The Perfection of Tomura Shigaraki

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Absolute masterpiece. This is basically the Mr.Morj equivalent of MHA. Izuku vs Tomura is not just a good vs. bad, it is a clash of ideals. Their clash will create a new society. I really want Tomura to break down and crumble what the word “hero” and “villain”. So much so that it’s use must be retired entirely.

Izuku will see things from Tomura’s perspective. Right now he just views him as evil, a bad guy. What he doesn’t know that Tomura didn’t choose this life. He was born into it, his quirk is only a representation of who he is as a person. His personality is founded upon that. Izuku will relate to Shigaraki, for he once was an outsider. He was born quirkless, an outsider looking in. This is even more evident when you see Midoriya as a child watching All Might from his computer. Then when he first witness a hero situation (the shit that happens in the beginning I don’t remember) and chooses to act on it, then is he thrusted into the hero life. This parallels Tomura’s upbringing as he was not wanted by anyone and then thrusted into the villain life when All for One took him in.

Izuku will realize that the once idolized and remarkable hero society is not sustainable. That this “utopia” of a world has flaws. That it was this hero society that birth Shigaraki in the first place. I’m assuming this is when the realization comes toward Izuku and the reader.

Also I just wanted to mention that anyone living in the U.S. can relate to this given the recent events regarding the state of African Americans.

BTW if none of this happens I will be very disappointed. This kind of non-diegetic story telling is the shit that I live for in manga. Which is why I love watching videos like this, and Mr.Morj in general. (Mr.Morj is a master analyst of One Piece for anyone wondering)

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/Nabidiboy 📅︎︎ Jul 09 2020 🗫︎ replies
what creates monsters the concept of evil and terror manifesting into frightful beasts of violence and destruction is as old as human perception itself in his book humans need monsters bubut fiddler postulated that the creation of monsters was a necessary and natural step in humanity's endeavor to understand itself by pooling ideas of malice and misfortune out of the abstract realm and into physical palpable creatures we transfer them into a form where we can instinctively understand them better thus fictional monsters and evils are always a dialogue an investigation into our cultural psyche about what evil we fear and what ideas haunt us at night in service of that investigation fiction doesn't just ask what a monster is and represents but also where it came from as that is often indicative of what we might consider a source of suffering and misfortune to a series like my hero academia the term villain is among the most other expressions imaginable in a world where the central conflict revolves around the opposition between the upstanding heroes and the nefarious villains most outlaws and antagonists are bestowed said moniker however one must differentiate between the villains as a faction and the villain the main opposing force of the story and in a way it's monster and while there are many villains in Urraca there is only one man worthy of being called the villain [Music] it is safe to say that Tamura shigaraki has undergone a startling metamorphosis transforming from a pretty underwhelming popcorn body into what I now consider one of Shonen manga finest main villains the presence he now possesses in the manga is founded upon a carefully structured and masterfully realised character arc does create one of your arcus most layered people and it is this person that I would like to take a deep dive into in this video as briefly alluded to in the previous sentence what I think makes shigaraki so good has in part to do with layers therefore I find appropriate that we structure this video in tandem with those very layers first I want to start off with the most superficial layer shigaraki the character where I'd like to do a bit of basic character analysis and discuss how his characters evolved and progressed to his tenure in the story next I would like to look at how the foundation laid out by his character arc is used to construct the second layer shigaraki as a narrative device we'll dive into how the events and progression of his character feed into the narrative structure and plotting on the story and how it sets of textual multiplicity interpretability basically how she Rocky AIDS and turning mere text into a story worthy of analysis and then finally we will look at how both of these layers end up creating the third and deepest layer namely that of shigaraki the thematic element his character arc presents the story of a person which fulfills functions within the narrative which then go on to inform and reinforce the story's themes and central core statements thus by working away deeper and deeper we'll understand how each piece of this character ends up creating and guiding a red thread of brilliance so without too much dilly dallying let's get started [Music] to begin looking at chiaki's presence in the story one must first understand and chart the journey the character has taken being born as a grandson of a great heroine Tenko Shimura naturally held the wish to become a hero himself even without knowing about his grandmother at all at first this might have been in part and timidly defined response to living in a household thoroughly opposed to the hero profession his father Kotaro Shimura hated and suppressed any mention of heroism in his house as he was abandoned by her mother an event that traumatized him as tanco seeks to