Top 10 Strongest Quirks In My Hero Academia

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Aug 21 2018 🗫︎ replies

Honestly, not ground-breaking observations... Basically chose all the quirks even the most casual readers would pick with maybe placements shuffled. I never understood the need to create a Top 10 for quirks- I mean, other than views and money of course- since it's damn obvious which quirks are "better"/"stronger" than others. Plus I personally feel a video like this doesn't need to be 50 minutes.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Lizard_Queen_Says 📅︎︎ Aug 21 2018 🗫︎ replies
[Music] this video was sponsored by better health how's it going everybody 2spooky here and in this video today we are going to be counting down the top 10 strongest quirks in my hero academia this is a video I've been wanting to do for a while and I decided it's finally time to make it happen now before we get into the actual list there's a few things you need to keep in mind the first thing would be that my pronunciation of different Japanese names and phrases is terrible so I'm likely going to mispronounce a few things throughout the video next I need to quickly go over what characteristics are required for a quirk to be eligible for this list because this list is counting down the strongest quirks the quirk in question needs to be rather powerful in some aspect you see for a quirk to truly be one of the strongest I believe it needs to be able to do one thing it needs to be able to cause a significant amount of damage to either people or the environment or both because if a quirk isn't able to cause any damage I don't believe it can be considered one of the strongest this is of course on a case-to-case basis because some of the quirks on this list fall into a different category of what could be considered damage that's a lot of damage pop it a little more however as you'll see what I believe are these strongest quirks are those that I believe can cause the most damage or effect the most people know it's a lot of damage whether a quirk is used for good or for evil is not a factor in deciding their placement as I'll likely provide reasonings for both hero and villain scenarios if necessary there will be spoilers in this video for both anime and manga so if you do not wish to be spoiled please click away from this video and finally I quickly wanted to mention that I will be making another my hero academia top ten once this video hits three thousand likes and that top 10 will be the top ten worst or weakest quirks so feel free to drop a like now if you want to see that video eventually come to life or feel free to drop a like after watching this and our video to decide if it's truly worthy of that like either way it's time for us to jump right into the list number ten manifest this quirk belongs to Tamaki ammaji ki simply put this quirk allows its user to temporarily develop or manifest characteristics of anything the user had eaten previously these manifestations are also essentially different temporary transformations that can occur anywhere on the users own body such as eating takoyaki and then being able to manifest tentacles these transformations are also not limited to just one manifestation the user can eat multiple different things and then subsequently use the transformations of each of these different things anywhere on their body at any time so long as the objects are still digesting in the users stomach the user can also mix these different manifestations together to create new and interesting techniques and the objects that the user can manifest are also not limited to only food as we've seen him use manifest with a crystal taken from someone else's quirk so it seems as long as the object can be consumed in some way it can be used as a weapon personally I think this quirk is pretty underrated simply because the possibilities with this one are seemingly endless essentially anything that can be consumed by the user can be transformed into a potential weapon or technique so instead of going on and on about every possibility let me just name a few examples as to why this quirk could easily be one of the strongest we've already seen that various foods or animal meat can be manifested into that animal's respective offensive or defensive characteristics so in theory the user could consume something like a bee to transform their arm into gigantic stingers or like a real-life Beedrill or he could eat snake meat to develop venomous fangs or an extendable neck like Orochimaru from Naruto with this quirk you will automatically have every animals natural weapons or defenses at your disposal because there are countless dangerous animals in the world assuming these same animals exist in the mind hero academia universe each of these animals could easily make the user of this quirk an unstoppable hero or a ruthless villain now this alone wouldn't make this quirk one of the strongest in my opinion however what I do believe makes this quirk one of the strongest would be the fact that other objects can be manifested such as those crystals from the crystallization quirk I want to clarify that we don't know this for sure but if the user can consume and manifest these crystals they can likely do this for any object in the world imagine the user swallows a piece of steel they then have the ability to transform their body into steel the possibilities are honestly endless if this is the case the user could even go as far to eat something like uranium or a separate nuclear substance to transform themselves into a radioactive bomb which would be devastating if the quarks user were a villain this already makes me believe that this quark is worthy of being in the top 10 strongest but I believe this quark could go even further what if and this is a big what if the user is able to manifest other quirks simply by consuming the DNA of another person you see the crystal that tamaki consumed was taken from you Hojo's quark crystallization which means that these crystals could be considered an extension of you host body and therefore his DNA if this were the case tamaki was able to manifest the crystallization quark through you Hojo's DNA meaning he could likely do this with other people's quirks as well say for instance he consumed some of Baku Gogh's hairs this could