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[Music] hey guys if we're gonna be playing Terry Bogard online cuz like why wouldn't we do that it's a new category but Joe I have an idea hi telly let's turn preferred rules off oh so we're letting God decide yeah yeah oh man this is the most religious we've been on this podcast before yeah so hey Ellie hello alright so this is just after Monkey Ball keep that in mind I'm not playing Terry I'm gonna play series just have drew Monkey Ball so keep that in mind yes sure you will put your tag on actually no thank you laughs good now that puppet is good now Oh she'll stuff dude I there's a kid on the Arthur Ellie's been drinking let some easy receiver there's a kid on our schools eSports team that played pop yeah and you played kirby I told him hey you play better character I'm a coach he's okay I think lub and then I was like hey no play better character Denis with pokemon trainer and in this patch game and now he plays kirby and pop yeah [ __ ] patch yeah do y'all need help I need Don Jacobs here um I need Don right now but it don't say to you Don said yeah he said are y'all okay I'm always okay as long as Don's okay oh are you [ __ ] - you know my oh yeah we're banana soul I didn't even know that's our team name whoa wait are you Jacob I'm Kerry boat oh my god hey you're the same colors in though Oh guys that you okay good night al yeah I see how it's confusing then yeah I know it's this is a rough life I thought we're gonna double pop no I got them all no good would they want to see Terry bogus cuz he's a new one yeah that's that's what the kids want [Music] oh nice uh-huh flat up banana sole right there and back I'm gonna burn knuckle and so Joe I still can't tell which one is you I'll be completely honest I just said doesn't matter dude yeah I think he got confused who you were because he last them for no reason soon that was really good at beating people from the top ropes all right I got the go sauce and I know how to do these inputs look at that look at that who's broken god help me I try to I try to I press the wrong input whoopsie I'm spawning but seeing it's a bait okay we're eating really get punished so yeah Terry's Bogart is not like a great doubles character because I want to be stupid so absolutely right now do you I want to act stupid and crazy hey I forgot you're here no I want you to talk okay it's not because you're forgettable you're in forgettable fella you're in forgettable I am forgetting three law he says oh that's dawn aka dad a sec okay no don't you come here join their telephone tell Donna come see me oh that was good good oh wait oh I'm so good but did you see that yeah I know oh okay okay no I got this I got this why did you suddenly being your big sleepy okay if someone's gonna air dodge in and I'm gonna do you see that pick up I did that was a good pick me to it all it doesn't matter if you meant to or not all that matters no oh you didn't tell them I did yay is he here no he's hot I tore under 30 seconds ago I'm drinking water don't do drugs kids mm-hmm these aren't going up for a while anyways he had I feel like at the point that these will go up it's too late for them to fire me I agree with that no no no no no that that's that is their game plan I see it now yeah I would have killed you out of it personally Oh God Tyler edit that out welcome everyone to alpha REDD+ Oh am I the only way okay way to on the Internet we gotta wait oh this is fast yeah you're restarting this is gonna you introduce this episode okay radio voice OH Oh juice it's fireball so do i I'm so taking it it's God's will don't smell it that's what cowards do okay great hope she's doing it Oh add a nose big swig Oh Ellie's gonna die Oh God I know God just chase the fireball with your white cloth juice the episode Ellie you got a little wind welcome back with banana so what an - we are fighting goofy Luigi one and two we are playing Sheik Jigglypuff and the other guy he's got a hat and he's got blond hair okay I'm just gonna spam pound I feel like that's the strip who's broken so I might burn again this is nothing new Dulli puffs tasted bleep and you get sleep within oh that's a militarized realize I forgot me were in this game dude wait I got this aw man well that's not the salsa miss to do I hate farmers so much lommers lame but that didn't mean oh god help me where is God oh god he literally ran to ledge down tonight he might get of attack I missed one I hate that the casuals just do those up bees yeah coming like they're good that Deborah move actually is mad good yeah like not like that okay I baited him oh we did it goofy Luigi remember when you said you were gonna kill Luigi yeah I have new grounds reviews yeah oh my gosh that was this does the state you know one day yeah oh my god oh my god I was about to say if I get punished by that oh he's Frank counter it okay I don't know why hey I fell off the ledge guys okay don't worry oh it's too stock no it's not choke on unfortunate happenstance right there okay well I got it like far as hitting my eye you shoot your slash but what you can do something about that I did you get closer into my elbow what's funny about like all right you know are you trying to suck and tuck us oh yeah hey George is grab then you can just hit him oh hey Armour yeah I was in the zone I forgot we're doing a let's play for a second nope I'm out oh oh that's such a good song Ellie oh that oh yeah I think that's might Lisa again this game genuinely I think it's a controller no no no it's a tribal quick so yeah edit that one out too all right Ellie yeah I need you to give us a new intro okay yeah and you more interest okay not yet hey no no I don't wanna loose a goofy Luigi again okay now let's go try out Ellie you gotta talk into the mic into the mic oh thank god they left so they forfeit this that we won that yeah it was gonna be a bus so Tyler don't worry about anything that out all over Hey Joe you should play Ness oh no that's what I've been I am literally taste my girls you guys see my box Oh tastes like oh I know the kids know I'm listening to Ellie right now what the microphone smells like a smelly nose a smelly nose sweaty back I love you only is that such a weird what do you look for in a man is that those qualities having a smelly nose and a sweaty back I look for some nice qualities such as this my taste of women is night qualities mm-hmm why I prefer women with big personalities with a big night race Jacob yeah that's I'm Jacob probably powered okay well he had a very similar idea yeah I know they they out grabbed us don't worry all right what you know I know you're out of pride you know I'm not out of practice I just I got a gimmick whoa can you get me out of my power dive I didn't I thought I could get through that okay don't worry we had a rough start okay I won't deny that yeah but you know Tyler get ready to edit this out no Tyler and Gary Tibbits in to a guy named Jack up with a cage he says you proud his name Jacob but he's my his parents thought it was okay to give him a cookie I'm excited mom oh we got to get this energy back Joe that's what we've been missing it's been a while okay here's the thing Jacob you never played with me whenever I'm like this no it's okay Joe I got enough I think I play better when I'm I'm so good wait I got look at this Reed oh oh wait done typing well that was embarrassing wasn't it Tyler all of this video yeah don't tell all of them to come here I miss all of them tell them to come here and watch me not like that or like that uh here I just wanna see that don't don't hit me the menthol love them and so be extra forgetful of me Jacob you're doing great I don't think I can I'm talking to them Oh No okay so I don't understand Carrie at all as a character gee I have one why man yeah yeah I think I don't know why you've your moves do I don't know what way they're supposed to sin I don't even understand your - because sometimes you turn around sometimes you don't it's it's depending on how many players are on screen yeah but like even ever there's just one look at that oh my god son of a [ __ ] Charlie's next game yeah you can thanks we really lost okay Ellie okay we're gonna win me how my ears all right Ellie dude have you listened to song sicko mode via realistic the road by Travis Shaw car okay but have you listened to stay I'm not asking if you've heard the sovereign states fighting them again yes back out back I don't know we're working their asses I never played who is this oh oh [ __ ] we played this one real quick yeah I'll play this one I thought that this was a new character Ellie I did not think about her you know character yeah that is true for you your melee player but I give the end of the date okay let's be their ass alright please okay so I'll be honest not turning around with Terry is weird okay let's focus the DK I'm not scared of the cable or whatever you hear that is yeah he just wants to camp pledge honestly see that him then what le what's the update on the dawn situation me Sena yes I understand this cable fight her the the DDD perfectly I said no sure Jo what was that I tried to air dodging I did not get an air dodge out so DDD likes the lane with aerials I'll use not answer my question yes I did what are you do not answering right did he asked if we were watching the fight and he said if you're done in the next hour so we can come watch the Logan Paul fight they're all they're doing that again oh is that close okay so local polity tupid yeah got him oh look at the skill I'm trying to do it again cuz there's armor on it [ __ ] me I could beat him out I'm still will grip this pan dodge you we can't always late just to put him down into a cloud and Noga shaky we talk about that pressure I was not watching Joe but I believe you that there was pressure was mainly pressure oh he is so much worse so every time ddd goes to ledge just ignore him and then focus the good DK [Music] I got all right Jacob holding down the fort I'm trying to got the court oh my god no oh no all right where's my good thing - oh no right now there we go got him okay oh hey guys whoa okay that is dead Jacob oh hello I'm trying Joe I carry it are you doing so much faster when you [Music] okay all right as long as I don't die to anything stupid we can still win this got him all right oh yeah big play all right all right we got this you can't come from above all right just PK fire him again TJ fire me trust me okay he has the other go Oh Jo you had one job paying the buffer it destroyed me okay Jo Jo I am blank so peeved right now he's chillin could have back here them nice I did it I'm so sick you are so sick oh my god I'm so sick all right - yep okay let's get back to the characters to it so Ellie gets a please oh that's big thank God all right the fans know you clicked yes no you clicked yes no just hit to the left - go - no I did not hit a I had not hit a this is game can you acknowledge it you today no no we can we can back out it's not doing no get out you do it you get it okay okay they're already doing okay here you go Ellie okay jakey do you and player thaali sure yeah it's gonna hand you my cat Ellie