The Gods Are Real | Natural Six Episode 1 | D&D 5e

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welcome to episode one of natural six this is it this is the real beginning of our adventures in the world of reliquia of our campaign of Our Heroes Journeys uh you can go back and discover how these Heroes met by watching session zero and session 0.5 on our YouTube channel but to one intents and purposes this is the beginning of the story this is where it all begins this is the start of whatever may come and so I guess without any further Ado should play some D and D anybody God pure [Music] adrenaline [Music] I do have a question what is the a valid question and I'll explain after the session I'd love you to feel your way through it just this time round sorry no it's good I feel exactly the same way I can't quite believe we're doing it okay five bottles of Rosé later yeah it's a hell of a drug Al before this before all of this before breath and thought before color and light before the air and the Earth the mountain and the seabed before life and death there was sentiasa there was only sentiasa an endless plane where the gods of good evil and Chaos The Virtuous the vile and the wild were locked in war it would be wrong to say that the War lasted for centuries or Millennia for they fought before of before and outside of time they fought for existence for the essence of all things that are were and could yet come to be when the war ceased it was The Virtuous who claimed victory claimed sentiasa and vanquished the vile and the wild forever and the end of that war gave way to a beginning for as The Virtuous beheld sentiasa scarred and empty and endless they were driven to create something new something good so The Virtuous weaved their divine power into the fabric of a new world reliquia Lush green created for the flourishing of mortal life a crater ringed by a range of mountains called the alites with the Great Peak of Mount Atria at its Center at the heart of this new world they founded the city of Alon where they called into into existence peoples to populate this land each of the nine virtuous Gods brought forth a race in their image so the land grew full of halflings elves dwarves gnomes teelings Cobalts Orcs humans and dragon born a perfect world filled with imperfect beings and in these people's flourishing for all their achievements there were those that fested for as DW drops cling to Blades of grass so avarice and cruelty cling to mortality whilst the spring flowers bloomed in the great cities of the world were founded grievances opened like fresh wounds and as the wheat was sced at the time of harvest and the feasting and song lasted long into starfi nights so fell mortality to murder and to infighting the capricious the rageful The Grieving the desperate the Lost sought those who could comfort and Advance them they sought a home and many of them found it in the web the last Refuge of the Hopeless a shadowy organization that will undertake any task no matter how great or terrible those who require its services pay with gold or with time binding themselves and successive generations to servitude until their debt is paid such Oaths are not taken lightly and the web is ruled with an Iron Fist from its leader a figure known only as the spider Prince to those Souls that have spun its silken threads throughout the land of reliquia the web is wi it is five Souls such as these that we will Journey with having proven themsel of use to the web by assassinating Elven s on AER de car the party have been selected to act as bodyguards for the antiqua the greatest clerics of The Virtuous as they begin a yearly pilgrimage known as the death 100 years ago with no warning The Virtuous abandoned the Divine city of alvon and ascended to the peak of Mount Atria alvon since the birth of the world a city where all could commune in person with The Virtuous soon fell into disrepair so now after the first winter Moon the antiqua Ascend Mount Atria and bring back teachings for all mortality Dawn breaks golden on the slopes of the mountain on the edge of a pass the Flames of two small campfires flicker in the mild Breeze either side of a collection of tents far below at the foot of the mountain the crumbled buildings of the city Al of alvon are just visible pale against the snow that has sat thick on the ground since the first moon of winter in the years since The Virtuous abandoned that city a city they had called home since the birth of the world alvon has crumbled not from war nor from the slow decline of all things but with unnatural speed as if it was the presence of the Divine alone that had held together the stones from which the city has built yet the snow and the cold and the dissolving marble of alel on Far beneath you here on Mount Atria the mountain of Perpetual spring the air is warm the grass Lush patches of wild flowers blooming even in the fishes in the rock face can everyone just roll me a D20 and we'll just see who has the highest role what'd you get Dolly 11 I 16 18 17 18 okay let's have radian and Kelis roll again Co what did you get seven I got a three okay so we begin uh in the left hand of these two campfires with I kelus and ellian sat around them why don't you why don't you start first why don't you introduce your character introduce my character what to them or no to to our to our our audience well our lovely audience um Kus is a gold dragon born and um he is sitting by the fire very carefully carving a piece of wood into a shape and how much how much introduction do you want us to do as much as you as you'd like you know there are people listening to this who have not who have not watched anything would you give us a poet maybe some sort of maybe some kind of at least a limmer k I do love your improvised P so good trees trees are good trees are green trees make me feel good in my spleen God he's good you can't coach [Laughter] that gness is a dragon born called dragon born and and uh he's a he's a druid and currently he is sitting by the fire looking con you know he's contemplating life and the universe and everything and gently carving a piece of wood into a shape and wiggling his toes by the fire uh ellion uh ellion is uh a human fighter and Ellen is all about The Sword and the dagger life is simple now well now life is simple everything can basically be fixed in life with a strong word and a stronger sword and that's how you know andel's been living andion feels most at home in the forest in the outdoors absolutely values freedom and while we might be happy to have our freedom and be outdoors we're not exactly thrilled with the company that we're keeping uh IND Delian is definitely somebody who just wants to figure the world out on their own preferably in silence um but but has a debt to pay and we need to get through that debt in order to have the freedom That We crave so right now IND Delian is by the fire and is at absolutely praying that I doesn't say anything stupid for once be quiet I'm tired and I I is a small little Cobalt Rogue I is curious inquisitive I is I is curious to a level where anything that I go Rush his head forward into is not purely for for the sake of chaos it is for the sake of intrigue it's for the sake of Cobalts keep themselves to themselves they're a lesser seen race uh but this does also mean that I naturally has a curiosity for anything that is not within the normal Realms of cobalt life um and I is Sat by the fire using uh uh using using little Pebbles just to like kind of throw in the direction of melion and it's just sitting there going what is we thinking what is we thinking is we good so at this point you guys have been together you've you've been climbing the mountain for two full days this is the beginning of the third day um you've been in this habit of making Camp you sit on watch I mean it's been I would say so far the journey has been relatively dull this is a this is a magical Mountain this is a Divine Mountain whilst it might be you know hailing or blowing a storm um away from the mountain the mountain is always in Spring the flowers are always blooming it it you know that you haven't found any aggressive creatures you haven't been way laid you don't have high high wom you're here almost as a a nominal bodyguard because during the deference uh the antiqua who are the clerics that you're that you're guiding they forego all their Divine magic while they're on the mountain as a sort of symbol of humility as a symbol that they recognize that the gods that they are about to commune with are greater and more powerful than them and that all their magic comes from these Gods so as a sign of respect they don't use their magic and so they they have a bodyguard to to support them if anything should happen but and Deli and I I would fancy it's been quite a dull few days for you there's been remarkably little frankly twatting of anything keep throwing those Pebbles she's been miserable to be with she just complains all the time nothing when are we going to fight something has been having great time and we cut over to the right hand um right hand fire and there are three figures around that fire uh first of which radian could you introduce yourself uh yes uh this I am radian thornber uh he is um a Wood Elf wizard um and he has this stunning golden skin that has been harrowingly torn apart at some point in his past and his face is so structurally beautiful it would Dazzle anyone but at the same time it possesses this kind of um hideous desecration at the same time and it is it's almost like if you were to taste it it would be the most beautiful nectar but it would be sour in some way and and he constantly has his hood up um and and this beautiful golden skin he kind of tries to hide from the world um he doesn't remember who he is and I think that is an important thing like he is a he is as we will continue to learn there are lots of things about his past that he doesn't know and so he has this almost kind of reserved anger reserved curiosity reserved um arrogance because he's just trying to figure out who he is and so there's almost like an erratic nature to this person um cuz he's just testing the boundaries the most interesting thing I love about his appearance is that um one of his eyes changes color all of the time and um it's it's going to be interesting to see where he goes from here and so I would imagine if radian were sitting around the fire he would probably be staring directly into the fire I think um there is this something within him that I think is that maybe his memories will come back to him in some way that something about his past will just stir um and so he will just be staring into the fire waiting waiting for something to happen waiting for something to spark inside of him um probably looking a little bit emo um but there's a lot more to him than that you wrote me a history check yes so D20 and then add your history modifier in your skin uh that is a that is a dirty 21 a dirty 21 shame not 20 you would have remembered everything yeah and I'm back so you're doing this thing that you've found yourself doing before almost if you can get into a meditative state if you can close everything else out maybe you can break through this this barrier yeah this feeling maybe you can permeate that and get through to the truth of of of of everything understand remember and you go back and you you take it almost step by step retracing your steps the path up the mountain the time in alvon waiting for the antiqua to arrive from their various uh from the various Estates in cities like Baron and load Escalon uh caresan all these cities Veil all the cities all across reliquia that they've come from and then you remember the journey back to Escalon you remember the party with a layer of the car you're pushing your memory pushing your memory the Basilisk meeting the spinner pushing your memory and then you hit the barrier that you always hit yeah which is lying face up in water waking on the shores of the lake COV with your brother leaning over you and saying thought we'd lost you there for a minute and beyond that it's just black yeah he doesn't trust he doesn't trust at all um but he this life this life being thrust into this um this world this web he doesn't know he doesn't know who he is he doesn't trust his feelings at all like he goes from anger to happiness to Joy instantly there is no control because he just has no control over any of them and um he he feels betrayed I think he feels betrayed to be here um and um he's yeah he's he's in a bit of a state and sat next to him Dolly uh so dolly dter is a tling Bard um she's not not Musical though um she's always had a way with words and that's always been her gift um and it's not always been uh a gift of on a in a positive way um but uh she's here today she's endlessly optimistic and um quite chaotic but ravels in that um so at the minute she sees radians um sort of in a bit of a funk and uh is casting th thury on the Fire making it flicker different colors and being like radian it's your path it's time for a dance party stop it well I have to say I'm very excited I'm not okay I don't trust this I don't trust any of it and there's a third figure at the fire with you who is a heavy set pale skinned man um great big chest barrel chest big arms a dark um beard almost black and long slicked back black hair and this is Morgan and Morgan you first met back at the uh when you met the spinner after the basisk he was one of the Spinners attendance almost a heavy and he met you in Alan the the web wanted someone a little more senior to lead the effort uh whether or not you'd proved yourself competent you hadn't necessarily proved self perfectly sociable uh and so they needed someone who could act as a bit of a figurehead um and Morgan is sat here watching and he's a man of few words Gruff uh roll me a perception check Dolly as you play with the flames and try and tease uh try and tease ran uh that is where are we at hold on sorry skills up uh perception you [Music] say uh that is 15 15 you're you're pretty sure that you see something quite unusual which is the beginnings of the flicker of a smile from Morgan you haven't seen him really show much emotion Beyond kind of basic commands he'll chat a bit but he's always felt quite guarded but there was something about that that he kind of enjoyed and then as as soon as he catches you looking you sort of literally wipes the smile off his face right well um son's almost up we should should think about heading enough as soon as the uh soon as the antique were rise yeah I'm so excited about this I mean come on it's been a boring couple of days we need something H to happen I thought this was like this is meant to be a big deal what's come on I mean it's not a party yeah but it could be kind of I don't like parties that's sharks me well we should Summit later today so the antique was say uh everyone roll me perception please very perceptive wa active perception or active always whenever it's a role it's always active you only ever use your passive perception it's only ever really relevant to me not to you uh 25 to 30 anyone rolls super well 25 to 30 uh anyone roll 20 to 24 oh great so are are we adding our modifiers or Y so so this would be your perception modifier and whatever your skills is in okay uh what did everyone else get we've got a we've got a 21 we got a 21 17 10 I'm deep in my carving deep in your carving deep in your whittling nine at this point I am attempting to juggle Pebbles miserably realy performance yes 20 dirty okay it's inadvertently