maneuver the proverbial minefield of managing his dreams versus his household situation he's afflicted with a mysterious skin condition that makes his entire body dry cracked and itchy this comes to a crescendo as his quirk awakens following an instance of abuse from his father who beats him in a fit of rage after tanco sister snitches on him panco squirt manifests as decay the ability to destroy and annihilate anything he touches at first unintentionally but eventually gleefully blood lusted Tenko decays his entire family killing them and destroying his father's estate realizing that his skin condition had been his urge to destroy and kill which had now been satisfied homeless and ravaged by both his quirk and his returning itch Tenko wandered the streets passing many a people who could have helped him but refused to out of convenience the only hand that eventually reached out to him was the hold palm of one white haired man in a suit miraculously capable of touching Tenko without being obliterated the man took tango in nurtured his killing intent encouraged tenko to give in to his itch wholeheartedly finally as tanco adorned himself with the severed hands of his family the man bestowed upon him a new name Tamura shigaraki tamara's in reference to tomorrow the Japanese were for morn to announce the grief he will bring onto the world meanwhile shigaraki is the name of a savior who now fully appropriate Stanko as not just his protege but his successor and the one to carry on the legacy of all-4-one what's important to note here for now is how she got aki is treated like calamity an unstoppable force made to kill and destroy that even he himself cannot resist this receives an ocean of tragedy when compared with his personality before his quirk manifested timid and kind and just normal however by being subjected to this horrifying mutation and by society failing to save him he ends up in the clutches of someone who doesn't wish to guide him to productively overcoming his urges and quirk but rather to push him to becoming more violent and destructive already at this young age she Guara is a force to be used bent and twisted by those around him as he marches towards annihilating anything he dislikes it is this Shiraki that we meet in the usj attack a bumbling child who is used to having his urges pampered and enabled by his master incapable of truly strategizing or thinking ahead coupled with the fact that his quirk has weakened due to Him repressing his past memories this shigaraki proves utterly incompetent at being a leader a villain or really anything of consequence he fails at usj precisely because of his childish impulsive nature not having grown past a little boy murdering two thugs in an ally he remains like this until he meets and witnesses hero killer stain to shigaraki him and stain are the same people seen something they dislike and choosing to destroy it at the beginning it seems unfathomable to him why people flock to stains ideology over his own league as to him they both stand for the exact same thing this is where he matures for the first time as he actively seeks advice from someone other than his master he Sukhumi Doria as dec who explains that stains ideology wins over shigaraki notoriety due to it being founded on an actual vitae belief for society rather than just simple destructive urgency shigaraki evolves he suddenly realizes that beliefs and symbols are whoa people and communities together the symbol of reformed stain who unites those frustrated with the current system and the symbol of peace all might who upholds the status quo he concludes that to truly scratch his destructive itch he must dismantle the symbols that hold together this fragile society and drew that he must ironically become a symbol himself however and this is another sign that he is growing thicker knives to cheat a bit by appropriating the same stain a built for himself embracing the misunderstanding that the hero killer worked for him he resolves to do this act of destruction right and to use any advantage you can find intelligently and tactically already a far cry from the bumbling child of before after this point his entire demeanor shifts significantly whereas he referred to his subordinates as game pieces earlier he now makes it a point to show respect and appreciation for his Vanguard action squad saying how they are all capable comrades who share his dream of destroying society and its arbitrary rules and restrictions and by extension all might himself he now understands that to scratch his age he will need people who share in his ambition and raise him up and support him beyond just his master he also shows significant for thought and strategy in how he lays out his plans saying that whether or not the forest attack succeeds doesn't really matter as the very act of it happening will destabilize the public's trust in you a and in heroes in general he also shows uncharacteristic restraint when baka refuses to cooperate stopping his fellow League members from retaliating and calmly announcing that they need to preserve his usefulness these are all behaviors and expressions that usj shigaraki wouldn't even have considered for a second as his plans fall apart however and his masters threatened he briefly regresses and calls out to his master in desperation and to all might in destructive hatred momentary character regression is one of horikoshi favorite tools of humanization as people would logically not overcome their lifelong tendencies in a smooth curve but rather with both ups and downs hopefully with an upward trend just look at Totoro keys feelings towards his fire and his father when all for one tosses him into the portal to escape shigaraki is for the first time in 15 years