Breaking Mario Party

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so a lot of you want to see Mario Party but we've got something better for you we are doing doubles against each other yep and I'm the royal family and I am pure evil I'm weak toad hard toad hard Bowser jr. yes no handicaps would you like one how much of a handicap can I get yeah I'm down with that I don't think we should Oh ooh I was just seeing if you agreed anyways we don't have four people on this channel and Ellie's busy today yep we asked her to record and she said cannot sorry it really told us to [ __ ] off and then she sent a picture of a middle finger and a note that said mean words yep but we're not going to share that with you no we would never but she did say that Tyler look nice today I did not read that part III closed i muted the group chat after she said the mean where it's Oh Thank You Lady Luck for blessing me yet again I could not not with that again what I'm just saying you didn't get a nine I got a four I got what God intended for me well some luck is stronger than God yeah I agree yeah I don't know I just thought it'd be really funny for us to do doubles with the unpredictability of a computer teammate on both the horses yeah I like the computer teammate just cuz yeah it reminds me of back whenever I used to but what's it called uh you see how quick that is yeah that that is fast I like you action replay yes it's just quality of life improvement well what's the game Mario Golf yeah I love the mario golf games because of that the the doubles looking heater yeah so terrible yeah they'll Brantly chip it in from like cross court love it bold move toad you guys got double blue nice yes it's a four player game so there's a lot of strategy in these because now you have to find ways to throw yeah but we can't really mm oh we can try and sabotage each others because we know that our CPUs are playing to win now I'm gonna I'm gonna play interference here so toad is my boy you got Cooper kid but if told you I might get home okay you know what I have just decided that the CPU just aren't gonna do enough yeah look at that hitbox all right you can keep it up Toto take it home totake it home oh he got 700 toad he's he's come to clutch okay well Wow Wow he tied yeah they type okay so that was bad for both of us nothing happened but I mean at least we okay so it's shared shared economy yes it is currently shared in Moorea 46 I wish would get mod to where it's not that would be a sick body for that mod I I'd give behind that mod yeah I like individual pockets yeah that's why I think Mario Party four doubles are really good all right so toad is already on the path to the star and you know what I'm putting my trust in my little little boy that friend dude I didn't say that about in here all right if elder geni goes right okay I'll go talk to you yeah cuz I feel like you got to put some trust in the CPU right I just I don't know what he's gonna try to do it's not gonna give you the star you know who knows yeah honestly okay okay no orbs okay happening that's big for us do not write it though of no fluff for me please I'm surprised toad said no to fluff I feel like the computer see flashing lights and they want to go for it I believe in toad God isn't it nice that we're already on second term mini game oh my god yes he's actually where you play coats are phenomenal I love action where you play dude yeah can you imagine the world without it I love playing on our hacked GameCube yes the Gamecube all right so this minigame sucks you got to pick one of the three and the thing is only one person can submit Wow so you pick Oh yep you speak ba or X you look at it very use a lot of strategy and tell me okay you would agree just let the day I do it yep okay put it out roller down pretty nice program it's between Cooper kid and boo right yeah because I feel like this is being towed extremely obnoxious for us yes cuz we will be [ __ ] yes all right what you got towed oh oh come on come on Bowser jr. come on come on come on toad take it home the royal family rising up its my is my Idaho is that the right one okay so I feel like if they just take turns yeah I think toad wins I would assume it's yeah it is B yes let's go Bobby jr. toad had that man like I was so tempted to just intervene but I trusted the system too much no I mean like I think that's the fairest way to do these types of minigames yeah cuz that mini game sucks yeah all right well G geez Joe you want I did it through pure skill yeah trusting my teammate we have good synergy yeah I think he has a little better synergy than you do after what I just saw I want to roll low thank you all right what she gets Loco oh no use it use a toad at the star all right Bowser jr. he could roll fat though Oh now that our team is down about rolling fat we're gonna roll fat cores and fives and pop off for a seven where is that I think that's blue space yeah yeah I'm saying it's me oh nice logo nice toad I say use a toad oh oh okay damn you just hit that Rollo the perfect number bang let's go toad I call pop off her that doesn't get a role from toad yeah here at it yeah 40% chance of hitting that and he nailed it no cars over here all right that's on our path yep yep and so that means you get the start next turn I roll first that's only three coins though this this next minigame matters wow it does yeah sure unless it goes to according minigame in which case that does not matter no coin mini-games all right what goes up okay this matters a whole lot Oh the soudanese fun all there's one thing I do love about this game mm-hmm but we should talk about the tree list yeah like this minigames changed based on if it's night or day yes that's really so it's really super subtle yeah this is what goes up and then it's what must come down you go down if it's night time all right focus yeah I'm our commentary will suffer when we're doing like intensive minigames like this let's I can just continue mindlessly talking like this oh oh no oh wait you can't jump through them no that's what that happened to me I was thinking I'm a ghost I'm invisible and I forgot that does not work like it's Ryan invent the mario party tier list oh my god no god I am so rusty yeah I am I keep thinking I can i frame through it dude toad oh really I thought as a race to the top I gave up like halfway through no it's a time o issue ever gets the highest okay that make sense that's cool yeah well like dude I I thought I was kind of choking I'll be honest yeah but