The Fastest Way to Level in Enshrouded - A Beginner's Guide to Enshrouded

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what's going on guys Mike with Iceberg gaming here and today I've got an enshrouded guide for you I'm going to be going over the best way to level up at the beginning of the game this is going to be a beginner guide so if you've already been playing the game for a while you might be more advanced than this so let's start with the location we're going to go to so we're going to go to um the little bridge near the starter location and whatever means of travel you have available to you so far make use of it to get across the bridge you can either grappling hook across or you can use your hand glider or you can just run through the the Shroud to get to the other side once you get to the other side of the bridge we are going to go slightly to the right here uh to the uh to the right of this path here back along the the uh Mountain here there's going to be a little bit of shroud here it's no big deal you can either go through it or avoid it there's a couple of Guardians in there sometimes but what you want is this small Flint mine going to come in here get out a pickaxe and just chop away and this is the fastest way to level at the beginning of the game in my opinion is to just sit here grinding or now notice that it's when I'm hitting this Flint is when I get the level UPS here on the side of the screen you can see the XP going up but if you come over here to where it's Stone it's not going up you're not getting any XP from the stone likewise if if we come over here and we start chopping away at this tree we're getting zero XP from the tree you get zero XP for picking up plant powder P fiber and you get zero XP for picking up stones or mushrooms or anything like that now if you can find area of enemies to kill then you might be able to level up faster than this but this is the easiest fastest and safest way to level for a beginner at the beginning of the game you're getting reliable XP every time you hit the ore in this case it's the Flint so you know exactly where to go to grind it out you can just sit here in safety and just whack away when you're stay stamina goes away just wait a little bit and start whacking again to speed things up if you have a couple of items you can increase your Stam regeneration you can drink some water and you can eat some honey this will increase your stamina regeneration and then you can whack away even more make sure you're hitting the Flint otherwise you won't get any XP see I'm not getting any XP here cuz I'm not getting any Flint but that's going to wrap up this short and shrouded guide that is this is my first ined guide on the channel let me know in the comments section if you need more ined guides what you're looking for and I'll see what I can do thank you so much for watching like comment and And subscribe if you enjoyed the video [Music] e
Channel: Iceberg Gaming
Views: 11,013
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Keywords: enshrouded, enshrouded gameplay, enshrouded game, enshrouded demo, enshrouded release date, enshrouded base building, keen games, survival builder, enshrouded trailer, enshrouded review, enshrouded building, enshrouded building and terraforming, enshrouded gameplay trailer, enshrouded combat, first impressions, enshrouded force gaming, enshrouded farming, enshrouded female character creation, enshrouded fighting, enshrouded first look, enshrouded guide, enshrouded boss
Id: 0koKfeBrkXI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 22sec (262 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 25 2024
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