Toads Without Benefits

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all right everybody we're here with Mario Party lychee we're joined by Dylan at song I'm sorry to hear that Joe that's yeah this is like a tip number five Joe why suck on this board I Joe why suck Joe why suck bad luck I don't dude so last time we played this toadette rolled four tins in a row high rollers a 1 in 10,000 right that's a CPU yeah that's the extra hard yeah yeah no you haven't answered my question why suck Joey God hates me that's why that's the only answer I can gaming everyone but yourself this blame-shifting you know it's so he needs to hit this windmill right here otherwise toilet will get it cuz it's not like a matter of who has the most stars in this mode it's just you got to get three yeah oh yeah what is this mode this is a 1d one story mode interesting yeah so we just thought it'd be like a fun thing to like kind of podcast over and just talk over it yeah seems kind of bogus on this board in particular because the whole thing is about it's not it's about yeah the economy but for this one I feel like you're only gonna get an opportunity to pass over the windmill one time right no because getting coins is really hard because it's 20 coins 30 coins 50 coins for the windmills okay so it's like getting the coinage is a little difficult but it's so impossible so it's not highest bidder yeah yeah yeah yeah you'll usually only rough Oh no perfect reforms in a row yeah that'll get you the consistency that'll get you there but Joe's biggest problem has just been he's got beat out by the CPU every time like the CPU would have one lucky turn and that would just be the Exodia turn for them yeah there is one term where I out one a minigames got nothing from it lost the next minigame and the CPU sold all 30 of my coins mmm and then got a 20-block and got two wooden tiles from one turn that's all like a hidden block I guess no I go there's the dice blocks you give you more money in this oh five ten or twenty coins for meeting a player catches yeah stuff that I don't know anything about yeah oh that was a good play future yeah this could be good yeah so she's gonna play a single-player mini game we just skip it but what happened last time you got towed it did not have enough coins to go through the windmill so then she popped a mushroom hit a double tin got 20 coins from a dice blog incredible like this is that one in 300 chance that's so G 1 so let's see how you did alright say goodbye to half your coins that's good oh [ __ ] it works this is looking good for you it was good the best start we've had on this board just met us usually I'm already down by one windmill you needed the boy energy yeah boys patent that start selling boy energy energy physical product it's it's like Red Bull yeah it's like Red Bull figure that out later would people not purchase boy energy I would once just once to see what it is you're not gonna be a regular consumer of boy I like it first I mean you're gonna like it you're gonna love the sign up for the boy energy box subscription without passing the product first we didn't we can set up samples at the mall I think you guys could do a really solid subscription box of just various boy products oh man but if we get in trouble if we just like if we just poured a monster energy into a can that we have branded potentially get away with selling that locally at the very least we got away with Sasuke t-shirt yeah we're gonna go to jail like worse they're like hey man cut it out you can't go for the jail on crime with my internet exactly the Internet's not real the wild will ask your brother really is enjoy it while it lasts we're coming to a close I might think of all the YouTube channels that just repackage like twitch streams yeah or all the ones that are tick tock funny moment yeah it's the same 300 tic TOCs reor reorganized in a different order for infinite possibilities of videos unlimited content so like if I just go download someone else's tik tok compilation what's stopping me from reuploading it oh the same tik toks yeah absolutely nothing I promise you I I can't confirm this but 99% of my being tells you that a lot of these tick tock compilation channels just look at the other tick tock compilation channels in a rearrange them yes I just have the clips and they just rearrange absolutely I'll take my free six million views please it's a good market to be in dude there's such easy work and such high rewards yeah definitely I wonder how much money those people make us like for us our jobs are like oh yeah we're like this personality though he put on display and you know stuff like that yeah but for them they're just like oh I have no personal commitment to this whatsoever yeah and I mean I just go sleep are / videos or whatever on run it public without the fear of anyone recognizing them ever it must be nice completely anonymous still do you think someone's gonna try and swat mr. meme tik-tok compilation guys on me I did must be punished for their crimes then somebody's got to do something so there's been razor focused yeah no I'm listening to the conversation information strictly thinking about my next play gets this note and things are looking good though thanks looking really good this could be it I'd say no yeah you know I'm I think the money is too valuable because you're also