The Evolution of Shigaraki is TERRIFYING! (My Hero Academia / Boku no Hero New Best Villain / Quirk)

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Tamura shigaraki is an amazing villain those are words that I never thought I'd say especially since early on in the boku no hero story I thought that she got rocky was just an emo edge Lord with an almighty complex and I thought that stain and all-4-one were far superior villains but as the boku no hero story has progressed shigaraki has also progressed and evolved at first she gerak his progress was very slow and barely noticeable but eventually that progress really picked up steam especially after the arrest of all-4-one and at this point in the story she rocky has become a terrifying villain both physically and psychologically in this video I will be tracking the evolution of shigaraki from a tantrum throwing manchild to a powerful villain commander and a psychotic angel of destruction I will be breaking down the evolution of his powers and of his personality and I will also explain why I think that Shigure Aki may be the one to eventually kill all might and bring the entire hero Society to its knees if you enjoy the boku no hero content right here on the channel and you want us to keep it going please leave a like to let me know it really does help and if you happen to be new to anime uproar please don't forget to subscribe and hit that notification bell to turn on all notifications you can also hit me up on Twitter and Instagram at anime uproar for all the latest boku no hero news and updates finally this video will contain MHA manga spoilers i'm going to be discussing all the latest information that we have about shigaraki and the evolution of his quirk and his personality so that means that I'm definitely going to go beyond the anime with that said please proceed with caution you have been warned when we first meet shigaraki he is a violent and creepy manchild who sees everything in life as a game and who throws tantrums when things don't go his way he is entitled selfish and arrogant and it is cleared that he puts no value on the life and well-being of others he has no leadership skills and he doesn't treat anyone with respect not even his own allies the only person that she kuraki actually respects is his mentor all-4-one all-4-one rescued shigaraki from a highly traumatic situation back when she gerak he was still a child and as a result Shigure aki is loyal to over 1 for some reason all-4-one has designated shigaraki as his impending successor and all-4-one has shown a lot of faith and confidence in Shigure aki even after he continues to underperform and fail in most of his tasks in fact at the start of the series it is hard for anyone to understand why all for one the undisputed ruler of the japanese underworld would waste his time on an emo edge lord like shigaraki on top of that it is even harder to understand why all for one wouldn't force shigaraki to put on some damn chapstick for the love of anyway when we first meet him she Guara keys only goal and borderline obsession is to kill all might who is the symbol of peace shigaraki hates the hero society because it is a society in which everyone relies on heroes for everything and people no longer take personal responsibility when he was suffering as a child she got aki was hoping that someone would help him but everyone just ignored his suffering and because they assumed that a hero would take care of it why would they have to do anything if helping others was a hero's job eventually it was all for one who found shigaraki and helped him it took a villain to help a suffering child because the regular people didn't want to take responsibility and the heroes were nowhere to be found since she Guara Kesey's all might as the symbol of the hero society and all its flaws his first instinct is to lash out at the society that he believes failed him by killing the greatest hero that the society has to offer which is of course all might however as the story progresses both suga Rocky's personality and his goals change shigaraki goes from an arrogant tantrum throwing edge lord to a powerful villain leader and a truly unhinged the machine of destruction his goals also change as he stops obsessing over all might and focuses his attention on destroying the hero society as a whole so that he can one day reshape it in his own image but before we can fully understand shigaraki evolution and the shocking evolution of his quirk we have to understand his tragic and traumatic story back when he was a young boy Tamura shigaraki then known as tanka Shimura was just a regular kid living in a close-knit and relatively wealthy family young Tenko was a kind and friendly boy who was close to most of his family including his sister Hana interestingly enough tanco had several important similarities to the protagonist of boku no hero is Akuma Doria including the fact that a young Tenko also wanted to one day become a parole hero in fact young tenko got in trouble several times for pretending to be a hero in public none of this is particularly surprising or strange for a kid his age but tank o's father Kotaro jamuna hated the idea of his son wanting to be a hero and so inside the shin when a household there were strict rules against tankles pretend heroics every time the five-year-old tanco attempted to be a hero even just for fun his father would punish him by forcing him to stay outside in the backyard alone without dinner or even slapping him in the face and other forms of abuse tank o's abuse at the hands of his father was deeply traumatic to him and he felt as if his own home the home where he grew up was constantly rejecting him and negating his innermost wishes tanco also deeply resented the fact that his mom's sister and his mom parents who all lived at the house did not interfere to prevent his father from abusing him the reason why tank o's father was so