Asmongold Enters The Portal! - CLASSIC TBC | Beta RELEASE

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look gentlemen boys and girls it's time we've waited for a long time and it's finally here the tbc beta are you ready come on come on take it home oh login login that's man oh my god okay guys holy [ __ ] we are in tbc let me see my talents holy [ __ ] those are my those are my new talents oh my god then there's rampage oh my god oh my god oh my god okay okay okay all right we're gonna fly over we're flying over there right now we're flying over there right now let's go um let me go over to nethergarde keep all right let's do it here we go boys all righty now at least i can ride over there no batching by the way yeah it looks like all right i remember the first time that i did it i was right over here and i jumped over from right here it was right here holy [ __ ] man yes dude [ __ ] yes dude and king's honor friend let me travel through the dark portal and find commander duron he awaits your arrival at the other side in the outland all right that's really really good it's great gentlemen boys and girls arrived here in front of the dark portal after years of asking and years and pleading we finally received classic wow and now less than two years later of the success of classic wow we stand in front of a green dark portal ready to step into the outland for the second time gentlemen it's because of you why these things are happening is it because of you that we had classic and it's because of you now that we have classic burning crusade so guys let's play the [ __ ] game i am ready and i am excited let's make this [ __ ] happen holy [ __ ] wow oh is that preach oh my god look at that wow just give me a second i've got oh wait one second let me sort this out real quick um it's it's resetting my camera good all right we're good gentlemen let's [ __ ] do it holy [ __ ] dude there it is dude there it is dude oh my god wow holy i was here [ __ ] yeah dude [ __ ] yeah there's everybody questing out here in all this pick commander holy [ __ ] man all right let me go pick up the quest where is the quest yeah where's oh this guy's standing on top of it through the dark oh this guy wait oh man he's trying to [ __ ] people up because you can't see it yeah very [ __ ] clever okay yeah yeah sure out welcome to outland zach rawr welcome to the nightmare though the initial expeditionary force made it through unscathed the legion is attempting to retake the dark portal and prevent any of our reinforcements from coming through commander duron at the dark portal and hellfire peninsula wants you to bring duran's report to the wilderness honor friend he's right over here wait is he not even spawned oh there he is go control c holy [ __ ] man what's on your mind arrival in outland duron's report okay guys you ready to fly over to uh way to fly over to honor hold is it time be good oh my god there it is dude there it is flying around flying around just chilling in outland right now kill the pit ward i'll kill the pit ward in a few minutes i want to just ride around for a minute and then we'll go from there i think these are all yeah these are all like level 70 elites man do you think they'll be faction change in tvc i'd be amazed if they did a faction change in tbc that would be nuts i highly doubt that's gonna happen check the nameplate range okay uh let me see oh do i even have nameplates on i don't know if i do um names enemy units okay so if i see it then i see it look at that wow oh look who it is is that the [ __ ] fell reaver i think it is remove tips yeah yeah yeah let me get rid of all that okay tips has been removed and i'll move this down to here i'll get a damage meter soon well-meant good duron's reporter looks good true uh marshall esseldor once you report to force commander dan at trollbane in honor of hold all right guys listen message me right now message me right now and i'm gonna start inviting everybody to kill the uh to kill the pit ward and i'll turn this into a raid as well get over to honor hold right now and we can try to kill the fel reaver first so somebody in chat typed uh penis and poopy and his name is mccool i have a pretty good feeling that could be mcconnell let me just invite him uh oh he's already in group yes okay all right here we go you have to be at least level 65 and in a raid group to enter oh wait wait okay we found it we found fellow we found failover it's on intrepid oh perfect okay boys perfect you ready to kill foul reaver is it time are we ready let's go boys boys guys the chosen ones the beta champions come with me come with me we will cut off this robot come on let's go let's go let's go let's go come over here and get ready to fight him this is going to be the world first fell reaver kill okay turn on audio effects okay dude i'm ready to tank this dude you ready ready oh i'm [ __ ] ready i'm [ __ ] ready let's go guys everybody run in running running let's go somebody else needs to run in with the shield first though hey we need to get buffs i'm gonna get buffs i don't i don't have any i need like fort buff and stuff i got i do i got i got we're gonna die to these moms i got pig aggro [Music] [ __ ] wait kings can we get some pally buffs oh look at that thunder fury the thunder fury animation run them down we gotta run down give it a second kill these real quick man these mobs take a while to kill can i get a let's get kings from somebody yeah let's get buffs get buffs real quick let's go oh it's coming back it's coming back it's coming back all right here we go here get ready get buffs out [Music] all right get ready boys get ready oh [ __ ] go go go kill him kill him kill him kill him go sunders stacking sunders oh my god okay dude this thing's hard to kill uh my talk didn't work whenever i use it on the target i'm getting dazed by these things kill the boars i gotta kill the boards first i had to lay on hands myself okay okay i mean where's the heels we got do we have no healers uh oh uh oh oh i'm selling them stunning son i thought it was i came in we were frozen what is going on are we lagging uh i i'm fine here what is going on okay hey the the casters you