Shaykh Yasir Qadhi | The Signs of the End of Times, pt 1 - Introduction and the Early Fitnas

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the first series that we are doing at East Plano Islamic Center and my series in Charlotte Honda will always be at this timeslot Wednesday evening the exact timing will depend on mother Benicia but basically Wednesday evening after work this is our regular slot for our lectures throughout the year the reason being that weekends typically are busy things happen I travel you travel so we have a Wednesday where everybody knows you shala in the evening time after they come home from work they'll be able to come and take a regular series and inshallah we will be having different topics miscellaneous topics but it'll always be a series and I wanted to start off with one of the fundamental pillars of our faith of our theology and that is belief in judgment day and the signs of judgment day what is called an Arabic ashrak lacera the signs of Judgment Day now the concept of Judgment Day and the signs of Judgment Day is something that is actually mentioned in the most fundamental hadith of our religion that's the hadith of Jubilee the famous hadith of Djiboutian when Jeanine came and quiz to the prophets of Allah who hardly he was seldom quiz the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam what is Islam what is a man what is yours and one of the questions you breed asked him is what one of the questions you really asked him is when is the Day of Judgment Matassa and the prophet salallahu alayhi wasalam said i don't know you don't know malmö pseudo unhappy animal in a style then Jibril said for a spear knee and a LeMat eheh inform me about the signs of Judgment Day inform me about the signs of Judgment Day now the very fact that gibreel is asking this question when the time is limited the occasion is auspicious only once in the entire serie did you really calm down in public so that everybody could see this never happened before never happen again and every question is from Allah Subhanahu WA Ta'ala because physical okay that's more than enough water I can't drink three waters I'm the realest hamdulillah also if somebody can Michele take care of our youngest Inquisitor here mashallah who is the child the parents can take care of the child mashallah we have an eager student from the beginning mashallah so the very fact that gibreel is coming down and asking these questions remember Gabriel does not come because he wants to wha monitor Nazzaro in the MD Arabic Allah has sent Jerry and at the end of the hadith what did the prophet saw some say do you know who that was no he was gibreel who came to teach you to teach you what your religion which means every single question that was asked was a fundamental question of the religion otherwise it would not have been asked if Gabriel had not asked those questions every question is of the fundamentals and one of the questions tell me about the signs of Judgment Day this indicates that the signs of Judgment Day are an integral part of our faith or else it would not have been come here and that is why the genre of writing books about Judgment Day goes back to the earliest of times every major collection of hadith from sahiba Hadi so he Muslim abu dawood in fact many more hadith in wrote special books of them as noemi bin hamad he wrote a multi-volume book called kitab anyway she also saw the signs of Judgment Day an entire encyclopedia written in the third century or fourth century of the Hydra and from that time onwards many many books have been written and not only how books been written our prophet sallallaahu and he will send them dedicated special classes for the signs of Judgment Day how do we know abu zaid a nun sadi narrates in sahih muslim listen to this very interesting narration one day the prophet salallahu alaihe salam prayed fragile with us and then he climbed on the mimbar which was not his habit he didn't climb on the member after fajar he climbed on the member for Havana in Oklahoma and he gave us a lecture until salatul or then he came down and he prayed the herd with us then he went up and he spoke until a sudden he came down he prayed us and with us he went up and he spoke until mulleted essentially almost non-stop we can assume there were smaller breaks but the point is one full day class was given from Fujian until Asia what sorry until Muslim not reach onto Muslim what was the topic of that I was evidence Adi said for a lemon abhi Mahua kara inin in a yeoman a Amma he taught us what would happen until the day of judgement he taught us what would happen until Judgment Day and the most knowledgeable of us about science of Judgment Day is the one who had the best health and memorized the most on that day this hadith is assigned Muslim the most authentic book after Bihari so there was a class that the profitsystem gave from fudgie up until muslim about the science of Judgment Day how do L do we know other Sabah were present the famous Sahabi are they particularly a man the one who kept the secret of the Prophet SAW sinem he said one day the Prophet system gave us a whole book in which he didn't forget to mention anything until the day of judgement he mentioned everything that will happen so heard afer is there he's putting it in his own words that one day he gave us a lecture about everything that would happen the same thattaboy say that on saudi said you know when two people attend the same lecture they'll now write to you the gist but there'll be slight differences so they first saying the professor son gave us a photo a lecture that he taught us everything until the day of judgment that would happen and then he said I am a human re Maharaja he l'homme Angela who whoever knows it knows it whoever doesn't doesn't whoever remembers remember whoever does it doesn't and then he says something's interesting he said and sometimes I see something happening in my life and it reminds me of something that I had forgotten that the prophecies have said on that day just like one of you doesn't see his friend for many months doesn't think about him then he sees his friend or acquaintance and he says where have you been so he remembers he had an acquaintance you know that you have your close circle of friends than you have your 100 or 200 acquaintances you know you don't really keep in touch so suppose somebody of that acquaintance goes missing for a week or two then you see him in the message oh he where have you been in that week you didn't remember him but when you see him you remember him this is what her day if I is saying sometimes I see something and I forgot that I had heard about it before but when I see it happening I remember that is what the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa send them said and this is why when I'm at a Bob in his kunafa he asked who amongst you knows what the prophecies have said about the end of times it was Padayappa who responded there's a famous conversation we'll get to it later on it was aveva why do you why do you concern yourself with it yeah me remove meaning don't you know there's a closed door you're not gonna see those signs Romar said will that door open with a key or will it be broken will it be smashed and her they first said it will be smashed it will be broken that was the prediction that homer would die a Shaheed he wouldn't die a natural death but what did are they first say why are you worried or Amir al-mumineen you're not gonna see all of those things that's gonna be before your time you will be gone notice how they first said to her mother I'll be alone and you're not gonna see the fit in between the Saba I mean he didn't say that phrase but you get the point you're not gonna see the you know the the zoella's in the fit and the mir and you're not gonna see all of those signs why are you read about them so he said what is that door that's gonna be between me and it is it a natural door or it is gonna be broken open said no is gonna be broken and this was the prediction that horrible awful table would die a death of a Shaheed how did every day for know this is of those things that the prophecies was mentioning in cryptic language he didn't say after me will be a walker he will die a natural that then will be home or he will die no but he is speaking in a language that the intelligence Sahaba