The Glory of Hawks

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the society in the world of Boko no my hero Falco D Mia has a pretty well-established idea of who is capable of becoming a real standout pro hero in the world using the original number one hero all my as sort of a roadmap for that with a lot of people believing that you have to do certain things such as go to UA or have a strong public image to make it to the top and the pro hero business though one of the top-rated heroes in all of Japan stands opposed to all of these factors this being the carefree covert core Donna K go Takami also known as the winged hero Hawks K goats economy or Hawks was the third rated pro hero in all of Japan who became the second highest rated here throughout the course of hero Acas story and he's one of the fastest growing young talents in the pro hero world some even describe him as moving too fast but what makes his rise to the top and the pro hero scene more impressive that he lacks most traits that people say are required to become a top rated hero be it that he keeps his name a secret he's very outspoken against fakie sounding heroics and he's never attended UA there is even more buried beneath the surface but before we get too into that we should discuss the meaning behind his name and his design K goats economy is a densely packed name that helps convey Hawks role in the story of hero akka along with his own personal ideas quite well starting first with his given name K go which when broken down means to disclose enlightenment or understanding given his role in the story so far has been to act as a double agent for the hero Public Safety Commission and disclose information about the League of villains and metahuman Liberation Army two pro heroes which that in fact led to pro hero surprised rating the facilities I feel like this name fits him quite well along with this K go is also a form of Japanese honorifics which is done to show respect to those who are speaking to and with K go being a very professional way of speaking but hawks being not so respectful at times it's possible his name is a reference to this because he is a pro hero who was more or less made by a corporation and corporations as where people would be most likely speaking with K honorifics then you have his family name to call me which when broken down means hawk and to see or who sees which appears to be a play on the term a phrase eyes of a hawk which plays well with hawks his own personality as he's a very perceptive person and picks up on things that a lot end up missing such as endeavors own struggle to rebuild the bridge to success that all might more or less annihilated when he became the number one pro hero as hawks respected endeavors work and saw through his ironically icy personality to see the true hard-working hero underneath though he's not just good at reading people he's also very deceptively perceptive as when he is patrolling he does so in a leisurely fashion to give off the illusion that he's not paying much attention and it's through this that he's able to gather such incredible Intel he even be able to pick up on things that even disclose to the public like Gran Torino so an investigation team though outside of the term of phrase the Hawke portion of his name also plays well with his original intended design with horikoshi saying that Hawkes was supposed to have a direct design lift from Takahiro from crazy zoo one of horikoshi previous works though after studio bones approached horikoshi asking if they can use taki hero's design in one of their upcoming movies alongside the lukewarm reaction from his staff to the idea of a bird person being the number-two hero he changed Hawks designed to be a more safe and cool looking person with just a bird aesthetic to him he also decided to make him the hottest looking character in the series just despite everyone who questioned him don't deny horikoshi and his love of bird people and like other pro heroes in the series Hawks has landed his name to marketing products in the universe of hero akka with the model Hawks watch by the vintage W company which is likely a reference to real-life watch brands like IWC Rolex and even Knights own Hawk brand watches but I couldn't find an exact model that matches the one that Hawkes is wearing in the promotional image but I'm also not too literate on watches though speaking of designs poxes own design seems to have a lot of references built into it first with his hero costume obviously being designed to match that of a fighter pilot with his uniform and jacket but you also have his visor and headphones which also are obvious references to fighter pilots but I want to be surprised if they were a subtle nod to the Gatchaman as well with their bird-like visors also his costume underneath is reminiscent of both marvel's angel and archangel with the design being similar to Archangels but the colors being more close to angels hero costume and on top of that the wings are similar in a sense though we'll discuss that after we talk more about his quirk that quirk being fierce wings also known in Japanese as just winks or justice wings fierce wings is a mutation quirk that grants Hawks to massive wings full of dozens of crimson red feathers all varying in sizes and use cases and this set of wings obviously offers Hawks the ability