completely to fend for himself however he isn't a child or a man-child anymore Shigure avi has under the guidance of his master and in the wake of the hero Achilles contributions become a confident and capable leader who is now supported by a network of comrades small but steadfast in overhaul Chiaki meets his first proper foil after stain as the Yakuza leader is both equipped with a better version of Shakur Aki's quark and an army larger and more efficient than his he forced the league under his wing after killing one of their members and directly insults and belittles shigaraki repeatedly however just like with stained shigaraki used this opportunity to evolve into a man who can use someone like overhaul as a stepping stone overhaul rules a monolithic entity of an organization where everyone devotes himself to his ambition out of either fear or cold like exaltation he doesn't have comrades he has pawns and expendable bullets his subordinates die for him because he would otherwise kill them and he doesn't care much beyond their usefulness the league meanwhile is left of an organization and more of a group of friends who all share the same goal and therefore walk together there aren't bound by something like an organization specifically they just so happen to choose the same path and are happy to walk it together to Shigure Aki the league members are extensions of himself and he takes them and any perceived harm on them very seriously despite occasional bickering he isn't their God he's just a guy who leads them towards a goal they all dream of this difference between the two is what she gerak he uses to reaffirm his path he allows toga and twice to deal with the situation in any way they see fit and then conspires the remaining league members to not just use serve overhaul but to also get to revenge for Magna he overcomes overhaul because he's not a ruthless captain but rather just a man who wishes to destroy values and supports those that share in this wish that wish is tested again as the league faces months of scavenging and poverty following the capture of kuru Jiri with both the main source of money and their means of transportation gone shigaraki sets out to find his masters and man the doctor again shigaraki makes tactical and calculated decisions in how to proceed in situations of strife something his initial self wouldn't have done after the gang gets faced with Kanto matcha and swiftly meets with dr. logic oh he is confronted with the most blatant trial yet convinced the doctor of his ambitions here shikaka speaks his wish out loud to destroy to the impatient reader this can seem like a lame answer as it's just more of his usual talk but it is important to consider context and implicatures to really understand what she or he is actually saying he isn't just saying that he wishes to destroy because why not he is declaring that his existence is characterized by nothing but the urge destroy which will never be satisfied no matter how much havoc he wreaks a world gives birth to someone like him does not deserve to exist or rather a society that enabled him to get to this point is meant to be destroyed by him until all that is left is a shattered horizon upon which freedom awaits those willing to rebuild and restructure he doesn't really care much for the future anything he just feels that his never-ending desire will inevitably cause him to be the destroyer of this world he is again a force with a simple goal happy to be the act of destruction without concern for any real ideal it is the first combination of his lifelong journey to understanding his itch and what it means to him he is a monster and he must live with that and deal with it the best he can and deal with it he must swiftly as a new enemy approaches in the form of redistribution army seeing suga rock is rise to glory as a threat to mononuclear position of power Destro's descendants aspire towards they challenge the league directly kidnapping their broker and setting up a bloody deathmatch in the city of Dhaka which consists almost entirely of members of the MLA while stain and overhaul were foils that test Chikara his charisma and leadership qualities Bri destro represents his first major hurdle similarly to our overall represents tech whose first test as severely sleep-deprived and exhausted Chiaki fights on the streets of dekha as he falls in and out of conscious this precarious state begins awakening old memories of his gradually until the mocking words of read Astro finally free him of all that held in Mack this is arguably the most important step in Shiga Rocky's journey he has learned how to attract allies he has understood how to wield them and he has set his sight upon a goal worthy of such support but now he liberates himself or the final thing that limited him his neurotic urges up until now Gaea Rocky's urge for destruction was simply a personal defect something that hurt and mangled him into a barely functioning manchild who had to succeed despite his urges sure he eventually came to instrumentalize that urge and repurpose it as part of his main goal but it was always something he had to overcome and then work towards but now remembering his origin and reliving the events that shaped him he finally accepts who he is he knew it but now he embraces it he is a monster made to destroy the society that let him become the way he is but he doesn't have to deal with it his urge destroy is not something to suppress but something to take joy and pride in as he waltzes towards the broken horizon he chases everyone is born a certain way and everyone needs to live a certain way and she guru kaya finally understands that his certain way is the way of destruction all of his anxiety and neuroticism vanishes