The Worst Space Marine Terminators for Warhammer 40k 2nd edition?

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Space Marine Terminators genetically engineered Warriors Veterans of the chapter clad in thick ceramite plate befitting of a war machine Citadel have released many iterations of these iconic troops over the years from some Curious old designs to The Familiar endomet pattern rescaled and released along with the 10th edition Leviathan box set but in this video we're looking at these plastic Terminator [Music] [Music] for my birthday in 1996 I asked for the new box game released by Games Workshop space Hulk which unbeknownst to me at the time was its second edition in the game came 10 new plastic Space Marine Terminators which I thought was cool since I had a blood angels Army at the time and there was no harm in adding some Terminators to them not that I asked for space Hulk for this reason it was a fun board game in its own right though in hindsight I prefer the Third Edition mainly for its incredible production value back in the day I painted my models blood angels like on the box though not as well as this of course and the bases were gobling green just like the Lush Landscapes you would find on board a space Hulk huh of course now I am older and no stranger to the brush I hope I can give them the paint job they deserve there were three different variations with this range of Terminators the one with the stormbolter and power fist the one with the flamer the heavy flamer and the sergeant with stormbolter Power sword back banner and fancy eyepiece space Hulk came with six stormbolter and power fist fellas two heavy flamer chaps and two sergeants they even came with stickers for the back banners these models later got their own release a box set containing five terminators one Sergeant one heavy flamer and three with power fists and storm bolters the plastic Terminators in question were certainly not the first plastic Terminators that onor goes to the Terminators released with the first edition of space Hulk and it goes without saying that they were followed by a host of other plastic variations and their release wasn't filling some kind of vacuum in second edition I remember metal Terminators being on the shelf and in blister packs of my local GW back in the day you could buy these shown off here in ultramarines colors which came with chain fists and an assault count Cannon as well as the other standard armaments you could of course opt for the silly Dark Angels Deathwing which came with a heavy flamer and feathers are plenty or there was space Wolf wolfgard again with a heavy flamer but also wolf bits and of course you could supplement your squad with various weapon options available in blister packs the first Terminator I owned was a metal Terminator armed with a thunder hammer and Storm Shield because hammers are awesome I mean it's in the name of the game right but blister packs also came with Terminators armed with lightning Claws and Cyclone missile launchers to name a few if there's an appetite for such weapons and their rules at the time I'll cover them in another video metal Terminators at the time mostly came in three pieces torso left arm right arm a of course some had additional accessories storm Shields Banner Poes and Cyclone missile launchers for example but I'm going to be building and painting some of these plastic Terminators here's all the parts I'm going to be using to build my five models they didn't come like this they were painted blood angels beforehand much like the bikes were before I painted them Imperial fists I stripped off their original paint job with bio strip 20 and you might see some Flex of paint still present on the plastic but I removed these later I acquired these in an eBay lot quite a lucrative one at that the same lot which came with the Predator I restored and the bikes I painted a few videos ago the previous owner didn't use glue when assembling these which is great for me since after stripping it shows the studs still intact studs which would be used to attach the arms to the body I can also show you here the two parts which make up the Torso how they slot together and how the resulting piece sits less than adequately on the legs I suppose I could fill in this with green stuff or something but it's probably not worth it and I have a release schedule to adhere to before I glue them I can show you the spinning as well what a lovely feature this is before I start gluing I take time to remove mold lines with with my craft knife since there are several parts there's quite a few to remove not as many as in contemporary kits mind you but enough to be a nuisance anyway with that out of the way I begin assembling the miniature using poly cement you can see here I am building the sergeant the back of his torso is different from the others in that it has a place for the Bano to go but I shall be painting that separately so I don't glue it on at this stage I glue on the arms positioning The Sword in a thrusting pose or as close as I can get to this given the limitations of the miniature and here he is with some of his Brethren ready for primer as with most projects I blue tack these to a length of wood before priming if Mike McVey could manage without a specialist handle in 1993 then I can manage without one now now Games Workshop is known for producing Miniatures which do not require glut to assemble this is the case