Top 8 Quirks with INSANE POTENTIAL! / My Hero Academia

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what's going on guys today we're ranking the eight best quirks with insane potential in my hero academia as most of you know quirks in this series can evolve over time with practice or the user themselves may just gain a better control over it as we saw with lamilian for this video i've excluded some of the more obvious quirks with potential like one for all and rewind because we know they'd be around first place and it'd just be way too easy don't forget to hit that sub button for more list videos like this as i've done quite a few already and in fact you may want to check out my list video playlist which will be in the description okay so in eighth place we have foresight which was a quirk possessed by sir naitai may he rest in peace for anyone who's seen season 4 you'll know that all might's former sidekick intentionally underused this ability and it's possible that if it had a different user they could have maxed out its true potential at a basic level foresight enabled naitai to see into the future of any individual ranging from their immediate future all the way up until years to come it was confirmed that the further he looks into the future the harder it is to predict exactly when the events will happen as we saw with his prediction about all might's death to activate this power naitai first has to make contact with the person in question and look them directly in the eye the person's destiny is then played in nighttime's mind and the anime makes it appear like a grainy film strip from this perspective he can see the person and their immediate surroundings which allows for a decent amount of context from the moment he activates this quirk there's a 24 hour countdown until he can use it again on someone else furthermore once it's activated he can view a person's future for a maximum duration of one hour tonight i believe the future he saw could never be permanently altered and that even if you tried to change it and you know maybe you were successful eventually the future he saw would still happen however thanks to deku's actions during the overhaul arc we now know this is confirmed to be wrong and the future can definitively be changed with that being the case the potential of this quirk is genuinely ridiculous like it's confirmed you can change the future could you imagine how useful it would have been to have a person with this quirk during the war arc in the manga right now like just to have someone look into the future of a few heroes and make some solid plans to stop certain events from occurring i think it would have been perhaps the most useful quirk if the user of this quirk was more active with it and practiced with it more perhaps foresight's limitations could be surpassed over time for example maybe you wouldn't have to actually touch a person before you could activate the quirk or perhaps the 24-hour cooldown period could be reduced to like two hours and then after that you can see someone else's future while there is no chance that we'll ever see this potential i think foresight is definitely worthy of a place on this list moving on to seventh we have the quirk known as vibrate which is used by yoshindo this guy has great leadership qualities and he's super competitive so i have no doubt that one day this quirk will be even more monstrous than it currently is as the name suggests vibrate gives shindo the power to shake anything he touches which he used during the provisional license exam to create what can only be described as mini earthquakes his tremoring earth vibration was enough to shatter the ground in front of him and give class 1a a crap ton of trouble even todoroki was able to feel the earth shaking from the other side of the map we've only seen this quilt used on large groups of people but clearly if he was to use tremoring earth on a single individual that person would pop like a balloon vibrate does have one drawback and that's that shindo gets an aftershock after he uses it however this has actually helped him build a resistance to vibrations which is how he was able to bounce back after gang orca did this to him in terms of potential i think shindo could increase the vibrations to a massive scale and you know i wouldn't claim to be a one piece fan but i have played burning blood and you can't tell me that shindo doesn't have some whitebeard potential or on some level the sixth place quirk with insane potential is mimicry this power is used by mimik who was one of if not the most erratic member of the shihisikai thanks to this quirk he can transfer his body and consciousness into an animal objects which he primarily uses to walk around in this thing for some reason while he's inside an object he still needs to manifest eyes to perceive his surroundings in regular circumstances he's limited to controlling things about the size of a fridge but thanks to the quirk boosting drug trigger we were able to see mimicry's true potential his body and mind were literally absorbed into this shiha saikai facility where he walked the hallways to his will opening up massive holes in the ground and also doing a ton of inconvenient stuff to split them up by warping buildings like this i mean mimicry is potentially it could be one of the best support quirks in history as the user can strategically isolate their opponents and send them into designated areas to be dealt with also it operates as a great stealth quirk for obvious reasons either way it is incredibly versatile and the potential i can see a lot of things that could be done with this quirk the next quirk is one that won't be appearing in the anime until season 5 so if you want to avoid spoilers then skip to the timestamp on screen ranked in 5th place we have landmine aka the killer queen of the my hero academia universe landmine is possessed by curious who is a member of the meta liberation army now this quirk allows her to turn anything she touches into an explosive device which she can then detonate at will the most freakish example of her power was when she turned the blood of her subordinates into bombs so that when toga consumed their blood she literally just detonated toga's body from the inside thankfully toga was able to survive this which brings us to the main downside of this power and the reason why i think it has potential but is not quite there yet the manga states that landmines explosions don't have much power and therefore curious goes for quantity of bombs rather than the quality of the bombs to me at least this was a massive error on her part because a competent villain i think would have spent time training the quality of the blast rather than making you know rather than making more of them do you know how much bargaining power a villain would have if they could just blow up their hostages at any given moment like the heroes can't take chances with people's lives like that so they basically have to comply in a situation like this at the end of the day with training and practice i think landmine obviously the quality of the explosions could become much much greater so you could be blowing up whole buildings for all we know so yeah i rate it quite highly or at least i rate the potential of it quite highly in fourth place we have brainwashing which is used by hitoshi shinzo and was first introduced during the sports festival i consider shinzo's quirk to be something of a secret weapon for the heroes and that it can stop any human enemy regardless of their power level putting it simply brainwashed lets him control anyone who responds to something he says as we saw when he piloted a whole team of brainwashed students during