guys need to not stand right i can't kill him that's my biggest recommendation we're actually struggling dude there's no way look at this i'm barely hitting it for like a hundred and sixty okay all right i'm gonna stack you so stacking thunder stacking sunders stacking sunderers how many i'm checking the raid did you invite any healers i don't know i invited everybody anybody that asked me i i invited guys can we get some drakes in the chat can we get some class in the chat for the world first fell river wipe world first fellow your wife everybody jesus it's a wife it's a wife everybody it's a wife it's a wife yeah whenever you feel like you're good to pull go ahead and do it yeah it's not going to happen because we're just going to have like more mobs running after us to be super annoying okay there it is we got him let's go guys big dick on boss he resisted my taunt what intrepid get aggro what intrepid get aggro what intrepid get aggro okay uh i got him i got him i got him make sure to use the healing abilities activate your healing abilities nexos no okay all right intrepid's got him oh he's immune to taunt he's immunotint i believe so hey we need to stop dps and let one of the tanks intrepid or myself get aggro all right we're good now also can we get a judgment of wisdom we got 15 damn paladins let's see what we've got here gotta yeah we've got to watch our threat yeah watch your threat voice keep yourselves healed up we've got this this is an easy boss freaking christmas there's no nothing i can't do anything oh my god intrepid's gonna die intrepid's dead dude this fell reaver is no joke okay he okay he'll cornwood i've gotten healed yet there we go yep keep cornwood build up keep it up guys run back if you die run back if you die run back if you die i have like literally nothing i can do here i'm gonna try to just keep my sunders up uh oh hey if you're a hunter you need to remember to feign death yep he's half-health he's half-health we're doing because we remember how we learned in the beta you don't have the same issue that we everybody else does like glancing and whatnot come on come on we're doing it man we're doing it we got this we got this i do a lot of return damage on threat this is a long stun dude cornwood's holding aggro holy [ __ ] this is really good this is [ __ ] all right see if i can log back in i'm trying to log back in come on here we go we're not i'm dead uh oh asmin gdc i sure did i wiped on purpose and i died uh so that you could be there for the kill we were gone like one percent and i i on purpose uh i started i died just decided what is what is this are you kidding me are you kidding me okay i'm trying to get back on i'm trying to get back on please please please am i really going to miss the kill i i bet i'm actually going to miss the kill god [ __ ] dammit that actually sucks rez everybody let's try to kill the pit ward all right let's try to kill the pit ward and then we'll do ramparts come on there it is there's the big boy right there so let's come over to here that is a big boy right there let's uh let's make sure we're all buffed up and ready to go okay just pretend like this is magtheridon okay and as fandagger the other ones with the avengers shield okay get on the pit ward get on the pick oh we got multiple we got multiple holy [ __ ] this is no joke good clean first attempt okay okay should we just do ramparts guys mcconnell says dude my damage is nutty come duel me mcconnell where is he course mcconnell okay call me dual mcconnell okay all right let me see your damage are you proud no jesus i'm doing big damage no he's cheating he's cheating he can't do that okay where's my food buff wait he's white stop healing something okay i think i can win i think i can win we're waiting to disarm i didn't disarm do i have a potion uh yeah i do this life-giving jump yahoo dude i can't believe i won that like if this was classic i probably would have gotten demolished like red it seems like wait did rhett get worse okay wait blizzard automatically puts rank one holy white on his bars okay so he's got he's got an excuse that makes sense okay i'm gonna drop group i'm gonna reinvite everybody all righty guys let's go ahead and uh we'll do ramp parts seems good to me oh my dude i tried to get that i'm just going right into it i guess we can share the questions okay let's go yeah there's like three other people that need the [ __ ] pally to your home because we only have two we've only gotten two i don't understand it's impossible but all right let's zone in wait guzu has yeah goose is stacked he's got the maze what the [ __ ] yeah like i mean we're this is it's funny like platinum's a pre-made but but the rest of us are just someone someone said ask mcconnell why two people left the guild over that weapon over what weapon i don't know oh yeah i totally forgot to get the symbols oh my here hold on frick i'll give you some of mine hold on oh i only have two oh my okay is there a paladin outside that can give us symbols oh my goodness my bad dog you gotta be kidding me okay i totally forgot there's a there's a reagent vendor right there's a regional vendor at uh the honor hold right i don't know can we just go no no he just wants to go dude i'll meal and go go i got you okay okay oh wait no there's a pad there's a pattern this guy did a lot of damage you got a tier three paladin healing he didn't wanted damage man i remember here i'm just gonna grab i'll be right back i'll be there okay i'm probably doing the most damage right now yeah we'll get this damage it's crazy okay i got him back now wait i'm disarmed what the [ __ ] yo these things do a lot of damage aggro no no that was just are you good let me pick this guy up right here here we go here we go big damage right here big damage right there look at that insane damage actually this is going pretty well so so you guys better enjoy this dungeon we're gonna spend probably the first six hours of the game release inside of this dungeon okay okay look at that damage man look at that [ __ ] big big damage oh yeah you love that big dick damage yes and now i'm disarmed okay i wonder how much damage i'm actually doing i wish