I'm just still surprised toad dam toad all right okay so let's let's look at the map real quick wait view board so I got one two three four five six seven eight I think I want to eight just hit that happening yeah so one two three four five six seven eight okay oh you got a double check math is hard man I like the thing is that one oh sorry slow goes are so easy to hit but that's why it's so terrifying you know you eggs if you mess it up you look so stupid yeah it's absolutely just the fact that you look stupid sure take the star the coins just disappear so quickly like that is just one I still can't get over you gotta stars you gotta stars I think about that so often me too what was I saw a movie recently oh the new Star Wars movie yeah there's a not super big spoiler but the bad guy uses a bear very powerful move at the end and it's very quiet and he uses it and it blew out the speaker's in my theater and it just sounded like this bass boosted [ __ ] and I I lost it I just started laughing cuz it's just like la me is allow me to show you the power you call it he goes far oh yeah he cooked you yeah I had a genius idea I think he's got something cooking okay I'm waiting I'm waiting he got you a happening that's good I don't think I was slow go good cuz he had a 30% chance of hitting it 1 2 he has to go around or you have to go around 2 3 4 5 6 I think if you go right then you're both polluting the same area and that's a little risky just the first train at night yes ok yeah because there's also boo up there yes I feel like that's your game plan uh sure hmm is that dual space the aplans dual space don't toad okay I like it wait oh you can go back yeah you can try and take a start for 40 coins you put a 40 he puts up a start I don't know what the duals are neither does he man so you really want to put up nine coins dude that's a [ __ ] play yeah I don't know what the mini I need to see what the minigames are in this game dude it shows you before you go all-in on it no it doesn't oh it doesn't show me what these three minigames are just black hole boogie is a mashing minigame and I do think you'd lose the CPU yeah this is assuming we have because we don't have Rumble on our controllers you walk around till you see an exclamation mark above your head press a and then you do we have the rumble thing it's just an exclamation mark now because rumbles yeah that you see oh my god toad toad what I was turning Wow okay oh okay well he just he just kind of vets it out for you shows you ever it is and lets you get it toad really is not trying to play this game is he you should have been a star I should have died I don't regret the call of only two coins he just walks over it next time I'm betting a star toad toad Wow Ellie's mom just sent me a text inviting me to go to Christmas Eve with him again she didn't text me yeah yeah probably nothing personal she just probably likes me a lot more as person yeah I guess so yeah also you know you kind of have Christmas Eve plans probably haven't met her either oh my god Thoth another happening spot um this would be really good if he actually cuz this knocks everyone down it yeah it'd be really good for you if you got knocked down a tear Kermie yeah cuz then you get right behind a star I go down one space cupid kid goes back oh no those yeah good for me yeah I mean Cuba's closer yeah yeah I would have much rather just been taboo yeah I think that was the right play then he got you away from yeah snow world this minigame sick you mash ABY X ABY Oh do eunuchs ABY X everybody yeah this game is open yeah and I think it's determined by your turn order and also they cannot overlap yeah yeah yeah all right peach were going first so don't blow it I know is it just I'm already an ocarina position geez oh that was rough that was rough yeah but you definitely beat the computers yeah and that means you probably beat me cuz there's actually no cap on this though which is crazy that is dope yeah so you can do four inputs and four frames if you really want to yeah I wasn't going top speed because I was like I know I know I can mess this up oh nice and I sick yeah toad it's all up to you I imagine have Towe just popped off but it's propelling like I there's something wrong with your AI at that point I think my highest number isn't like the seven thousands but like you yeah you can't [ __ ] up that is my high score right there I think because I'm assuming I did not beat that whenever I was a little kid yeah nice all right oh my time [Music] ah that's a really good space for it before the shop before the turn that's good yeah it's all about the agency all right putting orbs right before likes fork in the roads is probably the best way now get another Goomba okay nothing really awful this game that's so nuts what you just take off oh isn't it nice we can play like an 20 turn mario party game and probably like a half-hour that's so nice yeah I mean what turn are we on now yeah so just probably a little long probably 40 minutes but imma still about it so that's who lanes on it oh who lands on it yeah it's different in this game than seven uh yeah might as well just just in case food fat coinage right there alright give me like any number I think that's another happenings though yeah which means you were I think I'm happening you up to is it team-based urgent yeah okay yet to mark 44 he was not team based which is crazy because then you could tie for happening and that was the strat can you get like top potential six stars Mario Party 2 4 okay I was gonna say I mean don't even her the team's function in it yeah for once I buy the first one of the team's function right huh poor voids the first one that's team yes three had like a weird 1v1 mode that had like part is a completely different game okay cannonball fun so yeah you straight with Ellen our fire move sleeve as a fire yeah okay um do you think free-for-alls are really interesting in doubles because then you got to find like oh I just hit toad and that was bad like you got to still be a team somehow oh I've been looking at toad wait which one am i oh god no screen looking totally hit me you son-of-a-bitch I'm so upset I was looking at [ __ ] toad I've won over the big white head yeah no that's why and that's actually why a pig toad you played him in Mario Party 7 he has now turned on you so you know that that's the main reason why cuz I'm still like in oh yeah I'm playing as toad mode toad mode it's like the new Sikkim up up to the top I'm pretty sure somebody made a sickle