the cavalry battle shinzo's biggest weakness if you can call it that is that people must respond to him for this to work meaning that once an enemy is aware of his presence they can consciously choose to avoid saying anything manga readers especially will know that the rules of a quirk can change over time and with the right training so if shinzo plays his cards right in future i think he could maybe develop two separate types of brainwashing one type that requires a response but allows shinzo to give more complex commands and another type that requires no response but activates a more simple brainwash like what he's able to do in the present day let me know down below if you think that's plausible but either way i think it's undeniable that brainwashing has the potential to be one of the best quirks in this universe moving on to third place we have a power that has already proven its potential to grow and that is nato monument's copy quirk as a fair warning i'm going to go into some minor manga spoilers here but it's solely based on how copy has evolved throughout the series when we were first introduced to monima's quirk the way it worked was that he could make contact with a person and then be able to use their quirk for a five minute duration at this time he could have up to three quirks stored inside his body at once and switched between them at will which made him ridiculously unpredictable each power he copied had its own five-minute countdown which is why he has stopwatches on his hero costume to keep track of which quirk is going to run out first now the potential of this power was demonstrated during the joint training arc in the manga when it was first revealed that through sheer practice alone monomer had doubled the duration he could hold quirks from five minutes to ten minutes and he'd also increase the amount of quirks that he could store in his body from three to four these developments happened within the space of less than a year and i believe that down the road with maximum potential i mean he can do way more than this a maxed out version of this copy quirk should allow monomer to use different quirks simultaneously and combine them everyone else who has multiple quirks is able to use them at the same time and combine them in some way so realistically speaking i'm kind of surprised monomer can't do this already but it definitely will happen additionally it almost goes without saying that the duration for which he can copy quirks should be his number one priority in terms of the things that he works on and you know having already doubled from five minutes to ten minutes by the time he's a grown man i see i can see him having one hour it's enough time to do the job that you need to do and it's not too excessive let me know down below though what is your opinion of like a realistic time period for monomer to store quirks in the future would it be one hour would it be a day or would it be like 20 minutes let me know in the comments down below i'm interested to see your take on that the silver medal on this list goes to a power that i nearly didn't include because it was just too obvious but i couldn't bring myself to leave it out in the end double is an ability currently possessed by twice and in terms of its potential i think it can become even more formidable than it currently is if you're watching this then you probably already know that twice can create doubles of things so long as he has sufficient data about what he's replicating the only difference between the copies he creates and the real thing is their durability and the fact that they're made from this grey gooey stuff without giving away spoilers we see in the manga that this lack of durability can be a big weakness in crucial situations but what if it wasn't whether it be by practice or by experimentation from the doctor i think that double has the potential to harden this gooey substance in a way that each new double is equally as durable as the last you can literally have an army of twice clones who themselves could make an army of shigeraki clones i mean how ridiculous would that be once the issue of durability is overcome yeah i don't think there's many things holding him back at that point now the number one quirk on this list is something that i think has the potential to change the world of my hero academia and that is creation creation is a power that lets momo convert the fat in her body into a variety of atoms which she then uses to make inanimate objects so far we've seen her make things like cannons gas masks shields tracking devices catapults and countless other things aside from the obvious fact that if momo acquired the relevant knowledge she can create anything whether it be nuclear weapons or quite destroying bullets or quote destroying nuclear weapons i mean the possibilities are endless but i think there are two additional ways that her quirk can still grow and yeah and live up to this insane potential to start with she says that her quirk converts body fat into a variety of atoms but at the end of the day you know body fat is just one form of stored energy so what if instead of using her own fat in the future what if momo can convert other forms of energy into her creations whether it be energy from the sun's radiation or random things that just happened to be in her environment by being able to convert other forms of energy that would essentially make her like a limitless creation machine secondly i know i already used my one jojo reference earlier in this video but damn it i'm doing it again because i think momo may if she puts her all into it i think she may have the capacity to create life is it gonna happen probably not but is it possible yeah i think so early in the manga the definition of her quirks said that she could create anything non-living but as we've seen with monoma deku shigaraki toga and a ton of others a quirk isn't truly defined by the boundaries of its first definition as long as momo's big brain can ascertain the chemical makeup of someone and their biological makeup perhaps by doing an autopsy after they die or something like that then creation could potentially be used as almost like a resurrection quirk like bringing people back to life in a way if she was able to do this her creations would be the real thing inside and out which would be very different from twice's clones who like we've established they're made of this gray stuff which i mean what even is that obviously momo doing this would raise a ton of moral questions but still is it possible with creation all she needs to do is understand how something is made and what it's made of and then she can do it so i don't know i think i think it's plausible let me know in the comments which quirks you think have the most potential and i want to give a special mention to dark shadow whirlwind and half hot half cold which could have also easily been on this list thank you guys for watching that was everything i had for today and be sure to check out my list video playlist which is in the description peace out
Channel: Turtle Quirk
Views: 384,848
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: my hero academia, one for all, all for one, shigaraki, bnha, mha, boku no hero academia, monama, deku, sir nighteye, multiple quirks, creation, momo, twice, double quirk, quirk, quirk enhancing drug, number 6, mimicry, my hero academia vigilante, war arc, nana shimura, float quirk, foresight quirk, shindo, yo shindo, vibrate quirk, tremoring earth, mha season 5
Id: x9kqpjmfiKA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 8sec (848 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 06 2020
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