Guest Story: How to be Cool (Ft: Ice Cream Sandwich)

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Hey everybody! I'm doing the collab-boration thingy again where somebody cool comes and tells me a story and I animate it. Sooo, today we got the hilarious, Ice Cream Sandwich... guy??? Hey. (Laughter) You know him from his-uh- his awesome YouTube channel and Ice Cream Sandwich comics. So, I'm just gonna jump right into it. Uh, I was watching your stuff and, uh Your videos and I'd read your comics for a bit. And when I was-uh- watching your stuff, I was like, "Man.. this guy's really funny." (Laughter) Like, "How the hell do I get so funny?" (More laughter) "Teach me. Teach me how to be funny." Thank you. That's very-that's very flattering. It's very nice. And I was just like, "Oh man I-I should- I should throw you a tweet." So, I just like threw you a tweet and ran away. (Laughter) I feel that's-that's how I deal with a lot of Interaction online. But I mean, thank you for replying to my tweet. Yeah, and thank you for reaching out. It's... this is fun. Well, it was funny because I was just like, um, I was like, "Oh man I have to do this recording." uh Okay. Well I have to- I had like, some pajamas on and I was like, "Okay now I have to wear some actual clothes." So I just put on like better pajamas. (Laughter) I'm just like, "Alright! I'm ready now." Business attire. I'm also wearing pajamas. I-I like, I went to work out earlier and then I'm like, "Well time to get dressed." And I just took off my workout shorts and I just put on pajama pants. (Laughter) It's Saturday. Exactly. and you're--my you're my second guest. So, uh, this is still an unorganized hodgepodge of- of mayhem. Welcome! Thank you. Everything's on fire. So whatchu' got for me? Yeah. So, um you were talking about just like there was no theme attached. So like you're just like anything that like was scary or cool, when you're a kid or recently... And I was like, "Okay. This is gonna be difficult because my memory is bad." (Laughter) But this is what I got, this one is like Yeah, no. The a-(stuttering)-One time I hit myself with an axe, but that one didn't really leave any marks. What?! You can't just not tell me how that happened. I'll get to that one after this one. Okay But the first one is like that was- this injury, probably my worst injury. I've never broken a bone. I've never you know, like gotten a wound that you know was like, it left like a lasting scar except for that time I tried to make pizza and I hit my arm on the oven; but there was- that was not a big deal. <Okay.> Um, I- (Laughter) I was with my friend, this was like high school or junior high school or something, and he was like, kind of like the bad kid. I was like the sweet nerd that really couldn't do anything Like I was the dork. I wasn't by any means cool; that's what I'm trying to say. <Mm-hmm. So, you know like a lot of us. (laughter) Yeah. He was the bad kid and, and for some reason we were friends not sure why but we just took a liking to each other and we both liked art; maybe that was it. We were biking around one time and we had gotten to the top of this water tower. At the base of the water tower there was construction going on. So lots of machinery and things and dirt and gravel and a mound of gravel. and he had sprinted down like-like full blast and skids at the bottom and like doesn't, you know, it's like kind of cool, you know "I'm the bad guy and I like to take risks." Yeah be bad-(quack) Yeah, now that's not like risky, like going down a hill on a bike really fast. It's not like crazy. But at the time being the uncool, unathletic, very... uncoordinated, nerdy dork that I was I was like, "Whoa. nice." He was like, "You do it!" I'm like, "No, I can't do that." He said "Come on!" You know social pressure, social pressure, social pressure. <You wanna be cool don't you?> I did and I broke. So he'd like kind of like pressured me to like come down the hill and he wanted me to go over the dirt mound. There was a dirt mound at the bottom from the construction that he wanted me to go over and so he was like pressuring me and after seeing him going so fast, I just kind of like put two and two together and I book it down the hill. Like I'm leaning into it like really pumping into my bike and going as fast as I can. <Freakin' determined> At the end of the hill he's like, "Slow down!" Cuz he did not mean for me to like ramp off of the hill. He's just like, go over the mound. like just kind of like get to the top and like, slide on the other side. But I'd-I'd reached the mound already. So it was far too late and my bike just.. (stuck) sticks into it. Like the wheel is inside the mound and I'm flying, like I'm 20 feet like beyond... The- the mound of concrete or the mound of- of dirt. I can't remember what material, it doesn't matter <Could be puppies.> and like I had catapulted. Like I was gone and- I remember just like have a memory of being suspended in air for like a really long time and like <everything slows down> Yeah. "I wonder how this is gonna -(explosion noise) I slammed face-first into the gravel that was on the ground and I slide another five feet <oooo> and that was what had gave me my worst injury. Half of my face was just like bloody, scratched. And, surprisingly, I didn't feel a thing but it had got a lot of, uh questions when I went back to school the next week. <you probably looked pretty cool.> I did people were like, "Whoa!" "What'd you do?" <Mission accomplished!> Yes, I was finally cool! <See? He knew what he was say-what he was talking about> Yeah, he held me out, you know. And so the axe story is much less interesting I went outside because I was like, "I've been inside playing video games all day." I go outside I'm like, "I just want to just chop this fallen tree in half." and I've taken this axe and it was really dull So it-like I'm like 30 minutes into just like swinging this axe, non-stop. I don't know why I was doing this, just wanted to be outside doing a thing? Then like, one of the swings I miss. And I just hit my leg. <Oof> Thankfully, the axe was totally dull and it just like cut... me? Instead of like gash me, like it didn't get to the bone or anything. I walk inside and I'm like, "Hey mom, do you got any stuff for this?" She was like, "What did you do?!" <"I like playing with axes"> <"Get off my back mom!"> "You don't understand mom." She loves me but at that moment she's like "What are you doing kid?" Yeah, so that was mine that was the axe story, much shorter. <Thanks for-I mean, thanks for doing this for me.> Yeah, thank you for this was a lot of fun. It was a good way to spend a Saturday Um, thank you for your like setting it up with reaching out and all that stuff Yeah, so go check out his stuff, link in the description. And here's the social media and all that Good good stuff, and I hope you all enjoyed this. It was lots of fun. Yeah, and I'll see you guys later Buh-bye, yeah
Channel: Dingo Doodles
Views: 1,783,028
Rating: 4.9664316 out of 5
Keywords: collaberation, collab, storytime, story, guest, icecreamsandwich, ice cream sandwich, comics, animation, animatic, funny, fun
Id: a8XqaH53C3s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 37sec (457 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 17 2018
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