The Endless Mario Party Turn

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hello everybody and welcome to Mario Party Sunday's yep um I abandoned toad because he just wasn't cutting it we're playing Mario Party 5 now I'm Peach we got Daisy and uh Joe yeah and as much as I hate this piece of crap Koopa King Koopa kid he has earned it I'll give it to him dude the 69 duel it really was like a top 5 moment in a Mario Party for me I have played so much Mario Party and that was like a top one moment for me yeah I don't know I said top five I mean like I don't really have any top moments in Mario Party look at that star spawn man you guys go first and you have shared currency if you [ __ ] you got it you got the star good job don't buy any oh my he got it he got it he had to roll like a 4x8 come on come on yes all right sick anything good I go right after him - uh-huh which granted is not guaranteed it is Russian roulette essentials you're a % chance do you have six stars oh my [ __ ] calling oh my god dude oh my god I see what you mean by I'm okay yeah so I prefaced this episode saying that Mario Party 5 is the most luck dependent Mario Party ever made and it's bad because of that have I ever lost in Mario Party 5 no because I'm a lucky son of a [ __ ] but that's besides the point wait okay what is this dude Cooper cause Cooper who collects five coins each time you pass also this was the first Mario Party game where they introduced orbs so they just really don't know what they want to do with it yet they're just not well made well I'm just gonna throw it here I guess a lot of the orbs don't really like affect you it's more so whoever lands on them you included you see what I mean oh okay yeah and so you have to land on it though yeah oh no I just pass it okay cool yes five coins hey that's actually really good cuz now I can't get the start of this turn that was actually a really good play well and you got mushroom for your next turn that's cool I like this start already yeah you have a really strong start and turned one of Mario Party imagine that Oh give me the coins this is optimal and an orb mushroom Daisy use actually do it helps you out to you hey whoa three coins wait what the [ __ ] I landed on it that's how Bank spots work if you land on it you get everything in the bank oh okay I thought so it's like Mario Party excuse bank but now we just choose where it's at yes and you can see oh I wish I didn't throw that oh cool this game sucks but you had to give up twenty I think I just hit a on accident I did too so it's fine but Jesus Christ I have nothing to gain from winning and everything is this one that we cannot play just let the computers do it's a battle minigame so is he I don't play don't play okay yeah scooper kid snipe Oh Daisy all right yeah this is gonna be hard cuz now they're gonna have to target each other I feel like it's all a big whiff oh I think that one with me to be honest I don't know I think about see Daisy fire the cannon do anything why don't we see that wave oh oh Jukes Jukes Daisy let's go Oh could we get choked that wait [ __ ] this was a bad trade for me because all the currency was mine I lost money by letting her do this oh my god I lost money because we put 20 coins in we probably got 16 you got 17 I think yeah yes look at my math well I said my math was right you just did plus one yeah 16 plus 1 yeah that's what I was correct you said 16 and you did it was 17 now also I already have the nice number nice show you guys weird glitch that we started out with five stars is it okay Zahra caps will start in this game like do I just want to be chunking caps I don't think so but also using orbs on yourself cost money as you see about your ten coins oh what the [ __ ] yeah so if you want to use it on yourself it cost money but it's free to throw it on the board that's okay weird yeah I can't get it then and that is okay yeah but you also inconvenience to us from getting it yeah I know you have to go even further yeah or I go first and then Daisy goes yeah so it comes down to if you get a high roll good eye ideally Daisy goes first for me cuz I want you to be the one to get to the star first because then you have to Russia roulette it one two okay so I can get the start of this turn and honestly I think I want to use the mushroom here I think mushrooms do that best bet but here's the thing if I use it and then Daisy rolls fat she's gonna lose coins from the bank I spent five coins to run this this way people Oh way okay Lenny think what do you think as long you have a 70% five I'm getting what you want cuz all you want to make sure takes all 13 14 15 I got to get six seven okay you hear me out here now no I'm not hearing you out okay we need you to I was gonna say cuz the thing is the only thing you want to do is get the bridge to go that way yeah because I essentially guarantees it without hitting the red space yes but I just wanted to make sure Daisy had enough coins because she's gonna walk by the bank yeah use it Daisy or not Oh to be fair she would have used five coins to pay it and then five points use the mushroom so she would have been at 19 anyways like still no that was the right play cuz then but it still sucks though sucks oh my god oh my god oh my god you're right behind her and she didn't roll high enough oh that sucks free-for-all minigames oh boy in cash if it's coin cash that's really bad for you guys yeah nightlife right that's I have no it's a free-for-all right okay this is a test of cojones right you have to press a and whoever has changed off the closest to them wins he can't hit you and you lose though okay and also our screens are not synced so you cannot just do it after someone oh isn't that the sickest part of that you like that actually yeah so you can only watch your screen alright you can press a now and it guarantees you win if everyone else [ __ ] up I'm so sad damn you're sick I'm so sick that was so sick checked my cojones damn you're there damn five yards my back hurts evil off to a good start alright nordley ladies gang left behind but this is a lucky game yeah literally nothing needs anything no nothing means anything in this game well [ __ ] alright now that's perfect Koopa Kids hard carrying you yeah no it's I'm liking them in mario party 5 I'm not gonna lie it is a lucky game like Mario Party 5 is something else I really want to dick around I didn't realize that we had this on our Gamecube yeah and installed yeah we you're actually in the best spot right now I kind of want to dick around a little bit more at this one just because I want to see how bad that mech mode actually is oh yeah we can do that did not age well mmm do just throw orbs on the like throw orbs anywhere because this is what makes the game awful it's how chaotic it gets yeah put it there who cares yep because what makes Mario Party five bad is that that's ten points to you it's just lose ten coins so eventually everywhere on this map becomes a deathtrap oh that's a bad play by me now you blocked us off but now you got to get 20 coins real quick yeah well that's more of a oh yeah you can only throw it in spaces forward that's right whereas in other mario parties it's a what it's like five behind five for fight back but this is tin forward yeah you can definitely see like how early on this is actually yeah like they they definitely did not know what they were doing with orbs so should their kind of winging it like get on the Dali eventually no like kids mp6 orbs are perfect yeah sixes they're good I haven't played enough to seven to really hate how it works for you the sevens good it's just like the minigames are worse the boards are worse and I don't like everyone has their own unique or it's like cool and concept but when you're all playing and it's like oh there's a tearless now yeah dealers aren't bad inherently but it's Mario Party there's already so much like a casual game I don't want to be thinking about am i playing the top tier or not yeah I just want to pick my funny character and then move on so yeah berry basket 2v2 game whoever's the cursor shoots and then I don't know which ones which okay all right so we just catch we just catch items funny how that worked sick so you just followed oh oh God oh my death yeah no depth perception is pretty Hardy in this one I really wish it was reversed cuz the CPUs would definitely do better than we would Daisy are you even looking at where I am thank you these sound effects remind me of comedian our quiz 2 this is such our depth perception what the [ __ ] like even looking at the shadows is hard yeah I mean that's what I have to do but like dude still it's hard sick oh damn that last why I took from you yeah what's so sad is waiting at 9 and 8 each because we're not good no I I feel like that's more than