door tier list

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nobody asked me to do this video but also nobody can stop me from doing this video doors they're great you can walk through them you can open them you can close them you can even use them to kill a spider i know what you might be thinking get on with it already i'm dying to know what you have to say also you're very cool and i want to subscribe to you and yes i will get to it but you know what they say work first play later and this froggy lamp ain't gonna pay for itself so i am sponsored by skillshare skillshare is an online learning platform for creatives millions of people use skillshare to take their creativity to the next level step aside davinci are you a curious person who wants to learn something new and skillshare is just for you i learned how to play a xylophone skillshare has thousands of inspiring classes for creative and curious people explore new skills deepen existing passions and get lost in creativity check out this new song i just learned personally i want to take this class portrait photography shoot and edit instagram worthy shots taught by jessica kobescy so i can finally take that perfect selfie oh yeah oh yeah that's good you too can learn whatever you want on skillshare learn how to create cute and cuddly balloon animals you can also learn how to animate so you can create very good and skilled animations just like me skillshare has no ads and there's constantly new classes and it's less than ten dollars a month for an annual subscription there's a link in the description that will get you a free trial of premium membership for the first 1 000 people that click on it thank you skillshare for sponsoring this video ok now we may begin by the way uh if you wanted to do this to your list too it's right here if you want to make a video of it use this hashtag because youtube i guess just has hashtag pages now and it works just like instagram so if you make a video and use this hashtag we can all go watch it and see other people's opinions on this very popular and very good tier list the first up is the revolving door the revolving door is a mechanical marvel with its beautiful presentation combined with spinny door go spinny when is a revolving door not fun it is the highlight of any building it's like a mini little mini carnival ride built into the building i don't really have much more to say about it because it's just so simple it spins sometimes it's the little things in life that gets you by literally bliss fantastic door hey your common door we all know it we've all used it easy breezy beautiful cover girl it's part of our everyday anything could be on the other side of these things pizza that you ordered flowers from your secret valentine me if you saw my spider's video you know i used this to kill a huge spider it's the true neutral of doors no hidden agendas it does what it does and for that it has my respect be okay so sliding doors it's like the ice level of doors slippy slidey and frustrating i'm not talking about the ones that lead outside i'm specifically talking about these dorks on wheels any time i use the sliding door i'm frustrated you open it too fast and it bounces off the wall and it doesn't remain all the way open if it's not flush with the wall then it's like those mildly infuriating pictures like oh isn't this frustrating don't you hate it that it looks like this yes i do hate it god also if you need a barricaded door for whatever reason like a clown is coming after you and you need to block the door can't really do that with a sliding door perfect with this dresser you'll never be able to get a snap it's a d if you have a barn door in your house what it's a worse sliding door not even flush with the wall it just floats there it's just like a sliding door but unstable do you have cows in your house do you need some ultra fresh milk if you answered yes then well i can't really say anything about that you are clearly a very powerful person but still bad door d attic doors are terrifying it's a staple of any horror movie what kind of horrible creatures are you harboring just above your very head hey if you are not afraid of this door you have an iron will kind of like those people who work out without music and it's kind of scary not gonna lie it kind of freaks me out i would not want this in my house it is only scary f screen doors what can i say not a lot c hidden doors fantastic never had one but a friend of mine had one of these when we were kids it was in his room too and behind the door was a bunch of games and toys and whenever we had sleepovers we would hang out in that room all the time it was awesome it felt like we had a secret base for the boys i will have one of these in the future even if it cost me my life behind it i'd probably have like a computer and like a bunch of bean bags a projector for movies a chest full of blankets and then to get in you'd have to like say a password or something welcome andy i could go on but i think we're on the same page at this point a plus doggy door dog and of course last but not least who could forget [Music] all right that's all the doors we got thank you for watching go ahead and subscribe baby if you want something else to watch go ahead and watch my kirby video that for some reason got banned on tick tock it's right here alright bye
Channel: Ice Cream Sandwich
Views: 2,104,281
Rating: 4.97647 out of 5
Id: UbDDrT_lmmg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 16sec (316 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 28 2021
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