to fly and he's become quite a natural at it but how it works is a little strange as Hawks can freely manipulate the feathers within his wings with his mind allowing him to lift himself off the ground and fly around the flapping that he does seems to be more or less for cosmetic purposes rather than being required and these feathers are the real show stealer of his quark with them being able to be shot out like projectiles doing so in a similar way to a fighter pilot or even just throwing knives but he also can use them to save people with each individual feather having an incredible strength of their own being able to lift and move a person with ease and with that incredible strength and the firing capabilities they can also be fired in a lethal capacity as well though being a pro hero Hawks prefers not to do this and along with that he's also able to use his larger ones as blades if he needs to though these feathers also act as an incredible Intel tool something vibrations in the air and alerting Hawks to dangers that might be coming his way and due to this he's able to work in a very lackadaisical way while also always being on high alert and this is likely the reason that he does flap his wings when he is in flight because it spreads the feathers around in a way that doesn't give off the fact that he's actually setting up vocal espionage spies via his feathers as he is able to decode messages and voices from his feathers own air detection abilities though these feathers are a finite resource when he is working and if he spreads them too far he not only loses the ability to fly but also most forms of self defense as he's not physically strong like other Pro Heroes and if the feathers themselves are destroyed it takes roughly two days to regrow a whole new set and will put him out of commission for a bit if he doesn't have any reserve feathers though he usually doesn't have to worry about running out of feathers as his utter speed overwhelms his target and he apprehends them before they have much of a chance to defend themselves he is the hero who is too fast after all and as a testament to fierce wings ability Fox was able to overwhelm twice as super-move sad man's parade by himself but there is one direct counter to Hawkes his own feathers and it's not him running out its flame as his feathers are extremely flammable and a powerful flame core can burn through his resources in seconds now these wings and hawks is role in the story seem to be inspired directly by marvel's angel and arc angel not only with his wings being a double layered reference being both biological or natural like angel's wings work but also with them containing blades like Archangel and being able to be shot like Archangels but Hawks also is living a double life on both sides of the world being a hero and technically a villain as the hero Public Safety Commission has tasked Hawks with the job of infiltrating the league of villains and helping to store them from within though why do they turn to hawk specifically well let's just say Hawks was raised for this kind of work as when he was just a little kid Kato didn't have much growing up he lived in poverty on the island of Kyushu and Fukuoka and it was here cago developed a fascination with a certain pro hero one who shined brighter than the rest this was the flame hero endeavor a man he saw as someone who got his job done and moved on to the next case outperforming the symbol of peace himself in cases complete and an attempt to emulate his shining Idol and an extremely young age Kengo used his quirk and saved a bunch of people from a high-speed crash and this act of heroics caught the attention of the hero Public Safety Commission and they offer the boy an amazing deal he would join the government program for gifted and talented quirk users and work exclusively for the hero Public Safety Commission and in return his family would be pulled out of the slums and they would never want for anything ever again basically he would move from poverty to high-class Kengo agreed to these terms and soon would be told to dispose of his old name forever being known as the winged he wrote hawks and his training was difficult but hawks over the year not only learned to master risk work but he became a master of deception infiltration and manipulation and we can see these espionage tactics displayed a few times in the series as Hawkes is able to not only get a lot of information out of people by sweetening them up as seen when he gets twice to spell details about the metahuman liberation Army's plans to him or in how he subtly picks at information from Tokyo me and other UA students to get the details on what's going on there he even has a restaurant that he brings students to on a occasion when he wants to lure them into a sense of security but on top of that we even see that even though Hawkes claims to not be able to contain his own inner thoughts and shows off his exaggerated movements when listening to the pro hero strode on about their pointless heroic speeches he's actually very capable of hiding his emotions or even slightly displaying to others what he is thinking when he can't communicate through words as seen when he gives endeavor a secret message about the metahuman Liberation Army's plans through the highlighted pages in a book he's also quick on his feet when it comes