what I was expecting oh cool I thought we had like 4 and 5 here I didn't like in the last few seconds I got to my spot and then I look at the score and I was like oh it's eight to eight and then I look back and I found out we lost should've looked the scoreboard we got 20 coins for that minigame yeah it's a 2 B 2 so you get 20 oh my god yeah stacks up huh escapes it's not bad like I mean that happens in six yeah and in four before you have split currency I really want to play forward cause I think that's the best game in terms of doubles because you have split currency and it all it like it makes it more skill because also change time [ __ ] you over less because your stars are typically split right yeah yeah thanks yeah so I think yeah better than replace bad spaces that just makes it even worse yeah you can tell our early orbs were uh were star stars down or do I want to get yeah sorry there's no reason for me not to you where's chance time I'm gonna start feeding chance time or they this is it up here where is chance to do their chance time like I know this game is super chance timey but they're just not I don't think it's time I don't see chance time that's bad it's crazy oh well maybe I'll is this something against I didn't like the last height rings maybe more gimmicks will happen yeah I'm sure of it no oh my god oh wait huh that's not what I thought was going to happen how many coins did you have to use for that anyway i literally burned a $5 bill yeah hand-rolled a 1 it was just too good Daisy's 5 coins back as well yep the images in this are pretty weird like the the Pete I have a PNG jpg zalman yeah they're pngs yeah not not the strongest start for the lordly ladies it's been a rough game because everything that could go wrong did and you I swear I sat down and I did not feel like the equilibrium today and we're playing Mario Party 5 so if I'm not feeling that and we play mario party 5 Kurt Joe this is gonna be the first time I've ever lost more 45 really yeah I mean it's computers though so the AI doesn't it doesn't really count I'm glad you agree what oh you have to be holding the Drex before you jump yeah dude when they gave you like 5 in a row it's such a brutal drop if you lose well [ __ ] I'd not realize how this game was working oh my god III through I through so hard game's over ahh I went for the read dude going for the Ria's hard very I'd say I did bat soup I think Daisy won actually yeah basically yeah I don't cook we get got high too but I don't know I mean I held by the backgrounds whenever the game ends whoo God dang I think that's like that's like what one jump to it probably you know a jumper or two our guest - all right let's is 84 - yeah I think it goes up by six cuz 84 is divisible by six I think that would make sense all right Cooper kid what you got I guess it's also a divisible by three if it's divisible by six whatever it's not gonna be three yards my feet yeah no no definitely not said six six ounce right they got six foot vertical goddamn alright yeah so when I put the Koopa bit oh my god you lucky [ __ ] what does this do is it just do I have to do something or does he just give me the money he could give you stuff but he could give you a star for this oh no it's coins alright so one banana is two two coins yeah and now we're gonna ruin the economy hard is it everyone yeah I think so oh yeah it's everyone a climbing vine butan yeah gotcha it's a masher that you told you can mash pause real quick and I'll tell you whole oh yeah it's Eleanor nacht yeah dude look at that 17 yeah he's got far we beat you out by one point dude I know the matter though we so well here's the thing the economy is ruined because I just got 34 coins on my own do you realize how bad this game my eyes Cooper kid cone gosh seeing it not he's Cooper yeah you got it again ah I might not have the best luck in the ways that matter no it matters anybody had a way that really really matters dude coop a kid he knew how many bananas again he threw away other bananas cuz he was like I know what I'm doing oh yeah you have royally [ __ ] the economy yeah and don't go that because that's where the star is yeah yeah I guess she's right guess that's where the star is not where it will be next turn but where it is not me oh yeah there's a good chance that it could still be there next turn alright so Joe you just been bombed today yeah you just like that press a very precisely to hit the ball into precisely AB yeah you just got a real really time your presses because that you know what it's not about the size the sword you have it's about how you wield it right yeah and Daisy does not really want to wield her as much at all yeah if you would like to Daisy what the [ __ ] are you doing you because just letting the ball fall Daisy is the worst teammate I've ever had oh my god you stupid [ __ ] you lovely [ __ ] you lovely [ __ ] I can't believe she called me a beautiful bastard Keeley yeah yeah go watch our tomorrow or a pokemon mystery dungeon episode that might not have gone live yet but Keeley's in it Keeley for like one minute and 44 seconds cording in my call log that's a cameo and a half right there sure his know that and now I asked for camp doesn't doesn't work can't force it I hate it I can't force it yeah we got destroyed yeah kid he just let the ball fall into the bore pipe like four or five I carried you I did what I could yeah but Daisy oh oh wait no I see what it is doing oh he was preserving the 69 that's the only way I can justify that in my mind that I'm not upset afterwards yeah no I see what he was going for respect I really wish she would've stopped it oh my god Cooper kid was this to you it doesn't matter it's just a fact Lena on a happening spot but yeah so if I'm is he getting married no he's just having a party yes now Cooper gets a present okay okay that's what I was scared of wait why does he take coins from you all right thanks goings from everyone yeah oh my god he would have taken a star from everyone that was a death swing of four that's four stars oh my [ __ ] god no it would have been it only would have been to you yeah net four plus two minus two is okay yeah you mean all right [Music] yes you did it Joe alright dude if you had [ __ ] ten stars right now because yes it brings you right back to me Jesus Christ like okay I can't I can't believe it I don't know what to say yeah except I really have to think that Cooper could like clean this all out to play is like pissed off he's like you don't deserve that sorry bye alright well Daisy is now on the right path I don't think that means cuz like the thing was her going right actually didn't matter because I was gonna react and go the opposite way she did anyways I just like [ __ ] on Daisy as a CPU because it's funny ya know I mean like you got a [ __ ] best with the computers yeah it's like if we just don't acknowledge computers yeah all the charm of this it goes down yeah I mean like if we just blue chain is that good it's yeah okay yeah it's good does that take started pretty much yeah us gotcha you can now see that I'm in second place so they're giving me the good stuff right yeah oh yeah they've rubber band yeah they do in every game but they just do it more subtle like in six and seven they do it where like in six you just get better items at your shop and in seven you get a discount on item so they'd cost less so yeah you could do L&R or jump I really hope I do LNR cousin oh let's go fat okay well so you've got to adjust to their rhythm I feel like oh my god dude try short hog you [ __ ] drop we got a really nice rhythm going on Daisy you and me so just keep it up like I would not be as consistent as sheis at least we got that yeah oh my gosh you sped up what the [ __ ] yeah mine did the same thing oh my god Daisy Daisy let me breathe what's she doing to you just going fast ah dude Cooper key was definitely giving you much more because you got hit once didn't you yeah but that's not what you told me to do the short hop thing that it was after I you did it before I know I got no you told me to try the short hop I got it now I'll get tactic Gayle played okay so Daisy whatever you do do not use either one of the orbs because I have a play maybe she uses both Daisy I don't [ __ ] trust her dude hmm so Daisy is on the right path so you could swap with Daisy ah that's too honestly wait will that add will that make it to where I have three dice block it's three total yeah yeah so no I'll be sorry for cuz already had the mushroom on me no you cannot stack okay um honestly everybody is kind of that like almost on the path to the stars so if you swap with anybody you get close to the star everyone except for you pretty much know before the crossroad oh well say yeah so not a bad player use it on myself yeah just cost 10 coins