My Hero Academia - The Next Generation

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This is pretty fricking cool.

In my head I believe Eri's hero name would be...

Sweet Angel Hero: Rewinder

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 28 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Rune_OnceGreat ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jun 09 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Never in my life have I needed something so much and never known until I saw this

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 4 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/EzioAuditore1488 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jun 15 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

kdas quiks is kinda men if he can make small patches of water yeai don't think he can defeat any supervillain

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 3 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/moe_the_lawn ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jun 10 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
my academia is a universe that shows no signs of slowing down with two successful movies spin-off mangas video games and of course the main manga and anime doing very well it's no surprise that in 2018 Herick oh she decided to extend his original plan for the story his initial goal back in the day was to end the manga around volume 30 which would mean the series would have ended this year if it had stuck to that luckily that's not happening but the day will eventually come when Declan the gang defeats shigaraki and achieve their goals becoming pros when that happens as with any cultural phenomenon there will still be a devoted fanbase out there myself included and let's just be honest people there's money to be made whether it's Hiroko XI who does it or someone else this universe will not die once Deku graduates high school today we're looking at one of my favorite sequel concepts which is set around 7 years in the future and includes a revamp to a high school a game-changing new protagonist with totally different character motivations to Deku plus new and original villains and also some returning villains as well that will really have a big impact for this protagonist just before we dive into it this video is sponsored by crunchyroll with over 45 million registered users if you go to slash turtle quark you get a 14-day free trial of their premium service which includes an unlimited supply of anime manga and drama titles every episode is ADD free and in 1080p HD quality on top of having all four seasons of my hero is the best service you can want in terms of getting into new shows recently I used it to catch up on black clover and in fact crunchyroll was the only service in my country that let me watch up until the very latest episode I'll be doing more black cover videos in the future so I would definitely recommend using crunchyroll to catch up on the series additionally because they have an extensive manga library you can catch up on one of my favorite manga of all time attack on titan one amazing stat about crunchyroll is that they offer more than 90% of all officially licensed anime content in the world which just blew my mind so like I said check slash Tyler quirk or click the link in my description now to get your 2 week free trial as we know you a is the most famous and prestigious Hero School in Japan and it's produced a bunch of the world's greatest pros bearing that in mind horikoshi said the overall arc introduced an important character that will be drawn in the final act of the original series I doubt he's referring to characters who are Quercus armless or lifeless but rather it's everyone's favorite girl Airy whatever it is the airy will do whatever reason that makes her so important she's already fulfilled back agos words of showing signs of greatness at a young age she effectively acted as a sidekick when Deku defeated monster Hall and before this she performed an insane feat of power and I know it was kind of by accident but the point still stands arey not only has potential to become great but she actually lives at UA right now therefore based on everything I just said she is an excellent choice to be the first-ever female protagonist of a series in this universe before we get into why her story would differ so much from Dec ooze I want to mention how a revamped UA could look after all those years firstly the entrance exam would be modified to play to the strengths of all different types of heroes this means that students who have non battle oriented quirks like shinzo or Kazuma they would all have a chance to shine rather than destroying robots students would take place in fake villain attacks which is quite similar to the provisional license exam and during this exam that would be graded equally based on how well they help people how good they are at stopping villains and you know how how well they work with their fellow examinees as Aizawa said the current system just isn't rational because it rewards people with flashy attack type quirks a bit too much this new exam which weighs all these different things equally it would pave the way for all different types of heroes to get into you as hero course however much like so Totoro key I have no doubt that an Ares case she would get into you a via a special recommendation if we're being logical I mean she's been training her quark since the age of 6 with Professor Sawa and her ties to the school I mean they would be deeper than anyone else applying because you know she's lived there so it's rational that she would go and do this special recommendation exam instead if not just given a straight pass to join without doing any I'm sorry but if I lived at a school for the majority of my childhood I would actually be personally offended if you didn't like just let me in the second change is that us here of course would introduce a ranking system that will motivate students and create a positive rivalry as a comparison one