understand so a day for understands roughly what era and that in my era what the process him said is not going to happen and therefore Omar Ali Allahu and will not live to see it but he will die the death of a Shaheed and so on and so forth so in today's series of lectures today's our first day will continue in Shaolin next week then I will be departing for hides and will resume after Hajj in shala maybe four maybe six I don't know how many lessons will have inshallah about the signs of Judgment Day and we'll go over all of the major and minor signs one after they're in a bit of a detail this is going to be a detailed series about at the science of Judgment Day and also in sha Allah to Allah for those who read and listen to my lectures you know I will definitely go into very different tangents that are typically not discussed and you will you know if those of you who are not familiar with me you will very quickly be familiar I will be very frank there are major issues we need to discuss huge and ma'juj what do we say about them what do we say where are these million people where are they living we have to be very frank how do we talk about these issues okay the John is he alive or dead you know what does he have supernatural powers does this mean that John is some mystical force or is he an actual entity these are things that there are theories and I will be frank as is my my want all the time when the sha allah we will ensure all the benefit and agree or agree to disagree one of the two insha allah tala so let us begin this is the prelude why are we studying signs of judgment a what are the benefits of studying this branch of Islamic theology realize that allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala has mentioned in the quran that the day of judgment is very close don't think it is far away it is very close allah subhanho wa taala mentions that people are quizzing you about Judgment Day yes a luna canister they ask you about Judgment Day Allah says for the Jarrah ash our Aloha the signs of judgment they have begun already the signs have already begun they're asking you when his Judgment Day I am Telling You the precursors the flags the warning flags have already begun Allah says in the Quran if hotel but is the judgment is closed Allah says in the Quran that if at all by the NASA a Szabo him Allah that the hisab of mankind is coming closer to closer Allah says in the Quran in Nahum Yamuna hooba EDA 1 our aho Kariba they think that Judgment Day is far away but we know that it is very very close and our prophet sallallahu alayhi wa seldom he predicted and the hadith is a Muslim and he put his fingers out like this and he said bu'ithtu anna wa sarah kaha tain that myself and Judgment Day we have been sent like this now scholars say either we have been sent like this meaning this is him and this is Judgment Day so the difference between your first finger and the second finger right either that or I have been sent to Judgment Day so the distance between two fingers either once a small amount right either this is the coming of the processor and this is Judgment Day this is the difference between doing so all of this and all of this what is the difference very little or there's a small space between the two fingers so he's saying I have been sent and judgment they will come after me so the coming of the prophet salallahu alayhi wa Selim is the beginning of the signs of Judgment Day with his coming with his birth with his mission and then with his death sallallahu alayhi wa send them this is the beginning of Judgment Day or I should say the beginning of the signs of the Judgment Day and our prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said hadith is in Sahih Muslim that your example you Roma of prophecies from your example of the time that you have compared to the times of the ouma's before you is like that of a person who has fraid and he's waiting for motherhood and that will be Judgment Day you are the people that have prayed a serve and are waiting for everybody else prayed Fajr Zuhr what not the previous owners were way before you the time slot between acid and Muslim is the shortest we rarely barely prayer I said before we know it it's mostly time so the Prophet said your example Roma is like of the man who prayed awesome and he's done without side he's just waiting for Muslim and the previous umas they are the previous Sunnah wat and therefore this the Judgment Day and the signs of Judgment Day are something that make us waking up to the reality of actual teamö in one Editha mostly Muhammad our prophet sallallahu alayhi wa seldom said I was sent along with the day of judgement and I just preceded it it almost beat me this is an authentic hadith invested in Muhammad that it is as if Allah sent the both of us together and I just beat the day of judgment by a little bit so this means especially given the fact that fourteen hundred and forty years have passed since the profitsystem said that right so imagine our Prophet SAW some said these phrases that I have been sent with Judgment Day like this and 1440 years have gone that is not a joke that is a millennia and a half that is a huge step in human history all of recorded human history does not go back more than three four thousand years the earliest actual records that we have of any civilization are 4,000 years old at max yes we have remnants of people five six seven eight but no histories we don't know the dynasties we don't know only three four five four thousand at max of these four thousand one thousand four hundred is our own Ummah so how about the previous umas before how about the Oma's before the recording how about the umas that go back to north and preened or how many tens of thousands of years only Allah subhana WA Ta'ala knows and now we have just a little bit of time left as Allah Azza WA JAL says in the Quran huama amorosa at the illa Kalam in ba sorry oh ho a quorum the Judgment Day is like the twinkling of an eye it's like your eye blinking or it is even fast than that and if you look at how long this world has been here billions and billions of years and how long human beings have been here at the very least 40,000 years we Homo sapiens have been here at the very least then what is 1,400 years nothing and that's why our profit system said that I am the first of the sign my death is going to be the first of the major science not major in that sense but in the sense of beginning the signs of Judgment Day and Allah subhana WA Ta'ala reminds us that hayleyandlorna in the Sarah are they waiting for Judgment Day Aditya Cheryl - ha can't they see the signs of Judgment Day have already come the signs of Judgment Day have already come and Allah Azza WA JAL mentions that East 7 mr.william is also one of the signs of Judgment Day where in the hoola ila mona lisa and one tara up as well as over over 61 lisa and the coming of isa is a flag for Judgment Day but this is the second coming of ISA as we're gonna come to insha'Allah Allah not the first coming of ISA and the Quran also mentions the coming of ya'juj and ma'juj hot aida foots yet yeah juju am a dude so all of these are signs that are mentioned in the quran about Judgment Day what is the reason why we are studying these signs many reasons of them the primary reason is that it makes us appreciate the truthfulness of our prophet sallallahu alayhi wa send them when we see things that he could never have known impossible to know when we see that he's predicting the future and we are living that future how can our ummah not go up how can our ummah not be confirmed how can we not have the obtain that this man one eye on to find in hawa in who are in Hawaii on you ha he is not a normal human being in the sense that he is not speaking from his mind he is speaking from Allah subhana WA Ta'ala who is inspiring him and when we hear of these predictions when we see the specific very very interesting predictions that nobody could have thought of and he is telling them to us and we see them before our eyes then our iman increases in Allah in the Quran in the son as well why else are we studying Judgment Day the signs of Judgment Day they are like the symptoms of a disease when you see the symptoms you should be concerned you should be concerned you should take precaution what happens when your cholesterol level goes up you start monitoring