mode remake was toad sound effects dude the toad culture is so crazy to me because I'm also a talented yeah like I was on my friend Oh such as logos I mean my friend Adriana showed me a video how far I'll toad from the movie Moana and it was impressive because they stayed on key for all of it and it was genuinely baffling wait okay okay yeah that's fair what excuse me how did that work you hit him once I need that okay what do you think okay go nuts toad it's not gonna get the star yeah he can not with ten oh the first cycle yeah no he can absolutely get Oh can no he's you son of a [ __ ] Oh sick but he got a Goomba toe all right Bowser share the wall yeah yeah do communism split the economy that'd be funny Bowser bonus oh okay that's not very cool so what'll it be Oh Oh No Oh [Laughter] so Bowser can do that apparently yeah I sure guess he can that's all because my son of a [ __ ] use the slow go shrew on that he just use a slow go with a horse Bowser show up he could have gotten a 9 and been right behind Wow for this one he got the most spaces so now he could start next turn yeah I imagine if we had a star you guys will have two stars by the end of the next turn I think this is a really good idea for a series you want to be the you're gonna start teaming with CP yeah III think this is Jean Lee just [ __ ] fun I think this is so up our alley too cuz why would they do that you know oh my god this is like the most points I've seen in this he's got to trap it in the corner please stop coming after where I'm going guys I got I've got fat 19 it's gonna be hard to hard to beat that yeah as I've set down my controller I'm stepping on Cooper kid he's getting close Tom Cooper kiddies Bellary jr. oh sorry I didn't mean see wait is that what I don't know who cares yeah it doesn't matter it is Cooper kid but you'll probably make more people mad by calling a Bowser jr. so keep at it sweet I think that's what kind of why you exist well that is honestly might function on this channel yeah I'm just here to piss people off and you for some reason I'll still say I love Joe much he'll our Joe fancy it like Joe but I think the Joe fans are our most [ __ ] fans and I'm down with it because they they're the ones I like seeing the world burn I think yeah I think you're right I'm a fan of you and I like seeing the world burn I think it's red you know you got it happening as well number three three I don't want to knock toad down cuz he's already come so far you know hit a one snow okay cuz no here's the thing we're getting it this turn that's okay well actually no Cooper kid very likely yep oh he got it yeah he got it what a clutch move what okay you have so much cool so minute I was scared he does not say no thanks because it wasn't a frame one a friends like this son of a [ __ ] shaded you I can't obviously this is a lot of fun just dandy I can't believe this is like this sounded funny when we first pitches idea to each others gene leaf I'm so about this cuz 1v1 Mario Party is an yeah but having our human agency in it with them doing god-knows-what this is perfect Oh 18 oh I got fat 18 yeah nice 10 coins I'm I'm in a really bad spot right now cuz I'm so far behind everyone yeah I mean I you're splitting the board really well I won't lie I wasn't expecting to get this far with that roll yeah I was expecting a nice hand of super shroom that's fat that's real fat okay so if I go there I lose two coins but I could go right I was gonna try to trigger a chance time well we only had yours what are we doing today also it's DK in daytime god damnit toad yep get that happening I mean it even if he gets right behind the star it doesn't really matter cuz you got a super shroom so it's gonna be super hard to beat you out for this current yeah oh I think he might get right oh no wow this is awful for us yeah you guys will be fine though cuz it's so early on we're like what turn pin we're going to seven eight for eight nine yeah oh to be two though we're actually teaming up this time guarding grab is this our first 2v2 I think so yeah that's aw all you do here is you grab the you just press the button between B aya XLR and then you match the final one alright so it's just a reaction time so which means no commentary [Music] okay now we can talk cuz I'm not in a matching position I mean I love my gosh I was segue I I should have held the controller completely differently for this I held it traditionally and then I matched to dual chamber mash I can't do the two fingers mash oh what you're actually doing you're not like mashing it with two fingers you're mashing it with like look at this this is what I'm doing I'm not moving my finger at all I'm actually moving the controller into my finger you see like that yeah I match with one finger and then the vibration of that finger impacting bumps the controller up which hits out on the other finger that's how you mash let's turn eight yeah the other was turned seven i oj explained that match to me that's a lovely crash right yes but he's way better at it he's very good at mashing shots a Ludwig I [ __ ] love ugly duplicate man he wanted thanks kuba kid he wasn't in a bad place though like he could have honestly the bottom row is by far the worst place to be on this entire board so like I get that he just wants out of it oh well [ __ ] okay yeah no I'm cool with that replay sure good play good play Wow wait no please use orb yeah okay you got this star yeah I feel like it's very hard to beat you out of this one well I guess it's possible uh mediocre okay now that's gone that was your saving grace I think you're close enough all right yeah should I buy another one yeah you should movements really broken in this game and like you just get more items the more you move and the more you move the more items to get so the more items to get the more you see where I'm going yeah there is a possibility are you about this yeah okay all right starting now do you want to do this between us yes between us between whenever you and I are yes but you fate decide by just say no thanks don't don't try and back out on that okay that's before no you said do you want to do this and I said yes okay fine oh I'll give you that yeah so to make this a little interesting we will always let God decide yeah which one we get there I'm cool with it giving it up to God yeah I really like our Mario Party series of the most like chaotic things ever exhibiting them the more [ __ ] eree that we indulge into this Mario Party the better because now the meta for