My First Boyfriend... EXPOSED!

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[Music] i'm excited to announce that we are doing another tablet giveaway the wonderful people over at gaomon were nice enough to send me one of their display tablets to review and give away to you guys let me tell you a bit about it before i show you how to win it this is the pd156 pro a 15.6 inch 1080p tablet for drawing and animation with a full laminated and anti-glare screen slice so opening the box we've got a faux leather protective case for the tablet itself which was a very nice surprise an instructions manual cleaning cloth and smudge guard glove a few cables a power adapter and a holder for the pen and of course the actual pen you draw with another nice inclusion is this sturdy adjustable stand for the tablet it sits on something which is definitely necessary for a tablet this size but without further delay here is what you've all been waiting for [Music] the gaomon pd156 pro has a bunch of great features the size being the most obvious this thing is nice and big it's got nine express keys down the side which you can easily customize to carry out any actions you choose as well as a circular dial in the middle which is also customizable despite the device's size it's only 1.3 kilograms so it's very easy to carry around the pen doesn't feel as hefty as some other ones i've used in the past but it works just as well with tilt support 8192 levels of pressure sensitivity the extra nibs included it's definitely not a flaw by any means normally with pen displays like this you have to plug it into a computer or laptop and then also connected to a power outlet in the wall with this gammon tablet however you can power this device with just a laptop let's draw something ah yes magnificent a beautiful piece a work of art this tablet is on sale now so check out the links in the description to purchase one yourself from their official amazon store if you want to take your chances with the giveaway however here's what you need to do number one follow my twitter at jellyjessyt number two retweet the pinned tweet which looks like this that's it you've entered i'll choose a winner in a couple weeks and contact them via twitter too so make sure your dms are open huge thanks to gammon for the tablet to review and again all their links are in the description today's video is a little bit different to the normal ones i do i'm joined here today with my friend jack hi uh my name is jack uh or as you guys might know me as joe in some past videos so jack is known as joe mama in your mom so jack has been in the piercing video and the love letter video which the love letter video happened quite some time ago and yeah so jack and i have actually like been friends for quite some time now yeah we've been friends for quite a few years known each other since uh primary school which is since birth since birth came out same hospital it was incredible same time same day same mum jess is actually my sister no but i think we've been friends probably since you came to my primary school which i think that was year five yep very saturday year five but year five was also the day it was also the year we both got our first relationships yes yes and that's today's video today we're going to be talking about our first relationships which is kind of awkward but it's worth sharing to the internet it's it's a lot of everyone goes to you know so i think people can relate to this one yeah so my first boyfriend was actually in year six so it was kind of roughly in the same time frame so jack or joe was around i'm just going to call you jack i'm just knocked i'm just going to forget about joe yes i want the whole video just call me jack your mama so my first boyfriend was actually in year six so it was roughly the same time frame but we are going to call this mysterious guy colin and there's a reason because of that because my brother's never actually found out the name of him and he's kind of just been going as colin this whole time so colin it's now your time to shine welcome to the cool colon colin come on out you're going out behind the curtain mate uh and my first relationship was with a girl in year five and i mean you guys already know this girl it's it's shannon she's been in a few of jess's videos already as well here's a montage of shannon just put actual photos of shannon so shannon is still one of our really good friends that's why she's still been in our videos and like she's in our group like we see her constantly we saw her today actually we saw it yeah we saw her today and i'm sure she doesn't mind that a real name is in the video i'm like colin yeah that's why we have colin and not not the other one you know so what i remember of you and shannon the very first time because there's been multiple times of you guys dating yeah yeah three three or four we're not exactly sure but yeah that's that's insane so young the fact that we can't remember the fact that it's safe the first time i remember because you moved to our school i remember her being like oh my god like jack's like really cool um and i'm i was like always like i'm not a man but i was always the wingman and i think i might have like went up to you and been like hey so like my friend really likes you that was scary and i probably ran away like i do in most situations involving females but [Laughter] still to this day to this day i just run the first time he dated it was probably just asking it through friends honestly yeah honestly it was probably like the first day you came to school and you guys like started dating yeah i wouldn't be surprised i cannot remember let's just yeah we'll go with that probably only lasted about one or two weeks as most of them go yeah it was a beautiful relationship we did so much together during our time of one week of not talking to each other or seeing each other at all and then we broke up because i didn't talk to her or see each other for the entire week so i was gonna say what did you guys do in your spare time nothing just you just didn't didn't talk to us i didn't talk to her in my spare time that that was the reason we ended up breaking up beer because of um that the second time was a little more successful there was there was at least one or two sentences said during our second time dating that's