THE FINAL PUSH! Asmongold Hits Level 70 in Classic TBC | ft. Mcconnell

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what's up y'all it's me it's your boy asthma gold and today we're gonna hit level 70 and being probably the last person let's be honest i'm probably the last person to hit level 70. and you know what i'm totally [ __ ] fine with that because there's one person who's still slightly behind me and that's mcconnell all right all right all right all right after 15 years after years and years and years of us hoping and praying and wanting to have classic wow finally not only have we gotten classic wow but we've even gotten the burning crusade on top of that it's so crazy for me to see the zones again dude whenever i first went in here it was the most witty [ __ ] ever it was the most litty [ __ ] ever there it is voice [Music] there it is are you ready yeah yeah let's go let's [ __ ] go dude it's so badass to see these uh these mobs again man like i know you can go and see him in retail but it's like actually knowing that you're playing burning crusade again it's it's a really cool feeling especially for like something that you felt like you would never have again i'm getting asked if we want to do ring of blood i'm down i'm down do you want to do it on the way okay yeah let's just kill these on the way over yeah [ __ ] it dude it's time like ring a board that's the one of the most iconic ones [ __ ] it man i'm ready let's do it alrighty boys ring of blood mcconnell are you ready all right yeah awesome let's go okay yeah it's just like that's not not what i want to spend my time doing yo chat jack can i give hunters uh might yet um yeah actually i don't know about that dude my aggro [ __ ] sucks man this is insane yeah you can okay all right perfect and let me go turn this one in real quick okay where the hell are they oh there they are okay i just spams under armor on him should i just put on my dps gear and say [ __ ] it uh uh i think what i'll do is i will i'll put on my uh i'll just have my dreadnought gear on for more health you've been playing new worlds would you just pop open a new one oh man yeah that's the good [ __ ] ain't it that's the good [ __ ] yeah okay yeah like actually i generate just straight up more threat as fury like there's no reason really for me not to be fury here and i just got knocked back all right cool let me tell you yeah [ __ ] massive stuns dude super fun game super fun uh mcconnell 40th beer of the day i'm pretty sure mcconnell doesn't drink beer all the time but uh maybe he does who knows okay um let's go back over here and try and turn these in oh [ __ ] i need to actually make more space in my inventory god damn it dude like all these dude inventory is like the hardest game for me shozzle 68 there's a lot of people that are higher level than me i'm fully aware of that it's not that big of a deal like i'm actually not that worried about it i'm not angry about it or stressed out or anything like i'm totally happy like just playing the game at like my own pace yeah like as much as i care about it i don't want to change what i'm doing in order to like achieve that if that makes sense got him you and me dude that's right okay sure again oh did we not get it uh yeah try and show it again okay taunting that there we go good dude the revenge actually does a lot of damage oh holy [ __ ] this guy actually does a lot of damage too hit me for like three thousand so yeah do we have to kill this guy again look who it's lloyd dude oh there he is show chat to show chad's weapon okay all right let me show him his weapon there it is boyce ate at the [ __ ] ash dude that is crazy after moving to tbc my server has nine alliance yeah and probably two horde yeah every classic server is basically dead man uh they just kill them i think it's because like the uh the prices for the thing uh the the clone was so much a lot of people just like never did it okay oh holy [ __ ] that does a lot of [ __ ] damage okay oh we want to kill the totem too i guess i can do that yeah there we go okay oh you got a good heel that's so much [ __ ] damage dude holy [ __ ] damn he pumps yeah this is [ __ ] insane all right he's gonna resurrect okay dude [ __ ] this i'm putting on my shield like i i'm putting on my [ __ ] shield i can't handle this this guy's a machine he's enraged jesus look at this oh [ __ ] oh my god bro dude i shield wall i shield i'm shield walling man ironically against this boss holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] this guy doesn't play games okay um what do we want to get here all right dagger maybe one hand dagger i'm just gonna get the fist weapon for now and uh in case i ever want to use it for fury all right mcconnell do you want to go over here and uh i think you have the quest to kill like the lake spirits after this no i need to search through the poop we'll start looking i'm looking how many do you have i got one out of 15. [ __ ] ass did you turn down your uh the graphics because like it makes it super easy to see him i already turned down my four watts setting okay good yeah make sure you have that turned down and uh yeah here i'll go over there i'm going to help you find the poop okay my