The Complete My Hero Academia Timeline...So Far | Get In The Robot

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- [Dorrie] Now that everyone's favorite shounen is starting to get a little darker, it's high time we chronicle the events that have brought us to this spot with a full timeline. There will be spoilers for events up through the end of the fourth season of the anime. So don't say I didn't warn ya. (soft rhythmic music) In the world of "My Hero Academia," it can be hard to track some of the earlier events, since there aren't exact years. For the dates we do have, we'll be marking them as BUA, or Before Midoriya enters UA. But years before UA is even established a luminous baby is born in Keikei, China. This is the first recorded quirk in human history. Eventually, 80% of the population will have quirks. The other 20% not so lucky. The Vigilante Era: All for One and One For All. With quirks popping up all over the place, everything's absolute chaos. Society is forced to reshape itself to accommodate humanity's new powers. The first person to become something of a unifier is a man named Shigaraki. His hyper-powerful quirk, All for One, allows him to steal several other peoples' quirks. Shigaraki uses his powerful quirk to manipulate Japan from the shadows amidst all the confusion. All For One sways people to his side by giving them powerful quirks, or, you know, just turning them into mindless puppets by giving them overly powerful quirks that their bodies can't exactly handle. On the other hand, All For One's brother is sickly, small, and seemingly quirkless, but opposes his brother's evil deeds. Whether out of kindness or, well, just pity, All For One gives him a quirk that allows him to stockpile power. However, the stockpile quirk awakens the brother's actual quirk, which had been latent. His quirk can be passed down from one person to another. The two quirks fuse to create One for All. The younger brother tries to stop All For One with his cool new Quirk, but finds that he's still not powerful enough. And so, he passes One For All down to a successor, creating a chain of heroes who cultivate and pass down the power, all in the hopes that someone, someday, will be able to defeat All For One. Nonetheless, with the help of a quirk that stops him from aging, All For One continues to pursue his dream of becoming the king of evil. Creation of the Hero System. As quirk-enhanced crime begins to rise, groups of vigilantes show up to keep the peace. Countries around the world begin to pass legislation regulating the usage of Quirks. And this is where professional heroes come into the picture. Rhode Island institutes the very first Licensed Hero System, but of the 189 active vigilantes, only seven become recognized by the state as heroes. Everyone else, sorry, you're immediately classified as a villain, tough luck. The Age of Nana Shimura, approximately 50 BUA to 35 BUA. Seven generations after the creation of One For All, the modern-day society of heroes is in full swing. Among these heroes is Nana Shimura, the seventh host of One For All. However, despite all the pro-heroes running around, villains are thriving thanks to All For One's influence. Nana eventually meets a quirkless teenage boy named Yagi Toshinori. He's got a strong sense of justice, a great head of hair and he yearns to become a Symbol of Peace for people to rely on and look up to. Nana decides to mentor this quirkless boy and make him her successor. Some time later, Nana's husband is tragically killed. To spare her son from the same fate, Nana places him into foster care and keeps her distance. She also asks Toshinori and her BFF Gran Torino to do the same. Nana's son grows up with, of course, a strong hate of heroes and a violent streak. When Toshinori is 18, All For One tracks him and Nana to finally snuff out One for All. In the ensuing battle, Nana sacrifices herself so her successor can get away, and entrusts Gran Torino with the rest of his training. The Age of All Might, approximately 35 BUA to six BUA. After graduating from UA, a grief-stricken Toshinori hones his skills on the streets of Los Angeles with his new hero name: All Might. When he returns to Japan, his rise is meteoric. A video of one of his early rescues blows up online, and All Might quickly becomes the Number One Hero. The world comes to know him as the Symbol of Peace. Thanks to the influence All Might wields, Japan's crime rate drops below 6%. But All Might's rise isn't great for everyone. One