ANWA Live New York | Dr. Matthew Stevenson | Angles

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first Kings 18 please don't forget to register for world changers someone I want all of you there as many of you as possible so you can make a lot of noise when I make my annual announcements first Kings chapter 18 and I want to go to verse 41 I'll be reading 41 through 46 we're going to do some hermeneutic presentation and comparison of this and then I'm going to exhort you we're going to shout and dance and then we're going home in first Kings chapter 18 verse 41 it says but he'll I just said under 1/2 get me up and eat and drink for there is a sound of the abundance of rain every drought is interrupted by the arrival of the right sound so ahab went up to eat and to drink and elijah went up to the top of carmel but cast himself down upon the earth and put his face between his knees and said to his servant go up now look toward the sea and he went up and looked and said there is nothing that feels good and he said go again seven times and it came to pass at the seventh time what number Bible study is good came to pass at the seventh time that he said behold there arise it god be praised a little cloud ain't got to be big out of the sea like a man's hands and he said go up and say unto a hab prepare thy chariot and get beat down so that the rain stopped the night not and it came to pass in the meanwhile that the heavens were black with clouds and wind and there was a great rain and a hab ruled and went to Jezreel and the hand of the Lord was on Elijah and he girded up his loins and ran before a hab to the entrance of Jezreel father help me to preach this in Jesus name a man just for the sake of accurate and integral notes recalling this tonight I can see it now just put that down there I can see it now if you can catch my points then do your due diligence and do so but I can see it now life is all about angles one of the things I enjoy about the iPhone phenomenon and one of the things that I do not like about the Android phenomena certain pictures reveal certain things based upon how you angle it unfortunately the one thing that the droids have over us is that it does not matter how you angle it is gonna all look pretty it's a very powerful deception because the droids give you makeovers and facelifts and all of that praise God but the iPhones tell the truth amen okay here ya see the iPhone is gonna reveal with praise the name of the Lord and angles are such that we could be very well in the same room but if we're positioned differently in that room what we take away from that moment will not be identical say angles angles it matters that you get the right angle and many of us are in stress about the right room but you could be in the right room position the wrong way what we know about the comparative Gospels you're talking about now the synoptic Gospels and these are the treatise of Matthew and then orally by Mark Luke and John who intricately tell the stories very similarly I mean they are in the same spaces in the same rooms they serve the same teacher they eat in the same house is the same kinds of fish and bread they watch the same power demonstrations they each get to be the firsthand responders to those that resists the Ministry of the Messiah and yet when you look at their versions and variations of events some of them are told from different angles for example there miracles that are told congruently throughout the synoptic Gospels and then you get something like the book of John who gives us a much more broad lean in to certain miracles and then got the unmitigated gall to say but I did not even write all of the miracles because you can't bear perceiving them well it matters how you position around the same story I enjoy paying attention to how Jesus angled people how he would select twelve and then take three from the twelve not caring about what the twelve thought about his selection of the three and angling them upon a mount and he tells the twelve stay here I'm about to do something but takes from among the twelve three if that weren't adding insult to injury he does the same thing to seventy and decides to go out in a broad pool of people and select men to angle them differently life is about angles Calvary was also about angles I find it interesting that Jesus's mother was in grief and his family was in grief and there were those that were working with the Roman soldiers to pierce him and to further humiliate the naked Savior upon Gaul God does heal but then you've got two people angled right beside him who steals see and believe who he is because they were at the right angle now in order for you to appreciate this homiletically one of his disciples was still doubting at this point I mean you got Thomas is sitting over there with his I look crazy because even though he saw the miracles and even though he perceived the woman with the issue of blood and all of that he was not angled the right way which means that something can be true and you doubted not because it's not true but because you're not angled right but these men on the side of the Messiah were angled in such a way where they knew what a dead man felt like they were dying themselves and you got one of the Apostles saying I still don't think this is the guy but then somebody a thief and a robber next to him says listen I see how they're angled but they're looking at you from down there and I'm right here besides you and from my point of view God be pleased you look like the son of God to me because if I were you and had the power to do what you do I would pull myself down I would summons angels