Shigaraki’s NEW POWER Explained! / My Hero Academia / The Next AFO?

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Shigure Aki's evolution throughout my here academia has been pretty damn amazing both as a character and in terms of his raw power when we were first introduced to this character all might very appropriately described him as a man-child but time and time again he's learned from his mistakes made the right allies and got in the upper hand against his enemies on more than one occasion for this video I'll be explaining his new quark upgrades which he received after undergoing a procedure at the hands of dr. groggy if you're new to this channel or just having subject then be sure to click that button for more videos like this also there will be monumental manga spoilers so if you only watch the anime and don't want to know then like I always say you can wait two or three years for this to be animated but yeah I consider this your warning we were introduced to sugar our keys decay quoi quite early on in this series and as it was then he could disintegrate anything or anyone that he touched when he made contact with all five fingers this was used to injure aizawa's elbow and to nearly kill floppy if not for an intervention over time we see decay used to disintegrate random things like this photo of Deku or stain sword or this random guy from the Shi his eye Chi however it wasn't until my villain academia that this power began to fundamentally improve Ezra destro said in the right circumstances quartz can evolve on the spot and in Shigure Aki's case he had three of his fingers destroyed but was able to start disintegrating with just two remaining fingers on his hand this is what eventually led to the climax of the arc where he basically wiped out entire neighbourhoods and created a meteor sized hole in Dhaka City now you'd think that would be enough power but after undergoing a gross operation shigaraki now has a set of abilities currently unrivaled by any other character in the show the only person who could hypothetically compare to him is Deku but currently he's only at about 30% of one for all comfortably and he's we've only ever seen him use one of the six additional quirks he's meant to get so if they were to fight right now Deku would be as dead as he was in this panel the first big upgrade that I want to mention is that sugar aki now has the power of the original alpha 1 quark which just further solidifies his final boss status even more all-4-one acts like a hub for the tons of other quirks stood inside it and segaki some instinctive knowledge of how each power works in addition to that he also has the ability to steal other people's quarks from them potentially including one for all because it's been implied on many occasions now in the manga that he is somehow capable of doing that and if he chooses to he can also pass on quarks that he doesn't want anymore to people like Dobby mr. corpus whoever he wants really he can pass on any quark he feels like I want to see garganta macchia with washes quark and his hero costume ASAP before we get into the other new quirks he has though let's first talk about the ridiculous upgrade to his basic decay ability there are three noticeable things that seem to have changed with some being more important than others so I'm gonna start with the most minor one the smallest alteration we have is a visual change as to how the decay spreads used to create these regular cracks in the ground basically exactly what you would expect from a quark called decay but since the operation if you notice the decay passing through the ground it almost looks mechanical in the way it's designed and the lines are drawn in a way that tells you that this is not a natural thing it's also quite comparable to offer ones fingers in this moment this brings us to the biggest upgrade which is that decay now acts almost like a virus and I'll explain what I mean up until this point in order to decay something Shigure aki has to maintain contact this was even the case after his quark evolution in my villain academia but in Chapter 275 of the manga we saw that a piece of stray ruble that is clearly no longer connected to sugar aki in any way it falls on top of a pro-hero and disintegrates him on the spot Shigure aki is not in contact with this piece of rock it is an independent object but it still carried the effects of his decay quark regardless almost like it's been infected by a virus this shows us that decay can now be carried through inanimate objects even after sugar aki himself has been removed from the equation finally the last change to this quark was explicitly mentioned by shigaraki himself and that is that he can now control when he disintegrates things with the exception of his own body Shigure aki does not touch anything with all five fingers because he can't actually control what he decays if we look at this panel here he picks up his father's hand with four fingers he explicitly avoids making contact with the fifth finger and again he did so when he encountered Deku as he was holding that fifth finger you know above deck whose neck because he didn't want to disintegrate him at that moment he also did this when he was holding a pair of binoculars and this clearly shows that he can't control the decay because if he did then he would just touch them with all five fingers and just control whether or not he wants to decay them luckily for him though he can now fully control it after this operation so he can touch you with all five fingers and if he wants to he can decay or he won't decay it's up to him moving on within alpha one one of the new quirks that Shiki has is called search which reveals the location and weaknesses of anyone that the user has seen before this quote is quite interesting because it came preloaded with all the information that the previous user had built up so because ragdoll had this power and then used it on Deku and back ago and the other students shigaraki is now capable of hunting them down and knowing exactly where they are at all times which is absolutely terrifying I will say that the range of this quirk hasn't been specified yet so I don't know if he'd be able to find Deku he was