us is almost turning into okay let the CPU get this yeah no like cause like honestly who gives a [ __ ] if it's like media cool oh my god who is toad good a dual Koopa kid this is a two star elite here this is so sick actually this is so sick dude he didn't hesitate a [ __ ] he saw star that he wanted it that's a frame perfect a front okay toad you got a back that [ __ ] right let's go pal the junior thank you it up buddy keep it up you're doing great no oh god he's slipping okay he had a slide that's a checkpoint right oh did I jumped over the checkpoint he jumped over it checkpoint oh my god okay okay toad he got past the first part which is what he's been struggling on the out of time all right talk for the love of Christ has touched the Check Point that's all you gotta do he just okay he touched that's big oh my god dude no don't no biggest the further back you word cuz its Oz it Mario Cart like to this is just yeah he loses a lot of time oh that sucks oh ah oh you see that skipped oh dude oh my god the more this happens the more I'm about this yeah yeah yeah cuz this sounded like a funny idea but I can ride with this know like that I think both of us can perfectly like mesh off of this yeah you guys ready for a Mario Party episode every Saturday or something oh my I'm about you know I I'm so cool with this yeah cuz like this is so much it's so much [ __ ] that it's fun Oh actually I was tight I tied a world record on this level oh [ __ ] it's it's I cannot replicate it though cuz it's like super frame perfect yeah I don't even think that is world record but I sold know the pathing but it's like you can't make that jumpin refresh yeah oh shoot family but yeah that's game yeah that's the thing if you get behind in this that's just curtains yeah cuz now you can wait out your cycles yeah and also like this is a hard thing to know the cycle on view I love this level yeah I try to get greedy there cuz I know I can make that but it's okay I'm just holding for it at this point level four is hard though oh god I thought that's the last level yeah there are three parts and I and I messed up just take it nice and easy maybe got it yeah Oh super slow but I was trying to see if I could go through the lunch pipe see I just want to see if I can backtrack yeah I didn't know if you could so I'm glad you compete for me I didn't get to I hit the spike well that turned a lot happened that turn oh dude I just can't believe how quick toad wanted blood sure I think the best part about this is like ice playing the game really does not affect this at all yeah like absolutely zero percent of this is up to us actually acquires a whole new level of strategy yeah we're like we're like watching animals race I would be so down to this becomes like our most popular series where people are waiting Saturday after Saturday for [ __ ] whatever this is I really always a serious this has to be serious people hope people like it because I'm loving it yeah like regardless we're doing another episode of yes I think I think that's just kind of like they don't get to decide on that you I've been smile I've been choosing this whole episode good this isn't a fun episode I just don't know what they're about to do next alright no but that's a son that's ours that's fine give us whatever you got that gets Goomba yeah hit another 20 for me a mash day oh you got ten the son good choice oh my god I'm the money guy but money I it means nothing if I can't get more stars I forgot we took your star back you see said took it back is this oh I forgot Bowser stole my not yeah oh that's how we got our start we stole it mmm I like that cat cannon though oh that we stole it yeah oh yeah okay Daffy wraps I think naming Mario Party mini-games there's like an art to it you know they're honestly pretty good yeah pretty good is this one of the one that can timeout um no I don't think the final board appears until everyone's dead actually there it might be able to timeout but typically it does not what I'm trying to say is I typically do not see this timeout see I do you wanna start letting our computers just do these games dude it's me Koopa kid right now I know I was hoping he would just die there dude it if I lose the Koopa kid which is so possible dude he's a kid oh that's goal oh okay well there you have it nice no okay ten coins for both of us oh but I do know that if three people die the finale raft just appears oh you had to make that jump yeah okay so that this is a game that you can lose though yes okay yeah playing you're buying that yeah so it is not over until someone reaches that raft but once three people fall the raft just appears and that's my understanding of it alright I'm doing this for toad I'm gonna I'm gonna pop this real quick just so I can go to the store and get him something even better smart yeah nice dude we've got do doubles this game yeah that's pretty pretty low change that happened yes so what I land on here one two three four five okay blue one two three four five six more coins but weather's good tweet yeah I was just gonna get that Ladin item mm-hmm cuz here's the thing Oh get that insurance I was gonna get him a mushroom but I think the insurance is more valuable ballad yeah cuz now you [ __ ] can't steal from us oh you think that I yeah oh yeah yeah oh I forgot shorter that turn damn it yes I forgot we baited you well there's your super serum Joe I went to the wrong shop apparently yes oh and hard that was a good turn for koopa Donnelly yeah yeah where's the star I'll see you can hold six orbs or five orbs I think you get five or so yeah he's getting started pretty much he's got it billions on it will get swamped and must wait unless it's a trap it's a trap so that stops you in your place so if you put it right where you're sitting toad gets one space next turn but you can't do that yeah nice tree I think right after the shop is a really good place I put it right before the shop ok dad yeah I see that that's good that way it's guaranteed - I think another good place if you know the star spawns a good place would be to put it on that red space right there because the star spawns right after that so you can't slow roll or roll into the star yeah that makes sense yeah I I know all the star spawns on this map which is an obnoxious thing - no don't go totes just hang out with this gift pal Bowser man God just get squished on you want to give Bowser another so do not do communism now oh ok Bowser minigame I will love some good old-fashioned if you found your