against his son becoming a hero was his own experience with his mother na na Shimura all meit's former mentor na na Shimura was a pro hero who abandoned her family in order to pursue heroics she left her family because as a pro hero she made many powerful enemies and she did not want her family to become a target for those enemies nana was eventually killed by all-4-one and it is clear that her son caught ro Shimura deeply resented the hero lifestyle and how it took his mother away from him this is why Cortado never wanted his son Tenko to become a hero and while we can sympathize with his sentiment being a hero is very dangerous and it can put even the hero's family in danger Kota Rose treatment of his five-year-old son is definitely unaccepted he's just a kid and I'm sure every kid in the world of MHA fantasizes about being a hero at one time or another being a hero is just such a natural thing for a little kid to aspire to become but just because a five-year-old expresses a desire to do something it doesn't mean that they will actually end up doing it when I was five I wanted to be an astronaut go to the moon and bring cool moon flowers back to earth spoiler alert I did not become an astronaut and there are no flowers on the moon one night after his father beat him and left him outside in the backyard on his own tanco was devastated this latest episode happened because his sister Hannah invited him into his dad's office to look at pictures of his grandma who was a hero but later when she was caught Hana blamed the tenko for everything to escape punishment herself tanco was incredibly sad and filled with hatred for everyone for his father who abused him for his sister who betrayed him and threw him under the bus and for his mother and maternal grandparents who stood by and allowed the abuse to continue as tank o's dog came up to him and tenko began to pet him his quirks suddenly awakened and the dog was almost instantly disintegrated by tank o's decaying quark tank Oh sister Hana approached her brother to apologize for throwing him under the bus earlier but as they both saw what happened to the dog they both freaked out tango thought that they were being attacked by a villain and he reached out to his sister for help but then she was brutally disintegrated as well as his mom and grandparents emerged from the house Danko's de canker spread through the ground reaching them and destroying them all at this point ANCA was still confused about what exactly was happening and of course he was terrified although he later thought that he may have known even then what he had just done but when his father finally emerged from the house tanco knew exactly what he was doing he deliberately attacked his father and grabbed his father's face in order to kill him in the act of killing his father didn't feel terrible it felt great after killing his entire family the five-year-old tanco found himself just walking around the city lost and alone multiple people noticed him and they could see that something was wrong with him they could see that he needed help but they all thought that a hero or a police officer would take care of it instead of them they just went about their day as Tenko continued to wander the town alone filthy and clearly traumatized and disturbed it appears that the heroes and the police had other priorities because the person who eventually found tanco hiding under a bridge was none other than all for one all for one took tanco in and with the help of the doctor Fujiko he turned tanco into the villain Tamura shigaraki the name Tamura comes from the word tomorrow which means to mourn a symbol that Tamura is mourning the death of his former self tanka Shimura and the name shigaraki comes from all for one's own real family name which is apparently shigaraki when all for one first took to Munna in he was so traumatized that he suppressed his memories and he was also subconsciously suppressing the power of his quirk he was highly mentally unstable and in order to help him cope Fujiko made his villain costume out of the real hands of Tomas family and other people that he killed it is beyond bizarre and morbid but for some reason this actually made Tom wanna feel better and more stable as a person it is only in chapter 237 and onward that shigaraki retains his memories and once again unlocks the full potential of his decaying quirk in the past he could only decay something that he touches with all five fingers but during his battle against the special abilities Liberation Army he unlocks the ability to disintegrate his targets without needing to use all five fingers and the power of his quirk is fully unleashed so that when used the decay will quickly spread from one object or person to another and soon everything that is physically connected to the initial target is destroyed as well this allows shigaraki to quickly disintegrate everything in sight including large amounts of enemies and entire buildings and city blocks his quirk thus goes from a limited close-range quirk to an incredibly powerful long-distance and wide-ranging quirk but his quirk isn't the only thing that has evolved after regaining his suppressed memories and his pressed abilities she Guara keys true dark nature is also unleashed shigaraki has become confident fearless and bent not only on killing all might but on destroying the entire hero society and reshaping it according to his own desires shigaraki has also developed effective leadership qualities and he is now both feared and respected as the leader of the newly formed paranormal Liberation Front as such she kuraki is currently at the head of an entire villain army an army that has sworn its loyalty to him and he has also gained the respect of people who have doubted him in the past including ug co and gegen toh macchia most importantly shigaraki is now liberated both internally and externally he has no more regrets about what happened