how do I use it on myself just press a when it's on you Oh Vascular did that no yeah no it looks like that yeah that's deceptive yeah yeah let's give so how many stories you get to still with change hobbies are just one just one okay that's load net swing - I'll take a ten nice NAT Tin Man nice well you open the bridge for Koopa yeah if but yeah it probably still Daisy I don't disagree with the play though because if it worked right but I want to use it this early yeah it matters really I wouldn't use it this early because I don't trust Daisy she's gonna use it to steal coins from you or some [ __ ] I think the views are pretty though I think the computers are programs smarter than that it's like think about six whenever I don't date a man I just don't trust him Toto put up coins to steal my star yeah thirty dude that's so that's 40 coins for a star though still 45 we're below 15 okay okay good okay I'm just I don't like to miss click here so here's the thing going forward you saw like you know I use the chain shop on myself yeah um you what if like I just threw the Chain Chomp on it and then if you land on it you just take a star how insane is that oh you see what I'm saying and that's anyone right yes so that's like that that's why this game gets crazy cuz like if I was I forgot it until after I used it otherwise it just would have said [ __ ] it yeah cuz dude you can just feed into the chaotic energy and just put it anywhere dude I think you're leaning on a red yeah yeah ma million meals there herpes a moment me up before Daisy get the star Daisy did she go okay I thought she went the wrong way for a second thought about it leg it - I don't know what that does yeah wait free-for-all for the culture I start looking where they milked grandpa star for the Mario Party series uh no this is only this game no that cuz he use them in threes well no this millennium sir I thought it's like it's the star people though right it's these are the people from Paper Mario right these are yes I don't think so I don't think what's what a book goes on this game a zombie kick a jump kick and you just playing keep-away whoever has the most crystals at the end of the game wins it's sick minigame on honestly it sets up for a lot of pro gamer plays [Music] Daisy what the [ __ ] - why did she steal from you yes oh wait Daisy let me farm what the [ __ ] Daisy let's tie Daisy damn it Daisy what the [ __ ] get off my dick Daisy Daisy through so hard [Music] what I don't know white wine a ground pound I'm paid one still though yeah you you one I somehow got ground pound of the OE Cooper kid almost one he got a one knocked out of him last second otherwise you would have won 20 coins god yeah sorry we don't talk much during those games there were a lot of focus involved yeah there's like so much cuz like if this humans do day there's no focus means so yeah the CPUs come after us still yeah dude Daisy's she's like it's a free-for-all [ __ ] she didn't hold back super mushroom I [Music] sort of crises knifes us somehow Daisy if you roll Oh Daisy I swear to God if you roll though you could just I'm surprised I didn't use that that would play I mean this is like no real reason to use it I mean he would have gotten the star that's a no cuz the bridge is out not for him no for me oh yeah oh yeah why didn't he use it oh no him I don't know what the [ __ ] is universe's steals a capsule from a player yeah that'd be nice to take a gold mushroom from you [Music] was trying to use as much money as I can because I have so [ __ ] much of it yeah that decayed minigame yeah yeah that's what I'm saying it ruins the economy Oh yep out of the year little anus ha ha where's he human that capsule man Oh bro he doesn't wear any clothes if I was Koopa kid I'd save so much money by not buying clothes on a regular basis [ __ ] oh well Shirley's folks everyone right hey could could not see what was it DK DK come and clutch DK there's oh like a 1% check where DK pops out of nowhere and just [ __ ] Bowser up I've seen that before yeah wait Bowser shuffle oh no oh no daisy is in the perfect position I'm behind Cuba kid Daisy no Daisy no we're yet ok so it's all you you got the star well it's a 50/50 shot no you got this you got a star you have the star you know it's we still have to go through the trial and error process up holding down and hitting oh you're right you're right you're right I know that's what I mean yeah Daisy don't you don't you batch I like the thing is you're still in second so you're still getting good items too yeah I think it's better to be like right behind you for the remainder so why the [ __ ] did you go that way she couldn't go down she could no a you go that way through it you could go down no I mean like she could go down or right never mind I know what I'm talking about like down to the star directly right no okay okay yeah I thought you made before she went claw I know what you meant yeah yeah yeah wait what's this one someone has to press a hit the mug you get coins everybody's rich minigame let's [ __ ] up the economy even more alright and Daisy does not want to Daisy would you but Daisy for the love of Christ play the goddamn video game Koopa Kids farming right now you got 18 dude that's that's cute alright Daisy fine you know what if you don't what the money neither dry all right now she's hitting it okay thank God yes yes yes I'm just like Cooper good I just trust him more than me on my like reactions good minigame you've got sixty eight coins wait wait it's for both of us yep you're [ __ ] me oh my god I think you just won the mini game star what the hell it's kind of gross huh do you not balance this game at all huh like the thing is being able to get that many points from one minigame even just 34 you know yeah like I feel like all those minigames should be capped out like no more than 25 you know yeah you're right [ __ ] there man I mean it's like guarantee it yeah why do I have to lose their ten coins yeah that that suddenly is no longer an issue okay so good roll good roll there give me ten oh it's a 13 actually we have fun here [Music] see ya yeah I feel but oh that does suck yeah yeah you pretty much guarantee that sorry then yeah cuz Daisy depo gets it wait what right why they are pointing that way but we're going that way I don't know I would like to use this capsule all myself thank you game busy what you don't trust AZ no yeah that's very I would not either the thing is she'll get it but I don't think she would have used the gold shroom I just don't think she has any awareness oh you felt it you felt it twenty-twos like the number I always roll when I need to roll fat it's always 22 for some reason where's that lekha - I get when your orbs again alright I would like good worms please [Music] it's just I feel like it despite you winning the last martyr party we did yeah you still lose that draw all the time yeah but you're you guys are right behind that star I still got a real fat though like I still have a fat rolls what I'm saying no that's just that's a [ __ ] circle I I have to go down one off one off one away from really just [ __ ] everything yeah the game would be ruined realize we're on like what turn it and hit like not even turn tonight halfway through this game and I have 140 points yeah man Mario Party 5 huh oh okay the air is pointing that way because that's okay what so whenever I want to do a sub special we've never done one we can do like a half a million sub special because that's coming up soon where we do a fifty turn game of Mario Party five the board will be awful it did we gentlemen to never use orbs on our self no you got to put them on the ground that's true chaos okay so what's this one you press a and jump okay and then you that Joe you get so much money here it's just yep and also there will be some blocks that you just bounce on multiple times I'm gonna try and distract Koopa kid I have no dude he's he's clipping he's clipping he's clipping behind the stage and jumping on it how does he know about this sacred jutsu policy I'm trying to inconvenience everyone but I feel like I'm only helping I popped off you got 17 I got 23 yeah all right Wow I had even more money now this is Wow yep and I know it might look like I was doing bad than mini-game but I was actually throwing intentionally oh really why we'll see we'll see when the time's right paratroopa I think that takes you to a random spot it's hard to really know what orbs do in this game because like the same or will do something different in the next Mario Party so yeah see it's different actually from all players brutal you just [ __ ] it just take my money away yeah I think it's gonna take away but I'll take away those are juniors right you're still gonna be fine it's gonna take twice as much for me and you have