you can be Jo sniffy you know okay you don't have to be I didn't want you to be personally I'll be hero I'll beat everyone on my cutting myself Shh Thank You Ellie and good be an egg Edgar I get eggy hey were you playing this game well who do you play actually nice I respect ID you see the way you like a Nellie character makes sense probably did you to participate Spanish bored together in there right I was gonna say didn't I play against your Bowser once but maybe I believe it your bells are probably nasty Oh nasty as heck heck yeah yeah what is Bowser number two is cake the rule so Ellie don't worry about anything I'm doing just do your thing and yeah I will I can even touch anybody oh I have a game plan and it's completely irrelevant of you okay here we go alright Joe we need you to advance the commentary while we gamer focus I'm asking my I'm asking no don't line I'm asking good Paul won the fight let me know in the comments is Lozano following the fight all right all down here okay Jacob you're doing great on sizzle right thing there right oh go over bang guy first I would've gotten for crackle no spike up oh I would have it's news personally you I had tried to dude you use a accelerate I would have gone to a hotel really good okay Joe thank you you're welcome I'm glad I can provide great commentary yeah I still think about a complicating of Tony yeah I still think I'll never you said so you date your mother I think about that a lot yeah those are weird tight I want to I want to bring this up now talk about the whole story I did not that is what I'm going for I do not be my mother I never once thought you did it to be fair okay good you know I something to make sure if people knew that when his fart goes farther and I just killed myself Ellie how did you do that I don't know he's fired it up [ __ ] it up Bravo those frat be use games fryers Mellie just be enough smash I got that's what's good with Belgium this game yeah are you you're playing like a lead author I hate pac-man oh we all I don't worry no respect pac-man baby out of this game with us the people that say I'll enjoy pac-man in the comments I can once again plain character get out of this game you do not belong like Ellie back me as a gaming icon not belong ally I agree if you pull a just for the record I just want to point that out I hate pac-man so much yeah that was not banana so love him that was an insult actually it's all up to you Ellie I've got this Ellie you're doing great honey keep it up we don't like a plug book where you just read the spot where they down B yeah typically we win Jo what typically we do yet we usually do you were playing Terry and I am under the influence that's not the crap why should I think of another word exchange started rumbling says under the influence which is just as bad spen Mario that's gonna bring up with Tony what are you just go he does not say like that just like it's Mario yeah and that did not sound like more yeah I know I know I can't do a Mario impression like Tony Coney I have so much respect work is either there yeah but his Mario impression and particular very good impeccable we're fisa sauce this song wait I'm not even boo let's go shy kid with a Ganondorf on top black horn where am I Ellie that's John Jacob where am I your gayness okay but so is he yeah we're here the 1 o'clock wait oh you're not though I'm fine there's a Ganymede yeah i am-ness yeah so you should hit them so what says banana soul above their head Ellie the strenght is wait for it john far away for Jacob to get them into PK fire and then eat X mash just BAM at smashing up session gain and square mesh you're the one on the left flank so hard to figure it out ok I mean literally I'm the boss Elliott hard DV you won't wait til you're not in the game with the meta gaining I can I can do this no ok I believe in you thank you it's really hard yeah I know smash is not particularly easy whenever it ow big bigger brief okay I thought that I had a trick there's this hey oh I could have saved her but okay I did not think you were gonna get up into it enjoying that I forgot I'm not playing the game so I wasn't trained to talk but yeah good I like how they just fold shield instead of trying to like punish you Oh Jacob I discovered I've been grinding up melee recently yeah a bunch of items and pokeballs oh oh oh so anticlimactic oh my god that's so sad what you just pushed pushes collision bolts back well yeah I've been trying to get that all the trophies and mainly rebuilt it and I have not been able to Selby trophy yeah which I've got Tim you so for the record and melee you can get either SLBM you once per match it's a 1 and 201 chance yeah I've got in 10 News in a row oh my god which is insanely low odds lower than just getting a selfie or yeah but because I've been like grinding out a bunch of brands now my last talk hey I got I gotta show you some of my manners now cuz I am suppose why he has grabbed over through the side me I didn't know that okay well okay we got him out so that's good I'm really doing great okay get him Ellie okay actually Jacob I think you should take point um because well you are at alarm for higher percent Ellie is watch this watch this voices so this is the team we've been looking for I'm so glad you say price dog what you've won tonight yummies banana Sol you did it you've reached bananas soul we've reached the internal the what I don't know I'm lucky freeze reply Dawn's all right Ellie were gaming again all right Ellie Ellie they're here for round two yep oh my god paulie's so crazy so for those you who say no he just as deed no I don't like what happened was he got clipped by oh he got clipped oh my god a game register did it adds an SD I will say that as a devil's advocate no no he got clipped by one hit of my pika thunder that's what happened yeah but he lost to software that's never said the game counts as an ST I agree with you that you did that yeah the game is indeed on proper credits team however in this case it's a good thing that you did not get proper credit yeah I agree like the game is rewarding you for something that it's saying that it should have been working the artist is always go some underscoring this gain is already out of stops wait how because now is he being so hard yeah nice [Music] sayonara Falco honestly have you get hit by that alright you down yeah yeah to stock so fat because I outplayed them yeah that's insane Ellie hippy hippy hippy now give up on the d-pad hippy again one more time B one more time they left right yeah I know they're gone you don't rage Quincy no that's it I wouldn't oh yeah they definitely left what God rip me what they just said it wasn't our game we'll get him next time blood yeah because they were so close second time T what are they gonna make black ops remastered I think about that a lot you call the duties remastered well I know they may call duty modern warfare even though they did they did actually which I I know that included model car to or not or if it's just called woody model for everyone but like black ops is the next most popular game I'm pretty sure or maybe I just talked to a bunch of boomers to that only played black ops but yeah Dube also very possible such a big a genie only one of the most fun on my experiences I've ever had I thought it was very good I got both of them nice get him oh good look at the poor VLE even down to Ellie let's go I always cook in a chicken no don't okay I'm shielded we're fine we're chilling they they or general for that father just gets in like he's like I'm not gonna let you PK fire any more and then he just gets hit by PK thunder oh my god that was scary I was in fact oh I'm back weird alright and just don't die we're not and you should have not died yeah at least you acknowledge it you know he acknowledged me down the shortcut me out of the player that's what keeps people from being at the top is that why don't I let's just get knology okay yeah Oh oh come on Falco no you're better than that Falco he's not but dr. Falco though oh my goo this rise dude same thing you throw him on a skill he's making bacon stop stop doesn't angle right there dude this guy's peeving me off okay real quick I see I wanted to get it survey boy you're on the the level of cuts words it's the word pace very light it's like level one I feel level one cuts word yeah so but is that okay there's a crutch drunk I think if you have a crush jar in your household and you say the word piss do you give a quarter in that Custer I said see okay that's I think that's why I say I just want to get somebody else in opinion [ __ ] is bananas so we're gonna roll forever this guy's not playing Falco we're know he's playing cowardice let's just okay they better stay after they beat us that's so funny they're trying to see who wins the best of five you know know you're pretty good can hit us with the you're pretty good I think they leave after this win like cowards do but I'm down to play the best of five Oh are they honorable they are honorable they said what God intended this is the match this is what I sit up ohh gamers dance mm-hmm gamer girl hey baby they were Grovyle with a j-jane bird girl Jamie girl TV - Ellie you are DJ more journal don't let anyone tell you different Ellie children family pet gerbil no Josh did get to tell me right now he started them Danny no but then pulled off one of its tails what yeah I'm serious and then and then the other one we were going on vacation so we took it to our neighbor's house so that it would like so they could take care of her whatever but and then a couple hours later they knocked on our door and they're like hey sorry but our dog knocked down its cage and it killed it dreadful we're going on vacation Oh what the hell yeah so I I generally don't think that Pastor Chris should be allowed to have pets I know that's the parents that mostly take a big fence bail yeah so my best friend of numbers in elementary so I don't really talk to him that much anymore but uh oh you got yeah but yeah he had to get - buddy wait - rabbit wait I thought it was your one good job good job oh okay bunny at one point TV the rebus just really disappeared I never asked that question about what happened to like but they died it are they disappear to middle school I didn't a senior what happened was my friend chase he lucked the rabbits for like two weeks in the Sun and just forgot that he hadn't it and so he just did not be them didn't water them detained the mom withhold them it's your responsibility your the one that's to do it that's so sad yeah it's like okay like it that's bad on the kid feel like not do if it's a house like oh I want the parent just go check on them - OH how do you know oh sorry it's just an accident every time get him oh yeah you should that Falco no one tennouji Sam so shiet waits and gets away with it they're gonna get away with it yep well I did have a full extra stock oh alright okay patrolling no Joe this is the game five one times they say no - no - - oh yeah she wasn't sitting up all the way guys this one no no we want to okay we won the first one and then we destroy them [ __ ] Falco jumped into the Warlock