of my favorite shows as a child was yu-gi-oh GX and in that show people wanting to become pro duelists had to attend Duel Academy and they were ranked into three separate groups based on their performance in the entrance exam the best of the best were put into obelisk blue the mid-level students were put into raw yellow and then the lower ranked ones were put into Slifer red they could then be Arirang based on their results at school this system works because it provides a greater incentive for students in the lower ranks to consistently go plus ultra and prove themselves Cyrus was the best example of this as he began this series as a Slifer and moved up each year eventually graduating as an obelisk blue having a group system also puts pressure on the top students to consistently perform as sliding down the ranks is not a good look in the sequel series that I imagine at least the best hero candidates in the entrance exam would be put into a group in the same vein as obelisk blue only in this show the group would be named after all my students in this bracket have the privilege of wearing the blue you a gym uniform as this color scheme represents all my it's golden age and it's also the same uniform that students at UA have worn for decades so it has a lot of history following that it's only right that the second-best group would be named after endeavour and would wear red gym uniforms this represents both his fire and his fiery personality both characters could potentially be dead by the time this whole sequel happens so it would be nice to pay homage to both of them and behind this group would be a neutral group which isn't named after any hero in particular remember that endeavour and all might are pretty unique and they're basically freaks of nature no other Japanese here that we know of compares to either of them for that reason this group would wear a very neutral white color which would be worn by every single other student in the school so that means general studies where this the business course where this and obviously the lower ranked hero students wear this this would make things like the sports for Stables so much more epic i mean imagine how much more exciting it is to have a kid in all my blue up against someone in endeavor red who clearly has a point to prove or even better you can have someone in the white trying to show that just as capable as the upper ranks but like I said every student on the hero course has the chance to be moved up into a higher group and be re ranked if they improve so now that we've established what a revamp ta might look like let's get into who Aires friends and rivals might be as well as the evolving villains that she'll have to deal with cat Zuma and Kota are two young children that have already shown off the potential in the original series and in the Maya academia movie starting with Kota he might not have that raw natural strength but when it comes down to it he did show bravery in distracting muscular and saving Dec whose life in the process meanwhile cat Sumer was so brave that he charged directly at a guy with nine quirks and attacked him which is just insane considering the damage he had done throughout that whole movie to run up an attack in like that you gotta have a fearless streak inside you both of these guys would no doubt get into you way especially with deku probably helping them out I reckon Kota would be put into the neutral group as his power is unrefined but he has the heart of a true hero and obviously massive room to improve in consumers case he's one that I can see starting in the endeavor red group and moving up to the all my group down the road his quirk is so good that an entire movie was dedicated to stealing it but on the other side it's not very flashy and when coupled with his soft-spoken nature it makes him very easy to overlook both of them are strongly linked with Deku and it's likely that this connection will bring them together as friends with area included on the other hand I think a very obvious choice for Ares rival would be tamashiro in season four we were introduced to these students of masa gawky primary school who were all noted as being very overpowered for their age in the manga he eggs on all of his classmates to fight the UA students with his binging book work being so fast but even back ago could not avoid it he'd make a great fit for the all my blue group as he clearly has immense talent and confidence but I think he would be an unlikely ally and rival of Airy so basically fulfilling the backer girl role of the series now moving on in terms of the villains that he could face I have two selections for this video that I think you guys will really agree with the first idea has never been done before in my hero and that is to have a totally original villain with no quirk every villain we've seen right they either have multiple quirks overpowered quirks or insane skill but what if there was someone who literally just used their brain what if we had a bad guy who was truly like the evil version of Deku I mean I know they imply that gentle criminal was sort of like what Deku might have turned out to be but no I'm talking about someone who genuinely does not have a quirk who was bullied in the same way that Deku was and became more resentful and hateful over the years rather than getting lucky in the same way that Deku did by you know being given a quote by the greatest hero this person on the other hand never got that lucky break they just grew up hateful and envious of quirk Society someone who's just causing havoc with their mind and trying to erase all quirks but because they want equality well I think that would be pretty cool to be honest and following that the second idea I had for a villain will probably not surprise you given who the protagonist is of this sequel series but overall would make a surprise comeback during this series as I think it would have very personal ramifications for Arry and potentially throw her off her game a bit facing her abuser as an adult having now lived