as he realizes that to him anything beyond destruction and his comrades does not matter this wave of clarity washing over him is symbolized both by him destroying the hands of his past to cover his body his true self and by his speech bubbles in the manga going from wavy stuttering messes to clean and smooth expressions shigaraki in this moment becomes truly free as read Astro gazes upon a man who personifies the perfect citizen described by destro himself a freed individual liberated from everything that restricts his use of the matter ability he gives up his Empire and bends the knee to shigaraki who swiftly forms the paranormal Liberation Front Destro's ideology is obviously easily compatible with shigaraki his ambitions not to mention all the money and power the change brings as handy too so he accepts the position of Supreme Commander and decides to carry out his duties despite his slight annoyance at the responsibilities not just that he also merely prepares himself to undergo two doctors grueling intervention in order to receive all for one again we see shigaraki making rational decisions that will bring him forward and thinking long term usj shigaraki would have never had the patience to sit through the PLF formalities and certainly not tuned your agony for four months to get his gift mask at full of powers but he has matured he has grown and now he is ready to inherit all that his master was shigaraki journey is fundamentally about accepting yourself in a world that did its best to teach you that you were unacceptable and deviant it's about shigaraki giving up his neurotic antisocial Tantrums and becoming a charismatic focus an immensely dangerous symbol of chaos and fear the best example of this change came in one of the most recent chapters namely shortly after he woke up from his operation back in usj when his plans started going wrong shigaraki threw a fit scratching wildly and threatening to kill his subordinates for not executing his childish and unprepared idea properly now 240 chapters later shigaraki awakens to his entire game plan having been compromised his power not having been finalized and his main source of progress Fujiko being caught and how does he react he calmly puts a cape around himself calls his bodyguard and with a big fat smile on his face tells him to gather his friends he does not fret or worry or whine because he is free and the world is his playground now that we have extensively covered the actual objective events in this fictional person's life now I must discuss how those events create narrative functions and figures within the story because of the sterile nature this particular layer this section is probably gonna be shorter than the previous one but trust me it is important for when we get to the final part instead of wasting time with me explaining what this is because it is a bit abstract let's just immediately look at an example to see how it actually works one of hira occas favorite narrative figures is the parallelism the property of separate story and character events mirroring each other and taking similar journeys an easy one is for example that between baka go and endeavor two heroes whose endless ambition and innate wish for superiority sets them on a potentially dark path with the former renouncing that path successfully while the latter chooses it and regrets it deeply afterwards parallelisms are a staple of creative writing because they can establish relationships and connections without having to say anything directly about that which is connected it is an elegant way to weave a compelling web of implicit connections and thematical bonds and if there is one character in here akhadas is basically the parallelism merchant it's shigaraki the most obvious parallelism that Chiaki sets up is of course that between his journey and trakis both start out as not just weak and incompetent but also as incomplete representations of their respective story roles with dec who only barely managing to hold up the mantle as protagonist at first and jjigae rocky being unable to really sell himself as a series main villain both however carry from the very beginning the spirit necessary for their journeys it just needs to be nurtured and guided and both received that guidance from their masters who both are symbols of the worlds they rule both grow through the support and belief of others with both awakening and evolving their powers consistently as both of them clash with a trial version of each other Deku fights a crazed nihilist who can kill with a touch shing he topples an organaized idea to boost his physical powers and percentages and both of them are tasks to carry the legacy of the respective incapacitated masters this parallelism works to intrinsically tied a coup and shigaraki together as one improves so does the other as they both walk same yet opposite paths parallel yet destined to cross it works towards building up the inevitable clash between the two of them and creates a tension that will continue to build until they both intersect after reaching their maximum potential however another parallelism that shigaraki establishes is the one between him and all might direct ties to nana Shimura is of course the obvious one but there is more Shigure aki just like all might looked at society and decided that change was necessary following the guidance of a master he adored like a parental figure this is also where another narrative trope is injected namely irony as to say the irony that the parent will figure shigaraki looked up to is the man who killed all my ex parental figure who herself was actually related to shigaraki this injected irony combines a parallel structure of shigaraki and all might relationship creates a sense