more money than me try to think what's the math on this so I use 10 if yeah so you lose 15 I lose 30 Wow you know what sucks the most is we have to see this cutscene three individual times hold up I'm gonna press tab on our yeah I love the tab button on the Gamecube look at the tab oh cool it doesn't even take it away from my teammate oh that was that's nice for you then for some reason they balanced that bubble back yeah that star for you right oh yeah true [Music] Wow yeah try pressing it one frame earlier next time it's not a one frame window actually it's two then two frames are here right now it's time to activate my trap card [Music] ha ha ha ha ha ha ha dive view all the coins I don't know I just saw the orb and I was like I'm curious Wow dude I just magic cylinders your ass cool that costs five coins to use on myself yeah sick yeah and we had to coin many games in a row so I tried my hardest to not perform well on them [Music] don't you like that play that's [ __ ] yeah because then that means I'd swap less to you know that's just a [ __ ] item yeah hey that was a goob uh to be fair I pressed a once and didn't pick up on it so that first date was probably a star no not tasty not tasty not Daisy not Daisy okay Daisy you got to come through you got a roll big for me you gotta really know just that's a roll mediocre yeah use literally anything thank you a she wins yeah doesn't it feel good that I finally said no on accident or a no 2 star no cuz I've done a so many [ __ ] time hey that's Bowser though by the way she's landing on Bowser can you believe the lowly Goomba swapped all coins yeah that's such [ __ ] yeah thank you this game sucks right yeah no this game's ass oh it's bad this is I I think this is one of the worst mario party games yeah this one just went down my tearless significally with the Goomba yeah no that's [ __ ] that is such [ __ ] cuz I think you spin a wheel which is kind of the balance of it that's not balanced quote-unquote balanced and it costs five coins and the thing is if I'm swapping point with someone who gives a [ __ ] if I lose five coins yes I'm just giving them less coins all right I else I could do something to like actually [ __ ] up the game that would be really cool and not just where are you at now I moved one spaceport and now I'm squished well what the [ __ ] yeah I wasn't and now I am people it suck yeah alright let's play a minigame or cheers and you have nine stars no okay you got me I don't know if you have rumble turned on what are we doing this we press a when your controller rumbles and this is a it's a reaction test okay so the excellent we have rumble feature turned off so you get an exclamation mark above your head sick and Joe you realize if you beat Daisy every single time you lost because of how the how it worked okay now you just lost but you see like what I was saying yeah I know I did no matter what you say I yeah it's a solved game solved game no I never I realized that that's what was going on as a guy don't go [ __ ] yeah you got to win the first game and that's it that's yeah yeah three Oh John sorry the Goomba swapped coins the Goomba did it yeah I mean he had the power to do it like okay let's say I hire a hit man to commit murder and did I commit murder yes legally actually look but truthfully no no you cuz I can let defy his murder murder look just because I'm associated with murder and declared it and might serve 25 to life does not mean I actually murdered someone ah what is this I don't I don't care actually just put it somewhere yeah what do I don't know I'm just trying to get it out of my inventory I I don't like having counsels inventory I don't like the capsule icons you spent money to have a man mug you know that's your fault for not reading it said take ten points from someone I don't know okay I do agree with you I I'm sorry that my basic understanding of the human language known as English indicated that it would be taken from someone else USA USA dude I think it's so wild that the like the item descriptions in this game are really poorly written yeah I I do agree with you like why would I want to lose ten coins I couldn't tell you you know we just reset the star I don't give a [ __ ] dude I'm gonna reset the star I don't like where it's at let's spin the wheel like remember in Mario Party 7 where I said the tweezer moves the star or something and then I'd sent you back to a random spot like that's what I mean like the same items do different things in different games it's so inconsistent whoa I think we're both not happy with this turn yeah yeah yeah neither of us are happy with it that sure was something huh huh Oh Koopa Kids got the star man no he doesn't hey does he's getting a 5 wow I can't believe that turn pissed both of us off yeah huh crazy how that one worked clock Stoppers we just make you just push it yeah it's just calling was it call - I don't know we do the thing yeah Daisy look alive princess okay Daisy Justin I don't know what are Daisy go down think see okay they look at her what did she do oh my god Daisy Christ's sake Daisy what the hell was that dude she caught em I think what we were right there frames dude or maybe why are you going to this one Bowser jr. yeah that's what happened to me earlier Daisy push it this game sucks let's try to be Mario 45 for the 50 turn I don't think either of us could emotionally take it all right Bowser jr. trying to disappoint me now he got it he got it sick but can we talk about my 10% chance to roll one I'm very content with that yeah well let's talk about how not in practice but in theory how funny it is that I moved the star and it's two spaces away from me oh yeah I know like conceptually hilarious very very funny I think it's gonna be funny too literally everyone except for us because we are too emotionally involved in this right now yeah like we can't separate ourselves from through the situation cuz we're in it people love watching us fail miserably yeah but like the thing is you gotta realize it sucks for us and you sure does really like whatever had 160 coins and then God said [ __ ] you Joe I was there remember when I said Goomba go I sent a Goomba that was my hit man yeah Goomba the thing is like I know it's Mario Party yeah but like there's no [ __ ] counter play to that no you're just [ __ ] that's a 1 in 1,000 the equilibrium is in Czech baby also uh you got minigame star for sure is it minigames star coin start i have coin Sark does have more coins now but the thing is minigame starters how many coins you get from minigames and I don't think I can compete with what you got right now oh that's that's the perfect number I'll take it really lucky turn all in all after rolling an immediate one Daisy for the love of Christ use a [ __ ] night [Music] huh she just refuses to use an item yeah I really think the AI is worse in this game I agree like I'm just watching this type of [ __ ] happen I'm like oh oh my god and more queen bunny whoa better yet is this rng spin the wheel once just once just once it's orangey someone gets money that's the minigame alright we're done that's it that's the minigame cool Bravo sick weenie game sure is way they kid just gave us money yeah you got wait why did I get 20 though uh there's a 20 coin capsule at in coin capsule and through tooth wants okay or whomps swamps no they're whomps tomorrow okay wait no Wolf's whomps is the one that Oh guys swamps are blue bombs are blue yeah are blue in this era I missed the blue thwomps I do too no I pot take whatever it wants they have now garbage garbage all right I wouldn't use it no I'm going to you why we can get the star I can't get the starter however I can set who pick it up potentially I see I see SC wouldn't be better for him to have it okay I just don't I think the items [Music] I'm thinking of something I'd see what you're thinking of and I disagree with it sick nice no I got a one in a hundred bug out of one in a thousand I want to use machine please point block is there any way your where's the next capsule machine thing uh you can just loop around by going right cuz you're probably a nice loop around dude go right farm capsules yeah you set the bridge up and you farm capsules good play that's what I was really what I just wanted to get more capsules out of the stern mm-hmm that's blue that's good I'll move the star uh oh yeah if I don't get the start of this turn it's out [Music] you only have one capsule right knee up to now I have two I could take the tweezer from you you could but I run the risk of not taking you then I absolutely don't get the star yeah five six seven eight nine ten oh that's a fat number I need a role for it so it's set you have it one looks like a three in ten for ten chance of getting that five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve so you get a fourteen fourteen over Qin's the same as our forty number 27 I do come by here's the thing 50% chance to get your twister yeah but that's so that also doesn't guarantee that you get the starter then though because then it's just a race for the star yeah but if you roll though you're kind of just mega [ __ ] yeah okay but also here's the thing you're using the twister is also a 50% check because I'm gonna have to do the roulette Kubik it does not yeah also you get you get two players I get to go to just to the twister nice [ __ ] you're eight Nate ah nice the twenty all right let's go these crossroads always intimidate me I'm scared of it going wrong I like how Donkey Kong wait you stopped what's so ok no cuz last time that doesn't change anything does it ok it's not like I was gonna say flick it up if I said no okay cuz like what my thing was last time I was holding in I pressed a the input didn't register so I let go how is that a different thing [Music] it's the exact same concept what's that Bowser capsuled was that deal summons Bowser I think just unlucky I like there's no way it'll do anything that bad I think it just adds the Bowser's face to the what yeah that's literally what he's doing oh no no no he might move us around again uh-oh the other doesn't do [ __ ] in this game he can though is the thing and he just choosing not to but I do think the funniest thing is that there's with that 1% check where DK arrives and beats the [ __ ] out of Bowser does DK do anything then or is it no he just says no Bowser for you you're clear is that better you're happy no I'm not happy there is one more star spawn on my left okay cool that's why I don't like about this game is that the star spawns are awful yeah like that's Bowser again but yeah I really don't like the star spawns in this game because I think like the boards are just there's too many paths to get everywhere always yeah like you're never too far away from the star I feel alright Bowser if you could literally do anything all that's communism we split points okay money doesn't matter I'm gonna shirt more cool with that than what the alternative was of where the [ __ ] it's called I mean you just swap locations yeah you just gained like 60 coins right so no I get like 30 where we are out there Omar 7170 though no I just thought you know yeah that makes sense I was at 170 past tense but not Daisy and I are in the same place and that sucks hahaha remember this minigame oh whoa please just let me be on the inside you remember when I passionately talk about how much I disliked mario party 5 yeah this one sucks what are we playing next time I say for client play for in a while 4 is probably the best doubles won by Daisy she's ball hogging dude alright easy pass ok yeah I feel like this is one where we could probably just set down the a button and it'll be about the same result yeah we can just let them decide next time we do this if it's a 2 B 2 mini game we'll just let God decide all right oh we got Bowser oh yeah orangey we won so you see that Bowser head yeah if you hit him which like you know I'm not even trying to just happens whoever the fifth person is to hit him in a row just gets like five more balls like this and you know if I have more balls I'm more likely to get more points which means I'm more likely to get hit the Bowser head again yeah it's just top-heavy yeah oh wait you gotta decide yeah but it doesn't matter at this point yeah because we had it twice oh you might get it again okay hey game over oh dude the minions are long in this one to you they're all like a minute they're all long and here's the thing but then sometimes they're too short like the one where we just spun the wheel on yeah stick what the [ __ ] was that that's not even a mini game it really feels like this should have been the first mmm okay this was Mario Party for I feel like this would been fighting says like okay first one the Gamecube here's nothing it I'm different than most people I think that's why I think 1 through 4 like people always group it by console yeah like 1 through 3 4 through 7 I group it 1 through 4 5 through 7 yeah no you mean yeah orbs are so different +4 is very similar to the 64 ones yeah you just get five coins I think you spend five coins to use this orb and then you get ten coins say wow you did it I'm so good yes yes I think that what sucks about like try to think of how to word this I think the game becomes funnier if we commit to only throwing orbs on the ground yeah the kids like what I thing is like do you have anything by the way not really anything good I think that's that's the tweak I think I just have twister and that's it budgets you guys can realistically get ahead of where I'm at yeah I think I want the twister not really for this term but I just want it it's not a bad item I have my god him this sure has been a Mario Party hasn't it yeah do you realize how different the game would be if Kubik it actually took a net four stars from us or just yeah yeah that would have been the craziest thing to happen yeah I'm still really surprised as just no chance times on this board yeah I know they do I think they Hampshire alright time for everything to just go bad for me cuz he's gonna swap everyone's positions I can feel good or you could take us okay split the money again wait okay we're just gonna round up who gets it oh he just takes he just took a coin son of a [ __ ] didn't think we were notice oh wow sick - coin profit dude I cannot believe bow there just he just skimmed the pot and didn't think we notice I like oh my [ __ ] god wow that's 60 coins yeah I pressed a way up I just spam days well okay work so Joe I say we die let's watch them duel to the death okay set down the controller just set up no no walk walk out no cuz then one of us gets favored well God decide who gets turned forth okay okay okay what hey Z what the [ __ ] he was fading me out - [ __ ] you just got all 120 coins Joe sick wait till I find another goober yeah I know that's exactly what I was thinking yeah mmm I should not have given in I should have walked out cuz then at least Daisy would have got like fifty to fifty no way to guarantee don't get money yeah that's why that's why I always want to walk out okay I thought it was cuz like Mario pretty no to third place still gets a couple coins and fourth place gets [ __ ] yeah that's why one of us just holds a slightly worse angle that's why I'm for letting God decide yeah but like you have to realize we just went into a battle minigame and I lost 60 coins cuz it doesn't matter who splits between I mean I lost like a hundred twenty coins earlier no you're right but I'm just saying for the sake of the computers I like walking out and not letting God aside what's this one remember he takes coins from you you used on yourself earlier no what's this one right now [ __ ] no that's the thing about this game you never know well I mean surely it's not worse than lose five coins or lose ten coins [Music] alright RNG check well I missed a fourth one letting out [Music] sink [Music] Bravo man what is this one poison mushroom cool ah I think the problem with mario party 5 is not anything like specifically in game it's just like just the psychological damage that this game does to you because you're having fun one thing goes wrong Oh 15 other things just went wrong you know like it stacks up so quickly I don't like rubber-banding as a mechanic did I like it to some extent yes like it makes sense like okay yeah I don't even think this is much rubber-banding it's just everything sucks I don't know I think just giving someone the option of just taking all the coins if you choose yeah that's not rubber I mean I mean no cuz the rubberband mechanic was them giving you that item in the first place yeah no but no that's what I'm saying is the imbalance of this game yeah because it was Goomba like that's that's a common orb like that's what the problem is it's not that they don't seen a Goomba or since what's was wiggler is just it's just star yeah cool it's just it's just sick yeah it is yep okay yeah I I was about to quit out if that was a star Timmy fair the game is honestly still really close use the flood what the [ __ ] Daisy this [ __ ] and no cake you might roll into this wait is the bridge up okay it's not that's a red space but Daisy try think well here's the thing though what what's the - what's bad true is it can I only roll like a three yeah I think it's won some games it's one through three won some games it's one through five and I'll be honest I just don't know at this point you know I was talking about Mario six out the blooper mini game boys looks nicer yeah this is one of those on the yep emotional minigames was on the promotional disc that came with double - sure did Daisy