gonna get money at this block right here yes please more than a five oh [ __ ] man you had to say it out loud that's your fault yeah dual space mmm hey if you would have used actually never I needed use mushroom also maybe what are you throw an orb on the board throwing an orb gets you more money than the Arabs though yeah but also there's another twenty windmill down in the bottom right so mmm you could have just won potentially if you didn't roll a five right there dang dinh I would have rolled a ten personally yeah if it were me I would simply roll better I just don't understand you can't lose to the AI this way this is a salt game it's so easy okay just talk me through like I'm a dumbass cuz I show you do this follow them yes literally all you do is follow them cover as much as you can and then follow them that knows the very first thing that you do is follow them just just wherever toadette goes go behind her oh oh [ __ ] stagger steps yeah it's over if you ever get a lead in this mini game and you don't [ __ ] up that they walk like that there's no counter play the the teleporting panels or traps yeah and you shouldn't take them because you're wasting too much time but yeah not good Mario Party for stamp out is a much better version of yeah that's fun yeah cuz like stamp out has different speeds you can go out which is different risk rewards yeah and like also like the amount you covered depends like changes based on your speed where this is just like yeah just direction yeah having a great system is really bad for this I think if I think if the grid were four times larger yeah like hazards then it would be passable it's just something to prevent you from doing exactly that or yeah just follow them for the entire minigame I mean that has to be what that's what like a six by six grid something like that it's not very big yeah so maybe like eight by eight at largest things like six by six yeah I think that's right I'm trying to repaint the image in my head probably 7 7 feels right yeah if any games kind of sucks yeah she's kind of bad I just kind of stink it Joe I feel like this is a very hard lead to throw oh just you wait the Bowser panels exist surely there's not chance time and there's not okay there's that one right in front of me like I just popped the shroom right yeah you have to shroom you try to get to the thirty on the top left or if the path allows it right yeah cuz there's a branching path it's like Midway madness right yeah the the 40 yeah that's fun right especially because in Vice than 1v1 uh yeah that sucks doesn't it there you just can't follow each other ever if you don't if you don't lap them then you'll never ever get it if you just go yeah it'll constantly be on the same cycle alright the the shitty part we were talking about literally earlier the one mill has been repaired huzzah uh so we're gonna need toteit to pull like a complete rain main play if she's gonna pull out ahead on this are you wanting her to win whose side are you on Jacob I mean unbiased commentator I'm strictly speaking on the game yeah Sweden and I'm not following that's a DQ spot please miss this one as well no if you give either ten twenty thirty coins okay yeah if he gifted her a whole ass windmill I bought you a building I love you for this fantastic bonus flex all right so guys where we named in our tick-tock compilation Channel hmm I think it needs to have no correlation with any of our channels at all yeah it has to appeal to shitlords tick tock compilation 69 I feel like it throwing in the funny numbers like if that pulls in yeah its algorithm safe 69 20 of the high schoolers and that's like probably half the viewers man is Li is 69 it's a search engine optimization no I think the tick tock compilation is the optimization the optimized terms what the 69 is what makes you see it'd be like nice just like that it's digging into the psychology of the viewer at that point right I'm actually gonna search that on YouTube right now and see what happens it's probably gonna be like hey guys this is my channel and this is tick tock compilation number 16 I was about to say I would be very surprised they haven't done into the O digits at this point I'm sure you can upload like every single day yeah because multiple times they pick up because then after you see them you say oh if you see it for a second time you know oh I remember this one haha it was pretty funny and then you watch it again and you just get that dopamine hit like at the brain chemicals I wonder how often those compilation channels like to reuse clips I'm sure all that oh yeah I would do it multiple times in the same day I have like three cuts of everybody just were you much guarantor did you have this one in the bottom left already right I think so yeah okay okay this is good for you want that's fine that's fine oh no this is very bad this is bad you have to win in this next turn yes I have a slow stream but what are you - yeah Oh looking at some some channel okay stop it anyways yeah yeah if you're all ten does that get you there no and it will give me right next to it and the toad I could roll real bad okay first recycles the peas gaming dude look how we all felt it oh that's - - yeah it's fine current get five five more right here alright so it literally comes down to does toadette you have a 90% chance of winning I'll speak in