hero, Endeavor, rises to the number two spot when he's just 20 and bitterly stays there for the next 25 years, jealous of All Might's spotlight (murmurs). All Might takes on one of his biggest fans, Mirai Sasaki, hero name: Sir Nighteye, as his sidekick. Nighteye's quirk allows him to see the future, so he becomes the analytical mastermind behind their missions. But All For One also takes in a new apprentice, Tomura Shigaraki, AKA Tenko Shimura, Nana's grandson. All For One takes Shigaraki under his wing after finding him wandering the streets all by his lonesome. He feeds into Shigaraki's increasing disillusionment with hero society and hatred of All Might. Nighteye is All Might's number one fan, but Izuku Midoriya is pretty close second. This adorable four-year-old has tons of All Might merch and loves to play pretend as All Might. He even watches that early video of him on repeat constantly. No shame, I watched Talking Heads' "Stop Making Sense" on repeat constantly, because I feel the same way about that, and I am in my 20s. Izuku wants nothing more than to be a hero just like All Might, but when his mother takes him to the doctor, they find out that, surprise, he's quirkless. That's like pretty sad, but Akaguro Chizome's story kinda takes the cake in terms of tragedy. He's deeply inspired by All Might, but drops out of his high school hero course once he realizes that his classmates are in it for money and personal gain. After a disillusioned, chaotic stint as a vigilante named Stendahl, Akaguro will eventually rebrand himself as Hero Killer Stain and start preaching the Revival of Heroics. All Might versus All For One, six BUA. After years of clashing, All Might finally becomes the first successor of One For All to defeat All For One. All Might doesn't kill him, but he does manage to completely decimate his head, which is pretty bad. All For One is forced to retreat even deeper into the shadows. He eventually creates the League of Villains and places Tomura at its head, grooming him to become his successor. However, All Might is also gravely wounded in the battle; his injuries put a sudden time limit on how long All Might can use One For All, but he conceals his fate. Nighteye insists that All Might pick a successor and retire as soon as possible, especially after foreseeing a grizzly death in store for him in six or seven years' time. But All Might feels that the world still needs him as the Symbol of Peace. Nighteye can't stand to watch All Might destroy himself, so they, unfortunately, decide to go their separate ways. Elsewhere, a failed aspiring hero named Danjuro Tobita starts posting videos online under the villain name Gentle Criminal. These videos aren't especially popular, but they do catch the attention of a depressed, genius teenage hacker named Manami Aiba. She begs Tobita to let her join his operation and takes on the codename La Brava. Izuku meets All Might, one BUA. Izuku Midoriya, now 14-years-old, is a bright-eyed, bushy haired middle school student. He still loves superheroes and takes obsessive notes on each and every one of them. You know his whole mutter-mutter-mutter-mutter thing. One day, All Might saves Izuku from a sludge villain. Izuku is like beyond excited to meet him, but when he sees All Might's secret injury, he feels just a little bit crushed. But, when that same sludge villain attacks his classmate and personal bully, Katsuki Bakugo, Izuku rushes in before the heroes do, even though he's got like no chance of saving his, friend? Frenemy? Rival? Boyfriend? Whatever; he can't save Bakugo on his own. Luckily for our quirkless boy, All Might shows up and rescues the both of them. That evening, moved by Izuku's heroic spirit, All Might reveals to Izuku that he has been looking for a successor for One For All, and had agreed to teach at UA for that very purpose. But he picks Izuku to be a successor, right then and there. Oh, so shounen! UA Entrance Exam, zero UA. 10 months go by, it's February 26th, and Izuku is now 15! He's been training hard, you know, cleaning beaches, dragging tires, and inheriting One For All by ingesting All Might's hair. That sentence is still so goddamn weird to say. Mere hours after getting his new quirk, Izuku takes the entrance exam for UA, the most prestigious high school for churning out pro heroes. While Izuku doesn't get tons of points, his inaugural use of One for All saves one of the other test participants, Ochako Uraraka. Ochako, in turn, saves him from crashing to the ground. She