to his family or about his traumatic childhood he has no more doubts about his abilities or his plans for the future and if that wasn't enough she kuraki agreed to have buco perform an operation on him that will give him the ability to attain even greater power than all for one an operation that will give him the ability to one day absorb even one for all Fujiko warned shigaraki that this procedure will take four months and will cause unbelievable pain and suffering but this did not face shigaraki in the least he is determined to become as strong as possible and bring the hero society to its knees with how much stronger shigaraki has become recently and how much darker his psyche has become I have to say that she karate has evolved into an amazing villain in some ways she gerak his growth as a character eerily parallels the growth of Deku as kids both boys wanted to become heroes but a major obstacle was standing in their way in dec whose case it was the lack of a quirk and in Shiga Rocky's case it was his father it's interesting how just one factor made such a big difference in the lives of these two boys that factor is the fact that Deku had a supportive mother while she kuraki had an abusive father the support of his mother allowed Deku to overcome challenges including daily bullying until he found himself in a situation where he could achieve his lifelong dream of becoming a hero meanwhile the abuse of Sheikh Iraqis dad drove the impressionable five-year-old to the brink of madness and his traumatizing experience awakened shigaraki squirt and led to the death of his entire family Dec who was eventually discovered and mentored by Almighty and shigaraki was discovered and mentored by all four one one is determined to become the greatest hero while the other is determined to become the greatest villain you've heard the famous Joker quote all it takes is one bad day and for shigaraki that day came when his quirk awakened after his father beat him and left him out in the backyard alone and so instead of continuing on to be an idealistic wannabe hero like Deku XI gerak he became a dark angel of destruction a maniacal villain bent on crushing the hero society to dust with his bare hands and that really makes you think if both dec when she got rocky started out with such similar childhoods could Deku become another shigaraki if he had been faced with similar hardship cadet who one day have his own bad day perhaps the day that she got rocky finally kills all might and could this one bad day turn Deku into a completely different person this is the beauty of Chicago keys character at this point in the story he has progressed greatly he has evolved as a person and his quirk has also evolved dramatically and he has become not only physically but also psychologically untethered Unleashed shigaraki 'he's awakened quirk is terrifying the additional powers that he may soon gain as a result of giucose operations are also terrifying but shigaraki state of mind his unleashed villainous psychopathy is the most terrifying thing of all the new shigaraki has no mental blocks and barriers he has no confidence or abandonment issues he is a pure villain mastermind with no regrets no doubts and no boundaries he is exactly where he wants to be and he is doing exactly what he wants to do he is the anti Deku the anti protagonist and he is an enthusiastic agent of chaos and destruction I can't wait to see where the story of shigaraki takes us next but let me know what you guys think do you agree that she karate has undergone a massive development as a character and a villain and do you now consider him to be a serious threat to all might and the entire hero society also who is your favorite villain in the series and has your opinion of shigaraki changed over the course of the story let me know down in the comments below if you enjoyed this video you want to see more videos like it please leave a like to let me know and if you happen to be new to anime uproar don't forget to subscribe and hit that notification bell to turn on all notifications seriously the only way the YouTube will actually notify you is if you go through the trouble of hitting the bell and selecting the option that says all notifications you can also hit me up on Twitter and Instagram at anime uproar I want to give a big thank you to all of our anime out pro patrons who make videos like this one possible special thank you to all of our pro hero tier patrons including the one and only Gilgamesh nothing but a fan Jason Wilson King zelgius on hell cruise stealers poet Pablo atropos Wraith fitted alibied a karate Gian Anatole Cassatt's ki DJ Nathaniel and alpha do and I can't forget the ones that rise above all other clans a massive thank you to all of our the one tier patrons including in grata alone Adam Maddie Mac makoto-kun and your voice Seth if you enjoy our videos and you think that they add some value to your life consider supporting us on patreon even a single dollar will give you access to our patron exclusive discord and your name will appear in our videos along with these amazing people as always thank you guys so much for watching and until 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Channel: AnimeUproar
Views: 247,388
Rating: 4.932096 out of 5
Keywords: evolution, of, shigaraki, is, terrifying, evolution of shigaraki, tomura, tomura shigaraki, tomura shigaraki explained, shigaraki explained, shigaraki quirk, shigaraki new quirk, shigaraki full power, shigaraki new power, shigaraki all for one, shigarak deku, shigaraki all might, my hero academia, mha, boku no hero, boku no hero academia, bnha, anime, animeuproar, every quirk, strongest quirks, strongest quirk, every quirk explained, shigaraki power
Id: 1VqNd1gxIcY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 27sec (1047 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 26 2019
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