potentially mean that tamaki could manifest explosive sweat and ignite it just like Bach ago meaning this manifestation quark could essentially be a way to temporarily copy other quirks similar to the copy quark but to a much greater extent because of that possibility and the many other possibilities with this quark that we didn't even mention I can't help but believe this is one of the strongest however this quirk does have a handful of downfalls and a lot of what I said earlier is only speculation like I mentioned this quark works with objects or food the user consumes so if the object in question is debatably on consumable I doubt the user could use it to their advantage because let's be real here not every person has the iron stomach work like shoenice so it's pretty unlikely that Tamaki is going to be able to consume something like steel or uranium without you know dying so the objects are limited to foods or objects that are safe or at the very least relatively safe for the user to consume so unless manifest also grants the user the iron stomach work as a little bonus the potential for this quirk is unfortunately limited the other big drawback would be the fact that this quirk requires outside sources which in this case is food and objects to even use this quirk at all you need to eat because if you get caught in a sticky situation on an empty stomach you're completely fought so the user of this quirk either needs to constantly have something in their stomach which also means that the user likely needs to carry food with them at almost all times so that right there automatically gives this quirk a pretty large handicap depending on the ability you want to manifest you also need to pick and choose what foods you eat and possibly go out of your way to get certain foods or objects that may be harder to acquire and if you're in a dire situation you may even run out of food or mid-fight your stomach could finish digesting and you no longer have anything to manifest so bottom line with manifest it has so so many different possibilities and potential manifestations some of which are even powerful enough to take down the strongest of enemies however this quirk also has just too many downfalls for me to put it any higher than 10 on our list but regardless because it has the potential to be so powerful manifest is our pick for number 10 number 9 dark shadow this quirk belongs to Fuma kagetokage ME this quirk grants its user fumika gay the ability to materialize a sentient monster or creature that is made completely out of darkness energy which is called dark dark shadow is always connected to fumika gay and cannot separate from his body although it is able to stretch itself quite far away from fumaça gay without actually physically detaching from his body the two of them may be connected but they do not share the same body what I mean by this is both fumaça gay and dark shadow have their own mind feelings etc so any pain or feeling that dark shadow feels will not be felt by fumaça gay and vice-versa dark shadow is capable of stretching and expanding its form to impressive lengths and generally attacks by stretching its arms to grab slash or slam its enemy with immense force its attacks are usually the result of commands from fumaça gay himself but dark shadow will also act on its own will to protect fumaça gay from any and all dangers coming his way showing that the to work as a team this also makes dark shadow one of the more versatile quirks for both offense and defense as it can easily act as both along with support in certain aspects fumaça gay is also able to equip dark shadow to his own body as a form of armour per se while it's unknown exactly what advantages this technique provides fumika gay mentioned that wearing dark shadow like this removes the majority of his physical weaknesses now just by the general description of dark shadow it seems pretty powerful and useful but nowhere near the top 10 strongest right that's because there's a little bit more to this quirk what can potentially make dark shadow beyond powerful would be darkness itself or better put dark shadows potential comes from the amount of light in the area the less light the more powerful dark shadow will be under a great amount of light such as under the sunlight dark shadow is rather small and docile in nature which makes it much easier for fumaça gay to control however even under a great amount of light dark shadow is still exceptionally good at protecting fumika gay from different attacks but when it comes to offense dark shadow isn't near as strong as usual however that doesn't mean it's completely hopeless either as it can still deal a good amount of damage but when it comes to barely any light or even complete darkness dark shadow becomes what can only be described as a raging monster in the darkness dark shadow becomes massive in size and with this immense size boost its strength also greatly increases we saw from just one brief appearance that this monster version of dark shadow is able to easily chop multiple trees down with just one slash of its claws and it was also able to easily overwhelm bulldoze edgy cousin even though he was an experienced villain with a very versatile and deadly quirk his defenses were easily broken and he was defeated quickly by dark shadow the only downfall of this version of dark shadow is that it is very hard for Fuma kaga to control and at a certain point it will even take over fumaça his body and force him to bend to its own will this version of dark shadow will also not discriminate and instead attack anything that moves be it friend or foe so why do I believe this quirk is worthy of the top 10 strongest well it's pretty simple actually just from the basic description of this quirk I can already see that it's very well rounded for the majority of circumstances however I believe that even is Dooku stated that dark shadow is almost impossible to be in any one-on-one battle it's good for offense and great for defense so it's already a great quirk but what truly makes this quirk shine is one of the strongest is how powerful and deadly this court can be in complete darkness if it can easily level trees and defeat powerful villains in mere seconds this quirk could be devastating against almost everyone in fact the only quirks that would be able to