also charms him into loving his nickname, Deku. Unfortunately, Izuku kinda learns the hard way that his body isn't quite ready to handle All For One. His performance in the entrance exam leaves his arm and both of his legs completely shattered. Yikes, poor unsuspecting Inko. However, one week later, Izuku discovers that even though he got zero points for taking down decoy villains in the exam, his heroic rescue of Ochako earned him acceptance into UA. Also, sometime early in this year, the Yazuka organization Shie Haasaikai falls into inner turmoil, because of the boss's young apprentice, Kai Chisaki. Chisaki wants to use the quirk of the boss's granddaughter, Eri, to create quirk-erasing bullets. When the boss refuses, because Eri is like a little kid, Kai secretly puts him into a coma, makes himself the acting boss of the gang, starts recruiting pawns, and begins performing horrible experiments on Eri. And I will never forgive him for it, because poor sweet little baby Eri, God, I love her so much, ugh, can't get over it. First Semester at UA, April to June, zero BCE. Izuku begins his classes in April, where he meets his fellow 1A classmates and their homeroom teacher Shota Aizawa, AKA Eraser Head AKA Daddy. In a grueling first day of classes, Izuku successfully attempts to harness One For All in just one finger, but his finger still breaks. Izuku soon picks his hero name: Deku. Sorry, I just had to say it like Bakugo, it's so much fun! Once news hits that All Might is a teacher at UA, the media enters a frenzy and the villains take notice. In a matter of days, Deku and his classmates are suddenly attacked by villains while practicing rescue training at the Unforeseen Simulation Joint, or USJ, with Space Hero: Thirteen. Shigaraki's League of Villains have chosen this opportunity to make their glorious debut, mirroring the likes of Team Rocket, and, hopefully, killing All Might in the process. Tomura's accompanied by Kurogiri, along with some small fry villains, and a strange being called a Nomu, a reanimated super-soldier corpse modified especially for the League to hold multiple Quirks. Class 1A is forced to fight the villains until more pro heroes arrive. All Might dutifully shows up and pushes past his new limits to defeat the Nomu, and then Deku intercepts Shigaraki and Kurogiri from charging at All Might. Luckily, other pro heroes show up just in time to handle the situation. Even though the USJ incident ended up as a humiliating defeat for the League of Villains, All For One orders Shigaraki to take the time he needs to build up a stronger, more fearsome group. Just over two weeks later, Deku and his classmates are still reeling from the USJ incident. I mean, it's kinda traumatizing for a bunch of teenagers when you think about it. Thankfully, they can turn their attention to the UA Sports Festival as a much-needed distraction. Best arc, IMO. The highly-anticipated, televised annual event serves as a recruiting tool for UA students. Events include the obstacle course race, which Deku wins, the cavalry battle, where Deku gains the highest point value, and the finals, which are tournament style, one-on-one matches. Deku faces off against fellow classmate Shoto Todoroki, the son of the still-bitter Number two Hero, Endeavour. Todoroki wins, but only after Deku convinces him that his flame abilities are his own power and not his (bleep) dad's. ♪ Life is your own, get ready ♪ ♪ Wake your psyche up, Mob ♪ Sorry, wrong anime, but I always have to reference Mob. Everyone's favorite hothead Katsuki Bakugo ends up winning the whole damn festival and he's really pissed off about it. However, during the Festival, 1A Class Rep Tenya Iida gets word that his brother, the hero Ingenium, has been badly wounded in a battle against a new threat, Hero Killer: Stain. Ingenium becomes paralyzed from the waist down, and Iida takes up the mantle of the Ingenium name. One week later, Deku and his class start their internships. Deku works under the now senile Gran Torino, who helps him to the next level of using One for All, Full Cowling! Now, Deku can evenly distribute a small percentage of One For All's power throughout his body! Meanwhile, Shigaraki meets with Stain, hoping to recruit him to the League. However, Stain's ideology proves different from the League's: he wants to purge society of false heroes, and villains, who use their quirks selfishly and vainly. He dislikes needless bloodshed, even though his whole quirk is like about eating blood. Yeah, there's