it's inadvertently very um amusing and entertaining but not for any of the reasons you think it is what you what you were hoping for was this kind of display of dexra skill and instead it's like accidentally very sophisticated clowning it like full kind of it's really it's yeah it's hard it's even even in Delan you would you would be forced to acknowledge that it is it it's probably the best it's the best thing he's done right that that may potatoes yeah but it's the best thing he's done it's better than the noise of him throwing them yeah and uh Dolly what 14 okay so I mean you'd all kind of hear this gradually but certainly Raiden you would be the first one who snaps into awareness of it there is this little kind of collection of tents nine tents and each is decorated in slightly different ways the n910 of these antiqua who around and you hear a sort of the stretching of canvas and the first of the antiqua pokes their head out and as it as it has been on the other days that you've woken with them the first one to put their head out is grono and grono is a dwarf a cleric of Ulin uh he has proved to be the most amable the the the most likely to talk in a genuine way with you some of the antiqua have really kept themselves to themselves um but others others have been a little warmer and he's the first one and he looks over in fact that you radi as you as you look over at him and he uh he sort of he little Hand of acknowledgement and then you see him sort of stretch and kind of work morning good morning good morning and another beautiful day on the mountain yeah it's going to be a good one ah of course how could it not be Gro can you do me a favor can you get the others up roll me persuasion with disadvantage one you roll it that one okay okay um he he puts his hand on your shoulder and firmly but not unkindly uh says to you I understand your desire to get off this mountain but the beauty you will see at the peak will make up for any uh frustration you feel now the antiqua will Rouse themselves we will go through the rights and we will be on our way I can't believe you just told him to get everybody off and he sort of he sort of like walks off towards the little cluster of 10 and you can see like more of the anti Ana are are rousing themselves um you look across and Morgan is his eyes are boring into you um and he and he uh quite unkindly says don't ever do that again radiant and trouble that's not your place all right that's what I'm here for radian then stares him directly in the face and then just walks off okay what are the rest of you doing you seeing all the antiqua kind of getting out you you've got you've got your own kind of packs and and various things bed rolls that fire needs to be doused I'm I'm entirely packed already K already in the car I is entirely packed already and I I turns to to radi and goes I can do it I just leave him let him go what are you whing a spoon a spoon wallnut oh nice a walnut spoon okay did you pick that Walnut up on the way or nice there's been an amazing collection of trees actually on the way up here and and those of you wood yeah those of you who've traveled more widely would would know that there are there are lots of different wood there's lots of different wood there's lots of different forests in reliquia there's kind of Pine and there's Walnut and then there's the walking Forest of laay which seems to be like a sentient trees things completely of them of their own uh of their own making but it's like it's like this is the This Is The Crucible of all creation here and so there are flowers that you've maybe heard of that exist on this mountain fruits that you've heard they have in distant markets on the other side of the continent but they all seem to bloom and flower and grow here and so I would imagine that for Kelis in particular there's maybe been a it's been great yeah there's been a bit of a thrill I'm I'm like on the side of the path all the way up going oh that's a nice that my pack is overflowing with pieces of wood twis TG flowers logs petal stuck everywhere yes um I've got a daisy chain in my the dolly mod the doly while this conversation is going on I have I just started to pack four kis yeah how many spins have you got on you right now how many of you made oh three dozen maybe can I have that one one just spoons you want a spoon yeah oh excellent I do like when people like my spoons can I see it it's not finished yet how good has this been um roll okay let's say kis can you roll me a a slight of hand check to see how um dextrous you've been so it'll be in your skills um under slight of hand towards the bottom come on six t how many spoons it's uh 9 + three okay 12 it's um it's a it's a it's a nice spoon it's a spoon it's a nice spoon yeah like like not only it it it has function but it has some form as well um what have you been carving and whittling it with oh just a just a little little little little knife no it's a fork actually it's a wooden knife so what you see like what what what Kelis hasn't done is he hasn't yet um worked out the tool marks within the the the handle of the spoon or the or the bowl of the spoon and so Cubist spoon yeah it's a Cubist spoon so it has a kind of like you said it's not finished yet you know it's kind of a still still has quite a rough quality to it but you can there's like a very consistent thickness in the bowl and and there's a a kind of gentle gentle round it's a forming round to the handle there's a tiny little bit of embellishment where he's kind of carved a little Groove into the into almost the end of the handle you can see that it's going to be a wonderful spoon it's going to be a wonderful I'm going to this is this is my no already my favorite spoon I'm going to tuck it into my belt and be like keeping this one it's not finished oh do you want to finish it yes please I mean it's perfectly serviceable it's not finished okay fine again while this is all I'll finish and give back to you while this is all continuing I is attempting to pack K this's bag but every time keeps spilling a spoon and he's just walking around picking up spoons a D12 you did say you made 12 spoons right three doz three okay I don't know why can I take that back here oh actually yeah at the same yeah okay okay we've got a nine that's a D20 oh yeah of course need another uh we've got a nine a 10 and a five Okay so Dro 24 spoons there there is again again roll me another roll me a performance check with Advantage so roll twice and take the highest score for Advantage good uh 11 uh four uh 12 sorry okay it's it's not as funny as the juggling but it is it is it is it's a sense when you go and see like a theater company or you go and see a film and you can tell the director isn't at the height of their powers anymore that's the experience you're having watching watching watching I struggle with 24 spoons 12 of which have actually stayed in the bag which is a blessing I watch this with despair on my face my spoon I st it um I I take this very literally and immediately just drop everything freeze okay 36 spoons are on can I just say um you then hear a noise and radien just goes H and he realizes that there are actually more spoons in his bag wow so kis please so stop putting your stuff in my bag I've said this for the third time I I I ran out of SP we had this conversation before do not put your things in my bag can you roll me a um perception check you've got a little further up the pass um radian uh 13 okay so you can just about make out movement right down at the base of the mountain you left Alan but what you'll be returning to is something a little different which is called the Festival of benediction and the Festival of benediction is when the when the the antiqua descend with these instructions from from the gods from The Virtuous they they're going to give the instructions and then there's like a a festival it's a festival for the for the true beginning of winter and you can just about make out these great big stretched tents like Bell tents brightly colored and all overlapping each other it almost looks from up here like a collection of autumnal leaves all overlapping on the ground and you can see that there are more of these that spread even since the sun went down last night um and by now the antiqua have all started to to Rouse themselves and they're bundling up their um their tents but what they're also doing is uh going to perform a ceremony that they performed yesterday that you watched called the rights and there is a little copy of a a dark book a a brown leather bound book and you in fact everyone R me a religion check CU it might be interesting because maybe one or two of you might not have seen this before so D20 plus your religion modifier that start with radian it's a 10 it's a 10 andan three kelus dirty 20 dirty 20 I also a 10 a 10 four okay a four um in fact maybe kind of Kus is maybe the only one who instantly recognizes it but what what's you got a four a 10 three three 10 and a 10 I have a minus one minus one Rel I am I'm not smart a raise a religion from my brain but even um you you would recognize this straight away Kess as a as a copy of the remnants which is the sort of universal religious text almost like a kind of the one sacred text every race every God has their own sort of subtext that they read um that's a terrible phrase but they they have their own they have their own sort of native text written in their native language and that reflects more kind of their culture but but the remnants is the universal text that that talks about the beginning of the world and talks about the Divine War um and talks about the beginning of the Endless peace which is this time that you live in now and there's this brown leather tone of the remnants which is placed on a little pillow and then the antiqua are all some of them are on little kneeling stools some of them have just kneeled on the grass you notice that grown off dwarf immediately just kind of kneels down on the grass uh and they are kneeling in a sort of semicircle around this uh this this pillow with this copy of the book and Morgan at this point uh inclines his head and says right come on stand to attention and he sort of stands behind the antiqua and he PL clasps his hands in front of him and he bows his head and he sort of waits for you to do the same does anyone want to try and go against the convention or are you all quite happy to go along with this I immediately run up beside him and just the exactly the same as he I straight away there I'll Stand to attention but I won't not the religious life okay not me sure so you're so a little bit like when um people are quite content to listen to a pre but don't like saying amen that's the Vibes to be clear when I does it it's not in a out of like a deference or anything it's purely uh this is what we're doing okay follow oh you didn't need to be clear always always he's never thinking conceptually yeah we we understood where you were going that okay so um unless anyone else has anything that they would like to particularly do this rights ceremony begins and you see um one of the one of the antiqua steps forward and it's um a brightly green skinned orc and she's called Runa and you have uh you've you've been dealing with the antiqua a bit as I said Runa keeps them to thems uh she has a kind of warrior likee uh posture uh an orc of few words uh not dissimilar to Morgan really in terms of how how how she carries herself and she um sort of Rises to her feet from her knees and stands in front of the her compatriots has this book which she picks up it suddenly looks very small in her huge hands um uh everybody roll me Insight checks please so D20 and then add your Insight skill to it which is your wisdom plus proficiencies what did you get right 10 10 seven seven 13 mhm 18 18 19 19 okay so certainly uh Kelis and uh Dolly and I you can see straight away that runer is not in her element she doesn't like being stared at she doesn't like um being uh the center of attention and uh she sort of clears her throat a little bit opens this book to the first page few little sort of little nasal exhalation she cracks her neck and she starts to read and what she starts to read is very very familiar to all of you apart from possibly I the gods are real all life flows from them without them there is nothing there can only be [Music] nothing before the creation of all things the gods existed in an endless dark without within them lay dorant or knowledge or light or color sound speech and thought yet all the powers lurked within without within this boundless black things great and terrible these words are not my own they were spoken by the Divine given shape by their breath and meaning by their minds all life flows from them without there there is nothing and all the rest of the antiqua say there can only be nothing immediately give a little you give you give a little clap um and one of the heads of the antiqua immediately snaps round um and it's um an a Very horty Elven face a little golden circlet round uh their um round their head a sharp featured silvery hair um and they look at you with suspicion did you try and imply Dolly there that you point at you point at so Dolly roll deception to see if you can make it look like it was just I who clap absolute godam absolute children oh my god oh you yeahuh uh so I rolled a four but dol's very good at Deception so it's an 11 okay jamy Jam i' say I'd say I'd say within 11 at that just about brexit they the the antique were very much in them in the in their moment of kind of religious fervor and so by the by the time you look around um you see this elf who you know is called Barabas um turns around and looks at you and glares daggers at you and says um you know heavens and looks to the Cobalt cleric and says parvas can't you control your minion and then looks back at Runa can you roll me well in fact she wouldn't even need to roll for this they they just called they just called that cleric pars that Cobalt has a name yeah you've never known a Cobalt with a name yeah and once the head snaap back uh Runa who then has to try and flick through the pages and you can see she's sort of got claws on her hands and therefore is struggling a little bit still seems a little nervous even after the polite Applause that greeted her initial reading she she flicks through a few pages virtuous children are instructed to love and to learn we grow by Divine favor find Glory by Divine Grace find comfort and in divine power we make this pilgrimage in deference and all humility knowing that we cannot Wonder this world alone now as ever they are the compass and the rest of the antiqua say they guide and command and Runa looks immediately closes the book and gives this great big exhale uh looks very very relieved to be done with public speaking the okay yeah are you like like like lit not even audible but it's just from for for self roll I'm going to roll something for Runa yeah Runa despite herself looks up and mouths thank you she was really quite Charmed by it um and so what you do what you also see is is you see that each of the antiqua offered their own kind of personal gestural sort of sign offs to that to that little thing they sort of so um the uh you see um the cleric of ignas kind of makes a shape with their hand almost like a flame uh that the the um that Barabas kind of creates this tree with his hands it's very ornate his takes twice as long as everybody else's um uh you know always reminds me of rimor yeah yeah absolutely um and and they they finish and they start getting their