absolutes wait oh hold on okay this is still a game this is still a game minigame of course the one space before it is a duel of course so Joe we agree you shouldn't lose this duel right not no I probably will it's gonna be [ __ ] the one where you hit the balls again the weight one do the wait for it wait fish and chips is it this is a survival game yeah yeah you so yeah this don't lose the AI had fish and chips dude I have to know whoa bro you can do this traditionally whenever we play this with four real-life human human breathing beings it goes to a draw because it's so easy way to realize bullet-hell they're flexing she was ticking all over them okay so Joe good just take all the money and give me the win yeah it's fine or I could just get a nothing again nice I sure would like all of the money how much is the windmill in front of her um thirty but there's another block yeah if he gets there so there's all [ __ ] there there is the chance that you roll this one you shouldn't thank God we are off this case we felt the chance right I reload the save state it doesn't fit the script let's go go load it back yeah come on like normally yeah of course we staged it right yeah we've been to many time just like the computer tournaments that you yes because we really give that much of a [ __ ] who yes that's the fit the script that you're right yes it was how held you up off the cop helps the provide such such deep such deep storylines pretty good they're not preconceived messages Oh would you believe it we told you he just said that I mean if any character in Mario is gonna do it it's toad he's been through some [ __ ] he's probably a rookie every little dude well I wanted to read that because every single time me yeah everybody me every single time that Bowser has anything then writing like a Trump's I just yeah from Twitter it's really good it's me Bowser weather is here dot dot dot all right so I recall any good for the day yes but I want to show them the starting message at the very least okay cool yeah turn at the end suck my dick mario 3:30 I have to be installed by 6:30 [ __ ] it if I'm late for my mom's birthday oh well she'll have another hopefully [ __ ] alpha red plus I'm still sitting in the same spot that I was previously me a whole day later you're easy my name is Dylan and I'm here to say game grumps so how this board works in the 1v1 Joe music doesn't fit sorry is you have to get one star it's a traditional board alright but then you take your star to the middle of the board and you have to beat Bowser in a mini game if you lose you have to go get another star interesting but it's also like it's an elevator mission it's like a bullet hell and you have to go up a hundred floor tower so if you lose at floor 27 the next person to get there also starts at floor 27 man that's pretty bogus yeah so so lock yeah you know do all the groundwork and the Mario's gonna commit yeah no that's that's possible yeah whatever you do don't lose 499 yeah just like a loser earlier if you're going to which way do a full star is down there so yeah do I have enough you passed it you need 20 right here's 20 but where's this five in Atlanta but if you go up it doesn't move around I landed a question works oh that seems you who knows or I can just loop yeah no look down yeah I was I was looking I was like can we not just go down and like maybe what a minigame or something okay that's fine seeing alright [Music] I mean so I'm a little back to where I need to be anyways right hmm if I loop I look back to where I need to be correct yeah Mario also what goes around yeah sure if that's where killers to go oh don't lose to that jump he has not lost a DK yet jump man is I I am yeah I have a pretty good record against DK not to brag this is one of the easier minigames I feel like I'd be very disciplined well all you have to do is jump over the barrel what is the one minigame where he has worse the bridges because that one is [ __ ] one where it's like you're in the barrels and bouncing you no no no no it's a it's a 1v1 versus a dko the longer you just it's you're picking the red left or right yes yes yeah and it's it's so oh because like some days you just get orangey yeah the strat is just a to stick with him on us that is the strat but it still it sucks and you make the break at the last turn you're like you you you let him guess right every single time and the last one you're like okay coin flip God's hands I I think it's better to try to diverge actually because say you diverge on Route 1 and then he gets then he gets route 2 wrong yeah so now you automatically get to come in and snipe the correct answer on you can react to which path he goes down though he goes like he he moves like a Pokemon ai where he has to walk left and then up yeah if you go diagonal and cut the corners he's going on you'll win fair gotcha yeah is that the one DK minigame we just haven't seen yes and we are so lucky because okay the worst one cool we'll get there yeah I believe a good star get Joe Thank You viola - Oh Joe what did I just say Joe why suck what'd I just tell you not to do Joe oh you guys should have seen us on the because one level where you just have to climb up a mountain level yeah it I was ready to win the level by turn six and then I fell down the entire mountain no he didn't even land on the happening Mario landed on