i had a damage meter but unfortunately it's not what we have only one mob there's no way we're pulling more mobs without a healer okay that's definitely not going to happen i'll tell you right now if you pull this slow when it actually comes out i'm joining a different group i'm out of here are you serious i'm [ __ ] out of here dude we went back in five this is what we this is what we get waiting for you bro then then go faster make up for it with bigger poles dog we will whenever ass fan gets here because he had to leave because we don't need him we literally don't need him it's he's red dude i'm going he's fraud we don't need him can i have some water i'm not getting enough rage like back in classic wow if i do like one crit i'm full rage and now i do one crit what is this [ __ ] he's coming yeah i know that water i know he's got this [ __ ] water i already talked to him he's a boosted andy he's a boost in any like we're showing right now what it's like whenever you have boosts in in classic this is what happens you get this guy ladies and gentlemen i would like to introduce one of wow's most premier and amazing content creators makes awesome videos the man himself platinum wow hey yo dude what's up dude wait so it's actually platinum wow right yeah yeah i i thought there was like a 30 chance was a fan boy to be honest okay uh i'm gonna pull the boss are we ready yeah i'm ready let's go uh kill the uh pull back because yeah yeah add seal okay all right maximum attack damage maximum attack damage oh there's attack damage right there there is a height watcher look at that okay now i'm rampaging this is big dick damage more like gargle my balls oh because the gargoyle oh yeah yeah quickly i see dude there's idiots this look this is like typical like idiot tank of where the heels at where the heel's at what is this oh doesn't he do yeah yeah he does retaliation oh isn't that what happened oh those are dope those are huge twenty seven damage and healing i can't even wear them because level 58 [ __ ] unbelievable uh we could skip those guys yeah let's skip these and we'll do a big pull at the top can you go across because there's like those two uh uh the two dogs wait a second yeah wait let's let's do these yeah let's see if we can actually come across metal gear solid [ __ ] are we pulling let's pull he's good he's good he's good dude i can't believe guzu is crushing it on the meters no he's not you don't even have to dance no yes i do no we have meters that'd be top we'd be top besides me yeah no no i'd be top i'd be taught by the top got it all right is killing it man like i'm so jealous i need to dude i need to do next this week man i need dude there's so much stuff i need to do like we have to do that oh yeah i forgot to mention uh we had an uh iblis drop today oh really nice wow yes i went to trigger b trigger b uh line of sight this ball yeah i know i got this i'll uh i'm just buffing real quick okay we're good all right boys guzu i don't know if he's uh if he's around both of them who's who's in here hello yo what up bro how you doing hi good man dude who did that big pull me we're gonna do another one in a second oh look at that damn dude i'm telling you prat's op man they're both [ __ ] damaged it's actually nuts dude i'm getting right dude every time my whirlwind comes up i mean we got a bunch of like stamina talents and stuff too i get so excited to use that whirlwind interrupting that spell oh oh it doesn't matter the fear doesn't even matter okay okay so i say we pull these two and then we do the big pull we line the side with the big bowl uh yeah that's a good idea what are we doing we're at a small pole right here real small yeah just two okay let's go over here he was ramping up like my threat is good survivability is good i'm not sure if rampage on a pack this small is really worth it honestly because like you barely cap it out and like the damage probably is better i don't know i'll probably have to look up and see how important it is because right now i'm not sure i'm just kind of guessing savory for next poll i should have but i didn't should i do rage potion what do you think do you have it oh yeah i do kind of wish we would win fury man yeah yeah it's true [ __ ] fine just wait for it yeah you should be ashamed of that wait just wait hold on don't do anything don't do anything why is this happening i'm gonna start healing me now straight go go just see if we can heals right oh god dude s band is tanking him better than i was holy [ __ ] look at them all okay oh this is a terrible decision this is not good i'm stunned um i am umi boomi what happened to me this is a terrible idea why would you try to shut the [ __ ] up you're the tank [ __ ] just kill the ravager just kill the ravager he's blown back i'm running i'm sorry i'm running back i'm running i'm i'm literally getting it i'm getting juggled like a basketball i'm killing the casters in the back okay he's gonna really love blood first holy [ __ ] dude where are the heels you have full mana basically where's my drink i got dc but you got dc too okay now it's just yeah dumb we only why it's because of dc we only wife because of december no we didn't only why because the i because i dc'd yeah it'd be soon so is your one shot well we haven't really wiped except for whenever we pulled too much stuff on purpose right i mean i'm not going to count that as an are you at yeah like i mean that's that's in my mind that's not an l there's so many buffs that i have to keep up now that's crazy so i have to have rampage and this other [ __ ] up at the same time so the faster we pull the better it is for me so i should pull the next pack the new the new reckoning is so strong for tanking i'm gonna pull right now but you can't you can't wreck bomb anymore though oops uh i don't know how it happened it's weird okay at least it still exists in classic yeah that's cool how you can always go back you know yeah like that oh they were gonna just like get rid of plastic and just like progress it into tbc yeah i i think having something where you could just save your character forever is just nice it's like a little like trophy yeah something is wrong