in their board games and starter sets space HK second edition adhere to this pattern providing players with a host of Jean Steelers and 10 new plastic push fit Terminators but before I continue with the video proper I'd like to explain why I'm not a huge fan of them this is just my opinion of course I want to draw your attention to the Torso of these models the Torso came in two parts a front piece and a back piece these slotted together without the need for any glue they formed a socket around a notch on the legs piece one feature of this was the ability to pose your Terminators such that their torso could face in any direction a few degrees either side of the center seems fine turn it to 180° and it seems a little ludicrous but they are models you can do with them as you please the arms are also push fit but this was also true of the metal miniature before them it's just they probably wouldn't stay on the metal Miniatures as well as the plastic arms on these torsos again there are some poses I would never use I try to avoid the stormbolter at 45° it seems too ay for my disciplined Space Marines similarly the Power Fist Reaching Forward doesn't seem menacing on the contrary he appears to be stepping in for a hug and sticking with the Power Fist I prefer the sculpt on the fingers of the metal power fist my dislike for the plastic equivalent is hard to describe you could say I can't quite put my finger on it I suppose it pertains to the length of the appendage the difference is subtle but noticeable and then there's the vents on the back of the Terminator contrast these with the metal sculpt and the difference is significant then there's the way the Torso sits on the legs if you build these as intended the the Terminator seems to be rocking back a little perhaps in an inebriated manner combine these with the other facets I have mentioned and they just don't seem as menacing as the older models I prefer the older metal sculpts but that's just my opinion rant over anyway back to the models I primed them white to begin with which is an ideal foundation in order to paint yellow since these like my bikes will be Imperial fists I started Ed by mixing some paint on my wet palette some Avalanche sunset with fileo dark sand about 50/50 this is my base coat which I apply all over the model except on the weapons and areas which I know will be black the idea here is to lay down a subtle color which will combine well with the yellow contrast I apply on top of it as I said in my bikes video please don't treat this as a definitive tutorial for yellow better ones exist for sure this just works well for me and my skill level with the resources I have when it's done I thin down some valo black with water and apply it to the back of the knees and the other joints where the Under Armor is showing I also paint the sword the stormbolter and the special eyepiece black since some of these will be metallic later the sad bottom lip gets black as well I've always thought this was a cool detail a Grimace on the helmet a bit like a toddler not getting their own way here's the paint job so far next some shading for the armor I want the darkest recesses to be a shade of ochre so I use an old paint called Vermin Brown which is a bit like the new paint tow light ochre this paint is thinned with flow improver and goes in most of the armor creases but I also paint some of this on the lowest point of each shoulder pad and on the bottom of the armor on his lower leg leg other areas get this too but the main principle is to apply this to the areas that would be most shaded and here's how it looks after the first round of shading on the big tury badge and skulls I paint some valo tan Earth with a DOT of black mixed in which will be the darkest color on these areas I now crack open the Imperial fist contrast paint and paint this across all the armor panels couped with the base coat the result is a warm smooth yellow shade like a runny egg yolk oh it's just egg Yol just egg Yol just egg Yol when that is completely dry I dilute some valo orange red with flow improver and paint some shading just above where the oak color was applied the aim here is to get a sort of orange gradient thing going and when that's dry I go in with another coat of the same mix occupying slightly less area and focusing on those lower down on the model or in deeper recesses I'm not the best at glazing by the way but I'm improving I wanted the shading on the helmet to have more contrast and definition than the rest of the armor since there are more cracks and details on there my quick solution to this was to apply some Thin drland flesh shade wicking away any excess with my brush The Edge highlighting wasn't too complicated just some fine lines of dark sand thinned with a drop of water some plain old edge of the brush action on the sharp edges I also painted on a few lines here and there to look like scratches and while the dark sand is to hand I mixed this with some tan Earth and carefully painted all the raised areas of the shoulder pad icon the skulls and the Purity seals at some point off camera I applied the transfer to his shoulder nothing fancy I tend to finish the armor and then apply the transfers not necessarily waiting until the end of the paint job next I took some dark familion and paint this on the chest on the pur to seal and on the hilt of the Power sword later I went back and highlighted all the red areas with some troll