soul goes either to where the believing souls and good souls are gathered or it goes to where the disbelieving souls and the filthy or the bad souls are gathered and neither of the two neither of the two meet each other there in bliss there in punishment and when the believing soul goes to the believing place they're believing dead people their souls run to it like a person who is travelling going overseas you know how everyone runs to you to ask you about family and friends that they have back at where you came from right how were they doing how's their health house so similarly in the brothers earth world the believing souls run to the to this new soul that is just fresh dead person and they asked him about their brothers their sisters mothers fathers children relatives friends who they have left behind what are they asking them about they are asking them about their faith they are asking them about their deeds how were they doing they're coming close to Allah are they gone astray what's happening to them so it means that they miss them they miss them and they want the best for them but they don't know what's happening to them so this freshly dead person says to them what he knows about them if he tells them good they become happy because they know that if they die now they're gonna meet them they're gonna be with them especially especially family there any parents and children family brothers and sisters because a lost Pantelis is no quran what about him what about the redeemer gonna be him and those who believe truly and they died Allah and their offspring believed with them and they died Allah Spinetta Allah will you reunite them together and will not take any of their rewards away so dead people who died believers will follow their believing family and that's the only concern of the souls of the people in Hereafter as for the bad solo goes to the bad destination they also run asking and if they tell them they're doing good they're actually get relieved if they're doing bad they also get upset because they have seen what has happened but if they go to the believing section and they asked them where is the soul or what did our relative do or our father or brother or whatever it is and the freshly dead person says he baked he beat me sometimes you might say he beat me and he died before me they become very upset because they know that they didn't come to the believing souls site he went to the other side so they have no idea the profits of our Selim's journey the narrator says every time the promise are seldom would meet us in the Masjid or see us in a gathering he would ask who has seen a dream today because dreams are another part of prophethood frogs are solemn said when prophet hood goes dies away the only part of prophethood that is left are dreams dreams tell you things that we don't know but the dreams agree with the Sunnah of the Prophet SAW second they don't go against it young they agree with the prophets words whatever you see the agrees with it for example some people might say the hereafter as if the world is ending or heaven or hell they may see angels and jinns and so so these agree with the Hadees the process and yet in the Quran it's not something new like someone comes up and says to me I saw a dream that I'm a prophet this disagrees with the deed one brother comes up to me one day he says I've got a special news you got to do this and you've got to do that and well like totally against this lamb I never heard it before I said where'd you get this he smiled and says number they say Allah gave me some new message because the Prophet said part of prophethood is drinks and I'm a prophet now sure look at this delusion and I think that's how people become insane out there and they developed new religions they used this dream issue so any dreams that go against the Sunnah is not a drink from Allah smothers from their Shaitaan some people they say I saw God in my dreams and I spoke to him that's the Shaitaan trying to make you think it's God I think it was recorded in G Lanisha public audio Gilani who says this is the truth about what what we read about him not the false he says I saw a dream of this being come up in front of me full of light and he said to me I'm your Lord making me think that it's got a lot so I asked it an't Allahu Allahu Allah Allahu Allahu Allahu Allah the one who there is no other but him no God worthy worship but him he said I'm your Lord he asked him again aunt ilaha illa-allah hallo he asked me is that on your Lord spawned then he vanished and he knew it was the Shaitaan because I should on cannot answer that question say I am I should I don't kind of say I am Allah who is no God worthy of worship anyway the prophesy has enemies to ask this question one day the Prophet SAW said them he himself saw a dream and when the prophets see a dream it's absolutely true from a lost man of Thailand know that they they see from what Allah or nothing different to us and he said attorney Ayrton in Laila this night last night someone came to me in my dreams meaning angels they came to me too and they took me into the skies into the life of the birds off into another world of the dead the world of the Dead it doesn't say the world of the dead but process Allah means here that he took him to the world of the unseen and it is the world of the dead soon you will see how what I mean he said we reached a place I saw before me a man who was lying down on the floor on his back and there was another man a big man holding a huge sternum he would come up to this man lying on the floor and he'd throw the stone onto his head and it crushed his head and the stone stone wall would roll away the man would go to pick up the stone and by the time he comes back to the did to the person on the ground his head has been restored and he'd crush it again the stone was rolled away and he keep doing that over and over so I asked them who is this man on the floor and why is that other man doing this to him they said to me move on move on don't ask questions keep going he said then we moved on then we passed by a man who had a hook a brass hook in the front of his hands or actually a man who was sitting down and another man behind him had a brass book and he would place the hook on the front of his face from his mouth and he would rip his mouth and eyes and an half of the face to his ear then he would come to the other side of his face and rip his other side of his face to the other ear when he'd go to the other side the first side is restored then he'd do the same to the restored side and then the other side is restored and he do it again and he keep on doing that over and over again from Sarris Elam asked who is this person and why is that other man doing this to him they said move on move on said I reached a man who was swimming in an in a in a lake which looked like blood and there was another man at thee on the edge he had stones in his hands the man would swim to the to the other man the other