there so from how I can see you nobody but the Son of God could suffer like this at will and I say angles and so they tell him permit me if you will to enter your kingdom when it happens I love the faith of the faith because the thief didn't say here for just in case he said no when you come into your kingdom remember me and you know what jesus said to a man that was angled to ride he said this day that I love this because he did not postpone it to the resurrection and he did not postpone it to the 3rd day jesus said I'm gonna do something for you before I'm resurrected this place you're gonna get there before I am you was angled right so you'll enter into it face your angle determines your entry and many of us have been locked out because we're not angle the right that the angle is everything and when you're taking pictures many of us have like a cosmetic side you understand an aesthetically appealing side we say this is my right side I want you to get angle the right way and there's many people that miss their moments and their miracles and their mandates because they have access to something that they're not positioned the right way around it contiguous to my point what I enjoy studying in the Word of God is the power of apprenticeships they with me now the power of being positioned around something that has the power to escalate and escort you into I am a strong believer that you should not just turn 18 and appear into manhood I think it is the ultimate crime to go and get a driver's license and assume a maturity you were not demonstrated therefore if manhood is a real Fraternal Order of ancient rites of fathers and sons and daughters and wives then it would be integral for me and you as we approach a subject as aggressive his manhood that somebody s caught us into it you were supposed to be escorted walked into manhood he was not supposed to just arrive there with a turn up party and then you know how to be responsible I believe the way God designed it was the same way he designed Abram Isaac and Jacob but before you know who you're going to be you watch somebody else and you serve watch this and the thing you want to have because the way you practice for your own here I come is by serving in another man and one of the things we're missing in the body of Christ is authentic apprenticeship we're missing real live life on life instruction but the gross crime of our paradigm and ministry is men think that if I have a microphone and you listen to me that I disciples you but this is not going to impact your decision make it may encourage you it may inspire you up but all decisions come as a matter of deliberation and in order to make decisions well you got to have the right discussions around the good and the bad around the decision so many of us have been locked out because we're not positioned by something that can take us in and so if God's Word is true I enjoy in my investigation of the scripture here he comes the unsung heroes of the Bible I study Elijah I study Jeremiah I study David but I love to study Nathan the quiet stories that don't need to be dramatic I love that the despise of Israel but I also love rehab the holy whoo I love that Jesus came from somebody who was known for being a thot I absolutely loved that I loved leaning in to the deeper meanings of the characters of the scripture so that I don't miss the learn a wisdom that may be lodged in somebody who don't have a big name let me put a point there don't you ever again reduce yourself because your name ain't as big as theirs yet there may be something rich that God is growing in something small and the things that are gonna last the longest I've got to start the smallest so you can't not despise the day of small beginnings I love small people in the Bible and I love a leaning into their lives and one of my studies in this season of my life is on a man whose name is called D Heiser there's not very many teachings about who he was and what he did or where he came from but we got a little bit of meat that's gonna give us our platter tonight what we know is that G Hayes I was the servant of Elijah but the odd thing about it is most historians assume that he became the servant of Elijah because he probably served Elijah now the reason why they believe that although it's not brutally stated it's because there is no scene training point for Elijah teaching anybody how to serve Him to stay with me he didn't have time to raise up a man to serve Him before he knew it he was with the sons of the prophets in three different places and all of a sudden his master was taken up and there was a moment that released a mantle that he didn't realize he was prepared for her so in certain assignments catch you off guard you don't have time to teach people how the partner whether you you still don't know Elijah didn't have confidence in his own ministry watch me so when he gets to his very first River and his very first ocean and his very first obstacle he doesn't say I'm calling on the doll of Elijah he stands there before the river and he casts the mantle that came from Elijah and here's what Elijah said where is the god of Elijah because he didn't believe in himself he pulled on what God did for his leader and he used the history that birth his future to open the river river and there I believe he did not have power to make a student so that means that we're doing due diligence to our text the servant of Elijah was probably gay haze eye now the end of the haze our story is not impressive because he got into greed and I'll show you how he got there the Bible said it was that saying a haze I that was around the conspiracy of name