bed rolls and they they sort of they're they're packing up for the day and you get the sense that these are the last few moments before you get on the road is there any anything that that anyone wants to do what I am going to get from you when we leave is a kind of marching order and to see if you're if you're kind of trying to chat with any of the antiqua if you're chatting amongst yourselves but dol's going to try and pick up some of the spoons that were spelled on the ground and do what she does every morning which is try and stuff them into Ran's bag so R me ROM me 3d2 yes yes yes yes I love that we're on this side of the table it is like you just need c at this point I mean do this to my boy my boy is in pain 11 11 okay you get 11 spoons into radians uh well you get 11 spoon ready for radians back roll me you slight of hand check see how how good you are okay at getting them in there without him noticing wait so how many spoons are are going to be in radian bag now well potentially 11 potentially 11 but we'll see plus what was already in there that's what was already in there yeah what was already in there what whatever she got in there yesterday 17 that beats your passive perception so I think in the in the the Woodway in the in the kind of the the the gentle but but kind of meaningful commotion of everyone packing up um you are unaware of of 11 spoons being snuck can I say that what he does is he picks up his bag not knowing that there's 11 Spooner in there and he walks over to Barabas and he says I'm so sorry about my colleagues that was very inappropriate roll me a uh persuasion no it's okay it's 15 15 I thought you like you know what actually I don't you know it's okay he doesn't he changed his mind yeah so Barabas Barabas um looks uh looks to you and sort of gives a a look underneath his sort of from underneath his eyebrows and says this is a s acred ritual it is a rare honor to find yourselves on the Divine Mountain clearly you are aware of that and that speaks to your credit but I cannot say the same for the rest of your companions I would advise you to do what is in your power to keep them in line or do I need to talk to the brute that leads you and he looks to Morgan who is just packing away do you lead these bag of scoundrels yes right well in that case I shall hold you personally responsible for any other fa Paws Of course at this point having seen Dolly play her little trick mhm I walk over to R and say can I have my spoons back I gave you your spoons back look I'll show you there's nothing in my who put spoons in my bag okay uh Dolly points I roll me a roll me roll me here you deception check again oh natural one no no it's a seven seven a seven I don't know why I'm no I had the same I was like no no it's a seven uh for well so yeah I mean I think with a 14 you both did it was it both doing cahoot was it both of you um I am totally unaware because this entire time like unbroken I have just been watching I no not even hearing I'm just staring at pis because in in just a way where I'm just watching because I've never known a c the name for I'm just watching to be like are you like me roll me a perception check silence is an admission of guilt by the way my dear Lord again I have no wisdom that is a two that's a two okay um survive you uh parvis parvis is in conversation with um the uh the dragon born cleric the two of them are speaking they have their back backs to you you can't make out uh any sound and there there's kind of too many people in the way kind of people if you like wiping the frame back and forth what you do suddenly become aware of is the rest of your party are staring at you as is Barabas um who just says right explain yourself um and you have no idea why at this point okay so I turn around and immediately look at everyone and just go and point at Dolly roll me deception with disadvantage roll twice take the lowest three okay uh um Barabas turns to you radian and says if this is an indication of your ability to command it reflects upon you very poorly and he just just sweeps off to join the rest of the antiqua I'm sorry command yeah I I also am interested in that says Morgan fascinated in fact that you've seen fit to user me on I know how this looks I'm not sure you do I simply went over to Barabas to apologize for what the others have been up to and I panicked he asked if I was in charge and I said yes now it also means that if anything goes wrong the responsibility is entirely on me so maybe Morgan finally you can you know you don't have to take the fall for how useless everyone's being but please come on we've got to get this together uh Mor uh roll me roll me a persuasion check let's see let's see how Morgan takes it it's a one it's a one not great not great so not great actually great not great is a really good is really good um so yeah he says my orders come from the spinner they don't come from you get in line and um the antique was start to set off Morgan is going to position himself just ahead of them uh there are nine antiqua and they all sort of walk in a in a little cluster um start to make their way up the mountain pass where would you guys like to position yourselves within that cluster you can kind of be in there trying to chat with people or you can flank or you can go behind or you can go up front with Morgan where where where do people feel like they'd like to go just a little behind parvas just again just the entire way barely even looking where I'm going just staring eyes fixed on parvas okay Dolly where are you I'm uh walking just slightly behind radian going you're in trouble again where are you radian I'm right at the back right at the B okay so uh so Dolly and radiant at the back um I'm going to say I is kind of towards the middle trying to get towards parvis kis and and Delian where do you think you guys are I'll take point I'll be up front yep Morgan and and delion and then kellus where are you I think I've gone up front as well I think I quite like Morgan straightforward dude you know just you get what you see likes your spoons likes my spoons yeah L your SPO party at the front I think these are the kinds of spoons that at a farmer's market you'd sell for like $50 oh 100 Artis in Wales we have the Welsh love spoon which is intricately carved with spoons that have lovers knots on the top they're really they're quite an inable part Welsh culture but when everyone says like a carved wooden spoon to me I always imagine a Welsh love spoon um uh well I have 11 of them in my bag if you can find a market we get back down to sell these Ben there is quite market for after the difference these are getting sold um so you begin your third day of climbing and you're still following this this pass of Pale Stone almost marble that has wound through through these Groves of budding trees and then alongside clear streams and patches of brilliant wild flowers and these little smooth Rock clusters and now it bends its way lazy towards the summit and the smooth path underfoot it despite the smoothness of the stone it sort of offers this unerring grip and there are clusters of crystals all along its length brightly colored and shimmering in the Sun that has now fully risen this winter sun that across the rest of the continent might be cold but here still feels baly and and warm and the rest of you can now start to see what what what radian saw these these clusters of tents like Autumn Leaves right down at the Bas as as the as the uh the rest of the populace prepare for the Festival of benediction so let's start with I um roll me as want me a stealth check to see how close you can get to parvis without anyone kind of feeling like you're in his space uh 18 18 um so you get right up close behind and you can hear he he's speaking to uh the uh the the cleric of the Dragon Born who is this very uh this beautifully Golden Dragon Born she's called carius and she has been a been she's felt like quite a senior figure um within the antiqua you can you've been able to gauge even in the time that you've all been there that there are there are some who are happy to go with the flow and there are some who feel the need to be a little bit more upfront and take more command and certainly cilus would fall into that latter car uh that latter C category and you hear her um you hear her speaking with with parvas and she says to him the cloud cover so low do you see that and parvas responds and you've never heard paras's voice voice before but uh yes ex extremely low I've never seen um cloud cover quite so low on the mountain peak roll me a an Insight check 18 18 it sounds like P is trying desperately to alter their voice you know how how Cobalts talk this is not a syntax and a and a way of speaking that you've heard from pis it's it's almost like he's trying to copy the way carilas speaks um yes I I I wonder it will be very interesting of of course to talk to The Virtuous when we Ascend and I wonder whether the cloud formation is is perhaps something to do with them and carus uh simply says yes we will we will ask them when we reach the peak of course it's a good thought PS very good uh and he's just going to roll a little perception check uh he rolls really high and he just turns around and sees you ey looking at him and immediately uh tries to avert his eyes tries desperately not to make eye contact eye contact um and um says to C if if it's all the same to you my dear esteemed friend I will see see how see how uh how how Dillo is getting on yes of course of course don't don't don't trouble yourself and he starts to slip through the crowd heading towards a little the halfling cleric um do you want to try and follow him or are you content with what you've heard I'm content with what I've heard um I would now like to so they so parvis went was it back parvis has um actually yeah off push pushed them a little further forward so you have up front you have um the uh the the uh Runa you have the orc Runa uh you have uh the halfling The Gnome then you had this little cluster which is the uh the tling the dragon born and the Cobalt and then at the back you have uh the dwarf the human and whoever I've forgotten the other one um there are nine it's hard to keep NPCs in your head really you had to write accent notes for them all uh so they they've slipped they've decided to go further forward okay I also will but now I'm content with what I've heard I'm content well not content but I'm I'm kind of processing uh moving forward now would like to just be behind the gnome just staring at the gnome in the back of the head with a deep sense of distrust just literally now it's just more of a I'm watching you right uh um they are they have incredibly low perception and they um they rolled a nine um and you hear them just humming to them themselves just humming and having quite a mar do do the hum for [Music] us and actually that's a really lovely reminder that at this point um Barabas starts singing Barabas sings this song for the entirety of the climb all day and it goes a little something like it's a sort of um and by the goddess Mighty hand hope did come to this blessed land her eyes green her hair of gold and it and it it it is beautiful Barabas has quite a nasal voice yeah um and it's very strident and it's only sort of five or six lines almost like a memory verse it has just been repeated add infan item through it's just I know a song that'll get on your nerves yes it absolutely is the whole way up the mountain and they are up the top I'm going to have um I'm going to have uh Dolly and radiant who are towards the back can you R me perception checks dirty please the floor is yours my uh you can't I can't AUD 20 Judy and a 19 wow okay um sorry I threw my pen on the floor no that's totally F it's it's an emotional moment it's an emotional moment it really is the actual the Crux of the C this was kind of glad it had the impa that I wanted um you see as soon as the song starts up put the pen down and you've knocked in Delan over oh gosh you haven't broken her she's done she's fine she's fine okay so as soon as the song starts up you see um groth's like shoulders sag the Dwarven cleric um and you hear him say oh do any of you do do either of you speak dwarfish no I okay you just hear him you hear him mutter something under his breath um and just keeps shaking just keeps shaking his head um and with a with a with a 20 and a 19 you see that his his teeth are clenched and he's sort of leaning on his staff with every with every step trying not to react to the song um could um radiant immediately obviously notice this and Rush up to him because he sees it as this moment of kind of weakness and he just goes terrible song isn't it uh and he uh roll me persuasion with Advantage roll me twice take the highest that's a Nat 20 that's a Nat 20 okay amazing crits yeah crits crits um he he looks you he says you would think after so long in one another's company he would have found I would have found a way to find balance in my life and he wouldn't make me so frustrated but here we are Another Day in Paradise God it doesn't vode well for us does it no it does not a mon listen well I've got you um gr grown off may I call you gr off of course pleas absolutely um listen earlier when I came up to you I I'm sorry about that I didn't mean any offense and none was taken as you've seen I am not immune from the frustrations that you feel you know uh we are all striving for balance and we have to learn when the truth is necessary when the truth is vital and when the truth would hurt those that do not deserve our ey doll's going to Sidle up at this point she's been making a a daisy chain Crown just while just while we've been walking she's going to skip up she's going to hand that to radian and then go yeah but the truth is subjective anyway so like you know the truth is subject that's a very interesting philosophical point of view R me a religion check with advantage that's a natural sex that's another natural six okay we're dispensing with how the dice work that's good that's a 20 um uh you would know that um the Dwarven goddess Ulin is the goddess of Truth and so her whole stick is you know you you can't bend from the truth and the Dwarven culture um occasionally dwarves can be seen as extremely blunt because it's sort of against their faith to even tell a white like that would be deceiving someone and you mustn't deceive anybody um and you get the sense that grono is a little wiser than that has learned a little more than that um and so is fascinated with this with this um this perspective that you bring to it say I've started to think something similar myself there are there are good lies and there are terrible lies I wonder where the line marks the change from one to the other I guess and you know what this I mean it's completely situational isn't it it's what it's doing for you in that moment in time or what it's doing for the collective I would challenge you maybe yeah we are very small and he gestures to the mountain he gestures HIDs the peak says we feel as if we are the only ones but of course we are as inconsequential as as the fruit on the vine or as a a bird flying overhead that is true then what is your consequence Gro what is my consequence what do you feel you are doing in this world what change do you feel like you're making all of this this pump this circumstance you marching up here us protecting you what service does it provide it's a good question I wonder whether all this pump is necessary I wonder whether our status as sacred Untouchable antiqua is necessary and yet when I turn to