A World of Stories | Altheya: The Dragon Empire #1

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hello everybody and welcome to campaign three of high rollers it's here it's happening made it I am your dungeon master Mark Sherlock hes uh I am the dungeon master here on high rollers we've been doing it for a while now and you're about to join us for a fresh new story New World new setting new characters and we've got a ton of great stuff to show you and we're going to get jumping we're going to jump straight in we're going to introduce you to the players and then show you our wonderful new intro speaking of players we have Ranna Frost we have Chris tro we have Kim Richards oh it's all the fan favorit we're all here and the other side and then on the other side we have Tom Hazel we have Katie Morrison the completed form of the fan favorites everyone's here nice back pedling I had to do it in Parts I had to do it in Parts no thank you all so much for joining us we hope you're going to enjoy us enjoy this wonderful new adventure uh that we're going to be doing for campaign 3 um and there's no announcements because we want to jump straight into it and show off something very special uh if you could please run our brand new intro [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] AA a world reborn from Ash and dust a world surrounded by an eternity of war waged between the planar Realms a world of many people places cultures and Nations a world of Secrets a world of stories and in the dragon Empire stories can have great power The Ballad of a knight can stir the soul to Courage the tragedy of a tyrant can damn an entire Nation some stories begin in Grand places upon a throne of obsidian carved by hands older than gods or Among the Stars where the Divine Saints dwell but this story this Story begins in the humble Village of Bernell nestled between the obsidian Mountains and the blades of the empress the north veil of calra is a bountiful land land of sloping forested Hills and ripe Vineyards nursed from the volcanic soil of the red dragon Province Bernell sits at the edge of a swift winding River and the Lush hilly forests of the valley it is a Trader stop that has grown and swollen over the years as merchants and travelers long for a place to rest as they Journey along the Imperial Highway today is the Eighth Day of stormfall mid moon it is a market day and as the Fortress of pyus the great Golden Sun that brings warmth and light to Ala Rises to begin her vigil over the world before most others are even awake some life stirs in this quiet Village [Music] still we see a small pond steaming ever so slightly the Morning Mist a water feature cascading down carved from beautiful stone and painted in bright colors and intricate designs with the long bench sitting along it allowing Travelers and locals to soak their feet in the warm geothermal Springs there's no pair of boots sat beside the bench this time because a pair of black third pores dangle close by Kim could you please tell us who you are playing and describe them for us please no pressure no pressure why did I have to go first okay uh so I am playing graffi um or Graff for short and he is a leonin um well he's a leonin but in this world they're called wild Hearts um so you see before you a large black fur but also speckled with white uh lionlike creature he's got beautiful white man and facial hair that's incredibly curly um if you imagine like a Chinese Guardian lions that kind of curls everywhere he's dressed quite simply um you know very simple black and blue robes um and wraps around him but he does have a short Cape of overlapping Furs um hide and Furs kind of protect his shoulders um he sat on this bench and he's got a little pipe that he's kind of puffing in the early morning air and he's kind of humming tunelessly to himself and next to him as well is a kind of crooked gnarled staff um quite natural and on the top of it is a green flickering elusory bird um you know quite a uh it looks green but it's quite long and Sleek a long beak and he's just every now and again he's just staring at it and there's a very far off look in his eyes like he's he's physically here on this bench by this Pond but he in his head he's back thinking somewhere else Gruff has been here for a while kind of watching the sun The Fortress of pyus rising and cascading uh the light down upon the world and looking at out you are just outside the wooden walls of Bernell uh just down the hill and you're kind of at this lovely kind of like little natural geothermal spring looks like a little hot spot that maybe locals come to to sort of like rest their soak their feet and enjoy the warm Waters it's very shallow it's like more of a pond really and you look out and just in front of you a little bit ways beyond the pond you see a stone church a little Temple something that a local Village would have nothing Grand Stone effes of some of the Saints and of the great Scions Mia and pyus carved in the top with a little bell tower um that still hasn't sounded yet uh as the sun begins to rise there's patches of wild flowers do dotted here and there and behind the church you see forests beginning to spread out rising up into the hills and then the backdrop of these sleek black Jagged Mountains all forming the back uh view that you can see behind you uh Beyond this church and you're lost in thoughts thinking of home thinking about your birds thinking about what the village may be up to what your family may be up to uh and just lost in this days likee State something draws you out of it though as you begin to hear footsteps uh you hear a kind of wooden thunk and a clunk um and a kind of scattering feet and then a sort of oh uh as a Somebody almost in Surprise uh as you see that beside the church there is this tiny little Stone Cottage kind of attached to it and uh you look up and see a little halfling wearing black and white robes um a little symbol of a uh crescent moon with a star sort of attached to it um and uh uh he kind of looks up he's got short curly brown hair very kind of traditional Hobbit halfling you kind of look to him um little mutton chops down the sides um he's maybe middle-aged and he looks over to you say oh oh I'm so sorry I it's a bit early to see I thought normally I'm the earliest one up in the village hello hello there hello and he looks over to you um and sort of calls out to you good morning Father a fine morning here oh yes a very fine morning yes I suppose we've seen the last of the rain and and hopefully we're going to see brighter weather I I I don't recognize you my my good fellow are you a visitor here to the Village I I arrived last night with a few friends oh oh wonderful oh oh yes I did hear about something about some visitors ring well he he kind of like walks his way up to you and uh he he offers his little hand to you oh Reverend Arthur T thisle lovely to meet you and he kind of offers his hand up to you a firm handshake like there's a big p firm handshake yes oh my quite crushing oh quite quite the grip you've got there hello oh well let me um if you've not had the the warm welcome of of Burnell let me be the first to welcome you to our little humble community that we have here um uh are you staying long what what is your business are you visiting the village or just on your way uh I personally am hoping to go on my way uh I I only stayed here last night you know needing a place cuz it's D very dangerous to travel at night around here oh oh yes yes I mean I've lived in the village my whole life um maybe traveled off to Ashen rest to the South once or twice for a little bit of business and and to meet the priest the high priest there but nothing much I'm sort of born and raised here I the roads and things like that bit too scary for me I'm afraid just a humble Little Priest but no oh me and my wife and he kind of gestures back now we've been here for a long time oh what um well you've just been sort of sat here this morning enjoying the lovely Sun it seems I Son Well the warmth is a little bit new to me have experiencing Waters that are warm and not freezing cold quite the novelty oh and he kind of looks at you for a moment kind of as you're saying this he's just like oh you are you from Ice heart I oh my goodness what a what a journey that you've made to be here what a long way you've come um oh well and he says like well um do you wish to keep sitting here or I'm popping up into the village I believe Market's just about to begin I could show you around a little bit if you like there's a delightful place they do wonderful little little um like fruits with a little bit of su it's a lovely way to start your morning I the wife tells me I shouldn't but I always sneak one in as I'm heading up into the village but would you care to join me that sounds delightful I'll join you oh yes come on in and and whole sort of like oh come along and he starts leading you up you know it's burnell's had a rather interesting history we've got a little bit things but the Juke is very proud of this place he thinks it's going to be the next big town we think we can really is leading you up up the hill back up into the village where you can see the wooden uh Gates have been open there's a few sirly maybe a little hung over or tired guards kind of cast there but as soon as they see the Reverend they just you know no issues you you walk straight in and you begin to make your way in seeing that there is this large Market Square dozens of these little stands and stalls with brightly colored canvases and and things like that being set up and we watch as graph and the riv make their way and he leads you to this little thing and begins buying you this little sweet treat um but as we do almost imagining like a like a cinematic we see the camera passing over um and as you make your way back up and the the Market's being set up we see one of these little market stalls really just a brightly colored very warm looking blanket rolled out on the ground with a little wooden chair like a stool uh and uh an elderly Dwarven woman very old and you can see that one of her legs uh is almost entirely turned to the this uh the skin underneath from her skirt below you can see that the flesh has become this silvery metal and you can see that there are all these kind of growths of metal coming out of her neck they've been worked into spikes and chains and things like that but she looks very elderly and she's laying out these little Stone carvings um and we see a large uh slightly gray with a touch of purple hand holding one of these little statues um as the Dwarven woman seems to be speaking to them and Chris Trot I would like you to tell us who you're playing and describe them to us please I am playing Rowan which is a great name doesn't need a surname and I am a yir which means half giant so I'm a very big boy uh very big indeed it's got unusual skin color for a half giant not usually seen having like this pale gray tone to him and also the most interesting feature are his arms so his hands kind of gradient to a dark um darker color with some interesting intricate blue patterns that spiral up from his hands um other than that he wears quite plain clothing he's got a nice big scarf with a lovely green pattern on it and he also has a leather jerkin of some kind seems like he's relatively athletic looking uh he does like to travel quite a lot and he's wearing sandals because he loves comfort and we would see on his back as well this beautiful engraved instrument you want to talk a little bit about uh that as well yes the loot is extremely exquisite looking almost like a masterpiece um it's just beautiful uh it doesn't match Rowan's aesthetic in any way because he's quite simple looking so um it looks a little out of place but either way it draws attention that's for sure great Rowan you've been traveling uh around and you woke up early this morning in the marketplace began to explore something that you do quite frequently kind of wandering around looking listening and as you did you began to hear it began to hear that Harmony those vibrations that resonance that so often draws your attention and as you make your way and you pick up this little carved statue there's a slight element of a uh feminine figure a kind of warrior-like figure um sword Maybe One Wing but it's it's all kind of very subtle keeping the natural shape of the stone and just delicately carving with these little details and carvings and runes and as you hold it you hear it like the song of a mother to a child uh the song of growth the song of molding and shaping and and uh learning and and teaching all kind of merges together in this and as you hold it it just fills you and the elderly Dwarven was like oh do like that one uh a single tear builds up in the corner of Rowan's eyes and Spills down his gray cheek oh it's beautiful oh thank you so much it's telling sorry one second it's just telling me a story oh oh thank you how much well she looks at you curiously and and sort of like know oh oh I normally sell them for a silver piece a silver piece yes for this masterpiece no so much oh my masterpiece days are long behind me kind young man it's very sweet of you to say but no my hands and you see as she hand up three of her fingers have turned to that same silvery metal and and it's almost growing down her hand um and you can see there are almost patches on her neck which have the same thing um and she said ah my hands don't work the way they used to so I do what I can and and I disagree the work you have here you've chosen so well it's very sweet of you thank you it really is beautiful thank you so much for introducing me to this oh we almost yes there a silver piece and are you are you you you are not from here are you traveling no uh I've made my way I'm on a journey of my own you see much like this rock oh gu this rock has gone on a long journey it seems well it's a day to the mindes I suppose yes it must come with me and she kind of holds out I wish to go on a long journey I have much more to discover oh yes well the Burnell seems Exquisite oh thank you yes it's a it's a quiet little town she's still holding a hand out for her silver piece please excuse me oh thank one silver she'll take it from you um Mark that silver piece of um and she starts she just says oh who you say you're traveling are you heading somewhere in particular to the South perhaps or where the wind takes me oh I see you're a sort of wander I imagine you've been to many places and have many tales to tell I have many tales to tell hence the loot oh oh I have forgive me my eyes you're a musician yes I'm more of a vessel oh I consider myself a vessel for of stones as well I know can I have a look at this one of course you can you know I I built many of the the buildings around here I I cut the the flagstones and I did oh yes I I've lived a long time just in absorbed in awe and wonder yeah and you look around outside of the Market Square the the buildings that kind of circle all the Market Square here in Bernell are the Richer and for a village they're very ornate and they look very well built and larger than you'd expect and they have these solid stone ground levels and Foundations cut from these perfectly carved beautiful Flags uh you know Main cornerstones and things like that with little details and you can see that it's almost like little chiseled and engraved flowers and Vines and and you can see little dragons and and knights are carved into the stones themselves very subtle here and there but beautiful work oh my and she just a lot to take in oh would you like to hear more about oh yes I um I go and find a stool yeah yeah yeah you as you wander and in fact you see um that outside one of these beautiful buildings and in um you see that outside they've got a couple of like uh probably like for horses or for like you know stable boys and things like that to sit on whilst the Drakes are being brought in and mounted there is a little stool and you just like oh I can just go borrow one of those and uh you walk over you pick up the stool and as you do our camera is going to pass from you as you begin making your way back to the old lady and the camera now as the door of the Inn opens and we see um the one of the maybe an inkeeper or a member of staff that works there a halfling woman with sort of um pink dyed hair that's all tied up in a bun uh she opens the door and is sweeping some dirt out onto the street but as it does we kind of move in and we follow her as she closes the door she sets the broom to the side and she begins making her way upstairs picking up a few things here and there uh Med do some cleaning she makes her way up this beautiful uh coiled staircase which is engraved to look like roses and thorns and things like that and as she does she begins making her way down a long beautiful very lavish very rich dark wood Corridor with these red uh dark drapes and as she does we pass one of these doors and we pH through it what we see is a robed figure like a frier or a monk holding back his hands or their hands Maybe still obscured by these thick robes but holding back this long black hair and then behind that you know the the person with the hair is knelt down in front of an altar beautiful altar with maybe white stone or Ivory or bone engraved uh figures of a very Regal looking man sat on a throne and the throne is made of of Bones and there are these red gemstones built into it and R could you please tell us who you're playing and describe your character I am playing ofilia delosa sister opilia delosa of the House of blood and opilia is knelt on the floor in front of this altar in her crimson red ceremonial dress with dark sort of dark metal armor intricately put together on the top she has these really like intense Spike like boots that come up to her Beyond her knees this chest plate which has got bones and sort of wings and scales sort of chiseled into the surface and uh she has very sort of pale grayish skin with pointy ears and she's knelt down very very straight very well postured and she's looking intently ahead at this altar as she dips a little horse hair brush in the table in front of her into a little pot of red Crimson face paint and she has her eyes closed and she is just slathering this paint across her eyes across her forehead just to just below her eyes and she does it with such Precision like she knows she's done this hundreds of thousands of times she can do it with her eyes closed she knows exactly the Motions exactly how to do it and she's just humming to herself in a monotonous tone and she does it and then these words come out for the house we pray in their name we surrender our bodies Our binds our devotion our deliverance there will be done by hands on faltering their mission shared by Hearts United flesh for the Mortal blood for the Eternal in his grace and she puts the brush down in the pot when you put the excuse me we didn't hear that when the brush returns to the pot you feel the robed hands finish their work braiding finishing your hair in the traditional style as is always done perfectly um peral's hands never faltering even once as they have never done since they have been in your service um silently they step back giving you plenty of space to stand um their head bowed waiting for your next command um and you find that yes it is you know the morning sun is now Rising you can hear the sounds of the village this Market coming to life and you hear the sounds of people you hear the chatter of Village Life you hear uh distant conversation you can hear the clattering of people within the Inn maybe being served at breakfast and things like that um thank you personal I suppose today we should Venture down into the village maybe try and learn some more about what these people do here ever silent peral just stands in adoration and reverence reverence there comes a knock at the door oh hello come in oh you hear the uh door open uh and standing there is uh a man a human man he has like a very kind of thick kind of Ned Flanders mustache almost but he has this kind of very Sleek sliick back dark hair he's quite handsome um but he's a little bit older um and you can see that he uh stands a goodly and he has a cane uh in his hand as well um but as he opens the door uh you would recognize this man he's the the inkeeper of the Inn that you're staying the Lord the lordly Reigns um and this is Ral TOs and you actually met him last night uh he served you your room and made sure you had everything you need uh and he is just like I'm so sorry to disturb you it's sister ailia wasn't it that's that's correct yes thank you uh I wanted to uh see if you needed anything but also uh as I understand you it's your you're visiting here in in the village in Burnell yes yes we are well I thought I have some rounds to do at the market we have to pick up some supplies I thought I thought I would offer to take you around and and introduce you to people or or you know tell you a bit about the village if that is something of it that interests you that's very kind thank you very much is the least I can do your your story is was very interesting what you told me about where you're from I I'm just very curious to learn more about you and I thought that this would be a good opportunity to show you more about uh calra and our village oh and I you have to learn more about what you do here and obviously you're slaving away behind that desk there must be more to this than meets the eye I'm sure oh well I mean I I very much and he kind of TAPS his leg I'm afraid I don't do much of the manual labor these days we have uh staff that we employ here but um no I uh I uh mainly speak with guests such of yourself make sure they have everything they need I I make deals with people in the town in the city make sure we have our supplies I'm I'm my job is very uh uninteresting I'm afraid my uh but it is a quiet life which is very different to my old one uh which is is nice that's okay jobs are very unusual things where I'm from really I'm curious to learn more uh um is your um uh friend a companion and he gestures to peral Black frier robes just stood no no face visible No Hands visible just this dark shape um and he just is is uh do they uh is everything right this is personal he is my most trusted assistant I see uh well I hope you enjoyed your stay P of all silent but R will say well come with me and then he'll say I'll just around the market it's Market day so it's quite busy but you often meet locals they come in from the farms and and various places and uh we you know trade goods and things like that just things that the village needs we uh we have a few traders that come by but uh it should be a fairly quiet one but I can introduce you to a few people and and show you around if that's something that interests you that sounds wonderful thank you very much of course she has a smil and Flash as a little pointy tooth just I'm going to rolls he almost that has no effect like there's there's just no reaction to that he just sort of like nods his head um he turns and yeah walking with a very clear limp um you can see he kind of leads you down he heads down the stairs and yeah if you follow you Anders will make your way out of the he follows in behind you um you make your way round uh r will in sort of engage you in a little light conversation the kind of you know typical stuff that you might do he points out various things um he gestures to a couple of places around the town um points out you do see a uh uh some of the figures that you maybe saw last night uh when you arrived you see the he points out the Reverend the local priest of uh the faith here um speaking to what appears to be the uh the Wild Heart the large lionlike wild heart that you saw briefly but you it's very passing um as you guys make way around um and yeah just idle chitchat as you go about the business and he begins showing you around the marketplace as you do you pass a little Stone Cottage tucked right at the side of the the city's wooden walls um and it has like an elaborate Garden attached to this little Stone Cottage it's maybe big enough for like three or four people the house but the garden's quite expansive you know flower beds and little vegetable patches and even a couple of trees including an orange tree which is just beginning to like properly Blossom and you can see the little orange is beginning to grow and this beautiful Citrus scent fills the air and as you pass R takes you on but the camera is going to stay with that Garden as it begins to pan around and we see this lovely little orange tree and as the sun is rising and casting Shadows we see the Shadow the silhouette of a little figure um and we begin to hear a voice almost as if talking to herself um and as we kind of round the tree now seeing the Market Square framed behind it we see all the flowers and the bushes and would you like to tell us who you're playing and describe your character uh yes so I'm playing