to lying and making it sound good like when he comes up with an excuse for Dobby on why he rescued all the people during the high-end fight and hawks his own cunning and ability to deceive people really makes him into a raptor of both physical and social situations him being able to mask his intentions before he strikes and maybe that's why horikoshi made his favorite food bird base meals even though he was bird inspired though speaking of his inspirations aspects of his backstory were actually inspired by the soccer player len al Messi who was scouted by the Barcelona soccer team for being an extremely talented youth at the sport though his father soon lost his job and couldn't afford life-saving medicine for Messi that combatted his growth hormone deficiency but the FC of Barcelona decided to make a deal with him they would cover all of his medical costs if he were to move to Spain and exclusively play for them in their soccer league he accepted this gracious offer Messi went on to be one of the most decorated athletes in sports history let alone soccer with him holding a club record of holding over thirty four different soccer based trophies but also he was considered by Forbes to be the second highest paid athlete in history and after horikoshi heard about this story during the World Cup by one of his editors a week later he crafted aspects of it into Hawkes his own life story go back to Hawks when he was just 18 he started up his own hero agency and half a year later he was already ranked among the top ten heroes in Japan and then by his 22nd birthday he was already number three and of course over the course of the story we see him not only turned 23 but also become the number two hero he is the fastest growing talent in the pro hero scene and has even adopted a moniker because of it he is the hero who is too fast though Hawks didn't really want to become a pro hero for fame or even to escape poverty those were benefits what he wanted to do was be a hero that could beat enough bad guys that the ones that he idolized could have time kill you might notice that he adopted a similar work ethic to that of endeavor where he's constantly working and trying his best to solve as many cases as possible and he works incredibly hard to help those he cares about acting has great support for both hero work and personal training as seen best in his team work with endeavor but most importantly in his training of Tokyo me as not only does he take him under his wing because they're birds of a feather but because he saw potential in him from the Sports Festival but he never seemed to be so focused on training Toki AMI and more so trying to get information from its school from him and that frustrated Toki ami but he continued to work with Hawks because he was the number three hero at the time who then became the number two but hawks pointed out something that really motivated Tokyo me he was squandering his his talents by staying grounded and this made him develop the black fallen angel technique which is actually a rather cool use of his quirk though one of the main reasons he picked Tokyo me is because he was from UAE and so that he could obtain information from him in fact this is how Hawks is likely so good at reconnaissance and gathering Intel he finds a way to help someone while gaining information from them subtly and this is why he was specifically picked for the here of Public Safety Commission's new job as he would be using those skills to the fullest as he was tasked with infiltrating the league of villains and gathering as much intel on their inner workings and who was among them so the heroes can adapt to any of their plans and given his training along with his established total loyalty to the Public Safety Commission he was perfect for the job and thus he joined the league of villains under the guise of being sympathetic towards their cause and the reason that his act was so believable and bought by most people within the league of villains was because there was truth behind some of Hawkes his words he actually isn't fond of the status quo of hero Society and feels that not only does he not deserve the spotlight that he gets but he could say the same for other Pro Heroes at the top as he personally believes those at the top shouldn't be based on just cases solved or sympathetic votes like best genus guy as they don't make for good protectors in times of crisis and the old way of hero society needs to change to him what we need is 10 endeavors 10 people who not only get the job done but people's hearts at ease when they show up and not ten people trying to be all mine and this beating on the sides of both heroes and villains is as I said assumedly a direct reference to angel and ARCA from marvel faith and there's even subtle nods to the origin and both what are the best ones being that Hawks has shown to the readers working for the league of villains after the destruction of his feathers when he assisted endeavored during a battle against one of the high end no moves and this is similar to when angel became Archangel after the loss of his wings along with this Hawks flip-flopping between actually being sympathetic for villains and being on the side of good also seems to be a reference to arc angel an angel being a shifting personality for the character as after angel regrew his wings for the