with the name plates and the scene didn't count well report the bug dude i mean well i don't know i think it's i think it's me doing something wrong we need to we need to every bug that we encounter we need to make sure that we uh report them because that's why blizzard invited us to this uh beta so early is because uh we report the most bugs how many bugs have you reported so far i reported i reported a player uh yeah it's the same that's something yeah yeah it was a bug that he got into the beta yeah yeah i mean i i took care of it don't worry about it i some idiot i deserved it probably for existing yeah some idiot i totally was going for that chest you're right i was i was gonna ninja what chess what do you mean no somebody in chat said mcconnell going through the key he's right i was going for it where's the keys wait i don't have peace oh [ __ ] i don't have keys [ __ ] i can't even get it god damn it okay that's the way she goes one of the nicest things about paladin taking is uh the spiritual attunement they add so you get manna back whenever you get healed where you going i'm no dude no actually i always i always did whatever like we just decided whenever i got here but i never i never did like uh i've never killed the dragon boss before the other one really never never yeah s fan is literally playing the game wrong you are misremembering like he is playing the game wrong look at that damage holy [ __ ] what the [ __ ] so if i get if all my attacks crit i feel like i'm doing it would be nice if we had a shadow priest yeah those are big numbers for the mana soapy oh pop i don't know if there's any other items that i can swap over to i'm gonna grab it grab a drink here okay look at this damage man look at this [ __ ] damage i forgot i forgot how marco polo your chat is dude wait what do you mean what are they saying oh yeah yeah i would be okay with the marco it's like it's just it it's a little bit boring isn't it no i don't like the marco polo [ __ ] that i like it but my chest my chat doesn't do that as much all right here we go not be defeated all right big dick big dick on boss big dick on boss big dick on boss guzu's got aggro look at that 1.7 k damage oh my god and this makes it to where like doesn't it i forgot what that does to people next to them what the [ __ ] was that uh the mom what the [ __ ] was that treacherous aura oh you've got to move away from people that's why oh he does a shield wall i forgot about that damn so this boss roy wasn't that hard oh holy [ __ ] nice i won there it is dude can i trade it we uh i want to say we've only gotten one bar of experience from this entire run yeah this is really bad xp this sucks oh my god oh yeah you probably shouldn't do dungeons whenever this game releases oh my god yeah it's gonna be this it's gonna be so bad man well we'll see oh my god i don't have any i don't have any water what do i do actually this is gonna be really good you know what we gotta do we gotta pick up the under hold water yeah it got some pretty shitty water the boss spawns after this trash by the way wait what yep boss spawns right after the trash you do it for reputation yeah that's true i just i forgot the uh the experience was bad i actually thought it was much better i sure hope this isn't the meta though i really do i'd rather have rather many challenges pity they were all in vain here we go soon your people will kneel to my lord your time there we go there we go maximum [ __ ] damage i always forget about this at this rampage thing we're just melting this guy yeah this guy's just getting destroyed look at this yeah these mobs are just getting destroyed what the [ __ ] am i gonna get aggro again no i'm not yes i am all right boys there it is mcconnell keep me up i'm at two percent oh i'm bob you're gonna turn up okay good there we go nice oh the loot we got the loot the chest the chest it's mine i got it first i got it first he got it does he drop i see how it is all right what did he get oh hell reaver oh dude this thing was so cool reaver is that that animation is bugs isn't it fingers crossed boys fingers crossed oh sick dude yeah ramparts is like a nice like easy entry level there it is all right you guys want to do what you guys want to try blood furnace do you think it's going to be too hard oh we could i think we should try yeah dude of course we are frick we need to go let's get some water from honor hold first what for an ass you should actually play tv yep played it on release the whole time throughout this guy's got something i actually really enjoyed he's a crusade member of course he does oh man i guess standard i guess if you want really good tier three gear you should join crusade on fairlina true oh yeah i i don't know okay i don't see that as being a positive be careful for the rogues that are everywhere right yeah like going up the stairs there's one and yeah yeah okay all right here we go guys blood first i'm gonna los pull these casters see how this goes any mongoosers i'm like handing out max consumes while we're fighting oh the sharpening stones had the duration increased to an hour it was 30 minutes before i didn't even notice that 400 experience for these yeah they did a lot of stuff oh thank you oh that's all right let's go uh let's go around a lot this is a lot espan uh okay so whatever all right we'll see how this goes i'm a little bit nervous here but it seems like we're doing okay yeah we're fine why not so the fireball does a thousand damage i just don't really give a [ __ ] i mean honestly it doesn't matter there's like no reason to worry about it let me kill these real quick i'll probably use them later on if i ever do up the tank is uh is the dual wheel tanking metal we need to get freaking add-ons dude we gotta get our freaking damage is the dual wheel tanking meta shouldn't we be able to get some of those from there i don't know i know i thought it would work with that classic ones i put the classic ones in there and it wasn't yeah i remember i wrote dude that was the only reason i like tanking in classic is that you could do that i thought that was so cool i can't drink the level 55 water for some reason it says item