and I feel my preach coming off and he was the one that wanted to make sure he took what he thought he deserved because when you've been called to serve and it doesn't seem like the reward is coming past enough you run the risk of trying to reward yourself and you leave God nothing to do but to judge your last act as it was done in idolatry god I love your word imagine if Elijah's servant was really gay haze' that it means I've served throughout several traumatic events I'll got there I served when when the prophets were bleeding and cutting themselves upon karma I was the one carrying the water I serve not just in one location but there was a school of prophets at Jericho and then there was one at Bethel and then there was one at Gilgal if we reduced this from the character and the complexion of our text what that mean is that one man one servant had to follow two men three different cities every day you see we don't see where there was ever a break and then he was the most frustrating part Elijah had a bad habit of been caught up by God in other words before there was an uber and before there was a lift the Bible said at the hand of the Lord come upon Elijah and he will appear in another place here so now if I'm gazer one of my challenges is tracing a leader that has a tendency to disappear and following a leader who may be here today and in another space tomorrow it means that I have to develop the intense intentional fortitude to not take his movement personal god I love your work because he's not in control of his own assignment I opened the hand of God comes on him all I got to do is find my place you know why because the hand of God coming on him does it mean I've got to stop serving him I got to find him miss quad today so yeah his eye becomes an hour unsung hero because he defies in his psychological and emotional makeup and he demonstrates a countercultural posture and he gives us as it were the benefits of not wanting the credit here he comes and the benefits of being willing to serve in an immunity now what that means to you is that we're in a generation now that's in a war over greatness pay attention we were in a war over likes and posts and shares we're in a war over verification marks and badges we're in a war over photo ops and appearances are we in a war over who can know who faster and so what the devil is done is he's pulled an entire generation from the right angle and because he's pulled them from the right angle they can't see what they should see so now because they're not positioned the right way and they're pursuing greatness they have violated New Testament culture which came from the mouth of Jesus uh which says the greatest among you is not the bishop and the greatest among you is not the archbishop and the greatest among you is not the archbishop DeLaughter the greatest among you is not the supervisor it's not the CEO aha but pilatus Oh mommy I can't you help tonight the greatest monkey won't nobody say nothing the greatest among you are those that concern and not be seen oh I know you want me to turn my plow because when you serve to be seen you can so what serving is supposed to teach you when you soul to be seen you come out of agreement with the training and the development what serving quietly teaches you is if they say thank you or not acceptance of you does not determine your strength I've been so used to serving in the dark that when the lights come on whether you like me or not don't matter to me I know how to serve when nobody's looking at me and I don't have a glamour server or makeup server or fake sir I've got a secret shower sit down I see a trend I see a trend I see a trend when God I heard that releases a yoke upon a man or a yoke upon a woman it is never for who they are today that when God puts a yoke and a burden and a mandate you will serve this you will serve that it is not in consideration of what they aspire to be now you see every destiny is formed in the environment necessary to hold that destiny under duress what that means is that when you want to be a doctor you don't learn to do so from your bedroom or when you want to be a soldier you don't just roll out of bed one day salute yourself and give you rank if you're going to be transformed you're gonna have to be baptized in the world of your future in other words if you look in a certain room olá and you can't see what's in you in the room but it means that you are in of your mouth and say angles angles angles some of your growth and lack of growth is not your fault is that you're trying to force a room to comprehend was in your womb and if you just get around we're sorry you know you might see what you need to see Lori to the son of God what I mean is that every grace is not for every space and many of us have lost years and tears trying to force people to receive what they cannot even perceive shout angles and so now we see Kaiser and he looks like a nobody he looks like somebody that is insignificant but he shows us what God does when a man is content in seasons of servanthood he shows us what God does inside of a man who's not addicted to the affirmations of a crowd or an audience he shows how powerful the esteem and the confidence is when a person decides to serve the most important Bible verse about David is this David served his generation and fell asleep in other words what the Bible shows us about David is that even with three different anointings and countless battles that wasn't what motivated him what motivated him was that he was going to serve until he fell asleep now let me give you some warfare instructions realize that the devil don't just want to drive you