The Eternal Flame | AI D&D Campaign 1 - Episode 42

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in our last session lunaria was tested through the mirrors of time as Emperor valus she stood defiant against arant tera's threats refusing to yield to their demands for Lord tav's life her decision was one of strength a refusal to bow to the whims of another Power then the scene shifted to one of grim reality she embodied the Assassin responsible for a deed most foul the slaying of Lord pavir alongside one of his children the blade she wielded was cursed ensuring their souls could find no peace or return lastly she faced her past in the Fay realm at the cusp of being torn from her family faced with the choice to alter her fate she chose to walk the path Destiny had carved for her leaving behind a chance to see her mother once more with the crystal of clarity in hand she emerged prepared for what lies ahead all right then so it's finally your turn raar how you feeling I'm feeling good I mean it's been fun and all watching these guys play for the last four sessions but it'll be nice to actually you know do something just take it slow and steady buddy you can't afford any mistakes yeah and we will be here watching providing a constant mind commentary on everything you are doing well let's get to it then Joe what do I see when I look around raw as you survey your surroundings you're standing on a vast Hill that stretches out under an expand anve Sky the atmosphere around you buzzes tension dominating the scene is the Eternal Flame a beautiful magical fire that burns without consuming its Flames dancing with a kaleidoscope of captivating colors beside this entrancing flame two figures are engaged in a fervent argument you can't catch their words from where you stand but their postures and tones speak volumes the first figure is garbed in Regal and spiritual attire Rich Fabrics flowing elegantly and covered with symbols that speak of Deep cultural and religious significance in stark contrast the second figure is dressed in attire that is practical and militaristic suggesting a focus on utility and strength their clothing is streamlined and robust with less adornment but an air of authority and purpose all right Joe I'm going to make my way up to them too oi God why are you two just arguing around this [ __ ] Flame the individual dressed in Regal attire turns to face you his expression shifting to one of deep offense this [ __ ] flame as you so crudely put it is a sacred symbol of our people's enduring spirit and resilience and I'm trying to convey to this Neanderthal that any attempt on removing it from this hill will be a declaration of war between our two Nations huh how about that the other individual Chuckles at your approach finding humor in your straightforwardness he's got a point you know it's just a flame a pretty one sure but hardly worth all this fuss you treat it like some Divine gift but to us it's a joke a pretty light that's sitting on top of the real prize can we slow down a second because you're both confusing the hell out of me who who are you and what's the issue with this Flame the man who chuckled at your approach speaks first I'm general tarus of valdor the issue here is straightforward underneath this flame there's a rich deposit of precious metals resources that are crucial for valor's development and security we've proposed mining it but Eldor he nods toward the other representative is stubbornly refusing all because of some mystical fire the man dressed in ornate robes adorned with spiritual motifs steps forward with a dignified air I am high priest laan of Eldor this mystical fire as general tarus dismissively calls it is our Eternal Flame a sacred Beacon that has burned for Generations it represents a link to our past and a guide for our future we demand valdor to respect its sanctity and cease their attempts to desecrate it for mere metal okay so let me get this straight pompus pants doesn't want mineral man digging around this flame but who owns this land anyway isn't that how it works whoever owns it calls the shots right so who's the owner here lauran responds unfortunately the Eternal Flame sits precisely On the Border split directly between our lands it belongs to both Eldor and valdor then just let him dig on his side and all's good no it's not that simple any disruption to the Eternal Flame even on one side would be a severe insult to our people it would desecrate a sacred symbol that has United generations of ELD dorians the spiritual damage would be immeasurable it's at this point General tarus Cuts in who cares about an insult our people need these resources to thrive for us it's not about emotions it's about survival if you won't grant us permission to mine we will proceed without it and if that means war a war you'll undoubtedly lose then so be it there are neighboring Powers eyeing up this mineral deposit do you think they'd be negotiating with you now or would they simply use Force destroying your precious flame and taking what they want you're not powerful enough to defend the flame why risk your people's lives for it laurian responds then we fight and if we die then so be it tarus shakes his head tutting under his breath you're a fool responding quickly laurian snaps and