your food right what happens when your sugar level what happens when your heart beat you start taking adequate measures to protect yourself so what will be the case when you realize that Judgment Day is around the corner that qiyamah is coming closer and closer what are you gonna do you will take precautions you will become more aware you will feel I need to prepare for Fiamma so one of the main factors while we are studying signs of judgment day that it impacts our life we live better lives so that we are prepared to meet allah subhana wa ta'ala on the day of judgment so it is a wake-up call for us that we realize the end is near and we need to prepare ourselves and of course of the reasons that we study the science of Judgment Day as well is that insha'Allah tada this gives us a sense of comfort let us be brutally honest well lie we live in depressing times this be honest here so much is going on that the heart bleeds what is happening around the world Canela where does one begin now you read these a hadith and you realize you know what a lot of this has actually been predicted the very fact that has been predicted you know let me give you an example if the doctor tells you you know you're gonna go through some sickness is gonna go down before it gets better when it goes down it's painful but when the doctors told you is gonna go down doesn't that knowledge say you know what the doctor told me the doctor said is gonna be hard for a week you know it's gonna be difficult that that prediction of the doctor get my point that that forecast I should say it gives you a sense of peace you know what ok the bet the end will be better this is the point when we study a hadith about Judgment Day and these are hadith they have a lot of you know warnings but they also have some good news they also have some Bashara so those warnings they're not gonna make us depressed we are prepared were mentally prepared psychologically prepared emotionally prepared I need to prepare and we see it happening when we see those trends our Iman goes higher we turn to allah subhanahu wata'ala and we feel a sense of comfort that insha'Allah Allah will take care of us because why do you think our prophets uh son told us these are hadith why did he tell us that my Ummah will be split up why did he tell us that this is gonna happen that's gonna happen so that we get depressed so that we feel down so that no he told us to give us the comfort that we need to give us the moral support the encouragement he told us so that insha Allah who Ta'ala when it happens we are prepared emotionally and mentally for dealing with those signs of Judgment Day so these are some of the reasons why we will study the signs of Judgment Day Jacob the next subsection how do we categorize the signs of Judgment Day there are so many a hadith so many you know verses in the Quran so many traditions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa send them over a dozen works have been authored in classical Islam by classical I mean basically pre let's say pre 1000 is a say the first eight hundred hundred years of the Hegira in the early stage of islam over a dozen works even cathy is one of the most comprehensive when he wrote his book albania when the ayah the beginning and the end he put an entire volume the end and the ayah the entire volume he put for signs of Judgment Day and many authors before him and after him they wrote special treat disease about the signs of Judgment Day so when they're looking at all of this material when they see all of these a hadith in front of them they try to categorize and categorization is a well-known science and how you categorized is all relative I can categorize everybody in this room based upon gender male or female well right now male or female alone is gonna happen in fuse anyway I can also categorize based upon based upon work engineer doctor I can categorize based upon ethnicity the same group different categories right similarly when it comes to signs of Judgment Day you have the same a hadith how do you categorize it can be different so one way to categorize is to categorize it into one of two either a specific incident or a general trend some predictions one incident one off the Muslims shall conquer Constantinople okay that's a one off okay in another hadith the Muslims will conquer Rome that's a one-off incident that the jar will come that's a one-off incident yeah George image will be released that's a one-off incident this is a one incident the matter they will come that's another incident or you have a trend a general trend ignorance will prevail for example okay and one hadith writing will be common there's a very interesting prediction catawba writing will be common and imagine in a society when the process them was sent in mecca barely twelve people knew how to read and write most of the Sahaba of early Islam were not literate because it wasn't the culture to be literate they were not literate and our prophet system said one of the signs of Judgment Day the majority of mankind will write this is a trend it's not a one-off right you see that one of the signs of Judgment Day is that common alcohol everybody will be taking drugs and alcohol is one of the signs one of the signs of Judgment Day immorality Faja that people will be doing it in public or nudity will be public this is a trend it's not a one incident so these are two ways to categorize a one incident or a trend and this is something that is very clear now another way to categorize which is the more common way and it is the one that we will be using a shallow effort today and the rest of our series is to divide the science of Judgment Day into what is called major signs and Ashtaroth Assad and Kubra and minor signs ashrak essaouira major signs and minor signs and where do we get this from we get it straight from the hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in that in a number of authentic hadith he explicitly mentioned that there are going to be ten major signs of and a so by mentioning 10 will be major automatically this means the rest are going to be minor okay so he is the one who brought forward this categorization that he said there's going to be 10 Kluber ah or kabhi of signs and those ones are separate from the rest of them so the hadith is in Sahih Muslim the hadith is assigned Muslim that our prophet sallallahu alayhi wa seldom came across the Sahaba one day they were sitting in the Masjid he came and they were having a heated discussion so he said to them what are you discussing so they said we are talking about when Toyama will happen we're talking about making a guess one will pay amma happen so the prophet salallahu alayhi wa send them said hey Yama will not happen until you see its ten signs so now he said there are ten signs that are directly linked to fiamma there are ten that are definitely in a different category Toyama will not happen until you see its ten signs then he mentioned them one by one and I'm gonna quickly list them now inshallah later on in our series we'll go over each one of them in a lot of detail number one he said the Dohan the ohan is a dust smoke smog the doc on number two and by the way all ten of these are specific these are not trends all ten of these are one-off incidents so these ten it is a clear-cut sign something major is gonna happen catastrophic catastrophic cataclysmic and everybody will recognize this is one of those major signs so number one the Duhon know and this is not an order we're gonna mention this this is just ten that he said they don't necessarily be in this order number two that I John and that is a long discussion we'll talk about that number three the dabeh and the dhaba is the beast and he is mentioned in the Quran what afraid I'll call him Hajj Nala home da betta mean and out of the took a limo so this is in the Quran there's something called the dab or a beast and by the way before I move on so signs of Judgment Day in every tradition in every tradition they are cryptic there are cryptic this is one of the things that we find even in the conservative Christian movement even in the Orthodox Jewish movement this is the genre above signs of Judgment Day in every religious tradition you have these phrases that might be difficult to unpack one of the wisdom must might be that you only recognize it after it happens that oh this is