A Journey Through History | AI D&D Episode 41 - Campaign 1

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in our last session Alexandre navigated a Labyrinth of emotions he confronted spirits of sadness envy and hatred each a vivid embodiment of turmoil through wisdom and Magic he transformed their chaotic Hues to Serene white signaling a profound emotional Alchemy a climactic moment unfolded as these Spirits merged into an apparition of his long-lost father unearthing Dee rooted pain this confrontation granted Alexandre a vile of spirit Essence symbolizing Newfound peace and part of the key for the next step of the journey finally he stepped through a shimmering portal arriving in a mysterious chamber where allies tronald and saxi awaited okay lunaria so you've all decided that you're up next right yeah I'm going to go for it Joe there's literally only Sax's abilities left now so so she's going to have to tread carefully and if she has to use my skill set then she has to use it I can see you're still stressing about raar but we will figure it out man yeah don't be stressing tronald let's just tackle this one challenge at a time I'm sure everything will be fine yeah okay what where's the Grand argument where you push for her not to use Sax's skill set even if it means her dying in here or did that only apply for me look I'm sorry for how I approached that last session it probably came across as quite harsh it's just crap it's like I can only stand and watch as the cards fall into place don't worry about it man it's a ruthless challenge but we will get through it together all right then lunaria as you look around your chamber you see that the room is bathed in a dim ethereal light casting long ghostly Shadows across the stone walls in the center stand three large ornate mirrors each very much distinct and mysterious in its own right H here we go then all right I want to walk up to the mirrors slowly and see if there are any indications on what needs to be done also I want to figure out the differences between them okay give me a perception check that's a 14 okay the first mirror framed in dark tarnished silver seems to pulse with a faint otherworldly glow as you draw closer the air around it grows colder and you can faintly hear the distant sound of whispered conversations like echo of a long-forgotten council chamber a subtle scent of old parchment and ink lingers near it hinting at secrets and decrees from ages past approaching the second mirror you notice its frame is of blackened wood carved with twisting Serpentine patterns the closer you get the more you feel a sense of unease as if the mirror itself Harbors a dark heavy secret the glass is unusually cold to the touch and a faint metallic scent like that of dried blood seems to emanate from it in the distance a low sorrowful Melody plays barely audible yet unmistakably present the third mirror framed in what appears to be intertwining Vines and leaves exudes a more natural yet melancholic Aura the air around it is warmer fill filled with the soft nostalgic Scent of a forest after rain you can hear the gentle rustling of leaves and the distant sound of a child's laughter Bittersweet and fleeting as you stand before these mirrors each offers a glimpse into a world beyond their surfaces Rippling gently as if they were about to reveal their hidden depths the sounds and scents around each mirror are subtle yet immersive drawing you in and urging you to uncover the stories and truths they hold within so I want to head over to the first mirror I look into it deeply can I see anything as you approach the first mirror lunaria your reflection gazes back at you from within the tarnished silver frame the surface is clear revealing only your own image but as you look deeper The Whispers you heard earlier grow significantly louder surrounding you with a chorus of hushed indistinct voices as if discussing matters of great importance the sense of parchment and ink become stronger enveloping you in an aroma that speaks of ancient libraries and hidden knowledge right so nothing's happening I try to touch it Joe as you reach out to touch the mirror Mir lunaria the surface reacts unexpectedly Arcane glyphs previously unseen suddenly pulse into view along the frame they emit a soft protective glow creating a barrier that seems to Ward you from seeing or accessing what lies beyond the reflective surface it's as if the mirror itself is challenging your understanding of the Arcane these glyphs are intricate each one a small Masterpiece of magical craft they hint at a complex warding spell designed not just to protect but to test the of those who dare to uncover The Mirror's secrets to see if you can decipher and manipulate this warding I'm going to need an Arcana check from you this will determine if your knowledge of the Arcane Arts is sufficient to bypass the mirror's magical defenses and reveal the Mysteries it holds within well this would be an ideal time for my skill set to be available wouldn't it oh and here we go again so when you said you were sorry for trying to make me feel bad about the situation um you didn't really mean it right I never said I was sorry for making you feel bad about it you should feel bad about it I was saying I was sorry if I came across as too harsh right well I'm glad you've cleared that one up for me because here I was thinking that you actually began to value our lives as much as rars I'm not sure why you'd think that I tried my best to be extremely clear that that wasn't the case you're just a bit of a [ __ ] aren't you what can I say I try my best will you two stop clogging up the Mind intercom look lunaria so here's the deal I'm more than capable of dealing with Arcane