daisy ftle heart um she is probably about 5'2 she's um sitting under a tree with um a little notebook and she's sort of dressed um I think like Cottage core Hobbit core Vibes Hobbit core Halloween is what we kind of called it um she's got um a black bodice like a cored bodice with some orange ribbons tying it on the shoulders um and floral embroidery all over it and then sort of a burnt orange long skirt and some little brown boots and frilly socks she's got um big beautiful bouncy ringlet curls um uh blonde that uh goes down to about midback level for her and yeah she's she's just sitting there with a little notebook um and appears to be sort of doodling in it she's she's drawing um and uh as you are doodling the sketch kind of come into life and your your nostrils full of the scent of that little Citrus as the orange trees growing the wild flowers around you you can hear the sounds of the bustling Market beginning to come to life as people are waking up and joining in um but you also hear another voice a voice you're very familiar with um as uh you hear a little one wasn't that music last night wonderful it was it was really unusual actually I don't think I've heard anyone make a song about what was it Pebbles he said it was about Pebbles he did seem a rather strange song yes but I think he's quite friendly though he seemed nice many of the people here do seem that way yes I do wish that there have been some lyrics for us to learn but perhaps we can think of some maybe I could maybe I could give him some some advice maybe we could we could write something and give it to him and see if he likes it and then next time he performs it maybe he can put the lyrics in it well you might need to take care of that I've I've never thought of lyrics myself before we were always taught them songs about Pebbles I'll have a think what RS with Pebble I'll think on it I I'll get back to you it will happen I know I know and you just hear a kind of like little you sense delight and mirth and this kind of amusement uh within you um and as you do you but then you do hear you do hear your friend kind of say like oh I think someone is approaching um and you hear the door of the cottage of which the garden you have just sort of let yourself into and sat behind the tree cuz it was a lovely little spot um and you hear the door of the cottage open you hear a woman's voice uh all right okay Mom yes I know I know just look after that like you'll be fine I'll be back soon all right I just need to go and check on things um and she shuts the door and then she you hear some footsteps like almost like kind of making their way and then just dead stop and you look over and stood outside the cottage kind of looking into the garden is a broad shoulders quite strong athletic physique human woman uh she's got um brown hair she's probably in like her middle like kind of early 40s there's maybe a little Touch of Gray just a streak in it it's all tied up into like a tight bun um and uh you can see that she's got a big heavy like burlap cloth sack over her shoulders and she looks over and she's like that's my garden you know you I I don't mind you sitting it you've not you've not stood on anything have you you just see Daisy in her book sorry I mean it's just it was such a pretty Garden so I thought I'd do my little morning doodle here I I promise I didn't step on any flowers I didn't I would never do that all right that's F hey as long as you didn't ruin anything that's fine I drew one look and she'll show the D so you like move up and like kind of show she kind of looks at it's like that you're really good um what did you have a friend here I heard you talking to somebody uh they they left yeah sure sure okay uh yeah you're not from here are you and she kind of looks I've never seen you around before nearby goodvine oh I've been walking about though oh yeah I know goodvine yeah okay okay oh you just visiting is it like you here for anything or just just passing through just just stayed for a night okay what's your name kid Daisy I'm Maran well have it enjoy enjoy Bernell it's not a lot going on but enjoy it while you can thanks for the tree yeah of course yeah no worries help yourself like you know I don't think any of them are ripe yet but if you want to take an orange take an orange and she kind of makes her way down DA's probably already got an orange sack full of orange like had behind her back the whole time like yeah well now I have permission that's fine uh and yeah you just uh watch her she this woman just sort of like yeah like gives you like a little sort of wave um and just begins making her way out of the village uh as if going on some chores or something like that um you do hear some movements still in the house um you kind of hear like an older woman's voice like I oh yes it'll be fine kind of like mutterings and things like that as if people are still inside um and yeah you you just you know uh return to maybe sketching or you can see the markets filling up um and you begin to S like smell fresh bread and you begin to see like the bustling of thing and it's quite a few people you know moving around see a few jingling pouches here and there and you know you just kind of see the the town coming to life um and you do see that musician that you saw last night the tall very very tall man with the the gray skin um it seems to be sitting talking to an old Dwarven looking woman um and uh you remember like sort of you know your friends sort of talking about the music and you see the Market Square in front of you kind of thing but as you do we kind of Follow that woman that had come out and was speaking to Marian um we follow her for a little bit as she begins making her way out of the village and we passed by the village is second in much more down to earth a bit more quaint little flower boxes outside each window filled with these pink PE uh pey flowers pey pey flowers uh puny uh and you see um very rustic little approach and you can see it's already busy downstairs appears to have like a Tavern there are tables people are getting breakfast uh staff are rushing around um and we move up upstairs into a set of bedrooms and we fall upon the form of somebody sleeping in one of these rooms but it is clear that it is not a restful sleep their eyes flick and flutter beneath their eyelids sweat Pours Down their face their body twitches Tom can you tell us who you're playing in describe your character for us please I am so nervous um I think looking upon this character for the first time you be excused for thinking he is an elf but as he moves in his sleep State uh you see the light glistening upon golden scales uh up and down his arms uh around his eyes almost a crown of horns I suppose at the top of his head um I suppose you would see is he wearing his usual uniform now sure he's I got uh quite simple uh gray brown sort of clothing but accented slightly with golden sashes some uh golden sigils across tabards and things like that um and he is he also has a big gold tail too should have mentioned that one that's a big giveaway um but that's under the cover right now you can't see it um maybe the as he twitches and the cover twists we see a glimpse of the tail snaky out briefly um and I do do I do I wake up am I what's what's happening to me you're already surprising me when zanthus came to bed you collapsed not even so tired and exhausted not even undressing just falling into this bed a moment of safety a moment of rest and recuperation from your Hasty and exhausted flight uh from the city you are in a room surrounded by a Dark Void you can see no walls but it feels claustrophobic and tight there is a wooden pedestal well made and decorated with Engravings and gold inlays and it stands in the center of this room lit by an UNS unseen source of light the only light in this place the top of the pedestal is something covered in a velvet cloth and the Darkness almost like walls closing in is Whispering laughing you begin to see faces and teeth and eyes in that Darkness oh no it has you don't remember exactly you know that you're meant to be here you're meant to get something or help someone you you can't quite remember but you feel almost pressed in like something's pushing you towards that light and that that thing in the pedestal I think I might have messed up my boy too hard guys um he is on his face that sweat still there he is terrified and he's turning and recoiling away from these Whispers and these Smiles um but when he locks eyes on this pedestal he shouts out what is it you want from me what what do you want me to do when you speak you see that a figure emerges on the opposite side to this pedestal from the darkness a figure they're shrouded in a cloak but there is something about them familiar and you think they're a friend and they step into the light and they take the thing on the pedestal and as they touch it the faces and the eyes and the mouths of the Darkness yes and they press in and as they Rush towards the pedestal you are pushed forward with it what does anthus do I don't know dude all another character is this brand new does anthus is this is this there is a there is a familiarity about all of this this feels like you should know what this is you you feel like you should know it is but you can't remember it messed up my boy guys I mean if I'm if I'm pulled towards it there's there's a I want to resist like something's pushing you from behind like that Darkness the mouth it's rushing you towards it I want to turn and run you turn to run and as you do the mouth almost like sink and bite and push you around and then suddenly you are at that pedestal and the Darkness is crawling over you and you can see this figure this friends you know they're a friend and are they the one you came here to help is this the thing your your meant to find and they're holding it and you see that the darkness in the mouth are doing the same thing to them and they're they're shrieking in pain and they're holding out this [Music] object I I am I think zus just like me would just be just locked in he he he's tried to resist so in your panic in that moment of not knowing what to do as the darkness pushes you you you kind of twist and your body and your hands reach out and they fall on the object and as they do the figure the other figure they're your friend but now they're angry they're hissing to n mine and as your hands touch it the both of you gripping it all at once something snaps and there is an explosion of light and fire and you feel pain and as you do you scream and as your mouth opens the darkness pours in crawling inside you I need you to roll a D4 for me a D4 oh my God what is your character I should clarify I know the cause of this this is all Mark he's already used something to backstab me here A D cor first roll I thought you were the dark one four four I don't know if Four's good four h you a four yeah yeah all right can you make a constitution saving throw F please that doesn't sound good I'll use my last campaign's primed dice um Constitution saving Thro okay yes please they betrayed you uh I got I won't tell you the modifier I got an 11 that's probably not good first roll of the campaign it's above 10 it's above I roll this Aver rollers a roll mid rollers mid rollers yeah we got to change the name of everything hi Mark as that Darkness reaches into your throat and that pain in your chest and your body begins to swell suddenly you wake up what does anth is what does antheus do he is he almost jumps out of bed like he can still feel these remnants of this dream this reality as far as he's concerned right now um like whatever he still sees in his mind he's almost trying to B away from him still and it would probably take him a couple of seconds to realize where he is to to sort of land back on our there um and he will be gasping and shaky breath and uh really like trying to regain just well his his breath again like clutching at his chest yeah when you clutch at your chest you feel that that pain from the dream is still lingering still there and you feel your body and as you know it to be you feel grounded in reality the smell of the Inn the wood the straw mattress the sheets bringing you back to it was a dream it was a dream it was a dream it was a nightmare but it was a dream yeah you're here you're safe and as that settles in you do hear a voice outside the door like is everything all right in there yes yes everything is okay just just waking up a little bit of a bad dream I'm afraid well uh nothing kills a bad dream like some breakfast we I was bringing you some can I come in um I will look around for a second is there like a a mirror or something uh not in this kind of in this is quite a kind of comfortable country and they probably wouldn't have like a mirror in here that would be quite a lavish thing you could maybe go up to like you know the window or something like that and you're trying to glance at your reflection but it it's hazy cuz the light's already coming in like you can't quite get a good reflection I mean I'll like try and sort of stroke my my hair back and comb it back with my hand and um I probably feel the matted sweaty sort of yeah you I mean you definitely are like you've be drenched in sweat but you do feel recovered you feel your energies come back like that long sleep the food that you had last night has done wonders to recover your stamina um and things like that but yeah dripping in sweat and just heart going and still beating fast um I would I I probably think I look fine like I just said I've had a bad dream it's fine um I will go over to the door put my hand my clawed hand on the uh door handle sort of still a catch myself with a still a shaky breath breathe in deeply and then conjure A Smile as I turn the door handle and greet this person yeah and the person stood uh in the doorway is uh Adriana uh Pi the uh inkeeper that you met last night um that uh you know fed you and gave you the room and that you arrived with uh the the Wild Heart The Lion Wild Heart who helped you arrive here that like found you on the road um and uh and she looks at you and she's carrying like a plate and she has like a very simple kind of like porridge uh with a little bit of honey and syrup um maybe like a glass of like a kind of almost like frothy looking milk or something like that um and she's like I just brought you something simple is that all right more than enough thank you so much of course of course you just uh I had a bit of commotion in there is everything okay oh no totally fine long long journey traveling from the city it was just a very restful rest deep deep sleep you you were very tired when you and your friend arrived I could see that almost passed out at the table with the rest I'm glad that your fre you see this woman Adriana she is um she is another wild heart but she has more like a deer uh kind of quality to her she's like the little freckles kind of like the speckling almost like a de Motif that brown sort of um Brown and and creamy kind of like coloring to her like face and skin there is like a little pair of like antlers like little kind of stubby deer kind of horns and antlers um and uh you can see like a little bushy tail she's more humanoid though like uh unlike The Lion Man that you encountered last night some wild Hearts very much like dragon born like yourself some appear more humanoid some appear more animalistic in the same way that dragon born can either appear draconic or they can appear more humanoid um she has that more humanoid look and she's like well when you finish this um your friend who came with you they they went out into the village which I think they're probably out in the market by now or or nearby um but it's Market day there's many people here you can uh if you need supplies and things like that I think that you should uh maybe head in there but uh no rush no pressure I would be more than happy to meet up with uh gruth again and uh start a new day yes well enjoy your breakfast thank you very much of course of course we'll be downstairs if you need anything um and as we do uh you know you probably sit down imagine you kind of have something to eat again still quite hungry like it's it's been a while since you've managed to have this much food and you don't know if you're going to get more when the door closes some of that Visage drops a little bit and just slowly tries to stomach this meal uh before deciding to yeah uh to leave and I would try to seek out gr yeah in fact we follow we stay with zanthus and we follow zanthus as you make your way into town and this is about the point where cuz you'd gotten up so early Gruff um and the Reverend uh kind of brought you up here it was you know you were set out there for a long time this is the point where all of you are now within this Market space um and you begin to kind of catch each other you catch glimpses of each other uh Daisy you see the the large yach that was playing the the Beautiful music last night um in the town and and seemed very friendly you actually catch sight of the the big uh Lion Man uh that you encountered and and and you think you recognize the the Dragon Ball that was in the in as well people that you briefly just you know in passing saw and you begin to see each other as the Market of Burnell comes to life um there are people selling local Goods uh Traders food produce all of this kind of stuff in this lovely little haphazard scattered Labyrinthian Market in the middle of this big Village you can see the larger taller buildings The lordly Rains in the pey post kind of like these Central buildings like really seem to draw like the town around them as if the town almost sprung up around them almost um you can see the walled the wooden walls on the outer skirts a few Cottages maybe a few more sort of brick and mortar stores that have kind of like been built around it as well all with like thatched roofs or tiled roofs painted in bright colors and Everywhere You Look hanging from the buildings or attached on flags to the wooden walls you see uh the colors the heraldry of this region um now for most of you you most of you would be familiar that a region of a province each uh the Empire divided into these provinces but each province has these different regions where the different dragon hosts and families kind of rule um and they all have these different colors and symbols um and this one is a a gray and orange and it seems to have the symbol of a mountain peak that is on fire like a kind of like fiery symbol around a mountain peak um and split into gray and orange uh divided in halfes basically um and you see those kind of fluttering everywhere and it's very common for a region to display their their local Nobles their duke or duchess's Herald rean colors um uh not that any of you except for maybe Daisy would know exactly who that is for this region um would that be something Daisy would know and care about I think she would know about it she wouldn't necessarily be like she's not she doesn't super care she cares about like enough to be like I respect the person in charge but I'm not like overly I don't need to look up their life story history you would so you would know the name of the current kind of Life yeah so in that case you know that uh Burnell sits in North Vale which is the region and that North Vale is uh basically the the Duke is Duke ignius um a red dragon a red dragon who is the Duke here um and his family his host um and yeah you begin to kind of see each other from ac across the marketplace and you will have your places graphi still with the Reverend he's probably kind of like going around he's meeting locals he's doing what the you know the local priests would do he's coming up oh how are you my dear are you well do you need anything oh yes oh yes but Scions andan bless you and he's kind of going around this is my new friend Gruff he's Lovely isn't he very tall very strong I he's kind of introducing you as you kind of go around and I think as as that's happening like Ruff is very like he doesn't say a lot like he he's polite and he's enjoying it and he's receptive but he's just a very much like firm nod firm handshake very few words as he's being you know paraded around and getting to know everyone I think as well like he would be trying to disentangle him the closer they get to the the pie post which is the Inn we've been staying at the closer we get to it the more he's trying to untangle himself from the Reverend because he's he's got zanthus in his mind and he's like trying to go back and like check on zanthus how obvious is Gruff being in this attempt not very he's very awkward about it like he's trying to be very polite especially because you have reverence for the Reverend um so he's trying to be like I you know I don't want to be a bother you know I don't want to take up all your time no you're not being a bother at all gra oh look it's Sarah hello Sarah good morning good morning hello bre who's this tall handsome fell and it's just like oh this is my new friend gra um can you give me a it's going to sound weird but can you make an intimidation check not because you're trying to be scary but this is intimidation I like the idea that it's also like being confident and like kind of taking a strong and you know imposing like something that you want to say to somebody in a more sort of forceful manner or you can make a persuasion check if you want to if you think that you're being a bit more sort of like oh no I don't want to be you know almost kinding of like being pleading so it's up to you which way you want to do I think knowing graph it will be more intimidation not in an aggressive way but just in a very no please I need to be going man trying to be like that is a 16 16 I'm going to roll an Insight check to see if the Reverend picks up on the fact that you kind of want to have other things that you want to do um okay so like as you do and he introduces this last Lady uh Sarah she appears to be a um let's see here she would probably be a another halfling we'll say she's like a little halfling old sort of Granny and sort of like you know she's got a little carrot you know vegetable stand that she's selling to locals from um and as you're kind of talking and as you introduced but you kind of make that like no Reverend please I have and he's like oh I'm so sorry I get carry it away chatter it away no no you go about your business my good man it's lovely to meet you Scions and Saints bless your day wonderful wonderful and if you ever need anything please come down to the church we are always open for prayer advice whatever you need my good man whatever you need than thank you Reverend uh thank you for your warm welcome but I have a ward I need to go and check out oh yes I don't want to keep you from such important duties no no no no indeed well Saints and Saint Saints and science be with you Saints and science be with you yes very good um and yeah you begin making your way and as you do you do see zanthus probably at that point coming out but we're going to oh so going no no I don't want I just want to kind of make sure every get everyone else everyone else yeah yeah um so yeah ailia you are out with uh and he's taking you around he's um kind of pointing out various places he points out the other ends he points out some of the the local Traders um but he'll he'll turn around to you as you're walking and say so sister ailia if I can what what exact why did you come here to this Village why are you here in cauld it's my great calling I've been uh summoned here by those in higher stead than myself to complete a task on their behalf oh that almost sounds like a a nightly Duty what we would have here our our our uh our superiors I suppose our Nobles the dragons uh sometimes people request tests to become uh Knights or or Reeves or Marshals and things like that authorities um to go and do service is it it sounds quite similar to that it's quite an important duty you could say so mine would be more diplomatic I suppose oh I see I see Are you a highest man I as any good citizen of of the Empire yes I I pray to the Scions and the Saints when I need to and you know they they are Our Saviors they protected us and and they have empowered uh many of our leaders and given us guidance and and things like that but uh I I must admit I'm I'm I don't always go down to the church for for prayers on the new moons and you know I I offer it in my small way but it's it's not a big part of my life at least not uh not for now I've um and he kind of gets this little bit of a far away look in his eyes do you want to roll me an Insight check oh yeah oh oh D it's not very good can I just say it was really weird that I rolled actually quite well on that yeah continue but it won't no within 11 yeah you see gets this far away look in his eyes he's just like I don't sometimes I do wonder how much the Scions and the Saints look down upon us and there's like this kind of hint but it's hard to like glance