poop vision's already activated i'm watching your stream and uh you never dreamed about career as a streamer actually i did i always wanted to be a streamer the only difference is i didn't expect to get paid for it yeah i always just wanted to uh oh i did expect to get paid for it but i expected to get paid by the government like i was expecting to live off of the government live off of welfare and be a streamer and then it turned out that like i could live off of uh other people's welfare oh that's a big boy avoid that's a big boy god damn that's like the biggest dude this guy used to be like the biggest npc in the game holy [ __ ] oh [ __ ] yo i had 2 million followers damn that's crazy wow thank you guys 2 wow i didn't even realize i was close to it to be honest i had no idea wow uh thank you guys so much i really appreciate it i i really do thank you thank you everybody oh dude what there's a snake on your snakes on this plane oh what wait there actually is a snake on the plane i didn't even realize that holy [ __ ] um no jesus blizzard's been making dumb ass [ __ ] jokes like that for a long time guys it's been a long time brought your inventory what's wrong with my inventory my inventory is totally fine this is completely normal another day yeah what do you mean this is totally okay guys i've got one bar away alrighty boys let's get this [ __ ] done what can i do for you here it is boys for the alliance here it is voice nice i'm one bar away oh [ __ ] okay all right let's go turn these in then okay and all right inventory's full again there it is dude nice there it is congrats ding ding gentlemen today double 68 boys did some dungeon grinding off stream i'm almost 69 we are getting ready to big dick all the way to 70 boys i am ready it is time here we go again that's [ __ ] right man man shut the [ __ ] up mcconnell like i'm literally in discord and he's he's sending me this [ __ ] i rip rock and gravel when i time travel my rhyme busts shots with the beasts that i battle when i get in your head my thoughts become lead pipes that never get the seas out of bread straight beats the bloodstream try to come clean got into the idea where's the other where's the other birds here there's a bird okay good let's go kill him so yeah it's like sometimes i would sit alone like it was really good whenever i uh it's like you ever have like that moment whenever you realize that you don't care what like random ass people think of you and it's like it it feels so good that like you you i don't feel self-conscious about yo yo there it is boys there it is level 69 last [ __ ] level boys the last level i am so glad that we are here i'm so glad we're ready holy [ __ ] [ __ ] holy [ __ ] [ __ ] man all right let's go wants me to do shadows the [ __ ] um anyway so what do you want to do do you want to like why don't we do the karazhan attunement all right all right let's go all right come over to chat and um we can go and uh and maybe get a port from yeah lloyd can you port me over to uh to karazhan or corazon i thought 70 was friday not today is friday uh today today is saturday um yeah so uh yeah we're about to get 70 man like that's what's about to happen i was here yeah of course all right let's turn in the quest uh archmage altruists uh relentless activity and arcane disturbances okay so i guess we should go do that all right so it's down here isn't it calm okay good probably okay yeah let's just go kill these guys so oh we need to get their essences it's not just a grand of mine you have to get their their loot too [ __ ] all right let's get this done not even 70 yet i'm 70 uh i'm 79. i am 70. i have a a bar that like looks different uh other people can't see it but yeah i've been 70 for a while i got it last night officer he's stolen songs from my playlist no no no no no you stole songs from me and used them on your stream and put them on your spotify whenever they popped up and i know this i know this don't try to [ __ ] turn history around and act like you got the best playlist on the [ __ ] website when you obviously don't you're you listen to [ __ ] dad rock and there's nothing wrong with that but don't act like you [ __ ] sat there and watch my streams to get my music because you didn't you were never in my streams so stop acting like oh [ __ ] [ __ ] all right but you did it first no i didn't yes you did there was that one trance song that you added from my playlist onto your playlist and then you acted like it didn't happen no i literally don't know what you're talking about okay well i don't have the vods from 2016 but i very clearly [ __ ] remember that you can't prove it right no i cannot prove it [ __ ] okay all right fine whatever yeah listen that's it [ __ ] god damn it all right let me go over here i'm gonna turn these in all right arcane disturbances is done um restless activity is done and now we need contract from delarian it's a car from back to the future no that's a um that's a dollar in oh that's a delorean yeah all right let's go over to hillsbrad go to hillsborough yeah we'll find his ass and now here we are with atiesh full dreadnought zg mounts popping off that's badass dude that is badass play the original tbc alpha i never did man the