a Bowser jr. spot and then he goes had to really screw you over I'm gonna swap you with Joe's already at the top of the mountain it was like faces away that's rough hello losers do you miss me oh hey oh he sinks it so star goes somewhere else so it might go close to you anyways he was half your coins for that [ __ ] oh yeah yeah I do like the concept of this board where you can go multiple directions yeah it's not strictly a circle I really like that about this board it's a good board yeah except for the sinking losing half your coins sorry yeah it was like 10 coins or like 20 coins I think it's sinking and then you go to the sinner is even fine yeah because then it just cuts off paths and the board mm technically changes every other turn right yeah because now if you want to go from right to left and you're in the bottom corner it's a lot harder huh huh might as well stock up there's those are the two best stars funds yeah you want those that's a good place to be yeah sometimes the stars respond right yeah I feel like this board more than any other I've seen the most like one turn yeah it's the these two in particular that those two because it's your zero is literally in zero spaces away from each other yeah wait it didn't give me the option to buy I don't point yeah so that's the center oh sorry to say bring him okay yeah there if there's a center on each Island um whatever place at the middle or ridges which if it can you just run the gauntlet and do all hundred right here yeah no you can but it's just like if you get hit right yeah is it very difficult at all um no I've done it on my first try and then I nice I did it against like styles and I we had a 1v1 here and it I think the pressure was on and then we kind of like it what I did worse but no pressure on you this time no pressure be fine Joe's not gonna lose it was a gamer look at that incredibly phallic Tower mmm extended the heaven Bowser he's ten balls and dick am i right does it have like three or disagree the big agree as they had like the horns on the rim like at the bottom of his little propeller you see that what do you think like the voice oh this yeah Paul you go how high you go up Joe oh gosh so you go up yeah a pretty high number that's a good Rory yeah please um this is interesting you have to wait to go oh god oh god this go fast you're gonna be very close to bowser is a a dangerous place to be Oh blowing lines out huh note that one the others didn't though yeah I don't yeah odd do you Lady Luck smiled upon you that day Oh God bring your kid to work day this is not fair is that if you're a war criminal yes especially Zerby yeah I mean have you seen the bushveld yeah I jumped on jail pretty late though it is tension dang well let's hope that Mario doesn't come in and clean up that would be embarrassing thank you and God out of literal Looney Toons hole in the ground - whoa no no toad look sorry do I just go back to the island I was just on I think you're in the center and I think the bridge stays where was pointing oh yeah Mario clean up I think this is a super interesting one be one bore - Oh Mario cleanup maybe okay no that's good well because he has to loop around now he's on a blue though yeah he's in a good spot actually okay Joe will you turn CPU minigames on real quick because if he goes to Bowser I think I want to see it oh yeah yeah that way we don't just like have it go there and say you lost yeah 30 turn maximum huh yeah I don't I think you just draw I guess I don't know which is essentially a loss yeah it is a loss the CPU doesn't really care if they lose so I should turn on the red yeah yeah oh well [ __ ] J all right please just ten God whoa dad one of the numbers I think Tyler oh oh yeah yeah you lose half your coins but more importantly Mario's have this one too yeah and is no longer in contention for that star yeah so wait salad sick Joe nice yeah of the times to roll one that was one of them they should pay you for this your head like 70 poison uber driver parent boomer etc to ever just say like so who pays you yeah google write you a check yes it's holiday season explain to family still what I do a lot of fun right it's a yearly occurrence it's also creating the same people when you have to explain in December while you're busier than normal because they're like you're just uploading videos like you normally do right and I'm like yes but that but more yeah but like that but like a lot a lot though it's down so got a loop around but do do do you got this yes hey honey it could just gift you today we will take that all you have to do is uh I have to roll low yeah not roll high enough or loop around Mario Cart lean on dual space oh is this the mashing minigame another single piecing something yeah that's Joe Holloway he seemed somewhat the star oh that's rough man brutal board dude yeah just keep changing huh hey I get to go next that is true yeah eight coins Wow they round up that's brutal but my favorite recent explaining to an older generation what I do ISM was me going to a doctor's appointment and and explaining that I I had wanted something looked at on the lateral portion of my toe uh-huh and and like what's lateral to you oh my yeah the outsides like away from the center of your body and said okay do you like like what do you do well like are you are you and health I'm like yeah do other people