exactly what that might mean there could be another path if you wish to take it does sort of like nar's eyes I've heard of a few things I know that there are there are those that believe in in spirits and the land having powers and I've and he kind of like leans in not conspiratorially but almost like he doesn't want to be overheard and I've heard that there are some who claim to receive Divine gifts from the dragon Empress now that she's gone and he does make like an imperial gesture like he puts his hand over his heart and nods his head um but uh I know that the the church and the faith Priests of the Scions don't uh don't like us talking about that too much but do you have a faith are you a faithful person a person of belief oh yes I pray to the Grave father grave father some deity in your lands I never heard of this entity or this figure well he blessed The Mortals of magic long long long ago and those that believe in his teachings they are welcomed into his Immortal Kingdom um with gifts gifts of power wealth happiness you you please forgive me this is uh you you are taken somewhere else when you when you die when you pass well we can be some some are some are re reborn we say well when you say that he's like oh that is I mean that is that is our belief that when we we pass we are re if we are not worthy we are reborn to to live a new life but you in your case people who are mainly reborn of of physical REM manifestation of the physical form your your lands are strange I'm fascinated but uh this is is quite a lot I mean how very interesting and he sort of like leans in but he does gets starts nervous even with like you don't need to roll an insight to check that like this is a topic that like he's willing to learn more about but like he's glancing around he's like looking like who's listening where and he looks and he sees where the Reverend is and he's like oh and he kind of diverts you maybe in a slightly different path taking you away from the Reverend almost um but he does sort of he seems to be interested in a way but is is curious well what does this from the nature of the name grave father there sounds like there is some element of of death and you say that there as you pass like what about um soldiers and War how is that uh well Soldier well war and soldiers they are mere tools I suppose in our faith and those tools are created by those who have passed before us so that those that come afterwards can live a more peaceful and prosperous life he frowns especially when you said like soldiers are tools is definitely almost not angry but like kind of frowns his head but then as you keep going he's like what what do you mean so what who do you not have like soldiers in your life you say they are tools you create them with magic or some such well they are repurposed shall we say oh no so oh no no no no as I was as I was saying previously so we live a peaceful and P prosperous life so the ones that come after us may live this the same it just it's living a life of toil does not come to the Mortal being you do people not work you do they do not work oh people that breathe and live do not work that's not our fate very intrigued uh as you continue having this conversation with r as you make your way around the marketpl is there anywhere you want to go to as you're having this conversation is there anything that takes your interest or are you looking for anything in particular I think a feel you would just be glancing around at the market store looking at all the just getting a getting a feel for like all the vibrancy the life getting a feel for like the type of people that live in this Village yeah and I think when you as you're doing that you definitely notice here especially as you have this conversation about toil and life and strife and things like that everywhere you look there you see you begin to see people not in the marketplace but they're like saying goodbye and heading off somewhere um and you see that they carry picks living people carrying picss is a very strange site for you dressed in like ragged clothing um there's that word again you see people selling fruits and vegetables and crops and and uh you know things of of you know the land um but they look tired and weary and dirty and again that's not something you're very used to at all but then something that you are used to catch as your eye and you see that there is this kind of very beautiful tent in Rich purples some Golds and Silvers um and it's kind of got this lovely little frame to it and a little beautiful table set out in front of it and there is this Elven woman uh kind of rare uh to see but not so rare as to that you would not know that they are an elf um they look quite young for an elf and they're smiling and they have this beautiful array of clothing like it looks like the handmade clothing but it is beautifully done from these lovely Rich fabrics and things um and uh she's sort of looking around and occasionally people come up and they buy like a cloak or a hat or things like that but you can see just behind inside the tent racks of dresses and tail and tunics and tabards and and things like that and she definitely seems to be not as busy as everybody else but it definitely that beautiful and you can see almost like little not gemstones but maybe like Little sparkling stones and things like that nothing nothing truly valuable but like little elements of that woven in and things like that eyes widen and she sort of Glides across to have a quick look sure Glides yeah you're a word choice today so clear you're not literally she's heavily armored but she walks surprisingly lightly like every step is pre-planned immaculately So Graceful like a cat retracing its poor behind behind ailia uh and trailing behind r as well is peral who does almost look like they're gliding because their robes just fall straight to the ground they're picking up dirt and things like that but they just they're like a a shadow like a a shadow has come to life and it's just like moving around you just something out you just head yeah you got there uh as you begin making your way ailia you you move over to the beautiful uh clothing stand um oh just we'll come back to everybody in a minute uh Rowan what the [ __ ] no listen I just St my hand on 2 d4s trops Rowan uh how I mean it's up to you like you could still be talking to the lovely uh older Dwarven woman you would have learned that her name this older Dwarven stonesmith um is uh uh gabrilla uh gabilla tin toes um good name that's a really good name Gaba tin Gilla tintos um you could still be talking to gabilla if you'd like to but also you could have gten up and wandered around she probably it depends on how conversational she is but I am pressing for every detail of every Rock like a lot of old people she is very happy to have somebody to talk to and is just waffling away to you she she tells you like I used to build a little here and and she would would Rowan be curious about the strange like metal f and like the metal leg that she seems to have these metal like growth and things uh respectfully ask uh about these sort of things forgive me your accessories oh yes my yes my um my condition it is a thing that affects all condition I'm so sorry yes no I normally if you I'm sure in your travels you've encountered many dwarves um and there you may see piercings and and decorations and things accessories they are they are grown from us and and in the young yes yes in the young we shape them to be beautiful accessories I I once um and she gestures my feet uh they would I would decorate them to almost be like beautiful Spirals and ringlets and anklets or growing out of my legs and uh I was uh in a time of Youth I would hike up my skirts and dance a little jig and show them off and they would glitter and picture that very sweet and but as we grow older uh they begin to appear in other places and and then as we reach our final years as as I have come to be we our bodies become taken over by the the the substance that is within us in in my case tin as my name suggests um R's welling up but and eventually my my body will become the whole uh matter and I will pass you become the rock metal Rock in some dwarves for those that we believe have a great Destiny they can be almost made of rubies or diamonds or gold adamantine mythal our greatest heroes our greatest Knights uh they have had great Destinies and they they will eventually become matters of this material what glorious purpose yes yes indeed I see no find a way to end oh I is say sweet I want to be can I do that oh uh well I I've never heard of a nond dwarf um with the condition with some call it a curse others a gift know it depends I yes it it it can be I I am just common tin nothing special tin is important oh that's very sweet of you to say I I I know it is you are a very kind man I don't know what tin is there it is it is a metal a common metal right found in many places um and so it looks wonderful oh thank you it is I've always found it very pretty it catches the light very nice um but yes so one day not too long now I think perhaps a few more years or months I don't know but my condition spreads rapidly and you will live forever well yes I will be reborn as the Scions and Saints have told us and my body will be used to help my family and they will uh perhaps I will be sold to be crafted into things or I if I if they have enough they will uh make a statue of me to remember me as and she says statue uh Rowan's eyes look concerned and then he starts looking at the statue that he bought for a silver mhm and he starts pointing at it this was this a person no no okay no no this this rock is much like the the stone that makes the the the foundation here it is from um the mine Black Rock mine just uh up in the mountains okay good um well you have been very sweet to talk to me for so long but you you have buing you can hear theque St uh you've take I've taken up too much y the youth should not be wasted sitting with the go go exp sit here for days I think you could but you shouldn't go go I have things to sell send customers to speak yes I'm in the way of Customs my apologies go enjoy yourself she like it's been oh cool you're very big so much time yeah and you just you get that you know you hug someone and they're very frail and they're very delicate and you can just tell feel the tin at all H yeah you would yeah like cuz there's parts of it like growing out of like her shoulders and her necks like you can see what probably when she was younger would have been worked into something she's just let grow and like it's kind of jagged yeah yeah and like you know you can see like her hand is it's beginning to spread all down her arm and like there's patches of her neck um and probably internally if what she said and that they do eventually all become an entire thing like it's probably their internal organs like she's based on what she said you don't think she's probably got long I like tin she just sort of like and I like you your face um what would uh she's precious would Rowan fancy going anywhere where or like you know as he kind of stands up or like you do catch sight of people so you see Daisy you see some of the other people on around you see pretty much everybody that you saw in the in last night if he catches sight of anyone he's doing a big wave sure very happy sure uh and he's showing the rock statue that he's got pointing at it can I go over absolutely I would probably go over with my book having just had my thoughts about lyrics and things and go over and go oh oh is that the pebble the pebble the one you saying about this is gabila's uh statue oh do you have the pebble what Pebble the Pebbles you sang about last night no the Pebbles wished to remain oh I carry their story with me but they do not come with me sometimes they wish to come with me like this but the Pebbles wish to stay in AAR did you talk to the pebble the pebble speak to me what do they sound like they sound like this when I get my loot out and I pluck uh the lowest note on the strings and it starts to resonate with a certain tone that takes a life of its own and it just sounds very peaceful like an ambient tone Daisy is is going to grab him by the arm and pull him off to the side okay and sit down cross-legged and pull to sit down and and just sit down and look at him and go so I think we could write some lyrics to your music about the pebble but I need to know more about the pebble and how the pebble feels to be able to write the lyrics for the pebble was very sad H yes other Pebble friends were around it for many centuries is as we know Pebbles like to lay by lakes they're often placed there by the lake itself but his Pebble friend got washed away and he's been alone for many decades you can see why you wrote a song about it I'm the first person that's listened to his story well then we should make some lyrics we should tell the pebble story yes does the Pebble have a name I didn't ask its name I must go back we can we could make one up for now seems like it's quite then we seek approval we'll ask the pebble next time we see it I don't want to pick a name that would be unsuitable course did you get a Vibe for it oh yes Workshop something yes uh quite a cheeky little Pebble actually once you get to know him okay I'm going to write this down peble nice pictures you have in your book oh thank you I found a really nice orange tree do you want an orange yes I give him an orange cuz I've collected a few by this point yeah I I grip it in my massive hand uh thank you I'm going to go and buy some bread and then I'm going to have a think about the P yes I'm hungry okay maybe we should eat probably we should find the others are other best friends the shiny scary boy the shiny one the big fluffy one the strange one I don't know about that one I think she's lovely she scares me though as you have talked about blood as you talk about these other friends uh we do see yeah Gruff and Zan this is we see you guys kind of like catching up once again as I I thought I'd do this just as Kim took a drink as well yeah yeah sorry that's right when you when we spoke this is Tom talking to Kim M uh did you introduce yourself as Gruff or as Gruff to me I would have said Gruff but you can call me Gruff wait you would have said yeah Gruff but you can call me Gruff okay I would have said my iconic phrase hello my name is Gruff in order to get the accent hello my name is Gruff is but you can call me Gruff uh little lordling good Mor to you yes is as I mentioned zanthus is fine I'm I'm worried about you did you sleep well oh I slept um very well there was a pause there that was a h well for a second there I thought I could reminisce a dream there but no gone you know how it is when you wake up and um [Music] vanishes uh I mean you can yeah give me a deception check I guess zanthus and an Insight check from graph hell yeah baby deception zanthus is very very good speaking 21 21 thatan so status quo so you definitely Gruff has a suspicion that the truth isn't there but it could just be that something's playing on you and like you know maybe you're just imagining it we're just we're just stood there staring at each other you're just basically not really really good dream it's gone it's very convincing Tom where' it go you know how dreams be they do be that way just narrowing of the eyes um but enough about me how how did you sleep I uh lightly as always and then I've been up since uh since the dawn broke Dawn yes okay well normally I'm out fishing at this time fishing yes really well I mean when the stars are still overhead far too early for me I figured you were a bit of a city boy maybe no no no no definitely not a not a scholar no no some kind of light work where you don't have to be up at the cadon well just not stars in the sky early but then how would you know where to go cuz they guide you the roads tend to guide me more than anything else but anyway um I brought you some food you did you pay for that uh technically the Reverend paid for it do I need to pay the Reverend back I suppose I do I'm trying to think about Logistics of this now am I still under your care not that I don't appreciate it please I I very much appreciate it it's just uh as I stand now I don't feel what was it you said um are you still Meek infirm or vulnerable I don't feel Meek I'm not in firm let me feel your forehead okay anything warm warm yeah warm but clammy but also looking at the scales you know that gold dragon tend to have like an element of like heat and Flame and things like that like that could just be a Dr a dragon born thing like the heat like he's warmer than you would expect but I'll be honest I've never taken the temperature of a dragon born is this normal this is no that's normal that's normal I do have something to admit I was so tired last night that I did sleep in my clothes so a change of clothes would be wonderful but again this I can't be bothering you with this this is I I I very much appreciate the help do uh and I've given you I mean do you want more gold what I I don't understand this arrangement I Found You by the side of the road yes when you were infirm yes and vulnerable so it is my duty to protect you and write this and what happens when we reach the end of Our obligation our contract is it a contract I suppose it's a verbal contract or a moral contract you did say you'd be a character reference for me and that's good for a dragon born did I yes I'm going to be honest you were quite Delirious last night it it was a haze so tired um but if you want me to say nice things about you that would be good you're a nice person not to me to to well anyone who asks right okay speaking of anyone who asks what there were others weren't there yes there was a tall one a short one and a pointy one as you as you describe them in such eloquent means she's got pointy yeah you do see uh you clearly can see the others like looking around you're kind of at the entrance to the piie post kind of having just met zanthus as he comes outside you can see the others you see Rowan and Daisy almost looking in your direction like pointing towards you as you guys have spotted them as well and ailia whilst you've been traveling with Ral he's turned and he's doing some business you've been sort of examining these beautiful dresses but you do kind of catch this conversation um maybe uh even P would probably tug you on the sleeve and with a kind of drooping thing point in a direction towards the companions that you witnessed at the gate last night but as you do this a voice calls out Marshall Marshall s soldiers are coming up the road quick um and you hear a commotion as you hear some kind of like uh you hear the the rustling sounds you begin to hear kind of like armored boots um and you hear a loud kind of in the name of the Duke open the gates uh and uh the guards on the gate sort of panic um they look down at their companion who's come running in this uh this uh human man a dwarf up on the thing he like looks down like shrugs his shoulders the man like shrugs back and he's like Marshall Marshall quick I don't know what to do um and the dwarf and you hear another voice like open the gates now please uh on the on on behalf of the Duke uh and the dwarf like panics and just opens the gates um and you see entering into Burnell and into basically the opening front of the Market Square you see uh not that a large number enter into the village but you glance outside the gate and you can see maybe 20 or so soldiers um all dressed as like man-at-arms and women at Arms basically uh gray and orange tabards with kind of leather uh you know simple scale mail and chain mail and so stuff like that the figure that enters uh there is a number of them um two which catch your eye specifically with a handful of better equipped looking soldiers men and women um in slightly better armor like kind of more polished chain mail maybe little bits of plate mail here and there some of them look quite lightly armored though as well like they have like leathers and Bows almost looking more like Woodsman or like trackers and things like that the two that draw your eye however the first is a uh uh a very well-dressed human man in plate armor uh or breast plate sorry so not full plate armor but like breastplate with leather and little bits of chain here and there tall leather boots um uh with a a resplendant orange Cape uh he has a helmet that he's taken off and is carrying one hand long dark hair probably down to like his his shoulders um very handsome features um and he's kind of stood there and he seems to be the one calling out uh next to him is a much more Sinister looking figure they are quite tall uh very life but athletic kind of almost like a gymnast or a dancers kind of build um and they appear to be an orc uh you can see that they have this almost glowing scar that runs down their neck and down into their leather black leather jerkin um you can see that they have like a black coat black leather jerkin black trousers black boots um dressed all in black with a hood um and they seem to have a uh a badge of of some sort of office on their on their lapel you can see like blades and and weapons and things like that all AR them um as they do as these people come in the whole village is just turned and is in stun Silence of what is happening as these men kind of come in you see the captain like Whispers something he gestures a couple more of the soldiers come in um he looks up at the gate uh the guard on the gate and he looks to the other guard uh bring me the Marshall and the Reeve of the village please uh uh and they sort of like look around and then very quickly coming from several of the buildings you see a number of other uh figures approaching uh you see a Dwarven woman shaved heads on the side and then the rest of it braided into this thick black braid that spills down her hair heavily scarred looks very rough and dangerous wearing armor that's been like cobbled together and she's still just putting it finishing putting it on like one hand's coming out of the sleeve you can see like a big hand ax in her belt loop and she's got a short sword in the other hand I me she looks Furious she's just like stomping over um and beside her is this rather Meek looking maybe in her middleages she looks like a librarian or an accountant she has like round spectacles little neat bodice uh dark crimson red bodice with little gold buttons big pencil kind of hoop skirt um gray hair and she's kind of like hurrying alongside them carrying a book basically um and as they approach uh you hear the captain kind of address them uh and turn around uh and will say uh uh are you the mayor are you the reev of the town uh looking it's one of you the re and the the spectacled looking woman is like that would be me Captain uh and and he looks yes and he kind of nods and he has like a whispered conversation with these two um as you guys are looking around what what's everyone's reaction to all of this what's the state of the rest of the village uh like are they all sort of they're just in stuns like shocked like what is going but there's almost like a gossipy nature like they're not afraid but they're just like what's going on like everyone's like leaning out windows people have like like hustled around um you see that the villagers are all just watching in stun signes the soldiers that came in with these figures have very rapidly moved to the other gate and they have stood in front of that gate um almost as if blocking anyone from leaping oh are are we all grouped up at this point are you can all see each other yeah other but we're not yeah you could be you could easily like like kind of like oh you know how like when crowds happen because an event is taking place and you kind of merge together you can absolutely do that Daisy's got a mouthful of way too much bread right now and she's just holding the rest of it and she just Sid steps behind Rowan I think yeah like Gruff as well would have subconsciously kind of stepped in front of Daisy and zanthus like just yeah sure hello oh uh what's happening I'm not entirely sure maybe we should sit in the tavern for a bit while this all blows over I want to hear what okay uh yeah you kind of wait for a moment um what's ailia doing actually as well yeah ailia Will um take personal and she'll see the group and just Sidle up to them almost kind of like silently like they don't know if she's there if she just like oh Bleed Me afternoon morning hello hello you see what's happening over there finally some action bleed me dry action uh I don't want action Daisy's going to be waving her hand in front of peral yeah cuz we can you make a perception check for me Daisy you're the first person to actually like get close and well we wouldn't have met first of all because um when we were in the Inn you came Daisy did because Daisy met I didn't it was in the dark though so I didn't like but you see the rest of you see behind next to ailia this black