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Thank you for posting this. It made me happy. :)

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/JohnManchester 📅︎︎ Jul 20 2019 🗫︎ replies
*le step* *F A L L S* I'm online, looking at the rate of bone fractures in the United States, and.... it says here, on this very fancy website *sparkle*, that approximately 6.8 million [ Americans break a bone each year. Considering the population of the United States is about 300 million, that gives us about roughly 2 out of every 10 Americans break their bones... annually. And that means that 8 out of every 10 Americans ***DON'T*** break their bones annually. And I have never broken my bone. So that means... by the law of transitivity, I am 8 out of every 10 Americans. (Mr. Stark I don't feel so good) Millions of people, in the United States alone, are breaking their bones ( UwU) and having to deal with unimaginable pain. And I consider myself really lucky to have never had to go through that pain. That terrible... just... HORRIBLE... terrible, terrible, horrible pain, but I have hurt myself. Not on purpose, but just because I'm being an idiot. Or because I'm near an idiot! That idiot is also usually ME. I've stubbed toes (oof), I got hit in the face with a shoe (OoF), fallen off of a skateboard (OOF), fallen down stairs (FLOOF), I've fallen down the stairs more than I'd like to admit; one time with an entire plate of spaghetti! (*Worlds tiniest violin starts playing*) But that was more of an emotional pain than a physical one D: So I've never broken a bone... But the worst pain I've had to deal with was in college, on an inflatable obstacle course. I was spending the better part of an absolutely gorgeous day inside, when I hear: (Ghostly voice) Fun! coming from outside my window. I go to see what it is, and I see all of these inflatable bouncy castles and obstacle courses outside on the mall. which is like the main area of the school. Near the end of the year when finals happened, the school rents out this third party entertainment company to blow up all these obstacle courses and games for the students to play on, so they can unwind for finals. Which makes sense. And it's really nice and it's a lot better than some half-hearted email about how not to let finals get to your head. (Who put you on the planet EHH) This was, instead, a really nice thing for the school to do. It was actually really nice. (School gets a +1) They had bouncy castles, an obstacle course, and they had one that you had to do like... this. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I don't know how to explain it... It's not important. What is important is the obstacle course. Because that's where all of my friends are hanging out! (Wait you have friends)? As I'm looking out the window, I can see that they're taking turns racing each other through the obstacle course to see who's faster. Clearly, they were having a blast, and I wanted to have, SoMe BlAsT. So I went outside to go meet them! I go outside and meet up with my friends and say that I want to race them. And we have a really fun time racing for most of the afternoon. And during this I'm actually winning most of the races. (r/humblebrag) You see, I had an advantage. While most people are fast or strong, my body is w i g g l y which is perfect for an inflatable obstacle course environment. I can get around, and over, and through most any obstacle with relative ease. This allowed me to get a pretty big head about winning... because I was doing it a lot. (r/humblebrag2). The day was wrapping up and inflatable things were starting to be taken down. But I wanted one more race, because I was on a winning high. One for the road, you know? The obstacle course... was like this. Start, get over some bumps, dive through a hole, duck through some sideways pillars, then climb up a wall, and then slide down the other side, and whoever touches the bottom platform first wins. So the race starts, and that's exactly what I go through. Over the bumps, through the hole, sideways pillars, climb up the wall, and at this point I'm pretty far ahead of my roommate. With the extra time I've gained, I decided I was going to be flashy. So I prop myself up, and instead of sliding down... I..... *Music uwu* * SCREEEEEEE * What ended up happening... was the inflatable structure was not fully inflated. There was a hole in it somewhere, so there was a lot of give to the inflatable course. And because I had jumped off of the top instead of sliding down, all of my inertia when I landed on the bottom platform, punched through... to the ground... and did NOTHING to stop my momentum. I ended up landing all of my weight onto one of my ankles, and it REALLY hurt. Now I've never broken a bone before, but in this moment I sincerely thought that I had. The guy who was taking down the obstacle course,like, peeked around the corner and was like, "You good?" and because I'm an idiot and embarrassed I was like "yEaH" and he was like "Cool!", and then left. I was absolutely writhing in pain though... My friends had to drag me aside and lay me down because I couldn't stand up on my own. Thankfully, I have really good and loving friends and one of them was actually a practicing nurse! So she went and grabbed a "kit-of-a-nurse thing..." and looked at my foot, And... told me to go to the doctor. I agreed, but because I couldn't exactly stand right yet, we decided to wait for the crippling pain to subside a little bit before we left. So to pass the time, my good loving friends made jokes at my expense. Eventually we do end up getting to the doctor, and the doctor explains that we should probably x-ray it just to make sure that there's no hairline fractures or something like that, to which I agree. So we go and get my foot x-rayed. And they determined my foot was fine, not broken. Just a sprain. Which is really hard to believe, because of how much pain I had to go through. Also It's been like three years and it still hurts. Ow. But they insisted that it was just a sprain, so... never broken a bone! So that's the worst I've ever been hurt without breaking anything. In one hand, I have the pain I've been talking about spraining my ankle, and that hurt and that was REALLY bad. On the other hand, I have pain I've never experienced before... which is breaking a bone. Actually, really breaking a bone. Knowing what this felt like, I don't know if I could survive this pain. But there's only one way to find out! *why* Thanks for watching this video... before I go, uh... couple things. When I was editing this, my cousin discovered an old home video of all of us playing on a slide as kids. Just really quick. Let's um, check it out. This is me. Look at those BIG old peepers. What is wrong with me? This was a deep-seeded problem from childhood. I can't operate slides, I guess, just get up on the top and I'm not known for my intelligence. Moneymaker's up here. One more thing before I go, Dingo made a video a while ago with me in it and I talked about another time I was hurt; you should check it out. The video is here. Also while you're over there, subscribe to her channel. She's great. Yeah, you can also subscribe to my channel, and if you do in the next ten minutes, I will eat... this entire... other subscriber. 0w0
Channel: Ice Cream Sandwich
Views: 8,810,285
Rating: 4.979557 out of 5
Keywords: ice cream sandwich, animation, icecreamsandwich, hurt, sprain, leg pain, oof owie ouchiee, bouncy castle, obstacle course
Id: oKLbOxLJfRg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 32sec (392 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 21 2019
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