of tragedy as they are similarly an opposite due to the machinations of all-4-one this parallel goes even further when you consider that among all the characters of the new generation is Shigure aki who carries naina and all might spirit the most as he is the only character who manages to smile through pretty much every single encounter or hurdle he faces after his master is caught even as he awakens from his metamorphic slumber his plans and ruins he never stops smiling additionally shigaraki also sets up a narrative discourse about the fictional society of hero akka will talk about this way more in the next section but essentially shigaraki creates and maintains the question of the moral legitimacy of the hero system while stain is a character that most famously brought this specific question to light it is actually introduced by shigaraki all the way back in u.s. Jay he doesn't mean the words he speaks here yet but he is the first one to bring the Apocrypha and dysfunctions of the hero system into the story and as the story continues in both him and his comrades reveal their lives and struggles the hero system is consistently investigated in question as its many issues are laid bare this has over time become argue read mo central conflict within the story of Haraka and our main villain standing in as a consistent reminder and narrative activist to evolve that conflict reinforces its importance finally Shigure aki establishes a certain fluidity to villainy evil in hero akka is not a constant quantity but is instead consistently in flux the table can turn at any moment and the underbelly of society is one ever-changing pool of power dynamics shigaraki clashes repeatedly with other elements of the underworld be it the Yakuza the MLA or a creature rejection clan or as I like to call them the queer KKK this creates a sense that danger can come from any angle and that more crucially there are a myriad different ways and reasons to oppose the system which flows back into a previous point the system is flawed and there are many who wish to reshape it in their own way and if the words of a certain flame wielding mummy are to be relieved this idea is gonna become more important as the series progresses [Music] all right now it's time for the good stuff so far we have stuck to purely describing organizing the many facets that make up the diegetic or in universe and narrative presence of Tomodachi kuraki now it is time to get our interpretation goggles on and discuss what all of this actually means throughout the course of Urraca we are presented with the world is fantastical and almost utopic at least initially everyone is superpowers and can follow our dreams unimpeded as the idealized position of a justice-seeking superhero has become a normal part of society you can be born with power to fly to shoot fire or to neutralize gravity in essence this world has a superficial markings of a characteristic fantasy but of course the first words we hear in the series aren't the world is great no the very first thing the texts of Urraca tells us is that all men are not created equal and under this scope the world receives a different tint the prosperity and idealism of the hero system is built upon the misery of those that were born in anything other than perfect circumstances those without a quirk are belittled and left alone in a society that sees them as an obsolete remnant of a humanity that evolution left behind those born with honour oeq or even villainous powers are equally marginalized and ignores systems and rules made to only accommodate those who are compatible with the hero aesthetic which itself has prostituted itself out of an altruistic service into a for-profit business this is not even to mention that people despite the normalcy of quirks still do not actually receive any real education regarding what their quirks actually mean to them as people quirks aren't just superpowers they are parts of a person's very essence vital aspect of what they are that both shape and are shaped by that person's self-image and perception of the world characters like toga and la brasa have their worldviews and ammo tendencies completely shifted and distorted by the waiter quirk forces them to interact with their surroundings distortions that adequate education systems could have prevented but chose not to those whose quirks impact our mental health or lead to discrimination or pain are just as boned society cares only for select specific slice of itself and would rather ignore the parts that take too much effort and change to address but as should be obvious there's only so many times you can ignore your dysfunctions before they eventually have consequences a society is corrupt and broken burns bright with the fires of injustice and those fires cast a shadow shigaraki isn't the one that originally brings up the systems and justices for nothing he is a representation of the evil of society bubbling up and combining into a dark Avenger of sorts an entity that is both tormented and exalted by its never-ending desire to destroy the society that created it he is a shadow of the hero system born out of its hypocrisy and dysfunctions and hell-bent on crushing it under his heel for no reason other than its the only purpose this world could ever give him he is all of what is wrong with the system given shape a voice and a mission the very thing that gives birth to Shiga rocky as a thematic entity is after all a culmination of every broken segment of the system his father's hate of Heroes stems from being both abandoned and having his mother's disappearance be touted as an act of true heroism despite the pain and suffering she left her family with tank o's urge destroy as well as his quark could