The FAKE Love Letter Incident (ft. Ice Cream Sandwich)

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oh you guys seem to enjoy hearing about my awkward moments the times in my life where i am so embarrassed and full of cringe induced discomfort that i don't even know what to say or do luckily for you not me i have had plenty of experiences like that oh man so without further ado let's share it to the whole world the summer of 2014 year eight 13 years old this was a thing how was this a thing what a time to be alive as i said this story is set in summer during the peak of it all imagine a pack of sweaty teenage kids waddling down the hallways leaving long trails of moisture behind them like slugs and the smell after sitting in a classroom with them for over an hour straight yeah gross i was sitting in my humid geography classroom with all my other slimy students when my teacher suddenly arrived [Music] hey guys yeah he didn't help the situation either but hey what can i say summer definitely affected all of us let's call this teacher mr b he wasn't a legitimate teacher just one of those villains that school seemed to pull off the street so that at least we have someone to supervise us misbehaving he was the kind of teacher that would try and teach the class but got no one's attention and do you know what he did to try and get everyone to concentrate he got up in front of the class and made a moving inspirational speech about how gaining knowledge is so important and that we shouldn't be giving up and it gives us powers like just kidding he did absolutely nothing if someone did something a little out of line which wouldn't take long to happen there was a lot of oh no stop that we are learning about tectonic plates today not flappy bird [Music] hey sir do you want to have a go oh yeah why not he just didn't have any good skills in controlling her class and with that i learned nothing also quick side note real quick that is unrelated to the story it was his birthday on this particular day and he played it's my birthday on the big screen and danced to it in front of the whole class oh my god my eyes now let me paint you this picture not that one this one now let's just paint inside the lines and crap joke i was sitting at the back of the classroom with my friend let's call her angel i had another friend in the middle here let's say her name is caitlyn and there were these two boys at the front on the left hand side see this one not really important get out of here but this guy well he's one that made this story a thing so he's pretty important let's call him derek so angel caitlyn and i were writing notes on pieces of paper and chucking them across the room to each other all the while mr b sat at his desk and was probably watching a fly crawl past or watching us though notes and not even realizing that we should be doing something else honestly who knows with this guy who hired him so in general there was nothing crazy about these letters to begin with just the normal hey how are you are you doing anything this weekend and a lot of you smells 10 out of 10 roasting omg she said i smell i have to come up with a better comeback how about uh what was that no idea but that was so annoying angel went to throw this message but somehow her aim was completely out of whack because of this the paper seemed to fly with its own trajectory landing in front of the two boys i mentioned earlier get out of here you idiot yeah they were obviously confused to find a message you smell more bruh we never said you smelt yeah we don't smell either you sure brother so now derek and his sidekick were now involved in this friendly conversation now let's fast forward a bit because literally nothing exciting happens until this freshly ripped piece of paper enters the chat and was ready to cause mayhem caitlyn thought it was time to spice things up ugh these boring convos and new smells are just getting so bland and repetitive wait hold up a love note confession letter to derek now that would be perfect something to get the drama happening i don't like him that way but i can make one and say it's from someone else though let's make it from jess so anyway she begins to write this extravagant letter which goes along the lines of dear derek i really like you and i was wondering if you wanted to date sometime by the way if you didn't get that i really really like you okay thanks bye jess you're probably thinking uh jess why didn't you stop her well the thing is i had no idea this was going on she was over here remember then as you would probably guess derek throws a letter towards me but the bell rang and we had to move on to the next class i just stuffed his letter in my pocket thinking that it wasn't really important and that i could just read it later next class not important the bell rings signaling that school has finished for the day so there was derek and a couple of his friends waiting around for the bus to arrive uh hey my boss is here i'll see you guys tomorrow and then there was this girl who was sitting near caitlyn in geography she goes to me like hey jess you realize caitlyn made a love letter from you and uh sent it to derek are you kidding me as i said i literally had no idea this occurred no one said anything to me until this moment my boss eventually arrived and when i was sitting there being driven home i remembered i had derek's note in my pocket his response to the so-called love letter was just a hand movement away i reached into my pocket and pulled it out scared to read what it might say it went along the lines of this dear jess i am honestly so flattered that you feel that way but unfortunately i don't think i'm ready to jump into a relationship my last relationship in my last school didn't go so great and i kind of want to stay away from that type of thing for a while i hope you understand this definitely doesn't mean we can't still be friends i think you're a cool gal derrick i sat there frozen oh my god no no no no i definitely don't like him in that way what do i do i've got to tell him that the letter wasn't from me i hopped off the bus walked home and immediately messaged him because this phase of my life i only had an ipod with no online social life until reaching wifi yeah so i sent him a message hey derek i'm sorry to tell you but that letter today wasn't from me oh hi jess oh really are you sure um yeah well anyway don't worry your secret is kept safe with me um what why can't you just get the message but seriously that letter wasn't from me so after that whole occurrence nothing was really said i was hoping he would get the idea that i wasn't into him like that and we would move on fast forward again this time a whole year into the future remember that friend i said wasn't important get out of here well now he is let's call him joe who's joe mama he says that all the time in real life joe told me once during class that derek told him and his friend group that i had a massive crush on him the year before just why couldn't he get it was it that hard i said no it wasn't me that's it to this day i don't know why caitlyn did this i was never upset with it though i was just really confused six years on now and i bet no one remembers it except me this stupid story haunts me at night hey guys thank you so much for watching this video i hope you all liked it also derek if you're ever watching this hi hahaha
Channel: Jelly Jess
Views: 470,797
Rating: 4.9145384 out of 5
Keywords: JellyJess, jelly, jess, animation, animated, storytime, story-time, story, moment, cartoon, embarrassing, childhood, stories, funny, animation community, animation squad, theodd1sout, somethingelseYT, jaidenanimations, illymation, timtom, itsalexclark, cypherden, theamaazing, animated story-time
Id: 0v2KE2w4NK0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 22sec (562 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 18 2020
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