revolution if you lose you hand over half your coins and the thing is we have little control over if we win yep it's RNG on top of computer right oh oh wait oh this isn't everyone yep so here's the thing there's a good chance we win this mini game there is a possible chance where we lose it so also you can walk off this map by the way just so you know gotcha so saying he does randomly just charge forward oh my god do you not you guys are scaring me Koopa kid and toad hey man we just live on the edge not you then oh okay well we both lost half our coins all right well these won't jump off and eat it now today's a guaranteed that we just loose I would I want to assume that we don't lose like 25 percent I'm sure the Bowser isn't really the generous kind yeah do you think Bowser tips no I feel like Bowser tips I think that whoa neither team lost we're good okay cool yeah um I think Bowser tips like 10% so like he's still aware of the tipping system but he does not fully embrace what's I feel like Bowser to be somebody's just tips good however if the waitress even like slightly irritates them no zero Bowser is like the grandfather mentality of like I put $5.00 out on the desk and every time she doesn't refill my drink I remove one dollar I hate that oh but you know I'm talking yeah yeah I agree also this minigame looks so much nicer than everything else in this game simply because this was the promotional material wave really yeah look at the models like everything the lighting is so much better than this so I think this minigame is hard to lose yet somehow people still really lose it a lot I'll probably lose it they use a rhythmically tap a like moderately fast and then watch out for the tentacles like that yep and there goes no kid yeah you get oh my god your character always pushed me back that was the strap you get a lot of iframes in this so as long as you don't get completely robbed right like that you're good yo toad was trying to sabotage I think uh I think totes dead okay okay yeah now I was matching my heart out got it so it's really way that uh it's hard to talk while mashing yeah smashing his kind of mindless honestly move dude yeah what's up Joe so um I'll inform you right now I have $130 on the line that are probably gonna decide in the next 20 minutes what's up on fantasy football uh-huh and my bank condition was pretty much if the Eagles beat or if the Eagles lose to Dallas meaning that Dallas pops off I I win mm-hmm and right now the Eagles are definitely beating Dallas yeah pretty hard well we have a lot of friends who are really happy you know I'm happy about that for can you believe he missed that no no not at all he's on my team oh wait this is me I would have pop the triple and just get out of there because you're in a bad place right now or actually you can roll low because there's a chance that the the star is gonna spawn on this path yeah I should probably roll like a three or something no the safe place is a 2mm because a star can appear Earl one would have been good to start him here on that blue space gotcha I think it's unlikely to because that's where the first star spawn has been and they haven't gone through all the star spawns yet god damn it that's so quick yeah there's no get up animation he's just standing again all right what are we doing this time Motown I think our Gamecube doesn't run this game properly oh oh uh good luck you just mow you whole day to go forward and you mow this is a really good interference game you can really screw people over in this if you want to oh yeah all right our Gamecube really does not like this game yeah I mean it's weird I see a lot of game queues having problems with this game so it's nothing new yeah I remember they talked about this a tea party Beaudry no you're right Eva when Mario 46 was that Evo in a perfect there is a time line out there where Mario Party six didn't make it to Evo which is sick that's such a sick timeline dude people got to be so sick in that timeline imagine alpha red plus in that timeline oh my god that's actually terrifying I think I agree oh I think we we were talking about this at lunch today because compared to most let's play channels we get very high views which dough which dough but it's kind of [ __ ] to think we might be one of the bigger like strict strictly let's play channel yeah cuz that's so [ __ ] up to me cuz I feel like we're so goddamn stupid but we're just smart in terms of marketing that game oh my god yeah that's the best way yeah you teach two idiots how to market I'm scared now because I think Koopa kid might actually get two stars in one turn there's a high chance that this appears on the exact space I'm on I am he's okay yeah yeah we might get two stars that's turn yeah that's a very close to a perfect roll that's pretty pretty high mm-hmm pop off on him Bowser oh so okay over that bridge right before boo that's a good place you're in a good position for that right no oh that's sick well he might go around the whole board goddamn I'll try think he's probably gonna get oh that's enough yeah just so that's any up is a that's like a -7 yeah but he's still getting you out of the bad spot which is good and get your slow go god he's out of the woods dog that's a really good place to be yeah cuz now we get to figure out if a toad makes it or not which yeah we're trying to think we're yeah not bad you got a 40% chance at it happening here so Bravo no give me a good shroom give me a good shroom that's all I need yeah out of this hell oh yeah he got me boomba thanks toad he still rolled perfectly for that star shout out and I was gonna get boo next turn let's see if he steals coins or stars hey kids this is the last tournament of the night yeah yeah you're right damn toad you couldn't rolled one more I think you roll a seven yeah but he did buy a Goomba so most likely we get this next star yes yeah that's very language hmm we try to think this is mashing no it's not no it's not pokey this is the platformer or the one we just played no this yeah yeah it's a jumping kick if you hit their head you get all the patter you jump kick a beat baby yeah all right you can you know if you take damage you do uh yeah [Music] I don't know why they have the stairs stairs there I think it's in case you want to jump from the top ropes but I've never seen anyone do that Troopa gate let me down god damn god my receptionist messing up here I got stepped on yeah yeah I think you were coming back right there to complicate kind of [ __ ] me over at