frier robe how how complet covering the face hands go like it's just a black shape it's like a cloak has just animated and is following this woman and it's big and drapy um 14 because Daisy she knew that he wasn't talking at the gate like they couldn't get him to take his hood off they couldn't get him to talk so she's like yeah you're a little curious thing and you go right up to and you're like peering into his cow right you know would how how would peral react I think peral would probably step back training he would he probably step step back I'll make a stealth check for person in fact you can make a stealth check for person I don't think it's a bonus to just use his decks I'll be in [Music] extras this is P's little Dy 16 so so Daisy you try and get a good look at this fella um but he kind of very very gracefully expertly pulls back and like twists it so you can't see under the hood and just avoids you getting too close however oh a note a secret note do you tell your friend about this figure like they can sense them but you know that your friend's senses aren't as good like you kind of have to relay information to them potentially I feel like between so this morning when I was sitting doodling I feel like she would have probably explained everyone she met last night to them anyway just as a morning catch up kind of thing you know okay good to know okay you don't get a good look at person um and uh there is a kind of like uh uh there is a curiosity within you you know your friend's quite curious as well but yeah personal kind of steps back moves next to ail just kind turns close to him darling why I just wouldn't advise it you might not like it that's terrifying why as this conversation happens as you ask why I'll be like sh yeah speaking well you see the uh the well-dressed Captain you heard the you know that that might be what they called um has finished talking you hear the Dwarven woman uh kind of like you would over here the last bit of their conversation would be um uh well at least my people haven't failed in their job Captain we nothing has happened like you're the ones who have failed in this of course I'm B found by the Duke to assist you and I will render that aid but I can assure you they didn't come here uh and the captain just almost silences as her with a hand and then he looks around um and you can see that the other soldiers there was quite a few of them outside a few more of them have filtered into the village and they've basically been like asking people to come out into the Market Square they're like going up the doors and being like could you please come out into the Market Square for us please come in there and you can see that the village of Bernell as many people as they can are being gathered here nobody's being dragged out of their homes nobody's being forced to come but they're encouraging people to come and listen saying that there is uh important information that needs to be shared um the I'm not concerned yeah is there anything I recognize here what are you looking for I I'm looking for I'm looking for any Dragon Ball which I believe I I think you described that there wasn't any but I'll have a quick look around to see if there are any mhm and is there anything I recognize from my time in the city okay can you make a perception check please Tom uh oh God your perception where's it under 30 new character it's minus one ooh two is that your worst ever perception WR I think it might did you feel a little bit sick let's go a break zus as you are desperately looking around that Panic kind of rising in you and and uncertainty it's daytime but your mind the shadows in between the buildings the M the mouths the faces you from that dream you're almost imagining in there but also like your vision's like is it blurry like something it's like something's wrong with your eyes and you rub your eyes and like it's almost like you can see little little Moes of gold just passing over your vision and it's it so distracting yeah you see mhm I mean yeah I yeah I a perception so bad that I start to see things the man in the plate armor the captain with the helm and the coat and the cloak steps forward the citizens of berell citizens of the Empire please there's no reason to be afraid ah if you are law abiding citizens there's nothing to worry about I am captain Lucas viaro I serve Duke ignatus as the commander of his second Talon we have come here searching for a group of dangerous criminals wanted for murder and suspected heresy they escaped from Ashen rest and fled North our Scouts believe that they pass and he and he glances at the Dwarven woman that was like shouting at him earlier when he says our Scouts believe that they passed through and may have entered Bernell in the night these are dangerous people and they have committed a great crime until these criminals are found or our investigation is concluded travel South to Ash rest is prohibited I mean that's an aible gasp at least from most of us I imagine in a few days a force arriving from Karis that includes one of the ecliptic order a sister Inquisitor will be making their way here to assist us in this investigation I'm sure that by the time they arrive we will have this matter firmly in hand those of you who are not residents of Burnell the juke's purse will make sure that your rooms are covered for this stay we do not wish to inconvenience you uh we ask for your cooperation myself and authorit zaronis and he gestures at the orc next to him all of you except ofilia as you are not a citizen of the Empire all of you know what an authority is an authorit is a mixture of detective judge and jury they enforce Imperial law especially out in the village VES in the towns away from the big cities but even in the big cities in the big cities they're almost like lawyers um and uh detectives out in the in the Villages they are more like the judge and and jury and they kind of almost have a Judge Dread element to them um where they are basically the enforces of Imperial law they have the unique status where they because Imperial law treats everybody the same whether you are a dragon or a citizen they are one of the few people that can actually accuse draconic Nobles of crime and and you know pursue the law against them um they are basically uh given this this responsibility you think of them as like these very elite uh kind of uh inquisitors and and investigators and judges and things like that and out in the Villages they are often like sent out to deal with crimes uh because they won't normally have one locally so they travel around a lot they tend to be skilled in combat and magic and things like that they're not necessarily something you would fear they could almost be for some people they might be if you're a criminal um but they are also so this kind of yeah they are the law of they enforce Imperial law but you would all know that you like anybody who's a citizen of the Empire would absolutely know what they are um and you see this like figure kind of like very sternly looking around um he gestures myself and the authority M tus uh we will be asking questions my soldiers may ask you to uh come and speak with us or to stay here uh we hope that you will cooperate in this these criminals must be found they have committed a grave crime they we suspect them to be Heretics and they will bring Doom upon Bernell and the Empire and my duke so we ask for your help and he like looks around and you can see most of the people in Bernell are like oh my goodness criminals and they're sort of whispering to each other oh I have not seen anybody oh oh this is this is terrible and they're sort of whispering in that kind of gossipy way to each other as they do uh you see the Duke kind of scanning around and both the Duke and authorit z T see this group of strangers that do not look like they belong here and they begin to walk in your direction and that's where we're going to take our first break no I don't want to go down from Mo heresy that is going to be it for part one thank you so much for joining us we will see you in part two after a short break take care see you then bye see you then [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] welcome back to part two of ala the dragon Empire our brand new campaign here on high rollers in the previous part we introduced our new characters each one individually having a little moment here in the village of Bernell uh located in North Vale of cauld uh each of the party members have interacted with someone in the village and we've learned a little bit about each of them but just before we went on our break uh the party were witnessed as Captain Captain Lucas vicaro as well as authorit Zaron tus arrived with a force of Juke karis's Army to inform Bernell that some criminals had passed by in the night and maybe in the local area but more importantly that until these criminals are found or this investigation is concluded the road South into the deeper parts of cure the bigger towns the bigger cities the road is shut and the way is closed as they need to find these people uh as well as a force arriving from Karis the capital city to the north is coming down in a pins movement to try and help them locate and flush out these criminals and we'll arrive very shortly and that is where we left off and where we pick up now I will have as you guys have just received all of this information I would like everybody unfortunately except for ailia to make a history or a religion check for a ro history or religion yeah oh okay oh banging yeah that's huge six six five six six and oh I rolled a two so wow G from mid rollers to low rollers now what happen then you need then you need know no more um we live in the Empire Gruff just real quick I know nothing I I forgotten everything this is this is new to me who you this is uh you know it's always a case of like if there I wouldn't make you roll for something that you would very obviously know uh but sometimes there are references to things and there might be esoteric or other elements that you might pick up on and that's what rolls are for um but yeah you guys are stood in the Market Square uh you can see that a small force of soldiers is basically occupying the gates now having taken over from the local kind of towns SC the little militia that kind of patrols this place they're really not much more than they watch the gates they watch the walls they make sure drunks don't cause too much trouble and on the off chance that some Vault spawn in the woods nearby do attack they are meant to defend defend the village basically um but in this case that has now been completely taken over by uh Captain vakaro men and women of of the uh the Duke ignis's second Talon Battalion uh they have begun to take over this whole thing and also begin to ask questions you can see soldiers moving up asking towns people questions and you know asking them getting taking down details and things like that but the captain himself as well as His companion authorit TCH this orc the glowing scar that runs down his neck and down into a his jerkin his his black leather jerkin uh have begun approaching your unusual group um what do you guys do at this point what's the what's the Vibes what are we what are we thinking how's people reacting what's going on graith has no fear um I think he yeah genuinely he has a respect for Law and Authority um and he knows he's not a criminal so you know he he knows standing ready yeah he's ready he's ready uh eager to help them with their Duty and also to watch how they do it cuz it's interesting to him sure absolutely Rowan Rowan's a bit nervous cuz there's Authority there and he's not quite used to that um he's also nervous that maybe the people that he met yesterday are indeed criminals and he's fallen in with them and he's now a criminal himself right the spiraling Panic spiraling okay and he will kill to escape yeah that is not true uh what about ailia I think ailia would sort of be casting a curious eye towards the guard approaching them but she'd also be sort of tapping a nervous long nail against her armed leg cuz it's another delay in what she needs to do so she's kind of annoyed yeah sure absolutely I love it and then obviously good old personal just stood silently ready to hand like yeah just happy to assist you with whatever you need as always Daisy in her head just ask um they're looking for criminals um should I be worried about this this there they're also sending people from Karis um what do help sure do you and because the relationship you have with your friend you can kind of um send memories and things like that I'm guessing you kind of relate I relate it what's just happened sure um ah little one from what you've said it sounds like this Battalion have Scouts and trackers they're clearly searching for these criminals but there was something that one mentioned this sister Inquisitor this eclipse order I you've heard we've heard of them before just in passing but I've heard that they do not take kindly on those who have association with other worldly beings we do not want to be here when the sister Inquisitor arrives I think that's what I thought that's kind of what I was thinking but these guys are okay just now so if I if we if we can get out of this before she gets here we should be okay how quickly do you think she'll know I suspect she will know quickly they likely have means methods but also loud okay so it can be done inside well that's a good point yeah for Daisy is Daisy muttering this or is this tell no she's 100 she's really focused so she's probably just to you it looks like she's just zoned out completely right now I'm probably going to be like hey hey she just holds up her finger are you a criminal um the last thing that your friend uh the last thing that your friend will probably say to you is a little one I know your tendency but these look like skill trackers I think it would be difficult for us to sneak past them it may be quicker to work with them find a way to if we can f maybe we can find these criminals before this Inquisitor arrives and then we can leave but it may be dangerous to try and sneak past them possible I think you are capable of it but there is risk be aware um then I'll come back and go huh are you a criminal no no no no no no just uh worried about the others I don't know I have no idea but but that one still kind of scares me and she'll just step away from ailia was going to say you are all stood together you can hear each other graphi is no criminal good graphi is nothing but truth and Justice in his heart I I think if I've still got these golden swirls in my they're dying down they they've passed by this point you'd almost see if you're looking at me now you'd almost see me kind of trying Shake almost shake my head a little bit to try and clear yeah not not so obvious it's like a L'Oreal out yeah um he does have his beautiful Anin Skywalker yeah oh no he's hot i' come back to the to the world uh travel prohibit being prohibited is not ideal um did we see anyone yesterday in the tavern that could have been these criminals are looking for we have no description we can ask them and then we can help so that we can get out of here oh oh they're coming anyway so I was going to say as you kind of finish that up you hear the armored boots of the captain and the stealthy figure of the authorit approach uh good day citizens the captain kind of addresses you I hope that you heard my announcement but if I you did not let me introduce myself I am captain Lucas vicaro and he bows a military bow uh we are looking for these criminals that have passed through this area uh we are hoping that perhaps we could speak with you for a moment of your time ask if you have seen anything uh and just ask about your business here in the village if you do not mind as well any way that I could could Aid you it would be my honor thank you very much what was your uh please uh your name sir I am graith of choro very good um and yourself sir I'm Rowan it's it's a real pleasure to meet you thank you just Rowan just Rowan yes see where do you hail from AAR I have no need to ask you sir you are not dressed for the weather here I think you are dressed for a a different climate uh it is rather hot here yes uh I so it's just the way you're dressed as well like you I think you look like you're from Ice heart you know whereas like Rowan is more sort of dressed a bit more naturally yeah uh he the captain's eyes glance on ailia and then he sort of like rotates around kind of like taking in these three um think his eyes just narrow uh he will uh just also cuz I don't want to always do do this side of the table and then this side of the table um but he will kind of look over his eyes Linger on you zanthus um and what does his expression say well he bows his head um and there is a pause do you want to make an Insight check for me uhoh 11 11 um I'm going to launch a dice Rowan is also thinking is anyone a criminal can I also do an Insight sure on this yeah you can make an Insight check you don't it's not necessarily for the right the same reasons like I you know can 18 18 yeah everyone yeah people can make yeah so who is it your he's insting you Ran's insting you I think uh I know the captain's not a criminal what did what did uh get what did gr get 22 I didn't know if you were looking at other people as well but from zanthus you would probably see not with I guess your judgment on this but with a role that good I suppose um there is a nervousness and a worry but since he has now spoken to the group this Captain I think zanthus has eased a little bit more um nice that's that's the perception I suppose there's definitely a nervous energy to zanthus like there's a little bit but when you this beat zanthus it's actually kind of something that you're familiar with you think that he's almost waiting for you to introduce yourself there's like a moment where he's giving you the space to introduce yourself oh um my apologies uh zanthus origon um what would you like to know from each of us uh as you kind of take that moment to to very formally introduce yourself and especially since you gave your your second name he actually bows his head a bit deeper my Lord uh Oregon you said house oron uh yes yes uh he nods his head um and then he looks around he sees you Daisy almost kind of glancing over you almost like oh there's just this kind of like Little Village girl here I'm not that interested cuz you do look like a c you are a cauldron citizen you look like a villager yeah you look like a villager so he kind of like GL over you definitely turns back to ailia um uh please uh who who am I speak who do I have the pleasure of it dressing sister ofilia delosa of the House of blood and what is this Interruption it's just the confidence every time she says it blood the captain almost doesn't really know how to respond uh like the the thing that you've said he just doesn't almost seem to really like process he's like trying to figure it out but the orc kind of steps forward and he places a hand on the captain's shoulder I will speak to this one Captain I think that this is perhaps a little beyond your training uh if you perhaps if you speak with the others and the authorit will look to you and he bows his head I am aware of the House of blood and of your Homeland oh good absur he looks towards peral i r a natural 20 by the way oh what the first of the show uh on a on a check to see how much he knew about the house of blood and he looks towards peral and he kind of looks towards you and he you can see that he knows it's just a look in his eyes he knows um and uh he he looks to you and says may I ask sister on what business are you here in our land diplomacy you are you are an ambassador yes and uh education education you've come to learn about our way of life here I have yes what is the name of your sponsor who is it that sent you here Countess Oran aaan he says he bows his said must apologize it is not a name I'm familiar with but I know of a little of the structure and he you you see he writes it down of a high rank yeah he takes that thing he like writes it down checks will be made but I apologize for interrupting your business here in the Empire but this is a grave matter the criminals we are seeking murder the Priestess of our faith oh my goodness I'm sure you can understand do you want to do that reaction one more time oh no by the graa what a ter terrible tragedy I'm sure you can understand the importance of such a crime I do then I hope that you will extend us your Immortal patience you will have it no as he's kind of speaking with ailia this uh this authorit who definitely is still glancing at the rest of you but like definitely kind of took the Reigns from the captain who seemed quite flustered um the captain kind of regains his composure and you my dear sorry I did not catch your name Daisy fistle heart sir and you are I I know a I know a fellow calron when I see one are you fromn goodine you're from good Vine Daisy of goodine you see uh he doesn't note he doesn't write things down um but the authorit as he's speaking is writing everything down like you can see him scribbling names in this almost Jagged shorthand like when you say names like zanthus orgon it's like four strokes of what ever he's writing but that seems to be enough for him to know what that means um uh almost like he's writing in some secret language or it's almost like there's a slight Touch of Magic to whatever he's doing um as he's kind of droing things down but the captain will turn around and say uh well as I mentioned we are looking for these uh criminals three criminals in particular uh they escaped from I must admit they escaped from my men's custody and so I've been charged with tracking them down uh they fled to the north uh and we have I am very confident despite what the Marshal of this Village says that they passed by and I believe that they entered this Village um and we are searching for them uh do do you have a description of these people I do indeed in fact uh and he'll say authorit may I uh forgive me for the interruption sister ofilia was it yes it was thank you forgive me um if I may borrow the the authorit uh he has more of the details of course and the authorit nods uh he flips through a few books and you can see it's this leatherbound like black Journal um stamped with just this uh I symbol basically um he flips through a back couple of Back Pages um yeah be an eye and a hammer so it's like a kind of eye on like the head of a hammer basically I has a notebook no he flips back through a few pages and he says yes yes the three we are looking for it's a Trio uh one is a male dwarf approximately in his uh sort of young middling years a little younger uh gray grayish brown hair um uh his name is Beric brass fist uh Beric brass Fist and he gives you a rough description uh of this DWF um height and weight and things like that uh but he basically describes him as having yeah like kind of gray and brown hair shortly cut on the top of his head a beard braided and entwined um with brass likee patterns of like jagged lines up his neck and around his face basically so he kind of has them like encroaching around his face and you would know these to be like the dwarf growths like the metal skin basically that they have um he then says accompanying him was a human woman a cauldron uh early 20s uh short dark hair shaved on one side but the rest is kept close to her cheek uh her name is Regina violate um a jewelist a Bravo slender tall uh it gives you again rough height rough description kind of thing like that and then finally a figure called Urgo the eel a disgraced cobal runaway from eras Kier a thief and a lock breaker black scales short no more than perhaps 3 ft tall I think as he's describing the dwarf and the woman that's almost like looking around the crowd it's almost like oh yeah there could be someone standing amongst this crowd now and then a Cobalt yes yes but the Cobalt is no but they are known for uh this particular criminal I'm switching the voices this particular criminal is uh well trained at stealth and hiding it may be that the other two have passed through they may pass in plain sight the other one may be hidden in Shadows or hidden somewhere but yeah you're right dwarves and humans very very common all throughout the Empire basic most of the places in the Empire whether it's a village or a town or city they're very Multicultural like you ancestries are mixed you don't have like dwarf City Human City halfling to it's everybody lives everywhere so a human and dwarf literally could be describing so many like they would definitely blend in um the haircuts may be a little bit interesting but uh definitely kind of generic um how do you supposed to gain access to the city or the village sorry um are you asking me my suspicions on that well I they would have had to pass by the guard we had some trouble ourselves just last night you see the captain kind of rolls his eyes forgive