puzzles and whatnot just like tronald is but why don't you just give it a go first and if you're struggling you'll just have to lean on me for support well that was the plan I wouldn't just recklessly take the last skill swap thingy without exhausting my options first you hear that Alexandre that's a fine bit of advice right there you know just in case we ever find ourselves in a mind consuming Labyrinth again well if we ever found ourselves in one of these again I'd like to think that you wouldn't waste two of our skill sets but hey what do I know not much clearly I can't deal with you man you're worse than a toddler and that about sums up the extent of your power doesn't it the ability to deal with anything up to but not including toddlers I'm about to toddle my fist into your [ __ ] face in a second oh no what will I ever do about being attacked by a monk who can't control his own emotions Joe I want to make an attack against Tron no you get the [ __ ] over there and sit down and as for you tronald just go over there and be quiet this is not the time or place yeah I don't know why you're all arguing over this I wouldn't even want the remaining skill set anyway I mean it is saxis after all huh and what's wrong with my skill set oh nothing Well you certainly said that like there was something wrong with it no you're just reading into things too much buddy now let's be quiet and let lunaria Focus right well now that that's happened I'll make my arcan check H so that's an eight okay lunaria with an Arcana check of eight the runes respond but not in the way you hoped they pulse violently a clear rejection of your attempt to bypass their protective Magic The energy they emit grows more intense creating a palpable barrier between you and the secrets of the mirror in response to your efforts the surface of the mirror begins to to show signs of distress tiny cracks appear spider webbing across the glass it's a stark warning the mirror is not only resisting your attempts but is also at risk of shattering entirely if pushed too far without the proper understanding it seems you won't have many more chances to interact with this mirror before it succumbs to the strain of the contested magic well that's that then I'm going to have to connect with saxi or else this is just going to break on me and I'll be trapped here forever you're not even going to give it one more go I mean I don't know whether it could even last another time if I failed again that is Joe can I tell how many attempts I have at this before it breaks it's impossible to be certain but you get the sense that the worst the interaction the higher the chance it has of breaking also the DC for a success will be higher when you try again see that doesn't sound very reassuring what do the rest of you think I say do it yeah connect with me lonaria it's just not worth risking it I don't know why it's taking you so long to do it I mean I've already said I don't need or want to play by these [ __ ] rules the lab Labyrinth is giving us just go for it I'm going do this on my own don't sweat it all right Joe I connect with saxi then I attempt to press my hand against the mirror again to break the warding give me another Arcana check okay that's better so that's a 16 Joe all right then lunaria as you reach out to connect with saxi you feel a subtle yet distinct shift in your perception it's as if your understanding of the Arcane deepens bolstered by Sax's insights and knowledge this connection though intangible is powerful a merging of mind that enhances your ability to comprehend and manipulate magical energies with this new found Clarity you approach the mirror once again this time as you press your hand against its surface and the reaction is markedly different the runes that once pulsed violently in resistance now begin to Glow steadily slowly they start to fade one by one as if acknowledging your rightful passage the barrier they formed dissipates and the mirror's surface becomes clear free of the protective glyphs that once guarded it as the last Rune on the mirror Fades away the change is immediate and dramatic instead of stepping forward lunaria you find yourself suddenly and forcefully pulled into the mirror it's as if the now transparent glass has transformed into a Vortex its energy gripping you with an irresistible Force for a moment the world is a whirlwind of light and color a melstrom of magical energy that envelops you completely you're caught in the heart of this Tempest a sensation of hurdling through time and space that is both exhilarating and disorient Orting the feeling is intense almost overwhelming it's as if the mirror itself is transporting you across the boundaries of reality then just as suddenly as it began the sensation ceases you open your eyes to find yourself in a vastly different setting gone is the chamber with the three mirrors replaced by the Grandeur of a majestic Council chamber you're standing in the center of this opulent room surrounded by figures dressed in the regalia of high office their faces a mix of surprise and expectancy whoa okay can I tell where I am who are these guys lunaria as you take in your surroundings trying to make sense of this sudden shift I can tell you that you have been transported through space and time to a pivotal moment in history this isn't just about where you are or who these people are it's about who you are in this moment you glance down at your hands and to your surprise you see a man's hands strong commanding curiosity peaked you look for a reflection and find one on the polished surface of the council table staring back at you as not your own face but that of the emperor of auros however you quickly realize that you're not the