man would put stones into his mouth and he would have to swallow them and carry them across and he would bring them out on the other side and he would come back swim back take another stone put her on the other side and continuously do that said why is this man doing this and who is the other man he said move on they said move on move on he said we reached a place he said I saw men and women who were naked inside of a what looked like a ten or ten or is like in the olden days this oven they used to use these ovens to bake in their bread and stuff the note is very deep and Hollow and it has fire underneath it very hot in me he said I saw men and women in a huge dam north huge much as the eye could see and they were hanging in there and the fire would burn from underneath and burn them and it would all scream and the fire would come back then it was burned him that all scream and come back said who are these people and why is this happening to them they said move on move on he said I reached and saw a man so tall that I could look up and I barely see his face but he was beautiful and he had a white beard and around him were children lots and lots of children in a beautiful garden he said who is this and who are these children they said move on move on said we moved on and I saw a group of people a group of men and women people one side of their body of their face was the most handsomest and beautiful that I've ever seen and the other side of their face and body was the most gruesome and ugliest I've ever seen then they'd walk to a river and they'd bathe in it and then the side that was ugly was restored to be as beautiful as the other side had said they were completely beautiful as I've ever seen I asked who are these people and why is this happening to them the angel said move on move on he said I came to a man big man and his face was the most hideous tan ugliest I have ever laid eyes on and he didn't smile I asked who is this person and they said move on move on finally as the true dream was almost over I turned to my companions and I said this night I have seen many strange things can you explain them to me and they told him the first person that was having a man crushing his head is either we don't know the exact of Syria either an example or it is real but with nevertheless this is what will happen or what it is happening to the person who dies before the day of judgment he said that was a man who used to deliberately sleep past his duties his prayers yet the third karatsu Hannes saw that his head is too heavy to get up for his prayers and so he's being punished like this until the day of judgement the second person who are having hooks ripping their sides of their faces to their ears so these are the people who used to spread lies about other people walk out of their home and it spread lies about this person in that person rumors lies and they'd carry on information without making sure if it's true and they carry it about the other people ruining their lives and their reputations in a Mima it's called an amina um she banana Mima walking in rumors and gossiping about other people so as being ripped mrs. punishment till the day of judgement the third person who was swimming and having these stones he said Danica akin to Reba he is the person who consumes interest RIBA usury yoni is not in need it's not a necessity for them to consume Reba ought to take it or to what to give it and they did it so they are being punished this way until the day of judgment what's going to happen is going to be worse he said the people that were in that the nor in that big huge oven underneath and screaming from the heat were the adulterers and adulteresses fornicators and fornicators of this Ummah of this nation as for the people who had one side beautiful on the other side ugly and they would wash from the river and be restored he said these are the people whose good deeds are equal with their bad deeds they burn a little bit or these are the people whose good deeds weren't enough sorry to make them into gender so they have burnt for their bad deeds and then they are saved from the fire or they will be saved from the fire and they will cleanse themselves from this river in Jannah and they'll be restored as for the tall man that you saw children around him that is prophet ibrahim alaih-is-salaam and those children are the children of believers and non-believers who died before the age in which this ayaat are placed upon them for the age of maturity as for the man who you saw was hideous and didn't smile then this is Malik the angel guardian of the fire of Hell fire baptism among the holy the holy cotton now he has never smiled since the day the fire how fire was created by Allah Spano tired and he is the guardian who makes sure the people of Hell fire being tortured for their choice of going against Allah and refusing his message but these are examples of the things that are happening or will happen in the life of the Barossa we ask Allah smother to save us from those punishments I mean your bellum so then hiatal bursa is this way Rasul Allah you are seldom told us here are some of the ways in which the punishments can be lessened or forgiven and in your grave your light can be increased even though your deeds are not enough to increase the light or to make your journey better he said there are ways that the dead person can still receive benefit in here and in their grave and the state will be better either method no atom in Kapaa a man who 11 fellows when the son of Adam dies all of their actions are cut off Hollis is nothing that you can do anymore except for three things a righteous child that will supplicate for you or an ongoing knowledge or a beneficial knowledge which he left behind that people can benefit from or an ongoing charity which he left behind that people can benefit from hongkong charity in a hadith it says that a person who is in their grave their deeds will be enough to give them as much light as it should be suddenly they see as time goes on nor more light and provision is given to them and they say oh my lord where is this light coming to me from and a reply comes to him saying la koala del Sol oh honey oh look you have a righteous child that is supplicating for you now because this is your work which he left behind so my dear brothers and sisters your children your children let them be your investment not so they can take over your company in this life but so that they can supplicate for you and be your investment in the hereafter your children can be your biggest enemies in the hereafter or the best thing that's ever happened to you depends how you develop them after the Barossa world the people stay in there for only a lost my daddy knows how long the people stay in their graves until the day of judgment arrives and the lost pana Hatala informs or commands the angel is Rafi to blow into the trumpet for the world to end there is when the dead are risen and everyone on earth and in the heavens