The Final Signs Before The World Ends

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[Music] there will be swallowings of earth's swallowings large lands that will actually disappear under the earth they'll be they'll be gone either into the water or they'll be destroyed head over heels there'll only be dirt left earthquakes in the east and the west and in jezebel these are massive earthquakes the whole world will feel them one in the east and one in the west and one in the arabian peninsula and the prophet sallam tells us [Music] there will be a swallowing of earth in somewhere in the eastern region eastern to medina and in the west of madina somewhere there or and there will has also a swelling of the earth in the lands of the arab the arab peninsula so allah what will happen in that time and there will be righteous people also go in these landslides if you like there'll be righteous people but that's because listen to what prophet salam said he said either one companion said ya rasulallah the earth will swallow the people even if among them there are righteous people he said yes either if it's people start to do too much immorality and indecency and all of those things and we we have that today you can see a lot in eastern regions you can see a lot in the west you know homosexuality and prostitution all those other people no longer believe in god and so on and so forth then there will be smoke smoke will come and it will fill the whole sky ducan is a type of smoke that will happen we don't know much about it other than there will be a smoke this is another major sign allah says which means wait until the day comes when the sky will be filled of clear smoke everybody in the world will see it everywhere this will be a day of torment and this is also one of the signs of the closeness of the last hour also among the major signs before the end of the world would be as we said last week the rising of the sun from where it sets the sun rising from the west the sun rising from the west the world the universe is moving in very peculiar way now and some scientists as i said last time say that it will reach a plateau phase it will just stop and when this happens everything's reversed so the earth is rotating this way and then it'll be rotating the other way and the sun will look like it's sitting from the other side a reverse situation of the universe's crunch that day no more repentance will be accepted by anybody as we said and finally there will be something called adab the beast it will come out of the earth allah knows what it looks like it will speak to the people that you have disobeyed your lord the dhaba is a beast and it is mentioned in the bible as well the beast and the sign of the beast is mentioned in the bible and the quran mentions uh that when the fate has been sealed we will cause a beast to come out from the earth this is the beast the beast that walks the earth a dab in arabic means anything that walks the earth from an animal form so it walks the earth and it's called the beast because it doesn't have a particular human form nor is it known to be of any animal form that we know of and allah says in the quran it will speak to the people with speech that you can understand this beast some of the descriptions narrated is that it is a huge animal some say it will come out of the earth the authentic hadith that will come out of the earth in three days but what they say is the first part of it the first third of it will come out it will be huge like a mountain a second part and a third part so it's larger than a mountain some say some say that it has the features of different beasts so it's not one particular form and you'll be carrying with it the stick of sulayman and it will wipe the people in two different colors one is a dark color and one is a light color in one hadith which is authentic it says that a person will be able to this towards the end of the world towards the end a person will be able to tell who the disbeliever is from the believer just by looking at them and allah tells us in the quran it will speak to the people that you lied about the verses of your lord it talks to the disbelievers saying you have lied you have denied them you have disbelieved in them basically it's telling him that today is this separation and there is no more repentance at that time this is also evidence no more repentance at that time and it comes after the jail in the rising of the sun allah knows best but this is the indication of the hadith it's a clear distinction tells people who what you are the good from the evil and you will be able to tell the difference between these people and it will speak to the people and allah would have sent it like a messenger but not a prophet or a messenger that we're talking about it's like a different type of messenger this is another sign the world will know about this beast and it will go to everybody it will travel the whole earth and people will hear it at that point the signs of the last hour have almost ended that's it there's no more other signs to tell us about its coming except the signs of destruction the signs of destruction [Music] the rumbling and the earthquakes this these are the signs that once they happen that's it the world is is going to end and be destroyed it's going to get worse and worse until it's finally completely destroyed and vanished step by step knowledge will diminish and fade away on earth when we talk about knowledge we're talking about beneficial knowledge allah has sent down and since that knowledge will vanish my dear brothers and sisters everything that represents this knowledge and the sources of this knowledge will also be lost it will be lifted by allah so finally the quran itself will be lifted this is also in hadith towards the end of the world after isa alaihissalam dies after and after al-mahdi comes there will come a time where people will