slay orange and the shade for these areas was some more reand flesh shade my favorite silver metallic paint is gunmetal and I painted it on the various parts of the stormbolter on the helmet gril mouthpiece and on the special eye piece as well I was tempted to go with some kind of gradient for the Power sword red or orange or something but in the end I decided to just paint this gun metal but there'll be more details added later the black sections needed some highlighting so I used some black mixed with Thunderhawk blue blue and painted this on all the edges of the stormbolter and the raised parts of the Under Armour back to the Power sword I mixed a little black with some gunmal and painted this on the lower facing edge of the blade off camera I painted the edges of the Power sword with white mixed with a tiny bit of cidor sky and then I highlighted this further with an even lighter blue on the flat part of the sword I painted some Thin Blue lightning patterns and they went over these with some white to make it look like the sword was crackling with energy you can see here as well that the power field generators were painted with cidor sky and highlighted with the same light blue I used on the energy crackle returning to the schools and such which I painted brown before I paint some dark sand onto the uppermost areas taking care that none of it gets into the recesses although I could always fix this later with some brown wash and with some paint I highlighted the very hairy edges of the icon on the shoulder pad and on the other areas that I've been painting the same color as this there was a gam on the shoulder pad too so I painted this red and highlighted it with a little troll Slayer orange on the ey lenses I used some light blue first and when that was dry I shaded it with a dark blue wash the edges of the stormbolter were highlighted with fenrisian gray keeping to the corners and the sharpest edges and a step I should have painted earlier I.E before the highlighting a light glaze of flash gits yellow on the top of the armor just to finish off the gradient I had been painting as with the bikes these bases get a coat of army painter goblin Green all over sides and top and later a dry brush of dark [Music] sand the first company of a space Marine chapter is the elite company of veterans terator armor is a rare and treasured asset and only veteran Space Marines of the first company are able to use it these powerful armored suits are a physical embodiment of the chapter's fighting spirit and are regarded by Brother Marines as important artifacts in their own right the left shoulder pad displays the stone Terminator badge which is both a tactical symbol and revered honor other honor badges sculpted onto knee pads and Greaves or are painted onto the weapons Mighty Heroes and leaders of the Space Marines can also be seen wearing this armor captains chaplain and Librarians for instance models wearing Terminator armor have one of the best saving throws in the game a 3 plus on 2d6 this means they would only fail their armor save 2.77% of the time if they were saving against weapons with no save modifier that is fetch the last Cannon I suppose Terminator squads can be taken as part of the squad allowance of the Army list 3155 points buys you a squad of five terminators one of which is a veteran Sergeant their profile is the same as a veteran Space Marine compared to regular Space Marines these enjoy an extra pip of weapon skill ballistic skill initiative and Leadership each model comes arm with a stormbolter and power fist and their stormbolter can take advantage of the rapid fire rule which allows them to fire twice per turn if they don't move the stormbolter comes with a targeter which grants an additional plus one to hit one model in the squad can replace his stormbolter with a heavy weapon either a heavy flamer assault Cannon or Cyclone missile launcher any number of models May opt to exchange their standard Loadout for either a pair of power claws or a thunder hammer and Storm Shield alternatively the Power Fist can be swapped for a chain fist which aided in the rapid opening of tunic can or enemy Vehicles if you're willing to pay a 50% tax on what you've already sunk into this squad then they can be teleported into battle this is effectively what we would Now call Deep strike it was a potentially rewarding yet Risky Business teleporting off the board seems unlikely but Annoying since they have to wait until the next turn to try again with every teleportation was the potential to scatter up to 2 d10 in rolling a double one on 2d1 means they are wiped out altogether which could be very frustrating indeed if they scatter into solid materials such as a building you roll again from that point if I've read this right this leaves the possibility your Terminator Squad could Ricochet around the board from Rock to hard place bouncing off every Cliff face bunker and Rocky outc I must try that sometime if teleportation is successful though you could use them in close combat or shooting in the turn they land although they don't count as charging on the turn they teleport in if they are in hand-to-hand combat all these rules make them a great thematic Squad in my opinion and if you like me are having skyrocketing blood pressure at the risks of teleportation then you could always take another character with a Teleport Homer to slightly lesser the chances of failure or Ricochet it does