yeah good weekend [ __ ] me as well I like our teammates really just don't care for us mm-hmm Daisy just I probably got one do she is cooking me through and through wait Daisy were tied do not get one in we win we win Daisy yes we would have gotten 20 coins if Daisy just sat there yeah oh I know I tried to block her off to see the game crash okay the last five turns wahoo what could bass or possibly do now also note to anyone watching I am still wearing Healy's yeah I am as well mm-hmm just uh uh-huh need you guys to know that that's so boring that's the most boring option you want to reset the stern so we can get a better one no cuz I'm too scared of losing the entire game week yeah that was the play to use it to I mean eh oh you guys got happening for sure though whoo I think it takes you back to start ish oh okay [Music] that's a kind of petroleum how many does this take off of me don't know 1 2 3 1 through 5 I think I guarantees I can't really get it no yeah you cannot get it yeah very close yeah cuz I have to roll an eight but Koopa kid and Daisy alright equal chances to get it no God Daisy has a better chance he's gonna it's her turn paper Daisy yes she is turn favor but they still have the same odds Bowser's about Cooper kids are just conditional oh no okay hear me out so let's say they both roll sevens yeah Daisy's gonna roll the 7 first Koopa give rolls a 7 / yeah that's what you say yeah conditional yeah they have the same odds of about Koopas are weighted against them you know what I mean we're saying the same thing yeah yeah sure use it what are you doing you're gonna roll onto it yeah that's sick right [Music] respect though yeah like the thing is I lose nothing by going for it Ozzie just pop the wiggler at this point no [Music] all right this is I did this birds all my capsules and I don't I think it's a I I don't I don't I don't these you know really I don't know is that happening though oh okay I might get two stars here oh oh I'm gonna press a on capsules because that's the one I don't want [Music] thank God so if I press a on capsules I think press a on point and you get stars it thanks for the money Daisy let's put it back in our shared bank account really just charged your wife rent yeah I'm sorry honey I can't make into me I know we share the same bank account but you got to put some up oh yes that's fun you have wiggler I know I know like I get the thing is I don't want to use the wiggler to get there because they know what I'm saying is like worst case scenario it's still a two star leaf for you yeah yeah I get the next star yeah right now we are fighting for you it's just a chance to remain in the game there's otherwise it's four star Oh Daisy let's share our lesbian bank account and get married hell yeah so what's this one just pick up stars the gold ones were three oh you just have to run to them yeah that's it good minigame it's like many of like this are good because they're just simple yeah it's a Browning base to which I like I think there's like one more this sounds about right one more gold is what I meant they usually they have two but I feel like those were just so early yeah there it is okay yep I really like jumping on people dude I choked I choked I went for the greed right at the end boo mm-hmm we still have like try thing did you ever reach over to your coins whenever you had that thing no no you definitely have we start we have 195 as well I don't know if poin stars in this game but if it is you gotta go see this is what I'm saying like yeah are you guys grated now I also have a chance though but you don't have a chance I'd go right if are you just because whoever gets the star next yeah all right peach I'll just you guys pop it yeah let's put it here [Music] like it's very little to lose from it yeah I just get another or but just all I really cared about and I get a you you felt Goomba coming didn't you yes yeah he strikes fear in your heart I would swear to Christ she was about to pop it okay Bowser no 100k I'm just convinced no one gets the star there's a very real chance that happens battle minigame oh no they're gonna only be two in a twenty turn game we just happen to get one turn one what the promotional minigame it looks nicer ding-ding okay you just walk fast do not get hit by the pink do it can I jump no just being one auto ko me or just baby pushes you to the edge okay thank you messing up this is so much harder I think this makes it easier yeah you can see they're hit boxes they're well defined now look at the the water real quick no I'm yeah I tried to and that I got very push behind what that's so oh a good game it's just kidding that we can't credit the game for that we can only credit our Nintendo GameCube yes oh he got it thank God good job Koopa kid he got oh my god wait I do not guarantee this next star actually Joe cuz I got a roulette it remember you're getting it you have not met you've missed whine as to which we like eight I'm just saying I feel the luck equilibrium I don't feel like I'm getting this one I know I feel like I know better than you see where it's down here to go down right here if you want this one or you go left for free orb or happening all right yeah you can't go down so you cuz you go somewhere else wait I think that's a minigame I think that's an actual minigame so not a happening that takes you somewhere do i what orb or do I want happening though that's the thing I don't do it's funnier that's pretty funny okay you could get something good if you get a blue a chain chopped up green nice mushroom yeah I'll get ya uncle with that okay I got wait is bridge is not open right yeah yeah I mean realistically I could go roll roll super fast yeah I think if you hit like a 20 yeah I'm not I'm not about it cuz that's a lot of wasted movement oh all right wiggler take me to the star nice I had a flying wiggler that's does he grow wings wait did the game just crash yeah also you bought the star as well oh that was a no I thought I paid 20 coins - no he doesn't take you the star for 20 coins it's by a star if it was trade 22 coins for a start you see how easy that was a mess up though right yeah but like I'm fortunately our GameCube crashed no I did not okay good luck then we're gonna save and quit [Music] this doesn't look like it's saving right it doesn't I would hit f1 okay yeah well safe steam but here's the thing though I would like the star that we got this turn what star we got to start at the beginning of the stern how Koopa kid okay come on at the very least I like I was paying twenty coins sorry I'm so sorry Joe I didn't mean to do that this is like the second time it's happened to I'm really sorry yes yes thank God okay okay cool cool cool all right safe states cannot alter what they do so where are you doing this turn yeah what we are hard objecting to that one chief yes I want to quit all right we're just Groundhog Day yet yeah fell it's perfect fortunately Bowser jr. goes first yeah at least he doesn't go forward and all these others yeah have to happen all right your turn didn't matter much yeah I got a mushroom mmm-hmm all right Cooper kid please please roll hi [Music] are we yes yes I deserve this start no no no I'm saying like are we now in a loop where he only rolls a three we could research the Gamecube I got it I got an idea I got it yes I think I can make this one work wait okay okay okay I need a I think I can do this [Music] yeah okay okay you see what I'm doing here let me plug in a different controller all right okay so I plugged it with the seat there okay okay and now all right I'm just watching [Music] is it a pre-determined okay no I thought it's predetermined even for that No okay that is a big more your partner in this concern today seal all right I'll piss mm-hmm yep [Music] [Music] wait what the [ __ ] off it's the starting a different spot though yeah it does sadly all right so okay here's my thing Joe you still owe still use Wiggly Joe what no [ __ ] way we could do that one day we could I think it's a fun final just five turns gimmick wait did you f1 recently no cuz I got chucked that time you did but he also rolled as him that last turn in the mean [ __ ] true do you want to go Groundhog Day and get the perfect turn I just want to have a good turn back cuz I do really want me to go back do you really want me to go back I got cheated out of a good turn and sear that or sack the star sear that attack the start does this turn work for you Joel yes this one works however it start being put right in front of you to where you even even you to fuse the wiggler's still Joe and I want the star spawn to be in the exact same place it was is that okay [Music] don't you do that nope don't refresh that no no refresh that we're going for the tin [ __ ] you you don't deserve the kid you wanted