that's - yeah okay and then we destroyed them yeah don't need SD didn't lost four socks all right shame the five everyone this is what dreams are made of and that probably means in the video to you so don't go anywhere what's the next video get me out of here drinka what you just let that happen I tried to do something about nothing you did it beli just don't get hit whoa literally massively giant and he's just hiding behind me oh you got just be hit them with your massive giant hit boxes wait oh that's unfortunate yeah that was you what the [ __ ] see that's unfortunate hard okay you know I'm sitting up all the way now do you at all know I know the fans okay you did you I'll give you that I know if you're sitting more forward or leaning more forward but oh my god did you see that play with your I just did that what just happened I'm a lock punch Tim oh no no I killed myself sure Tyler went wild about alright that was pretty alright here's what you do le ya rock wait you said it hey just gonna zero to death you hey what's up but no one three socks makeup and gets away with it why did you die why did you die why did you die that's a really good question what happened to you all right Jagger I got the controller now okay see ya no you're right no yes that's Padova Mario oh wait wait no no no no no no no no no no you're not Eddie I'll be structuring problems different drinking while big wedding Mario it's terrible it's so it's bad it's bad man what's up gamers it's another let's play whoa let's just jump right into it yeah today we're doing another call me top-10 night montage grandma Jimmy doesn't deploy well you know about socialism I know nothing well a little Timmy it's time to fight Matt why I got another Mario we got a lot of Mario's I'm flooded I'm at 30 I killed him oh that's you aw crap okay I really hope it we've Linds wait okay it could have been worse why isn't my oh my god why did you hit by that well because I'm sure the murder I was being a martyr that's not gold cap word for a week Maddie yg - Maddie yg1 warrior two pose oh wait I'm not white Mario I am I not dead she's like okay she's obvious things will wag oh yeah that was really bad [Music] oh sorry for making noises belly that's their job yeah our job is quite linear ignores all my [ __ ] god hit a pinup team oh my faulty okay cool I did it jaegun la la I got it wash I threw a fireball out there you did I got him Jacob whoa oh my god I'm Joe I'm doing my best I can't babysit you the whole goddamn game that's your job who doesn't babysit your toxicated friend okay well he you were supposed to babysit the blue one and then he for dared me how did that happen oh I'm drunk so I don't know your excuses I'm gonna blame the liberal media on that one yeah that's fair you're welcome you just space them perfectly around my move okay God got a funny aerial for the fans the fans all clip that oh that play right there so that was a massive swing that wasn't wizzy right there that was the darkest role read that works to watch there's no way he will he can run this back I'm it's too low percent just grab just grab them no no how to present it up all right god here we go there we go that's what God intended right there undefeated in there is still one - mm-hmm this is hell he's asleep Ellie Ellie is actually pregnant the president all prizes this is what George Washington one in every family hey Ellie don't fall asleep I'm awake is Ellie teak some fireball you need some fireball do she actually know you gotta turn off she does not she does not need that all right Ellie what's your favorite letter right now like not in general but just today yeah like right now like in this moment what's your feeling q you like you that's unique because you though that's because every word can start with Q and it will be funny what no not till this white dude sure thank you thank you for the point dude thank you for Blanke me JC footage is blank you okay okay calm down all right Ellie are you fine sleep actually I think she is yeah I think she's genuinely falling asleep Mike no he tried on 20 Errol it's not well the DK I had no idea I was not focusing on him at all I'm gonna keep him again aw he's gonna give text Oh so Ellie yeah favorite number what's your favorite prime number I want to know from both of you guys actually can I ask a question I said anyone's my favorite number all right if I was alive or not okay what so if you have oh that's not you I can't tell there's too many Mario anyways Ellie asked one of your mini question okay so if you have zero percent of nothing in a hundred percent of nothing what was it like what you have you have zero percent of nothing or do you have a hundred percent of nothing I don't like straight questions I won't lie Ellie like I'm like I've been I've been asking myself this question for years like I think that you have zero percent of nothing yeah I agree or do you have a hundred percent I think I think is zero because you can have nothing oh no you have a hundred percent enough also maybe they're both also the beauty is in the eye of the beholder you know but do you ever like match up like numbers with like I cannot see where I am me I don't know what's happening right there or like like words of the alphabet Ellie oh I have no clue we're saying right now I'm in gamer zone we repeat everything I said no no what'd you say so it's nothing about mashing up letters of alphabet yeah like it was like seven all to me seven is a consonant like e yeah I mean eight is a vowel you know like does that make sense to you yes that that's second grade like kind of like no it's not second great concert dammit I knew he was gonna do good yeah the letter 8 is a vowel all right we're gonna begin standing up you heard the ruffle like are you saying even numbers would be about even numbers to be vowels yeah I know I agree completely all right you've never seen one in ten yeah so to another spot okay hot take okay zero is even number I will die on this hill yeah even number I don't care what you how do you divide 0 but you only don't that because like poor divides if you're dividing you're wasting your life yeah I always see my life are you dividing better not be dividing in this household no this is not not God so let's hope we don't have another Mario cuz I feel like I just kept confused oh yeah I to me I let him hit me so many times because I was like oh that's Joe yeah it's like hey what up friend oh thank God it's a Larry mom and baby it's a three minute time match by the way let's fight mom and baby you got this brother this is a three minute time oh this is one of those clouds I hate about this doubled up oh you saved them God owes you no no III poor dear yeah for you up there are you up there - yeah well like I said hit him I killed baby nah come on I say let's just see how many times we can jump the cloud go to go grab I'm said [ __ ] the cloud actually kill baby I cuz I want to just bully oh it's time match yeah I know that I said that okay I didn't notice all right yeah we're giving the cloud yeah yeah yeah we're just give the Box jump read oh they always do it oh it's a flood I did upbeat okay flood again I felt somehow I think I hit down and I'm guessing that that's my I guess I feel like if I were to be born anywhere else in the world I feel like I'd be born in a sewer no don't okay yeah you're right all right some things don't need explanations [Music] yeah I was gonna start keeping these cannonball just I tell you let's just get the cloud let's just focus with cloud okay bye don't worry about that one going yeah yeah just ignore him okay if you're playing cloud you at least think you know what you're doing yes true and doesn't feel easiest to beat alright yeah you keep them separated I'm just gonna yep there it goes okay oh yeah I think that's this trap he doesn't roll he does obviously that's so funny too because I respect that yeah bye my role we can dragon mini TV piece I was not doing that at all alright grab them all right I'm gonna charge it up I [Music] love that casuals just think that's a good move puppy yeah it is it's no I mean it is but it's like they only use that yeah go we're not talking much I just realized I was young on these gamer focus yeah I know [ __ ] I was in a trance dude I don't know this is that bad oh don't walk in front of me Ellie's gone Elliott's left the building I'll he's gonna go again Kelly's going to the bathroom Ellie okay crawl I have been losing so much holy risen high I don't think it matters loss first don't worry all right just just don't die there we go hi I've wanted for it oh my god are you really hurry Bella you do during sudden death all right well it's all up to you Kelly walks in front of me hit me cuz I was like [ __ ] I like jump there I'm right there I jump and get hit by an eye yeah I was just gonna shield in cave because I thought he was gonna do it for another projectile wait oh we need a back out we don't have preferred rules on we have to do that again if we stay you back out you you do it you do it no no it's okay that's that's fine I guess honestly the proposed rules were not as bad as I expected I I don't know I think three-minute tying match is pretty bad it could be seven minute time god this sleep pants sound so comfy right now that we could get three minute time period I'm probably gonna ask Tyler I think we divided Walmart and buy some sleep pants so see cats mad not matter you do not correct you never call them see pants the first time but I decided that I'm going to now this is awful match yeah it's all a half cycle agency mom and baby one all right I'm over the cake or whatever the next shape really good drift this is cloud oh god motion sickness yeah oh yeah I did not like this age I think it's probably I think this is one of the worst ages cuz like it's literally just tilting the entire time yeah all right here let me by the way yeah keep that on how long okay well you know I guess so that's why you you want to use it on I'm gonna sit right here okay what time Oh God oh it was a really good cloud Oh Amy's in special falls wait oh good I will just keep him whenever he does that oh yeah oh why not kpop what if I take a pie probably plug uh motion sickness and lag oh god Tyler ended up the lag please make it go away please like I don't even post I mean now I got him hey miss Tyler I never got hung up in Sicily I haven't seen him in a minute either God baby is coming after me Beppe chill books let's keep forgetting Elly's here Ellie's back now oh yeah we'll still think you're gone I mean you are gone right now oh I can't involve I keep bowser jr pilot yeah worse oh yeah I really dislike publisher like there are so many low tears that I dislike playing against and I'm really glad they're bad you know good or bad no that's what I'm saying like why the hell is he in this game like so many characters could be much more annoying I think about a year deserving spot more than waluigi but i don't think either one deserves a spot I think waluigi kind of does despite me not liking the bastard where he's like even he's only been in sports games and say oh what about Daisy I don't think Daisy deserves