what it is referencing so Allah knows best but that is an interesting point to each of these you can tell is what is the dab but what is the tahan and again we're gonna get to it one by one so where were we we said the Dohan that the jug the dabba number for the rising of the Sun from the West so the Sun rises in the East sets in the west one day it will rise from the West number five new Zulu ur e 7 e maryam the coming down of rethymno maryam ok this is a specific incident and that is not ambiguous at all very clear number 6 yeah huge and ma'juj and the coming of ya'juj and ma'juj ok that is a major sign I will talk about them and some of the problems that are raised by this issue we'll talk about it very frankly when we get to a Xiaohua number 7 8 and 9 3 szelezon 3 earthquakes that will shake the world there's going to be major this isn't a regional earthquake these are earthquakes that essentially the world will know it is an earthquake 3 szelezon that will shake the world and one aidid each next one will be bigger than the first one so it's gonna be three consecutive earthquakes that are the whole world will know that there is an earthquake taking place and then he said what a few who know the last of these signs number 10 be the last of these signs is a blazing fire that will emanate in Yemen and will force the people towards a double measure or the land of Resurrection the land resurrection the very last sign of Judgment Day will be the fire that will force people to gather in one place and that will be the end of humanity in that one place which is gonna be in Balad ash-sham as we will come to when we come to it in another hadith he said anytime one of these ten comes expect the other to come immediately after so these ten are like dominos went after the other these ten when the first one comes ha lost the rest are gonna follow very very quickly and the first of these ten without a doubt is the coming of a subrahmanyam this is the first of these ten the first of these ten is the coming of a 7 mm and when ASA comes the rest of these are gonna come one by one and that's it Fiamma will take place very shortly after the coming of ribbon imodium and the last of the minor signs links the first of the major signs let me repeat the last of the minor signs links the first of the major signs the last of the minor signs is the coming of the melody the coming of the melody is the last of the minor signs and the Manatee will be alive and will interact with the first of the major signs and that is who a seven imodium so the melody and the ISA will coexist at the same time same place interact with one another and it is literally as if the minor is coming to an end and the major is beginning and then that said the rest will go from there until I am so for the rest of today and insha'Allah our next lecture on Wednesday will be discussing some of the primary minor signs now wanna make a point here while I have done a somewhat exhaustive list it is not possible to do an encyclopedic list that would take at least four to six weeks of lectures and also into a lot of detail about various narrations and how authentic they are so what I have done I have called it from the primary books that I have the major not the major signs the word major is not problematic to use because we're talking about a minor the more significant of the minor signs let's put it that way okay so by no stretch is this list fully comprehensive and I have told you about one of the most comprehensive books some say it is the most encyclopedic book ever written and it is key table will fit on by the famous scholar of hadith of the 4th century nor Hamad bin hamad it has over don't quote me on this something narrations about the signs of Judgment Day these are he wrote a book of hadith he's in the classical timeframe he isn't some modern guy he's in the time of right after Behati so he's writing every idea with his it's not to the prophets of the law and he would send them and it is a massive comp compendium that was recently a very recently edited and published they came across a manuscript copy otherwise it was missing for many centuries but they came across and it was recently printed this is a massive encyclopedia that's not gonna be done in just two or three lectures so let us begin a shala talking about some of the more significant of these minor signs and i will try my best to use authentic hadith and we will come to the topic of weak hadith eventually as well and you will hear my position about them which is the position of the vast majority of the scholars of our religion including imam in no way and even Tamiya and others who said that weak hadith hadith there are not 100% authentic they may be used with a number of conditions you must have some conditions attached to them no classical scholar completely rejected weak hadith this is actually a modern opinion of the classical dilemma and the medieval dilemma but if hadith was only accepted with a number of conditions one of them being you point out this hadith is weak and so you have a warning that you know what no not a warning but a grave like a gray light to be gear or a yellow light big cautious right that that's what it is so some of these will be weak but most of these and when it is not pointed out otherwise the default whatever you hear me say in these lists is authentic hadith insha'Allah Allah the first of the minor signs already mentioned and that is the birth of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and the Dawa and the message of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa seldom and the death of our prophet salallahu alayhi wasalam this altogether let's just say is the first of the signs of Judgment Day this is where it all begins and that's why he said were if to anawa sarah.hatton myself and judgement day we came like this notice myself and Judgment Day he's putting himself as the first sign because he is the first sign and in the other hadith Allah sent the both of us together and I just read it I just beat it by a little bit that hadith isn't Muslim Imam so he is the first and the beginning of all of the minor signs of judgment day of the minor signs that are mentioned in at least a dozen different hadith and this is a collection I'm not going to go over all of them so this is a point here at least a dozen hadith of the minor science is the prediction that the Sahaba themselves would fight each other this is an authentic narration a number of authentic narrations that the Sahaba themselves would be fighting one another and once the sword was lifted the Muslim Ummah would continually be fighting until judgement day and that's why her they first said to Omar what are you worried it's not gonna happen in your lifetime it's gonna happen after you don't worry it's not gonna happen in your lifetime and that's why with not about the allahu and when he was surrounded by those evil people he said i'm not gonna be the one to open that sword that was the famous phrase he said i will not be that one to unsheath the sword because whoever is the first to do it it will never be put back in your mother fame will go inshallah one day we'll give a lecture about the death of with mass every emotional lecture that famous phrase why did he say I will not be the one who unsheathed the sword because he knew and he said this whenever it is taken out it's never gonna go back in he knew this and we saw what happened when those evil people the Hajj they killed with mono the Aloha and they then started what they started they were the ones who caused Safina and gemin and all of those things and all of that trials and tribulations and once it happened subhanAllah up until our times the Ummah has been divided so this is a genre of predictions that there's going to be in fighting physical fighting amongst the Muslims they with that they will be divided and they will go to war with one another and they will shed the blood of one another and this is one of those things applause so some was saddened by in the famous hadith he said I asked a lot headiness I'm Muslim I asked Allah for three things he gave me two of them and he did not give me one by the way this hadith is so powerful even our prophets Allah said them he does not have a happy that whatever I say happens only Allah says good fiyaquun' only Allah even the Habib the Mustafa