not found when i try and drink it try changing where it is in your bags yeah there are it seems like there are a lot of bugs in the game which is again why they're doing the beta so that's definitely a good thing they're doing it uh kind of what we expected yeah there's going to be a we'll do a little drink after this because platinum needs manatee yeah i wish i knew how much damage i was doing especially compared to guzu because guzu has like better gear than i do you could try kind of curious yeah that's what i'm doing did you reload your eye he said water you can buy is bug you can't use platinum are you telling me you don't have any 60 characters i do i just you know i didn't expect to be doing goddamn blood furnace today i was just going to log in oh see what was going on oh you think you think everybody did you think i would you didn't think i was in the middle of a [ __ ] knacks run when the beta came out and then copied the character over in the middle of an axe run and then set up all my [ __ ] just so i could play with my friends you don't think i did that what are you doing buddy yeah sorry guys it's fine it's not a big deal my character is like a cautionary tale for boosts because you get people like me and your dungeon runs the boosts come out so you're playing bad on purpose to make boosts look worse yes exactly i like that propaganda honestly dude no matter how bad you play it'll never be as bad as what's going to happen in wrath with every dk actually that's actually not true because there are no that's so true because they're so [ __ ] overpowered that doesn't even matter if you don't know how to play them okay okay yeah but it's still it's they're still playing bad that's my point my point because they're going to be at the top of the meter anyway that's true because i remember playing because i was in wrath beta and i remember playing with the kids and stuff for the first time now i played a rat and i remember doing 20k judgments i don't know if it was a bug or something was scaling wrong and i hit like a 20k judgment jesus okay it's not gonna work but death knights are the same way no i think that's that sounds like they don't get the damage i can do the wrath rep pally and i didn't even have to go for um i guess i should probably pull this guy here actually um i want to pull him let's see if i can pull there we go what oh s fans just go these two i'm gonna try and bring around the corner give me a second it's just going in caster's here you got dude i swear you guys are the worst like i gotta run in there like i'm on zug zug man it's the warrior brain okay dude i swear dude yeah it's not our fault man it's not our fault if the charge button is there you have to press it okay yeah you guys are it's a product of your environment is that what you're saying i actually need to get like my key bindings and everything set up for this for like other stances and check because right now i'm just stuck in berserker i'm gonna come back because then the amp is going to smack mcconnell for a thousand damage i got it no it's not i'm ready it's gonna no it's not i [ __ ] i [ __ ] killed him killed his ass dude blood furnace is actually the [ __ ] this dungeon right here dude i love having a taunt though this dungeon was actually really hard back in the day i remember the so there's like these these like felguard bosses at the very bottom of it and these knobs at the bottom of it are actually harder than pretty much having you guys as my friends oh what oh slash heart yes same i think there's also some rogues in this area too okay let's let's uh grab all four of them okay let's do it i think it should be five there's like a rogue in this area too i'm pretty sure maybe not nice could be wrong let's see how fast it goes tvc content turn the board already like in classic uh oh you don't need to know how fast it will probably be about oh yeah i have consecration though so we'll see a big consecration whenever tvc comes out i expected it it'll be like i'm so excited it'll be fine for like two weeks or so and then it'll get bored yeah that's it that's not bad and show my theradon oh yeah he's all the way down there there's mike therodon yeah we fully intend to clear through the content and then stop doing it because there's no reason to continue doing the same thing over and over and over it's like shadow lines any better the thing is like that's just the way wow works right i mean people can get annoyed by that or whatever but at the end of the day i mean that's just the way the game is and you can get mad about it if you want but to me i i just i'm used to it yeah you guys noticed the draenei uh the trainer buff isn't showing the tvc lasts very long at 70. the thing is like 70 lasts longer than 16. but it took so long to get that's what are you talking about i do think classically larger than uh than that draenei has the passive that it gives you one percent hit like for for amazing see how i pull ahead in between the casts and that way i don't pull either one of the mobs and i pull the pat perfectly yeah i don't want to happen will you stream tvc-pvp once you're done getting other new gear no i don't want to oh oh like i'm not i'm not going to play on a pizza i had to de-curse him dude but furry i will play uh i'll do pvp yeah 100 percent man of course i want to do people i'm gonna get it i'm gonna drink i'll be [ __ ] here and then i'll be great we'll get like a few pulls you're not playing past the first month well i'm not playing regularly past the first one uh yeah we'll do all five all right i wonder what mad season is doing right now at this very second yeah so like obviously yeah this guy's cast so obviously i'll play the game a little bit uh past the first month but after that i mean let's be honest that's that's pretty much where the content's over i mean unless you just want to watch the same exact thing 100 times and like i understand some people are down for that not threatened i might do like the raids because i think the raids will be fun to watch but outside of the raids it's just going to be boring like i i can guarantee you that's going to be the case that's our retail is already