you're a heathen right okay well let's try figure something out that works for both of you Unfortunately raar they are both engulfed in A Storm of anger utterly oblivious to your presence in a heated Fury they exchange a barrage of insults fiercely hurling cutting words at each other without restraint well this isn't going too great well you both just shut the [ __ ] up ra as your voice Thunders across the room commanding and fierce both parties abruptly fall into a stunned silence after a few moments laurian with a mix of confusion and curiosity finally breaks it who even are you and why are you getting involved in this I am raah you may also call me the green one the endless hunger the unbridled Rage or the Unholy pain in the ass I have been sent to you by a higher power to help you figure this [ __ ] out so by the gods you're going to figure it out because if you don't you're going to piss that higher power off which will piss me off and you really don't want to piss me off why is he giving himself so many titles he has earned those titles Saxy each one is a mark of his trials and triumphs tell me don't you have titles for yourself no I really don't well you should it's a great way to inspire fear into the hearts of your enemies well I'm not sure that's entirely the case titles can be impressive but they don't always strike fear into the hearts of enemies true intimidation comes from one's actions and presence not just from a string of grandiose names you don't know the first thing about intimidation Alexandre imagine your enemy shouting oh no here comes Alexandre it doesn't exactly send shivers down the spine more like Yay Alexandre is coming to play it would probably make them happy they would be overjoyed with the news but imagine if it was oh no here comes Alexandre the thrower of fists the hairless head stealer of skill sets and the right hand of the turtl man now that would Inspire real fear yeah that does sound pretty terrifying am I a joke to you tronald a don't beat yourself up it's not just me that you're a joke too anyway I'm going to need an intimidation check from you raar oh I rolled a five wait shouldn't you be using your strength modifier instead of your charisma modifier for this though yeah we did set that Homebrew rule in place so you can add your strength for intimidation Grill well in that case that's an 11 then Joe okay raar tarus eyes you up and down folding his arms before responding then what would you suggest green one if you've been sent here to sort this out without Bloodshed you must have some ideas up your sleeve how do you propose we untangle this knot without resorting to violence well you're going to need something in place that would benefit both of you right so mineral man you mentioned that there are other for that have their eye on this land and that pompus pants's Army wouldn't be equipped to defend it right yeah that's the long and short of it okay so pompus pants how much is this flame worth to you lauran responds with a hint of impatience please call me lauan and as for the flame it is of immeasurable value to us as I've said before we are prepared to protect it with our lives it's everything uh-huh right just let me make a note of that how are you making a note of it when I asked Joe if I got a quill and a notepad he said I didn't I don't know maybe he just prefers me to you stop winging Alexandre if you want a notepad so badly we will get get you one when we leave this place I'm not winging I was just asking how he was writing it down oh my God who cares if you must know I had it in my pack already so don't worry Joe didn't just give me one because he prefers me you're making a big assumption let's just let raar focus on his task don't cut me off was that your first time doing it Saxy it's fun right I don't know about fun it felt a little bit rude if I'm being well back to you anyway R just ignore us you set me up how about this for an idea then mineral man you can commit troops to defend the flame ensuring its safety in exchange pompus will compensate you with both valuable resources and coin this way you both gain something without losing what's most important to you it's a fair trade ensuring Mutual benefit and peace and not just that but think of the potential growth for both your nations with this deal you can capitalize on each other's strengths you'll have the opportunity to trade and collaborate enhancing both your economies and when it comes to defending against external threats the combined might of your two Nations will be far more formidable it's a mutually beneficial Alliance One where both sides stand to gain and prosper together damn that's an interesting proposition RAR I'm going to need a persuasion check from you this check will be incredibly difficult for someone with a minus two in Charisma can't I just intimidate them again using my strength unfortunately Not Buddy the whole point of this challenge is that you are thrown into situations that you're uncomfortable with that's what makes it so difficult so yeah it's going to be a tough one and if he fails how many more chances will he have that all depends on the magnitude on which he fails can I make some kind of check to see if I can think of anything at all that could help RAR escape from this