a bit of a complex there. While Stain and Shigaraki come to blows, Stain allows the League of Villains to continue because he sees promise in Shigaraki. Still, Shigaraki's annoyed by Stain's whole holier-than-thou attitude. So, after dropping him back off in Hosu, Shigaraki orders three Nomu from All For One to destroy Stain and have some fun wreaking havoc on Hosu. It's a party in Hosu, and not the good kind. Pros like Endeavor flock to the city to deal with the Nomu. And just three days into their internships, Deku, Iida, and Todoroki find themselves facing off against Stain. Iida encounters Stain first, hoping to avenge his brother. The three students manage to defeat Stain, but since they're unlicensed, the credit goes to Endeavor. Stain is whisked away to Tartarus, a super high-security prison. The Hosu Incident is huge news, with Stain's role and ideology totally outshining the Nomu. Stain's ideology begins to spread like wildfire, influencing a new wave of villains. Sure enough, the whole criminal underworld gets Stain Fever, and ironically enough, the League of Villains gets a sudden surge of cred. Shigaraki reluctantly takes advantage of the situation in order to build up the League. At the end of June, he also takes time to hash out his ill feelings towards Stain in a creepy little chat with Deku at the mall. Deku is understandably pretty freaked out, but he has to focus. It's final exam season! Class 1A's practical exam pits two students against one of the pro-hero staff. For the first time, Deku and Bakugo kinda work together against All Might! Though not everyone passes, they're all sent off to summer training camp. Kidnapping and the Kamino Ward Incident, July, zero BCE. The UA first-years head off to their training camp with the Wild, Wild Pussycats; it's all to help the students earn their provisional hero licenses. However, on the third night of the camp, while the first years are all scattered taking a test of courage, surprise! The League of Villain's brand new Vanguard Action Squad attacks. Nobody saw this coming! The 10-person elite team includes new recruits like Dabi, best girl Himiko Toga, Twice, Mister Compress, Spinner, and Magne. There's also another Nomu. Their mission: Capture Bakugo! The hero-in-training is on their radar thanks to his performance at the Sports Festival. With everyone split up around the forest, chaos ensues. Deku wrecks his body to save a child from a villain literally called Muscular. Ew, oh God, that villain was so disgusting! Even thinking about him just makes me (gags). In the end, despite everyone's best efforts, the villains successfully make off with Bakugo, as well as Ragdoll, one of the Pussycats. Deku's injuries are so severe that that at the hospital, the doctor warns him that if he keeps injuring his arm ligaments, he will lose the ability to use his arms at all. About three days after the Vanguard attack, Deku's friends visit him in the hospital. They break the news that real MVP Momo Yaoyorozu put a tracking device on the Nomu, which the police and pros are using to uncover the League's hideout. The students also realize that Momo could make another device to help 1A go after Bakugo themselves. The proposal creates a rift between the students, since they were explicitly ordered to leave the matter to the pros. But this is shonen after all, so Deku, Todoroki, Momo, Kirishima, and Iida throw caution to the wind and decide to go anyway. UA issues a solemn televised apology for allowing one of their students to get kidnapped. The broadcast is widely watched, even by the League of Villains, who are trying to convince Bakugo to join them. Bakugo is totally not convinced and attempts to fight back. That night, Deku and team follow Momo's tracker to a warehouse filled with Nomus, but there's no sign of the League or Bakugo. Around the same time, a team of heroes and police led by All Might, break into the League's main hideout, fighting them off to save Bakugo! Meanwhile, the remaining heroes follow Momo's tracker and round up the Nomus. However, All for One appears at the warehouse and takes out all the pro heroes present. He transports a fresh batch of Nomu to All Might, and transports the League members and Bakugo away from All Might and over to the warehouse. All Might quickly tracks them down, and has another showdown with All for One. Meanwhile, Team Deku successfully escape with Bakugo while All For One forcibly transports Tomura and the League away. Now, everyone is out of the way. Six