amuse me somewhat that teleport homers are built into Terminator armor because a model cannot H in on itself after all characters could take a Terminator armor based load out as well from one options seen here in this list as stated they would also have a Teleport Homer built in which could help if teleporting in another Squad and I'm suddenly reminded of abdon and his Terminator bodyguard which teleport in at no additional points cost one of many benefits of being a servant of chaos I [Music] suppose there was of course the issue of the banner I couldn't find a suitable one online to download so I chose to make my own using totally unsophisticated techniques on Microsoft Publisher I smashed together some graphics I found online a fist icon a wreath a Crux terminatus the banner was a standard Microsoft shape I measured the banner Pole to determine the dimensions of the banner itself and after a few iterations I was content with the result I printed it out on standard printer paper and then painted away a kind of grim dark painting by numbers essentially I used fileo golden yellow for the background tan Earth and dark sand on the banner and Crooks goblin Green for the wreath and valo black to tidy up the fist icon and line the edges of the banner and of course my own attempt at Gothic writing for the name Squad likeus the pole itself was just the usual black and Thunderhawk blue with gunmetal and an agrax wash on the crooks at the top then I stuck the banner pole in place for the icing on the cake and here we have it a squad of five Imperial fists Terminators rubbish plastic ones from the mid90s possibly the worst Terminator models released stocky bumbling even cuddly if you get the pose right not a patch on the metal Terminators that preceded them but perhaps an evolutionary step towards the plastic kits we're familiar with today despite my misgivings about these models I tried my best to make them look decent you can't polish a turd but you sure can roll it in glitter some old paint schemes have the power Fists and black similarly the Sergeant's helmet I've sometimes seen painted with red on instead of yellow but I decided to just go for yellow all over it seemed neater maybe I'll go back and change it in future but these are fine for now you'll see some variation in the paint schemes of each of these models they're definitely not off the factory line since I didn't use the same method throughout but each Terminator is a unique and treasured relic of the chapter and so I have reflected this somewhat in the painting or that's the excuse I tell myself anyway three of these were basically practice models for yellow and what you see on the sergeant is the conclusion of my experimentation I even painted some of these before the bikes so you get an idea how long I've been working on this speaking of bikes here they are with the Terminators just two squads for my Imperial fist so far again why did I I not choose blue aside from wanting to develop my yellow painting skills these are part of a larger project which is slowly being realized another childhood dream unfulfilled until now I wonder what unit I will add next and Which models I will choose I guess you'll have to keep popping back to my channel to find out thanks so much to those people who sent me photos of their Terminators to include in my video I've tried to include as many as possible I like to Showcase people's models as well as my own seeing these gives me ideas for future projects or variation on paint schemes I hadn't thought of perhaps these will give you ideas too and if you like what I do why not check out my Instagram so I didn't do a song for this video I wrote a poem instead I I was mining my business on my second Tour of Duty when all of a sudden the air smelled kind of fruity with a crackle and a fizzle and coruscating light a teleporter beam activated to my right there against the backdrop of a crated Battleground five armored Warriors stood making not a sound paralyzed in Terror before the grimaced masks I pondered was it me they sought to bring to task the answer came too soon as one his weapon raised aiming at my comrade who shook in horror crazed the trigger pulled the storm Unleashed bolt rounds leapt away they struck my Ally true and at once the blood did spray to Arms the sergeant yelled and our rifles weed bear so fired did I full auto and hit my target square but futile to the volley which off his armor bounced then burn you traitors burn in hell my enemy announced our battle line did crumble like a castle built on sand as with power fists they engaged Us in combat hand to hand as if he was a ragd doll my squadmate they did pluck they thrashed him and they smashed him and his body they did chook but for me they had reserved a scintillating sword crackling with lightning a single hit he scored my severed head now resting in a nearby Ashen crater the final sight my eyes did see those bloody terminators and with that I have better go paint some more Miniatures take care and thanks for watching
Channel: Miniscape
Views: 31,657
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: warhammer 40k, warhammer, space marines, 2nd edition 40k, 40k 2nd edition, oldhammer, imperial fists, space marine terminators
Id: X5JTGcAbIgc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 9sec (1509 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 11 2024
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