current Emperor Octavius you are Emperor valus a figure who you only know of through his connection to tronald and his untimely death which occurred within the very same week as Lord tanvir that's wild yeah that's pretty crazy I wonder what it is that the Labyrinth actually wants you to do yeah Joe is there any way I can figure out what I meant to be doing here give me a straight intelligence check nice that's a natural 20 freaking awesome okay lunaria as you assume the identity of Emperor valus you find yourself at the part of a council meeting charged with an intensity that could cut through steel the air is electric with tension every eye in the room fixed upon you with a mixture of anticipation and apprehension around you sit advisers generals and diplomats from across Realms each holding their breath for the decision that will spill from your lips a decision of monumental consequence in this moment you feel the immense weight of History pressing down upon you the counselors await your command on a matter that will Echo Through the Ages you sense that your challenge here is to adhere to the script history has already written it's a test of your knowledge of the past stray from the path that history has laid out and the ramifications could be catastrophic the responsibility to relive this moment accurately to make decisions as Emperor valious truly did lies heavily on your shoulders well now I'm really glad I just went with connecting to saxi on my own I wouldn't have a clue in regards to the history of this place it's at this point a man with a hawkish gaze leans forward his voice cutting through the tense silence Emperor the hour Demands a decision Lord tan ofir's fate hangs in the balance what is your command his eyes fixed firmly on you lunaria expecting a resolution Another Man Standing Tall and distinct in his attire completely foreign to you his eyes like harden steel interjects with a cold hard voice the dissemination of our Arcane knowledge cannot go unpunished aoro stands at a precipice Choose Wisely Emperor or know that aranta will act to protect its sovereign it's at this point a woman dressed in an elegant blue robe with jet black hair cascading over her shoulders and icy blue eyes speaks up sharply I agree with the aranton I say we kill Lord tanav and his brats and be done with it we were fine before he came to auros we will be fine long after a man slams the table and stands up abruptly are we to be cowed by threats now we are auros our sovereignty is ours to defend not to be dictated by foreign powers an old man steeped in wisdom interjects yes we must consider how the land has improved since his arrival Lord tav's actions are clearly well intentioned I refuse to believe these Arcane Secrets belong to a nation they are his to do with as he pleases all right Joe I say to the Ambassador why should I sentence a man to death just for immigrating the Ambassador from arant tera's demeanor darkens as he replies with a ferocity that sends a chill down your spine the reason we isolate ourselves from your petty squabbling continents is clear we have ascended beyond your primitive ways and we refuse to let our hard-earned peace be shattered by a turncoat Lord tavir once our brightest mind is now nothing but a traitor the knowledge he holds is sacred to aranta not to be squandered or shared his actions are an unforgivable betrayal he and his offspring are a blight that must be eradicated right so I know tronel sorry Lord tanav died but I haven't got a clue whether it was by the emperor's order or not well neither do I I mean this whole thing is new to me and quite frankly it's pissing me off I had no idea this was the cause surrounding me and my family's death I thought it was godamn Bandits you see what I mean now though clearly this whole plot surrounding your demise was huge I mean it was so big you had two Nations arguing over it so you can hardly pin it down to weakness anymore I just can't believe he would betray me like that I risked everything with the hope that I could bring a brighter future not just to aranta but to all the continents he promised me that me and my family would be safe under his rule well maybe he didn't I think that's the key here I don't think he did why else would he die within the same week that you did I think he pissed off a whole continent with the decision he made and that's why he also died and are you willing to stake your life on that lunaria because if you give the wrong answer that's what's at stake here you will be trapped here forever Joe is there any kind of check I can make to figure this out give me a straight intelligence check whilst there is no way of you knowing specifically there may be something in Sax's memories that could hint at what the decision was so that's a 15 lunaria as you stand amidst this tense Council a thought strikes you a connection to Sax's past experiences it Dawn on you that he has encountered a description matching one of the figures present in this very meeting lady Alara the realization hits with Intrigue and suspicion you recall that she was the woman who intercepted Celestia within the walls of the Mythos Citadel her presence here in such a crucial meeting is no mere coincidence oh that [ __ ] well I think it's obvious what the answer is now then he didn't agree to it I mean we know that all of Emperor valia's council members were massacred within a week of Lord tav's Death so that could only mean she was in on it and sided with the arant Terian well that makes me feel a little bit better now I guess well it shouldn't I mean this just makes our whole situation even worse if she saw you even once back in Water Deep then that means that she and God knows who else is after