Working in Retail (Animated Story-Time)

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[Music] for the first time in my life I decided to get a job in customer service at a supermarket and even though I've only been working at this job for a few months it has definitely been interesting this wasn't my first ever job though I have been employed to bake cakes at ridiculous hours of the morning in the past but we'll get into that in another video I'm sure before we get into today's video though I want to let you guys know that we've got our second ever sponsor dream me dream me is a platform for creative female written fiction functioning for both authors and readers with a hundred and fifty thousand books a hundred thousand writers and 20 million subscribers dreamy has partnered up with me to help spread love and support during these tough times and have created an exciting activity for us to all get involved with to join simply write we are together on some paper take a photo of it and share it on social media with the hashtags hashtag we are together and hashtag dreamy spreading love and support between each other is so important in times like this to emphasize the fact that nobody is alone when it comes to hardships health care workers especially would appreciate this outpouring support as they are literally out there saving the world and sacrificing their own safety for the benefit of us all we're currently experiencing such a horrible world event and we all need a little bit more positively put out into the world so it would be amazing if you guys could help spread this encouraging message dream me are going to go through the tag post and pick out 30 people to receive 300 free reading coins in the app as well as a special gift pack and on top of that there you going to choose five of you communists below this video to receive the same rewards they've also given out special gift packs to the riders who are also healthcare workers which is just a really nice gesture I wanted to also mention anyway on with the video this customer service job was my first job that required social skills and I had none when I blindly walked into it me applying for this job and me creating this YouTube channel happened at exactly the same time and for a good reason I probably could have invest all my time into YouTube but I knew that I probably needed some sort of backup to support me while I was trying to make this all work and me working at this place so it's turned into content so you know let's call the supermarket lulz since that rhymes with the actual name of the store and I don't want to get sued for using their awful store name I applied for my job at Lowe's online and a couple weeks later I was scheduled in for an interview I used to hear so many horror stories about people for heat and butchering the interviews purely on the fact of nervousness but honestly I feel fine I walked in and answered all the typical job interview questions and then we just spoke about dogs for the second half of it I was pretty satisfied with that then the week after that I had my first shift this is where things take a turn I made so many mistakes and fruit vegetables how had I never heard of half of these oh excuse me what is this it is a joke oh listen to this nerd she has never heard of it before hey mom yeah have you ever heard of a joke oh before [Music] yes I don't want to choke about it not only are the random names of obscure fruit hard to grasp but trying to find certain brands of certain fruit Wow let's use a really simple example here though and say apples do you know how many different types Sarah what about Mandarin so many when I was being trained up for the job I accidentally pressed the wrong type of apples on the system and suddenly offended a customer what is this job itch you're supposed to give me a pink lady do you really think I want just some apple base humor for you guys this leads me into the most important and horrifying aspect of working in customer service the customers themselves strangers can be very unpredictable other time so you can pretty much predict exactly what nonsense is going to come out of their mouth there are people who get way too excited when placing their groceries on the conveyor belts and end up chucking their food all over the place and their bags I've been hit in the head once we've got the old lady's bags up thank you so much young lady you are beautiful and I don't doubt your mother thinks the same legit some well lady said that to me and after she left I heard a complimenting someone else she is the definition of a blessing on the other hand though some are like this where is my wallet you stole my wallet give it back are you putting through my cash chicken after bread not yellow oh my god I hate the yellow ones how much is this something definitely smells around this area fix it hold up how did this add up so it has got to be wrong does this taste good can I please speak to Karen I bet it doesn't how much are the apples this week great now you made it too heavy can you enter my pin in for me please start steal my bank details it is a lot too especially when first starting the job not to mention that I wore a badge stating that I was new so yeah no give me a girl up right also I found out there's a lot of people like this hi how are you going you know what put me in a box and eat me across the ocean I don't have time to deal with this there's also those situations where both people say how are you doing and it's just awkward because no one replies students you think the other person's going to reply this happens all the time who is meant to answer first is anyone meant to answer some people really make me uncomfortable though here's something that happens way too often hey there how are you doing just why in what type of situations do you need to wink at a worker in a grocery store explain your reasoning for this and what makes it worse is that it isn't just the same person doing this on repeat heaps of old men do it which is disturbing after that happens I'm kind of just on edge and let out awkward laughs if they say anything else exhibit a Exhibit B yep awkward I know a lot of other people do this too but I have the fakest customer service voice out there my voice just goes old