The Virtuous turn to the teachings of my God and the gods that brought all of us into being this is the task they have assigned to me and yet we're here to protect you we're here to save your life but if it truly came to it would you really not use magic would you not protect yourself would you let yourself die I hope we never have to find out and he smiles at you it he feels he feels warm towards you it he's the most he's been on even in the journey up to this point the most likely to have a a real conversation with you and there's no there doesn't seem to be any sharpness or malice in those eyes roll me an Insight just see if you can tell of any anything deeper going on beneath the surface I can't tell I can't tell it's a two it's a two okay he's he strikes you as straightforward he strikes you as truthful and he strikes you as as having having accepted part of what you said to have been comfortable being challenged in his in his status let's um head up to the front to where uh Morgan and ellian and Kelis are um are plowing on in credible banter B EXT BS up friend yeah how many more spoons you made um yeah what are you what are you doing up there the two of you talking about the forest there's so many trees you said this right we're walking this if there one thing the two of us have in common it's a love of the forest of the Trees of the flowers the noise the movement whatever the forest gives it's the one thing we I've been pointing out all the different flowers and they they're they their qualities roll me a nature check with Advantage so roll twice and take the highest ooh that's a dirty 19 oh and a dirty 22 okay so and Delian you you um would have grown up knowing a little bit you know a fair amount really yes about the natural world you've never met anyone who knows as much as Kelis and Kellis I think you've probably never had as receptive a student or maybe any student um and so to have someone up I'm having time yeah nobody ever wants to talk to me about flowers and Moss yeah you know and as each as each new plant as each new cluster of of of flowers as each new Vine and bow hoves into view um you know and Deli and that you know with a with a even with just a look to kth he will immediately start to to um to to to talk about about what that is um and you even notice that kind of Morgan despite himself uh leans in and and and is starting to kind of take take note of you um roll me an Insight check KES ins 19 okay he's looking at you with respect um he as I said hasn't hasn't given much of himself hasn't you only know him as Morgan hasn't told you where he's where he's from you've never you I would suggest probably haven't particularly tried to interrogate him um but he falls into a kind of easy lock step with you and despite his usual kind of military style vigilance you can see he's sort of almost ready to take part in the conversation if invited in but doesn't quite know how to do it not used to small talk much I think and and I can I pick up on this yeah you do okay I think I can um I think I noticing this I want to open the door for him because I I respect this guy he seems like a like I said like a straightforward reasonable person um I say you know so Morgan what do you know of trees well um let me find out how much let me roll in nature for has a minus one dear he rolled Oh I thought he rolled at two he rolled at 12 okay seen it well um my my my grandfather grew fruit trees uh I know a little about that used to take cuttings and grow them apples pears just Dowing fruits really but um always seem something quite um honest about them you know you you you put in you get out what you put in stewing fruits are good did you ever climb the trees and a like a little half smile I was actually very good at climbing trees I bet you were still I'm still actually very good at climbing trees and you see Morgan has is um is he's got this crate he's he's wearing full plate armor like no sorry not full plate like a great big breastplate he's got these like spiked shoulder pads he's got this huge shield and a and a and a sword a long s that he's holding in one hand and he looks for a second he looks like a 12-year-old boy for a second he's like I probably I'll probably climb I'll probably climb any Tree on this mountain I reckon okay and I I I I I point to an oak about 30 ft away mhm and I say to Morgan I bet you can't climb that R me persuasion you got this come on a dir4 um okay he looked over his shoulder you you've kind of you you three are kind of used to walking longer distances than some and the antiqua are kind of reasonably slow so you're maybe 60 ft ahead at this point and he chances a look back over his shoulder and he goes cover for me and I'm he dashes to this he he hands his sword um to you K his shield to ellian it's this really heavy I mean properly heavy you guys are fine but you you're aware that that's a weighty piece of kid car Stu so you can climb trees and he's going to make um he's going to make an Athletics check to try and climb a tree oh he rolled five so you see you see so Morgan starts to he does that thing where it's not until you're at the base of the tree that you actually realize how tall the tree is and how there aren't really that many branches at low level that will allow you to start the climb so he tries to reach his hands up but he's inhibited by these great big spiky shoulder things that almost he can feel the pressure of on his on his ears and so you see decides not to do that so he tries to wrap his arms around the body of the trunk and sort of put his feet flat on it and and walk up the vertical um and he gets maybe two steps and then his foot slips uh and as as the foot comes back his head comes forward and um he he takes two points of blood face plants to the tree um and immediately um kind of jogs back uh um nose kind of slightly slightly bloodied um and goes oh J it's the TR sometimes the treat uh we don't listen listen you saw nothing right and I'm going to have him roll an intimidation check he rolled a five again so this this sort of slightly with his slightly blooming nose so nothing all right and you can't quite make it stick and sort of like sniffs and you see his eyes are slightly watering and he goes can I have my things back please now kis which one of these flowers is good for headaches the Silver Bells we'll get some Silver Bells you picked some silver bells in Delan did any of us notice it at the back I was going to say would it be possible for us to see it yeah you can all roll perception check I'll roll I'm going to roll collectively for the anally after just being told on okay right the antiqua the antiqua rolled a dir2 collectively every every everyone saw this radian I Sor I got 11 an 11 I got 11 as well an 11 eight an eight I'm going to say the three of you from where you are can't quite see that um um at this point though Morgan does look up and see that all the antiqua have sort of stopped and are sort of looking at him and he said uh I thought I heard something in the tree um he rolled he oh he has a he rolls a 15 um which I'm going to say let's see the inside yeah it doesn't work um but uh the an some of the antique are kind of kind enough at least not to um to sort of yeah point and laugh and um you hear a voice um from the back the voice of gr say we are lucky to have you my friend um and you start to you kind of continue your way up this mountain pass uh and I'll have the the two of you at the front and Morgan roll perception check so IND delion and Kelis and Morgan all roll perception I don't think Morgan's going to be much of a help because he rolled an eight what did IND Delian get only a 10 a 10 12 12 I'd say with a 12 you see a shape Kess not far from the pass as it winds its way round the edge of the mountain it's a it's a it's a beastial shape and it becomes apparent soon that it's a a bear with brown fur and a silver streak that runs all the way down its spine from the top of its head uh Ria nature check seven seven and you have no modifi that's with the modif that's with your modifi okay uh the bear doesn't look like it's imminently about to attack do you tell the others about the bear I think maybe i' give a little nod to ellian and and point it out to her Andel you can roll a perception with Advantage now cuz it's being pointed out so roll twice and take the highest uh 13 cuz I haven't okay 13 the the the bear doesn't look hostile if anything it looks kind of quizzical if that's possible on a bear um and it stands up on its hind legs [ __ ] its head to one side observes you and Morgan and Kelis and then seems to look down at the antiqua and the rest of the party and then just slopes off slopes off around the shoulder of the past and out of sight quizzical Bear gone [Music] bye-by I don't blame it for leaving if I would have heard of coming I would have left too um so is there anything else on this kind of this little part of the journey that people want to do that people would like to anything else they want anyone they want to watch out for guys I literally just want to pick up a pebble don't you dare throw it at the back of the gnome's head and then just hide okay roll me a ranged attack so it's a thrown quality so what I'd like what I'd like is it's not I don't want to do any damage no no no no no this is just to see whether or not it hits so it will be your strength not your dexterity because this is thrown yeah um so a D20 plus your strength modifier um and I'm going to say you're not I'm going to say you are proficient in throwing pebbles so you can add your efficiency B well in that case then it's a 19 it's a 19 you pretty much Bullseye the back of you pretty much Bullseye the back of this gnome's head um this gnome uh has a a big curved staff that stops just above their shoulder it's strapped to their back and it sort of curls in a swirling pattern and you managed to sort of Dart it through the swirl and it they have they have a sort of little green headband and it just punks off the off the the back of their head roll me a self check oh well 20 doesn't that 20 so okay um you you watch as this humming Little Gnome uh gets clocked on the back of the head and sort of looks around can't see you looks up to see whether it was rain and then on it goes just just keeps just keeps just keeps rolling along I perfectly content just to have been a minor nuisance minor has anyone seen I I is like breath on the Wind um uh radian just kind of he's been shuffling alongside um Dolly just um he's still holding the daisy chain that that Dolly gave him and just goes um I just want to say sorry for earlier um I know you were just trying to be funny with the with the spoons and yeah I just I I overreact it's fine I I you know we spent enough time together now that I I get it I just I I get I get quite stressed I know but you know why I'm doing that right I know I just I'm trying to bring you out of that stress it was a lot of spoons Cutlery can be scary I just want to say thank you for the daisy chain that's all right hold on to that what have you done given her a spoon showing the Dy which I then which I then which I think I like put on my wrist it's all about the spoons with you um so you continue to make your way up Barabas still shantana like the still this kind of constant soundtrack of he's there's a verse about the goddess's hair there's a verse about the goddess's hand there's a verse about the goddess's voice there's a verse about the goddess's eyes there's a verse about um the goddess's general Beauty Head Shoulders Knees and Toes yeah well essentially you know it has a it's it's like it's like it has a sort of um like a moris Dancy kind of that very sort of goddesses on the wall um uh and and as you as you're making your way up you you you start to hear and you start to become aware that there is there is a cloud line on the mountain like a really dense Cloud line um thick white cloud that doesn't allow you to see above it um I why don't you roll me perception because you're right in the middle of everything mhm um 16 16 um you hear the the human uh cleric who's again very sort of statues quite impressive um human uh who leans into the tling and says it it doesn't seem right to me it seems something's off something strange I've never seen Cloud on the mountain um but nevertheless you continue and you approach this Cloud line and the closer you get the more white and the more dense it appears are you still in the same order your same positioning in the in the group do you think so I at the moment I've got I in the middle I've got Morgan and Delan and kis at the front I've got Dolly and radian kind of at the back think we maybe stay the same formation but maybe tighten up a little bit tight okay yeah having heard that I'm going to progress go back to the like move forward again okay not aware that I am a smaller creature you know and that my strengths aren't necessarily lying in you know strength um I will remain just slightly behind but I am staring forward now because I have picked up on I've just that overwhelming sense of something's not right something's not quite right okay so You' you've kind of all concertina up a little bit um and there's nothing visible Above This Cloud line and the pass leads you up and then you enter the clouds and it's for the first time you you're suddenly aware of how high up you are it's not you know you you should have on an Ascent of this height have felt some change in your body's ability to to breathe or like heaviness in your legs or maybe you wouldn't be able to walk as far but it's been like walking on flat land something to do with the stones perhaps the magic in them the mountain pass itself the grip it offers but there's been no impediment and yet suddenly your legs start to feel a little heavier and the cloud is cold and it's damp and it it's it's suddenly sharp on your skin and your scales and that gentle warmth of the lower slopes feels like it's fading and as you take a breath that first breath in the cloud there's this moment when air doesn't immediately come to your lungs but then it does it it it it arrives but it's it's a little thinner it's a little harder to find that breath it's not mechanically going to affect anything in terms of your walking speed or anything like that and the and and it thickens further the further in you go and it's is so dense that even um let's have um ellian and Dolly make perception checks to just be able to see the people next to you only 11 for me an 11 dirty 20 a dirty 20 so you can still make out um radian um but it's like peering through MC it kind of takes a long time to do it and there are sounds that you can hear like a ragged breathing and it it's hard to discern whether it's in front of you or behind you it might be the antiqua but it it feels odd and Delan you can't you are you are almost walking blind at the moment in this In This Cloud is grono close to me right grov is close to you can I uh sort of shout out to gr is this normal what is what's happening here no no this is this is something quite strange cilus and you hear these voices now as the as those kind of more leaderly you hear carius and and and Runa and Barabas starting to sort of call out to each other making sure can you hear me yes I'm still here you know you can hear them slightly starting to panic is too strong a word but there's an awareness that something is off something is odd and and then the the cloud continues and it's minutes of climbing through this Cloud calling out to each other concering up more it almost feels liquid now the cloud on