place if he can't complete the challenge yeah is there like anything we can do to assist him come on guys have a little faith in the green one I'm not about to let some silly old Labyrinth beat me yeah let's just deal with that when and if it comes to it like I said it's tough but not impossible so we will just have to see how he does oh my well that's a natural one for [ __ ] sake screw you Alexandre why screw me because you used my goddamn skill set when I told you not to dude will you shut up with your main character syndrome you don't get to tell me to do anything I did what was best for me in my situation yeah well your best is going to make us lose raar so I hope you're happy with yourself um will you two give it a rest bickering amongst yourselves isn't going to do anything to help raw yeah I think you guys might have misplaced your faith I can already feel myself becoming one with the Labyrinth well if you've got any tricks up your sleeve buddy trust me when I say Now's the Time come on raar use that big green brain of yours I'd be slightly concerned if his brain was green oh my God I wasn't being literal sexy uh so say uh uh he what the [ __ ] he doing isn't it obvious he's meditating he's channeling the entire power of all his brain cells to come up with a plan well it sounds to me like he's speaking Mandalorian you mean Mandarin no I mean Mandalorian oh okay cool um um um hey Tron how long's he going to be doing this for honestly your guess is as good as mine but do not question his ways King be being chilling yeah as I thought mandre I've got it Jesus Christ you scared the [ __ ] out of me yes nice work Buddy what's your plan then R I've decided I'm going to go and live with mineral man I mean out of the two he's definitely more My Vibe so I think I'll do quite well down here what the hell man that's not a plan hell that's not even an option you're telling me that's the best you could come up with after your powerful meditation well my only other idea was to reroll the Natural one but it's probably going to be just as [ __ ] as the last one so I thought this new plan was better what do you mean reroll the natural one stop playing dumb you know what I mean when you roll again if you don't like the one you've already rolled funny joke buddy but you've been playing this game long enough to know that you can't just reroll a dice if you don't like the result actually that's exactly what I can do you see back when we were in Rick's Manor when we just reached level three I chose the path of the totem Warrior then I chose the bear as my spirit animal huh the totem Path of the bear doesn't Grant anything like that though dude you've lost me ah silly forgetful Joe don't you remember you gave me an inspiration die because you like Bears well that doesn't exactly sound like something I wouldn't do but I'm just going to double check this real quick Jamie pull that up for us will you for my Primal path I've decided to go with path of the totem Warrior ooh that's interesting and which totem will you be taking at level three that's a silly question Joe I'll be going with the [ __ ] bear [ __ ] excellent dude you know what just for that here have an inspiration die what the [ __ ] Joe what's the problem why are you handing out inspiration dice just from him choosing the bear totem hey what can I say dude I [ __ ] love bears and clearly he's done his research on that so of course I'm going to give credit where credits do there you go again just like tronald said wanting to see me fail you really need to become more of a team player buddy whatever carry on wow saxi really was such a little [ __ ] back then wow good memory man I mean it's not that much of a good memory to remember it I'm glad he stopped whining as much these days though I was talking about the inspiration not Sax's bitchiness excuse me come on then R roll that dice I'm sick of this place roll something beautiful like a natural 19 or 20 then we can finish this up and go overthrow a goo Empire all right then go ahead and reroll your persuasion check damn it sorry tronald I know you wanted a natural 19 or 20 but I only rolled a natural 18 for a 17 total what are you talking about that's awesome buddy awesome work raar all right after a moment of contemplation laurian nodd slowly while the proposal is unconventional it does present a path to peace Eldor must consider the greater good if valor's Military Support can protect the Eternal Flame and keep peace we can justify the resource in coin exchange it's a compromise but one that could save many lives and what about you big boy what do you think of the prop petition tarcus raises an eyebrow don't call me Big Boy sorry about that mineral man and as for your proposition he lifts his hand and begins rubbing his chin thoughtfully yeah all right it's a deal but on our terms we'll provide the military support needed to secure the eternal flame in return elor's payment must be substantial and consistent this isn't charity it's a strategic Alliance we'll need to draft clear terms to ensure both our Nations benefit equally right sweet awesome cool you're both happy excellent now can you get me the hell out of here ra your exasperation is clear as you address the two leaders with a blunt request to leave they both Turn