the end yeah which unfortunate if you're playing with humans free-for-all games are really interesting because one person just plays interference right yeah but here yet the your teammate doesn't have synergy at all they just kind of do throw yeah they just do they play the game objectively correct for a single player which I mean makes sense why would they even bother programming that in weight map okay yeah knocking down would only help me toad yeah not effective elder jr. yeah that's what I was trying see but also leaning on a happening is always good yeah toads in a really bad place right now it kind of comes down to do you want that happening or you just wanna get ahead cuz right now you guys are yeah but on board presence wise you guys are very far behind yeah I think I might just take this and just get you aren t that happening star yeah cuz that's a whole lecture star so one two three I just want to count I always forget this is always easier to count for me yeah I know I I don't like that overall board view I like Super Mario Party is where I just tells you yes yeah super nice quality of life they have in Super Mario Party okay I did I've always loved the Frog on this board in the background yeah what's going on bro he's coming down you want to play rivet King one day of no whoever the kingís remit imagine frog golf and it's gimmicky I love golf yeah and gimmicks [Music] okay well that is that enough no it's it's a different threshold every time you do it I guess mine was a once yeah which is honestly lo crazy I've never seen it that low because usually I have to try like I've tried really hard before and not gotten it y7 okay if he's going to chance time I know there's a chance time up here there's no way that oh okay okay smart yeah no good play I forget the decays I think you can get star from DK DK mini-games is like a star please banana randomizer how are we gonna [ __ ] up the economy today not very so it's a four player game there's a single player DK games I don't even know if it's in this game or five four I don't know four seven so yeah there's just orangey pick one big dibs on blue I haven't seen the track yet I'm just going dibs on blue yeah I'm not even gonna bother looking at the track yeah I I don't think there's a way of reliably to tell ya I don't even know if this is like ever Oh like what if it's only the same three boards over and over again yeah because the pack you get ultimately decides on what the other people choose right nice because you bounce off of them and what yeah duplicates kind of popping off a little bit doing well he got a good path I think I got a pretty subpar one toad did well I got two for mine I got seven I got no no I got four five so as a team we did better yeah as I was it is it like the battle minigames from a pretty to you or oh no you just get one coin per oh yeah so it just [ __ ] up the economy because if you get turned one DK in three coins per banana oh the economy is ruined for the rest of the game yeah 64 one year later he just turned tiny he said [ __ ] it small ah-chan Oh where is everyone press a go to map press Y press a that's why Hey there you go umm if you swap with Koopa kid you do get the start of this turn but I don't really think you're in a hurry for that okay I guess you are I'm just fascinated there's really not a bad outcome see now I'm further behind yeah I'm cool with this yeah like you're either gonna inconvenience my team or get the star of this turn Anna 9 is not bad oh yeah I'm just not ready to take off like this idiot any of these times I think I'm used to it at this point but I still really like it it's over though that's what gets me he's got the arm of a champion can we talk about the picture that we use for the thumbnail by the way what them yeah be a neon heights of the nail and you don't have it hold oh the toy without a hat it's I don't know who made that I don't know but I want to find them and make sure they never does Photoshop once you just believe that it's an official render and but the thing is who at Nintendo made that hopefully something I got fired yeah okay so you just tap B or a and you go forward and back and you just gotta get whatever image appears in the middle which is going to be like to hit it shouts okay shouts acade I'm gonna take hit it for my own cuz I don't think he's gonna be using it why I like hit it oh oh that's not what you're looking for buddy I think I went the wrong way okay there he goes alright to Paul he was on it towed all right I've done all I can yeah that's kind of how it feels sometimes okay Game three come on toad hey what what the years that wasn't on it wasn't no mine was fine I was sparkly sparking I guess I think tojust got there slower dude to me toos you get twenty coins so that's a star yeah yeah god that's so impactful yeah you could mildly inconvenience yeah me I think that's just I think I was gonna do the exact same thing I did last time which is one two three four five six seven eight nine yes it's still a nine which is far but I'm also kind of banking on this or being like a super shroom to help my boy toad out or like an Ida pipe I need to get him something in the super shroom ain't gonna get us off this island all right dude first cycle so scary but it's always so tempting cuz you look so cool yeah I would have done for a cycle I'm never trust my abilities man cuz I never know where it's gonna start oh look at that play I'm gonna mash so I can hopefully knock him down okay I think it's only gonna knock him down like one spot but cuz he's on a different path I mean that's not a huge deal because I'm right behind him it's an inconvenience maybe I think that helped us more than anything I mean I would have gone that way if he went up so I think it just I think this accomplished the same thing that was gonna happen regardless oh please let me look at the board now actually I think it still let's see yeah all right so I got one two let's see just real fat that's a porch yeah it's is it 11 spaces away yeah so yeah that like choose two spots right before no you just hit it out the latest possible eight you just yeah yeah the other thought I meant like yeah as soon as you see 9 is what I do ah pipe is more cut worthy yeah I think if we're going for true chaos pipe is pretty good I was thinking either pipe or spiny just because I like throwing those down yeah alright toad get us the hell out of here don't might just get the start of this turn uh if he had to roll near perfect uh that's no he's a