so romantic yeah we look don't tell anyone this chess but i think we might have even hugged that one oh my god i'm speechless one thing i really remember is like one day i was just sitting with shannon at lunch and a group of the boys were sitting like over on the other side and they were doing like oreo dares and i remember one of them one of the boys asks you um to ask shannon out if you get like what get the feeling on your side that's how the oreo does work i'm not really sure if they're like popular in other countries yeah they weren't even that popular in our country maybe we're just like loser kids who just had nothing else to do we couldn't we didn't have many toys so we played with oreos so basically basically if you don't know about this oreo dare thing you twist the oreo and if the filling is on your side then you have to do whatever you were dared to do so jack jack twisted the oreo and there was filling on his side so he had to ask out shannon again it probably wasn't the longest relationship yet again um but you know it was also based on a dare so when she found out she wasn't too pleased about that as she kind of just but like she she wasn't too pleased but i think she was pleased because she did say yes like she could have said no she's probably thinking like oh he's coming back for me like maybe she also lost an oreo darren had to say yes i don't i honestly can't remember how that one ended yeah crying lots of tears the sadness heartbreak heartbreak but your relationship it wasn't just topsy-turvy as mine one was yours was a little stronger mine was a little bit stronger but literally like no social interaction whatsoever like it was the labels were there yeah the labels were there and they were pretty strong but nothing else was unfortunately think of just two little kids and we're very separated and we're just we're just sitting there like we're not even like talking to each other or anything and then like another kid comes along and just been like oh and you guys are like so cute no we're not like we're not even like interacting with each other we're not even like interacting interacting is one thing you guys like barely even looked at each other like the labels are definitely there but you guys did not exist to each other in real life we were just like disgusted like that's probably what it looked like but yeah i find it so weird like i remember it wasn't just us but like any sort of like young relationship like you're so like good friends with him before you get that like dating title and as soon as that happens it just goes to crap like it's it's just not the same it's like what happened like i remember being good friends with like colin before that and then as soon as it came like it just like died some reason like we we actually lasted a long time unlike you and shannon hey like you lasted a long time but who has the most most relationships out of all of us here i'm winning i'm on top right now who keeps crawling back he keeps crawling back it's this guy it was like we we started dating in primary school and we moved on to high school and we were still in like the same schools so i think we were like dating for like a year and a half but like there wasn't much to it you know like i know you weren't there for the start of the high school because you were at a different school yes but with shannon oh we yeah literally wish it was fate like it was it was meant to happen you know but unfortunately you didn't because you guys broke up again yeah that's why that's actually why i moved schools i couldn't understand the heartbreak this time around had to get out of bed did you guys even like date in high school oh we were trying to figure that one out and uh neither of us could actually even remember if we dated in year seven i'd like to that's up in the air right now we'll figure it out we'll come back to that one i actually remember one of the times that you and shannon broke up um you know because like it's weird because i remember teachers like being encouraging about relationships in primary school but like others were like completely against it and i remember this one time this one teacher on the other side of the school saw like you guys hug and she um she like pulled shannon aside like the next day and she was like you know boyfriends aren't allowed in primary school no way yeah i don't know i didn't i never heard about this this is the first time this is this is news to me this is bringing a tear to my eye yeah this is so sad maybe that teaches why we broke up well it is because she broke up with you the next day okay brilliant that solves that one because she she told me about it and then like i don't know i remember just like being at that age and like feelings were just like instantly gone and i asked her i'm like do you still like him and she's like no that was it to be honest not much changed once we broke up i still didn't talk to her i still didn't go see her it seems like you guys were still in a relationship but almost like we did not break up at all until we started dating again for the third time but i remember you saying something about your dad was that the one well it could have been that breakup because you actually didn't see that one coming um i didn't see any of them coming to be honest with you it seems like none of them really fazed you to be honest no well none of them really did i just remember telling my dad uh about one of the bra it was the oh and it was definitely the first one because i think after the first one i just got used to us breaking up and getting back together okay um so first the first one hits you in this yeah the first one oh my feels i was so downtrodden and sad and i told my dad and he patted me on the shoulder and told me there were plenty of fish in the sea and that was it and that yeah that is they did not give it they didn't give a care in the world all right the minecraft day the date of all this is the most romantic date you can go on with another human being this is the biggest flex i ever have on anyone the biggest flex you'll ever ever have you're never going to up do this i'm sorry so one day i got a message from colin on kick don't use kik i hope no one uses kik anymore no i hope no one uses kick these days but i got a message from him and he was like hey so uh you want