only one i played was the wrath of the witch king alpha and i tried to load into dalaran and my computer basically crashed and i never tried to play the game again that was it like i did that once i had enough so there's dalaran so it's in like an incubation chamber okay where the hell is the guy here he is damn this place looks cool look at that i like the simplicity of the game i feel like this is one thing that wow used to do really well it was very large and open and simplistic and it created like a sense of uh of scale i liked it a lot uh you're you know of the violet eye you do not look familiar altruis entrusted you with this information that old fool i suppose the damage is done deliver altruist's report to khadgar in shadowrath city okay lloyd can you get a support of the chatras city yeah chop chop lloyd hurry up i'll do a little screenshot here it's nice that's so cool to see like everybody playing together still i feel like that's like one of the coolest things that's honestly one of the coolest [ __ ] things man all right so we'll go turn this into khadgar all right the violet eye you don't say show me this report you speak of i'm deeply troubled by the news in this report asman gaining entry in the character will be difficult however you see when it became apparent that i was stranded here i split the key into three fragments i placed the keys inside enchanted containers that were in special places khadgar with the dark changes to outland has endured this is no longer the case the first fragment is in a section of ochen dune taken over by the shadow council the shadow council [ __ ] dude no not them again khadgar wants you to enter the shadow labyrinth in auckland and retrieve the first key fragment from the arcane container hidden there all right let's do it we need a tank and we need a healer okay so guys for murmur as you can see this is um gray ragnaros and uh let's look at the dungeon journal okay yeah [Music] all right so everybody should know what to do okay all right we go back here okay and i think he uh let's get to max mailer range there we go yeah right right here and then whenever he does the thing get ready for the thing murmur's touch what is that murmur's touch energy around you oh maybe we need to spread huh okay now he's probably about to do the thing it's okay it's okay okay valen that's a silence so we want to move out with that man this is easy okay all right that wasn't that bad at all damn that was fine bro we're farming how much am i doing 300 that's pretty good holy [ __ ] wait what i should move about wait move away okay ah [ __ ] it didn't drop it shield's dope though at least we beat uh we'd be the boss that's good all right so let's get the cara attendant thing it's right over here okay and now we can go back to uh to khadgar entry into karazhan have you obtained a fragment warrior you would do well to not waste any time in this matter you've done well asmond i wasn't sure if you would succeed the containers are enchanted with a potent spell that masks their presence from unworthy eyes i'm glad to see that they did not elude you i had the serpent the second fragment in the bottom of serpent lake long before it was called that the great drain installed there after the naga took over has likely pulled the container into the depths of coil fang reservoir the third fragment will prove the most trying as i left it inside tempest keep back whenever it was controlled by the nauru kale those rules it now okay so let's go over and we have to do it's uh steamboats right we have to do steam vaults yeah let's go over to steamboat i'm ready let's go your head will roll okay i'm gonna just build up rage i'm building up rage building up rage huge rage generation right here okay got it bro i think you need to kill those i'm pretty sure you have to kill those two all right as soon as that thing pops up i do big damage as soon as it pops up i do big damage all right watch pop up pop up see what happens huge [ __ ] damage massive [ __ ] damage got it we actually almost didn't do that in time and now we just execute him all right drop the cloak drop the [ __ ] cloak please please he dropped it's okay i got the gloves those are so good oh what the key they're betting against me man roll dude nice i got it all right all right all right i'm gonna get up all right ready no no we get up get up okay all right folks all right here we go i roll on this i i win i win the roll i win the roll this is why i need to raid with masterwood gauntlets of the bold come on gauntlets of the bulb are you old enough to win these go [Music] wow [Music] bro this is why we need to have master looter man dude this would have never happened if i was masturbating let's do um we need to do old hill's bread and black more ass so we get that out of the way too okay here we go steward of time let me talk to this guy beware mortal behind this hall lies dangers unheard of in your world tread carefully speak to andorramo and capri i've never been here before what the [ __ ] dude oh my god wow that's crazy that's a big birdie yeah i know i wish you could have one of these as a mount man they should add one of these to the game that'd be a good idea this is where i