crazy and he don't just want you sleeping with everybody one of his chief goals for your life is to get you so distracted that you don't show one of his cheap goals for you is to get you so mad at church people huh that you forget who called you one of the reasons he wants for you is to get so hurt by the church that you abandon your last instructions I look at somebody say he's after your soul huh open your mouth and help me preach I tell somebody else he's after your server he wants you to get bitter and take your soul back he wants you to get offended and take your soul back he wants you to get arrogant and take your soul back he wants you to hold your server and watch people around you that need you fought so you can prove you were necessary but when there's a servant to the Lord that people can't pay you listen to me Betty surely and we will you ain't got enough money in your bank to reward my sacrifice to a war my tears have you worn my crying promotion does not I'm trying not to run because I'm preaching to myself hold me to the Son of God where you are right now it's just a season the level of money you have right now is just a season the type of disability you have right now it's just for season you are not your permanent shelter you are not who you're born to be and if you get complacent right here you're gonna fool around and miss rikon major and i don't want you to sacrifice so great success some of you need to live disrupted so the dog can put a servanthood spirit there so that you can serve to get out of this season I got to move to my point I want to talk to a hundred Avira let's got to get out of this season I'm gonna talk to a hundred of you looking at your relationships and looking at your team members and looking at your family like we're all busy and I have learned the secret to bring in the end of it all season ah you got to show ha then you be little before and when you saw bit-part poses and so when you saw that that poses dangerous things happen when men pour water so now a haze eye is moved next to this man and we see that there's a drought in the lane disease and cancer is all over the place boils and tumors I'm sorry diabetes and high blood pressure you got count and you got out breaking out in the land because whenever there's a drought it's going to affect the entire ecosystem hard I love your word that means that there's a drought outside there is no water and if there is no water there is no crops and there is no props and what exists is disease and then the animals got to eat something sick and then they roll over in death so now the pregnant women have got to choose I do I eat my baby or do I wear the time that's a pain just a jolly as I so I started looking at how Elijah got the Strout to end what did he lie to do I lyza brought somebody else watch me into his history with God what I'm showing you as this serving will bring the rain elijah goes all the way up to the mountain and this was not just an ordinary mountain wider picture like this this was the same mountain that he almost died on this is a mount Paul Palmer had just become a Victoria and he was just up against the odds I don't know who I'm talking to in here somebody in here is up against more people than what you got on your side it looks like more people hate you than light yeah looks like more people are after you that promoted you are you're coming off of Mount Carmel and then later you're coming off this mountain is differ from how you went up there you without their fame but you've seen the hand of God and you're coming off that mountain a little bit victorious tiny but victorious victorious at my soul protected my sanity I should have lost my mother watching those puppets but themselves I got to prove it cuz you don't believe it Elijah is in the drought but he knows how to open the heavens and the way leaders open the heavens is if they get on their faces you'll have time for that the way our leaders open the heavens is that they yell and scream and tell you what to do but the way Bible leaders open the heavens is that they took off their rings and their own took off the titles and their collars ah and they got on their faces up do you know what we need in this hour less leaders standing up more leaders palantine hill my preacher coming up the Bible say we are the foundation which means if you are really a leader here are the place where people can cross all that they need to walk on your story up and walk on your wisdom up into a place they can go them so he was a balun man but here's a problem elijah had moved on elijah now has a new assignment so elijah is positioning people in angles if I am Behe's I and I'm looking at my leader here he comes on top of this mountain he got blood all over his clothes ashes and vapor and smoke he was just sitting there fighting and hollering he is exhausted and probably musty from sweating and I've got to serve a man that just went to battle and so Elijah was a well able man we know he could walk cuz he just went up the mountain he didn't get no broken bones from Jezebel he probably was not saw from that war but he choose to send somebody on to do what he could have done he choose to send somebody up do what he could have done so now we're at a scene say angles where we see what's about to happen Elijah says there is a sound pay attention which means that not only do you serve a man or a mission you've got to serve the right sound you'll get this in the morning some of you your ears are not opening up because you're serving the wrong sound the picture how do I know when I'm serving the right sound because when you hear the sound of Elizabeth