you and go ahead raan uh I think we need to um our our literally our job here circle the wagons a little bit Yeah I think we need to I think we need to kind of like group everyone together because this is if it's been minutes now this isn't passing and if they're nervous about it so I think um I'd say Dolly I think we need to do something about this yeah agreed um so I'm going to show to those guys I think we need to kind of form a a protective Circle as it were uh has anyone seen I where's I just here from from the from the mess and the cloud you is here is here Morgan Morgan y we have to gather everyone together it's not safe right I'll hold the front those of you who can surround the antiqua cleric stay in the center and they start to to kind of bunch together so um where are you it's it's hard to tell where you are but where are you trying to position yourselves both kind of we behind Morgan weren't we yes we' probably Morgan in the very front then you guys are kind of on the shoulders if you like the group left and right and we're actually using um make the suggestion that we use Barabas singing in order to locate where great keep singing keep singing everyone move in the direction of Barabas singing did come to shant um I'm going to have Morgan and in fact why doesn't everyone roll perception please Morgan rolled pretty good if none of you guys did seven seven dirty 20 dirty 20 five five sorry 11 and 14 okay so Dolly you're further towards the back you can just about see this but certainly Morgan sees it and definitely you see it kis there is light through the clouds but like the clouds are glowing gold and then sort of um watered purples and Blues greens Reds Amber as it tries to push its way through this cloud coverage and the longer you walk the the brighter it gets you keep walking Barabas still singing everyone's still clustering together and then you break through the cloud cover and the world has changed the past has given way to a a flat plateau of blackened Stone and twisting gnarled trees and the only brightness is this storm of light in the sky amethysts and Golds and whites and blues and greens and reds swirling and battling for the sky and this is where we will bring in a little set piece so let's bring the stuff in oh my God okay so you come through the cloud line and as if by Magic we have our our minis here this is so you come through the cloud line um Everybody roll me perception checks in this dark blackened Plateau I got an at 20 okay andian you get a badge you you hear something before you see it it's a labored snarling snapping and is it you see oh no wolves wolves that are that are somehow corrupted their flesh look at this eaten away their bodies blighted somehow I'm going to have to come around and I'm afraid gosh there so many of them there two in a very inconvenient place for you all oh no these are on a large basis so imagine that they are a breast on the pathway okay okay [Music] um and the these six blighted wolves uh start to lope in from all sides immediately Morgan shouts protect the antiqua and you hear calls from the antiqua pushing past you you hear Barabas he stopped singing make way make way and they climb straight up on this Rocky outcrop the um four of you and Morgan wrapping yourselves around it uh and I still in the center of that throng who goes up onto the rocky outcrop with uh the antiqua everybody roll ini go um and I will call this uh I will call this um because it's easier so um anyone get a 20 or higher and Delan 20 okay so and Delan and and oh so what's your dexterity modifier my uh dexterity is oh wait your inititive plus yes plus four and what's yours in Delan my dexterity is plus two okay so we'll go I first then and Delian actually I got a20 as well wow what your exter plus three okay so we're going to go a s doly sand I then we'll go Dolly then we'll go ellian um 15 to 19 I got a 15 a 15 very dirty very filthy covered in mud let me do that and then we have radian and then Kellis what did you get nine a nine okay so if you let me just if you'll please just let me uh write these last ones down a nine for Kess and then and then little Morgan big lad okay so there's this Rush as you join the antiqua up on this High Rocky outc crop on this blackened platform are you act first y um so with the assumption that uh these wolves are going to very rapidly move in and probably be within uh within 5T of of one of my allies y uh rather than waste my hide after I'm going to I would like to hide now using the uh people around me to immediately fire off uh a shot with my light crossbow okay so roll me a stealth check please uh so that's a 16 a 16 passes okay so you are hidden yep so I would like [Music] to uh take a shot you have one here which is close to Morgan and to ellion and then two further away here another one that's very close to Morgan and Kelis and then you have two all the way back there which I'm not sure exactly on the range of it I would suggest it's probably it's probably 30 ft to the edge there so I would say it's probably about 70 ft uh maybe let's call it 80 ft I know I could I have an 80 ft range great so you could hit those back ones as well so I guess it's the question of do I want to go for one that might be we don't know the hit points it might be you know immediately about to attack Kelis or is it worth hitting one of these while they have got further to run I think I am going to trust in I think I is going to sorry run into this all the time um I think I is going to trust kis and Morgan on this side um and is going to make a snap decision that radian is looking pretty where's indel indan is right back here just behind the she's she's within um she's 15 feet from um from Morgan yeah okay so ra radian looking pretty bare over there I'm I was going to take a shot at the that this one here so the furthest the furthest one away to the uh to the left hand side let's call him graah let's call him let's give them all names okay so could you make a make an attack and you can make that attack with Advantage from hidden yeah yes I want it to 13 proficiency with a crossbow so 15 15 so you rolled a 13 on the die yeah okay so that would be it would be higher than that because your proficiency bonus is plus two which is a 15 but then you'd also add your dexterity modifier which is a plus three I think you have a plus five to hit with your crossbow uh or is it a plus six your action crossbow it is a proficient yes so if you go into actions it say it's here oh plus six plus six so that becomes an 18 right is that that become a that's correct was it a 12 year old or a 13 I WR a 13 okay so it becomes a 19 so it's just the HS so you fire a single crossbow bolt into this blighted um this this blighted wolf so it's uh obviously with stealth so let's let's do your damage on that first so that I think is is at 1 d8 1 d8 plus four plus four yeah so uh that's a five so that's nine nine damage and then let me do two D6 go on I that's a five that's a six wow okay you thud a bolt into this into this creature and it it sort of snars and snaps as it hits it in the flank and there's a second where it looks as if it's going to kind of drop but then the the the shoulder now appears to be dislocated and yet it's still snarling and snapping this this this one four leg almost hanging loose underneath the weight of its body uh that is Dolly's turn um okay well uh I think I'm going to also go for Graham I think he's probably the closest to me um ish um and I'm going to uh cast uh dis Whispers I'm going to be like no it's not the time um and uh that is a wisdom saving through okay not now gram that's a 13 on the day becomes a 14 yeah that's a um that's a well it it's exceeds so that's half damage okay um so that would be two D6 um and it doesn't have to move away from me o 10 10 yeah okay oh great it's uh it's not looking good but it's still looking up oh and then um I'm going to uh lean back at danion and be like uh this is all because you wanted a little bit more action so you better make it good and cast Bic inspiration can you explain how Bic inspiration works yeah so now Bic inspiration means that I've just just inspired you uh into this battle and um you can know uh add a D6 uh to um attack uh skill check well it'll probably be an attack um rule but um or saving through or saving through as well um once the die is R but before you know the outcome so you know it's kind of like on a feel it out basis mhm you got this so you have Bic inspiration and it is your turn inan you are back here yeah so this is Graham right uh Graham is here that's actually kind of too far for me anyway mhm so I'm going to go for the one that's closest to me so you'd like to move into that one that's closest to you yeah so that's very easy to do 10t of movement and you move and you're all up in this Wolf's business all up in so Peter from I'm obviously going to try and hit for with a short sword okay so make an attack so uh D2 roll of well that's a 19 with my strength amazing right that's super hits super hits super hits cool so short sword for me is uh D6 plus four it's six so hit for 10 10 damage uh okay so this this you slash again across the kind of muzzle this learing muzzle of this of this uh wolf that's up on its hind legs ready to sort of pounce at you um and you C this deep gash from ear to the edge of its Jawbone and you see that the the flesh sort of like opens it's it's like and it's and within it you see it's it's festering it's all it's like it's darkened it's like it's it's it's unnatural in some way and let's try and go this way okay rolling attack with your dagger go so my D20 I that's a 24 yeah I mean that that also does hit me yeah congratulations so my my dag is a D4 plus five piercing D4 in these nails cocked that's a four instead of wow uh four plus five it's I hit for nine nine damage okay wow so this thing looks like it's been it looks like it's been in a fight as you slash with your sword you then in the dagger and and again it goes through like the the other cheek and you feel the flesh give way it's almost unnaturally soft it's like it's not like move it there like there's no muscle no resistance it's just something that's kind of rotting festering from the inside um that is the Wolves at the back's turn unless there is anything else you would like to do with your turn no because I only get one shot yeah uh action surging and I'm not exactly overwhelmed at the moment so no let's leave that come no wait why you stood up cuz I going to moov the Wolves can I move is it easier I don't know I don't know um yeah uh maybe I'm going to say that they can get oh God right I am actually going to climb on the table is welcome to the I'm so I'm going to say imag this is just an issue with the size of the bases but imagine if you would that those two wolves are side by side um and that is oh no you know what yeah they've got 50 ft of movement speed they're going do something far more fish sorry Dolly oh God D they're going to Dash and they're going to flank you oh God these are intelligent creatures despite their horror okay oh no so they are they are going to be within five feet of you that is their whole movement that is their whole turn the tankiest of okay uh that is Ran's turn um watch this I watch this I'm thinking I could do I can do two things here um I get rid of Graham like Graham s grah or I just feel I feel like Dolly's about to get hit hard I it um I would like to cast uh how close are they to Dolly they like right they are literally in Dolly space they are within 5 fet of her and so I ask this of you yes um I ask this of you sir if I was to fire off um if I was the fire off web yes would that restrain their um here's what you can do with these these measure radiuses and and what you can try and do is position it in such a way where it doesn't affect squares the square that dolly is on yes these are larger creatures so they are taking up more spaces which actually helps you in this case Okay um what is it that you would like to do and what is the radius of web uh web is a 20ft cube a 20ft cube so here's a 20ft cube this larger mhm so you could place it there yeah pretty much and that very comfortably doesn't hit doy we love we love to see it love to see it thank you for buying this e thought it might be handy who knew yeah that's what we're going to do I'm going to fire off I'm going to fire off a sweet sweet web okay so what do they have to do the spell they must take a dexterity saving throw mhm on a failed saving restrained as long as it remains in the web or breaks free okay so here we go I'm going to do the one further over to this side towards K side when do I'm allowed to say um watch this now oh you're allowed to say watch this at any point I turn around to doll I show her my I show her my daisy chain watch this the first one rolls a it's a dexterity saving throw the first one rolls an eight which becomes a 10 and the next one rolls a four which becomes a six what's your spell safe DC uh 13 so they both fail hell yeah so they are both now restrained and that means their speed becomes zero it can't um take opportunity attacks if you leave it space um oh actually it doesn't mean that it can't it speed becomes zero attacks against them have Advantage so you would roll twice and take the highest and attacks they make would have disadvantage so they would roll twice and take the lowest um and they have disadvantage on any dexterity saving throws or spells that require dexterity saving throws that is Graham's turn Okay one two three four five six oh oh he moves in to gram his his eyes Savage his breath rank um rolls a 15 silvery barbs yes okay so describe how silvery barbs works so silvery barbs forces um that it's I'm using a momentary distraction and I'm going gra no I don't say G that's not canon is glass can d boy um and that that we use that disadvantage or to create disadvantage for gram um and um I'd be like you got this and give the advantage to radian on his next turn so radian gets advantage on his next turn and greme has to roll his attack right yes that's correct sorry and take the lure he rolled a nine which misses I'm assuming what's your AC um what is my AC 13 13 okay so you see Graham rushes in rears up on his hind legs and he goes to bite you to to sink his teeth into your exposed neck your bronze skin with these scars that have Riven across it and at the last moment it's almost like he twists and jerks and falls off to one side is somehow off balance his head snaps towards Dolly snaps back to you he seems confused and that is his turn and he says not today the Beautiful in that moment like literally radi turning around and going boom and then Dolly tur around going boom so good is this other wolf I tell you what both ellian or could he one two three four five six seven8 going to go for Morgan um he's going to rush towards Morgan and attack that is a six 16 + five to hit so he sinks his teeth into Morgan for um eight damage um and then you watch as as the bite takes hold oh no oh no uh you see this black almost like an ior this manifestation of whatever has corrupted the Flesh of these creatures pours into Morgan and you hear him like cry out in agony and he also takes two points of necrotic damage so he takes 10 damage total um that is Kel's turn okay have a plan if I'm allowed to do it please I love plans so it I can move and I can attack and can I do a bonus action as well yes as long as that bonus action is something that requires a bonus action so for example certain spells only take a bonus action um so I'd have to know