very cool oh sweet toad I did everything I could free but brother and you did not even break double digits and he saw the bottom floor yep that's a quite the shame yeah that's rough Todai I did my play I'm just saying you can't reach your weight yeah money belt ruin the economy hell yeah so you can get only 19 coins max here it was just a different pattern per person yeah which means we if we don't mess up which it's kind of hard to mess up we get thirty eight coins collectively which this is a concentration game so I'm sorry guys but we will not be commentating too much as we are too busy gaming I'm in gamer mode yeah I have gotten a lot of blanks yeah I like backs coming up all right there we go back point dodge dodge dodge coin bag coin coin and bomb for the hell of it I got 19 yeah that's the max I'm getting sweet see I know my Mario Party see it I wonder how much of my brain just retains information of like [ __ ] like this right like what am I wasting and how many Giga bites of [ __ ] yeah that's exactly what I'm asking actually it's a good question that's a good spot for it actually there's a star right before that so you could cut someone harder but an alright oh we got so much money let's do something with it Bowser jr. ah coward Wow he is uh he's actually stalling really well because there is a star that spawns at the end of that path so he could be playing the long game here I don't get that much faith all right Joe hit the roulette you got it oh yeah Oh unfortunately I did select YES on once start earlier remember but Bowser also took that so I think no I get a story then okay yeah okay you can have with the next one that was just before we yeah before that I I understand oh my god you know what one time I like I always challenges Koopa kid I don't like that you can put up 40 coins I think that is salt you think it's soft yeah yeah I mean it's a rich get richer mentality you know because what it at the end of the day 40 coins could make a huge difference for you right it could but I love it I don't think it does um it's you just try and get closest to zero I used to know the exact number you drop on - just like you hold a until you get to like 423 or something I don't remember exactly what it is now nice she's a [ __ ] game Koopa kid played he just waited for code drop hey man he you know he did so just takes off and like a torpedo and suffocates in space yeah in the cold vacuum of space so desolate so quiet mm well that's it for this tool okay thanks all right if I'm in the position to and I have a slow go I will hit turn 20 chance time battle minigame that's gonna cost 50 20 really oh I guess there'd be a hundred each right that's 40 okay tortures right they want to do rasslin Rapids what's this one this is a memory game that's up and then this is a shooter game you want to just run off of them this one yeah yeah um yeah I'm trying to think cuz this minigame is actually super boring because if we play it we're just gonna live like you did you tie in this one oh this is that one yeah so just jump off immediately just jump okay I almost didn't trust you but I wanted to believe I'm not I'm not gonna do that I think we respect the sport too much yeah but you see these these insane amount of iframes you get yeah it's yeah that's the problem I do think Koopa kid has the advantage right here cuz Tony's getting closer and closer death without well you're destroying the [ __ ] you're gonna just can't you just hold Center and everybody wins it's stupid Tony is getting closer though Oh although the jump kick does do more oh that's yeah that's curtains oh this time yeah okay I feel like that last time he did win yeah I you were definitely standing in the air but that could just be our Gamecube no no that was that was the game there's this weird collision detection that's like probably what thirty sweet we put in yeah yeah bang I think that's kind of big for the economy of like video games actually yeah it's a big shift but I do respect the fact that we're both all in oh yeah no I'm so cool just letting the AI battle royale cuz it's so much more the last place specifically boo sick the wheel that's pretty good oh you get yeah I'm so cool with that because here's the thing the scariest part about this is we don't know what those are yeah I could lay in on it and lose a star all of those that's a thing no okay but hypothetically on it might be in the game who know the sonic could be in melee swoop so looks is mainly alright so let's one it's night so - no no you go to the right yeah no oh yeah you're right yeah yeah two three four five oh dude I would have done it I would have gone a chance time yeah we I feel like we need to get a chance time in here yeah just for the fans I agree I think I'm gonna stay down here toad you can go up I'm gonna buy you a fatty shroom real quick just give me one shroom shy guy please damn oh you know what this works I hate that I'm getting this because it makes me mad cuz optimal play would be toad gets this star and then uses it right oh but he's absolutely yeah I know I agree unless he swapped whoa okay oh you know I was not expecting that at all now I'm going to start buying warp pipes because they're always gonna use it perfectly true yeah but now that's actually really good I got that flutter orb I put it right before the oh you can't put ever before boo see I mean you oh you can yeah that's really good let's trap Ally bro you got that one log yes cuz that's also where the star responds I think of the star spawns on your orb you lose it well that's yeah Hansa meteor who is that a duel no now Oh take it back now y'all Oh Oh do ya this yeah duel me luck fate decide click you decide yeah yeah I'm not a [ __ ] hell yeah I still don't know if I'm playing or not okay you're gonna find out asteroid rage am I playing melt [ __ ] I think you win this against the AI on it I'll just just really run they use use LR all right going into gamer zone I'm the one on the left he is on the left toads on the right they look very similar because they just white balls toad I believe it I honestly do believe him it's all about pathfinding and toad is taking a lot of very creative paths I'd like to say but he's honestly doing better than I would have guessed whoa oh he's taking the scenic route here I see yes oh my god so bad I should have died like three times I what happened there he had the same path you did he just he made the path and he just pressed r1 2 mini oh no I actually did the exact same thing but thankfully