most of her life without him that would be a dynamic that we've never seen in this universe and it could allow for some very dramatic character development she'd likely have to explain her past to her friends and open up about why she's so afraid of this guy and perhaps her knowledge of him will ultimately be what allows the heroes to win seeing overall comeback would be an awesome throwback for fans of the original show as no one can deny that this guy single-handedly pushed the limits of how dark my hero academia can be perhaps when he makes his comeback he could have like an evolved version of his quirk whereas obviously you know he lost his hands because of Shigure aki so now he just uses his feet and he just walks around bare for everywhere destroying things how exactly would a first season of this series play out like I said he would get into you way by a special recommendation which would be a nice calm contrast to the hell that Deku went through before he took the edge exam instead of a story of a boy with with no hope of becoming a hero it's instead a story of a girl who's confused about the type of hero that she wants to be the sequel series could begin with an explanation of the current state of your society and you know how you way has changed and of course the dominance of the new top to pro heroes they'd be in their 20s and yeah it's more than realistic that they'd be the top two given that Hawkes was in the top three when he was like 18 endeavour was top you know he was the second best hero when he was 20 so yeah by this point I reckon back ago and deccan could well be the top two heroes after this has been explained if you remember in the original series I saw word deprived class 1a of the chance to attend the entrance ceremony or any guidance sessions for that matter um so those are things that we never actually got the chance to see because of Ares ties to Aizawa she would likely be put into class 1b to avoid any potential favoritism from from Aizawa and that means that she'd get to attend this ceremony and do the things that we never got to see class when I doing my thought process is that for a ceremony like that you would it wouldn't be too weird if a successful former student made an appearance and gave a speech to inspire everyone if that was to happen then I have no doubt it would of course be the living goat that is adult deku who by this point has mastered one for all defeated shigaraki and probably done a bunch of crazy other stuff that I haven't even thought about Zuko could give an anecdote about his first day at UA and how he was almost expelled if it wasn't for a quick bit of creative thinking that would be a nice throwback for us who watched the original series and I think for new viewers as well it would be a pretty funny moment now thinking about the students themselves you know airy and kazuma I think it would make them believe that anything is possible knowing that someone as strong and you know as high ranking as deku used to be someone who was so close to being expelled on day one after this it would be a perfect opportunity for Aryan consumer to make friends as they'd likely both be fanboying pretty hard in the same way that Bakugan and Deku just found boy your overall might I imagine this would be a similar dynamic every would get put into the top group of students alongside tamashiro and it's likely that their personalities would clash right from the beginning some reason I feel like tamashiro is way more of a back ago Stan the rest of the season wood Prairie in pretty interesting situations typically you'd have you know cost battles sports festival rivalries and of course a work study with Minetta hey he did say he was looking forward to meeting her again as endeavor said when a hero sets up an agency they focus on evacuation rescue or battle and I think Aries collective experiences in the first season would help her realize what type of hero she wants to be in fact now that I'm just thinking about it off the top I'm thinking that maybe overall breaking out of jail could be like the cliffhanger for the first season I think that would just blow everyone's minds but let me know down below do you think it's a good idea for overhaul to return or do you think we should just stick to a completely new original villains Kota would not appear in the first season of this because when I checked the numbers he's actually one full year younger than Airy and for that reason he wouldn't appear until her second year at UA when I checked a mashiro's age he actually has no confirmed age so as far I mean you can just make him whatever age you want really so if horikoshi was to do this he could just say tamashiro is the same age as air he wouldn't make too much of a difference also cut Sumer is in the same academic year as Airy so that's all good they both be the same age when they start you way so yeah they definitely get to know each other especially being massive deku fans and yeah that was pretty much my idea for now I mean let me know what you think is this hole just overall is it something you'd like to see or do you think if we were to continue might hear academia - do you think we should just follow the characters that we already know as pro heroes let me know down below and thank you guys so much for watching peace out guys
Channel: Turtle Quirk
Views: 1,287,911
Rating: 4.9409461 out of 5
Keywords: My hero academia, time skip, next generation, bnha, boku no hero, eri, kota, overhaul, overhaul returns, deku, evil deku, bakugo, adult deku, one for all, binging ball, chain chomp, quirk, rewind, eri one for all, time skip eri, tamashiro, UA, ua entrance exam, katsuma, quirkless villain, yu-gi-oh gx, all might, endeavour, heroes rising, nine, nine quirks, all for one, crunchyroll, turtle quirk, aizawa, training eri, mineta, provisinal licence exam, shoto todoroki, inasa, class 1A
Id: 3U9WjISv6Dc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 58sec (898 seconds)
Published: Sat May 30 2020
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