stop this beast would be those that produce some sort of light such as explosion quirks flame quirks and even though I hate to say it I think the glowing baby that started it all would probably be able to solo dark shadow but if you can't produce light of any kind you better prepare your anus to take this even further we also need to keep in mind that fumet kekkai has virtually no control over dark shadow in complete darkness at least not right but what if down the line fumaça gay was able to control dark shadow while it's this powerful I feel like this will likely be possible in the future after intense training and after he's able to control this terrifying power I believe fumaça gay could easily be strong enough to stand with the top ten heroes so because of the overall versatility and destructive capabilities of this quirk dark shadow will be our number 9 number 8 Dhabi's unnamed flame quirk and Hellfire these quirks belong to dobby and endeavour respectively i just wanted to start this up by explaining that these quirks are different and i completely understand that but they are both fire based and strikingly similar from what we've seen so I'm just going to group them together for now if it's ever revealed that one of these quirks is significantly stronger than this would be a different story but to start with the basics both hell flame and dobby's quirk grant them the ability to generate flames from anywhere on their respective bodies Dhabi's flames are blue while endeavour's flames are orange as far as what the quirks are capable of we've seen a little bit more with hell flame so I'll start with Dhabi's quirk dobby's quirk allows him to create blue flames which were mentioned to be extremely hot so it's possible their blue coloring could mean that they are hotter than endeavors flames but that's just a possibility from what we've seen dobby is able to produce an immense amount of these flames with little to no effort from any part of his body and these flames also travel rather quickly as seen from when he touched a tree in the forest and a large forest fire quickly spread creating a huge wall of flames in a very short time other than that we really haven't seen too much else with dobby's quirk but I feel like the majority of things endevour can do dobby could also do so let's move over to endeavours quirk hell fire like Bobby's quirk Hellfire also allows endevour to generate and control flames from anywhere on his body Hellfire has also been shown to shoot concentrated fire such as fireballs Lance's or just straight-up fire blasts it's also been shown that endeavour is apparently immune to any other fire related in the anime it was shown that his flames were also hot enough to disintegrate enemies at the cellular level endeavour can also use his fire to propel his fists increasing the force of his punches along with being able to concentrate his fire to the point of it being heavily pressurized before releasing a massive beam of fire that was capable of stopping a highly regenerative ability of an advanced to know MU the only downfall of this quirk would be the fact that using Hellfire too much or too recklessly will caused the user's body temperature to increase to dangerous levels greatly empowering endeavors physical abilities if this was used to an even greater extent than that it's likely and ever could end up killing himself so this quirk is something you certainly don't want to go up against my reasoning for these quirks is simply surrounding the fact that fire is such a deadly element in almost any medium whether it be anime movies or even the real world fire is one of the most destructive things to exist as all it does is destroy everything in its path unless you're able to control the flames even just looking at the massive forest fires happening in California at the time of making this video we can see the destructive power that fire possesses so many acres of land has been completely scorched to the point where it's bigger than entire cities and as we saw with how quickly dobby was able to cause such a large forest fire he or endeavor could do something like this on a much larger scale if they wanted to fire is also capable of burning people to death or as endeavor can do burn them down to the cellular level until nothing is left I did a quick bit of scientific research to determine how hot fire can get to give you some idea of just how powerful and how dangerous endeavor and dobby can be for dobby since his flames are blue that means at base level if his colored fire is anything like the real world his flames would burn at around 1,400 degrees Celsius or 2600 degrees Fahrenheit which is more than enough to kill a person but this level of he could actually melt metal as metal usually melts around 1370 degrees Celsius or 2,500 Fahrenheit so already that's just a testament to how deadly fire can be but that's just the beginning when we move over to endeavor since he can completely disintegrate the body of highly regenerative nomu at a cellular level and very quickly mind you we can assume his flames could burn as hot as thirty five thousand degrees Celsius or sixty three thousand thirty two degrees Fahrenheit I came to this conclusion by researching how hot fire would need to be to cremate a human being and that number was 982 degrees Celsius or 1,800 degrees Fahrenheit however at this temperature it would take one to three hours for the body to be completely reduced to ash so after converting the temperatures and the time researchers concluded that it's possible to cremate a body completely in only five minutes if the temperatures were set to thirty five thousand three hundred fifty nine degrees Celsius or sixty three thousand six hundred seventy eight degrees Fahrenheit and because endeavour was able to disintegrate this nomu in much less than five minutes we can only assume his fire can burn at temperatures even higher than that which is quite hard to comprehend so with all that heat behind at least one or potentially both of these quirks I can't help but think that these two have some of the strongest and most deadly quirks out there considering one is a villain and one is a hero we can already see how both of these quirks can be used for good and for evil respectively just by watching the events of the story play out with both of