to You their expression one of confusion it's they don't quite grasp what you're getting at before you can clarify General tarus responds a hint of perplexity in his voice um we appreciate your idea and the help you've provided but you're free to go whenever you please we're not stopping you his response well intentioned but missing the point makes it clear that they don't understand the true nature of your presence here don't be a smartass I know I'm free to leave whenever I want sure I can walk around this bloody land for eternity but what I meant by that was that I want you to open open the doorway so I can get back to my friends so it would be ever so kind if you do that for me thanks both leaders still look utterly confused high priest lauan speaks up his tone laced with concern you're acting really strange like General tarus said we appreciate your help but maybe it's time for you to leave now you're acting crazy as they speak you notice the Eternal Flame behind them begins to Shimmer slightly its colors dancing in an unusual pattern it seems like it's responding to your presence or perhaps to the resolution of the conflict it's almost as if the flame is oh what a [ __ ] scam this is I help you resolve your shitty little conflict and how do you thank me you Thank Me by calling me crazy well if you want to see crazy I'll [ __ ] show you crazy Joe I charged towards the flame diving on it in an attempt to attack it damn and it was all going so well with the actual [ __ ] man H right okay raar as you leap onto the flame Arms Wide Open Your Body launches into a beastial pounce like a predator lunging at its prey the moment your skin makes contact with the flickering fire a whirlwind of energy engulfs you you're suddenly caught in a melstrom of light and color twisted and warped through time and space in an exhilarating yet disorienting Dance of the cosmos it's a wild chaotic Journey the world around you bending and blurring in a kaleidoscope of reality and impossibility then it stops and you find yourself colliding with something solid as you open your eyes the world comes back into focus and you realize you're on top of sax pinning him to the ground clutch tightly in your right hand is the reward from your challenge The Amulet of understanding this amulet allows the wearer to understand and speak any language yay I did it we did it well done now can you get the hell off me oh yeah sure sorry about that Joe I climb off a saxi nice work RAR did you know that the flame became the portal and jumping through it would teleport you to us yeah maybe maybe I had an idea and did it for emotional flare or maybe I was feeling slightly enraged and lashed out who knows well I guess it doesn't really matter hell I couldn't care less how you made it back to us I'm just glad you did Joe I walk over to RAR embracing him and giving him a hug you had me really worried there buddy hey Alexandre I'm sorry for being a bit of a dick a bit of a dick is a bit of an understatement but no worries All Is Forgiven you were worried about your friend it's cool all right so now that we're all together what can we see Joe okay now that you're all gathered together you look out into the distance before you sprawls the vast intricate maze that tronald first glimpsed its network of corridors and shifting walls pulsate with a life of their own a complex and everchanging puzzle in the distance the labyrinths heart flickers with magical Sparks like distant Stars beckoning you deeper into its depths above you the swirling mass of souls first seen by tronald pulses with even more intensity than before this haunting spectacle of thousands of lost Travelers each a victim to the labyrinths merciless trials seems to be reacting to your presence their ethereal dance in the air faces Twisted in agony is more than a grim reminder of the labyrinth dangers it's as if these souls are part of its very essence awakened by each challenge you've faced and overcome the energy of the mass of souls es and flows in response to your movements as you stand ready to navigate through the maze the Labyrinth seems to anticipate your every move it's walls shifting and Pathways reconfiguring it is the consummation of this living challenge that tests not only your physical prowess but also your mental acuity and unity as a team are you ready for this then guys well we bloody better be because there's no going backwards raw is always ready yeah I'm ready to get this over with God knows how long we've actually been inside of here yeah it's been a fun challenge don't get me wrong but maybe we should avoid things like this in the future where we're all split up for so long I'm ready to see the light of day again for sure but it's not like we knew that we would be split up for so long when we entered anyway let's conquer this final stage and hopefully there's an interesting reward at the end that's assuming we don't all die right I think that's where we will wrap up this session see you next week [Music] guys
Channel: The AI Guy
Views: 12,699
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: esxBKOR4UcE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 19sec (1159 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 12 2024
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