what it was you wanted to do in the entire turn okay what I want to do where does it tell you if it's if if a spell can be a bonus action uh tell me what the you want to try skin you want to cast bark skin but not on me okay and what else do you want to do in the town I want to move to Dolly yeah it's it bark skin his touch yep um so I want to cast bark skin on Dolly yes and then I want to call my Wildfire Spirit okay so read me out your Wildfire Spirit what it says about um how to summon your Wildfire spirit so Wildfire spirit is part of your um it's a bonus action wild CH it's a bonus action so perfect you can absolutely do that so are you okay for me to move you your mini obviously rather than you um I am moved you'd like to I've moved you since the very beginning um so Kelis Mo moves over here touches Dolly and casts bark skin on her can you describe what it can you read what it says on the C what it means is that um Dolly's AC can't be less than 16 oh nice wow oh wow wow one action you touch a willing creature it lasts up to one hour now it has it requires concentration and concentration basically means that you you can't cast any other spells that require concentration and if you take damage you have to roll a special little saving throw to make sure that that spell doesn't drop so you are over here Kell and you are concentrated we' got props we' got props um marvelous thanks K and then as a bonus action you'd like to summon your Wildfire Spirit yes I'm just checking to make sure it doesn't require concentration I don't believe it will if it's a wild shape it's wild shape is a kind of it's a very I don't think it takes a wild shape slot either um it doesn't say it's a certain as an action ah okay starting at second level you can assume a primal Spirit bound to your soul as an action you can expend one use of your wild shaped feature so it's not a bonus action I'm afraid it is an action it's under bonus actions in my thing okay I'm not sure what to tell you okay um I'll do something else then can I do something else yeah absolutely okay um I will uh cast as a c trip and I can cast this as well cast shalele on my staff can you do a bonus action can trip yeah I think you can okay cool you cast shalele on your staff um describe what that does for for the for the folks at home for the folks at home shalele um it you can only cast it on wooden weapon mhm uh the wood of a club or Quarter Staff you are holding is imbued with Nature's power for duration you can use your spellcasting ability instead of strength for the attack and damage roles of melee attacks using that weapon and the weapon's damaged die becomes a d8 uh the weapon also be becomes magical if it isn't already the spell ends if you cast it again or if you let go of the weapon brilliant and it's not a concentration spell it doesn't say concentration concentration fantastic so uh that is your turn which brings us round two these wolves over here okay one of which is going to attack IND delion because you have really frustrated it so far you've made its day worse that is an 18 on the die sorry an sorry a 13 on the Die With A plus five becomes an 18 to hit um I've got Armor class 14 so yeah so it bites into you for seven damage Co and you see that it um just as you saw on Morgan this black viscous ier comes out of it for another four damage okay so that's 11 damage total um then this other this other wolf is going to come in and attack Morgan and using an something they have called pack tactics they're going to get advantage in on that roll because they have an ally within 5T so they're going to roll twice and take the highest that's a 14 to hit which doesn't hit um that's a an 18 which Just Hits um more Morgan it's is kind of blindsided by this by this wolf he's just dealing with the one that's done that damage to him and they're attacking on his shield side but he can't quite get the shield round in time and I I'm rolling so well on this damage that's another eight damage to Morgan from the bite and I've rolled I haven't rolled lower than a five on a D6 and all of these attacked great um so that is another 13 damage to Morgan how is he looking Morgan is looking pretty bad really quite bad you see that there's a second as this other wolf bites into him avoiding the shield and the spikes on his shoulders that his his his his strength seems to leave him for a moment um that is his turn and he is going to bonus action Second Wind he is a multiclass paladin one level of fighter so he's going to use his second wind as a bonus action to get One D 10 plus one and he rolled a nine so he gets 10 HP back um so he's now looking a little bit more healthy um and he is going to uh uh he is going to attack with his long sword the one that just did the damage to him uh he rolls a g one so God um it's good God Morgan you fraud um between this the Prett sure you can't anything at this point he has this um uh this this moment when you see kind of Life flood back into him and he's already started that swing with his long sword towards this wolf and it's almost like the new kind of vigor that runs through his body causes him to overshoot he sort of swings around clatters his long sword into the Rock um and that is I mean he could try and leave he'd take two opportunity attacks and he'd leave Delian and I don't think he'd do that so he's going to stay there and he's he's going to fight um that is that is backr well at the at the end of this the the the antiqua have seen what's happening and I you're aware of like arguments breaking Out Among the antiqua on that on that Rocky outcrop um and grono is turning up up to those around him and going we have to do something we have to do something and you hear Barabas voice saying that that this is the task that they were set Gro says their task was not to die on the slopes of the mountain and this argument is continuing as we get to initiative 20 uh at the top of the next round and the wolves are going to attempt to do something I'm going to have them roll a a luck check essentially they all kind of lean back and give this gutteral howl if they roll over a 10 they rolled a seven okay so their damage die changes if that howl is successful it goes up um it it that does not happen on this round so it we are backr to eye you are no longer hidden you are within the Malay um two questions for you one if I were to drop off that highest point down any fall damage from that I think I would say it's probably looking at it if Morgan is maybe 6 and 1/2t tall I would say it's probably 10 ft um and I think that would be 1d6 but I will just make sure yeah 1d6 blooding damage per 10 ft Fallen okay um gra are looking good if I were to wait this is not the that's not initiative Works Dar if I were to um Attack One of come forward to attack in melee yeah one of these webbed wolves yes getting that close do I become webbed or I'm able to out no I I don't believe web continues to insens snare after it's been cast Okay so in that case I would like to rush forward mhm um and as I Rush forward um I say to what's g off gr gr I I run past and I say um do something do nothing it does not matter to I and I and I and I don't challenge him to do nothing and I and I change to my I whip up my two daggers which are finesse which means as they're within 5T not only do I um not only do I get sneak attack because they're within 5T but also I have a bonus action um with this finesse weapon which is two weapon fighting which would be um uh another attack another attack with my to this one that I put the one closest to you right okay so you have advantage on the RO anyway because those creatures are restrained so okay so that's uh I mean a 19 it's a 25 brilliant so then let's roll if you'd like to bonus AC let's roll both of those attacks with Advantage for your two daggers okay yeah um daggers are you did you take a two weapon fighting fighting style uh yeah I've got it as my bonus action Okay so I think you will you will not add your proficiency bonus to this second one that's what I believe two weapon fighting two weon yeah so two weapon fighting is no Prof bonus on the second second so you now roll twice and add just your dexterity modifier not your proficiency bonus so normally you'd add plus six to R plus four so roll with Advantage no so let's just do both the [Music] attacks uh so five plus four so we've got a nine nine then a 20 dirty a dirty 20 okay so you hit twice y uh one of which you uh in fact they're both the same aren't they at this point yeah one one plus four plus four five y two okay so six so 11 damage yep and then sneak attack sneak attack baby go go on go on go on yes come on two six okay so that was that a two and a six or accumul two and then oh sorry it was eight it was eight so that's 19 damage um which does some serious damage to this one that's closest to you that is restrained um that is Dolly's ter uh's going to she's almost finding this funny how quickly the tables have turned uh she's seeing uh Kus has helped a little bit so she's feeling a little bit more confident she sees eye running in she's going to draw herself up to her full height um put put her hands out like this and go D boys but the you almost don't hear the clap straight away it's like it's almost silent and it just ripples out towards them and she's casting shatter on both of those wolves in front of them which is a saving throw for them um that is a constitution yeah it's cons so the first one rolls a 10 which becomes a 12 they def they have disadvantage uh they have disadvantage on dexterity savings race oh so it's 13 they need to be okay so first one doesn't get it the next one rolls a an 11 which becomes a 13 okay so one passes one fails okay so uh it is um it's 3d8 on a fail or half as much on a success okay so roll 3d8 and then we'll har it for okay and I'm I'm going to say I'm going to say that the one that failed is the one that I has already done damage to thanks you got this got this uh uh that is 11 11 damage so 11 damage this one and then five damage to the other okay so that one is really quite hurt that one is looking pretty much okay and Delan how long does Bic inso last you you you have it until you use it I'm going to use it on this one only because see see how you go first cuz you might not need it okay what it what it can't do is it can't get you an at 20 so and you can only use it on the D20 roll yeah so I'm so but see what you can do is before you declare that you want to use it roll and see if you think you're going to hit if you roll a 12 and you think like oh well if I got another five then yeah Happy Days okay okay well I R I rolled a seven seven plus uh four so I rolled an 11 okay do you want to add it yes okay so you now roll a D6 and add that to the roll okay which is a five which becomes a 16 which does hit good news had a couple of 20s in a row and I was like okay right so um it's short sord I want to take the one in front of me down because I need to get round to Morgan y so short sword for me is a D6 plus four so it hits for eight it hits for eight damage okay um you have a bonus action attack if you want to take it that didn't do enough uh so I'm going to hit with my dagger as well then y uh so that's uh 19 hits so then that's a D4 plus five unless it was a four it doesn't count and it was a one so it's a six it's it's really badly hurt it's badly badly hurt this thing you this time as you stab into it you stab right into the roof of its mouth and you hear like a welp like a like a kind of a more you're hearing a more animal sound you're hearing a less a less necrotic aberration sound you're starting to hear more of the animal beneath it okay then I'm going to action surge cuz I want this thing down yep so that is a D12 oh D12 so no no no you were rolling the wrong die so you're unlikely to hit so roll a D20 oh yeah sorry that's okay that's totally okay they look very similar they look very similar okay so that's a 9 plus four so that for me would be a he uh 13 yeah that hits just thank God okay right so that will be a D6 Plus four which it hits for nine okay destroy it yes it is if you ever filled a balloon with paint it is like I have taken my sword through this thing's stomach and it is just that black liquid just comes straight on out it's all over my boots it's all up my legs but my God that thing is on the floor they like those omelets that you just is ky ky om it is done so what so this this we we wave goodbye to the Wolves I see we've stopped giving them cute names these days Peter I'm so sorry we haven't know the one um so what you can do is you still have movement and a bonus action so you can still move and attack yeah another WF I'm going to swing around the one that's closest to closest to me that's on Morgan I'm going to try and just whack my dagger into that one so make an attack roll against come on so that is a 15 a 15 hits so my dagger is a D4 plus five plus five five six seven seven seven okay um I can still take a bonus action can't [Music] I I thought the bonus action was your second bonus action is SEC is action surge so action surge for me is under special okay let me just see if it's a bonus action or if it's just an weapon fighting doesn't she yes but that's not that's nothing that's not necessarily relevant this particular moment um uh you you have a so is your action split as a let me just read this uh you you your second attack is your bonus action fine as I understand it um so you've taken an action to attack a bonus action to attack you've used Second Wind you've taken an action to attack movement and then a bonus to attack bonus action to attack so that is everything done stop it's already dead I I was going to try and second win cuz I took I took a pretty mean hit earlier ah yes of course so I was actually going to try and sa yourself I was actually going to try and save myself um yeah okay so that is um these Wolves at the back the first one is going to snap at um let's snap at I eyes come over and stuck a stuck a thingy into him he has disadvantage so he rolled a 10 which becomes a 15 and a 15 which becomes a 20 so 10 becomes 15 I have an ac15 you have an ac15 okay can I ask a question yes these these These Walls here sorry to keep bringing up web it says at the beginning of each turn it has to take a deck saving throw oh you didn't tell me that oh sorry um each creature that's in the web at the beginning has to take a dexterity saving throw at the beginning of their turn each creature that starts its turn in the webs or that enters them during its turn must take a deck saving throw on a fail save the creature is restrained as long as it remains in the web or Until It Breaks free so my interpretation of that but but it's so it's already in the web yes but at at the beginning of each turn it will then have to continue taking that dexterity saving throw okay so am I am I no I mean I think yeah I think it's less advantageous to you your version than my ruling yeah because I was just saying there were still restrains trying to break but but I guess it can try let's let's say it's rather than doing that that's fair enough we'll wreck on that and so that 15 apologies I don't make it worse so how do I how does it how does it mechanically break free so I imagine that what it's doing it's it's does it say on the card how it can try to break free um or does it just say uses it action to break no it just says each creature that starts its turn in the webs or that enters them during its turn must make a dexterity saving throw okay so I'm going to say it has to beat your spell save in order