them so in conclusion because of just how dangerous and deadly fire can be to both the environment and people I feel it is without a doubt one of the strongest quirks in the series there are also very few quirks that could even compete with fire without being at a disadvantage so that's just a bonus because of all that these two quirks burn in at number eight number seven creation this quirk belongs to momoyo your zoo creation allows its user to create any object including organic material from any part of their body however this excludes living creatures of any kind this is done by breaking down body fat at the luckily level which is then converted into the material Momo uses to create various objects the only requirement aside from body fat is that the user needs to understand the atomic configuration of the object they're about to create so without the atomic configuration of an object it's impossible for the user to create it even if they can visualize it and how it works similar to manifest creation is a quirk with literally endless possibilities however creation allows the user to do a tad bit more than manifest which is why it's higher on the list already the main difference between those two quirks being that creation creates various objects for use outside the body while manifest alters the users own body because creation is so versatile in terms of every little thing it could possibly create it could be used as a very heroic or villainous tool both of which could cause massive amounts of destruction depending on the objects that could be created for instance if the user really wanted to they could legitimately create nukes out of their body that right there should be enough to explain why this could be so powerful but aside from that even on smaller scale in any situation the user could create any weapon they wanted to pull a minigun out of their chest create an RPG on the spot it's honestly endless possibilities and we could be here all day thinking of hypotheticals because of all the potential weapons this quirk could create along with all the potential helpful objects it could also create I have no choice but to think it's not only one of the most versatile quirks but also one of the strongest in the series especially considering right now mo-mo is rather inexperienced meaning a more experienced user could do so much more than she already has and she's done a lot however although this quirk may be quite strong and useful I cannot place it any higher on this list because it does have a few downfalls first because it requires body-fat Momo is required to eat quite a bit of junk food so that she always has a healthy amount of body fat to use for creation at any given moment so if the user doesn't severely overeat it's pretty likely they're not going to have much material for creation on that note it's possible that overuse of this quirk could also exhausted the users body fat completely to the point that it takes other organic material like muscle instead meaning that if the user is very reckless it could end up causing permanent damage to their body or even death the other main downfall would be that the user needs to understand the atomic configuration which sounds a lot easier than it actually is this means the user needs to likely individually research and experiment with each individual object until they understand its configuration meaning the user needs to be somewhat intelligent to use this quirk even at base level luckily Momo is quite smart in fact knowledge is her true power but even so she still has a long way to go before she's pulling nukes out of her chest so if the quirks owner was a bit mentally challenged they'd essentially have a worthless quirk so because of how many useful powerful and deadly objects the user could create with this quirk it is without a doubt one of the strongest in the series but due to its drawbacks and prerequisites before even being able to use the quirk effectively I cannot place it any higher than number 7 number 6 black hole this quirk belongs to 13 this quirk allows its user to create small black holes through the tips of their fingers that can suck anything in and disintegrate it at the atomic level this also includes forms of energy such as light 13 generally uses this quirk to clean up any messes or destruction caused by hero related incidents so essentially they use it for disaster relief however although 13 uses this quirk for cleaning it could easily be used to kill anyone by sucking them into the black hole this one is pretty straightforward black hole allows the user to literally create a black hole although the black hole is only the size of a fingertip that's more than enough to cause a massive amount of destruction as a villain or like we see with 13 perform multiple tasks such as disaster relief or potentially even stopping some of these strongest villains as a hero while 13 itself isn't exactly cut out for combat this quirk easily could be all you need to do is open up a black hole your enemy and bam they gonna get sucked in and die unless of course it's a rare case like kudo Giri who can turn your own power against you while there are no exact measurements of how powerful the gravitational pull of a black hole is a normal sized black hole contains more mass than your average star and when the star itself actually collapses into a black hole it sucks multiple stars into it or sometimes even entire galaxies and these are just the smaller black holes mind you so on a much much smaller scale of a fingertip we can assume that the gravitational pull is still immense and anything that is caught in this gravitational pull is basically screwed and that's why I believe this quirk is so powerful not only is its power absolute in the fact that you will die if you are sucked into it but once you are caught in its gravitational pull there's basically no escape so this could be an insanely powerful and scary weapon if used with villainous intentions you could legitimately walk up to a skyscraper with thousands of people in it and just start sucking the whole thing bit by bit into the black hole subsequently also killing everyone inside and because it also sucks in energy as well heroes like endeavour wouldn't be able to stop you because you would also be able to suck up any fire that he threw at you