buddy there I mean at least Daisy was technically in Mario Land yeah Mario and their cousin living in something alright we don't like really die again I think the fine yeah I don't plan on dying anytime soon well that's good that's a good plan I don't like from ledge goes unpunished every time all right I'm just gonna spin out smash all right this game is really hard right now yeah I don't know what it just never ends the thing got big big grab right there that was good that's good I think that's turn it up no I think we won easily Oh Queen sweet oh now you're worried I was neither boy it was Oh what's the sport plus two plus season we won by two points I think maybe Russ B we don't get to see there's my own daughter play that rules have begin though I don't know why times just not very fun yeah I don't get why you would play tined unless you have like I I get it you're like you're a good player and you have like three casual friends yeah absolutely put on time so II you guys objects play but they were mom and baby to be fair so like you know baby baby baby maybe Ellie what's going on your head right now Holly lose your fingers right number you never said my way your favorite prime number yeah Jacob's a 17-7 t1 I hate prime numbers but if you had to pick one is you there could only one also I didn't mean it nice nice also we can flood prom if it's not a prime number she almost had it though yeah you can do 13 for 13 friend Imran I don't like 13 13 13 says solver never comes down beat up there this oh god I killed rabbit man hey oh my god Oh God I did it all right Ford it ah damn it now dana has a sword again and but it's too much chew good shield pressure damn okay I'm sitting up yeah also our final smashes suck yeah I was gonna swap up a Mario but saw your ass running I was like I don't know how I don't wearing this for that also this isn't really all right good job for all your soap what's that freakin good at this game oh my god I'm gonna let it rip it's what is that rainbow thing at the bottom it's our meter for final smash I'm good hey I just died can you change the settings no this is their rules oh my god I'm dawn don't worry thank you that was a good save well he just downbeat of course oh and I'll pair it up damn it know where I got it do my thinking for good yeah you give some good pickups right now all right genius Oh God star mains such a lame item oh no it's cool cuz you're gonna be invincible all right now we get to run away from him forever [Music] all right I got this [Music] wait wait don't don't plug them watch this read guys fly yeah can't fly more even flying them I got him oh just keep grabbing him grab him like over here damn it that works for you I'm so smart get up yeah easy [Music] now watch this roll read oh crap okay you got this what happened Joe I picked it and I don't know what happened after that I don't think he realized I picked it up yeah okay I can't so much time just hit the B button yeah like that's the thing you know items are fun let certain preferred rules on double items yeah okay it's just let me get off the Mario yeah of course that's my one request like if we're playing with meter on can't play with Mario sadly yeah my fines so sick that also Ellie is asleep yeah Ellie's just alright not that marketer um let's turn it turn off just turn on items just like yeah let's turn other in pokeballs maybe I I don't like pokeballs online I won't lie okay just cuz sometimes you just good [ __ ] has it once you get the ones that make you go dark I don't like that especially not right now no I guess there is Palkia okay who is your items character right now I'm gonna go with old reliable Zelda oh crap now I'm going my items main I can't think right now okay fine no my ankling sick Oh God okay let's play Joe what's the play alright everyone we're here we're playing items doubles online Elias passed out on the couch right next to us so what roles have ruined this country a hey Joe he's drinking a lot so I would like to say that we might not be the best item players in the world like we're gone and that real it matters you're probably talking oh sorry if we like played against like real ass top players they're probably still beat us do they just beat us in neutral no no no we would be top layers just um we were beat some but not all he would be there yeah we would be Eric easily I can be Eric without items like I'd be there cannot attend on Eric now that he did that's true but anyways he you Ted Odom week one of ultimate that's true and Sam Sora did not that's true he did not tell him but anyways we are playing our little set corneria good stage hi I'm running in all right I'm gonna do Phantom because it goes down slopes I thought he'd go further well big damage oh these guys can't mash you there this is great call us also recently DK up grounded up beat got a pretty significant buff and now it is like 20% on the ground and has more armor I protect me sir so be aware of that I don't know what any of that means I'm just gonna pretend like he's a scary man regardless I get I'm getting drowsy no describing I thought I thought house strat I'm gonna come into use so coop alright oh that's such a good play thank you I'm all yep do my words are beginning nasty lately to you I I can be reversed pretty consistently now feel I don't know wave bouncing so I still don't understand what that you do a oh my god big sword so you do a reverse like a melee turn around and then you do a wave bounce or like you do a what was it confirmed I just need someone to show me the inputs well it's literally a neutral okay so let's take new for me you just do the mail a reverse neutral beat and then you - Oh a be reverse it's just the combination of those inputs so then left right left or left if you're trying to do it could be what's so good check it all right well we got decays down over there somehow oh I hit a box this is broken I can almost fit that there's chickens or bees or something on yes - cuckoos what in salina I'll come out to play now I need out oh my god ah oh yeah I got I got again in this shield don't worry Oh screw attack all right get him get him I don't I do not have a good move it probably even better on you oh you're screwed I just screwed ecobee yeah it doesn't work screwed a control B then is just a 2% yeah you're right I might be able to film eventually good pig good cake we needed that good said final meg we've won what have you done with your life come on please save that look Joe we could probably so we can play doubles online as much as we want but let's be honest gamers dancing up is not very fun to watch because you can see anyone do that but we are the only ones who can play online with items like this much success Jacob I'm gonna ask you a genuine question yeah me Josh we're making our items combo video yeah you won't be a part of it of course I'm insulted you didn't ask earlier like it's weird theme I only do me like this oh we're playing there yeah I wish we could open an arena and play doubles but you can't play multiplayer online all right I don't know I suppose my switches at school but like maybe no whenever I come back I think we just get two different setups yeah I'd really think that uh that's something like we could just do like I think we could do that forever like honestly playing up items double this so much it's really one team attack has to be off though like I think there's a certain like sauce that team attack being off yeah like you just get to play the game you won soup I just I'm so say what's gonna come in all right forget them oh my shield holy hell yeah I am Baker the big hurt don't worry peridot Oh [Music] god I still can't believe how I ended that stock yeah and God knows I forgot there was a lot of dialogue and then I still yeah it's so much hard to focus any this cuz like items is so much more reticular like you want to say random but it definitely has an arch here looks like you got adjusted the randomness so yeah like he that's saying like oh there's no skill and is just random you know that these guys are gonna like yeah and you just say oh there's no skill I'm telling us random how do you explain poker yeah there are good different player anchor it's consistent rock-paper-scissors champions like yeah there's a consistency there did the skill I'm being able to like to predict the random and also it's about minimizing the the worst-case scenarios yeah oh really good catch by me right there I'm easy easy up there oh I got you get down mr. president if we play tomorrow and we're here to campaign yeah no we talked about that okay you guys want to make sure I was taking all that for you out here I'm very these guys I I don't mind do you ever like did not mind taking punished if it's like oh yeah marry this guy anyway so I'm not sure that's like spin my men who'll play I think he's dak ho if you know him he's a really good high-level smash bros player yeah probably one of the best mentality I've ever met in like all of gaming because wild it yeah they [ __ ] me on that one but he taught me so much from this fall on Twitter I think his channels at the deck both you want to fall on he's post really good mentality in gaming he's like you posted one thing that really changed my perspective it said cuz you know when people get frustrated they can't kill ya they say say say switch that mindset because instead of saying he can't kill realize you're not taking damage if you're like oh if you're like overwhelming them and neutral but you can't get that kill they say you're not taking damage therefore it's okay yeah oh you know cuz that when you can't kill you get frustrated then you start to play sloppy right yeah it's like oh man Oh [ __ ] cowards if you leave after one game yeah after one win I mean I think who does not want to play items which I get they wanted to win on their rule set and they did but oh well but I I would love to open an arena with double items so we can just like constantly play yeah I feel like there's something we'll do you never come back yeah no we could probably do that but you can i clarify something real quick I mean it's too late now at this point I feel like you tell you this probably won't be uploaded to all like yeah wait November anyways go on but a lot of people think so wait when is Josie when is she leaving so that long twit longer I did I have already left I've already moved like two hours away from Jacobs yeah Norman I have to drive about two hours to come down here what am i doing almost misses you guys maybe keeps coming down and making out like this I love making content making hug it's a lot of fun it's kind of work it's a couple of my students are fans yeah I've already started like the product continue to be even bigger fans now yeah no that's sick like I have no shame with that whatsoever I love that and none of them have the best up to it I know for a fact the coupledom are because one of them left no my [ __ ] said minecraft the way home she sure did I wish I didn't go into that story but that sure had happened and whichever students that was Chelsea oh thank you for thank you for holding my wish of not recognizing me yeah