me Lord again I do not believe the Marshal of this Village runs a particularly disciplined local guard uh they panicked at the first sight of us and open the gate I could have been an imposter for all they knew uh they seemed to be I raised my hand yes they they didn't want to to to let one of us in last night so I think they're being quite thorough actually they let me in because I'm from cauld and I look like I am but they didn't they didn't want to let other people in just ke to refuse me entry on what grounds appearance alone but they allowed you inside as you appeared to be cauldron the dwarf and the woman would have had had the same appearance I would have SE the same but what do you remember do you did these guards give you a name do you know who you spoke to no but I think I've seen them before because I've been around here could you describe them to the authority please can I describe the guards that I saw very they were pretty simple it's human and dwarf um kind of very much country folk looked like they were like Farmers sons who have you know joined up as the militia instead of working on the farm um not particularly special in any way um but yeah clarify not a male dwarf and a human woman we didn't just speak directly to to come into this place it's fine like I said dwarves are quite common race in the Empire so it's fine um yeah you give the description the author notes it down in the same way it's like we will look into that we will try and speak to them see if they were you said that they were on duty when you arrived last night is that the case for all of you all arrived last last night in evening kind of find notes that down did you see anything when you were entering berell anything that stood out without anything unusual or suspicious if the answer is no that is fine please uh I'd rather not be chasing up uh imagined leads anything that stands out very distracted by the smell of nice bread sorry Pleasant enough smell I'm sure I can understand de good bread went straight to the lordly Reigns for the night it the lordly rign is one of the ins here yes correct you're staying there Madam yes WR it down um the rest of you anything under out of the usual nothing to report for me I was very much taken up with my ward here your ward you are bodyguard a traveling companion I am his protector for now I [Music] see and what is your business here Lord Oregon traveling primarily I resided in uh a village on the gild ey border for a while rust end I know it I uh I stayed there for a while before traveling to Kel Scaris and now back on my way heading home yes you make an deception check for me oh deception hey a slippery little boy dragon Bor this dice really likes the number three it really does I got a five the authorit is watching you you seem nervous Lord [Music] Oregon oh well at the threat of uh criminals entering the village they could be anywhere around us you can understand why i''d be scared indeed indeed they just sort of let that moment hang for a bit then they turn their attention elsewhere I didn't do it I'm not a criminal no one is in place that you are my my tall friend but can I ask what is your business here in the village I I have no business yes you do you were playing lovely music I'm a Bard a musician yes you travel around much yes all the time and where are you from I'm from AAR small oh that's right I remember you're saying yes that's okay he notes a few things down well we will likely come by and ask more questions as our investig and search continues but like I said you are all staying in the ins here uh yes you are Travelers you are not residents of of the village we're staying in the peion post so you and your traveling companion yourself yes yes and you mhm and you mentioned the lordly Reigns is where you were saying correct well the Duke's purse will cover your expenses whatever rooms you had previously we will continue to pay for them as long as this investigation is ongoing that's so I'd like to stay rains now do you also pay for dinner expenses we will provide a meal it will be uh it will be provided it will be a a simple Affair but the Duke will make sure that you are fed this is an incon we understand the dukee understands that this is an inconvenience but these criminals must be brought to Justice and an extensive search is unfortunately required these criminals seem to be quite elusive uh it will hopefully be I suspect he kind of considers uh the force from Kel Garis and the sister Inquisitor uh they they should be arriving in the in the next few 3 to 5 days we suspect that they will arrive 3 to 5 days okay they will be searching the lands they will be sending out their forces looking for tracks looking for places for these criminals to hide uh if that is too long a duration for you then all I can ask is that the more help you can provide us in our investigation ation uh the better I will make it clear and he kind of looks cuz how many of you actually carry like obvious weapons cuz I actually don't think many of you do do you I've got a dagger on my belt but it's not like a big intimidating thing no nothing for me zanthus doesn't you've got the staff and and do you have a shield or I have a shield yes okay so you have like a shield in your back and the staff but it looks unimpressive yeah it kind of looks beaten up um a whip in my hip you've got a whip and you kind of have arm as well like yeah um and Rowan doesn't have any obvious weapons he is a weapon a hidden dagger but you can't see it and he left his long sword in his room okay nice um so he looks around I you do not strike me as mercenaries but there is a bounty on these criminals uh whether they ideally brought in alive but uh for their heads it is a bounty is offered and I'm sure that Duke garius would be happy to would be offer his favor to those who help him in this these criminals uh they murder the Priestess and uh and uh that is something that cannot be forgiven so when did they murder the Priestess uh the authorit will look to you and say two days ago there was other peculiarities as well they it looked like they had broken into to Steel something but we are not sure exactly what was taken uh store relics magical Goods we found within the shrine of misssara one of our Saints he says to you cuz he knows that you wouldn't know who the religion are he knows that you guys would know who St masara is for your benefit by the way St masara is a saint of creation uh the forge craftsmanship and things like that um uh working of metals and stuff like that you guys that's all very familiar to the citizens of the Empire but for ailia you would know who that is um he says one of our divine Saints uh the shrine they broke into it we found that the Priestess had been murdered and a a hidden Al Cove in the chamber had been opened but there is no record of anything being stored there and any of none of the other novices and acolytes knew about it they did not seem to know it was there we questioned the criminals they said nothing um we took the belongings we found nothing really out of the ordinary um he kind of thinks for a minute and then just you know carries on uh nothing out of the ordinary we suspect or I suspect that they were hoping to find something that may not have been there uh killed the Priestess trying to gain information uh and then in their fumbled attempt to flee we captured them uh it is the nature of their escape which is quite perplexing before they had been in custody they were being transported to uh uh the prison near feros to deep glimmer prison uh in the mountains but uh during the transport their shackles were broken somehow uh and they escaped me we will help we will yes all of us yes yes I think we should I would love to help I I'm not going to press you all to help but I would love to help the duke it would be a great honor to carry out Justice your support citizens is very appreciated and uh obviously if you as I mentioned there is a bounty if you are I do not know how much skill and and experience you have with fighting but uh these criminals are be cautious uh they're dangerous they've they've murdered a woman and uh they they've been engaged in in criminal activity so do be careful if you pursue them but any assistance you can provide in finding them learning more about their movements why they came here to Burnell how they got in where they've gone any of that information would be very useful I should make it clear that should you come to us with information and then we go out and find them there would be no Bounty available it would that would be my honor to capture them as criminals but if you yourself were to bring the criminals in then the Bounty would be yours and the Duke's favor along with it unfortunately the way that in these out ofth way places uh far from the towns and cities we are often reliant on individuals who seek bounties mercenaries bounty hunters and the like uh we will be busy searching the woods and the rivers and the nearby lands so yes any help you can provide would be very useful of course he smiles um R will step forward look down and the captain M gripping by the upper arm to offer a bounty and free night stay such a generous Duke he nods he's like my duke ignar my Lord Juke is a very generous dragon and uh I am very proud to serve him loyally he like nods in your direction I will do everything I can thank you thank you and he like Pats you on the sh like on the arm just like thank you my my good good friend my good man that is very kind of fake ni and he kind of looks around um he definitely like I think the captain like kind of does catch your R because there is something nightly about him you don't know if he is a knight but he has that kind of demeanor um uh he doesn't have the emblems and the heraldy like that you've heard of but he definitely has that kind of manner and things like that too so he definitely catches your right and you think that like he lingers on you for a moment sort of some of the things you said probably looking at like your shield and your staff looking at you ailia with your armor and your whip and the others he's like okay well they don't seem to be tickly AR but he looks at the two of you and says uh yes just be careful if you go after these uh individuals as he said they are dangerous criminals um if there is anything else you wish to know uh myself and the authorit will be nearby we will be speaking with people investigating matters uh if that is all ciens thank you for your time he just nods his head and Bows the authorit does not bow but does incline his head in all of your direction and then just turns and uh walks away blessings to you Gruff would give a almost reverential bow back to the captain sure yeah yeah he like like nods his head in in kind of polite respect as well um I feel it was say Swift investigation his grace thank you yeah they seem to head off and begin you their own getting getting to what they need to do um but you can see that the the the South gate the one that leads to the South Road in the Imperial Highway into the other cities there's like five guards just stood there watching it you can see you know if you were to look out beyond the walls like you know kind of uh you know look past them you would see little pockets of like one or two some of them have got H like Drakes you can see like these kind of hunting Drakes like these smaller dog siiz like lizards um they're using those and they're like trying to find trails and tracks and scents and things like that um sniffing all around you can see a few other soldiers speaking to figures like the Reverend and like going up to the ins and like asking people there you see feel you see R being sort of uh you know asked a few questions by the soldiers and things like that and eventually the authorit and the captain start going one to one like going to each house and stuff like that leaving you guys with a little bit of moment of uh quiet peace to talk about yourselves so are we investigating this now absolutely we are it would be advantageous to do so we should do that before the um people come from K Scaris because that's a lot of effort for them also what was it 5 days away that won't do um but Where Do We Begin I don't I anyone does anyone here happen to be a murder investigator no no no no me neither no good okay great so where do we begin what do we do who do we speak to I suppose we begin by asking questions okay where were you last night I was with you ah see it's a good start though right question easy perfect um has anyone been to this this this Village they fled from no no have I been to that Village uh it's not a village Ashen rest is a very big town um very big town no it's it's a very it's like one of the main towns uh it's the main town north of feros like the big city of calra um and it's between here and Kel Scaris and yeah Ashen rest is it's kind of the next big stop like for a traveler on their way between the cities um and it's yeah it's a big wall town it's very prosperous it's the um the Dukes where the dukee lives the jke of of North Vale that's his residency and and his kind of like main main settlement would I have passed through it if I was no you came North as well from kelar see this is the first place you've been in CLD so it's on the way it's on the way south towards feros I'm working the other so so from that town to North they would have to pass through Burnell or could they have gone they could have gone into like the uh the rust whale woods and the mountains uh the blade of the empress mountains which is to the it's on the uh Eastern side of the valley whereas Bernell is a little bit more to the West near the obsidian mountains um so they could have gone and sort of like tried to skirt Bernell but it would be that's hard land that's like you know real tough Forest Hills mountains could be a good place to hide they might not have come here but the the captain seemed to be convinced that they did he did mentioned something about the Marshall disagreeing with him but you know there's uh and you can see the these other characters you can see like the various people that you've met in the village you can see lots of other characters chatting um and you do see that accountant woman the librarian looking woman and this very angry looking battle hardened dwarf woman ning together and sort of like casting daggers around as they're looking around um but yeah they they they possibly could have avoided Burnell if they'd gone into the Roswell woods and the mountains right um but that's probably I mean it's certainly dangerous doing that at night like places like mountains and forests are where vaults borwn like to hide like these creatures that have escaped from the Proto Mai vaults and now run a mock around ala it's where Bandits Lear you know it's where beasts like hungry wolves like it's dangerous land to be out there basically it's why most people travel the highways the Imperial highways and the the trade roads um Rowan uh you were here when we first arrived I didn't do it I'm not saying you did I don't believe you did I'm very nervous right now you were performing in the p& post um when we arrived so you would have had a good sight of everyone that arrived in that no place he had his eyes closed yes I focus entirely on my the entire time the Pebbles are very important they have a story The Pebbles I remember the song about the Pebbles yes beautiful piece by the way it means so much to me to hear such thank you thank you it's quite all right um but uh but if you didn't see anyone in the penie post I don't recall seeing anyone like this there um did anyone you barely could recall that these three were here I does anyone else recall at least you were very tired you look like you were going to pass out I well I almost did but you look like death thank you thank you is that a compliment coming from could be could be oh lovely you weren't staying at the peie p no after the lordly Reigns okay mhm anything there in keep assistant myself and personal that was all okay um well if uh if they didn't stay there they must have stayed somewhere during the night right maybe they didn't stay at an inn at all exactly yes exactly so we might be able to be hiding they could be hiding they could they might not still be here just a remind of it's person full a Cobalt in a robe no just had to ask you know cover our cover our are they what is a cobal it's a good question it's tiny dragon yeah small small what is a dragon as a very clear point they are not dragons cobal they they are they are draic light they she would say lizard like a lizard very strong distinction in this world what is and is not a dragon you see those like they're like two to three feet like they're they're pretty small the uh the guards had like Drake hunting do like that thing those things over there imagine those but more smaller standing on two feet maybe and you are ruled by dragons yes but not Cobalts they're different Cobalts lizard a lizard so not these Mighty beasts no no mightier mightier proud big I see honorable caring kind the whole gav it oh they sound lovely yeah they are I've never met one no is anyone else oh this is we're getting Tom give me a deception check I've never met one that says the man who is like got a golden dragon tail and looks like a dragon oh actually no yeah no okay yeah no yeah yeah no yeah yeah yeah I met Dragon yeah okay yeah a very different thing yeah um that's a good point I had thought about that that's a good point um okay we're getting we're getting distracted already we are getting distracted so what about the guards we've spoke to on the way in uh if they may have just let these people in perhaps they would have uh they would be able to identify these people at least then we can confirm they're actually in this Village well if the woman looks like she's from cauld they would have just let her in like they let me in but it's not if they let in a I don't think they would have let in a lizard just saying unless the lizard wasn't let in could have snuck in if this was a a Thief he described him as a thief right he's sneaky sneaky quiet small shadowy those two look quite angry at the soldiers isn't that the reev you yeah the woman with the glasses and the bodice the one who looks a bit more noble that's who R's pointing out by the way um that I mean she definitely looks AR reev is basically a May it's like the mayor of like a human settlement or a non-dragon settlement dragons being the rulers um but they don't want to deal with the minua of like actually running a town uh so Reeves are normally installed to basically be the accountants and attack and the the tithe collectors basically um and they run the towns and Villages and things like that so the woman uh that Rowan is pointing out this kind of elderly librarian looking woman with the glasses and the bodice um she is most likely to be the Reeve um you didn't catch her name um don't think Daisy would probably know it just off the top of her head uh the Dwarven woman next to her based on her appearance the weapons the armor she's barking orders at some of the militia who are like kicking dirt and don't really know what to do um you suspect that she is the Marshall the Marshall being like the local sheriff kind of um they're the one who are supposed to like train up a town mil or a village militia and stuff like that and and basically keep the peace in in a village they have like a very minor amount of power to like dispense Justice or call in an authority to adjudicate a case and things like that they may know stuff uh we can we can certainly talk to them if if you if you'd like okay I'll walk over sure yeah is it just Rowan or you guys going to go as a group wait is he doing the okay let's go with him okay we'll go all right yeah you guys make your way over uh you can you there's like a hushed conversation as you're kind of approaching um and then as you approach the uh the Dwarven woman looks up puts a hand on the axe belt uh what do you want who are you and she kind of like glances around excuse me we are now Bound by Duty and honor to find these criminals that killed a priestess the dwarf woman kind of rolls her eyes but the uh the re the Elder looking woman is just like oh yeah yes of course a very good yes we must help the um good Captain and the authorit in apprehending these criminals uh thank you so much for your help uh visitors of course yes of course um is there something you need from myself or well uh we were just wondering if there was any information we might be able to glean from you oh oh no no I'm I'm afraid as I as I have mentioned to the good Captain I'm afraid I I know nothing and my my Marshall uh Marshall VRA here assures me that there is no way that these criminals could have entered into Burnell um isn't that right VRA yes I is no way uh my my my my men and women are too trained for that uh there's no way it's it's this Captain trying to lay the blame on us provincials these US country F this he's just trying to make himself look better saying that they came through our village uh he's the one who [ __ ] up language um I think uh looking around when she says my men are too train too well trained like I look around there's the people kicking their feet and stuff right almost you don't even need to roll for this like um I mean if you want to like Insight her like because also it's such an obvious lie I me I almost wordlessly want to with skepticism on my face like looking around this group and then back at her like yeah what she just she looks at you hard what we walked straight in last night oh clearly your visitors it's a it's a Trader's town we allow visitors in why would we not so but if that be then how would you not know that a human and a dwarf are not Traders too well because my men and women are very well trained if there was these criminals they'd be looking for hidden weapons and making sure they weren't bringing in trouble you got something to say to me Lion Man and she looks up at you and like kind of Puffs her chest out a little bit like sounds like you've got something to say you saying I'm doing a bad job no no he's not saying that sounds like what he's saying big man oh you got a problem I have no problem here good what if it's a I poke I'm behind Rowan at the moment I poke my head around and go what if it's a really small lizard that got in because they're really small and you didn't see them snuck in it's not my fault it's not my problem I haven't seen one around of you I think we'd all know a black cobal that was running around Black Scale cobal sneaking about we'd see it you'd see if you were well looking for it Black Scale we've been looking for it yeah okay they told us it was okay I thought it was like that might have just been a piece of information no they told us yeah yeah they did uh interesting yeah just s of says like we're looking we're looking like I said we've we're Duty bound as well to help the captain in this investigation even if he has [ __ ] up but uh We've not found anything so it is of your opinion that these people are no longer in the village or never even arrived I don't think so I mean look you're free to go and expect the walls and talk to people if you want if you're looking for that Bounty maybe and she kind of like looks around trying to gauge your reaction to that uh when she says like are you looking for the Bounty Ron's nodding okay R's just actively like nodding his head what about Gruff what's like Gru's thinking I think Gruff is um his body language is definitely changed to a more aggress like he's unfurled he's standing wide he's gripping his staff he just not like what this person is saying he thinks shoddy shoddy failure of Duty yeah um Daisy just changes and goes bying Gruff instead yeah cuz you're looking more more Rowan's sort of like yeah you know how like when cats get a bit agitated their tails start to like swish andit his tail is like just flicking around and it's just you know he's he's definitely very open into this as well he's not trying to hide it very like the the woman vulgar Marshall vulgar has seen it and is kind of like jeering kind of almost sneering like just trying to chat like he almost like saying like yeah come on start a fight like I want to you know come on come at me like there's she's so aggressive like in this thing and she turns around to the Reeve and says like I should get back to it ree man I need to get in you know help this Captain out this failure and you know we'll we'll track these criminals down don't you worry um and she kind of like and the re is just like oh yes Marshall if if you say so of course we we must uh uh we must find them as quickly as possible you know ensure that there is no problems that they don't endanger our citizens absolutely absolutely the J the juke's business here in the in in the village you know this is meant to be a prosperous place he wants this to be the next star on the map we can't have this no no no um she