so because of all that I have no choice but to consider this one of the strongest quirks however I cannot place it any higher on this list because of its few drawbacks mainly that these black holes can only be pointed in one direction at a time so someone could easily get behind you and stop you from causing any more harm the other drawback being that this power could easily end up killing friend or foe alike if it gets out of control or potentially even worse it could end up sucking its own user into itself like an actual black hole collapsing so because of how deadly black hole can be even with its drawbacks I have no choice but to make it our number six before we get to the top 5 I think it's time to quickly shine the spotlight to our sponsor better help calm or more specifically try online therapy calm / 2spooky better help is the best place to go for professional private and affordable online Slean they provide services from licensed trained experienced and accredited psychologists marriage and family therapists clinical social workers and board licensed professional counselors all possible from your computer or even your phone all you need to do is follow the link in the description or go to try online therapy comm / 2spooky then you fill out a short questionnaire which will match you with a counselor specialized to help tackle your needs at your convenience and you could even start counseling as soon as today starting as low as only $35 a week which for myself and many others is a huge plus because professional help of any kind can be very very expensive but better help makes it affordable this is also a service I wish I would have known about a year ago because at the time I was going through a huge mental struggle and I really could have used a service like this to get some help now I know if I'm ever struggling like that again I have a safe place to turn to so if you or any of your friends or family are in need of counseling or you just want to learn more we'll follow the link in the description or go to try online therapy calm / 2spooky now let's get back to the list number 5 half hot half cold this quirk belongs to show Totoro key this quirk allows its user to create and control both fire and ice in Totoro keys case the entire right side of his body is ice while the left side is fire to use this quirk to its full extent it requires Todoroki to simultaneously heat and cool his body properly as using fire will raise his body temperature and using ice will lower it so the biggest challenge is finding that correct balance so the user doesn't accidentally get frostbite or end up with a heatstroke both of which are possible side effects with incorrect or overuse especially if the user is exerting one side more than the other it's pretty important to still use the other half to cool or heat the exerting power so things don't go south in terms of what each side is capable of we haven't seen a whole lot with the fire side simply because Todoroki refused to use it to spite his father for at least 10 years so he still needs a bit of training with it before we can see what the flames are truly capable of however because this quirk was passed down or developed through his father's Hellfire quirk that we do discussed earlier it's pretty likely that with training Totoro keys flames could do pretty much anything and ever could do with Hellfire meaning this quirk already deserves to be on this list without even counting his other side which is mainly why this quirk is much higher up on the list so when it comes to his ice half we've seen a lot of impressive stuff because Todoroki was only using the ice half for ten years he's capable of doing the following to an expert level create enough ice almost instantly to cover entire buildings and streets create enormous waves of ice or even craft the ice to create barriers or various other objects he's also so skilled at the point where he can control the temperature of the ice making it cold enough to freeze someone to death or restricting himself to keep them at a temperature where they can stay alive his precision with the ice is also top-tier as he's able to selectively freeze special targets or even specific spots of an enemy with one swift movement he also has a super move where he can create an enormous wall of ice however the only downfall is that it brings his body temperature down so low that he's out of commission so he can heat himself back up now like I said before this quirk is already on the list because of its fire abilities based on what we said about hellfire and dobby squirt earlier but this one gets a place higher up on the list simply because of the fact it can likely do everything those courts can do but so much more there's really no point in repeating myself about all the things Todoroki can do with his ice but simply put with all that destructive firepower already it's only an added bonus to be able to use this ice effectively for offense or defense or even to freeze people to death almost instantly this power could easily make Todoroki the number one hero just like his father hopes or if he somehow took a more sinister turn he would be virtually unstoppable as a villain I really don't know what else to say about this one because unfortunately I can't really see much room for improvement on the ice side of the spectrum so I can't think of any more possibilities other than maybe one day with more training Todoroki will be able to take things to absolute zero which would be extremely broken and if that ever happens I might have to put this higher on the list then number five especially because this quirk does have weaknesses like I said earlier but with training and patience those weaknesses could be easy to overcome so they aren't even that big of a downfall like some of the others on this list but regardless with fire and ice this work is by far one of the best and strongest in the series and it would be higher on this list but unfortunately the quirks above this one are just simply stronger so unfortunately although I'd like to give this one more credit for now it's frozen in place at number five number four brainwashing this quirk belongs to hit oh sheesh Enzo brainwashing allows its user to completely control anyone who answers one of the users questions verbally which will then allow the