the Ahmed the Muhammad sallallaahu and you send them even he cannot demand he can ask and it is up to Allah hadith isn't a Muslim al-tohra be telethon for itani is made one manner ID Wyatt he gave me two and he denied me one what did he give me what didn't I I asked him to never cause an external enemy to come and eliminate my Ummah he gave it to him never will the umma be destroyed in its entirety you might have a section you might have our brothers here our sisters there but the Ummah as a whole and our process and said some umas before us were destroyed by external enemies so he made a dua to Allah o Allah let's my Ummah be protected so that external enemies will never eliminate all of them Allah said you have it he said o Allah let no disease or plague illuminate my entire Ummah because some of the previous Oma's something happened internally you know the black death or whatever you called us you know some type of disease or virus and the whole almost eliminated so Allah gave it to him never will the Ummah be eliminated because of an internal disease then the third one he said o Allah let's my Ummah not fight one another and Allah did not give me that allah azza wajal is the one he says kun falcone la you are my fantasy in the quran no one can challenge allah for what Allah decides well whom use alone you will be asked what you do no one can ask Allah why did you do something for a wisdom known to Allah he did not give this to our nabi sallallahu alayhi wasallam so this is one genre the fighting of the Ummah internal fighting another predictions of the minor signs of Judgment Day and this is at least five hadith in this regard if not more he predicted explicitly the martyrdom of umar radiyaallahu on and earth man about the Aloha and he implied pretty much explicitly or you can say implicitly that abu-bakr as-siddiq would not die as a martyr but he would die a natural death that of acid dip right and there are many hadith in this regard and again her they for understood this again remember her they first the one who said oh you will not die a natural death the door will be broken how did he know the process him did not mention names but the concept was there in the famous hadith reported in saw a Muslim that once the Prophet system was with Abu Bakr and Omar and Othman and they were walking on the mountain of wood they were walking on the mountain of hood and a head began to tremble it began to shake and our prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he took his foot and he tapped it and he said with foot would calm down or hurt some say it was trembling in all I have on me all of these people is trembling and off by the way another tangent side point those of you who know you know I have all of these tangents we believe that inanimate objects have consciousness this is something that's a part of our faith we believe the walls the stones the Sun the moon they have a type of consciousness different than our own not like us I'm not saying they see here but they aren't aware and by the way many modern philosophies and many theories of physics and biology also prove this plants and what not they have a type of consciousness a type again not like ours and this is proven in so many ayat and a hadith of them as were in min shade in allow yourself Eva Hamdi he nothing is there except the praises Allah the Sun praises Allah the moon praises Allah these are inanimate objects how can they praise Allah they have consciousness of them when the process and picked up the stones and the stones the Sahaba said we've heard the stone say subhanAllah we heard it say subhanAllah when it was in the hand of the process I didn't say Muslim of them the famous Edison Buhari that when the prophesies was given the football on that found on that on that member made out of the the trunk of the tree then he had a fancy three-step constructed he left it Allah allowed the trunk of the tree it's expressions to be heard not that the expressions were not there but Allah allowed the Sahaba to hear how the tree felt think about that right the tree was feeling something if Allah had willed just like now we cannot hear the Sun the moon the trees the stars we cannot hear the walls at that point in time Allah blessed the Sahaba to hear to be on the same wavelength of communication as this trunk tree so they heard it in a language that they understand and they said we heard it sobbing in one narration like a baby boy in another narration like a camel that has been separated from its mother it was sobbing sobbing sobbing this was the expression that Allah gave to the ears of the Sahaba so that they could understand how the tree felt you understand this point right obviously the tree is expressing in its own language its own wavelength but we are deaf to that so Allah bless the Sahaba so what did the process M do he interrupted the hota and he came down and he hugged the tree even inanimate objects feel the love he hugged the tree and he patted it to calm it down even inanimate objects and then he ordered that the tree be dug out and be buried right where he stood and to this day it is buried under the member that the prophets of Allah are seldom used the point is all of the shows inanimate objects they have what they have you guys listening what do they have consciousness they can understand they can accept what is going on in their own way so Allah allowed a herd to express how it felt or trembling and the process said calm down don't worry with boatyard for in nama awakened a bee unit was so diakon wah Shaheed Ain you only have Anna be a Sadiq and to Shahid's on you don't worry you only have a nebby acid dip and to Shahid's notice he predicted here everybody understands he is then every sallallahu said am i will bakr as-siddiq and then umar uthman they both died a Shahid's so dick is higher he died on his deathbed he didn't need to die like the shade he is higher than that so dip and then Shaheed a so he's predicting also in the famous narration as well that abu musa al-ashari was with the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa seldom and he followed him and the prophets and went into the garden of one of the unsought whom he knew that to the process and knew that the on saudi would not mind him coming in there was a public garden so he walked in and he sat down in contemplation Oh Musa Ishod he said I will volunteer to be the the doorman of the process in the guard of the profitsystem I don't want anybody to disturb him when he's in his Avada so he went outside and he stood outside of the garden so when he went outside abu bakr came where is the processor he's inside can I go inside let me ask him he went inside the iris would Allah our bucket is that the door can he come in yes tell him to come in and tell him that he shall enter Genda okay hum did inda no more the same thing but earth man the same thing but then after a calamity that will befall him by the mercy but in after a massive ax he will be tested with then he will enter gender so the fittin began in the time of birth man and that's what her they first said or Omar don't worry you're not gonna see the mostly but that's gonna be a community most even the assassination of Roma was a one-off one deranged lunatic one Medusa assassinated it wasn't a conspiracy there wasn't a mob one crazy person went and killed our honey for America top as for with matter of the ilaha what happened mob mentality spring break up of the unity of the Ummah that's why I said by the Bell were after Amity a major issue that's gonna affect him and in the famous anything the muslin document hack him our professor Sam said to earth man that Oh with man allah azza wajal will give you a shirt to wear and others will come wanting to snatch that shirt away from you but do not give them that shirt until Allah Himself takes it away do we all understand what this means this is a prediction now did earth matter of the allah understand this one it was said maybe he did maybe he didn't but he clearly understood it in his Khilafah when and that's why I said cryptic wording this is of the points of predictions of judgment idea cryptic what shirt what is going on why is this shirt being mentioned maybe maybe with monitor himself did not understand what is the shirt mean but definitely in the time of his Halawa now he knows and that is one of the