sort of begins opening her books and like Consulting things and things like that um totally becomes distracted and like you know wanders off almost um the dwarf looks around you good day citizens and then just bye swaggers off that went well uh well um I think we should look at the walls the walls you all see by the way like Gruff just like just like not moving that woman is a disgrace to her uniform she has neglected her Duty and this Village is now harboring criminals who murdered an innocent Priestess of the faith they are here they might be we should check the don't believe so that's at least that at least we got that information there why mortal nights are a waste of time huh what nights whatuh she mortal lives oh mortal lives yeah oh oh not lives mortal lives are delightful um you have Knights where you're from yes we do knights and soldiers what are their Oaths what are their duties to serve the gra father what is all are they Noble well suppose they have to be Noble is all they can be do they fight for justice they fight for their house are are you Noble h the word noble doesn't have the same meaning no here but but you know a little bit about ilin culture because you've been trained on it by the Countess um and you I think the like for ailia like in a in a sense you are like you have been accepted by the house you have been given the title but you're you're a fledgling like you you you have status and power which is what you think zanthus is asking like are you Noble do are you a person of importance and you are kind of you're not the most but you definitely have some status um just to put some context to like the cultural differences there cuz like that word wouldn't mean the same thing to you as it does to to these guys for what you're asking yes yes I am that is good to know cuz she's scared a lot um I'm in danger okay so we wish to investigate the wars we could speak to the guards I would very much like to not be here for much longer than this same same why I just the village is lovely it really is but I've got places to be do you intend to stay here after when we've been given free bed and bored for many days I don't wish to overstay the generosity but I see no reason to have such a nice Coy bed for a few days what is your lifestyle I don't understand how do you live your life oh to the fullest how lovely how did you come to this Village walking but where where from from AAR okay uh and uh did you happen to pass through I didn't do it sorry I wasn't the criminal I'm not asking I just I just wanted to know more about you right did you happen to pass through Kel scarus any other settlements you would have yes the outskirts of it the outskirts of it the big big city yes yes yes but I I didn't like it so much too many people same yes didn't like it either it's overwhelming noisy yes so I I went around it as much as I could okay and now I'm here and it sounds like you know this place I've been here before but I'm I I came the other way I go to the but if these if these criminals were to come to this Village they wouldn't have gone elsewhere do you happen to know of places they could hide uh anywhere they might have stayed if not in any of the in because we didn't see them I mean you can make a um make a nature check for me Daisy um and uh I was going to say depending on what you roll well I rolled an 18 on the dice then I will say nothing 18 cool um 18 you think and when santhus asks you places to hide hiding is something you know quite well um and it's something that your friend knows quite well as well um would you ask would you ask Nim maybe yeah yeah what you what would you what were you thinking like in my I'll be like and I'll kind of walk a little bit way go yes little one where could they have gone that's near here it's not here it's not Karis it's not a big town can you try your best to remember the map in that shop uh in the town that we were last in a few months ago you remember the map of this area do your best to remember it for me I'll try and remember and you've got good memory like you kind of imagine it you kind of almost visual like a sketch in your notebook right you kind of imagine you're drawing it out and you hear Nim kind of like yes yes very good and and almost like helping you fill out the map this other presence in your mind fills in blanks and adds like mountains and trees and details almost creating this map for you um very loose and very sketchy but you remember yeah yeah there's near here Nim would say I remember this Village as we were planning our journey here there is a river that runs from the mountains the Black Rock River and near its source there is a mine and then to the south of the river is the forest that they call the Flint Thorns perhaps these if if it were I and my Legion I would have found a place in the woods or the mountains to hide away until an enemy had passed until our foes had depleted their resources searching for us find somewhere that we could stay hidden very helpful I will be I'll scribble it down in my book just she just walked off make some make some scribbles and then come back hey you yeah sorry I think maybe there's a river there nearby you don't know where there's a river and it goes into the mountains and there's a mine and then also there's Forest so either of those places are nearby but not in a town and you could hide there oh I will crudely draw roughly a map from what I remember from just the conversation why you just drawing a map yeah like how it's not very good but it's a rough idea of where it is but I don't know i' I've never been to those places yeah you don't have proficiency with cartography tools do you Daisy I don't think I do no I don't think you do okay so this isn't like just not like a this is very rough and basic like it's basic yeah like in Daisy's mind it was a lot clearer because she has help but when she sketches it out it's it's like a very loose drawing like I can I can do a very loose drawing for you if you want so like yeah she's she can she can do and stuff but maps are not and you you do these drawings that's a a passion of yours a Pursuit it just passes the time helps me remember things very nice the grave father would very much like that um in what way in a way we celebrate our customs okay we appreciate the Arts oh that's nice oh so sounds lovely it does I'd like to go there oh it's quite lovely and was where was it you hailed from aah AAR what's Zar it's cold cold up north at least there storms is it as cold as ice heart I don't know both from the north that one very cold what's ice heart like it is the furthest of the northern coast um surrounded by Icy mountains I icy Rivers icy Seas there's a lot of ice there this is the warmest I've ever been it's a bit strange for me yeah the air here is thick M I'm used to the chill yeah well could I try and I guess I want to look in the the direction of the river mhm and can I go to the wall at like that part of the yeah well the closest point so it's the town isn't right on the river it's kind of like nearby but you can go to like R where I think you could pass to the forest yeah easily easily because you've actually already been there um it's right by that Cottage with the orange tree like where you were this morning that's like right near that's the probably the closest part of the city to the river um and that's where you were this morning okay oh this is where I got the oranges from right they're nice I got permission they gave me permission that's good um did you see any criminals no but then I very good at this I definitely didn't see lizard okay I so where should we go was the woman I saw this morning she was just a regular woman or did she do you recall her she was broad shouldered very athletic build um she had like a big burlap sack on her uh shoulders um and she headed towards the north gate of the city so it would have led to the north and and that's what you remember her name was Marian anything else is whatever you remember did she have I I wasn't writing notes at that point did she have dark hair uh not in the manner that the The Authority described no she was like a brown kind of longer hair um but she definitely had like a yeah like a broad build like definitely a something physical work kind of like athletic body kind of thing um well graph this seems based on what you've told me about Oaths and Justice and that sort of thing this seems exactly like your thing I think thing is the right word but is there what would you do pretend you're you okay I pretend you're me now what would graph do in this situation uphold the principles of virtue righteousness and Justice okay we can do that throughout mhm everyone remember to uphold the principles of Virtues and Justice righteousness sure now after that or during where would you go [Music] first see I'm not actually quite sure I'm quite new to this sorry this lifestyle this calling of righteousness and Justice and pursuing of it were you previously a criminal I was previously a fisherman how previous how recent was I the first person you've helped maybe will you did so in astounding fashion you honor me with your kind words lordling lordly okay I will get that character reference I you will you will you will it would be extra good coming from a Dragon Ball I just didn't know that I'd be your first and only so far character reference know that you'd be my first and only character reference so far okay where everyone else just told me to bug her off how recently did you leave iart uh not long ago but how long would it taken me to travel down hey Wikipedia a long a long time um you've been you've been on the road for a good while now like using up your supplies on foot it would probably take you close to uh not fully like a month but like certainly close to um a Cy yeah like a kind of a month like uh the calendar in uh in Al is a little bit different uh uh the time here is broken down into each uh there are uh various there are I believe seven months if you want to call them that um uh and they're broken down into three periods of uh of 12 Days um uh and it probably would have taken you and each one is like first moon mid moon and late Moon so they're called the the moon phases basically um it would have taken you since the beginning of most of green tide which is like one of the the months basically like the spring um according to the cycle of the stars and the moon uh most of a green tide yeah since I left my Village Green TI is the first month basically it's like it's not yeah it's it's uh you're currently in stormfall um you would have left just after the beginning of first moon of green tide and it's taken you probably about 28 30 odd days to basically walk all the way from Ice heart through AAR into Kel Scaris around Kel Scaris and then down into CRA like you've been on the road a long time um I've I've been walking a long way from uh Toro Cove up in the north okay um and now you've end up here in the middle of an investigation I the perfect time to shine okay I've read a lot of Scrolls on this kind of thing okay good the first thing is perhaps to find witnesses to investigate bolt holes in bolt holes where I come from we have a lot of Smugglers and Pirates you find coves and crannies and caves where they bring their Wares okay we also call them B holes bolt holes find bolt holes like the mine like the mine I see I'm picking up now okay hiding spots that's not in berell cuz the Marshall said they definitely didn't come here where a criminal can be a criminal because being a criminal they're going to be depraved okay well consider the the mine to be bolt hole number one I think okay well the M this is the Forest Way the mine is on is that way as you guys are having this conv you're having this conversation outside this Cottage that Daisy's taking to you at the part of the wall right yeah um you do kind of hear a like uh the the door of the cottage kind of opens in this older looking man uh you can see that he looks very kind of uh infirm a bit quite vulnerable could I ask you please to keep your conversation down my my wife and I did not get much sleep last night and we are quite tired and all this commotion with the guards would you would you mind awfully just sorry will go up to them with the notebook oh hello hi you didn't get much sleep last night I met Maran earlier very lovely are you the one who is taking the oranges oh this yes I've got one oh well Maran said that I could have an orange no that's fine if Marian said it was fine it's fine it's honestly not a problem but um yes if you don't mind we're we're looking for criminals that might have passed through did you see anything last night for the last two nights oh um well I must be honest my wife and I we are are our daughter Maran looks after us we we go to bed quite early there was some commotion and noise but uh I don't know what it was Marian told us it was just something a beast or something that got loose out in the garden she said she would take care of it um there was quite a smell quite a pungent odor um really now how would you describe the smell oh um oh it's it's difficult to say a sort of uh a mixture of sort of of sweat but also kind of musky like a like a like a a hunting Drake or some such someone had been run like a lizard I suppose yes I mean well Marian works in the mines and and you know we're quite used to the sweat and odor and things like that um but it was more than that it was a it was a smell of the earth about it a very earthy smell is uh is is Marian working today yeah she works every day yes she works so hard she to look after us and she she funds things and many of The Villages of miners they provide a lot of service to the Duke's Duke's quite proud of his mine you see um she's the foreman we're very proud of her is she yes you should be thank you thank you Travelers thank you BTO one what we were thinking of potentially to pass the time we've got some time while the doors gates are locked now down now uh of maybe working a little bit in the mines this uh your former daughter does she happen to keep a map of the mines uh not I mean not in the house no I mean they they know the mines Marian and the Min is they know the mine of but I imagine if they had such a a map it would be up up by the by the entrance they have like little Camp up there that they keep things I think things like that normally they have uh wagons that they bring the goods back down in and they send them off to Ashen r for the Juke and such as uh we okay thank you come on very very helpful I don't know what we're helping but we're glad to will you be leaving or absolutely apies please than good rest no no problem at all thank you can I take an orange for the road yes yes I guess father bless you have a good rest thank you oh they they look very confused when you say that to them very kind of concerned and then when you hear the door shut you just hear yes they're going to leave now dear I know they were very loud we should find Marion we should find Marion uh but let's the garden very good very good Vault hole finding I must say and very impressive yes it's good Ro I did good I know things sometimes rarely sometimes they won't let us out will they oh wait that's to the north well maybe we can find someone who knows people in the mines or can contact people in the mines or guards if we say that we're helping maybe they'll let us okay do I need my [Music] sword if if you have a a sword I I I hope this doesn't come to a fight of course a fight that's what you need the sword for I thought it be for cutting trees out and bushes out the way if that's how you want to use it then yes please I'll go get my sword thank you go get that I go get my sword sure yeah you make your way back um you were staying at the p& post um so ran makes his way back like to there is then what's everyone else doing while ran does that I'm going to go and talk talk to um her name I forget it Marian no Adriana that one Adriana the inke keeper yes M while while you get your sword I'll I'll just you want to spe them okay so Daisy and Rowan are going to head back to the P post anybody else well on the if if there was a noise outside that means they did get into the village so I almost want to um perhaps we should speak to the guards um they clearly must have noticed someone coming in or they snuck over the walls but someone entered this Village that is now almost confirmed I do not have a lot of faith in the guards of this Village sure I think they are somewhat neglectful in their duties absolutely but we can uh use that neglect to have them basically confirm it that they have in fact been in this Village but if they neglected their duties how would they have seen anything they might remember us they might remember the people that came in possibly I don't know I'm not good at this if I was a criminal I wouldn't come in through the front gate then we could investigate the walls uh would you like to investigate the walls would you like to come with us no of course that'll be nice um I'll I'll have um personal have a look at the walls very perceptive possible can be I don't I don't want to do it you don't want to look well no it's work it's just this is person work is person J personal come with us I will come with you but I I will observe as a point of learning that's perceiving but absolutely please come along with us perceiving is the same as looking though and observing no cuz I'm I don't want to you just be closer try to if you're looking at the wall but you're looking at us looking at the wall look ailia um if we get to the bottom of this then we can leave this Village sooner if I get the impression that that is also what you would like as well so we would very much welcome your help but if you would like us to just rely on personal we can rely on help fine thank you thank you sence blessings to you for helping us on that one father's blessing to you Dragon Ball is that a good thing I don't know if it is yet good so we have Gruff uh zanthus and ailia are going to go out and examine the walls the guards as long as you are not leaving to the South and you are not trying to head south the guards aren't going to stop you um they will probably escort you as you're sort of like close to the village and like they want to see where you're going they probably will ask you where going um one of them will run off and probably send words to the authorit and the captain are these the same guards we saw last night no cuz these are these so all of the guards like the the local guards the militia under Marshall uh VRA they are basically not working they're not on duty right now they've been the captain Vicar's men and women the actual juke's Army this like a looks like a scout Battalion or maybe like a kind of skirmish Battalion they are now B basic be in charge Frank FBI have taken over the investigation again but they're also ticket from here more you're not yeah but I would say that like uh there is a very noticeable difference when you see these other Soldiers the soldiers in the the gray and and orange with the the duuk symbol on them and stuff the proper soldiers they are not investigators either they are basically like holding the gate uh making sure people don't go around where they're not supposed to they're more like army soldiers um they do have there seems to be a couple of them who are trackers they seem to be examining the areas around the village searching the village itself they've got these kind of like hunting lizards and things like that these hunting Drakes um but the actual soldiers on the gate are just like military soldiers mainly things like yeah Hal Birds chain mail you know Shields and that where they need them but mostly kind of like working guards they'll stop you and just be like uh forgive US citizens can we ask where you're heading out the north Cate can we ask where you're head are we all going h no no this is just the three of them so Rowan and Daisy I'll come I'll come back to you guys in a minute we're going to the northern wall uh we were just yeah we're just investigating the wall I suppose mhm so you're not actually leaving I guess or are you going outside look at it from the outside we wish to walk the perimeter of the village if you're assisting with the investigation uh absolutely we'll let the authorit and Captain know what you're doing um we'll have one of us just escort you around if you're just examining the perimeter we'll have one of us examine with you absolutely of course and the looker to the looking and the looker mhm you'll help us observe yeah I mean you've got an observer a watcher and a looker if you think that some's find that is the um the person who who is offering themselves um I'm just imagining a guard watching ailia who's watching us who's watching the wall who's watching personal who's watching the wall chain of it no the guard does like I mean the guard is going to help uh they are a pleasure to meet you sir uh yeah thank you Ely not going to get you killed in like five minutes what's your name they are H my name is Cade uh he's like a young man he actually looks a bit like um there's a little touch of Elven blood like kind of half elf um uh very very you know well-dressed Soldier halir and he's like yeah my name's Kade uh I will come with you uh he is first time in Vernell uh the village of Vernell yes no I'm I'm normally stationed in Ash and rest I'm uh he's a private in the duk's Army but he's uh he's he's fairly well funded um and normally and you guys would know this as well uh when the tithing which is like the taxation of the Dragons comes around you have a choice you can either provide like money Goods or also to support a family somebody can offer military service and that's when you join the Army and you basically cover your family's tithee by serving in the Army and and he'll say no my my family's from Ashen rest um and I signed up you signed up to the DU Army so I will admit I'm not a Tracker or anything like that I'll I'll help you where I can but yeah I'm I'm a I'm a this is my sort of first time doing this I don't really know what I'm doing I'm mainly here to guard uh the gate us too no we're Travelers too we haven't been in Burnell long um but if we find something wonderful it will be my job to go and inform the captain and the authorit you know anything you find and things like that and just let him know what that let them know what you're doing much appreciated yes of course yeah just Cade just Cade yes so recruit not a not a night I'm afraid my Lord uh my apologies for the loss of your Priestess oh thank you I I I I I did not know the the pressing question myself um but uh I as I understand it she was she was quite beloved in the community in in in the town so thank you thank you very much uh seems to like look at you and and it's like oh this person's very unusual but like he almost sort of enamored as sort of like oh wow like what something they've never seen before like they've seen a few wild Hearts they've seen dragon born but like yeah I suppose us with our like muted tone and clothing and stuff like that it's very standard but I mean still no zanthus is like still stands out with the gold and like gra is also like from Ice Heart Like It clearly stands out as well I'm Frosty Boy but it's more that like even then this private has probably seen people from other provinces and things like that the just like the face paint the armor the nature of like her dress and things like that ailia does stand out and has all these like holy symbols that aren't common here at all you know it definitely is an element of like oh that's unusual I mean there's also we're investigating some murderers I'm from the house of blood that's kind of like a okay um Roman and Daisy you guys go back you grab your sword uh Daisy uh Ariana will just uh kind of find you what is going on out there we've had soldiers coming in asking all sorts of questions I overheard that there's these criminals around what's what's do you know anything no I was going to ask you if you knew anything actually I mean I was I was working all night we were we I was here we were serving the food and and doing everything and Rowan was playing the Beautiful music no I I know nothing I said the soldiers the same thing I don't know anything did they tell you what the people look like yeah something about the dwarf and the woman and the Cobalt they heard as well yeah oh okay well that's disappointing Sor I thought I thought maybe they would come in for a drink or something well I mean before you arrived we didn't see anything anybody like that we had the usual uh the miners all came back from their mine we served them you know as just before the sun came down they had dinner they had some drinks Marian was with them uh they went home uh you arrived Rome was doing his music and then that's when you and your companions arrived nobody else came in that night no one else no one else was here is there anything suspicious with Maran and the