I'm just happy that he did not tell anyone yeah yeah like no like Jean you late cuz I actually talked about you Begley III so you know that you're a dummy Joe so okay here's what we you know the book the Pearl John Steinbeck yeah so we're doing the same thing called anticipation right which is like hey here's these things in the book the agree or disagree mm-hmm and one it was like a greed changing earth having money changes people yes to watch I was talking my class and I told them of your philosophy of greed does not change people at exaggerate your behavior yep I said yeah my friend he was a youtuber and you know I I told him about you I was like yeah he used to buy people the food whenever he had like $800 a month for salary that thing whenever you like work at Brahms yeah if you have a youtuber and now he's still face where people's feel like he'd become a dick he just you know yeah just now has money yeah I mean yeah and all the kids are like what youtuber is what I don't yeah so like nothing no oh I try I try to get that out of them sound of cars gonna get by that anyways it's agreed final class it's a lot of people but but uh yeah going on to that like I have left already like I love a full two hours away yeah Joe like that after Evo like that was the last time we really yeah it's together like that after July specifically like if I I moved out a little bit before July nice yeah thanks me into that's weird I guess it's just a general went ball ah damn hi I'm getting ready here soon now I eat that he's jump right in Sheldon near ledge factor deals 14% by the way I recently lab doubt some Zelda tech specifically casual it's all the tech and I realized how nutty that move actually is like hey I err doctoring from I didn't think you would do it disengage disengage the doll hit you under there that'd be a 6/8 it worked like that I'm hoping it would you win our way yeah that's cool casual do not they think this is the strongest item ever ah see it's not bad not at all it's not but it's you get you can be it by shielding dude I love this song I never talk about that every time yeah Oh God watch this role God um uh uh III was all over him though he's gonna downbeat just wait oh not even he won't now I got rage blaster you have more percent you take it grab it I'll distract him okay yeah you sure are distracting them all right I I got this tight all right yep sure I'm sure I'm getting him cuz like look at what strong as a pain your walk yeah I know but yeah the topic of when is Julie I've already left dogs people say that in the comments every single time I oh I always try to explain it like a nice yeah I always try to explain it in the comments I boy he just liked out in content so it's coming down even though it's extremely difficult on him yeah it which is why it cuz I work a full-time job for you right now like that like bottom line this was to teach she gives I love it I would not trade it for anything I mean I would trade it for a paycheck obviously a pretty degree that's what I'm planning on doing I get my degree in approximately four weeks actually thank you I'm excited I'm really excited put on the fridge mm-hmm actually having to have family country can play graduation that's gonna suck that's conversation for off the Mike but Mike so I mean by the time you guys are hearing this I'm probably back yeah long story short he took a four-month break yeah and focus on teaching yeah which the break was pretty much gone 99% of time its to sock we can go through school yeah I'm holding for B you just do something else no just show you guys like whenever we're gonna down B again I love this song yeah we did around play three eventually oh yeah I just somehow making I I don't want to grind does you want to talk about our plans for the channel sure yeah let's have this be a good job episode so Alfred plus is gonna be a full-fledged let's play Channel starting December probably is already December by the time this goes live but just so you know tomorrow our our plan is to have the Ellijay Cup Joe time slot where we just play like miscellaneous fun games or party games or something yeah that's a good trade yeah yeah or and then like the night slot because we know people like to wash our videos when they go to sleep and stuff like that phenomenal play oh my god I really think that's all showing that was such a good filly no good pie - you gotta do kill one Interactive all right I had that road also I really want to talk about that yes we find a feel for some reason okay but back to what I was saying and then we're gonna have like a nighttime fog so it's like we know you guys like to watch videos and like just go to sleep with them so what we're gonna do is do like a long game time slot for for night time there's a specific game that's coming out next year that I had never played yell recently what I wonder what games it's which one is it that was very linear that's only one f15 I think I don't anyways [ __ ] it we're gonna play persona 5 royal in which time slaw I think probably my favorite Mario in the meantime yeah we can play earthbound we can play on it but honestly we can do this yeah yeah well it'll be like this type of stuff it'll be brain yeah cuz it'll be alpha red + so probably be like longer videos like for 30 to 60 minute I think it'll be more like summer out for a bust-up or yeah like more raw less tyler editing yeah personally i don't want to make tyler edit our yeah our long life he just puts it together that's good cuz ice cuts it of course i don't think they're supposed to be comical outside of our commentary yeah i feel like the night like the night slots not supposed to be yeah i think that's some work podcasting stuff that people like fall asleep - yeah but also i do think a really fun regular series would be us doing casual doubles with viewers yeah no absolutely because we can talk over that forever okay go to the right yeah we go the right test the hazards oh there's no hazards welcome to the real world oh they always try once dude for people that have wondered why there's a legal stages in smash and white it's not every single stage this is why did you see this holy notice say save it don't know we said yeah yeah but that was literally the perfect item to spawned right in front of me obey it make sure you use your moves scans gonna get banned go after Gannon don't make him use me okay wait I was in special fall why were you in special file we got him all right okay cool we're good yep we're winning Oh Mike no let just keep it keep in mind uh you can't jump I don't think you dropped it the father may Allah if you can't yeah here let me just reflect that oh my god wow I'm surprised that doesn't expire all right I don't know what they're supposed to do [Music] got'em Oh watch it okay this is such an awful game oh okay thank you not I'm just gonna reflect it thank you oh my god can you believe that angle I love this game so much right now but I really do think that like again we are some of the most knowledgeable people with stuff like this so like I think Oh God yeah now even though he did know he did the wrong way oh that was good I got it'll smash Church replay wait no wait wait till we use our final smashes wait till they use theirs wait wait no I jumped over there what the [ __ ] that's not what she's honestly a lot we could I damaged myself I knew it was coming is it this [ __ ] Larry oh my gosh I upbeat into the bomb and got my final smash alright do we do it to them yeah yeah we do it oh that's so mean wait we don't watch this watch this watch this they literally cannot damage us now no no just watch that's so mean dude I do anything this this map is one of the worst I like I love this I love this map but this cloud right here rooms it at this climb oh no I'm gonna play the game with them I dunno anything that at this cloud does not exist this would be leaves you just wanna know you have to play I can make it even less fun if I if I play have you got that they she's dead but yeah we can talk about a lot of item knowledge because I'm sure a lot of you like it one idea that you had last time whenever seeking to talk about this Roku at the stage look to your list oh yeah alright the state to list I think your Sakai doesn't matter okay doesn't matter get a pack yeah well yeah I think just random to your list just cuz that's just fun to talk about and also yeah like it does not matter oh yeah yeah we thought we were gonna start doing careless but like in lifetime just so like you get to watch us make it and ever yeah just cuz that well the people like being told what to think and like I mean we want to do it over stuff that doesn't matter like States yeah Joe and I have really we're good at with our opinions and stuff so just imagine hour-long video that you could fall asleep two of us discussing which state is better which please fall asleep to them I'm so good I've no need to do that it's okay what a [ __ ] awful stage it's so bad that's a very first stage to get baby and that Amalia actually to connect nice here's someone you just picked Fox and went to the side maybe just flop double laser because why wouldn't you because a short out double laser was tasked only in the early days of competitive melee however that's really funny like yeah if you watch this a super doodle man back in like 2006 did a bunch of a human Theory tasses of melee and one of the most people moonwalking and one of them was lush dashing and another one was short helped double laser it's so crazy how far Mae Lee's come along since then it's just like it's so technical now is this normal rule ah hell yours again I know this is theirs this is final smashes and I'd home leader photo we were definitely in their element you know so like I don't actually feel that bad upon knowing this I love stood darks oh I got him it's not over yet walk he's gonna banana me oh he got you Joe we're just so [ __ ] good with items though like we seen we are so good as I said it's just a knowledge thing mainly if these central pieces yeah yeah I played I'll play distraction oh yeah you got to know your different roles they're like I'm protecting him so he could some of the assists Rafi like there's so much it's like I think item doubles it's just so sick it's gone to you cuz you have to learn how to play with your teammates also the sad song by the way so clogged traps that they yeah I saw him just now well clutches one of the most brutal stage hazards in all ya know no one's ever talked about it by even mint in mailings terrifying yeah question Bailey you can run okay that that's good for me oh god yeah I know you get that I messed up I thought I could break it right there oh I'm invincible it's okay that was such an odd pickup from you what that up smash yeah he picked up a my back through while you were well of all the animation of beginning yeah I was ready mate watch this what were you all roles too long but I had to read so one thing I hate about alcohol yeah I don't know this Universal fingers me I'm sure it's unum okay they're playing reverse controls now so they can't play right now oh yeah oh this is a bad day for spittle as he really is