years after their first fight, All For One and All Might have an explosive rematch on live television. After trading a couple of blows, All for One exposes All Might's weakened form after the hero blocks a powerful attack to save a trapped citizen. All for One also takes this opportunity to inform All Might that Tomura is Nana Shimura's grandson. Ugh, that tactical sonofabi-- (bleep). As other pros show up to help clear the scene of remaining citizens and injured heroes, All Might gets a burst of energy. He defeats All for One with a final, massive punch: the United States of smash! It's a devastating attack that puts All for One down, but it also uses up the final reserve of One For All. Addressing the public, All Might passes his message on to Deku, and everyone listening: "Now, it's your turn." All for One is locked up under maximum security in Tartarus. However, the unexpected early retirement of the Symbol of Peace gives everyone some serious anxiety. And with the League of Villains still very much around, new villains are popping up all over the place like hot cakes. On top of that, Chisaki Kai, AKA Overhaul, of the Shie Hassaikai deems All Might's fall to be the perfect moment to enact his plan. Overhaul and his goons take to the streets and sell the quirk-enhancing drug Trigger to fund their plans. Provisional Hero Licenses, August, zero BCE. Between Bakugo's kidnapping and the Kamino Ward incident, UA has no choice but to take heightened security measures. All students must live in dorms that are quickly built inside the UA campus. And since the training camp was so rudely interrupted, students must continue working towards their provisional hero license test. To that end, a day after moving in, Deku and his classmates work on developing Ultimate Moves. Four days in, Deku develops his Full Cowling, Shoot Style! Meanwhile, the members of the League of Villains are keeping a low profile and working separately to avoid being tracked down and captured. Three days before the provisional license exam, Himiko infiltrates Shiketsu Academy and disguises herself using her Quirk as a student named Camie. She then takes the exam and hits on Deku and Ochako in Camie's place. Best girl has got her priorities straight. Once the exam starts, all the nearby hero schools honor the yearly tradition and gang up on the kids from UA. But of course, everyone from class 1A passes the test and receives their provisional licenses, well, except for Todoroki and Bakugo. Oh, and Himiko Toga walks away with a drop of Deku's blood, without anyone ever discovering her true identity. I know, this is like the fourth time I'm saying it, but guys, best girl! The night after the license exam, Bakugo confronts Deku; he suspects that Deku gained his Quirk from All Might. Hm, I wonder what gave him that idea. Years of tension finally come to a head, and the two fight so hard that All Might himself has to break them up. Both boys walk away with a newfound respect for each other, both inspired by the other to become a better hero. And God was that fight (bleep) awesome. Shie Hassaikai Raid, September, zero UA. The League of Villains try to recruit Overhaul, but once they meet up, Chisaki tries to absorb the League into the Hassakai instead. After all, Chisaki and Shigaraki both see themselves as the future king of the underworld. Just one big-old (bleep) contest. The tense in meeting results in Chisaki killing off Magne and blowing Mister Compress's arm off, while Shigaraki kills one of Overhaul's cronies. Days later, the situation defuses and Shigaraki agrees to lend Himiko and Twice to the Yakuza, of course, it's just to secretly keep tabs on the organization. Meanwhile, Deku manages to secure a work study position under Sir Nighteye, thanks to Mirio Togata, AKA Lemillion, an upperclassman who's one of UA's Big Three. And looks like a beefy vault boy. Nighteye's agency happens to be investigating Overhaul and his gang. During a routine patrol, Deku and Mirio coincidentally run into a fleeing Eri, who is being pursued by her so-called father. You can't see it but I was doing air quotes over father. Well, it's Chisaki himself. Deku and Mirio can tell something's wrong, but they let Overhaul go so they don't raise a suspicion. Days later, as run-ins with the drug Trigger and temporary quirk-erasing bullets increase, Nighteye calls a secret meeting of heroes to share intel about the Hassaikai. The heroes come to the conclusion that Chisaki must be using Eri to develop bullets that