coming through that door what's in you wakes all the way haha because your destiny is location sensitive you are not as anointed everywhere as you are for your assignment College you've got to get around people I that's not the same thing in you huh the Bible said when Jesus walked up on the twelve huh they didn't know that it was him I said but after he walked away they said did not our hearts burn within us as he opened the scripture which means a certain sounds open you and many of us are in environments are those sounds I dedicated to closing us because if we get you open we may outgrow the theme misread it open up I'm trying to talk to you about the rights how you haze I I'm about to pray there is the sound of the abundance of rain leave the top of this mountain by foot go down there and see if you see it now because you read this in American time you think that walking from the top of this mountain to the bottom of the sea took 20 minutes in this amount of time he didn't have a goat a donkey a camel when God is about to prepare you for an assignment most of your training will be done on foot oh god they won't help me today I said there is no Fastlane to transformation and one of the dangers of us charismatic is we are so addicted to acceleration that we have compromised quality who we want to raise people quick teach people quicker but certain things have to mature like a fine wine Oh wisdom comes out of you as you rock this thing out some of you are in dangerous things right now not because the devil didn't leave but you didn't learn how to walk out but freedom you got on the all top gaze that goes down and he goes down to the bottom of the sea hey what is he talking about watch this he must be hallucinating he don't like to sleep so what do you think you got me down here so you're not really in training until your training don't make sense you only think you're in training when it makes sense to you but if it makes sense to you is for this season and not the next you don't train a fifth grader in fifth grade math you give a fifth grader sixth grade math because they're not expiring for the fifth grade rule and some of you are frustrated because you feel overwhelmed you feel overburdened up listen to me baby don't shout too hard don't have anxiety because God trusts you please put the level on you don't still realize it because there are levels to this jungle a most Ahad idea there are levels to this the levels to being a good husband I said they're levels to this there are levels to bring the boss there are levels to this there are levels to making millions of dollars up and what's happening with us he is a real busy crying and being angry that we dishonored our level and we dishonor our level because we don't like blessing [Applause] Elijah I went down there I see none okay go again - the same yeah go ahead you you come in - no I'm all face because when God covers you with a certain anointing that boughs the perspective of a bowing leader should be trusted I see clearly on my face even when I'm not listening to what you're saying so don't respond negatively because it seems like I'm ignoring your complaint or your concern while I'm on my face what's emitting from me is what's necessary for you to be you and if you're mad that I'm not going with you then what you're gonna risk is me leaving my level to stop you from being lonely Elijah I'm back I'm tired this is probably a hundred feet of death with cliffs monstrous mountain animals strange beasts hiding their funny looking eyes I'm not going back down there again you will and you're gonna do it again do it again do it again and you won't get any difference until you at number six right before he got to number six yeah haze I came back and said there is nothing that was exactly what he said Elijah there is nothing there is nothing when Oh Lord I just almost mother pained Creek when you looking at an area of your life and your confession is there is nothing that's the area that the move of God is about to hit you did hear me what I said in here said whatever area in your life you name it when you're looking at it and there's no signs of nothing I'm sorry signs of activity no signs of paper is a symptom of something always always always always in the beginning preaching that the devil wants you to be mad when there's nothing he wants to chase you're nothing away he wants to get you angry because ain't nothing changed ain't nothing happened huh that's still the same typical behavior the supernatural is coming so what nothing is happening uh percussion oculus Connor when you say when you're somebody who has nothing I mean suddenly support in every area that looks like nothing just happened suddenly [Applause] is the number of man search is the number of the flesh six there's a number of psychology six is the number of human limitations that means that God waits until you get to the end of your cell top you know when you feel like you're about to have a nervous breakdown would you like Lord how much can one man take Lord how much can one church take how much can one woman Jake Locker when you feel like that all of a sudden that is like I've been waiting to get you to number six huh so I could do a seven thing Enya completed why you still into you spelling but it's not bad my evil power somebody knew Hargis a second it's between our text all the way together we got a servant who aspired a servant who was connected to a vision he comes to the end of the six level and he all of a sudden he does not see anything he's tired and he's exhausted he's come to the end of himself but what does the Bible say about the phenomena of seven