to reset it yeah you're the one that cheated yeah I admitted and I found a solution of my cheating yes it was a [ __ ] accident okay you bet what I roll yes you can't what Cooper kills now okay I'm cool with the six okay however however I still want cuz I had a fat roll on my turn what did you get do you remember what you're gonna hate you okay we will keep rolling until you get an eight yeah are you happy now yeah that's all I wine lost anyway yeah this is the exact same spot we're so close to recreating the perfect turn all right we reset the orangey real quick oh it's tiny waist yeah I'm not doing that exact same time perfect you feel happy now Joe you got everything you wanted yes Oh actually there's a nine yeah actually was [Music] we're closed we're getting close to it [Music] all right I'm focusing on get I'm looking directly at Ali's there we go [Music] okay everything according to plan wahoo you went left I need to go left I'll repeat this I'm gonna reset it if you don't get the same orb a little bit what if they don't even deal take stars you don't you deserve that if we could reset out there you know what that's my apology okay so you that you you get that all right and now I use the wiggler on myself yes and then you smile ooh yes it asked you if you want to buy a star here and not just that this but no I admit that it's very [ __ ] stupid yeah okay thank you that's all I admit that as I was just mashing a like yeah I didn't even read that he's gonna take coins like I read it after the fact but like the thing is like what the [ __ ] so we just reset this turn for [ __ ] nothing for integrity huh yeah I'm okay with that you worried it this way okay okay like if I give I accepted I was getting [ __ ] by RNG but I want the [ __ ] to actually have okay yeah okay now I got you I got you like it meets sense right we found a solution to the the problem the the that's not the same star spawn that better for you though mmm-hmm well you're yet I'm just saying [ __ ] it man you ever watch yeah that's okay oh yeah watch TV you ever watch click with Adam Sandler change hump again you buddy you know click with Adam Sandler yeah well that was my changeup I kept safe stating because then life just passes me by and yes I just got changed off I agree that's [ __ ] what the [ __ ] see Joe you didn't want rubber-banding said they're not giving you rubber banding they're giving first place changed I would like autonomy that's all I want Daisy use a goddamn or yeah I don't know what the vug Daisy's doing dude oh do they duel oh they do so we agree we're both pissed off right yeah I know we're both angry stars okay I mean you can have 250 coins I guess I don't give a [ __ ] who wins yeah I'll be honest just put us both out of our misery five sucks this is a bad game actually I write directly changed my tier list from like two weeks ago this is bad this is a bad game you know I just realize it's so Koopa good yeah so f1 yep alright hit your 9jo curtain we're gonna get it eventually we'll get back there just stay over there for a little bit before you do anything yes good call Jesus a goddamn disaster dude people are gonna see like Oh last five turns 30 minutes ago it's almost over hey okay so I'm gonna go operate the safe seats on the Gamecube don't press anything because I have to set a new yeah cuz now alright we got this right take two I'll give you a chin you can have a ten yeah but every god damn it I had a Chain Chomp or we can just keep doing it till we until I get a Chain Chomp or also I'd say [ __ ] you if you got it do you want to just gentlemen to I take the twister which is I guess worse than Bullet Bill who's Bullet Bill as I take start right yeah you can have sweet sir okay and then just whatever you get [ __ ] it close enough okay hold up yeah cuz you earned it so I'm not gonna do the yeah just sit I'm not doing the roulette I just just hit yeah yeah okay we agree this is ya know you've talked right God we can never do it Mario Party Sunday ever again maybe next Saturday we can ya next tired of those just you like four or six yeah we can move on wow this has been something huh yeah we I'm really glad our action replay for a Gamecube no one even actually replay I just tap I'm good with technology IRA never replayed or action I'm a virgin wait why'd you make another save state because I want my [ __ ] chain chomp oh no cuz that's what I'm saying on the what I just got a [ __ ] mediocre one I got twister who gives a [ __ ] about twister oh yeah you lost your bullet bill yeah you if you lose your [ __ ] good item okay what's you but the thing is your bullet bill would control the game much less than my because yours is if you run into me that's why I think it's [ __ ] boy bullet bills if you run into me ya know you roll a dice and then you okay you mean okay yeah whereas mine was a guaranteed star difference gotcha okay [ __ ] this turn balazuc I accident he leaned in flipped over hard Bowser what do you got for us you might need revolution revolution to be really good for you actually I don't give a [ __ ] I wanted my bullet bill bonus what's that [ __ ] this turn I'm playing God today we're getting that turn boy okay no cuz then I I'll ease where my [ __ ] bullet bill back or whatever I had well we [ __ ] reset this turn because your teammate was a human no yeah this all started because you hit yes here though which I understand is not your fault okay here let's come let's negotiate on this I I don't deserve the Chain Chomp hear me out Jenna no you hear me out [ __ ] okay I do not deserve that Chain Chomp I'll agree with that I won't fish for Chain Chomp but for resetting my turn so your teammate could duel I do not deserve to lose a star to Bowser no okay yeah okay know that okay that's that okay yeah I thought you mean you're going to keep doing this until you get okay no I thought you were farming for perfect turn no no [ __ ] Lou you can start over there yeah I agree with that I out of my goodwill I said we're not just gonna let your teammate eat [ __ ] on that duel yeah no okay well I thought you were gonna do was I thought you were saying okay [ __ ] huge oh I am getting my Chain Chomp after you get tweeze no no no no I was he was taking a star away from me and that wasn't fair okay yeah no I'm cool with that see we're back with the perfect turn start spawning everything alright yeah yeah everything's fine umm I rolled no who cares no I'm not gonna reset that it's this has been the longest turn in Mario Party this is the longest turn of Mario Party see if they move cares about bomb oh oh you know what that does I think because of that star spawn I land on Bowser a [ __ ] again for rolling a different number [Music] yep that's Bowser let's see how this goes I roll I got this already right I got the star you know I don't think I do no you haven't started okay well there you go Hey I just want this to be over yeah oh [ __ ] dude let me out just Bowser take a star for me here I also don't what communism to happen because that's not fair to you who gives a [ __ ] about money yeah I mean I like money yeah not about [ __ ] you do we reset okay you wanna make a trade what let me just hit the a button on the start what because I'm getting to I'm going to the star next turn just let me do you hit the a button on the alright you say yes you can yes yeah I don't give a [ __ ] okay alright negotiations done yeah okay cool cuz I have missed five stars this turn yeah no you get it you get out get it I feel like we need to have a 500 clause at a certain point the chilling clause okay so what it basically okay yeah I'm good that was dual in a different time [ __ ] this dude how the [ __ ] we made it we recently we've got to the end of the game the turn is here you know I like it really is the click scenario where we just keep trying to fix things and he just gets worse and keeps getting worse no I just didn't want you to lose a star because your teammate wasn't there you know much better would have been if I just remember what is this you just you press a and then eventually Cooper Kate gets tired you press Y and then you just do L RLR LRL are I'll be honest you scare away like bloopers and stuff but I I don't I don't get this minigame I'll be honest is it rhythm I just realized it's lrl like at simultaneously I'll catch up a little bit they catch up to me little behind you're a little behind all right let me get up a little you just you stay there I was a little ahead of you when we swapped all right now press Y on three two one go okay you just did it sorry III I you'd say you were doing it on one not go that's what I did it on you no no okay oh okay okay I'm gonna I get a one second head start already go wait I will say on missus it okay now yeah this is truly the negotiations of multi-party