think swifty did his video i'm pretty sure yeah it's where swifty did his video because like remember he took a picture of himself like right there he was like this whole area was in the game in vanilla right you just had to go through the wall to get it i feel like you were still able to get in here somehow yeah it was just a long time ago i don't really remember all right let's zone in let's do this dude this is actually the coolest thing that blizzard's ever put in the game so they redid all of hillsbrad to be like from back in the day like i wish they did more stuff like this this is actually so cool to me [Music] okay i turned it in ready yeah ready i'm ready i'm ready okay where's my boots very well then let's go whoa life-giving cloak just dropped um let's see what is that oh that's healer who cares the tear stuff okay here we go this is one of thrall's girlfriends basically the story is that lord blackmore this is his daughter hey there and um basically thrall kept [ __ ] his daughter and they finally put throw in jail because he just couldn't keep his big green dick under control and then finally he broke out but uh lord blackmore killed uh uh killed his daughter and then thrall had to move on to jaina that's that's what happened come outside yeah that's what happened oh [ __ ] encased by a powerful temporal force who is it epic hunter oh [ __ ] oh no okay here we go [Music] huge damage here huge damage sand breath what does this do i don't even know uh what's this your attack speed and movement speed that doesn't matter huge damage right now huge damage 14 000. nice [Music] okay i am two bars away gentlemen two bars away from 70. so i want to show you guys real quick before i do it i want to show you what uh the [ __ ] hillsbrad thing looks like for people that haven't seen it before boys this yeah is the momentous occasion okay get your friends in the stream all right asmond gold oh jesus the man himself is about to hit level 70 like i'm like the last shut up shut the [ __ ] up shut the [ __ ] up asmin gold himself is gonna hit the big 7-0 in just a few minutes so get your friends in here and don't forget to give him a lot of money as soon as he hit 70 okay so go to your parents ask them for their credit cards okay and make sure that you donate and sub to this man as soon as he hits 70. not now not yet but in just a little bit so if you go inside of here you're going to see some of these all almost all of these different npcs are actual npcs in the game in different places so if you go into here you see this is the original ashbringer event so it's got arcanus doane who's one of the uh uh what do you call one of the bosses in the it's the last boss in the scarlet library fairbanks is the guy who's like trapped away by the scarlet crusade it's got mo grain right here who's obviously in his [ __ ] he's mel grain and then uh abendus and island these are two of the leaders of the scarlet crusade and this is also tyrion fordring so these guys are talking right here about the ashbringer look look look that's the and so this is so basically ashbringer was forged by magne with this crystal inside of it can you imagine what the material manifestation of the light could do against the undead true imagine that nonsense mel grin it must be destroyed that stupid [ __ ] see look he tried to cast a spell on it didn't do anything because he's a [ __ ] impossible is it getting lighter its coloration is changing [Music] see [Music] they're feeding it light good job good job we even got our we've even got vayland in there and there's the [ __ ] crystal right there oh that white crystal by the light could this be is this it i must know we will know what the [ __ ] dude it electrocuted him why is he crying he reaches out to touch the light crystal oh maybe it hurt him it's beautiful what i felt when i touched it the light course through me and through it it healed my spirit holy [ __ ] your hand a teal oh [ __ ] but it's never again speak of this day our enemies are many they need not hold no we hold such artifacts nobody knew about this i've seen it from the blessed crystal we will forge a weapon a weapon will hold inside of it a piece of each of us and when it was used against the undead it shall cast them down and in its wake it will leave only ashes the ashbringer oh the ash [Music] that's how it happened and if you go out here over here you see oh yeah and these are like all of the old character models these are like basically warcraft 3 character models and you even see like one of the like early kultiran guys here and then over here take a look at this oh there's this guy that pats around and this is the merchant that pat's around the hills brad foothills and then over here we've got hal mcallister and nat pagel fishing that pet dude there he is dude the gnat pants there he is dude so this is heracore this is the uh the guy they have to kill inside this area and then next to him kel'thuzad before he became a witch the key oh he he was part of the kirin tor then yeah that was a long time he was a really good mage or whatever it was yeah yeah and then some [ __ ] happened take a look at this inside of here thanos right there that's before he turned into a