seven is the number of complete attributional you see something had happened where the rain was stolen and because the rain was stolen the Bible said when the thief is caught he does not repay one time he does not replace wine-shop he's got to give you back a seven full return is called vindication it's call recompense and you are about to move into up the servants recompense because he served and didn't fight huh and you sure didn't mess up everything God vindicates service you know the story he comes down at the seventh time [Music] Oh what is this everybody in here knows Claudine uh-huh to say yes when he's doing his small to somebody spotting small way than what he's giving it to you everything I feel the glory of God there is great power to recognizing when God is doing a small thing now what is important is all of the human factors around behavior dehaze eyes journey his vision should not have been as effective enough to perceive a small cloud in the midst of other clouds this is not like that or that but I think that's a different type of cloud now I can preach there's certain things you will never see until you serve they don't understand that the portion of servants is angles you get the privilege of seeing God move in ways that the public will never see hey you get the privilege of watching potent miracles that would destabilize somebody who's in the distance the stories that the three must have had about looking at Jesus talking to Moses and Elijah the rest of them would never walk away with that type of confidence because of their angle around the moment can you see it when it's small the way you know that you're not serving is that you don't like the small stuff your problem is either you're not serving it all or you're serving in the wrong thing the devil does not want you to serve he want you to be afraid of it fearful of it he wants you to be so afraid of being abused that you never offer the thing that you didn't pay for to begin with some things you only see in service while serving I learned things about God that I don't learn when I'm on the recipient when I'm the one pouring the water I understand how the water is prepared yeah I understand what it takes watch me I understand what it takes not to arrive but to carry anything I can see it now here is the warning if it's true that gaze I was the same servant that Elijah had and Elijah used Giza in the same manner something changed in Gaza I neglected to mention the fact that my scholarly diligence that the name gaze eye means the valley of vision there is a mystery here all vision is not mountaintop some of you feel like your extra Lois because it's all about the angles you know you see differently when you're on your box but you do when you're riding on your horse you're in the valley because as a new vision coming Elijah's gone gaze I still serving he's watched a mantle fall on Elijah and like any skill servant would do they assume the position in the same way I serve Elijah I'm going to serve you yeah I saw the cloud I can't I did all of that I was there with Jezebel I got I got enough knowledge to serve you well Elijah says go tell name I'll do what he needs they feel BAE's me hang on charge of nothing naman sends a gift his ID does not like the exchange the servant takes his eyes off his instructions and put his eyes on personal justice because every real servant is going to be under attack when they feel like they're being done unfairly the devil knows if I can get you to think this ain't fair then you're going to stop serving and serving is the only way you see so if I can distract you I'll take your sight pay attention elijah puts the mantle only live show elijah is walking under an old thing that's doing new things that's the beauty of what i do and what this church is it's it's an old thing that's doing a new thing elijah carrying a grief pay attention the haze eye is still serving elijah the one who does the double portion miracles falls ill which I believe was undealt with grief you're not going to convince me that somebody who did double the miracles should have been able to walk around with infirmity unless he had an undead with emotional issue if you are biblically astute you don't brag about the fact that elijah summons she bears on children as if that's a warning God was not behind that act that was an emotional response of somebody that was tired of being made fun of because his leader left him he used his gifts illegally and when you're grieving or you're angry or you're mad your gifts work they just worked the wrong way Elijah dies from the thing he delivered so many people from he dies after he purchased haze' with leprosy he lied to Elijah Elijah found out and cursed his servant and his children the Bible say his children would also be born leprous who else in the Bible and leprosy as a curse Miriam was cursed with MEP recei because she cursed what she should have been serving [Music] two people in the Bible had judgments of infectious disease where they should not be trusted in the pop the populace the haze I'm Miriam for the same reason but creepiest part of this story is Manto's don't leave the earth we're getting ready to worship any man told that God has ever sent to the earth is still here because there's no ministry in heaven so if you will look up you might be able to see thousands of Mantle's lingering waiting for some responsible shoulders Elisha dies the Heiser who should have been Elijah's replacement is leprous Elisha dies and takes what's on him to the grave the Bible said that the bones of a dead man gather as a reaction to what was still on Elijah and so a dead man