user to verbally command the brainwashed victim to do whatever he wants the user is also able to selectively decide when he wants to control someone so for instance he can ask you questions normally and answering them will not end up brainwashing you so long as Shinzo wills it not to so far a limit to how long someone can remain brainwashed has not been shown however it is possible for Shinzo to control multiple people at once while the victim is being brainwashed they are essentially conscious within their own mind but in a daze of sorts so they can't call out or do anything except just accept the fact that they are being controlled it should be noted that after a victim is no longer being controlled pretty much all of them had no memory of what happened while they were being controlled but they did realize they were being controlled after being released from said control the only two downfalls would be the fact that the potential victim is only controlled if they answer the question or speak so if the potential victim remains silent they cannot be controlled the other downfall being the fact that a large amount of sudden pain to the victim is enough to snap them out of their brainwashed state let me take a second here to say is Dooku's quark ghosts snapping him out of his brainwashing is complete horse there is no way in hell any normal person under control of this quark could do something like that kiyotsugu that was an ass poll from pure plot armor and you know it which is cheating however if someone were to say throw a large rock and the brainwashed victim I would call that fair game for breaking the control but not what a zoo coup did only villains do that so with all that in mind I think most of us can probably imagine why this quirk is one of the strongest although it doesn't have any abnormal strength or anything like that it has the potential to wreak havoc on the world or the potential to stop almost any villain especially in anime because all of us know damn well if you ask any question to an anime villain they're just gonna pull out that talk no jutsu for at least two episodes but that aside just think of all the potential things you could force people to do you could force them to attempt to assassinate celebrities or important government officials force them to commit a shooting or even force them to take their own life and all they can do is just scream inside their head as their body pulls the trigger you could do some really evil stuff with this power which makes me a bit happy that Shinzo is on the good side of things at least for now as a hero this quirk would also be really useful to force villains to turn themselves into the police among many other things so basically this quirk has endless possibilities both good but mainly evil in terms of what it could make people do the only catch once again would be that it's possible to avoid this simply by not speaking so if you were on a quest for world domination it would only take one previously controlled victim to tell the world how they were brainwashed and boom nobody would ever speak therefore you have no leverage I suppose it's also possible that this brain control has a predetermined time limit in which case this quirk may not be as good depending on how long that time actually might be or maybe there's even a limited range on how far away a victim has to be before they are no longer brain controlled but even with those downfalls I still believe this quirk is without a doubt one of the most powerful just considering the possibilities of what it could make people do but because of the downfalls and the courts that are above this one it will remain silent at number four number three overhaul this quirk belongs to kaichou sake overhaul allows its user to disassemble and reassemble anything from living things to in end Jax which can only be done through physical contact with the users hands after disassembling something the users also able to reassemble it differently from its original form this disassembling and reassembling can be anything from touching a person and making them explode or killing them in some other brutal fashion fusing them to another object curing someone's illnesses reviving people per se by reassembling them back to a living state of being fusing himself with other people or objects and even restructure any part of the environment such as the surrounding floor and that's just scratching the surface of what this quirk could possibly do so needless to say this quirk is pretty broken basically anything you can possibly touch can be destroyed rebuilt or just completely restructured to your own liking from the environment to any living creature let alone the fact you can basically bring people back from the dead or cure most illnesses I really don't need to go any further to explain why this quirk is beyond powerful so I could just stop here although this was never really clarified in the manga it might also be possible for Chi sake to use more than one quirk by fusing himself with another person or people if that were possible this quirk would be next level broken but I feel that this is likely not the case however as we saw during this fusion Chi Saki is able to gain even more physical strength and speed and also additional limbs and weapons so Chi saki could also fuse various weapons into himself to use them if he really wanted to but bottom line with fusion it's pretty broken just like everything else in this quirk I honestly don't even know what else to say about this quirk because it just has so much potential with all the things that could disassemble and reassemble the only downfalls with this quirk are the fact that it requires physical contact with Chi sakis hands so if he can't get up close and personal there's not much he can do except you know restructure the ground underneath his enemies to possibly trap them so he can just waltz up and reassemble them into a pile of goo so even his downfall is basically broken just everything about this quirk is broken as the only true downfall is that this quirk can only be used with Chi sakis hands and as we saw in the manga his hands were cut off so basically he's now a core CLIs man so the only possible way to truly get around this quirk is to cut off the user's hands should be easy enough right yeah I never mind