to like come over and play some minecraft i was like oh my god yes of course i do and so i did and my mom came along too and she ended up having like the biggest like deep and meaningful well i'm there with colin on the lounge like playing minecraft having a blast build what'd you guys build on that minecraft dave i think we feel like the crap is looking like a wooden house dirt house we'd like yeah and then like we went we also went mining together and i was getting hit by a skeleton and i i honestly probably didn't know what i was doing at this point but he jumped in front of me and saved me and it was the most romantic thing that is so sweet it's the sweetest love story that anyone can have god i wish shannon would pick up a game and take me on a minecraft date but you know he eventually died and then i died in the game too so there's that romantic ending what's something that you did to shannon which was romantic at that age give her any gifts did you like give her a little smooch there was some organized hugs and kisses organized by you yeah literally organized by me every single one after school with uh there'd be a time and place we'd meet and it was either a hug or a kiss on the cheek and as soon as the hug or kiss happened i would take off running in the office situation run like that in the world they did not have time to think i was out of there but like do you remember like the crowds that would happen like everyone just wanted to see it for some weird reason at that age it was pretty insane you know hugging someone and like someone was always like on teacher alert too like just in case the teachers came but i remember one time you went to a house for easter you know the most romantic holiday my ad yeah eggs bunnies love eggs what more could you ask for like probably the scariest thing i've ever actually still probably the scariest thing i've ever done in my entire life really were you like shaking the whole time yeah yeah i shook for about a week afterwards he was just like oh i saw shannon outside of school what do you mean you wear another clothes that aren't a school uniform that just doesn't make sense you are not the girl i date i actually don't recognize her out of the school uniform like is shannon home i am shannon literally just like any sort of like thing with you she would tell me like oh he gave me this and he like he like looked at me today like there and i'm just like oh my god wow how long did he look at you for that's crazy it should be like you know like three milliseconds like i glanced at her accidentally panicked and run off in the opposite direction no yes so the easter egg it was very frightening uh i think that was actually the first time i ever got to go like a present or anything like that so that was a big moment for me yeah this is a big moment never done it since you know that's what it was yeah no knocking on that door very frightening giving over the easter egg also very frightening uh running away did she even say anything like or did she just like kick you out no i think it was too cool i think i like gave it to her and was like all right see say bye it would have been very quick i remember like as soon as jeremy was like hey we got this for you and that was it did did you ever get any gifts oh i did but like i can't remember anything that was like great i think i gave him like an ipod 4 case no way i wouldn't i wouldn't be surprised but i remember he got me this necklace and because this was for christmas um the first time we were like dating so we were still like in primary school and he gave me this necklace of a little tiny like solid heart and of course there was a crowd everyone was around at this time and as soon as i opened it everyone's like and i'm just like oh my god thanks and thanks i love it wow brilliant yeah and then just imagine like awkward hug and you know the day continues don't talk to him ever again but i remember eventually like going like rusty what was that no the thought was there the thought the thought counts it's what yeah that's really just what counts yeah so i think i'd like probably at that age i think i did like scrub it with toothpaste like do you know how to what the hell why it's like a natural thing like to like clean your jewelry so it comes out shiny again really yeah like you soak it in like this toothpaste and water i'm sure there's probably something else you're actually not going to believe that you're not going to believe these chests but surprisingly enough no surprisingly enough when i was in year 86 and seven i wasn't scrubbing my jewelry all too much with toothpaste it's a bit of a shock but that's insane i thought you would year six formal um i obviously got asked to go to this occasion with my fellow now boyfriend and it was very awkward the the whole relationship was already awkward but like at this formal it was really awkward like he would just come up and be like how did he ask you oh well i don't even know if he did he's just like oh well we're dating so like i guess we're gonna be like an item there obviously did you guys sit at the same table no we didn't like we didn't even get to pick where we were which probably yeah it probably worked out well anyway because we didn't really talk is that true the only words he he gives to me at the forward is wanna dance can you just imagine two like very young young stupid kids on the dance floor just like not even like it was crazy you guys should have been there they were doing the worm colin started break dancing while jess started beat boxing it was insane you should have been there it was the best thing and nothing has lived it down like since man it was just so like oh like if i'd like i can just imagine like it replaying my head and i just like want to crawl up in a ball awkward like hands on shoulders dancing just kind of walking back and forth really yeah like not even dancing like because i remember there were like no slow songs played they were like all like heavy like farts like party rocket like can you imagine like slow dancing the party rock in them yeah so you know everyone's there shuffling on the dance floor we're just slow dancing oh my god i forgot shuffling was a thing back then i mean a lot of people were getting in trouble a lot at that form because there weren't teams they were teachers