yeah but the thing is like in retail wow i genuinely feel like after you get into the farm content of the game mount runs are infinitely more entertaining they're much smaller like bits of content you can go from one to the other you everybody knows what's going on you don't have to like have a lot of game knowledge to see it it's very simple i totally think so no i no i i i i think i think everybody is wrong we'll do a um i'm gonna do a pretty good poll here i think he's gonna throw lines yeah yeah this was actually i'd like to let you know this is actually the worst pack for you to possibly do this on oh yeah i know that's going to be great this is the way the worst absolutely worst pack i hope you get acro i can pop rick okay i got to keep kiting him you got to keep going i've got a kite too i'm silenced okay yeah i died i know i'm sound okay moving away i am trying to move out of the grenades moving out of the grenades moving out of the grenades watching out for the uh the mines to watch out for the mines and also avoiding the grenades okay there we go this is fun avoiding that one over there just keep on moving the legionnaires hiding leaves narrow way i'm gonna just see sam over there get over to here interesting corner dude what the [ __ ] i'm getting silence more than trump holy [ __ ] this is crazy we're making classic lag good yeah um in my opinion i think the mount farming content is a thousand times better than like reforming the same old raids you know what this reminds me of this kind of reminds me of uh nylotha uh drake boss i can't remember i tried to disarm the bomb and i got blown the [ __ ] out oh my god platinum while blowing himself with someone the bomb typical boosted players stepping on the bomb hey shut the [ __ ] up i don't want to hear it okay okay yeah see there's beta testing that's what i was doing i'm glad i'm glad do they work yes they work all right extremely well actually we can move up into the next room okay here we go mcconnell didn't get his res oh no he actually did learn his rez i know that might be a surprise but he did okay we're gonna do it again this is uh boost is when asthma gets glad hey got it hey you got it remember you gotta go around the corner i'll i'll i'll see something i've just gotta focus did you watch a theme mcconnell aren't i higher rating than you no that's a yes yeah i'm higher rating than mcconnell so he might talk this [ __ ] but it's it's complete [ __ ] it's not true at all and if you are it's because i've been busy uh building bases in ark yeah dude hey hey real quick look at the stamina on those like plates of stamina was that 61. holy [ __ ] man it's insane that's a lost damn 61 it's a whole lot of stamps level 60. let's see do you have two you have two or three legs right perhaps i can find you literally just one point tier three tank right mcconnell literally just ran in and pulled the boss okay let's go brick i'm taking those with my legs okay this guy does an mc i'm pretty sure it's been kind of a while so i don't remember all the abilities and everything you can do but uh we'll figure it out soon you have the stat yeah a lot of things are [ __ ] no oh no oh killing with me [ __ ] come go quick oh frick damn you guys suck man dude guzu you're just supposed to do that assignment okay you were trying to you freaking i saw him attacking the boss i feel like this item is broken wait that's actually almost an upgrade for me okay that item is very good that that might be an upgrade for me like straight up yeah it might have been okay for me too actually okay i'm gonna need one neat on it dude everybody need on it wait mcconnell why'd you need what do you mean i'm right no you have a red paladin yeah now i have two rap paladins dude i have 10 uh rank 14 paladins dude okay oh this was the bait pole small indy company yes obviously my blood will be the okay oh look at that damage i need to actually move away so these bombs don't explode on me holy [ __ ] i'm wiping what mcconnell yeah what are you doing huh we died we were standing on mines yeah you stood on the mines dumb ass you have to cut no you were no you got silenced i wasn't silenced you have to kite them wisdom this should be fine wow that's a lot of damn we pulled a lot of [ __ ] mobs again who the [ __ ] is pulling all this god damn what the [ __ ] this shit's crazy uh where are you okay dude this game's hard what the [ __ ] i gotta move out until you do these technicians or what's hard technicians are no joke that [ __ ] will kill you all right there we go [ __ ] yeah what do you think about prop paladin boosting uh sven what do you think about prop powder boosting like the uh the hobs boosting i guess watch them pretty good and we don't have an aoe cap like uh the mages do so i'm gonna hit this one too pro paladins get buffed pretty good and then also like may just get nerfed for boosting people i think we should have another edge here dude i need a freaking gear swap add-on okay i'll pull this guy here there we go yeah we should get that on so i feel like i want to see the damage hopefully we'll get them soon we'll want to see the damage meter i don't need to see it i know what it's going to say it's going to be at the top it's not really that big of a deal move out of that hey what is the console as it's called i will be the bomb diffuser okay i thought there was a way to disable that i think you have to be a rogue or a hunter or some [ __ ] yeah you disable them with your face that's how she's right no no no the console is popping up oh yeah i think it's a console look at this damage man i actually do feel good hitting cloth wearers one thing i forgot about uh you know what we should do in case we wipe again we need to uh if you changed any settings go ahead and relog yeah probably i'll do that if i wipe again might be a rogue around here again yeah i think so actually i don't know like you did it again you charged in before it hit me i i intercepted okay unbelievable yeah it's completely different oh we got a lot of mobs here get ready get ready we got a bomb on the left we can uh okay dude i'm just getting blast in the ass the concussion yeah i know what you mean okay