we've also already seen from a villains point of view just how deadly this quirk can be but as a hero this quirk would also be just as useful you could be a doctor reassembling people's bodies without their illnesses or physical problems you could restructure various building material into a house as a construction worker in mere seconds or this power could just be a useful way of catching villains by restructuring them to death and then just reviving them in prison among many other things bottom line with overhaul this quirk is extremely deadly but also extremely useful making it one of the strongest and overall best quirks in the entire series the possibilities are honestly just endless and the quirk has quite the advantage in almost any situation so long as there is literally anything that the user can touch with their hands which in most cases you have at least the ground for those reasons I believe this quirk is our number 3 for the strongest quirk in the series and while you might think that this quirk should be higher based on how broken it is there are still two quirks that I believe are stronger number two all for one and one for all these quirks belong to all for one and is Zuko midoriya respectively let's start with all for one all for one is a quirk that allows the user to steal another person's quirk and use it as their own the number of quirks they can steal is also seemingly infinite meaning they can have literally as many quirks as they like this also allows them to mix and match various quirks to come up with techniques that originally would not be possible without the use of various quirks the additional ability of this quirk is that the user can also gift quirks to another individual so it can both give and take while not known for sure it appears that it's also possible for them to transfer the actual all-4-one quirk as well however we have see this actually happen now on the other side when it comes to one for all this quark was actually created on accident by all-4-one in the past offer one gifted a quark that could stockpile power to his seemingly querulous younger brother unbeknownst to him his younger brother already had a quark that could be transferred to others these two quirks then formed together to create one for all the exact abilities of one for all are unknown as it could actually do one of two things that has yet to be confirmed either a it gets gradually stronger over time as its passed from user to user or B it gets stronger by passing from person to person but instead of just getting stronger over time it gets stronger by taking the person's natural quark and absorbing it into one for all essentially meaning it's stockpiling the overall power of other quirks into one powerhouse as it passes from user to user so for instance say one for all is passed to someone who naturally has a super-strength work one for all will then absorb the super-strength quark into itself making one for all stronger than it was previously and then it can be passed on to another person and absorb that quark and so on like I said we don't know which of these two possibilities it actually is but either one leads to the same outcome which is the quark getting stronger as it is passed on one way or another this quark also cannot be passed on unless the current user wills it to heaven so it's fairly likely that this quark cannot be stolen by all-4-one now in terms of what it can actually do all might is the best example of this quirks potential considering a zoo coup is still grasping how to use it properly one for all allowed all night to be essentially invincible not completely as he still suffered great wounds from all for one but in general this quirk allowed him to save thousands and thousands of people and also defeat numerous villains in fact all might was completely undefeated all the way up to his retirement as a hero this was all possible due to his amazing strength speed and endurance that one for all provided him and as we've been led to believe this power grows stronger as it gets passed on so considering all might is the eighth user we can assume is Dooku is going to be capable of even or as the 9th I could go over each individual technique we've seen with offer one but that would be just wasting unnecessary time considering we've already been here for a while but if you guys have seen the anime or read the manga which I'd assume you have if you're watching this you know what deadly techniques one for all is capable of producing now as to why these two quirks are tied at number two I believe both of these quirks are pretty evenly matched or at the very least they have the potential to be all for one is an extremely scary power because it's user can steal any power they want they could even steal every power if they really wanted to making it so any hero or villain that tries to stop them are automatically rendered completely helpless and that's not even including all the scary techniques this quirk is capable of producing due to all the quirks it has stolen it's essentially unstoppable and unrivaled for instance just picture this every single quirk I listed previously on this list is stolen by all for one that means all of the strongest quirks in the series and all the scary stuff they're already capable of doing is now mixed and mashed together for even more scary techniques it basically means this quirk is capable of taking over the world however as we saw it is possible to defeat all for one and so far the only way to actually do that is with an unstable quirk which is one for all due to all the built-up strength from transferring it from person to person the user of one for all is now strong enough to take on all for one and win even with all those immeasurably scary techniques that all for one can throw at you one for all is still capable of taking it down simply with the power of many condense quirks or just stockpiling power over time while one for all may essentially just be overwhelming brute strength in the grand scheme of things that's all you need to take on the deadliest quirks especially with the added endurance and speed and whatever other techniques one for all grants basically what I'm saying is although one for all may seem pretty simple compared to the others on this list there's a reason all night was undefeated and