reasons he did not budge because he knew if he gave them an inch they would take a foot if he gave their foot they would do much more than this so he did not budge and he did the right thing and he died a Shaheed but the frost him said he's going to be tested benoît by the one means a a calamity of a big nature so the Sahaba understood in earth man's time the door will be opened and that's when the the issues will take place so this is the genre of predicting Oba Carr Omar and Othman of the 11 homes death another prediction is the prediction of the Battle of the camel and the Battle of the camel was one of the most tragic battles no let me rephrase it was the most tragic battle of early Islam of the time of the Sahaba there is no exception it was the most heart-wrenching battle because well I who can you you cannot choose sides how can you choose sites and that's why when somebody what is the Battle of the German the Battle of the German on one side you have a Isha and callaghan's aware of the allahu i know and the other side you have REM nebith olive and many of those have already allah who are no how do you choose sides here the Battle of the German and this is why when imam muhammad in hamburg was asked what happened during that time which side should we have taken Emma Mahadeva humble died 240 hundred two hundred years after the Battle of the camel the battle of the German is called the Battle of the camel because I shadowed a Lahore on her she was on a camel that had a mini tent you know our mothers they were not allowed to be seen at all unlike other ladies they can be seen in Haeju our mothers the wives of the processor they cannot even be seen in hijab they have to be in a mini tent no one can even see the outer shape of our mother this is a special commandment only for them and so when they were when she was on the camel she was in something called a hoe Dutch and the hoe that is the mini tent on the camel and so everybody could see the camel bobbing up and down and in the middle and so they called it and usually you don't see a woman's tent in the middle of the battlefield right so that's what it's called the Battle of the camel because in that battle there was a camel with the I shall die alone on his tent on it and Imam Muhammad was asked about that battle and he said that was a battle Allah saved our swords from having to have blood so why don't we save our tongues from having to have science that was a battle alhamdulillah we didn't have to pick our swords we weren't alive back then I wasn't forced to choose sides so then why are you dragging my tongue in and making me force and pick sides now let me be quiet and this by the way is pure Sunni theology we stay quiet about what happened between the Sahaba and we don't discuss it in a lot of detail we don't bring up he said she said we don't let it be till cotton mutton cutlet radiyallahu anhum wa radu and and some other groups they love to discuss this and that and this and and what happens the heart becomes hard and no benefit happens there were people who were righteous they had a misunderstanding and what happened happened and life goes on we don't dwell on the past so imam muhammad said i don't want to talk about it my tongue will remain silent about it but our process unpredicted the battle of the hadith is another he-man hack him and it is a hassle hadith and in fact there are three other hadith of irani others was an authentic hadith that and will I decided his so bizarre the first time I read it I couldn't believe this is many years her as I couldn't believe this so explicit and actually looked it up in the most that I went hack him to make sure that with the book I was reading didn't you know change some words or whatnot I went to the original to look it up so in this in the hadith a share of the allahu and her and i leave out the allahu on are sitting in the same room as the prophet sallallaahu Andy he was send them and the prophets of 'some says to Ali Brody a loved one Oh Andy what will you do when there will be an issue between you and her what will you do on that time when there's gonna be some issue so he said you had a soul on me how how how I will be the worst of the two are not the better of the two please no I know that's not gonna happen I'm not gonna do that so the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa send them said that when it does happen then return her from where she came from safely Garuda Allah many huh bring her back and take her where she came from safely and that is why a little yeah Lahore on after the Battle of the camel he sent his own daughters and he sent the noble ladies of Medina as bodyguards women he sent them meaning the internal bodyguard then you have the external convert obviously they have the internal like nobody should interact with the women he sent his own daughters and he sent the noble ladies of I said Medina Koufos re Kufa he sent them from Kufa all the way back to Medina to return Aisha to Medina and then he brought the ladies back and he left a hyah there why because the profitsystem said perhaps the day will come when there will be something between you and her when that day happens then you or ally or the Aloha you take her back to her place safe and sound and he did exactly as he was commanded and he returned Aisha exactly what the prophecy awesome said I told him to do also the process and predicted the Battle of Safina and Safina was another tragedy in some ways it was a worst tragedy than Gemma both were tragedies Gemma was the tragedy because you had a shallow Bashara on both sides that's painful that's painful you had a shadow move Hashanah on both sides and by the way one of the benefits of the Battle of Gemma and Sophie as from Hana is so beautiful because even in problems there is good even in some negatives and evils there is hair that you can derive one of the fair that we derive righteous people sometimes have arguments good people can disagree people of Jenna people of Jenna cannot get along in this world sometimes that's a benefit for us to know that you know it's possible it's possible that sometimes you get into an argument and you're both good people and somehow Allah I mean this is a complete different tangent but again it's important to know marriage and divorce is another reality if somebody has a divorce doesn't mean that one of the two sides is bad maybe both of them are people of gender maybe both ever gonna go to Jenna you don't have to get along you know in this world to be a participant obviously it's better to but it's not a necessary requirement sometimes people are tested and righteous people were tested so much so they went to war with one another and yet they're both people of Jenna subhanAllah this is this is a la Sunnah so the point is that the process unpredicted the Battle of Siffin as well how so how did he predict the Battle of Sofia the hadith is Asahi Mahadi and saw a Muslim it is the most authentic hadith imaginable the most authentic hadith imaginable and it's a famous hadith you've all heard it the process was on the minbar and he's giving the husband and his grandson has sent rowdy a loved one who's probably three years old at this time two or three years old he comes in and he was wearing a red faux and you know in those days they didn't have much money so they would put clothes on their kids that was longer than what they needed because they could then grow up you know they weren't as fine-tuned as us one to two months you go to the baby Walmart whatever the toys babies are then three to four months than six - every few weeks you buy a new outfit for your kid no they didn't have that luxury they didn't have that they would just have to so they put a thought that went below to the floor because they want him to grow up and use it for some time so Hassan radiyallahu anh he came out of the house of Fatima of the eleven and you know how little toddlers are he sees his grandfather on the on the member so he rushes forward and was gonna happen he tripped on his own phone and he fell and smacked his head and he began crying in the middle of the messages subhanAllah by the way this is the humanity well why sometimes we don't imagine you know these are human beings hasan of the allahu as a baby at this time and babies crying so he fell and he cried now the Sahaba are told to listen and