to break free yeah and it's used its action and it's rolled of 15 to do that yeah uh actually it strength save yeah its strength save is would would be a actually no it would be a 13 because it doesn't have proficiency and strength saving throws M so it's a 13 to attempt to break free of yeah my spell save DC is 13 okay so it's used its action but it's now free of restraint that's its turn why have you done this they're going to be dead the next one is going to do the same thing rolls a six which becomes a nine so that remains restrained uh and that is its turn it seems odd to me that it points out that it can it attacks with disadvantage and yet there seems to be no mechanic for it to attack without rrolling a saving throw but we'll we'll we'll we'll move on with that as we are for now to bring it up is it that sorry to um investigate it but would it be that they do that and then they're able to do their turn afterward so they do the the saving I assume that it would be they do the um saving throw and then if they're able to be free of that then they can take their turn if not then they're restrained okay sure so in that case we'll say it takes an attack am might being am I being CRA I don't want I don't think you're being I don't think you're being crazy I think you're it's it's totally fine you're making it harder for you I'm I'm sort of I'm sort of I'm sort of ruling in a in a slightly more um I'm ruling in a slightly more lenient way for the party sorry that's fine um so in that case it's going to take an attack at you um and it's going to do so with Advantage because it has an ally within 5T evenant the is not incapacitated um so that's a dirty 20 well um that is uh oh it rolled a one on the damage so that's a three three piercing damage and uh two necrotic damage uh and that is its turn and then the second one will attack Dolly this time with disadvantage it rolled a 13 which becomes an 18 and a 15 which becomes a dirty 20 hellish rebuke okay how does that work uh so uh the creature that damaged me is momentarily surrounded by Flames uh the creature must make a deck saving throw and it's a 2d1 fire damage on a failed or half as much on a successful sure so I need to roll its damage first uh which is four piercing and five necrotic so nine damage total okay uh and now it has to roll a deck save or take 2d1 did you say that's right its deck save is uh an 11 it's a fail okay I love your chocolate box it's like a tin of quality you know what it reminds me of the trunch bll sweets chocolates and Matia makes things really hard to I gave wrong number ear it's 24 hit point me not 22 okay so I'm down to 19 now I apologize that I've made everything harder for everyone but also isn't it fun it is loving life all the lack [Music] thereof 17 17 damage well okay that's quite a lot of damage it's still up but it's looked better sorry um radian that is your turn because of my proximity because the proximity that I am to that um wolf there y uh toward to Graham Graham um would my spells take do less damage uh so when you aim a ranged attack at an opponent that is within 5T of you you have disadvantage on that attack roll so you would have disadvantage on a spell attack but if you wanted to cast for example chromatic orb which requires you to roll you'd have disadvantage if you wanted to roll something which would make it do a saving throw it's unaffected and you can also turn around and attack any of the others without um without taking movement provoking opportunity attack or having disadvantage on that role okay I'm going to cast um magic Missile at level two okay um which means uh I create four yeah glowing DTS of Magical Force each Dart hits a creature of my choice that I can see within range a dart deals 1 D4 plus one force damage to its Target okay the darts all strike simultaneously and you can direct them to hit one creature or several okay so can I choose can I roll can I do I choose who I want to hit first and then roll it uh you don't need yeah you don't need to roll any you don't need to roll an attack so you just tell me which creatures these four darts affect it's whether you stack it all or go yeah whether you stack I'm a bit like I'm a bit like grae's been around for too long and SE these things are damage sponges he's loitering over me like that's crazy I feel like you guys can can get rid of those there you've got three on you're fine maybe okay all three of us yeah we're fine well maybe you know then I'm thinking you've taken you've taken your turn haven't you you've taken your turn you've taken your turn I got back there I got got two no I haven't got Morgan I've Got a Boy Scout with a bad arm okay I'm going to attack gra I'm going to attack gr and I'm just going to I'm just going to pmel GRA with with all four how much damage did Graham take I um I bet initially gram Graham took some damage gram is a I will say Graham is a long way from full health I'll tell you what roll roll an Insight check it was the first attack wasn't it I got sneak attack pretty hefty one uh it'll be a 13 okay gram would gra is is close to death okay I'm GNA put um I'm close to gra close to death I just don't just don't want gra to hit me um I'm going to put two I'm going to put two into gra okay and then I'm going to put one and then I'm going to put the other two into the really super weaken one so you're going to put two into Graham and two into the weaker one around the front here yeah okay so roll one so let's roll them for gram first so it's 1 D4 plus one gram I wish you did uh that's three plus that's four okay I'm four again okay uh destroy him yes so graeme's been snarling at me for a while um and he's just thrashing around and um uh basically what happens is uh radian holds out his hands like this and from his wrists he just flicks them like that and these two darts just go straight into this Wolf's eyes and the eyes just burst like that and his skull just breaks apart and and like a bit earlier these things are just full of of puss and and and blood and it just spatters all over his face and then he immediately turns around and does exactly the same thing and decides to fire on the next Target okay that's a two mhm and a five okay so it becomes a seven mhm destroy him yes and immediately turns around and does exactly the same thing and it hits them directly between the eyes like that and the head explodes in the same way that it did before this time all over a dolly watch this um and um he kind of like he looks at her because like with like the daisy chain exposed the daisy chain exposed and just kind of mouths thank you thanks I guess it's such a beautiful moment I like the idea that in this moment Dolly's taking all of it because she's right in front of um Kellis so kis is like totally freak cuz Dolly taking it and then the rest of it is just entirely gone over eyes or the blood has gone over eyes head cuz he's so small Dolly meanwhile uh okay stinks this is that makes it oh the wolf this Wolf's turn and I'm afraid there's nothing for it but chowing down on Morgan some more because that gets advantage on the roll R and Nat one but rolls with Advantage it has a plus five to hit Morgan's AC is 18 roll 17 on the DI rolls five plus two piercing and one necrotic so that's eight damage he had at least 10 HP because he healed from but Morgan is very very hurt yeah we've got the and that is Kel's turn okay what what's the little ring around my character you are concentrating so you can can you cannot cast another spell that says concentration on it and if you take damage you have to roll a saving throw to maintain concentration on that spell okay can I break can I break away from this little formation without um inciting an attack of opportunity are you in its space I would say you're not within its space so actually yes you can you can move freely it's it's also of restraint isn't it yes but that doesn't mean it can't take opportunity attacks you're a bit like what if it's well it's made a it made a big difference yeah okay um I think then I had a plan in mind and that's Chang I just had that idea and I just completely changed my idea can I just say as well I've just noticed that the like the terrain below the cloud cover is all Lush and then it passes so good yeah no I mean he's he's phenomenal so good he's amazing absolutely Stella okay what I think I'm going to do then is I'm I'm just going to break away about I don't know 10 ft okay 10 ft in which direction uh towards towards Morgan get off I get off get off I because I can I can kind of see that that these three have this one wolf in front of them they can probably handle it and I've been hearing Morgan go yeah you can hear that Morgan is is royally so I turn around I take a few steps and I cast scorching Ray at the wolf I can see in front of Morgan okay so so this one on the extreme side here okay looks like a straight line yep absolutely so how does scorching Ray work please D okay uh it doesn't require concentration great uh you create three rays of fire and hurl them at Targets within range you can hurl them at one target or several make a ranged spell attack for each Ray on a hit the target takes 2 D6 fire damage okay so do you want to roll do you want to attack the one with all three or do you want to split them hang on when you cast a spell using a spell oh never never mind okay sorry would you like to attack just that one with the three or would you like to split them much in the way that radian did can I split it yes absolutely you may you can you can see line sight to both and also you asked to move 10 ft you got 30 ft of movement if it requires you you to move one thing would the ray pass through the wolf Delian though no no I don't believe so it's single Target area ofair you just grown your eyebrows my just come back please the fire with this group so you'd like to do how many at which W I'd like to do two at the wolf in front of Morgan and one at the one in front of Andel okay so roll the two at the Morgan wolf first please just roll them one after the other and then we can do the damage in a moment it's called the Nancy and Patricia n and please let's we must we simply must ncy and Patricia come on Patty and then who is this Nigel in front of us that's [ __ ] that's Nigel yes' got Nancy Patricia n n all righty um 17 plus six that's got to be a hit very much hit so that's one hit on that one that's a just and a 9 plus six uh 15 hits so two hits iage do four D6 for that one would you like some extra d6s I've got two you got I'll do I'll that's okay you can roll twice moves ever closer come put your hand three damage for one Ray and six for the other okay so nine damage total uh okay still up okay and then one one near and delion 7 + 6 13 just hit they've got the flesh is hang off them they're not hard to hit five damage five damage okay that one looks still looks still looks pretty good um quite nervous it's the one over here and it's going to do what it needs to do which is attack Morgan with Advantage due to pack tactics they r a 19 on its first R see if it crits I'm going to see if it crits it doesn't that that is five piercing damage and three necrotic damage you see Morgan drop okay it's fine it's fine it's fine we can it's fine and I mean you hear um you hear the antiqua suddenly up in arms grooth at this point just shouts this is madness and he is I'm going to roll Initiative for him and see if he rolls higher than the current he rolled a KN 20 um so I'm going to bring grono in and I'm going to let him take an action now um let me have a quick look at what he has he has um he is going to cast a mass healing word oh hello oh um it's a third level spell it can pick six creatures of his choice that he can see within range to regain one D4 plus five he picks all of you and Morgan and he puts his hand out and you see see this moat of Divine Light and then s back into his hand and the spell fails and nothing happens and the and the antiqua at this point are panicking they all start trying to cast Mass healing word every single one of them Mass healing word mass healing word Moes of light suck back into the hand suck back into the hand suck back into the hand there's there's there seems to be something preventing this magic from taking effect what grono is going to do is grono is going to jump down off there and he is going to use all of his movement to put himself in the Harm's Way and get over towards the body of uh of Morgan um that is Morgan's turn Morgan is going to roll a death saving throw not that one not that one Morgan rolls are four that's one fail at three fails Morgan is is is Dead Morgan is gone forever yeah that is um initiative 20 the wolves are going to try and increase their damage die and they rolled nine it's a 10 and a half they would have got it um what are you are you I'm on the side of the story um the the the antiqua now are really panicking I'm going to just roll for one more member of them I'm going to yeah carus rolls a seven so cilus will come in on initiative seven which is here and I'm going to roll for Muna Runa as well because she's come Ona Runa rolls a 14 so Runa is going to come in there as I see as I see Runa obviously clearly going right SC I'm coming in I just want to look over at her and go you see in this moment like all of that any level of like and and and like there's you you see this Warrior you know all that clumsiness that that insecurity that happened when she was trying to read That's all gone she's got her blood lust up now um that is eyes turn okay so we were saying we obviously had a discussion about reloading bolts saying it's a free action yeah now if I have I'm using a fraction to change weapon then it means that the bolt has to be a bonus action load or mate it's cool it's cool if you can if you can do a legal ass style flick into the thing and and swing that thing up with One in the Chamber already I'm I'm happy for you great I trust right now that between Dolly and radian this dude has already taking damage so what Do's like but I'm like yeah you you'll both get option before I would like to yeah uh move back to here yep and feel free if you can reach your little boy he's a sweet boy here sweet boy and good boy good boy what I would like to do is uh take a shot with my crossbow at the one on the F Edge the one on that far right hand side here patty patty of course Patty um Patricia so that's an 11 bit plus six so that's uh 17 yes um so it hits so uh um 1d8 plus four is that's a five so that's a nine mhm 2d6 for my sneaky that's a five goes up to an 11 okay so 11 damage total they left from the sneak attack yeah sneak attack plus your nine yeah so 20 damage yeah yes go on yeah yeah destroy it so I runs like kind of behind this little Mound thing and just using it steadies himself uh takes aim and there is just that it's that perfect moment again the bolt just leaves silently just whips through the air and it goes right over the Dwarven cleric's shoulder perfectly over and grono just sees straight in basically the head just like this yeah eyeball just straight through one eyeball other eyeball perfectly than an eyeball like a like a little Kebab of like she of of eyeballs straight on through as this thing jaw down here just kind of stops where it is and just boom slumps slumps forward uh and I would like to use my bonus action to hide St check I don't want anyone to know I'm done yes I'm ped genuinely embarrassed sorry p uh that is a 19 19 passes you are gone you out of there baby that is Dolly's turn can I see uh gr U not grov can I see Morgan from where I am no