know what lateral is I guess I mean I'm just being specific here yeah but the answer is yes is that I have a degree in health and exercise science I don't use it so I thought eating on the fridge with Joe's new degree now yeah so I thought it gets in so I told them that I look yeah I've a degree that I don't really use is like oh what are you doing I'm like oh oh my I make youtube videos for a living is like oh well have you ever thought about getting a job with your degree and then maybe having that as a hobby on the side oh yeah damn [ __ ] shut there yeah and I was like nope I think the biggest thing that people don't realize is that it says people like to undermine how much they make on YouTube because they want to seem personable yeah but you make a good living on YouTube if you if you got people watching your videos consistently and you're unable to upload consistently mm-hmm cuz like there are some channels who like you have very very big videos that you all require like two weeks of work on yeah that's like that's hard to be sustainable in using that's why gaming youtubes where it's at hey you it's it's easy easy to make money on stream and like you idiots I'm already doing fine because you watch the videos you don't need to pay for the con I'm double dipping on my audio I'm the opposite I constantly beg my viewers to give me mob flash for me personally in your money it's your money but it could be mine let's be real you're not gonna use it well Dylan he's gonna do some way cooler [ __ ] with it - Dylan I really like the concept of going onto someone's channel to plug your patronage and the thing is every one of our viewer base your if you erase everyone's so drenched in irony it just might work maybe you gotta you gotta tell me do have what they see is live so I can keep keep the email and we do have a $69 tier that gives you absolutely nothing it's very ironic so hey hey what's up you got a disposable income or maybe you're just irresponsible drop us a line anyways yeah Bowser okay the Strad just go ahead and double down with the second o all the way another question yeah no never mind there's no reason not to yeah I'm gonna lay another question mark and he's gonna drown yes maybe later Joe's trying to say cuz the stars on this island yeah I've got a jumble places for it but you're gonna sink the islands I just won the game race yeah that's that big boy you're going in with the mentality that you lose yes stop losers mentality yeah howdy Joe you're a winner I've taught you about it hasn't been historically this has been a long recording session I thought this would be an hour and a half of us playing Mario Party but whoo we had a 20-7 turn game a while ago as I say when did y'all start last night oh okay we went to sleep and then finished up this morning because I was too tired from watching him play Mario Party I was so sick of his absolute garbage game play whoa easy oh that you cannot spook me there little bit no that's a good ten oh you won't win you just don't hit love oh oh oh Joe I think we won oh thank you in gaming go get hit right now don't get hit right now whatever you do don't get hit right oh my god you almost got hit right now you almost I did it yes a star yeah no throw the star and he'll explode and die yeah see dad I don't want any of that action you see your dad start getting his ass beating you're like oh yeah I don't know about this I thought my dad could be your dad like questioning my whole life my dad can't even beat you so now that Bowser's like canonically dead in recent Mario games he's more of a he's more of like a lovable mascot rather than being the villain yeah he's a father figure now yeah it was like the actual bad guy that's on finally beating Mario joke yes what's the haven't defeated against him who's the bad guy of Super Mario now it was still Bowser they just kind of done the Kirby think we're like Dee did he's kind of like a frenemy now yeah so typically they they replace the the recognizable face with like the ultimate evil yeah and things of the sort I can't wait for New Super Mario Bros switch 3ds new and guess what bowels that's the enemy sure just use that otters dad yeah Bowser senior how's your senior comes in you're like oh you thought Bowser was a big bad bro hey you're first Hey the best took 57 turns to win and that's not including all the losses change the champions comment right oh okay well what's her comment boy it's all up to you Joe you you're the winner here look yeah I would mind jokes this whole time dude it's about time for you to pull your weight all right that's kind of what I was feeling to get through the censors I'm glad slash hit me with love to see that oh so happy so happy now that's that's a comment I can get Thank You Seetoh totes a good guy Athena day he might tell the poems to each shouldn't died he just it's just cheap straddling the answer are you trying to battle oh okay okay okay no I suppose that's alright all right bye bye it's so proud of you Joe you've done it alright I can go to my mom
Channel: Alpharad Deluxe
Views: 184,328
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mario party, mario party 7, mp7
Id: nj5sf_Y685U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 47sec (1847 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 07 2020
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