it's very old claptrap better oh my aller just give really bad all right so yeah we punished them super hard for that reverse controls but allergies yeah yeah no we got a song to talk off that God took Vicky for my dad reverse controls but not because of the game please because I have a zero IQ alcohol probably yeah no it's just in general man hey now just bureau that's one thing I've noticed about working with kids actually like just me me like I normally do they love that no one does that with them yeah like said you're like professional at that yeah like okay did you have to do study island that's a good you know study island is not okay it's pretty much like things about online quiz ten questions and they're a bunch of dumb stupid questions I won't lie yeah I feel bad they're like I've been having my kids do them but they have an AC T next week so it's like yeah okay used to these have a deal ya know crosswords or anything though yeah no no no crossword says oh I don't want some of you to walk out in some youtubers do you like that oh my do you like that oh my god we I saved us you put this in the cryo state thousand years from hell scientist could wake us like so and we could let's play talking about items again the thing is well yeah Elliot still Patel is variously but the thing about items is that unlike competitive play why I like item so much is you press so many buttons you know yeah cuz your Z dropping everything you're trying to actually time I don't know there's just so many more elements to play with like competitive play is so much harder do not get me wrong but I like mindlessly pressing buttons it's so much more fun it just says I like pushing a button seeing something Cap'n yeah like pushing runs itself not super obsessing with seeing a movement happen because you pushed a button yeah it's insane it's there's so much dopamine is given so releasing your brain for no reason yeah also what was that noise oh yeah that started the icemaker in the fridge put a speaker on the fridge yeah what I stole that kill can you sorry dude watch out I'm gonna did you ever play the NBA Street game games Oh with more impatient Luigi yes yes specifically NBA 2 which is the one right before that but yeah the one was part of me she's good yeah the v3 so there's this a print that I had back in like fourth grade we'd always play that game we didn't like any other games that's theatre one liked except for that game even though there was about the athletic yeah she would intentionally like block my own shot got it we're on the same team that was worth it so worth it oh he can't trapping that's a that's actually a capo read da free oh yeah like you would like block my shots even though around the same team just so that we could like steal the ball and dunk it that's so sick and ones that sit like looking back sabes is a better grab okay I'm sorry I'm no you're good Oh something to get hit by him again oh yes Zack oh how did we already get them to last saw as we're good at this game just grab all right wait okay okay come here oh no roller I need to grab okay everything's going south why'd you go into it I did not mean to I'm still trying to mash out all right yes oh that is terrifying the the ice maker yeah I don't know why I started doing this recently oh okay well yeah yeah yeah there we go I try to swag I do like these guys cuz like we're so down to items with them I really hope they don't mind that we're just assuring them oh oh that was good thank you that was good thank you I was gonna try to roller and then grab the thing mm-hmm but I like that more yeah we covered good options and I mean we cover obscure options yeah that's the same like you have to know all the interactions of the bomber before you can start covering things like that yeah I think that's what makes us a good team not really a good team I say good team in items especially yeah in teams Aaron I specifically you know I don't cover the basic options because we know that the we trusted the other one knows how to get around that like yes like you weren't trying to cover me so that way I wouldn't get hit by the bomb you're just trying to kill him I was trying to push is different I had two plans right there so cuz again something crazy about items is I get to make so many important decisions so constant yeah my decision there was Sam as either tries to ledge trap you and she tries to let's trap you and ignores the bomber and then my side B blows it up I just stood there in the Mario killer you sure did I was drinking fireball I'm so good at scared are you good thanks men so yeah so I was covering samus charging her fighting Joe or guess then the fire we would have blown up the bomber or I covered her activating the bomber and then dying because of it which is what happened yeah oh okay down B combos now oh really yeah I really kick up up okay you got [ __ ] 3d Tim K rool Hoff and sinner or Robin or the carrots look up up I really like they did box and not nervous I like I think some characters can be nerve for like not full sets I think like a snake Nikita should be nervous yes III don't think that I don't know but I want to gut any characters well yeah there's no cater that definitely I [Music] know I'll tee back with them I'll be friends no he doesn't deserve it that's so much damage you just took I'm dead I have another song and so you you just really chased them down yeah I want to know what this seeks sacred inkling tech do turnaround roller like when you roll around and then you start going really slow and then you can speed up and it'll face someone washes cuz then when you speed it up no one's ready for it see you see that combo down B that's insane that's weird yeah why would they do that it's okay I guess see I I'm too like approaching this mentality about smash ultimate because bottom line I am yeah that is one thing that people don't really fully acknowledge about me that they just don't see you playing Bailey oh yeah like you guys see me playing ultimate so you guys so Justin if he's an elephant player he plays a nail on the side no I play melee mainly and then I played ultimate like only when I've ever been so much more fun for content yeah I know I I G Lee don't give her I love often Ultimates genuinely fun games and I do think the thing about ultimate is it's easier to appreciate clips yeah it's like you can know less about the game because the game is less technical than ultimate yeah anyway a part of the thing about appreciating clips in melee is oh my gosh is the execution yeah he's so many buns right there yeah but an ultimate is like oh my gosh I just um yeah exactly I think both have a lot of value in them I genuinely do oh yeah but people should appreciate that games more don't hate I generally hate that about Twitter culture right now is that Pizza Meili versus alternative it it's not near as bad as what it was for smash 4 which I love yeah well that Meili players that like ultimate ultimate players coming around the mainland like I love that our scenes are coming together yeah like it's really nice cuz like back in the brawl days that was just a dream pretty much yeah was a pipe dream okay yeah I feel like the documentary definitely did not come about yeah it definitely painted a narrative yeah where is the motion since I think it's in the center but I don't see it alright bang bomb he was like what do you got he of it there no like he got you but like wide up now yeah oh he put his nuts out there for the whole world say you let that [ __ ] hang nice catch I don't you know honey you're gonna throw that know this guy just ran up and oh my god oh I got so lucky he doesn't one thing I'm getting really good at cloud town they're fighting his cloud yeah cuz he got one of your kids who plays them no more than play cloud Duke go cloud is the most popular character and so yeah like that's a fact that's why I'm telling like I'm like it's like yeah if there's a tournament like there's gonna be like a statewide Oklahoma eSports tournament like soon okay run away and half my kids fight cloud nothing good kids like but one of the good kids makes cloud but none of them another like the really good kids but we got rid of that final smash but I'm sorry yeah go on no no I guess the the claw casters guy but I was Frankie my final smash any get hit by Joker Thank You Toby his final smash sure gets final smash Wow woman he does not have a limit I'm taking this all very seriously this game no the limit okay wait I'm gonna I'm gonna hit the fire box okay did not get anything Wow lost this final smash remember it does expire for 20 seconds now which is a big change I killed myself tactfully right there so that way I did not lose my meter yeah I said lucky with that was good wait oh my god well that was discussed I didn't even get to use my final smash man I know what we did I won't lie I think it's Downard and then she died I don't know sometimes you don't have to understand but God I was just so fun yeah what your favorite item in this game Beast ball I think beats ball so say I think super launch star is badass because it can be used against you I think my favorite item in general and smash as a melee screw tag just cuz yeah it's so sick with Falco it's so sick you keep off the top of it it's really funny I'll let you turn off the laser with a degree like I'm pretty sure it's the same freedom window is short out the laser with Fox in this metric c4 yeah we're just kind of just neat I don't actually know I don't know the frame date it for that game so I think what's super sick items little the thing about secret launch star is that what's interesting about that is like you can kill someone at zero by launching them into it but the thing is it requires so much baiting because obviously they don't want to approach that star right because they can just wait it out or they want to use it against you and ultimately what it requires is an intense understanding of the angle and knock-back up every single one of your characters moves right yeah I I think super long starts so badass but beast ball definitely top five the only thing I don't leave else to be launched are mm-hmm and I won't live already for on everything that you said it that tells you anything about where I'm at right now yeah I got you don't do drugs kids I'm not doing drugs okay like three the only three can spawn in a time it's such a rare spot if it's fun more out absolutely I think it's just sick what which one oh yeah I'm sorry I'm sorry I just want to know sorbate gonna get it oh now they don't get to play the game how fun yeah yeah yeah you you you were in a scenario okay make them you to eject Isles you item farm actually that kill oh this sucks Heather list this what I think this is just socks in general but I thought this was the worst age in melee and then they decided to make it the worst stage and all the smash games like for some reason they kept it oh my God he's got baited holy [ __ ] I read the drift sure all right mushroom reverse mushroom oh dude this is that's rough oh look at him I'm coming for him don't worry I'm coming for you you're a man okay holy but surely coming Donkey Kong