yeah we could only party rock so hard yeah did you ever bring shannon to the formal i was trying to figure that out i don't think we did um did you ever have another another girlfriend at the forum um you were quite the ladies man look what can i say that's just me you see my bald head we i don't think i don't believe we did i don't i think i went to the formal a single uh a single man a bachelor as as as many cool call it a bachelor to colin a bachelor to colin and all like all i did was party rock now you know shuffled a little bit you know i didn't need to worry about any girl like you're probably like like stuff like colin and i you just like took the whole dance floor to yourself nothing on my mind but the music and two glasses of coke that i was getting that night yeah it's wild max 2 if you have more than that no you have to leave sorry you have too much to drink you have to leave a big part of those relationships because there wasn't much you know talking per se a big part of the communication was yeah love letters like one of my videos a love letter this one i remember shannon like one day in class she was like i'm gonna write a love letter to jack but she she gave it to his little uh brother at the time are you still my little brother he's still my little brother just he wasn't my little brother at the time i remember like we hunted him down like the whole school and this there was probably like what like 500 kids in this school yeah probably about them and so we hunted this little kid down and shannon gave him this little tiny tiny note that says i love you jack and she was like she was lying to your brother like give this to jack that was it and did you ever get that love letter yeah no i cannot remember ever receiving a love letter from so i i do think that he just kept it to himself and looks back on it every now and then you know you're a love letter from colin colin colin actually yeah colin used to because we didn't talk much uh one of his other good friends would always be like oh yeah like you guys should like send lovely like love letters to each other so yes with love letters um one of colin's like other good friends was like really into our relationship for some reason and he was like yeah you guys should like send love letters to each other now i will be the one delivering them i'm like okay chill out hold your horse's mane like he's got like a sticky notes and he's got his pen ready like you know he's like forcing me to do this i'm like okay he would like sometimes just give me like a random sticky note that was just like i love you then that was like it and like i didn't i didn't like chuck them out either i just like kept them in my bag and so like they they kind of grew like in size like i i received a few but yeah that was all that was in your bag is just love letters and a few letters that is just like hey minecraft date question mark yeah i remember he gave me a lot of these letters and then there was one fateful day where the letters stopped okay and i would go to his group that had jack in it i would go there there like probably like quite a bit um probably like half lunch so i could spend time with my friends and then spend some time with you know colin yeah and by spending time they uh they stood next to each other i didn't really talk didn't talk at all and then that would be it it was very romantic so yeah i would do that for quite some time i'll go down there to talk to him and then he would eventually be like oh i'm gonna play basketball or i'm gonna play handful with the boys i can't even read but i just don't look at these words and act like i know what they're saying just in his head he was like i don't want to hang out with you anymore but he didn't want to say it to me so i don't know why i didn't get the idea that he just didn't want to be around me anymore this love story was cracking it was falling apart it was a lunch and i was walking i was walking to colin's group i saw all the boys run away to the basketball court as soon as they saw me and then i see except one boy except this one fateful he was walking towards me that bean jack that was me yeah he walks up to me and says hey uh sorry i think uh colin wants to break up with you what hey i'm sorry um colin i think colin is breaking up with you oh okay yeah um yeah anyways so uh see ya where are you going where are you going why are you running did you did you think i was just gonna break down in tears like i didn't have time to think i was too busy running too busy thinking of like joining the boys playing basketball yeah i'm missing out on so much basketball right now i mean i wasn't there but i know they're probably just like you know what jack you're the man you're the man for this you wanna do us a favor jack can you go break up with my girlfriend yeah sure i remember that day i had all the little letters in my bag and i just like tipped him down the bin ripped him up and then tipped him in the bin and that was it that was a day the funeral and i like i can't really remember like being like heart broken like it was kind of just like oh we aren't together anymore it's not like we really like did anything the shackles fell off you yeah it's like yeah cause like we we didn't really hang out or we didn't really talk so i know it was it was nothing real different to be honest oh just after the breakup i remember it being like really awkward i was like walking down like a corridor one time and he was coming the opposite way and you know how like you try and like like get around the person but then you stuck like doing like a little that happened so many times and we're just like oh sorry just gotta go god just answer me this do you do you miss colin um no i don't okay to put it bluntly um [Music] you
Channel: Jelly Jess
Views: 136,767
Rating: 4.9300466 out of 5
Keywords: JellyJess, jelly, jess, animation, animated, storytime, story-time, story, moment, cartoon, embarrassing, childhood, stories, funny, animation community, animation squad, theodd1sout, somethingelseYT, jaidenanimations, illymation, timtom, itsalexclark, cypherden, theamaazing, animated story-time
Id: wPx8YA2TmF4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 53sec (1793 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 28 2020
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