second time the wings apocalypse gave him regrew over topped them causing him to constantly shift between having natural wings and metallic wings and shifting between being evil and good and as I mentioned Hawks actually wasn't lying when he said he was sort of sympathetic for members of the league specifically twice as he considered him to be a good person the more he got to know him and wanted to give him a second shot of life trying his best to get him to surrender when they were raiding the meta Liberation Army's location though sympathy only goes so far and Hawks was trained to get his mission done and he doesn't allow emotions to cloud that judgment he eliminates twice when he refuses to surrender which harkens back to when Hawks first accepted this mission him saying that he isn't opposed to getting his hands dirty if it means ensuring the safety of society though he doesn't do it without a heavy heart in fact most of Hawks is inner monologue and facial expressions give off the idea of someone who is shackling a lot of guilt deep down and hiding it not only does he actively endanger his idol but he also has to live a lie around him but on top of that he also seemed to have had to silence that's genus to win favors from the league and then right after that when he thinks he can save one of the only redeemable people from the League of villains he's forced to murder them for his mission and it is this mission that I also feel as Hawks his best literary reference and one thing that I saw him as since he was introduced in the series and that being that Hawks is referencing Icarus and that this mission is him flying a little too close to the Sun and we can see some aspects of the ancient Greek myth Icarus in Hawks his own design not only with his feathers being naturally weak to flames which is an obvious play on Icarus as wax wings but much like Icarus was told not to fly too high Hawks is often referred to as flying too fast he even has to rely on sidekicks to clean up his messes while he's working the next case and I feel like this Icarus symbology placed best when talking about Hawks is relationship to endeavor as The Closer he keeps getting to his own personal Idol and son endeavor the more that history shows up and burns away his wings in the eventual flame that burns those wings takes the form of the villain Dobby who is the leading cause of hawks losing his wings not only being the one who unleashed a high-end nomu earlier than promised in a place that wasn't promised which resulted in Hawks having to burn away most of his feathers to assist endeavour but also during the metahuman Liberation Army raid where da be personally cremated Hawks his wing Dobby also seems to have a close connection to endeavour speaking to him in a very familiar tone as if they were family and sharing some traits with one of endeavours late sons Toya leading people to theorize that Dobby Astoria and the closer that Hawks gets to Toya the more he burns his wings but it also seems that Dobby has his hands in some good Intel networks because he was able to learn Hawks his own real name which is a government protecting secret and hidden from the public so there's probably a connection between Dobby and the hero Public Safety Commission which could bleed into the Dobby is Toya theory as and maybe they picked up a assumedly dead Todoroki and rebranded him as a villain but that's of course just the theory on my part and this is a video about hawk so let's get back to talking about him though unlike a Kris whose ego drove him to fly too close to the Sun Hawks was forced into it but on his flight he did manage to teach others how to fly as well and this might result in him being caught before his fall turns fatal now Hawk stands as one of the best characters in the whole of hero akka from his attention-grabbing introduction to his interesting position that he finds himself in during the story of hero akka and of course his childhood training painting the universe is setting as a little grayer than we thought before and i hope that he does manage to survive this current arc as he's one of my personal favorites but if he doesn't go out acting as a great example of horikoshi she's great writing and i imagine that his death will be very similar to certain night eyes with him either informing endeavor or tokyo me of Dhabi's of real identity as it is information that he was told but kept secret from the readers meaning it will come up later hopefully he's also really hot so I just don't want him to die and if you enjoyed this video and want to see more videos like in the future I have a patreon at slash may not the bad guy and if you want to soar higher than other pro heroes and do things similar to hawks well you can do so by buying a copy of shimoneta a board where the concept of dirty jokes doesn't exist at buy shimoneta calm
Channel: Meti『Not The Bad Guy』
Views: 289,400
Rating: 4.9752274 out of 5
Keywords: My Hero Academia, Hawks, Keigo Takami, Hawks MHA, Wing Hero Hawks, Bird Guy, Endeavor, Dabi theory, Boku No Hero Academia, Crazy Zoo, Lionel Messi, Horikoshi, Hero Aca, The Glory of, Meti Not The Bad Guy, The Beauty of
Id: W2LB_Dq5-Zw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 0sec (1080 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 09 2020
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