like halfway across the world but from what we've seen so far it is obviously capable of being used from a very far distance at least the length of a city I would imagine because this quirk was stolen so recently what I think happened is that after all one took ragdolls quark that moment is when he then gave up his original offer one quark and replaced it with the duplicate version that he then used to fight all mine if I'm right that means that shigaraki has access to every single quark we sawed off one use during the battle against all might at a minimum he I mean he obviously has many more quirks beyond that as well this is further supported by the fact that we saw sugar aku used the air cannon quark against endeavor which is another one that awful one has showed off previously air cannon emits a powerful shockwave of air that by itself was capable of sending endeavour flying straight through a rock this same quark was used against all might to do some damage so air cannon is a pretty powerful one that rocky now has at his disposal in the manga we see sugar Aki combined air cannon with another quirk called radio waves and by combining these two abilities at once he was able to fry the communication system that the heroes were using which was a pure stroke of genius on top of that we've seen that Shaggy now has the super regeneration quark which is quark normally seen by the black no mousse this right here is what makes shaggy the strongest villain that the universe of my academia has ever seen even the original f1 himself never had a regeneration ability which is why he looks the way he does because all might beat him so badly this regeneration quirk meant that shaggy was completely unfazed by being engulfed by flames and he continued to move around as if nothing had happened to be able to nullify the actions of the number one hero like this yeah it's pretty damn powerful another quirk that he almost definitely has is spring-like limbs which is possibly what enabled him to jump super high and super fast in the recent chapters knowing what we know now I'd say it might be a combination of spring-like limbs plus the multiple strengthen heartening quirks that wolf one definitely had but you got to admit that when Shigure Aki's jumping at this speed and at this power I mean spring-like limbs wouldn't make a lot of sense speaking of all for one this guy loved to use the forced quark activation quark which not only activates a person's power but also can be used to throw enemies around or just straight-up stab them we haven't seen shigaraki use this one yet but like I said if he has the search quark which was stolen most recently then he'd also have the quirks that were stolen before this which include force quark activation back in the day all-4-one also had this black lightning quirk which he used to kill Nana shamora and nuke an entire city in the process it would obviously be super ironic if Shigure Aki was to harness the very quirk that killed his own grandmother and for that reason I have no doubt that all one would have definitely left it for sugar aki to use before we get into a cool bit of trivia about wolf one let's touch on the remaining abilities that sugar aki likely has it goes without saying that there's many more we have no idea about with radiowaves be an example of that as we had never seen that quote before other powers that you'll likely have include the black warping quirk the life force quirk that allows you to live doubly as long and that was a power held by both Fujiko and f1 so sugar aki has it that would be the third copy of this same quark additionally a popular theory going around is that he'll have the overclocked quark which for those of you who don't read vigilantes overclock allows a person to move so fast that their surroundings look like they've been frozen in place but the catches that it can't be used for more than a few real-life seconds at a time I'm not actually sure if oh one himself still had this quirk in the present day but much like super generous I mean dr. huge Rico is clearly added additional quirks to Shigure aki that all-4-one himself didn't have and so for that reason I think yeah it is possible that sugar aki does have overclock but with that said those were all the quotes that sugar ah he definitely has after his operation and also a few them that I'm just speculating about getting into the trivia that I mentioned earlier if you look at sugar Rocky's hand in this panel you'll see that in the center of his hand is a massive hole this hole in your hand is a side-effect of the OL funk work as we saw during a flashback to all for one's young days he also had this same hole in his hand we then see these holes in his hand again during the battle at Camino which is obviously over a hundred years later so this might explain why people win the all foreign power can only skill quirks by using their hands but sadly the anime has not done this justice at all as all for one during the battle in the anime he has no holes in his hand and neither did 9 either for the manga was a cool little piece of trivia just before we end the video though I did a discussion with one of my fellow youtubers the other day and we were talking about the other new quirks of Shigure aki might have so if that interests you then the links should be on the screen or in the description either way don't forget to sub to the channel as we are on the road to 100k pizza
Channel: Turtle Quirk
Views: 336,554
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: my hero academia, shigaraki, all for one, AFO, multiple quirks, overclock, quirk, air canon, tenko shimura, nana shimura, float, forced quirk activation, decay, all might, bnha, mha, boku no hero, ujiko, garaki, my hero academia chapter 276, boss villain, search quirk, ragdoll, wild pussycats, deku, full cowling, one for all, regeneration, nomu, gigantomachia, radio waves, springlike limbs, black lightning, warping quirk, warp, life force, heroes rising, nine, my villain academia, Re-destro
Id: -s1iCOAHE7c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 25sec (625 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 18 2020
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