have been caught by more attentive caring consoling process Wanda would try and resolve not just a physiology but the psychology of quirks and of course even after his devastating awakening he still could have been saved he still could have been reformed but because it simply is more convenient to say oh I'm sure some hero will save you instead of taking initiative most pastor bys ignored him in utter disgust people don't wish to see those excluded from their own privileged people don't want to be reminded of how broken the system they profit from is and because there are virtually endless possible quirks it's a handy excuse to just say that it's smarter to wait until someone else with the right power comes around we see a facet of this social laziness even in the very first chapter manga when the bystanding Heroes cannot help deku it's important to note here though that none of these people are bad none of them are doing this out of malice or evil rather they are acting according to values and ideas society as instilled on them when you are told that heroes are these invincible Paragons that save everyone but a capitalist propaganda machine of the commercialized hero system why should you a random accountant go out of your way and risk parts of your cushy life to help a random child it's indifferent and unwillingness to risk a status quo not evil but is these tiny isolated acts of indifference and ignorance that pull together to create the oily black void mingled shigaraki perfectly illustrated by this page in Chapter 237 where the panels of the single encounters with a passerby x' form to create the skylines of the city itself cleverly and clearly communicating that the small cruelties of the individuals eventually form and enable an uncaring cold and in just society and it is this society that leaves the rescue of a bloodied child hanging for so long that the only hand that reaches out to young Tenko is that of the lord of evil himself all for one most villains of traditional stories are introduced with their motives and powers mostly complete they tend to know what they want how to achieve it and already have the ability to achieve it with the plot intentionally revolving around two protagonists spanning together to prevent the evildoers machinations and keep them from reaching their goal Shigure aki is quite interesting in that he does become that sort of villain by some point but we get to see his journey towards that plateau this works to make him a much more frightening monster namely one that grows and evolves among his arsenals of threats and abilities the most terrifying part about shigaraki his ability to reflect look at himself and his experiences and course-correct accordingly beating him once means nothing because all he will do is learn from it this flows back into the role of society's shadow as him being the star counterpart to the hero system makes him as difficult to topple as the system itself instead adapting and twisting to and around every single setback in general throughout his growth process he can often be seen as a distortion of the value society heralds as indicative of its success he is taught and nurtured by a caring parent whom he despite some brattiness deeply adores he constantly looks at his peers in himself and seeks to improve in pursuit of his goals and dreams he values his comrades and friends and seeks to learn from them and enjoy their company and as he follows his dreams he never stops smiling his parallelism with Deku Almighty and the archetype of a good person built this twisted journey that on paper can almost sound like a positive coming-of-age story and it is this story that of course culminates in Shiga rocky receiving all for one I want to spend a bit of time on this specifically as all-4-one is just like Shiraki a thematic behemoth in this world where the power you are born with influence is not just your possibilities and future and social standing but you're very personality an identity all-4-one the quirk is the greatest equalizer imaginable the emergence of quirks brought about a fundamental biological indubitable inequality that effects everyone and all for one is the only power could undo that inequality as it can freely redistribute quirks since quirks are part of who you are part of a makes you you the power to change that with a touch of a palm is akin to the power of a god a savior that could fundamentally restructure society that Savior was first all for one himself and now it's shigaraki Stern their dream is to reshape the fabric of human community itself and to that dream many others who feel wronged by the system devote themselves those whose powers led them to insanity to torment to isolation they rally behind the symbol of liberation this idea of chained how fitting then that he who carries all for one always also receives a hole in the palm of each hand I certainly don't have to tell you why that is relevant imagery to the idea of a savior and Chicka Rock he becomes that savior of the downtrodden not through cheating and stealing although he does do that too but by the support belief and care of his self built family the league is insane and socially dysfunctional but as twice the emotionally unstable member time and time reiterates they belong they are a community of people who found each other all discarded by the system all eager to see a change and all of them wishing to see that change brought about by symbol that can rival and topple all might who - most of them is not a symbol of peace but one of stagnation and of the upholding of the injust status quo shigaraki mimics and adopts qualities of both deku and almighty and lives up to them better than either he relies on his friends and uses their input