received what was a portion of the haze' but because because I didn't want to serve and went to a dead man that anointing was not for the grave it was for gay haze' but if you don't protect your angle what's meant for you will fall on the dirt I see it now maybe God used a wicked boss an unstable leader a dishonorable system to teach me that I don't serve to be lifted by you I don't serve to be promoted by you every cup of water every t-shirt everything I've done was for the glory of God and if I lived that way that I've only got one choice if I wait on you to promote me you may change your perspective of me but if I know that my promotion is from God I know that he does not change his mind there's only one way to prevent yourself from Church hurt because there is no perfect church if there is it becomes imperfect when you decide to come but we would have a lot less Church hurt if the haze I would keep his eyes and keep that mental picture of the small club God will use a person's bad motive toward you as a catalyst to promote you can I give you a hard truth people don't have to have right motives it doesn't matter what they intend in Genesis 50 Joseph told his brothers yeah y'all did this and he meant it unto me for evil but the Lord has turned it for the saving of many people alive God told me what he was doing tonight what he's doing in my life he's testing New York's and that new yolks have bonded but new yolks service and if I be God's man this next assignment you can't delegate this is not something you can cash to your sister or your brother or your other people this one is for you and God is preparing you for a season that you ain't seen yet it's coming if you behave as if you know everything God's about to use you to do your acting in presumption it's much bigger than what you know so in obedience to God you need to serve now because you don't know what's next [Music] there is no such thing as a random ancillary skill what I mean about that is that God is going to get glory out of everything you are and everything you know how to do you didn't ask to be a woman God decided that your knack to be a man God decided that you didn't ask to be born when you were listen what I'm trying to tell you is you were scheduled you up and literally down to how you would look it is a part of your assignment before you were a person you were a purpose and you only became a person once your purpose was complete which means that however you are externally is needful for what you're supposed to express in purpose everything no servants be tired servants can hurt servant's get taken advantage if you serve to serve well you will never need what's not already in route now warning you these next assignments I've only seen some of mine and I'm scared to death because they're much larger than what I anticipated I didn't budget for at home didn't forecast couldn't even do research of somebody else that had done it for wisdom you have maxed out at level six [Music] if you're wise you do what David did after every six steps at the end of every six steps Biba [Music] he gave a sacrifice you will be strong and then we tended man you'll be focused and been distracted and then now bowing resets [Music] a heart the emotions I'm not dumb I know many people are under the sound of my voice because they're wounded you burn out Church is done you wrong and repenting in front of people who are in just as much sin as you are you're exhausted you just don't want to do the conventional religious thing and I don't either but I love him too much to surrender my serve don't disobey God because of what people did give him your serve the Lord knows where you're going next so your job is to pay attention you for this next year need to get a yes sir yes ma'am most importantly a yes floor cause there's a mountain you don't have to go up and down and you know what's funny about that if you like me you get easily bored if you feel like you're saying more of the same stuff noticing gay hazy eyes ups and downs the scene is the same so it's gonna feel like you're going nowhere for a while it's because you're not at the end of yourself yet seven is coming and when God completes what he started in the rain is coming and the rain is not just coming for you the rain is coming for the nation lift those hands now lifting it up right now I feel the globe and I feel the glory of God here to achieve in you something you can't do on your own it is a resolve about your call to serve it is a resolve about how to break into your next season it is a complete resolve that listen I'm frustrated some of you are at level 1 level 4 level 5 but very many of you have come to level 6 and it feels like it's over it's done I'm walking away I'm switching I'm giving up I'm moving on with my life I'm gonna do what's best for me I've been sent tonight to catch you at the end of that six step to every person under the sound of my voice that's under emotional pressure financial strain relationship attack some of you are even going through character assassination feels like the thing you're running from is getting closer to you but the seventh day of God is upon you and no man can shut up the doors that God is about to open for you I tell you right now in this moment to read give an altar if there is an altar you've got to build before you and our Lord I'm going to serve you afraid I'm going to serve you nervous I'm going to serve you when I have my I'll serve you when I don't have money I'll serve you when I'm alone I'll serve you when I'm not alone I love you I'll show you with my I'll show you what I'll be I'll show you without my shoes opponent I say I'll