rest of the miners no they are a big part of the village they've been a you know they they provide they work their mind the juke's very happy they provides gold and and iron and and other you know occasional gemstones and things like that it's been very profitable for for uh the the village and for the Juke um she's been stressed she's been quite stressed lately I definitely noticed as an inkeeper you notice these things right you not she comes in she orders more drinks than she normally would harder drinks now and then always seems to be in a bad mood or fighting with one of the miners uh that sort of thing um she kind of thinks about it for a bit I did see her uh the other day she was arguing with the the mayor with the re uh with Lynette she was they were having a heated argument and as soon as soon as I came by you know I wanted to get my ears in and have a little listen um as soon as I got too close they hushed up and you know were acting on friendly terms I pretended not to notice you know we're calr we love to have a bit of an argument and a fight from now down time you just blow off a bit of steam you know um interesting you didn't get anything about what their argument was about that was something about money but I I can't remember anything else I'm sorry Lynette was worried about money or something like that I don't know some some business Reeve business is in doing fine you know not M though yes can I not perform tonight which kind of think so well I mean sure I guess if the I mean the arm is paying for your room anyway it's okay I'll play I mean look no pressure to Rowan like I said the the in the arm is paying me for your rooms anyway so whether you perform or not I don't mind it's up to you if you want to you can if you don't no problem I'm Bound by Honor now I will find these criminals wow okay yeah very brave look at you handsome fellow I know yeah I'm going to get my sword now okay I really hope that's not a euphemism uh you're actually getting a sword right Chop Chop yes okay good I go upstairs yep get my enormous long sword that suits a half giant nice yep drag it down yeah nice I love it going to roll for sword size um the kind of you're going to at one point you're going to you the look look and observe Squad [Laughter] um three of you Kade and peral make your way outside chatter with k um and you yeah he's just he's like a he's a soldier he's like you know he's got family back in Ashton rest uh he signed up for a military service um he's uh let's he's got you he's he's he has two dads he's like an adopted kid but he was raised by these two you two dads they run like a little business in the in the town um it wasn't doing particularly well for a few years and when he got old enough rather than them like they were always like struggling to meet the tithe so he signed up so that they can save up and kind of get themselves into a better position um so he signed up to military Serv he sounds like a good kid like he's he's young he's like probably like 18 17 18 like he's he's really young um and he's got like these little half Elven things um you find out that yeah one of his dad his Elven father is uh is uh quite Melancholy and so it's been hard on the f in the business and that's why it wasn't doing so well and blah blah blah blah little life story for Kade um but you make your way out and you find the bit at the walls that uh Daisy had mentioned and was like saying well this is the closest bit to the river and and that's where the the older man heard like some commotion and things like that um and yeah you find beautiful green Rolling Hills leads up to you know the the town itself is built onto a kind of top of a hill so it slopes down so anybody kind of attacking would have a harder time um but it looks like there might have been there's like some construction work going on outside the walls that looks like they're maybe trying to create like areas where new buildings can be erected and things like that as well like they want to expand the Village um and build it up um but uh yeah you you make your way there I mean I think um uh as we're as we're walking down I'm sure everyone else is the same we you know I'm looking at the walls I'm trying to find any I suppose my initial thought is to look for recent like broken parts of wall or even just open exposed areas um but well I can tell you you don't see any of those I can tell you immediately that the wall looks fine at a quick glance like you don't see any holes you don't see anything broken nothing like major no major damage yeah but now the construction work that's uh interesting to me sure so do you want to investigate that area and like search around that specifically I think so yeah if if there's construction work it's probably an exposed War so the way all work is just like if you want to make an inves ation check or perception check it has to be on a specific thing that you want to examine basically spend some time what is before you roll I want to check in with everyone what is Gruff going to do he's probably um poking at bits of it with his staff which the wall itself the wall itself yeah and like doing that thing like you know when dads are like looking at DIY like you know like a builder come into their house to do something and they're kind of just looking at it like good job or not yeah yeah what kind of CR did you use of thing Foundation yeah SOLO foundations mate yeah just examining it okay nice nice nice perfect for Gruff uh big dad energy uh what is opilia and peral doing I think is he'll try to help I think she'll probably look at the the ground look for any signs of disturbed Earth maybe tunneled underneath the wall but the whole time she's like great father forgive me great father forgive me great father forgive me P of all come help me look great father forgive me gr father forgive me gr father forgive me and she's looking around is is she making an actual effort to look or is it kind of like putting on the airs for these guys or is she actually trying little bit of airs and Graces sure sure sure sure and then you want personal to help you or do you want personal to you know what do you want P person come help me okay um yes I'm looking in this instance in this particular scenario you'll find yourself in person of all can't really unless he's physically interacting with it he can't help um so you're not going to get any benefit from it because there are reasons yes um Cade will probably help uh he will help zanthus because zanth is the one who's mainly been talking to him so he'll kind of leave gr alone he'll come and help you and give you advantage on I mean I be yeah yeah so you're going to get Advantage Ro it's going to be an investigation check for uh ofilia because your your survival or investigation check I'll allow you to make um it is at disadvantage cuz you are only kind of half you're kind of like not committed to it you're not committed to it uh it would be investigation for Gruff because you are like physically tapping and searching for like damage and things like that and then if you're searching it's going to be don't make me roll perception again it's going to be like like you're looking around the construction site for stuff right you're not like examining it being helped though right so you are being helps you get Advantage Advantage yeah still investigation's actually way lowest at yeah I got four who a different set my dude that was I know I got a nine I didn't WR a 1 okay so that's why I'm annoyed so we have a nine for Gruff we have a four for ailia so I'll tell you the two of you um graph you kind of tap around you're examining around you're not seeing anything it's pretty decent the walls fairly well made um you're like yeah you just don't see anything that really seems out of the ordinary good even yeah good yeah it's a wooden wall so it's like a wooden power wall so it's like good Timber basically and it's like being nailed properly SE yeah it really has and it's quite tall climbing over it it's like probably close to like 12 13 ft the wall so it's quite tall like it's literally designed as like a quick defense against people rushing up you know somebody could climb over it but like like they would need they'd make a lot of noise doing it if they had tools and things like that you know um it's possible but most people it would be a struggle um they are so sharpen the wall tips are all pointed and stuff like that um so you don't find anything ailia you find nothing you you you you feel like this immense guilt that you you know what you're doing is wrong like you should be doing this like and you I don't know if a for me I think ailia would just give up like like yeah like it would just be overwheling just like I can't I can't do it anymore yeah um P of all is it like a society lady like uh yuck like it goes against her Faith this is like against her religion like doing this um and you see persal crouches down and persal is like patting the ground like his on hands and knees like patting but it's just this big black floppy robe that's just kind of like um happen um what did we get over on zanis um well uh for I tell you how uh good like how vast is the construction area here is there like just like like a couple of buildings are being built but if I if a couple of little Cottages maybe little buildings if we were to be weaving through this sort of area is there a particular area in which I'd be away from the rest of the group just almost just with Kade yeah not for any nefar you've got enough of a distance that you're solitary like they're not nearby I think um he's going to do a murder I would almost be like pointing things out to Kaden sort of talking to him mly almost as a Cooperative effort um and I only rolled 11 for perception so probably not enough I think there would be a moment when my ears start to ring and like the vision starts to almost flicker in my eyes again like it did before and if if Kate is talking to me like pointing out like oh there's this thing over here blah blah blah it's almost like muffled like I've suddenly become you just get that and for for just a like a duration until I'm able to sort of break out of it again okay and I think that's that's why I feel like I rolled an 11 nice but if that gives me anything outside of that like is 11 good enough for anything for browny points you search around 11 is you would see there's the only thing I would say say is this is like you get the impression you don't see any tracks or anything out of the ordinary but like you come across like one odd site um and it just looks like uh some construction materials were left out right it looks like you know like some planks of wood some you know bits and pieces here and there and it looks like somebody knocked over like a bag of nails and you don't see a hammer around that's it that's the only thing you see okay but that's it uh you don't unfortunately look look observe Squad you spend some time doing this you don't really find anything out here um you guys eventually having searched around you're pretty confident that you've not found anything you make your way back as Daisy and Rowan are probably making their way out as well um uh Kate is like uh I'm really sorry it didn't look like there's anything maybe I hate to say it I mean the duk's the captain sorry is a good man but like maybe that dwarf woman's right maybe maybe they didn't come here like we've not found any sign that they you know we've looked around the walls you know they could have gone in the river lost you know we could have lost their Trail or anything like that maybe maybe she's right if um if no one truly finds anything um what will happen to the investigation will they still lock down the I mean honestly I mean yeah they'll they'll send the other if they've got a force coming from from karus and I hear that they're bringing a sister Inquisitor with them they'll search the area and and once the authority and sister inquis to believe that they've exhausted everything then they'll wrap up investigation it might be that they've managed to bypass the force coming from the north they've got into the city Bounty posters will be posted after a few days they'll just let things get back to normal but they'll do their best to try and capture them as as where they can okay uh I know that uh that authorit uh he's been after this dwarf and and his companions for a while like they've I heard that they've they've got a bit of a history uh so he's he's real before the um murdered yeah yeah just a petty criminal you know kind of a thorn in his side always you know getting up to Petty crimes getting away you know bribing things that sort of stuff he's kind of a mining guy but I think there's something more to it like I mean uh there I've never seen somebody pursue them this hard and they keep talking about this heresy and sounds like this dwarf was involved in I think he might have been like a cultist or something like that like the way they talk about him see but that's it sorry sorry we couldn't help uh and he'll kind of lead you guys back um it was worth a shot Kate thank you very much for your assistance of course did you find anything no good no all seem to be in order AIA I've committed a great sin which [Music] is performing a task but you were just looking yes you were just helping us of p p p of P immediately side come come come give me your hands give me your hands okay so you watch as the robes lean up they're still covered do you want to like reach in just to scre in hands yep so the the sleeves fall back and you see a pair of skettle arms sticking out of the robes as peral takes your hands a feel would start walsing yep uh and you see and as they begin to dance uh you watch as they dance the hood of the robes pulls back enough where you just see a skull in its place I mean I'm like shocked looking at this and slowly like sliding over to Graff uh Graff Lord santhus that's a skeleton that's classic appears to be I and that is where we're going to end today's first episode of drag Empire I think both of us are slowly backing away like I don't like this one as we see the final shot of this episode this beautiful but also morose as this skeleton in Black Fry's robes and ailia Walts uh as the uh you know the the sun is now maybe beginning to set after the investigation is taking place as it begins to just dip down uh we see them as they Walts outside the village of Bernell um and in the far distance in the far distance oh yeah no I'm just God as they Walt we pull away we see the trees and the valleys see the mountains and up near the mountains we hear a blood curdling scream and thank you very much for joining us we will see you for the next the second episode and this episode by the way uh is uh this episode first episode one a world uh a world of stories uh episode World St story and that is going to be episode one we will see you for episode two we hope you come and check it out here in campaign 3 I'll the dragon Empire here on highers thank you so much Goodbye Oh my God yes H there we go uh hello everybody um thank I want to say thank you ranan for handing me a very lovely little Cliff hanging kind things a lovely little thing there um beautiful well done hey uh we got I got a couple of quick things that I just want to say as we wrap up the episode um first of all I want to do a big thank you and shout out to some people in particular um uh the first people I'm going to shout out is actually going to be our very own Chris Trot and Tom Hazel because the amount of uh the amount of work these guys have been doing on the intro I don't know why I'm getting upet the the amount of work these guys been doing on like the intro videos all of the preview videos that you've seen uh the like working with Jolene on the music and the extra video you guys have really nailed it you have especially this boy the Boy c big c in all the edits everyone's been doing an amazing job everyone's been re's been doing all the social stuff it's been amazing we've got like like little clips and stuff going out as well you know Kim as always has been handling all the organization stuff with ktie as well but Tom has been working very very hard lot of late nights huge assistance from trop but hey you gave me an awesome project to work on well you're more than welcome everyone did but yeah big thank you to you both um also big thank you to Jolene and Mina obviously our composer and and and com mixer mixer for music that you saw as well but also uh for brand new logo uh pump can art you know the name if you're familiar with high rollers you'll know the name and if you're not familiar go check out pump can's art as well you'll find them in the Discord posting Glades of cool art or on social media we also have scorpion design for doing the beautiful scene art that you saw of cauld of North Bale um in the intro um so scorpion design fantastic thank you so much we also have uh Rachel Denton or talena who did our character art as well um our brand new character absolutely fantastic job um and then finally a big thank you to Becky as well for the set that we've got our beautiful new set a few little improvements here and there look this has been blocked the whole time dragon dragon lord Dragon ignar well I mean it could be many Dukes it's yeah it does not have to be Duke ignius uh we'll see could be a lower Dragon yeah I mean or or maybe it's dragon dragon could yeah we mounted it yeah we killed it that would not that would not happen in the Empire yeah it would be um but yeah big thank you to everybody it's been a huge part of like the intro and all the new art and all the new assets and things like that to you supporters as well you made this you guysone supporting us your names have been recorded in thisy do you want just show a couple fed sh it's really not get in here but um yeah years we did the uh fundraiser two years ago we recorded I can't this just leave it I'll leave it all your names are in here um and photos on Discord I think yeah and supporting us on patreon allows us to do incredible awesome things like the orchestra like all of the that was funed by that having the set done having the set done this is all thanks to support us please please support us on patreon YouTube members or every episode in that book absolutely that's you that's you there that's you that is and yeah just thank you for joining us on this first episode we hope you've enjoyed it so now I'm going to disappear Mark Mark Mark where he go where [Music] he it's okay it's okay why we can take control of this guys yeah we're actually live now this is live now that's right we got you and you and you so we're we're officially live right now um there was a couple of reasons why we wanted to pre-record episode one I'm sure you understand we wanted to get it perfect and also marks in a castle so also there's a load of fireworks going off cuz it's the 5th of November no cuz they're celebrating US ah of course it's not guy Forks day but anyway um we want to go live and come into the studio and enjoy the episode with you all so thank you so much for watching and we'd like to thank some people that have been gifting and been very generous there's been some various various various generous things donations and stuff but hey what did you think of episode one guys it was all right not bad yeah it was fine fine can I just point out we pulled one of the biggest bamboozles on Scorpion design who did our intro animation cuz we were talking to scorpion in our private Discord you know that we've been working all this stuff out in and they were like oh I know you're live right now but can I just ask and I've just seen them in chat and now go what really fooled him sorry scor sorry got him uh I was called you someone else there what' you call me nothing what you say Thomas Tom Tom Tom okie dokie I've dribbled War everywhere it's all right the camera wasn't on you the camera wasn't on you it's fine it's fine it's fine hey I've locked the iPad hey Gamers uh it's time to thank all of our wonderful supporters and donators and gifty subsy starting with 50 Subs big go booty GF who uh before the stream with I waited to listen to ala's theme until today and I totally not tearing up no absolutely not why would you I tear up every time I can't wait for this it's on Spotify now for anyone listen to it Jolene spam the link in chat there is a link if you're watching this on YouTube as well it's in the description too um well just not of the YouTube stream which is a thing anyway uh God I can't wait for this I've missed the high roll of Sunday so much hi everyone much love thank you uh ravager with 420 sex number it's hollus time baby so excited for the new campaign and can't wait to see what happens I'm especially intrigued by ailia she reminds me of my own D and D character Leith a damp princess dedicated to a blood godess love that vampire Vibe sounds familiar yeah a second one from ravager that says I'd like to add that I introduced you to a friend last year and they've binged all of a rois over several months and now they're super excited to watch the new campaign from the beginning expanding your audience one nerd at a time well hello rav's friend welcome that's what we like that's what we want to hear everyone introduce something to one other person we double right that's how math works and then exponentially and then you they tell a friend and eventually the perfect time to do it High Rolls be Universal baby brand new brand new's campaign now the time to ask all your friends and family and dogs and cats to watch us my cat listen to the orchestral theme what do they think [ __ ] oh my God scathing I was like J they only do that when they're really happy though um Captain Ginger kin with 15 pounder roonies hi rollers sadly can't make the stream due to spending time with some with family but uh couldn't not get involved been here since the early days and it's amazing how you grown we've uh big boys now me and Tom are literally bigger characters we're big boys now yeah all grown up we're huge got your limbs got Limbs and a tail I've got an extra limb does that count I don't know with the him Bros he broke him in a different way this time santhus oh yeah we are no oh noed it well done all I can't well done all and I look forward to catching up later heart uh this is a big boy FYI speak of big boys this is a big boy go on Jen seerum uh donated 1,000 excuse me well that's rude disgusting £1,000 Jens if that's an error please let us know thank you so much I won't do anything about it but I know I know I think how many pts I could get one oh my gosh four half of one um and Jen faram says I say what's all that racket outside my Manor why it's my favorite simpleton's back for more delightful Japes and Mumy marvelous simply marvelous here simpletons have a shilling from me purse now away with you thank you Lord thanks me Lord um we got uh a message here from Al wolf that says what just ignore me he's got to fix a l to fix the light move really 2272 donated with I've been a v squad lurker since the beginning of lightfall and I've grown up literally so much since then and I can finally donate I've curled up on my couch to watch and I feel like I'm about to meet five new friends so excited for campaign three yeah hopefully you like your your new friends um and if you don't tough you're stuck with them they are your friends yeah um carbonia uh here's a small gift to celebrate the start of this adventure I would like to give more but I already spent a ton on Ka cthulu player and GM book so instead I offer my eternal gratitude for letting us join you on this journey roll on that's on thank you Tim May uh to a new adventure thank you Dynamic lad with a half hundo 50 pound a Ries that's brighter uh been around since the light four days on the VOD Squad first time catching your live in long time roll on Sundays thank you very much Dynamic lad smooth Alex T has donated with it's fine Alex T has donated with hello just want to say I'm a huge fan I cleared my entire day to watch this Premier good person just finished a ro or I'm about an hour away from finishing it I should say uh it changed my life and brought me so much joy and inspiration thank you thank you Alex T very lovely message um Rafa Master bit Rafa Master donated with I met you with AIS and found company through hard times so excited would love to play D and D with you I created a citizen science Network in the Caribbean and can give away diving and coral restoration courses if you finish if you visit the Dominican Republic you want to do that I want to go to the Dominican rep you want to do some diving and coral restoration courses yes hell yeah look forward to that patreon up date I'm deeply afraid of the ocean but sure still chocolate still chocolate you've had it all this time people can't see the CH this is a nightmare um vorton Gia with £00 wow oh wow thank you hundo hi rollers I'm so excited to see this new story play out especially with