I don't think you can no you can't dang it should I remove he needs help I need to I I'm going he's down he's not oh sorry you're so I do apologize but as in I can if I can cast healing W on him uh that's what I'm trying to do can you read me the of healing words so yeah it's a bonus action um a creature of my choice that I can see within range we can't see him yeah but can I move to see him yeah yeah absolutely you can you'll take an opportunity attack I know but I think I need to because no one else can do it right now okay um so you want to move I want to move just so I can see him okay which I think is probably like one two three maybe here okay then you can see him I mean I'm going to say you can see through Cal in fact you can probably do it from there yeah yeah you there so I'm just going to take give do a do an attack of opportunity on you as you leave it will be a bite attack that is a natural four that comes a nine messes mes okay so okay so yeah um he's going to regain head points equal to 1 D4 plus my spellcasting ability modifier very good um so I think you roll that is it uh I roll that is it no no you 1 D4 1 D4 plus yeah definitely you okay all right fine where's my oh I I mean I can do it if you want to I'm here sure might as well do something my modifier is plus three he that's five he gets five HP back that's nice isn't it yeah he loves that yeah L it love that for him you hear him like kind of gasping for breath as he comes back up you're all right nice um no that's a bonus action as I understand it you usually can cast two spells in one uh turn but um if one of them is a can trip then I would like to cast vicious marer at um the the wolf that I just left the one that just tried to take a bite at me my vicious moery is um it's a wisdom saving throw for that uh that is a Nat one uh so yeah it I mean it's not tons of damage but it's 1 D4 psychic damage and it has disadvantage on its next attack role fantastic cool before the end of its turn so I'm just going to go it's time we put you down um that's a one but you know it was really cool as it's a thought that cows um that is andel's turn um I'm furious we had one job which was to protect the clerics Morgan went down and caused such a commotion between us the clerics have got off the damn Rock like we look we look silly we look ridiculous um I think I've looked really cool certainly to watch going to do what I do best so there should be I can't see ex it's behind the rock but there should be one up right is right I'm just this one I'm just I'm swinging my short sord at it y so that is a dirty 20 dirty 20 hits so that's a D6 plus 4 it hits for six great and then I'm going to dagger it as well that is a 19 yep hits which is a D4 + 5 mhm which is 56 seven eight so that hits for eight okay he's fine good God can I can I bonus action at Point yes you can right I'm gonna cast a second wind on myself because I think you can I'm gonna say you can and I'll have a look into it in between this all it says for me is once per short you can bonus action to regain 1 d10 plus three great so d0 like spin y um that is eight plus three so I regain 12 you regain 11 11 sorry sorry y regain 30 uh so I'm on 23 right now okay radian that's your turn radian looks towards this little boy yeah and he goes it's just me and you he cast watch this this hey watching you going to show your daisy chain first yeah see this this is for my best girl it's not Patty I fire chromat chromatic orb yes sure you do we'll find now uh it's 15 15 hits um and you're doing this at first level first level no two uh second levels left so that's 3 d8 yep it's two a six and a two a two a six and a two is 10 it it's just about still you see the what what energy did you put into it fire fire you see this fire thuds into it and it starts to sort of lick across the fur singing is it still in the web because doesn't that do extra if it's oh uh it broke three of the web I believe yeah yeah yeah it did didn't it yeah um I mean I guess it's still in the area of the web but it's not restrained by it um you see it kind of lick across the Flesh and fur of this creature and its eyes momentarily closed and then they snap open still still kind of bright um sponges they are sponges um uh okay that is this Wolf's turn it's just seen it's just seemed more than go down it's going to go from again it rolls it rolls a 24 I mean it's like it's it's it's at this point it's kind of in it's it's in this kind of blood frenzy it's just it's seen its prey it's decided who its Quarry is at least it's not me um that's far okay he's down he's down again that's F even without the necrotic you see Morgan drop again I I have one more I have one more spell slot left uh that is uh that is kiss's turn Okay um I'm going to cast cure wounds on Morgan you you have to do that by touch I believe Oh by touch which is fine you can get fine can do that yeah so I'll cross over to Morgan and I will cast cure wounds on him and it's 1D 1d8 plus 4 come on okay you can do this my no concentration so you're fine where's my d8 1 d8 plus four goodness I'm going to say grono moves out the way to allow you to get in oh grono actually should have taken a turn so grono will act just after you nine nine nice okay up Oran again is really going through it at the moment oh god um he's going to have a hell of a headache is yeah it really is okay so um good thing you got those flowers at this point at this point grono is is all in and just he has this sort of Mace this sort of round headed mace that he's just going to slam into this creature it's a it's a 22 to hit um he's swinging it two-handed so he'll roll a d10 steal your kill pardon going to steal like I've been speeding a slot machine in Vegas like Ste away yeah that is um that is nine damage this thing's looking hurt this thing's looking up yeah it's still up you didn't attack it for a re no one attacked it for a really long time didn't attack it until your bonus action first one then and then Morgan's been caught between a rock and a hard place um that is Run's turn go on go on go on Runa R's going to go down there and take a swing and again she just muscles bulging In Her Arms is going to take a hit she rolls in that one she rolls that she's very emotional it's been an emotional day I I did get that vi from her public speaking you can mess with your head a tough day you know yeah it's a lot it's a lot um uh and then carilas is also going to run it right carus does here carus hits four four damage really good this thing is very nearly dead and yet not definitely dead yet um that is Morgan's turn Morgan Morgan Morgan looks at this wolf and goes you piece of [ __ ] and he rolls go Morgan he rolls his long sword let me see what he has as a plus to his long so he has a plus five to hit he rolls a three which becomes an eight Morgan is like Morgan has died twice like Morgan has had a rough morning how did he make a sergeant he more powerful than all of you uh he um he swings um it doesn't it doesn't happen he is going to his arms been mangled yeah he is he's really really in a mess um that's his turn uh that is I background to the top of the order I um so from my stealthy position y I would like to get a shot off on I mean do I go for do I I mean I've got a site you can you can see um this one's low I think I'm just going to go for uh the stealth shot on the one by Morgan y um okay go away uh so that is uh an 18 hits okay uh um uh there we go uh hits for six okay and then with the stealth with your sneak attack yeah sneak attack sorry it's not sneak attack uh four 10 combined destroy it yes um and then so in this moment I go you you to get Morgan's attention and goes we all has off days and then I go but not I straight through and uh this goes this bolt goes straight into the side like the the abdomen of this Beast tears through it and you just see the flesh just from in in half as two ends of this wolf separate and both just crumple to the floor oh this to too Sully and then I would like to once again just go just now thatg just Dr now that Morgan's looking at me I just disappear behind disapp uh that is a dir no that's that's greater that's a 20 that's 22 you know what it works that's Dolly's turn um okay I am going to save one's spells just in case um and I'm just going to go hey ugly um and cast vicious mockery at this last wolf um uh which is um wisdom saving through two on the die that's a big old feel comes a three don't know if that changes things big old feel um okay this thing is so nearly dead um but it is still up I'm so sorry to say it is still up I love I do hey ugly and it's just mindly offended like ow that is your time that was vicious can I try and move around so I can just get in range to try and longbo this thing yeah you can get there did I get a line of sight you get line of sight yeah you got line of sight yeah 25 ft and you've got line of sight right just just going to try and lose I will level with you if you hit it's it's over I mean I don't think I'm going to cuz I just rolled um with my strength an eight you know what it's not over yet oh um that is that is the Wolves uh at the back he's going to take a Chom um take a chomp at Runa we can't let it touch uh it rolled a uh a 12 to hit Runa has a higher AC than that Run's got Shield um so someone here does it it misses um we allowed a wolf to take an attack to be fair now to be fair to Morgan Morgan has an AC of 18 the wolves have just rolled they've had Advantage almost every round they've had a good day in Vegas they've had a great they've had a great time actually um that is uh Come N that is radiant's turn kill him kill him dead um what we got what we got do something radi do something you got the opportunity to be really cool cast Shield I cast greater invisibility on myself I'm going to cast I'm going to cast Firebolt um and I'm just going to cast it make an attack oh my God that was that was on its side do I need to do that or it'll be 11 I'm afraid an 11 does not hit you saved that one spell slot right yeah we now move to Kel's turn come on K kellus you do just about have line of sight I have line of sight is I have 30 ft movement can I move yeah of course to the to the wol uh you can you get there um one two three four five yeah I reckon you just about just just about can you little sauce poot yeah okay well yeah I'm going to run and as I'm running the staff is coming up and I'm going to go quack okay make an attack with your quarter sty phen so and this because of shalele you need to use your wisdom modifier for the attack rather than your strength so yeah so roll a D20 oh no no I think it's um uh it's spell yeah yeah yeah so your spell attack modifier is wisdom you use wisdom as your as your casting thing so it's plus your wisdom which is six plus your proficiency which is two so it's yes he has he has one HP if you want to roll the damage you can if you just want to narrate how you end this Wolf the last one I run up to it I scream you bastard and I swing and I hit it Square on the top of the head and it just kind of crumples it's just and drops and drops there is a moment of of of quiet of Stillness [Music] um Everybody R me Constitution saving throws oh my God um what did you get h a natural one a natural one okay uh what did you get M uh 17 17 what did you get 14 and Delan eight uh radian 15 okay okay it's just for me to know oh god um there's this moment where the battle ends and the antiqua that are still on the platform all of them whether it's whether it's abath not or malachin or Barabas they're all down there among you they sudden they're in they're trying to they're trying to to cast healing spells they're trying to do what they can to to restore those of you who've been in the fight and just as before nothing's nothing's happening nothing's happening what just happened isn't this this isn't how this place is supposed to look right and uh I mean grono says no no this is changed something has changed and everyone roll me everyone roll religion I told you don't like it no no sure it's a it's a dirty one a dirty one okay so you rolled two on the day I got a minus one uh kis uh seven ready seven eight I three three okay none of you can figure out what the hell is going on like this that you're like let me roll let me roll for Morgan I mean strange I mean stranger things have happened he has a minus one and a been to church lately ever in my Morgan Morgan also can't fathom this um and and then grono says without the Divine there is no Divine magic and they look at each other and then as one they start to bolt towards the back of the plateau further up the pass and and they shout one of them you hear a shout you can't even tell who someone shouts The Virtuous and they're running there's they run across the plateau and then over a rise and you see them scrambling over this rise what do you guys do we got to literally squishy clerics everywhere you're you're all you're all coming over the top of this rise and before you is this great set of stairs and they're fractured like the stone of the mountain pass has been fractured black lifeless and you see that these stairs lead steeply up towards what must have been a palace the stone of the palace also cracked and as you start to climb these stairs catching up with the rest of the antiqua it smells it doesn't smell of Decay it's more it's more unsettling than that it smells like an absence of life it smells like nothing like there's nothing here and every time you take a step you feel that the the stone almost start to give way like you're standing on spent charcoal like it's crumbling this this whole place is is crumbling there's no sound and the only colors of the the colors that still are streaking across the sky the swirling patterns and raging against this black and without without these these colors this black would feel like it was endless and the steps lead up towards this open Plaza and there is a shape lying at the center of a plaza and I'm going to roll okay I rolled a n 20 C vas gets there first and as she as she runs up she gets to this figure and you hear you hear her in fact the two of you would hear this in draconic uh or perhap I think you would know you would have enough command of it you hear you just hear no this this violent sudden flood of emotion and as you all gather around she you see she's cradling a dragon born the body of a God and there's no life in that body and that's where we'll end our session it's all right I didn't care about him anyways so that's it that is um the end of session one of reliquia well you don't do things by hand we're going to do it you might if you're going to tell a story may as well tell it um thank you everyone so much for watching for listening for supporting us in however wherever you're doing that um we are going to now stop for our post show uh action surge so hopefully you can have a little listen to that on whatever platform you might find it and thank you very much for joining us on the first of what is we think is going to be many very many adventures in reliquia We Are natural six or something we are oh [Music] God [Music] l [Music]
Channel: Natural Six
Views: 159,556
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: natural six, dungeons and dragons, dnd, d&d, dungeons & dragons, D&D 5e, DND 5e, D&D actual play, dnd actual play, episode 1, d&d episode 1, dnd episode 1
Id: vkx2Jx_uuuw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 169min 15sec (10155 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 02 2024
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