high-pitched and I can't control it it just happens this might be one of the reasons why people have been asking me ah how old are you you look like a little girl why aren't you in school you dropped out of school to work here Wow okay some people apologize which is cool and all but if it were me I wouldn't question anyone's age if you didn't know them personally one time a lady was so blunt and said this right to my face 18 you look 12 like yeah I get it I'm a small person five two to be exact and I have a baby face so just be polite about it please kids are another type of customer entirely I have witnessed so many temper tantrums over toys and chocolate it's almost a daily occurrence oh you have got to wait until the lady scans it if I did that when I was little my wife would literally just put the chocolate back on the Shelf passive-aggressively you know what you don't deserve this my stole loaves has done a bunch of these free toy promotions recently where if you spend over $30 on your groceries you get a blind bag with a mystery toy inside and you can eventually collect them all blah blah blah kids go nuts for these literally I saw these two kids fighting each other for one of these cheap toys oh my god is that the dog food yeah did I have it no oh my god give it all give me the dog food stop it so anyway those are the main types of people I come across but there are certain types of conversations that I have to play along with multiple types a day paint busy of you baby busy oh yeah it's crazy you must be so tired and busy from working all day haha yeah absolutely it would be so much cheaper if we didn't have to eat nice one Suzanne worse the toilets down the hall to the right do you know where John is gone um who is John this one time I was on the register by myself and this mother and daughter began to stack all their items onto the conveyor belt I could just tell her mother was in a foul mood and her daughter was very energetic and irritating to her at the time she just wouldn't stop asking questions about the food and her mum would always just respond with the salty one-word replies while this was going down the girl had one of those beanie boos and was making it jump on every single item which was hard because I was trying to grab them to scan she literally held on to some of the products and just stared me down with a dead straight face kind of creeped me out a little anyway now to the beanie boo I never thought I'd be discussing about beanie boos in my videos it was a white blue grey monkey this was it since she wasn't getting a good conversation out of her mother she started asking me random questions about it what type of monkey is this over the course of our encounter a queue had form and I had to scan the items as fast as possible she then repeated her question impatiently what type of monkey is this yes this caught me off guard and I did my little awkward laugh like a white and blue monkey haha what the hell is that once everything was done the two of them walked away but this girl held her eye contact with me until she reached the door still not quite sure on what to make out of that whole scenario on a related note another shift resulted in a random kid hugging me and not letting me go he's still here to this very day no but seriously he came all the way around behind the desk to do this it was so confusing still preferable over the psychotic beanie boo girl and now for the other side of the job packing the groceries honestly I don't find it to be too bad of a tusk I've come to the realization that the art of grocery packing is literally the real-life version of Tetris so uh maybe a certain guy out there might like packing bags at Lowe's all you have to do is pack everything in really close together so there's no empty spaces while also making sure each bag isn't too heavy for the customer Oh oh my something I didn't expect coming into this job was that it is so easy to cut and bruised your hands from simply packing some food the sharp edges on the plastic meat containers always manage to slice me up or even jamming my fingers against heavy foods such as tins of dog food that hurts a lot and worst of them all catching colds from people there have been a few times where I've came home crawled into bed and just passed out for what felt like a century thinking back to when I first started working at Lowe's versus now there is definitely a significant improvement in my confidence when talking to customers sure I'm still not the best at it but I was worse than a nervous wreck when I first started out I even get to say things over the speaker's of the shop now I only plan to work at this job part-time and only temporarily I think full-time would drive me insane and it's definitely not a career path I want to be in long term but I do take off my hat to the people that have been working in these types of jobs for an insane amount of years I've definitely realized how crazy sometimes this job can really be but to end this video on a positive note I want to tell you guys one of my favorite things about working at lulls getting those cheeky little staff discounts but do you know what's even better than that getting cheeky little stuff discounts on the already discounted food I've came home from work plenty of times with tons of great discounted foods no one can get between me and my red velvet cupcakes Hey thank you so much for watching and I hope you guys enjoyed me talking about lows I've actually been working at this job for quite some time now so I definitely have a lot of other stories for a pot too if you guys are interested
Channel: Jelly Jess
Views: 648,349
Rating: 4.9467158 out of 5
Keywords: JellyJess, jelly, jess, animation, animated, storytime, story-time, story, moment, cartoon, embarrassing, childhood, stories, funny, animation community, animation squad, theodd1sout, somethingelseYT, jaidenanimations, illymation, timtom, itsalexclark, cypherden, theamaazing, animated story-time, Lols, Retail, Working in Retail, My first job, getting a job, working in hospitality, grocery store, working as a cashier, annoying customers
Id: 6yCmqalJnZ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 53sec (833 seconds)
Published: Fri May 15 2020
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