you if she knows you're still alive you're Marked for Death and then there's the obus I mean if they're in League with each other then by trying to find Celestia we're walking directly into a trap you're panicking too much saxi you're smarter than I am so just use your brain and stop freaking out if they were in League with one another as you're suggesting then our interaction with vuel would make absolutely zero sense for a start he would have killed tronald straight away rather than saying he needed him alive and for tronald to hate him yeah that's a good point I guess I'm not going to lie though thinking about all of that hurts my head so can we save it for a later date when we're not having to deal with all this [ __ ] as well yeah let's just let lunaria focus on her task all right Joe I Rise to full height commanding the attention of everyone in the council chamber I refuse make your threats if you will follow through on them if you must but I will not be the one to condemn an innocent man to death a man who has been nothing but an ally and friend to our nation you claim your Arcane Supremacy and dismiss us as mere peasants but hear this and hear it well if you dare to lay a finger on one of ours it will be nothing short of a declaration of war a war where hundreds of thousands will perish blood staining both our lands now I command you to leave my Palace leave my city and leave auros as long as I sit upon this Throne as long as I bear the mantle of Emperor you and your kin are not welcome here as soon as the words leave your lips lunaria the Ambassador for from aranta reacts with a sudden violent intensity he stands up so quickly that his chair topples over with a loud crash echoing through the council chamber you've made your choice then every syllable drips with contempt as he addresses you but you're wrong about one thing if it came to war it would be Millions who would die Not Mere thousands and that blood valerus that blood would be on your hands you have made a very foolish Choice today you are not worthy to be Emperor and with that in the blink of an eye the reality within the mirror fractures shattering like glass around you an unseen Force thrusts you backwards pulling you out of the historical scene with a jarring intensity as you stumble back into the chamber you find that the mirror once a gateway to the past has vanished where it once stood there is now only the cold stone wall of the room well was I right you get the sense that you did indeed make the correct Choice ah brilliant well in that case I go on and touch the next mirror then Joe give me another Arcana check okay that's a 17 Joe once again lunaria as you reach out to touch the second mirror its surface Ripples and you're abruptly sucked into another scene from history you find yourself standing in what appears to be a grand ornately decorated Palace hallway glancing down you're startled to see that in your hands you wield an enchanted blade unlike any you've ever seen the weapon is exquisitely crafted and covered with Engravings eerily similar to those on the Robes of the arant Terian ambassador from the previous mirror the magic emanating from the blade is for ferocious a clear indication that it's forged from Arcane Secrets exclusive to aranta the shock intensifies as you notice the blade is bloodied lowering your gaze an absolutely horrifying sight meets your eyes a child no more than 10 years old lifeless at your feet a victim of the blade you hold the reality of what you've just done or rather what history has dictated you've done sets in with a gut-wrenching Force raising your head you see before you a scene of Anguish and violence 10 figures are engag engaged in a struggle using a combination of magic and physical Force to restrain a man tears stream down the man's face in sheer Agony his expression one of unimaginable pain and betrayal but the man is no stranger to you it's Lord tanvir or as you know him tronald history has already scripted this sequence and you know with a heavy heart what you are compelled to do next I know this is just an illusion but it feels so wrong don't think about it too much just do it or else it's only going to get harder and harder I want to know why this Labyrinth is only targeting things related to me if I had to guess it's probably scouring all of us to try to find the most difficult or emotionally consequential situations to put her in all right then Joe I'm just going to do it I step forward and plunge the blade into him with a sense of grim inevitability lunaria you step forward to fulfill the dark Tableau history has set before you gripping the magical blade you steal yourself and with a decisive motion plunge it into Lord tanav the moment the blade pierces him you feel an unsettling sensation as if the very essence of Lord Tanner is being torn apart it's more than just the physical act of the blade cutting through flesh there's an Arcane Force at work a malevolent energy that seems to shred the very soul of its victim the blade etched with arcan terranean magic is not just a weapon of death but a tool of utter Annihilation leaving no hope for any form of Resurrection not even by the most powerful of spells as you withdraw the blade Lord tanav crumples to the floor his body lifeless in a way that speaks of finality the hope of recovery of any spark of life is extinguished utterly by The blad's Cursed Magic suddenly a scream pierces the air the scream is so intense so Laden with pain and fury that it feels like it's tearing through the very fabric of reality itself causing the reality around you to shatter immediately the world of the mirror the palace hallway the lifeless body of Lord tanver all begin to crumble away in a