it took the Cure will so long Timmy there yeah I saw it up being does that still hit me it did yeah it doesn't matter we're on a slope this hole down yeah I'm hole I'm dying down in a way and trying attack now okay and this I get party ball I'll get launcher oh hold up hold up hold up look at this play that was G yeah that was so good oh my god [ __ ] casualties there - right there man like super long stars are hard items to like kill with consistently okay just kill good yeah yeah I don't know where to go so I'm thinking more out loud than I am thinking to you if that makes sense no I mean that's what I'm doing right now got him actually like I have lots recently really big like I really do think when we have items turned on it's just a genuine work of art to witness I think it'd be so did what would be does I would hate to play us an item's dude there's this really good moving around because right now I own a blanket or do you want a pillow you okay Ellie she's asleep okay she wished drink you for Ellie Franky god rest her banana soul yeah look at my view risky so it consists on this yeah okay I got really good at the university after watching there's some of you that you did with film I don't know what he's playing wolf in it and we're out the bat two seconds of video he runs off the platform and does it be reverse later yeah and be reversing just mates yeah that's the best laser for wolf-like no like oh they're they're having meter on their rule set oh yeah so this is not bad we still win like just be her alone kind of love the Zelda off the end of the opponent I'm just gonna go Oh someone's get hit and I think it's me all right brother all right guys had we now have an item on our field hope is gone I hate them that crown D smells like I get it I get it but it's just such a I love having an item on the field yeah dude I may involve your suit exclusively because of the Highness it's just so sick to spawn to three very powerful items here do Street up I've made brawl nests because I thought he was a Texas character cause he none of my friends knew how to use them yeah cuz I can do the upbeat it's hard as a casual yeah nothing what do you set up like never your casual used to be once yeah I thought it was an attack I did not know that it was a yeah I was like my sister just go up straight it doesn't do anything I thought it was still an attack like even when I learned that it moved I still try to think what's an attack CI which is a dumbass salute yeah and then suddenly dude I don't even think I've realized it until melee that that's that's my thing I've been an upbeat Millar I didn't realize until all right so I realized it in melee but it rolls out the time so whenever I was a dump casual I didn't realize that melee broke rewrite that rule so well oh okay okay I'm stuck in there he to training at that world Oh how's it feel buddy I'm in your head now alright go get him go get em tiger ken Zelda sweets bought one opponent in the sour spot another but I feel like I've never seen that happen boots can do that honestly like you know there's a weak hit bought some strong hitbox like if I've Mario for today or someone and it hits two people can I get the sour spot one and spike the other person I think this is not what pretty you're getting hit losses out on yeah I know if I'm the same they're both a parent on the scene I just let it rock on DK man no he needs a little more damage it has meter turn on so it's weaker can you tame it a little bit yeah okay that's it there you yep easy easy game good morning Kelly great look at spots out to read all right [Music] and dead oh my god that killed him that chilled him I think he was mom's got dinner ready di that was a you know I didn't wanna win that game hopefully we could play your thanks though I hope so that'd be nice how're you doing Ellie hey good night Ellie you want a pillow with a pillow on the ground there's plenty of pillows on the ground no we can bring the pillow to you we can bring a pillow to the couch how's your banana soul going right now missiles laser gal allow your bananas soul to rest master ball I would never kill you Ellie not even once God that was so we're so sick I drink a lot of fireball there's a fireball let me to drive you over to Tyler's house I asked him I asked Tyler come get me he said he would okay Heller you get to drive okay God come protect me I I didn't we have meter turn off that mind of the killer I had one yeah you do it check the score done all right guys there's we live in a college town and we don't want to drive yeah yeah that's okay we're just playing some some smash doubles I think it makes for good puppets not long ya know maybe 20 minutes actually that's our editin how long she fell asleep like yellow snow that's all because I want le close the pool I thought that was you for some reason you should absolutely be first especially if you need to be harbouring guys and your inkling don't get protect me at all you cool it was such an easy to get up attack who's gonna be every time they forget about Zelda I just get to up the end of them and they're never ready for it Oh watch out for more yep I was ready for that I spotted a good job and I don't think II cancel it in time yeah he didn't forget him okay easy oh good no any guys meet her I got mine I'm gonna I'm gonna do it to him oh god I've got him got him see it's so funny to me cuz they're never ready for it what I love that what a big swing that truly is you know I think does that count that's detune no no no we took them in stocks clouds limit is already draining for final smash so I'm just gonna let's keep timing it out yeah yep see got it got it I might get punished here I didn't feel like you might have though from item all right I love that can just hold down the fort with this move yeah you're doing great yeah it was walking in front of me slip honey no no I was dizzy her instincts right there sorry thank you for playing you show off my game really I was so ready to I try to I just I hit it I didn't buck very properly oh I got you I'm just gonna keep up being high that they just don't care man okay you got me chi-chi's all right everyone the comments let L you know you said good night yeah good night Ellie everyone say good night Ellie get him o bells a desperate counter right there yeah we though 22 seconds left damn brittle no on your face Ellie are you okay to drive I don't I don't think so I think you should I think you should chill off you go throw up mmm sometimes I understand I do like how all the people we've played against or uh have meter on yeah nice banana so oh hell yeah are you leaving okay good night Ali yeah New York hey Ellie everyone say good night Ellie right now well tweet it at her Instagram right now huh they'll figure it out we'll figure out they're smart they're [ __ ] bye Ellie you don't subscribe to the channel on Shiva tonight huge what everyone say good night Ellie Ellie said good night Ellie no Joe I'm gonna camp them bye bye Ellie also look at this weird exploit I realize if you air dodge up under the turtle you just kind of like fly under this weird weight piece ball it's over Ellie's gone Ellie Ellie is gone I really hope she makes it back actually achievable I kind of wonder like how every like text whenever she makes it back so we know okay so the way the fans know that she made it back yeah we'll put out on screen if Ellie's still okay but she is yet but we like to joke that she was show gone but she honestly drank a moderate amount and she just got little white Goldberg yeah and then that do 20-minute naps when you're drunk go so far I would not know I don't know I got drunk at an airport once nap on the plane for 20 minutes and I was sober when I woke up anyway I really wanted to try an experience of being intoxicated in the airport like I don't want to be intoxicated in an airport okay okay look at us I got poked I want my friends to be there to babysit me gotcha because I I absolutely hate fun I hate airports I don't I get motion sick that's really bad actually well you can't really do these I'm hearts give that and on planes I just feel terrible for the next two days going bad are you for a minute yeah I'll take that that's like 30% thank kill him wait almost killed him oh okay I did like good but to you oh sorry I was focusing on the thought of friends teens for a little bit yeah it happens to me and I understand but you know like I would absolutely love to be not at my brightest never I'm at the airport cause I already hate being at the airport yeah I mean like it's just a miserable experience for me all right like it my ears pop every single time on I got a sitcom I got homerun bat okay really - final smash wait okay oh whatever we're a soccer ball now yeah I'm just gonna throw a bat down and watch this I'm saving that for our combo video yeah that's going in there thank you for helping no wait wait I can I can probably hit him under there I'll feel under there yeah wait wait I'll hit him as soon as he comes through don't worry wait no he's dead yeah he's just gonna die wait my phantom will hit him I get ready for the hipper Homer that way he's drowning yeah he can't hear his way out how to get out of there you air dodge down and then you're good oh damn I wanted to say the replay cuz that's a home run that was so sick it's fine when you roll it him and I did home run Batson oh good that's so cool cuz he's the Attic straight down - so you die outside many situations by far southern nuttiest but it's just that even though I've never seen that interaction happen I knew the angle that would send at you know and that's the thing that like makes you a good items players like already knowing that knowing that interactions and ups where you can theorize how they would work yeah and I think like because the thing is you were thinking two steps ahead - cuz you got any knowledge the fact that you're thinking of how that items going affect them young grounded that's a whole nother layer yes knowing how I interact like I said we're a plane to get free projectile characters so play very campy and also it means that in doubles and something hectic they're probably gonna roll a lot I just read a few roles Sam it's like the role grab already yeah that's a saying this I mean Sam is because I love Metroid look at this watch out for boat funny yeah it sure is I I neither like that yeah they roll in every single time got just roll Paul all right this water crap is not great hmm its water crap I hate water touch base water craft yep like this wrath I'm just gonna keep punishing roll read with oh okay with what what am I talking about no upbeat puffy like that I love tilt Rose I mean I hate them I think they're objectively lame yeah that 11 ever I get them yeah they're pretty cool this is like oh man I don't have to find the chorus player I know guys it's like I don't have to do much worse tonight I earned this it's like oh my god I don't have to fish for jab sacra to our yeah these guys have the worst rolls okay he's an advantage sure he's rolling and then I push in and then he's gonna roll right there yep oh and not much I could've done about that