the Vault Hunters inspiration Bol Hunters maybe I don't think so at the time of writing this I've only seen the character vids and already love re the most in design alone yeah she's uh she really puts some effort in she's pretty R uh thanks for helping me get into d and d uh thank you very much Von gu Xander tomorrow I leave for basic Navy training first episode of campaign 3 is a perfect sendoff I hope you're still able to watch somehow yeah good luck or listen are you saluting with the tiny hand I am it's quick C Twisted there you go good luck Soldier no Navy or S sailor sailor yeah boats nice uh unfortun Natalia uh hi first time Dono after being here for 3 years I'm still about 40 episodes behind on AAS that's fine this is a new campaign uh so I've got to catch up also turns out my new campaign is at 6 on Sunday so sadly can't join live um love you guys so much though that's fine there's so many ways to catch up so many ways indeed um GLA oh my good God glacial Raven uh with five 500 rude guys um oh this is a good back 500 that's huge thank you very much glacial Raven so excited for campaign 3 been watching you guys since episode one of lightf thank you for introducing me to D and D and for many years of entertainment thank you so so much GLA Ren that's awesome uh water 22 uh hello boik been watching for a while and I have nothing sorry that's not what it says did you just like make that up I just I don't know I maybe my character Spilled Out for a second that I have nothing they actually said and I have to say this is an amazing birthday gift happy birthday so thank you all so much thank you water 22 I'm sure you don't have nothing um I have nothing nothing I don't know why I said that nothing's what you got if you ain't got something yeah Deon look how bright we are now Devon has donated half hundo 50 First live episode one I'm binging lightfall and started a row halfway through and I'm very excited to start this journey with you guys from the beginning you're all amazing and Mark you truly inspire me as an upstarting DM thank you all he would love to hear that I'm he is actually watching by the way Mark is watching cast in the castle in the castle and I think Bri is as well so if you're concerned that they're not here listening to they had a re and Mark they might be in chat right now I hope you're really proud of us right now with our tiny little hands you get a hand too yeah there's hands for everyone context crispy has given us these so that we can reach Minis on the T I think this is actually I've given this to R and I've been itching the [ __ ] out my head oh well that's yours name we'll clean it uh Captain crit um been here since day one of lightfall on YouTube just caught up and finished AOS yesterday I'm excited to see the start of the next 5 years live we'll see um currently unavailable with a quarter hyundo this is a two-parter there was another quarter hyundo so 50 total high rollers forever VOD Squad here as Sunday is a work day but I needed to take the opportunity at the start of campaign 3 to say huge thank you to you all for the years of entertainment HR D and D came at such a rough time for me D and dwise uh lightall came as I moved away from my ttrpg groups and to a new place with few friends H rollers D andd was a perfect replacement and eventually got me the groups I still play with since forming them about halfway through um much love hash roll on Sundays thank you very much thank you very much I'm glad we could help in some way um a four Alex P uh with £ 120 oh my gosh uh and simply says here's to a start of a great new adventure thank you very much thank you 20 natural 20 that was me I blessed it tbot R not roll that a donation that says first time catching you live and donating you got me into d and d and now I'm in my first campaign thanks for everything Joy thank you very much Drifter want to say thank you for the years of joy and also a shout out to my friend Joel who really needs to catch up on AOS already hey Joel dead what's going on my guy it's never dead catch up already but you don't have to catch up to start just one epode now one new world Bay 14 um Anonymous a little extra so this might be a add-on to a previous donation but this came through as Anonymous a little extra to say Mark you've been a constant source of inspiration for me uh in my role as forever DM you've helped me to revamp and improve my storytelling and World building to no end thank you so much amazing that's awesome good maduke with a half hundo thank you hi rollers first time watching live so I wanted to leave my appreciation and let you know how much Hy rollers has helped me through a very stressful year so good luck on your new campaign and may all your 20s be natural 17 um opilia Stan O negative uh has donated with blood for the blood God incredible work with the setup for this campaign guys cannot wait to learn more about these characters and this world shout out to Akuma Elgato I don't know if I just read something a four with my little hand um oh god there sorry there's more coming in 16 XR t89 already loving this new campaign and my wife and I are going to be joining our first ever D and D campaign in the New Year roll on 2024 that's cool as hell oh God uh new work era has donated with yay you're back the characters seem great but also Tom what did you do to zanthus [ __ ] him up I'll never tell I really enjoyed when at the beginning of the episode when all that nightmare happened what do you do and and yeah Mark was like what do you do and you just went I don't [ __ ] no he was describing just a nightmare to me I was like how are you going to solve this like how are you going to solve it you fix especially after we got such nice little wholesome interactions yeah I had a nice wonderand around the town oh Christ he's coming he's going to do don't damage the table again it's not going to work don't damage the table again put the big tray down Tom please please please I'm having anxiety God I've got it roll it into that if you can um yeah I I stuff's happened say antheus are you going to find out eventually um the amount of sorry about the claw d no TR no T give me give me this sorry no I didn't do it get back to the donations get at the end no donations get at the end I'm holding the donations hostage until you give me that big D20 oh my we're going to sit here all night then aren't we Thomas he's already scratched the table over this side as well I'm not reading anymore give me the D20 give him the D20 give me the D20 he's put it on the sh hey it chipped in 10 anyway carry on tyana Zara uh I'm glad I get to see you live for once love you guys you're an inspiration to me thanks for all the love uh thank you all the love not thanks for all the love giving love C in um James donated with it's so nice to see you all together again it warms my heart in ways that makes the Leaky eye syndrome start to kick back up love you all yeah I am so glad we were able to actually play some D and D oh boy we' missed it we've missed it we've missed we missed it yeah uh ba feather hi guys I'm so excited for more Holly yipp hey if my two buddies are watching the premiere hi Kevin and hi Maddie hi Kevin and Maddie hi Kevin and hi Kevin and Maddie hello Kevin hi Maddie bet you're glad to be here thought I'd enunciate it so it's really creepy Oliver 3 hi is this sophilia delosa we've been trying to reach you about your body's extended life insurance I'm really interested to hear more about re's whole thing yeah we've like I don't know about you guys but I've been really good at actually not knowing anything about your characters NADA well I had to put together the character influence so I know I know those things but I mean I know as much as the audience does you know nothing it is very little I know less than the AUD purpose yeah I haven't watched your videos because I haven't watched them either know I also just don't generally just don't know anything that's true just generally I'm dumb as hell you know you're not wrong thanks um the Psychedelic Viking with a half hundo 50s first time watching first it's happened yeah there we go first time watching a live episode since the second lightfall episode in 2016 that's a long time ago thanks for all the entertainment over the years was touring um touring sure Dragon Knight found your channel from the bg3 voice actors campaign I started watching your second campaign and fell in love with it three weeks of binge watching and up up to episode 76 waa that's a that's an eort CH good good effort good job best thing I have watched SL listen to absolutely amazing well hopefully thank Takes the Cake was that 20 it was is it it is you did a 15 Rose witch 44 donating quickly in the break in the break uh before I get sared by the story again I'm in love already with grust sincerity and Rowan's compassion and empathy also I'm intrigued by the world here's to many High Rolls I don't think we actually did great with rolling this kill people we got the 2121 on Insight we did the matching 21 I just loved it because I could see you getting so so excited cuz you're like yeah I've got one I him and I was just like this is where I win and I was like oh no no Charisma oh yeah I'll never I'm not going to say what I'm good at I'm I'm not revealing my class I'm a big cat of course I'm charismatic we don't have classes this is a class this is the classes this is all class are you we we're not classes yeah we're trying to new most of your theories are wrong I'm level zero I've got no HP we don't level up we level down I took a level of everything um hey crispy uh with 2 pisy there there they are gave us These Hands by the way this is krispy's Fault give Krispy a hands cl cl cl cl cl cl cl cl cl cl cl um welcome back you've been sorely missed a wonderful start to the new campaign love the new characters and can't wait to see where the story goes thank you very much crispy thank you very much thank you thanks crispy thanks thank you crispy Cris can you give me the Big Dice I just want to see no if it fits in the dice jail it doesn't fit in the dice chispy got a dice Jael that's bigger because our current dice gel is too small it doesn't fit it doesn't fit it does though look like something out of The Crystal Maze it's pretty cool [Music] does oh my God regular size dice for the dice cage oh can we do a Crystal Maze where when you go into that vat which has all the floating like things it's actually just loads of D20 God oh my God or d4s even worse you have to catch all the natural 20s my eyes the amount of wind you'd need to generate be insane um he was blushed to death by a Gothic d20s Gothic Kitty 13113 loving this so far everyone is my favorite here's to a long and successful campaign Ser thank you very much but especially me gothic key right everyone everyone spinach has donated with so Happ Happ you're back I've been listening to the Ala theme on Loop for the whole week it's gorgeous you listen to it on Spotify right now it's your playlist just search ala I think I hav try look for Jolene core and Jolene core k r of Amazing Music Link in video description links everywhere fail has donated with W new campaign exciting times fa have fun at a castle fail was uh very prominent in the fan art video in the break as well of course thank you all for sub fan up by the way um that was very quick turnaround you guys seeing the characters to uh appearing in the episode one I'm so glad we could celebrate your art in the first episode that's great y uh Tower H roll the start of a new campaign a new adventure with wonderful new characters characters uh in an already amazing world sadly I have to missed the first Dream here is a small Dono towards one of the best D andd streams excited for the V incredible thank you for the message anyway here 82 um has uh donated with welcome back hi rollers can you say that name again yeah it's h i e i how else would you pronounce it of course do the first one oh God in heaven have mercy PS my soul for I am a sinner and do not deserve this um boom yeah wasted it um we have a lot of energy we're excited to hey Gamers the GG wizard is here wish us all a big GG by donating £500 good gidon that is a GG wizzy £500 um and they say I'm loving PTZ another PTZ I'm loving this first episode the world is fascinating and I love everyone's characters looking forward to what happens next and learning more about the world holy thank you so much so kind huge thank hard to even process fathom yes also wizard process wizard the GG wizard the GG wizard do you know zimam gang gang wizard gang gang gang gang uh pegels another prominent uh member of the fan art community with a quarter hundo you've truly D and an absolute kicker start to C3 I'm glad thank you thank you I was for a while there I was thinking I don't think I've D indeed but then IED hard I all over this table recall recall recall with 300 P excuse me what rude it's just disgraceful at this point gift like a 100 as well oh GI subes there's there's many giing sub lot of gift subs today say burgeoning it takes me back to my perception which I've lost nerfed I've been nerfed you see nothing I've been nerfed hard I can tell you that much recall uh yeah £300 uh this is awesome thank you Rec I'm already in love with ailia yeah I feel is pretty pretty damn great um I say kind of jelly kind of jelly when you're jealous of another person's character you just want to be them I feel that for basically all your characters a that's how I feel about I love our group I think we got a really strong group I don't I don't think I have a favorite I think everyone's so so lovely and unique and I'm I'm So Into everyone else's characters when we did like the session zero like I just felt myself falling in love with everyone I was like it felt like we jelled reallyit to the romance me and Z we we're not going we can't release session zero because session zero was just all fun yeah God x-rayed we rolled like Gods as well 20 20 20 25 death saving throw okay aren Arin donated with a phenomenal episode everyone I've been here since the very first episode of campaign one and it's so exciting to see how far Hy rollers has come I can't you you wish she's still session zero I can't wait to see what new discoveries are waiting to be uncovered in Alfa seems bruh oh uh GG wizard said that they do know Zim Zam and he has wrong them too oh well we'll find them don't worry wizard fight where F he's multiversal uh Eve with 20 pounder roonies what an episode all the love all of it thank you thank you so much thank you very much it's a lot to give it's a lot uh cat uh Hey high rollers I've been watching AA since a few a few months after it started and S wa to see your adventures Al Hey welcome welcome um and thank you for the donations squidzilla hey guys doing a watch party with my friends Logan and Owen shout out to them and ow um you can thank Matthew for that that donation Jacob chickpea I'm loving the new characters especially Rowan Daisy opilia Graff and zanthus those are my favorites to those are my favorites wait a minute that's all of them they're also great thank you um I like the Arbiter authorit yeah author going deep into Halo 2 law stop using re as a scratcher yeah we're going to have to clean those Shaka 6331 with a half Hondo thank you so so happy to be be able to be here for the start of a campaign started a row back in May and finished in September that's a good turnaround well done excited to go on another emotional roller coaster thank you very much Shaka oh yeah things are nice and Rosy right now so nice yet another Alex has donated with thank you for an amazing start of the campaign everyone intrigues me but also I wonder what in the world is going on with our Golden Boy zanthus so curious can't wait for the next session love to everyone I'll never tell he will at some point graff's really worried about him I'm going to kill you Skylock has donated this is twice for no three times uh for about 90 I can't do mess really shouldn't have given you those your mouth I love it though I I was scratching my cat's head with it and he was very confused Sky um almost hundo uh been watching since near the end of light fall but haven't been able to watch live since several episodes into AOS and I only managed to catch up to the Von Arc in a ro after only being at Horizon when you finished a third act well just before third act ran out of room in my first message but also you were all my introduction to D and D which has become such a major part of my life with all your characters having such a big influence on Me Myself and how I play D and D and Mark has influenced my dming so much uh also I love all your characters in this campaign so much I can't choose a favorite how they evolve is going to be amazing to see also the choice not to show your character sheets is a great one figuring out the the classes in chat was amazing what's the character sheet yeah we we're just rolling from well there's stuff in our character sheets that we want to keep private we don't have there is also um it was mentioned where people first started watching us I want to say a big shout out to everyone that's given us us a chance since the boulders Gate 3 um and like I'll give these guys a go and this is what you get I'm really thankful get this is what you deserve you get small hands in chaos and you'll like it um yeah so if you if you did join us from borders gate that's awesome thanks for sticking around and uh just enjoying Mark dming so much that you thought I want to see that again more but better exploding a cloud of smoke yeah yeah he's gone he's gone now episode two is going to be dmed by me there is no Mark there is only bing bong as it should I'm worried that Bing Bong is multiversal too now yeah um vow with a half Hondo I'm excited to see what happens in this campaign thank you very much oh my God what it's awkward dog boner they're back way oh they're back I missed you bud welcome back award dog boner there once was a dog with a boner oh God who has come back to their highroll as own forgive me for it's been a while I'll try to come back and be verile there it is peral is one big boner wow he # bone on Sunday yeah that's how we know we we're back on the good timeline this is it everything everything is back going confused but it's fine you're going to hear that you're going to hear some awkward dog wonderful liir amazing poem um thank you very much award Doug Bon so happy to have you back has been blessed it can't get better than this it can't get better than this has like Return of the King # bone on Sunday um Blackbird already deeply in love with all the characters can't wait to learn all their dirty little secrets um Adam uh Adam has donated with Adam Adam Adam amazing start to campaign 3 first time watching live got up at 4:00 a.m. in Australia so I could watch the first episode live good Lord um thank you for all the Fantastic dndd content thank you for your dedication to waking up at stupid o'clock in the morning sorry we can't accommodate everyone time time actually Fair yeah think of ways to you know accommodate more time zones like nonstop streaming just over and over live here now speaking of we're happy to announce that episode 2 starts now this is that's not true that's not true confuse awkward dog boners out there just that one um Omega s the wonderful Omega s qu such insane artwork thank you Daisy it was incredible great new start to a new campaign so happy to have new camp Camp which is what was actually written there cool so happy to have new characters to get to know and draw roll well we try um Griffin donated a quarter hundo thank you I have been watching aois for the past two weeks and I'm on 77 two weeks 777 speed yeah talking quad speed you on like 1.55 I am so glad to see the show live for the first time in a while thank you very much that's nuts helper bot wo woo wo uh limp jellyfish with a half hundo another Refugee from the borders gate 31 shop loved Mark and wanted to see more of his dming and then watched The Lord of the Rings videos and came to really enjoy all of you so glad to be here we'll be sticking around and couldn't be more excited thank you very much that is so nice to hear um yeah if uh if you enjoyed Mark's dming in the boulders gate thing like I said after the stream last time you've seen nothing adorable things theway through that you can get really attached to when Mark makes his own world and is fully must in that that's Peak Mark yeah this is this is it ala [ __ ] red the intro was great I love the intro yeah with with the kind of setting and and to this episode one oh yeah yeah nice real cool um and I believe that is all the quality streams welcome Boulders gate I like how people are like when Mark's away it's chaos now he's not any help in this situation it would be just as bad I just can't believe Katie did that but we also had sh my pants someone [ __ ] my pants help someone has [ __ ] in my pants someone came into my room last night and [ __ ] my pants oh man is it do owner we also had just a metric dick ton of gifted Subs as well were a lot thank you so much so if you were gifted a sub from Jon Muses whim being wolfy Andrew September 17 nck king fisher 9000 Lis a98 Descent of D crispy medley anxiety statement Bubba Duba sway Ken rapidly Reena Sun tiger 745 dead Logan new plays games pancake lie CC soless cats me son of torman hyper l orian valana protect the tiny gay idon Ken Mac winster Ox Empire Delta Blaze ligor Artis echis Eis 972 mayow dimian drunk pal flab Ultra Space Marine people that have gifted something Crystal Sword limp jellyfish pixel Uncle men unicorn dude cisy 29 Spruce Lake Prime maridan X near o again uh here 82 recall or ale wolf say thanks thank you so oh my God that's a lot that's a lot people gifting that's not people gifting individual Subs by the way there's there's 10 there's 50s there's 20s there's hundreds in there like recall gifted 100 subs and then some others as well if I'm if I miss some holy [ __ ] so many gifted Subs where's your free gifted sub first of all first rule is to thank the person that gifted it to you make sure you do that then use the emotes of course OT and then join our Discord because if you link your Discord with twitch that little sub gains you access to our extra videos that's true it does and the scene stuff you've been granted an entry yep the patreon patreon and YouTube members and twitch Subs all get access to the same videos it's just if you're a twitch sub you get access to it through Discord so link it join it watch all of our behind the scenes content also can we PTZ that Tru got trust got TR got TR got ink yeah um so yeah please do join us on any of those uh those methods of supporting us it would mean the world to us it allows us to do all of these incredible things the set the studio the orchestra all the character video intros everything that we do is is supported by you and is only made possible by you so please do support us oh wait uh where possible and also take a look at that look at that it's insane he got Lu un boy can you make him talk oh it's still in its itchy face I should have you should have done that should have done that um so yeah please support us any way you know how and if you can't support us financially tell your friends send the message out there a brand new campaign has just begun and you need to watch it is the message you should say and end that with [ __ ] just to really just to seal that one in there um if you saw episode one was Stella this is like Stella this is is the beginning this is low energy the pace of the story is just going to exponentially go that way it's going to kick off a graph of no that's wrong this is how it goes we're episode one right now now just wait until episode 2 episode 2 next week Sunday Sunday at 500 p.m. GMT sorry about the Americans that had to deal with Time Zone Changing it's in the twitch schedule it's going to be on the YouTube schedule thank you very much for watching thanks for joining us for episode one you're the best I love you um and I'd Die For You he would oh cool certainly would good know yeah live live on stream well you got to monetize it obv got to get those clip views see you all for episode two everybody bye everyone big love to you all is there we're here I'm so I'm so [Applause] tired everything's F help please end the stream I want to stop
Channel: High Rollers DnD
Views: 229,375
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: high rollers, high roller dnd, dnd, dungeons and dragons, critical role, 5e, wizards, wizards of the coast, mark hulmes, yogscast kim, yogscast, trott, hat films, chris trott, tom hazell, katie morrison, trailer, channel, youtube, twitch, stream, aerois, lightfall, campaign, rhi, rhi gower, rhiannon gower, kim richards
Id: Vrx5Tuu4xnM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 234min 7sec (14047 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 07 2023
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