be respectful of the hata what are they gonna do now who's gonna stand up I mean what are you gonna do on the one hand you know the authentic a hadith that don't do anything when the Imam is giving the whole Toba right you submit an hour upon you here and you obey on the other hand has another on himself is crying what to do the Sahaba just stood there froze so the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam himself he came down stopped the hot ball he came down walked between the Sahaba and he picked up hessen calmed him down the Aloha walked back up and he said that I was not able to contain my anxiety when my son was crying he called him his son when my son was crying and you know every parent knows this every parent knows this you know that when your child is crying your concentration is out you know and the Salah time you know mothers know this father's know this that you know you you recognize those of you that don't have kids by the way believe you me right now all kids sound alike to when you have your kid you shall recognize him and the or his or her cry from amongst a thousand prize you will know this is my kid and that's why Allah says in the Quran about the hood yeah - ah whoo Kamiya de fauna a banana whom as they recognize their own children the recognition of children is something totally different anyway where was I what was I talking about hasn't has another a lot of the process and picked him up brought him back now listen to this he kissed him on the minbar and he lifted him up is a famous idea Hadi and Muslim he lifted him up this is the leader right all other later motifs are coming from here he lifted him up and he said in Ebony had say it this son of mine and he called him a son even though he's a grandson this is an honor for Hasan for the Aloha this son of mine is a leader say yet here means leader this son of mine is a leader and a time will come when he shall be the cause of reconciling between two large groups of Muslims vain Afiya Taney a Lima tiny min and mostly me now this hadith is so profound and have to gloss over it but the profit system did not criticize either side notice unlike another trend in our Ummah that thinks that there are on one side versus the other and we respectfully disagree without rounding up any hatred but we were disagree we don't agree with that trend we are on both sides even though we respect one side as closer to the truth than other but we do not disrespect the other side and we get this from where from our profit system he didn't say this son will reconcile between Muslim and kafir I was a villa he didn't say between Muslim and fadjen between guided and misguided no what did he say between two great groups of Muslims and we know what happened between Maui it'll be a lock on and a little dialog on they were fighting fighting fighting at the death of a deal of the allah who on whose hasson took charge for a few months while we are for mas Lahontan decided to have one more attack and Hasson said you know what enough is enough you keep it and call us go and I'm gonna withdraw and because of that the OMA United and this is the true leader not the one who sits on the core see the one who unites the OMA was called the leader imagine that not the figurehead who is great we respect him he is a sahabi but you cannot compare him with Hassan of the ilaha there is no comparison Muslim the real leader in the metaphorical sense not in the political sense politically yes the leader of the Omegas was a leader but the real leader was the one who stepped back and said fellas you have it enough bloodshed let us be one and that so the process is called him the leader also the prediction is given as well in the famous hadith in Sahih Muslim that whose is this can you turn turn that off that idea of the Allah who was fighting the heart ajayan so there so Ali fought multiple Wars he fought in the Battle of Jena this is predicted he fought in the Battle of Siffin this is predicted he also fought the hot edge ice and the hardy tights are the first sect to break away from the umma the first fanatic group to break away and they consider themselves holier and better than everybody else and he fought the hard edge i'ts and he won them then he said go find somebody who has a deformity of the hand and he described in vivid detail it's gonna be a protrusion that's gonna be a black spot he described in vivid detail go find somebody with that deformity amongst the dead so they went once they said Oh a middle morning we didn't find this person he said no you didn't look go look again so they went for a second time and they scoured every dead body before they buried him then were they buried and they didn't find they said only we looked at every dead body we didn't find this sign he said go for a third time for wallahi I know what I heard and neither was the person who said this to me a liar nor was i lied to in other words the one who said it spoke the truth and I know what I heard so now he got angry said go and do it I know what I heard the one who said this is not a liar and I heard the truth go find this man so they went and they found that there were two people who were actually covering a third body and because of that they hadn't found the third body so when they pulled the purple they said oh here is it and they found that that same deformity and they said oh here he is yeah I mean he said allahu akbar oh i know i heard the truth the profitsystem told me i would fight and he described the groups of people the hotter guys and he said their leader will be a person described him and the deformity was there this hadith is as a Muslim imagine how specific of a narration where ali radiya llahu and he knows he has to fight this this fringe group and he knows that this is a wrong group and that their leaders gonna have this deformity and he's so confident three times they come they say we didn't find this guy no go I know what I heard and the one who said this to me is not a liar don't accuse me of anything I know whatever so then they found the man this is a prediction is it not it is one of the signs of Judgment Day that idea of the Aloha is going to be fighting this group of the Cottagers and we already mentioned the Battle of Siffin there's one more hadith I forgot to mention it this idea since I saw a Muslim and sahih bukhari mata fakkin a hadith that the Prophet SAW Salim said pay Yama will not come until a large war takes place fatale takes place between two groups of Muslims who have the same call that Wahoo my wyatt they have the same call and yet they're still having a major war now this hadith is cryptic but almost by unanimous consensus our later scholars have understood this to be the Battle of Siffin and/or the Battle of German or both why because it was the only point in time where in reality theologically methodologically and religiously both sides were on par with one another in almost every battle after this generally speaking it is very different but in that timeframe there were no theological differences between these two camps they didn't differ about salah zakah hajj happy des ironically and not ironically it is authentically mentioned that during the battles of Safina at the night time sometimes the two warrior camps were prey to hydra under the same imam because there's no difference in a PITA and once a person came to a de da de la WAN and said is more aware about the allahu on a catholic he said this to him and he said i was a big la magia ran away from Cofer how can he be a kafir so he said to ali then why are you fighting him how can you be fighting him so i'll you know the allahu said i pray in my to us that me and more arya are like the ones whom allah said in the quran when as that animal fierce adored him in the middle in f1 and had a sort of him with a comedy we have removed the animosity between them and they are now brothers in Jannah facing one another he said this is my dua to Allah that me and mahalia are the Allahu on our this I notice they're fighting one another in the day but at night they are making this go out to one another and there are also stories mention about Muhammad or the other as well that he did not allow certain things as well that were of a crude nature so the point being that the process I'm saying to massive groups will fight and they have the same call when did