show you more time kamilla so tonight you see her the children mr. singing is no at all you can even try you testimony yours Beach yards on my strange soccer you could even have I'm not anything I'm not afraid of what's been okay well yeah Bergen is alive you're not trusting yeah you ever saw [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I feel evil in the spirit I feel in the spirit that many of you are or had been in a place of frustration because seems like you don't have enough detail [Music] but the Lord does not disclose details until he's sure that the heart is dedicated to serve so you don't get details so that you can say yes you say yes and that the details are release some of you are surrendering to something that you have no clue I don't even know what I'm saying yes to but I want everybody any who just as madly in love with God I mean down to I'm just still grateful that you saved me I don't deserve none of this I literally should be dead so because you redeemed me I'm going to say yes to you right now come on I want you to give that to God come on this is for the love Tector eyes and what rise yes attraction if you love me is the Jesus axe Peter if you love me love for me will be demonstrated in what you do [Music] Jesus pull [Music] the anointing the anointing on you will increase if you stop trying to choose the audience you don't get the benefit of choosing the mantle or the market your calling is not your choice is your discovery he's got to live available [Music] ah ha ha he's not looking for your perfection he's looking for your availability [Music] he's waiting on you to become more bearing the moon than you've ever been in your life and then the wisdom there is such a profound healing anointing here getting to God is not just healing lies he's healing bodies you know when you're in disobedience to God you give disease a right to you many people I healed as they are obedient as they serve God heals them the fire-god against sickle cell anemia right now in Jesus the five God against every tumor every growth right now in the name of [Music] fire fire five Donegan's blunt trauma right now in Chico the fire of God right now in Jesus name the fire of God against every spinal injury the fire of God right now in Jesus name in Jesus then I called the fire of God to every illegal entity operating in your body Satan the Lord God rebukes you these bodies are the temple of the servants of the Living God in Jesus name we arrest realistic we are asked the power of determine tianyu spirit of cat sir we trouble gates you in every stage things like this - hold on this building right now I hear saying I'm the more that he loved you I'm the one that he live here I check away Ortiz ah I took away your disease Jesus Robin Jack come take your healing play it's I will live I will live here yes going to be made I'm gonna use when he completes it well that's a reason to praise my traveled later busted somebody plays you are wasted where is a moment it's not all tastes who summer healing just I give me the Good Samaritan and he was made Phil Deloria oh I said yo Leon the I object Canterbury do please on the day of the but days of that here comes the oil that is it will not be otherwise [Music] boring boring [Music] Jesus he's healing there's a he loved here [Music] now [Music] there was some there are some people that jesus healed and they use their healing to go and enjoy themselves and only a couple came back to say thank you I'm gonna give you about ten seconds to choose if you're gonna use your healing to do what you want to do if you not gonna forget to thank him I'm gonna give you ten seconds to do what the wise do when they do he'll come on praise Him I've been doing a heavy lift employed on but I tell you to paint em for your demon not that crazy other one you did that one already sorry Emily [Music] [Music] said he's healing you God's not mad at you he's healing you he's not angry with me he's been trying to heal you the beautiful thing about healing is that you can always feel healed but he that had begun a good work in you will be faithful to perform it will you snap somebody say he's about to finish what he started telling them snap somebody elseís and he's gonna finish what he started [Music] mommy took up I said this one is not to be incomplete we've gotta finish what he started I don't see I don't see how some of you are sitting here as if the life you've lived shouldn't have driven you out of your mind if you are one of them people that have lived through things that would kill normal people and you're still alive let me do a test put your hand in front of your face do this I just want you to blow real quick blow did you feel that the poeple say that everything that I have what you oughta stop as you got wet shut up but apiece and all their piece garage would tire why you steal salad because He healed me somebody's next you look at you like you turn on a timer like you lost your mind maybe you don't understand this is actually how I prevented myself KUB losing my mind I can't everything I had he's giving me everything he's got not Oh u-87 I need I don't see your nose you can fight this by the time I see units we'll be in a new season reduce it and parts point to get to what I believe if you pray with no head at least point right now this is how we cast off visit what [Music] we will [Music]
Channel: All Nations Chicago
Views: 37,559
Rating: 4.8917942 out of 5
Id: YpVas9xMEjs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 86min 41sec (5201 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 19 2019
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