Weird Things I Did as a Kid (ft. Sultan Sketches)

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[Music] I like to think I was a pretty brave kid when growing up but there were definitely a few things that just absolutely terrified beef let's talk about and specifically green ants I was petrified of these little creatures I would bolt in the opposite direction if one of these ants were near me I wish I was kidding about this one back then I remember the pain from one of these bad boys was so painful oh my god girl Claire just got bit by it greeted on the back oval and she's coming in now I don't think she's gonna make it I feel so sorry for her goodbye everyone I love you all okay sweetie there's your band-aid and go and enjoy the rest of your lunch okay I will if only I knew about the scarier things in life but another stupid thing was that I was also scared of those tiny tiny tiny homeless ants as well you know those small black ants that only ever come out when there's food around yeah those ones one time when I was a lot younger I have this clear memory of this fear unfolding oh and I was on the toilet out of nowhere this Greenert starts marching out and honestly it felt like it was gonna be the end of my life one thing I absolutely hated as a kid was face paint majority of kids loved it but I try to avoid it at all costs there was this one time in class where we had to dress up as pirates and to go along with that we had to have face paint stitches on our faces how realistic okay you're up next you're going to look like a pirate in no time come on you're a part of this show you need your stitches okay time for those stitches yeah I washed it off immediately after the performance the smell but yeah it definitely made me gaggle up but I think I might have just been the school's face paint that was really gross just you speaking of gagging did anyone else have the feeling of needing to do that when they saw people eat glue I definitely did for some weird reason it just grossed me out so what and I would end up in a coughing fit what it's just glue here I've got a premium blue glue stick for you eat up I honestly don't think much has changed because the still makes me cringe just thinking about it another thing I absolutely hated when I was little was when clips were placed in my hair I'm not really sure if they are as popular as what they used to be but this is what they used to look like basically how stylish I think Bobby paints have definitely taken over that trend and just look at it it looks so much better compared to some chunky clip as soon as they were placed in my hair I would rip them out immediately why didn't you just unclip it it would have been much easier so I never really bought anything in my hair when I was a lot younger I just ran around with a coconut head this next weed story happened in the same time frame as the other story I just told you about say if I was just outside relaxing doing my own thing and then a dragonfly flies puffs real I would drop whatever I was doing and chased this dragonfly with full speed I was fully committed in trying to catch these insects they flew fall so that was pretty much it therefore that equals a cool insect wait can dragonflies even bite people I'll look it up oh well it turns out they can buy people so what it's saying here in self-defense these dragonflies will bite as hard as they can if they were caught in someone's hands uh-huh thank God that wasn't me so I remember doing this one time in the backyard and my dog was around and was probably thinking wow she is an idiot something must have caught her eye because with all her speed she charged at me she was probably after the dragonfly so whenever my mum was mowing the lawn outside for some weird reason I used to love running in front of her because I liked him pretend I was running for my life I was like the og Temple Run al back yard was pretty big and towards the end of it I felt so exhausted but I couldn't stop or else I would die I can just imagine my mom being like oh I could have been finished by now can I just run her over already stuff it full speed all my strawberry jellies I would also pretend to drown in pool sometimes yeah I know pretty stupid I would just float at the top of the pool but with my head on the water my mom wasn't a fan of that one there was also a face in my life where I absolutely loved acting like a dolphin weird huh we used to visit SeaWorld a lot and my favorite thing there was the dolphin show this whole experience inspired me to be I would try and jump out of the water like a dolphin and even the flipper wave thing they did to the crowds I also failed there are even photos somewhere of me doing this but oops I can't find them I know what they are that is really embarrassing but this isn't the end of me pretending to be an animal I used to love pretending to be a dog cat lucid polar bear turtle Leopard there was literally a whole game for it speaking of games I used to make up some on the trampoline it wasn't technically a game but it was more like a scenario type based thing but you would still have to pretend to do stuff the two most popular ones that I made up were called eating the clouds and pirates I can't really remember the rest they were basically just ripoffs of these two games eating the clouds is pretty self-explanatory because that's what he has to do he clouds but uh-oh if you ate too many clouds you're going to explode flow basically for the rest of this game you just jump around a lot and scream and do a lot of bum drops that's it really and the other game it had a very drag-out story but I'm gonna go over it briefly so you're just swimming there in the ocean nothing crazy happening and then these random pirates appear and they start attacking you so you have to swim away even more and then once you're away from them these sharks and crocodiles come out of nowhere so you have to swim away even further to the edge of the trampoline and then you live will die that's the ending of that game how fun it doesn't really sound all that entertaining but I would always get my friends and family to play it with me and they loved it well I thought they did [Music]
Channel: Jelly Jess
Views: 2,217,067
Rating: 4.9192986 out of 5
Keywords: JellyJess, jelly, jess, animation, animated, storytime, story-time, story, moment, cartoon, embarrassing, childhood, stories, funny, animation community, animation squad, theodd1sout, somethingelseYT, jaidenanimations, illymation, timtom, itsalexclark, cypherden, theamaazing, animated story-time, sultan sketches, ft. Sultan Sketches, Sultan, Weird Things I Did as a Kid, Weird Kid, Strange, Different, Awkward, Funny, Stories from my childhood, being a kid
Id: hbm67UG94W0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 17sec (437 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 22 2019
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