whom Allah wills will die the promise of Allah Salim said you'll stay in your grace for forty the Companions innovators had they say we don't know if you meant 40 years 40 days 40 hours Allah honor 40 months but you stay for a while before the resurrection in that state the body decays it goes and if you opened up a grave you and see a body being punished similar as we said to the example of when you're asleep however it is being punished in a world that you cannot understand or being rewarded in a world that you also cannot understand it it is a Sunnah for the people to pay condolences to the family of the dead person and the way we pay condolences I'd like to take this opportunity to mention this is not necessarily in the cultural way that we are used to these days I don't know how your culture is but in my culture in the Arabic culture or in a Lebanese culture in particular they have something called their Isaiah for three days and some of them have it for seven days others have it for forty days and in that time they're not allowed to get along with their normal daily duties as they usually used to not let it be happy and not a lot of celebrating anything so they can see that they seclude themselves from things and this is actually a cultural practice not from Islam condolences to the family can be done at any time it's okay for the family of the deceased to welcome people to their house that's okay but you don't have to number days as though the third day after that no one's allowed to pay me condolences anymore and I'm upset with you no condolences can be done even after that and the way that they are done is not traditionally the way we do them today R&A in your culture in my culture there is a more of a burden on the family of the deceased to prepare food and sweets for the people who come and visit them is this a celebration the Sunnah is quite the opposite from solemn advised us that when we go to visit the the deceased of the dead we make food for them as props our names to say to his wives make food for early Jaffa early Jeff I'd had a deceased in their family and he said make food and take it to early Jaffa this is a time to assist them and to help them in their grief they have to eat they have to breathe they have to rest we don't go there make them give us the coffee in the sweets and it I went to a an occasion like this once and I didn't have sweets the people who visited them walked out talking about him saying sure that what's this we're coming to our house that you know and they don't give us sweets what kind of in generosity is this so kind of my honey yeah the minds are twisted what can you do how do you inform this person anyway a word of remembrance there a word of advice maybe not even advice a word of kindness to make the people assist them a Muslim is happy for the happiness of their brothers and sisters and is sad with the sadness of their brothers and sisters we are like one body and in these occasions we do so and it is ok to hug the person and to cry with them if you like but the crying over the dead person exaggerated is Haram it's Haram and a dead person actually according to a hadith the dead person yet either yet the other he can be harmed from the over crying of the people of his family onion how is this the Royal Emmet told us that this means if the person who has died knows definitely that their family will you know pinch themselves and hit themselves and and and rip their hair out and scream and yell and he doesn't write in his will not to do this he may be he may hold accountability for this and write it in your will but if he didn't know that he doesn't hold accountability and if he told them and they continue to do that he also doesn't hold accountability also in your will if you have written for someone to do something that's against this to this one now the from salah salem you are also held in accountability this man wrote he said i want you to use $40,000 of my money to build my grave and make it really nice as much as you can so that when people come to visit its presentable so pranam life if only that miss keen knew that when you die if you're able to come back out you will say to them please stop use that money in giving charity please I need the rewards he met a new Adam comment Windham itself when son of Adam dies all of his actions are cut off except for three one of them at ongoing charity and the promise of are seldom told us in a long hadith he used to say there are many forms of ongoing charities he said planting a tree on behalf of the dead is a charity now read in Arabic Saban Yeji Yeji Roy halee lab devoured a multi hero a few Cobra there are seven things which keep going for the dead person benefiting them in their grave while they are dead in their grave man ulema Amon whoever teaches a knowledge o adren Aharon or let go a stream fountain for people to drink from or feed their crops from ohaf are a bit run or built a well for people to drink I will let us enough Lenin or planted a palm tree or any other tree for people to benefit from open a message Eden or built a Masjid or contributed in building a Masjid where people come any for example this measure delivers contributed in it and they died for the people who come here and pray they get rewarded Subhan Allah even if it's a dollar one dollar tribute to the Masjid a war Arthur must happen or left behind them a Koran or a piece of Islamic knowledge which people can learn from our tariqa Wella then yesterday ho or left behind them a child asking Allah forgiveness for them bad mot he after is dead then all of this will benefit the dead person some scholars said that this hadith has some issues with but its meaning is correct and it supports the meaning of the other hadith which ongoing charity knowledge which is beneficial and righteous child who will make dua for you if the method in the way that you die also assist you in your grave like a person this is actually spot on a Hadees problem the person who dies guarding the believers for the sake of allah subhanallah wa ta'ala will be forgiven all their sins and in their grave they will see nothing of this whole of obviously and rasul sayyaf said every person or practicing or not companion of the process and omona they will have done metal cover the grave will actually tighten upon them and then release and also saw salem said if anyone was to be saved from that it would have been soldered nanano but even he was not saved and a lot of ireland with the wisdom of daddies we ask allah spirit allah to save us from holy [Music] ha [Music]
Channel: TheProphetsPath
Views: 528,645
Rating: 4.8716178 out of 5
Keywords: happy, Islam, love, Hadith, islamic reminders, Islamic video, life, unseen, advice, the prophets path, peace, emotional reminder, world, Allah, Quran, theprophetspath
Id: qydUz2FCFPY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 46sec (2686 seconds)
Published: Sun May 06 2018
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