we should be fine did you do your push-ups today no because i didn't know if i should do them because i'm still pretty [ __ ] short like doing all that [ __ ] the other day and like also i didn't want to say this yeah but then the the mobs so i'm not sure if i should and i asked chad earlier and i just kept getting like mixed answers like half people said the other half said i shouldn't so i don't really there should be one more rogue right over here yeah it does watch it it doesn't do like an animation it just does the damage yeah never forget always remember always remember never forget there it is i didn't remember where that rogue was but i remember this we should have platinum okay so this is the one where we do each room and then uh yeah it is but we have to do this whole room first so like let's get this pat and then we'll do the technicians remember we there's a three technician pack and okay yeah there is okay here we go around the corner around the corner around the corner around the corner wait wait wait wait wait this is not i didn't don't do the things wait for him oh big dick oh big dick oh big dick oh yes come on yes moving out of that there we go the guys are getting them if there's damage to be done you need to do it like you guys like you got it there's like it's supposed to be like the aoe it's like a it's like an art form okay you see that you see this nova you dip out you get healed damn it like i'm getting flashbacks from leveling in classic okay i almost killed them if there's an enemy you gotta i'll just explode this one myself guzu got hit by that one too all righty guys we got the three technician pack this is where uh this is where [ __ ] gets real i'll say that okay here we go i'm going again chick it's really real okay this is the big pack for a text card okay yeah okay yep all right i think this is gonna make the pull easier don't worry guys i think it will too you can't you can't kick the dynamite throw just so you know yeah just a stunner they are kind of hard to see to be fair but um i don't know if i saw one or not or i stepped on one or not i didn't notice best is yet to come with the big fell guards i don't think they're really going to be as deadly in normal mode i think like they're really really really hard and being able to be i think they got nerfed actually that's too much you've gone too far now yeah they were really really [ __ ] strong yeah it's a lot okay next pack yeah this actually is uh this is going along pretty fast but look how slow the leveling is so is questing just like way faster because right now i mean we've gotten like four bars of experience and we've done like two dungeons that's crazy listen kubo i don't know [ __ ] other classes i know paladin that's why i don't know who's kubo i i don't go into your house and take his [ __ ] in your toilet and tell you the [ __ ] tool it's broken okay i know paladins i don't know [ __ ] mages or other [ __ ] shut the [ __ ] up [ __ ] who's kubo i don't know some guy in your chat there's a guy with a toilet he started he's starting to fight with somebody in my chat okay i see how it is oh he wants to go on me huh that's good i i want him to go on me because that means i get more rage i actually do want to go me okay oh it's like the slime oh yeah i remember those i really liked that in burning crusade right off the bat they started adding items with sockets so that you can't really like get so you appreciate the system i think there should be a rogue in this area because you can customize your stuff a little bit more see if i can find them i'm going to try to pull the uh this guy over here okay there we go and i should be able to wind up they can um oh we got rogues can i get a new buff uh oh oh okay i'm gonna have to fight these guys are these the felguard boots at the bottom i don't even know oh we have double row okay let me just kill that one we have fire res fire res still alive in the morning oh yeah tbc beta came out man goose is getting [ __ ] up yeah i gotta act on everything okay let's see here there we go yeah i'm actually curious you should come and get the [ __ ] wrestle dude oh do you think they'll just give me greso donna ruin he's bringing around the corner because there's a caster honestly i think i deserve it yeah yeah so why do you think you deserve it um well i am the guild master that's a good point yep and i'm kojium do you know mcconnell actually tried to pull that code gm [ __ ] like what was the piece of gear you pulled code gm on i don't know there were multiple pieces yeah but to be fair i did come up with a guild name you know you did actually that's true yeah mahal did come up with olympus do you think we should revive olympus like all of the other olympuses yeah probably yeah actually what's happening in the history of gaming no that was awesome stupid well the thing is uh we need as many people to play tbc as possible so that we can afford like uh epic flying and gems and stuff like that so that actually is true because we need to have more people on the server to give us money yep yeah guys actually we need to do a classic old run too because i'm i'm running low yeah you only wait you only have 3k left yeah i need at least 10k going into tbc honestly i was thinking 20. i wanted to go for 20k going to tvc well i'm not as greedy as you so i only want 10k yeah i i want 20 guys so uh yeah just whenever you get some time if you have uh if you find it in your heart in your soul uh and in your pocketbooks uh in classic wow on farolina if you would be so kind to trade me i i the new the new reckoning is just so just beautiful and amazing for tanking [ __ ] goldberg you don't have to get crippled we're not begging we're just asking we don't have to worry about having too much defense and stuff that's all we're just checking to see what the potential outcome would be for a gold trade that's all these mobs will pone you these yo these things [ __ ] you in the ass i'm gonna fight them what's wrong with that noob uh okay actually they're dude these aren't even that bad at all this is nothing man speedrun what does he do oh my god uh we've got something designed let's put it on i'm