the pillar of justice and that's because his strength is so great and he's basically capable of doing more damage than a lot of people on this list and that is saying something however with all that being said there is one downfall that both of these quirks suffer from requiring other quirks to function if there were no other quirks in the my hero academia world or the quirks just naturally died out all for one would no longer have anything to steal and essentially just be a quirk las' man if he were never able to steal quirks in the first place and one for all is completely reliant on the fact that it was gifted another quirk in the first place because without receiving another quirk from all for one this quirk wouldn't even exist and it also needs to be passed on to others to truly achieve its potential which could be another issue because theoretically the current user of one for all could decide not to pass it on and die then BOOM that's the end of that however depending on how the actual stockpiling aspect of one-for-all works it could potentially make up for this if the quirk simply grows stronger with every person who claims ownership of it for instance you could simply pass it from person to person as quickly as possible to store up immeasurable strength in a short time I'm pretty confident that it doesn't work that way because that would be pretty stupid and broken but it's just a possibility so bottom line with these two they are both monster quirks in their own way in terms of just the quirks itself I would reckon all-4-one is naturally a better and stronger quirk than one for all but one for all has the potential to not only beat all for one but surpass its destructive capabilities so because of that all for one and one for all are tied at number two at this point you must be wondering what could possibly be above these two because those two quarks are basically unbeatable so what could top that and the moment that you've all been waiting for number one rewind this quirk belongs to Airy rewind allows its user to rewind an individual's body to a previous state which can be any previous state we've seen that area was able to rewind chisaki so he was no longer fused with shin constantly rewind is Dooku's damage caused from using one for all at 100% or even rewind someone to the point where they never even existed this is done from both physical contact with airy and also anything in her near vicinity the source of this rewind apparently comes from the horn on her head which will glow when using her power not much is known about the power right now due to lack of information and the fact of that area is young and inexperienced but this quirk is broken you thought the previous quirks were overpowered oh boy does this one top that you can basically defeat any person any quirk no matter who or what it is you could even defeat all for one and all might with this power simply by rewinding them to a state where they didn't have their powers or even further to the point where they didn't even exist the only downfall of this quirk is the fact that its current user is so young and inexperienced if someone had this quirk and was experienced with it both hero or villain alike they would be undefeated the only potential way to stop them would be to try and assassinate them at a distance because anything at close range is toast sense area was shown to use this ability on people who weren't even touching her we can also assume this power could be trained to the point where the radius is expanded to a decent distance which means anyone within a certain range has the potential to no longer exist at any point in time you can disagree with me if you want but personally I don't see how this quirk isn't the strongest in the series as it has the potential to take down the strongest hero and the strongest villain in an instant let alone every other person if that is not the definition of the strongest if that is not overpowered if that is not broken as heck I don't know what is but with that rewind is my pick for the strongest quirk in my hero academia hopefully you guys enjoy the video and hopefully you agree with my list if you didn't that's ok too because opinions are subjective of course but be sure to comment below what your top 10 strongest quirks would be and why I'd love to hear your thoughts also be sure to drop a like if you enjoy the video because once again as soon as this video hits 3000 likes I will add the top 10 worst quirks in my hero academia to my to-do list so if you guys want to see that video eventually happen we'll be sure to united states of smash that like button also be sure to subscribe and hit that bell see you can be to find when that video comes out along with being notified whenever I upload new anime related content be sure to follow me on Twitter to keep up with the channel or any other social media links below as always and before we go I once again wanted to quickly thank our sponsor better help once again if you are ever in need of any type of professional counselling please make sure to follow the link in the description or go to try online therapy comm / 2spooky to get started today they are an amazing service that I would use myself if I was ever in need and I'm so happy that they reached out to me because I think they are a fantastic and necessary service that is easy and convenient but with that the video is over guys if you want to see some more 2spooky content will click here for my previous top 10 the top 10 wasted devil fruits in one piece or click here for 101 facts about my hero academia thanks for watching see you next time [Music]
Channel: 2Spooky
Views: 4,323,486
Rating: 4.8587217 out of 5
Keywords: 2Spooky, my hero academia, top 10, strongest, quirks, overpowered, strongest quirks, boku no hero academia, anime, manga, episode, chapter, all might, all for one, all might vs all for one, izuku midoriya, one for all, season 3, full, hitoshi shinso, kai chisaki, overhaul, eri, Momo Yaoyorozu, Tamaki Amajiki, endeavor, Nomu, dabi, villains, pro heros, Shoto Todoroki, bakugo, explained, quirk, fumikage tokoyami, dark shadow, smash
Id: 3vojv0K_FO0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 4sec (3004 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 20 2018
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