this happen it happened during the time of the Sahaba a number of other predictions are given as well I know time is limited so I'm gonna go to three more and then ash Allah will open the floor for some Q&A and then I shall continue next week one other prediction that was truly very bizarre and this prediction is one of those that increases our Eman that our prophet system is speaking from Hajin hadith is as i Behati when armada vinyasa was almost tortured to death when his father you said his mother Sameach when massacred when Bilal was being dragged through the streets and his flesh being used with hot combs some of the Sahaba came to the Prophet system and complained he a Rasul Allah for how long will this happen and the Prophet SAW son was sitting in the shade of the Kaaba after salat ad or hot and there's a little bit of shade after the Hadi sitting there and he was lying not lying but you know which is back on the cap and there around him and he said for how long Aras will Allah when they said this he stood not stood up but he came up and he said how quickly and hastily you guys lose hope how tasty you are how hasty you are for Allah he it's only a matter of time when a lady will come from Sunnah to have the remotes with her flock of sheep fearing none except Allah subhana WA Ta'ala and then the wolf attacking her sheep now this is a very bizarre and yet explicit hadith how so he is telling them that in their own lifetime yushik a nut means literally it's just gonna happen Annie was shocked in Arabic means it's just gonna happen it's not gonna happen after decades and centuries it's gonna happen now in your own lifetimes it's gonna happen that a lady now in those days there is no central government ladies do not travel on their own we all know the hadith prohibiting that from those timeframes whether it's applicable now or not is a 50 discussion we'll come to something Shama but definitely the hadith are there for that timeframe for their own safety you don't have a lady traveling alone especially between two cities but the prophecy zhim said it's only a matter of time where a new government will arise that will give so much security and safety that the furthest nether regions of this land and that's Sanaa and had the remote so cenang had the remote imagine we are in Dallas here imagine if somebody said between Vancouver and Seattle far far away this is the eggs and all the G right far far away but we are in the center here I'd like to say Dallas is the center huh this is our center now we are in the center physically metaphorically intellectually inshallah maybe even politically things reading Allah knows where and let's not go there but anyway our state has a unique law and it's anyone let's not go down that tangent okay where am I center of the world how did I mother and how about yes okay he mentions two cities far far away why to signify how powerful that new government is going to be that it shall bring peace and security to the nether regions to an young lady and young ladies generally speaking wolves prey on them I want the men pray amongst them the most but there will be no cause of fear and what will she be scared of in her own personal life Allah subhana WA Ta'ala and then she is worried about wolves and foxes attacking her sheep you're worried about physically being beaten to death because you're a Muslim and I am Telling You a time will come when there will be so much security that no one will fear the robber the highway robber the thief and as we know in the time of the Sahaba this happened and it was manifested many many times this is a prediction that no one could have ever made when the Sahaba are being cut to pieces and our profit system says we shall be safe just be patient one generation not even one generation and that is exactly what happened in their own lifetimes the Sahaba saw the coming of this piece and this security and with this inshallah we will pause for today and resume next Wednesday and there's time for two or three questions so I typically like to alternate between brothers and sisters I don't know if the sisters are comfortable doing that if not you're free to write it or you can raise your hand and speak so the first one the brothers verse millions go ahead bismillah stay away the question is that the there is not slightly rephrase there are some a hadith that tell us to avoid the fittin when Muslims fight and how do we understand this in light of the Sahaba fighting realize that when the Sahaba thought they were actually three camps there was the group of a little do LaVon there was a group of more aware of the Aloha and then there was a small third category that refused to take part and this was the elite of the elite the creme de la creme the likes of Abdullah ibn Abbas the likes of Abdullah had been Amara they did not participate in either side and somebody came to him in a bus and said are you in the camp of ali or in the camp of maui or the allah when he said i'm in the camp of muhammed sallalahu alayhi wa said okay so he refused to take sides here you can give us one more minute each other sisters quick question any hands anything going once going twice any sister have any questions is that a question I don't know is that the mic okay go ahead bismillah yes no question okay back to the brothers this milla is good not the Brotherhood I know the other really good go ahead solo listen what is the difference in your mind between a prediction and a prophecy it's a pedantic point I interesting point so our brothers asking should we use the word prophecy instead of prediction okay I will use prophecy inori's no problem I think it's a technical point I don't see a issue either way it is a prediction but coming from a prophet I agree it becomes a prophecy agree with Milla sisters anything nothing from the sisters okay brothers yes that will be on Saturday be patient your question will be answered on Saturday okay and shall they ask well that's a very detailed question the question is what was the reason of the Battle of Siffin and inshallah maybe one day we'll give a brief summary but it is the methodology of a Honda Sunnah to not go into details about this issue because there's no benefit the heart becomes hard the example that I give is an awkward example but is true that look if your parents have an argument either growing up as a teenager your parents have an argument now years go by do you go back and think about that argument and who said what and or do you think of the good times you see my point why should we go back and think of these were people that were on the same path the same methodology the same theology and some negatives happened is it healthy to go back and just be obsessed about what he said what he said what what's gonna be the benefit now true small group of people doing PhD in early Islamic history somebody should preserve and somebody should write but for us as average muslims what do we gain by going back and regurgitating he said this he said that what's gonna happen it was a time of fittin and they both wanted peace and stability this is for sure that's where the front said there were why they both wanted peace and stability but the way they wanted to achieve it politically was different let's just put it like this and that led to a clash that they could not resolve except to war and what happened happen in sha allah with this inshaallah will there is one question sisters i want to give you a chance because i want to make sure it one question Suzuki's what's the what but this is a fifty question of sister let's keep inshallah this is the Q&A we will have it inshallah I will add this question to our Tuesday session insha'Allah okay for Wednesday sessions let's keep it related but it shall owe you a very important question we will inshallah answer it in one of the Tuesday sessions jaeseok Abulafia shala will continue next Tuesday at our Wednesday at 9:00 a.m. 9:00 p.m. [Music] a shadow Elena a shadow and in a number
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Keywords: East Plano Islamic Center (EPIC Masjid), Islam (Religion), Muslim (Literature Subject), yasir qadhi, epic, yasir, qadhi
Id: G9A5yPhE2Jo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 33sec (4293 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 24 2019
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