to improve just like deku and just like all might he never stops smiling his eternal grin always facing the future he wishes to rip to shreds even all-4-one the symbol of evil contributes to this if we continue to consider quirks as a core part of a person's being then all for one giving his all-powerful quirk to shigaraki is seemingly an ultimate act of love one worthy of giving birth to the savior of society however this is all very idealistic and only half the story all-4-one of course does not truly care about jjigae rocky he merely wants his legacy to live on the league is not some altruistic group of idealists but outcasts and weirdos who want to live out their urges and desires and just so happen to push shigaraki towards his dream in the mean time but this is the part that truly makes us both interesting and tragic shigaraki and his pals have all the makings of a revolutionary group but are stuck limited by their own pain and scars shigaraki himself is consistently used and manipulated by all for one even being forcefully given his name to symbolize the relationship all-4-one the original man named shigaraki forces Tenko to adopt his name to unambiguously establish ownership and legacy throughout his whole life Shigure aki is a force of destruction to be used and guided by others whose base selfish goals but as we have seen Chiaki has grown he isn't helpless child anymore but rather a thinking adult who has liberated himself from all notions and concepts that held him back he is the true shadow of society and as we gone eluding the grass from those who wish to use him just look at how he finesses overhaul Indra destro both times refusing to be upon it is also this quality that allows the selfish generally insane League members to band together behind him as they on some level understand that shigaraki will lead to a broken horizon of boundless freedom and it is that freedom that liberation that shigaraki inevitably aspires towards as the mirror towards society's failings it is his natural inclination to destroy the society gave birth to him the important detail here is that this destruction is being done without concern for future and nihilistic tabula rasa under the mantra that whatever follows has to be better than what exists now this is again in stark contrast to our protagonist a COO who specifically wishes to change the world into a brighter future this again reinforces their parallelism and their opposite nature they both wish to improve and save the world but in completely different ways to Deku salvation is the existence of hope and continues belief in the future whereas shigaraki believes that salvation comes in the form of indiscriminate destruction that sets all society back from where they can start over a complete rejection of the future altogether and rather a new starting point it is about whether to improve and reform the existing system or whether to tear it all down it is about whether to go beyond the system's limitations and drag it up to a better level alongside you or rip it apart annihilate its smallest segments and void it completely it is in the end a conflict between going plus ultra and leaving everything into plus chaos all of this is why I believe Shiraki to be a phenomenal take on a shounen villain his character arced here's the story of a child abandoned by society rising up step-by-step to destroy it a story it evokes tropes of parallelisms and opposition's which themselves create a thematic ethos of a monster created by her own flaws the question I posed at the start of video is answer Meshuga Rocky's existence as we create monsters monsters are a product of the actions of humanity and our own tiny cruelties shigaraki presents a dark investigation of what a society failing truly means and through that investigation plays bare many ways in which not cruelty and malice but indifference ignorance and carelessness lead to the greatest suffering among us he is a story of a trial being twisted into a shadowy Saviour of the downtrodden through both a deep lust for destruction and an evil that seeks to exist immemorial and most importantly he's an incredibly well realized and layered character whose story is filled with moments and aspects that flow towards both his narrative and thematic functions and reinforce him and by extension heroic his greatest theme consistently and repeatedly no one else represents the failings of harakas world better than Tamura shigaraki and therefore no one is more worthy of being this story's monster and the best part all of what I just discussed is only the beginning as of writing this video kira akka has reached what is its exact middle point pretty much which means we're only halfway through this amazing story and are only halfway through she got Rocky's journey kids now achieve both emotional and physical liberation and has transcended into a monstrous entity that the entire story now tries to deal with and I cannot wait for what happens next thank you all so much for watching if you enjoyed the video be sure to subscribe and ring that little bell if you want to support me on patreon and have your name up like these cool people over here or over there don't know you can do so in the link in description take care be safe bye bye you
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Views: 149,553
Rating: 4.9591203 out of 5
Keywords: MHA, My Hero Academia, BNHA, Boku no Hero Academia, HeroAca, Deku, All Might, Tomura Shigaraki, Shimura, All for One, Decay, Manga, My Villain Academia, Analysis, Anime, Oceaniz
Id: iVSuwu7fmnc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 38sec (2438 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 09 2020
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