oh that's you that would've been sick pick up though just come on guys oh did you see it was an active way before air doggin got up all I heard it I just felt fur I'm rolling behind it 0% yeah yeah they'll do that oh my god I just don't have that type of resolve in their life they're dedicated suitor role role in ya know it's like it it's almost respect if it was a good option it would be respect yeah but like anything in abundance is a bad often is man I was gonna keep doing like oh you got in front of you really said get down mr. president hey you know I was ready to reflect it but I appreciate that you would die for me John I'm just hitting for view man I don't know how to play this game right yeah I don't think you realize that I'm growing I'm pure instinct which does not work online so I'm just doing what I know will work against these people and you aren't rolling real good I'm sure eating a lot of glue man it's the high quality Ulmer stuff mm-hmm only the six breweries eat that oh I was so ready for it okay now roll again Jesus dude how many rolls you have to get punished for it before you're like maybe this is a problem I I don't know man like the thing is casuals are still a dad oh yeah I think it's bizarre cos like that's why humans are good at yeah oh he got voted mean watercraft yeah watercraft excuse me yeah water vessel let's go your favorite synonym for the for plural right now cuz we're different Bing it oh yeah not fall ha ha ha ha I think we did have I explained like why why I like really left Bob and then it hasn't gone live yet oh here comes this Jesus dude like it's like reading a [ __ ] book I don't know how I tell you're gonna send them out there okay I'm just gonna back their own boobs gonna roll up there it is all right here we got some back roller and roll room alright sorry my reaction I was like it's full second a little more ink Joe okay oh my gosh I can see how much ink I have I completely for calm just going on feel voted I'm just waiting to see how much f-word VG's I have left I did it [Applause] white sadness okay just roller them again you got it he's gonna roll yep right there okay here she comes good too slow for you it's funny oh I was gonna hold shield roll oh wow you put him in the air you shut it on - that was a mistake oh it's okay okay watch this this is gonna work I get him oh there's the slain I had a very funny trick in mind rolling them again you'll have a chance I got him I did it that didn't kill their 197 scared trusox rush roll oh oh oh she's not even looking at you right now I thought rollers just oh okay you know what we've had a bond yeah I don't know the second we said okay let's kill them we actually got the first try well you both had 100% accuracy never it actually mattered wearables that Sam has had a sin watch I thought we just queued into e1 pretty much I wish we could do that you know what I would love to play the 1 into V once because like that's such an exciting way to play the Smash Bros yeah okay so remember someone's trying teach me how to play click competitive melee more horses I believe sky to smash because I learnt you you liked its fundamentals one game they transfer over to all the games yeah just the tech doesn't play so he was like you know you should do Joe you should practice against level 9 CPUs whenever you need more stocks to 1 bar make it towards for stocks to 1 so if Frank's doing comebacks like now that look back you know whenever you're playing the game for like 6 brass you're like oh yeah that's great now it's like doesn't help at all it's like making a forceout comeback against computers factor assigning them four times yeah I was so ready I was in the input of shine or not shine but I wish their shining this game man [Music] got him where to get off tried you the shortened well I've walked out they didn't they just buffer their double jumps god they're so scared of not being able to double jump instantly get down mr. president you ma'am thank you madam lady how are you Secret Service Agency you think have died sink it down mr. president I don't know I don't think any half right right I'm sorry that said someone has to have died on the clock I wonder how much [ __ ] we just took down you know okay you're duelin I think I complain you oh wait walk off okay okay I this is not to cooling time got it cool wait okay I thought I had them yeah you can Google now you know no we're so fine I don't you Secret Service agents have died [Music] all right yes I just specified protecting the president Oh give me the smart yeah all right I just got two EPs mash Google's listening to us anyways yeah anyway okay Google Google watch myself for security number leave it at the comments right now all right forever gets my social security number only give you switch Francis my social security number you got it was agent predicting Donald Trump has died oh no oh damn that's a very not nice but a very broken piece yeah I can tell you're Dini therefore it's very hot I wasn't covering like capture sad air horns and I don't think I did boys we wasn't the exact same breed we've looked at the right read yeah it's just like we'll just I got them wait I don't know if it's a double dose are higher than I expect you're full huh fair a lot less than I expected I got so saved there oh my god poor Robin oh I only got hit with one of them oh I forgave you drunk about yeah I died of that recently I feel like we had this conversation light weight off the wall all right there you're good just martyr yourself oh I could I would be so much I did it good job all right I'm just gonna spin that shush now that's okay watch this roll read boys jump yeah there it is you were your worst III just got turn around grab three times coming down throw would send them down I don't know why yeah I'm not getting our real set at all I'm dead I'm so dead that was close oh god oh god she almost came back right there - it's really funny to be honest Oh God oh yeah I think you saved me I could have died oh good yeah we made it here we like I know we were winning by a lot but we could have lost that very easily price what okay rough guess how many Secret Service agents are there like period period like on payroll right now yeah 822 nope company approximately 3,200 special agents damn 13 uniformed and 2,000 technical damn so the technical or just nerds II don't actually protect the president they just in the office probably but you know they got a town skill you got a check yeah you get the check I mean who cares I mean it's just like being in the in the army and not seeing combat like that happens I mean that's what Luke did that's if I was gonna join the army that's probably what I do is not yeah yeah like you're gonna join the army that's like [ __ ] don't fight dude I mean someone has to if I do they let's have world peace instead you down for that I throw no peace no room peace oh I was gonna say that dude when I was a kid is I sat on Santa's lap and he's like what do you want I was like world peace needs like you know of like something physical there's like no Santa I want world peace I think human lives over physical Santa you know maybe you're just a dumb kid yeah maybe maybe saying that it didn't good I read in fourth grade I had a kid so that soon he asked me like I said he said I'm like there has to be wars like why he's like because otherwise we can't get we won I'm like holy still can we can just come to agreements right they know we had field of fire like okay I like you you knew your fourth-grade like oh that's good logic alright the same times like damn you know any world dictators out there don't ya work you know I agree with that you know okay so one world leader halfway motion sensor is on the top platform and we can throw someone up on there and we'll still activate or I can probably don't throw me I'm just motion sensor bomb is a really cool item it's game because you can throw people into an activate song hit okay so motion sensor back on top lat I trade you the map it's a big one eight billion people in this world eight point five billion yeah you have two million subscribers yeah one of has to be like some form of royalty right yeah I know I think about that a lot because I think the prince of some country is like a disgusting weave and like his steam account is like hella current you would like Boosh it written all over it I know Donald Trump's son at the very least like Don Don jr. he know Tom jr. is he's a weed you see they know no that that's no it's not oh I do not repair an errant Trump is his name yeah I read that but I thought I could punish him for oh I got mine between Sam as can die corn can't okay not working tonight di down in that fight gotcha Sam is what I reversed it I did not mean to do that [ __ ] that was bad yeah I got samus yeah she's coming down to virtually well that's a lot of damage oh my god oh yeah we sniped him she really died tell her anything cooking English nice thank you mate I mean Tyler excuse me you want talk about the time you met Mingo you know if I remembered it I absolutely was all I remember is hugging him I won't lie do you know what you hugged him over handed yeah relieved we hugged over ham from Toy Story for because he was not in yeah turn the lacking toy story for I guess is what I should say from not Toy Story boy you can tell the story you were there angry sober I am neither I was there but so Joe I was talking to Mingo and then Joe you know big mango fan he yeah he wanted to meet mango so he did and then he talked about him and how Toy Story 4 did not have ham and Joe was so mad and then Mego not mad disappointed yeah yeah and it was just weird because mango was very passionate about this as well and they they hugged over it and talk about how the injustice of such a thing I think that what made it special was a mango initiated the hug like you guys said my friend is upset about hand not being coy sorry for either and you he just opened up its arms like all right yeah coming everybody understood like you have to say words we didn't see any words accurate but just hugs eat and the long hug to you it was a longer you guys were in there for a hike and I was meeting my heroes yeah they say don't meet your heroes that such a phenomenal story all right the only time I've met bingo before that was a capital wait whenever we've been waiting for it no god damn it wait I thought I had it I could've taken it yeah I got one of them out don't worry oh you got it easy bloody work oh yeah oh that's a perfect place use it go up what are you doing control it I'll cook jumps all right got that I hate you dead well all these fall if it's spawned early I could have saved in a disrespect all right you know I learned in the video there I got a bedroom
Channel: Alpharad Deluxe
Views: 1,098,041
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Super smash bros, smash ultimate, ultimate, smash, super smash bros ultimate, josniffy, alpharad, elliedrumm
Id: FKqF1cP11jU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 111min 48sec (6708 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 07 2019
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