know nothing of this deen and there is also an authentic hadith of tells this hadith on prophet sallam's tongue after the prophet sallam's death and he said when their people will have no knowledge except one word they will remember it what is that word there is no god worthy of worship except allah and the companion to whom ibn abbas is speaking to the table he said what is this going to benefit them what is going to benefit them is that all they know it will save them from the fire it will save them from the fight even our best says this there's no more other knowledge except that and these final people will live the majority of these people will be like that the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam said also he said madina will remain inhabited during the days of the dejan and during the time of isa alaihissalam son of mary until he dies and is buried there will be buried in medina [Music] then it will be destroyed medina will be destroyed in medina you'll find this hadith muslim and also authentic hadith and the destruction of medina as our say it is not because the people will actually break it it's not physical destruction the destruction medina means the knowledge and the religion in there there will be no longer people representing it in there they'll either die i would have left um i heard the prophet sallallahu alaihi sallam say a rider will go around medina and say there used to be many muslims here it will become history at the end of time towards that era the prophet sallam tells us about a very strange man who will rule the earth an abyssinian king will rule the earth his name as the prophet sallam describes him it's a name and a description thus means the man of the peculiar looking shins the thin and the short thus he will come from abyssinia al-habasha ethiopia and he will destroy the kaaba not the medina the kaaba itself the holiest symbol of the muslims today he will destroy the ka'ba in order to steal its treasure and clothe covering what i understand from that is the covering they have on it today the kaaba is the ancient building which was built by ibrahim alaihissalam and his foundations were laid by adam this is the hadith of the prophet [Music] allah says in the quran [Music] that is reported from that will first emerge at the end of isa alaihissalam's time allah will send risa ali salaam at the head of a vanguard of between seven and eight hundred while they are marching towards this way is a special army of about 500 800 special which is salaam will take with him to fight the soviet allah will send a breeze from the direction of yemen which will take the soul of every believer only the worst of people will be left and they will begin to live like animals or copulate like animals at that time the hour will be close at hand now that we know this this way will come and grab the car break it brick by brick and no one will be able to stop him no one will stop him because there'll be no one to stop him either he'll be so powerful but allah about that but what the hadith indicate is that there will be no believers on that time [Music] when that happens my dear brothers and sisters and the kaaba it is destroyed therefore no believers you heard the hadith earlier that allah will send the breeze before the muslims reached the believer in s hadith prophesy said every believer who is a monotheist believes in only one god and doesn't make any shirk will die will die peacefully from this breeze and only the disbelievers and the tyrants and the criminals will stay on earth the kaaba is destroyed the symbols of islam are destroyed the quran has been lifted there is no more islamic knowledge what's left at dunya except for the remembrance of allah and whoever are the allies of the remnants of allah so the beasts and creatures are allies of the remembrance of allah because allah says in the quran there isn't anything on earth other than the humans and jinns except that it glorifies in the name of allah but you cannot understand their praise and other verses in the quran allah talks about mountains and trees and all that that glorify allah the point is what will happen to the animals will they die before the end of time allah knows best but the point is everything on earth is cursed that does not follow the allegiance of the remembrance of allah and the final sign before the day of of destruction [Music] you'll find it in almost all the books i've had six books major books of hadith a fire will come out from where exactly we don't know but it comes from towards the northern part of the of the world and it will spread through the world could be acid could be something from the earth volcanic eruptions only allah knows exactly the point is it burns and the people of the world will run away from that fire because it will take over their homes and lands it's no longer livable can't live there anymore is it a meteorite that will hit the earth only allah knows exactly the point is it's now and it will gather the people it will gather the people to their gathering some scholars say this means that it will gather them to the place where they will be resurrected on a day of judgment that's the place on earth some other scholars say no it will gather them together in a place in one place and that's where the world will end all day there allah knows best then the first moments of the destruction of the world begins [Music] you
Channel: MercifulServant
Views: 4,295,837
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Islam, Muslim, Allah, lecture, Reminder, merciful, servant, themercifulservant, islamic, the smoke, major signs, judgement, end of the world, the beast, beast of the earth, earth quake, destruction of
Id: TeD_Toa5_Yk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 38sec (938 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 12 2016
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