this is a no civil game of [ __ ] bar before I've ever saved my life I think you and I've yelled each other more in like the last two it was genuine we wanted our stars like do you think that's how it reminds me of like whenever like the US was founding they had a like negotiate all these things yes I've watched Hamilton and that's what my American history is based off of but when they're like discussing where they're gonna put the capital how are they gonna deal with like the national banks and things like that yeah all come in with different points and then they cleave with what they want and I feel like that's what happened it was just some civil [ __ ] this turns immune from resets yeah we're done whatever happens here is unlucky if it's a star that really sucks cuz I just guarantees game yes okay we wound have we ever been more done with the video game before yeah I'm pissed I am unhappy alright who's in - and your teams in past it gives a [ __ ] alright God well let's just trade RNG again I guess so you know how this is our full-time job to sit around jerk or dicks off and play this [ __ ] right yeah you realize you know people say you you're so lucky you have it so nice you get to play video game you yeah play Mario pretty five for a living ones oh yeah and here's the thing let's let's say this hypothetically let's say you go to your job and everything [ __ ] up you what you'll live and you work in a nine-to-five cubicle where you print paper and if someone caught [ __ ] you but here's the thing none that is safe nothing's going wrong with that job yeah but that job staying there that you're never just gonna your boss is never gonna Brandon Lee say hey give all your money to Karen in HR yep and and that's what happened today Tara from a chart burn in hell what the [ __ ] is said no god damn it I press so many wrong finds out of panic I am flustered god dammit stupid game Daisy we're and that could've been a change I'm looking for the change how am I was missing okay what's next cool cool life's not fair some people are born why everyone's born equal and some are born more equal [ __ ] this yeah yeah this is the worst day of my life my parents got divorced my dad divorced twice it's still a worst day for you let's all play it let's let them decide I want to play this goddamn game let me know in the comments what Milo we're saved my life was some one has projected projected to your death Joe let's let them play Wow I don't think you can go down oh wait let me see where you're at you know yeah okay we're matched cool wait I'm gonna jump up here and then jump down there yeah now we're even yeah I like also now we can figure out how many yards each one of these is what are they just tie I don't think they would know I'm gonna be I'm gonna be above you by one okay yeah yeah just so now yeah yeah yeah you get it because neither of us are winning obviously well I think they z1l a daisy one actually no I think she stomped the yard ninety okay oh it's Dwight you [ __ ] okay two three I'm significantly less impressed by their hops yeah Wow so - that was close yeah so I didn't see either the mess up all right wasn't really paying attention I'll be honest I was loosely paying attention but not super closely as I'm sure that somebody in the comments will tell me actually they messed up here yeah that's that's fine dumbass last turn to thank Christ what if what if you bet if he did that that actually would have really funny just the utter chaos that is cupid kid all right well you see what happens Daisy I need you to use an item please mmm you have a gold shroom you can hit this oh she won't I know she won't she won't she does well yeah she won't she won't do it no here's my dilemma is it better for me just to risk it and maybe get that literally nobody like the only person who can really get this is Daisy with the gold trim and she's not even gonna get it okay well here's the thing though cuz you're it's gonna be 9 stars to 13 by the end of the turn yeah just move it who cares yeah I have nothing to lose because you have happening star and minigame star but that's only three I don't know who has I I think you I probably have the three bonus stars but you're guaranteed taking a star because God said [ __ ] you oh and that's a net swing up to ya so yeah ruff-ruff lost four stars this game you see the stars still in the Frank Knight Oh Dee gee thanks God hey Joe just to realize it doesn't me feel good that's over hey you could duel this is big this is really big this but here's the thing I suck at mini games it's a CPU and we agreed they're bad I realized very quickly that I can adjust no here's the thing I'm very bad edy yeah the only thing you really lose is like a mashing or reaction thing yeah blown away what's this one oh yeah you just fire you just push each other off there I I think your threat and I'm gonna crack just want to see if it's don't prog no that's cheating just trying to see how this thing works is it giant bus burst or is it like I have to let it like I do not like practice I I'm not a fan of this okay so just say okay that's all I was saying I didn't know if it was like that if there's a game of the later ones where you wait yeah like you longer you wait the more air you build up I think the thing with Daisy right here is that the CPUs always stay motionless for like the first second of every minigames will just rush her down you probably win okay unless she brings the heat for this yeah she is like goes to coma for a second [Music] yeah she's like dead right what the hell is making him sucks what is she doing oh okay okay Daisy Daisy Oh Oh what excuse me what I'm [ __ ] pissed off why does she go nowhere why did you ghost sink Alicia didn't been a star there's literally no lease for this cuz now you guys have Coinstar as well so I don't even know what corn stars in this game it could be your orb story well like no matter what it's just kind of well we're [ __ ] type of deal no and I you you're [ __ ] I agree cuz I'm gonna burn a lot of these coins which doesn't matter for the coin star but I don't think that's how just I wish I could take a star from Daisy how the [ __ ] did she beat you in that minigame I I guess there was SiC alright Tyler in the episode no no we still got a little more remaining know that there's day we can can we call just call the mercy rule no cuz I want to see what happens you win but I want to see how I went I like looking at the stats okay we can just hit the tab button no let me play my goddamn game I didn't get to play my goddamn game well just that's mark 25 babies that's what it is you know what well you know what for all you [ __ ] in the comments that's showbiz baby ha ha god damn it's I'm so tired I hate this game turn us against each other Joe my favorite part is never I had a hundred fifty coins or and then a you rolled a brain of mine and that said yeah but if you just didn't we hit communism like three times so yeah each time [ __ ] me oh my god oh my god Daisy don't kick a ball he's down yep Daisy no sick Daisy no yep don't do it Daisy great game design easy don't do it now I see why the Mario Party oh my god our favorite bill with the classics oh I thought she was gonna do it alright she took my or Bravo Daisy we had a golden shroom she could have used it mm-hmm and God nuts Oh No this game sucks yeah yeah it does this uh yep [Music] Bucky Bowser jr. you know deserve any of this this is your goddamn fault yeah let's get coins for everyone justjust make them jump once there you go oh okay wait okay now we're done right yep maybe if you ever hit that tab button over there yeah I got ya just hold it down for a solid like 30 seconds because we get where this is going what are those hands in the background why are we on a giant hand that doesn't make sense it doesn't I just I'm done trying to make sense of things well our goal today was to record Mario Party Nash a is and can we at least agree that we played Mario Party III don't think I played Mario Party today we got the mini game star though whoa and oh no you got that cool no you guys got going star because you guys have like 235 who cares wahoo but Jude show the happening start whoa whoa me and glad I got that one what oh okay hmm so never played mario party 5 again we'll sub-goal it 1 million subs and we'll do a a 50 turn game I hope we never hit him it was it was gonna be half a million but I really it's not worth it ya know so million subs nice 330 mini game coins yeah
Channel: Alpharad Deluxe
Views: 541,713
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mario party, mario party 5
Id: u1_Yo0DqjRs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 95min 21sec (5721 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 12 2020
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