Cascade of shimmering shards you feel yourself being pulled backward with a force that's as sudden as it is disoriented in a whirlwind of light and sound you're yanked from the scene leaving The Echoes of that haunting scream behind wow so that's how I died then huh I'm just going to say it you were a genius in your past life dude gets killed with a blade that ensures the victim can never be revived yet you're walking the earth once more that's a serious backup plan you had well I'd love to take credit for it but I can't really remember anything about making the whole clone backup thing but thank the gods I did right yeah thank the gods okay well that all felt a little too real for my liking but let's just get this over with I put my hand on the final mirror attempting to break the warding on it okay then give me another Arcana check lunaria H not great that's a 13 well a 13 is just good enough lunaria as you place your hand on the final mirror bracing yourself for another plunge into history the surface Ripples and you're suddenly thrust into a scene from your own past it's a Memory Vivid and poent filled with the innocence of childhood you find yourself in the moonblossom woods a place of a etheral Beauty from your early years the trees around you glow with an Azure luminescence their light casting a gentle otherworldly Radiance on the forest floor you're Gathering Starlet berries their delicate luminescence twinkling like tiny stars in your small hands the woods are tranquil the air filled with the sweet scent of blooming flowers and the soft rustling of leaves it's a scene of serene Beauty a memory untainted by the complexities of the life that awaited you beyond these Woods suddenly the Tranquil atmosphere is pierced by a shimmering shining Rift of light that opens in front of you it's a rift you recognize one that marks a pivotal moment in your life from behind you you hear a woman's voice warm and familiar lunaria where are you my love it's time to come home H mother that's my mother I'm back in the Fay wild this is incredible I'm being given the chance to rewrite my history no no you're not lunaria it's a ploy a trap just like what happened to me yes I know it's a test and I won't give into it even though every part of me is aching to stay um Gods how much I long to remain here to be with my mother and father again to ease my own mind but then I think of my real parents out there somewhere still searching for their little girl so I can't stay saxi as much as I want to I just can't but before I go through that portal I need to see her face just one more time time lunaria as you stand there longing to see the face behind the voice one last time you wait with baited breath for her to emerge from the thicket The Voice grows closer a familiar sound that tugs at your heartstrings but just as you anticipate this long awaited reunion another sound captures your attention an unsettling noise from behind you you turn to see the portal the very Rift that brought you to this moment and it's beginning to close the edges Shimmer and flicker the light dimming as the opening Narrows the realization hits you with a Pang of urgency your time here is running out faster than you expected the choice between staying and leaving is being made for you by the closing portal forcing your hand in these fleeting final moments [ __ ] h i turn around to face where the voice is coming from and I begin to step backwards into the portal hoping to catch just a glimpse of her before I'm taken away lunaria in a moment of frantic decision-making you turn around to face the direction of the voice stepping backwards toward towards the closing portal as you begin to slowly step back your eyes intently focused on the bushes where the voice is emanating from you see a shadow moving behind them almost coming into view for a brief heart-stopping moment the long brown hair of your mother starts to Edge out from behind the foliage but just as her figure begins to materialize and you're about to see her face the portal pulls you back abruptly you're yanked away from the Fay realm the image of your mother just a hair's breath from being revealed a whirl of light and color surrounds you disorienting and Swift and then just as suddenly as it All Began it stops you find yourself back in the original chamber facing saxi the transition is jarring leaving you with a lingering sense of what might have been as you regain your bearings you realize that you're clutching something tightly in your hand it's the crystal of clarity this Crystal when gazed into reveals Hidden Truths and solutions to complex problems it's an essential piece for revealing a hidden aspect or solution in the final test of the labyrinth I was so close to her guys if I waited just a split second longer I'd have seen her no if you waited a split second longer you could have been trapped there forever yeah I just feel so empty right now look we're going to get out of this Labyrinth we're going to obtain peace for Alexandra's Temple and finish whatever other [ __ ] we're Tangled Up in at the moment and then I promise you we will make sure that you see your mother again hell considering how powerful you are you might not even need our help but if if you do know this we're going to be there for you every step of the way all right guys with only Ra's challenge left to do before the climax I think that's where we will wrap up this session see you later guys
Channel: The AI Guy
Views: 14,956
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: _EpoqNvJJ5g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 48sec (1608 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 05 2024
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