bringing him up he's just the thing is like let him die i got kicked okay oh no okay good good good all right we are going to get bumped okay it's okay it's okay i'm bringing them up just keep kind of just keep going just keep cutting okay i'm gonna try to slow them dispersing hold i don't have that i don't have it okay is this fine just let them let just don't do too much damage and let them get on me as much as possible oh my god they can't bubble everyone frick what what do you guys do where you just like i just have you guys spam a wee taunt yeah yeah yeah i'm ready just pull that pack back oh here let me actually buff first let me go first nope okay there we go that way it was pulled properly i wanted to make sure it was done properly so i did it myself if you want something right you do it yourself uh i think this boss is gonna be pretty easy i remember he did like an explosion or something like that maybe they were like sergers and uh multicore like they just charged are you guys just running for the chest no no we're just getting ready for the next pack oh okay no no we're staying in combat until my freedom until my to my uh blessing of protection's up don't kill it don't kill it no we're staying up with a stoppable force the legendary weapon dude it dropped it's mine it is like searchers actually that's me that's me 100 me the race oh two major mana potions oh i need that oh no no i need i i aim for my tanking because like my rage my blue rage bar bro give yeah yeah no no i need i need him no yeah i need to uh here i have a if you don't give me the major mana potions right now i'm never healing a [ __ ] game here there's true no matter what i'm about to pull okay here we go see how this goes last pull before the boss boys this one should be pretty [ __ ] easy though oh these charges are so bad man they're so bad did you just connect [Laughter] okay i feel like most people right now already have a guild so i don't think we could even get a lot of people for tvc olympus it wouldn't really be the same thing because you remember like whenever i would do the olympus recruitment things and i would have people stand on like the uh the iron forge wall and invite them off of that two bars of experience in 30 minutes yeah literally dungeons suck dick for leveling like i think that's one thing that we have learned very very well do not [ __ ] level with dungeons this is so so long to level just a tiny little bit this is crazy jump plus a cc equals disconnect oh you think that might be it maybe you're right okay oh wait wait wait wait wait um so pull these mobs back to here yeah so pull them back to here one inside and then after these mobs died then the boss spawns then we move in here he'll kill us all sister's screaming did you guys hear that oh so funny okay ignorant fools let's kill these guys here easy all right here we go there we go what okay stacking sunders stacking sunders uh oh guzu's gotta run out oh yeah you gotta run away because he has a big aoe and burn okay we should be fine good yeah these bosses are pretty easy as i said guys like tbc content the numbers are a lot harder than vanilla very true but the mechanics are you know it is not that hard come on that that's actually a red uh red chest because vengeance is a red talent yeah i agree there it is dude dude what the [ __ ] where's the speed boost in the tunnel yeah where is the speed boost oh yeah yeah that in vanilla we need changes i think they oh you guys want to see my paradigm i'll show you my third after vernon crusade give me a second let me go over there nah it was not in tvc are you sure that's yeah i'm 100 positive i'm pretty sure it wasn't maybe it wasn't i i was almost positive that i remember it there but maybe i'm just thinking now you can't do anything you can't interact with him was it but he is right there well one thousand that's fun boys 1 300. i'm gonna go back to honor hold and see what quest we need at least you're human for the rep game yeah good call yeah it's nuts man yeah so so the dungeon xp i mean we were we're [ __ ] around the game but all that good that sucks we've got like four bars from two full dungeons it's so bad i i almost got a level from those two runs really you're 58 though so you're like you get way more yeah yeah and they also break point yeah there's a break point like at 58 you get way way more all right boys it's been a good stream hope you guys had fun hope you enjoyed the dungeon runs appreciate you guys showing up today hold on mcconnell are you done what yeah i'm [ __ ] done really yeah i'm gonna go play arc oh what what yeah i'm gonna go play arc i'm gonna tame a [ __ ] t-rex maybe a giga you know [ __ ] just come do stuff with me and i'm gonna go back what the [ __ ] okay all right arc is awesome yeah no mcconnell is actually not trolling he's legitimately playing arc now tomorrow i'm probably going to do a lot more of the tbc stuff we'll look at some of the stuff about the game i am i'll be honest like now that i see how slow leveling is i am not looking forward to leveling all the way up but if i have to do it once [ __ ] it we'll do it thank you guys very much for watching today i had a really good time and today we uh i streamed for over nine hours what the [ __ ] so tomorrow i'm gonna be back on in the morning same as usual and no i dude i remember i thought it was like way faster yeah i remember being way [ __ ] faster and until next time boys [Music] peace [Music] you
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 571,525
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, world of warcraft, asmongold tv, ZackRawrr, classic tbc, classic the burning crusade, classic tbc release, tbc release, tbc release date, classic wow, wow classic, asmongold classic, asmongold tbc, asmongold tbc classic, classic tbc wow, classic tbc beta, tbc classic beta, asmongold tbc beta, wow tbc, tbc dungeon, classic tbc dungeon, asmongold mcconnell, asmongold classic tbc, WoW Burning Crusade Classic
Id: 3d6P0NsaFWk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 55sec (4075 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 24 2021
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