could destroy quirks permanently. They plan to storm the Hassaikai's hideout and save sweet lil' baby Eri once they find the location. Only a couple of days later, the heroes raid the Hassaikai HQ. While Chisaki escapes with Eri, the heroes rush in, splitting up so others can keep moving forward with the rescue. Thanks to his quirk, Mirio goes ahead of all of them. With all the chaos, Himoko and Twice take the opportunity to betray the Yakuza. Later, as they ditch the scene, Himiko even disguises herself as Deku to tell the heroes where Overhaul is. Mirio catches up to Chisaki and fights to get Eri out of his grasp, but is shot by a permanent quirk-erasing bullet. However, even without his quirk, he holds Overhaul off for 15 minutes, until Deku, Aizawa, and Nighteye show up. In the ensuing battle, Mirio tries to escape with Eri, and Chisaki impales Nighteye. Now, Deku alone is left to face off against a freakishly fused Overhaul. I'm talking the stuff of nightmares here. With the help of Eri's Rewind quirk, Deku uses 100% of One For All's power, changing the future Nighteye saw and defeating Chisaki! But as the police are bringing Chisaki in, Shigaraki and the rest of the League of Villains attack his prison transport. Shigaraki snags the supply of quirk-erasing bullets, destroys Chisaki's hands, and robs him of his quirk with his own bullets; brutal! And within seconds Eri gets taken to the hospital with much of the rescue team. After reconciling with All Might, Nighteye passes away from his injuries at the hospital. Moment of silence for Nighteye. School Festival, October to November, zero UA. As work studies end, classes resume, and the time for the UA school festival nears. Class 1A decides to put on a concert and dance performance. To help with Eri's recovery and cheer her up, Deku and Mirio convince Aizawa and Principal Nezu to allow Eri to attend the festival. Meanwhile, Deku begins to work with All Might in order to develop a long-range air blast attack. The festival has UA on ultra-high alert. Unfortunately, Gentle Criminal and La Brava plan on infiltrating UA during the festival and causing a spectacle to increase traffic to their video channel. (sighs) Classic influencer BS. We should know, we're on YouTube. Fortunately, Deku runs into them as he's running last-minute errands on the morning of the festival. He recognizes Gentle from his videos, and they recognize Deku from the Sports festival. And they fight! And Deku wins! As the police take them away, Gentle tries to place all blame on himself, for La Brava's sake. And Deku goes on to perform, for Eri's sake. And good God, that little girl's smile could create world piece, she's just so mother-- (bleep) cute! Not long after, Eri moves into the faculty dorms at UA, under Aizawa's - and Mirio's - constant supervision. That day, the first Hero Billboard Chart JP rankings of the post-All Might era are announced and broadcast live. And Endeavor is finally number one. The next day, Hawks and Endeavor team up to battle an extremely powerful black nomu. It's got a familiar face, and it can talk, regenerate, create clones, and it can fly! Endeavor reveals that he too can fly, and the two heroes take their battle into the air. Hawks uses his feathers to protect civilians, but when his wings are depleted, Endeavor is forced to take the lead. Endeavor unleashes a firey inferno on the Nomu, but it isn't enough to keep the Nomu down. Finally, Endeavor pushes himself beyond what he thought he was capable of and hop skip a punches the Nomu into the stratosphere. So begins the era of a new number one hero. And that's the timeline for "My Hero Academia"! Well, so far, anyway. Let us know what your favorite moment from the series has been. And as always, I'm Dorrie. Thank you so much for watching Get in the Robot, your anime explainer. Stay safe and healthy, everybody. (gentle rhythmic music)
Channel: Get In The Robot
Views: 1,499,044
Rating: 4.8914881 out of 5
Keywords: My Hero Academia, boku no hero academia, My Hero Academia Season 4, my hero academia timeline, timeline of my hero academia, mha timeline, my hero academia recap, my hero academia heroes rising, deku, all might, mha, todoroki, bakugo, deku vs overhaul, shonen, shounen, eri, the complete my hero academia timeline, anime, tv show, Get in the Robor
Id: i2qLMOVoi7g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 3sec (1443 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 10 2020
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