cuck-ass [ __ ] this is a long time ago how many bars still 70 one bar this is my final bar until i get it let's head over to shadowmoon valley we're gonna get this done and then i'm gonna get my [ __ ] mount this is actually where i hit level 70. it's so funny this is where i hit level 70 for the first time in burning crusade and i'm back again to hit it level 70 again and burning crusade all right boys yep hope you guys got your credit cards ready you ready okay all right when when the moment happens when this happens shut up all right i'm trying to help you when this happens just go [ __ ] nuts all right just wave them in the air deal yeah there you go you're already you already know what look at the emotes right there look at that it's not that big of a deal guys it's huge it's [ __ ] huge this is a momentous occasion remember that oh yeah hold all righty two more two more let's do it [Music] final two final two let's go let's go let's let's [ __ ] do it boys it's time level after level time after time hour after hour day after day we've worked our way through the burning crusade for the second time now and it's been very fun i i've actually enjoyed i've enjoyed this more than i would have expected i'll say that i didn't expect burning crusade to be as fun as it has been and now we finally get to actually play the real game this could be it right here alrighty guys it's time gentlemen boys i think this is going to give it to me double [ __ ] 70. oh there it is let's go ding you got to see me thank you mr ding all right i'll say it i'll say it [ __ ] yeah dude [ __ ] yes dude level 70. t-bone thank you rush to attend gifted subs i appreciate that thank you t-bone alrighty now i think there's one other thing that we need to do isn't there there's one other thing that we need to do level 70 warrior besides also put in my talent point that i need to do okay i'll say that come to brazil come to brazil i know i know it's just like it's a meme like at this point i wonder if like anybody actually means it or they're just [ __ ] around just to say one more to go dude more one more to go boys tomorrow dude tomorrow we [ __ ] do karazhan tomorrow we do [ __ ] everything man we're gonna pop the [ __ ] off let me go over here alrighty boys let's talk to the uh let's talk to the trainer this is where i learned my training for the first time too five the finest where i seek training to try to seed expert riding 800 gold oh my god it's gonna hurt it just hurts so much oh it's so much money off like a [ __ ] band-aid do it all right all right all right so much money it's so much [ __ ] money okay all right here we go here we go boys [Music] oh all right so much money oh god it's so much money all right let's buy them out i'm getting the red one dude i've got to get the red one it's got to be the red one man alrighty boys it's time oh take flight dude oh there it is boys there it is holy [ __ ] oh my god this feels so [ __ ] good dude this feels so [ __ ] good dude you guys have no idea [ __ ] yes dude [ __ ] yes dude wow it's history yeah there it is man so fast it's so fast man it's so [ __ ] fast i have to get a riding crop so it'll be even faster too holy [ __ ] man this is so [ __ ] good and like dude mcconnell's gonna hit this tomorrow we're both going to have fly are you going to get the red one too oh yeah you said you already bought it right yeah yeah okay so yeah we're both going to get the [ __ ] red one oh my god man please fly to brazil shut the [ __ ] up my god there's only five people both on my server another drake next um i don't know about the nether drake man i don't give a [ __ ] about the nether drake honestly this is what i care about i care about getting this mount right here holy [ __ ] [ __ ] this is amazing i'm very happy about this this is great oh my god oh my [ __ ] god level [ __ ] 70 voice level [ __ ] 70. this man that is so good it's like flying after like doing all the quests on the ground feels so bright uh it feels so good man oh my god boys what a [ __ ] day what a [ __ ] day [Music] well you you said anyways boys so now we're even thank you guys all very much for watching i really [ __ ] appreciate it thank you thank you thank you guys i will be back online tomorrow in the morning the same as i always am mcconnell's going to be pretty getting pretty close to getting level 70 and then after he gets level 70 we're going to get our karazhan attunement and we're going to go into the raid and we're gonna clear the whole [ __ ] thing and until next time boys [Music] you
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 422,844
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold tv, ZackRawrr, asmongold classic, classic tbc, classic the burning crusade, asmongold tbc, asmongold tbc classic, asmongold classic tbc, tbc release, tbc launch, mcconnell, asmongold mcconnell, tbc launch experience, tbc classic, tbc, level 70, asmongold level 70, asmongold flying mount, tbc flying mount, tbc leveling experience, asmongold 70, asmongold hits 70
Id: 7S0gUFvihHs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 17sec (2177 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 06 2021
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