there's so much cool down on that alright well I am now losing math King is competitive well toads gonna use this flutter or for the lovers josh is on the couch right now I just did this believe [ __ ] universe was that not the right play I agree with you entirely I guess like I do go first next turn so I can use it but come the [ __ ] out definitely he should have gone so oh yeah next turn alright what bun am i mashing it starts off a or is it or is it is that mashing or is it just like rhythmic timing I have no clue I'm just going slow I'm gonna take a load oh my gosh is deep all right I'll go faster yeah yeah I think it is mashing oh yeah good tell until was too late because my mashing is definitely better than yours so I thought I could do it I'm out of breath dude I hate mashing just another day at the office personally I'm trashing mashing I'm pretty good but I'm not like no I'm not phenomenal I know that like I know my mashing is better than average all right sure toad I'll take it now I'll use it buddy in terms of positioning it would have been way better for him to use it though is the thing yeah no I I think that the thing is it at least allows you to have a turn to get yeah coz Koopa kid now it's a racist term yeah now this is a net loss of two turns yeah and also Koopa Kids about to get I don't like toad I just couldn't believe it man I told might have to murder through this for you see that's exactly what I thought was gonna happen and that's why I wanted to stay in the middle oh and I'm pretty sure that's in my path as well oh my if Cooper kid gets me a nice chance yes thank God I don't care if I lose everything I have no God decides though I know that's sick mm-hmm everyone good all right come on who are who's trading on that gifts the right by the way let's go so Cooper kid okay I got a 66% chance to make out like a bandit here nice okay so we could swap and that's bad for him yeah that's bad but the odds are in my favor give me two stars 20 coins that was very I'm very flattered right now actually like dude I definitely have come to the terms that I do get off to gambling and I only the satisfactions only there like you can win 20 coins but who cares yeah it's all or nothing and I was willing to risk it all they're like losing large amounts gaining large amounts that's the thrill all right what you got almost a happening we're almost done right yeah yeah just a few more turns all right two or three four or five six oh you got this you got this easy oh it doesn't even matter though well stall for it just because like then you're denying us from other terms of getting it like I'm saying if you roll low yeah cuz you're uncontested into star where is everyone wait press wagon why a so it's it's not a bad move to slow roll here because though if the star moves then it's on our paths you see what I'm saying yeah I'm trying I'm trying to count to make sure that you cannot make it there one two three four I can't straight now I have no shrooms yeah so it's at ins low roll is the loot go before a tote as well yeah okay so toad moves and then I move okay okay so which I go one two three four five six to guarantee in next turn yeah but also coop kids right behind you say I mean I don't trust group of the kid yeah I wouldn't either and again you get to start for free because I wait last time we played this game I uh oh nice coins you baited me I did yes goods total malice yes that was Jacob lately malicious on my part inattentional Jacob Rabin Alfred yes dick that's my maiden name dick yeah I guess whoa big brain play right there you got two extra coins because of that Oh money okay and freeze-frame I'm feeling good about memory lane okay so how could your memory was yes yeah so I think this game is really good because it's over in like 15 seconds Oh dope so we're gonna see one path and you got to recreate it okay okay and there is like a weird buffer so watch out for that no what the [ __ ] you buffer oh yeah you see what I'm saying I think you're ahead of me too I took it pretty slow around the edges like I always reset my sticks in neutral because I've I've lost games like that BAM but also one time we did the math or we checked the frames Dylan and I beat that game on the exact same frame when I already baby yep why were you telling me about that that's [ __ ] all right give me a good orb right here no you should avoid for a fat - I wish ah that's not a duel sadly we're close to a duel though all right get a fat one well okay he'll have it Bravo Koopa kid coward you're still winning I'm pretty sure no talk about can we get to eating let's start oh yeah yeah I agree okay this is okay with me because he's gonna be he's gonna be the one to hit your trap yes he he breaks it off for you and I don't think toad is too committed oh god that's not even to you I went to view the map it's not that works like a look yeah I already activates yeah the swamp comes down from Heaven's [Music] you know could possibly make it I think it really matters if you get a shroom right here or not and won't you out there you have it uh yeah you try to map again oh yeah I'm trying to think if you knock him down you only help me everyone is in the bottom row I like how we're always here to help each other around yeah I don't think either of us give a [ __ ] enough about oh yeah cuz like the thing is I don't want you to merge because of lack of information yeah oh yeah the thing gets you like if either one of us loses who cares ya know like who gives a [ __ ] I just love watching the game you know like I'm all about but I think we're here we are here as filler mm-hmm for the computers [Laughter] [Applause] we are leading by one coin right now and you want to start pulling this [ __ ] oh okay I know where you're gonna give the sir another star guide pit boss okay so Joe alright if we lose there our team collectively we lose all of our we lose half our coins you want to jump into the speical know it happens yeah yeah okay okay go yeah I am so down god I'm boo okay yeah fish yeah at first yeah you did die first you won that round alright come on alright watching the Colosseum right now like I understand the Romans so much more now now that I'm in Caesars position yeah cause like I'm about it oh oh oh Bowser jr. buddy what are you doing buddy oak toad okay okay there are you full oh is this other Roman spell when no one died yeah I did another tiger to the pit I get it now they had to go home to like a huh bro can you believe nothing all of them survived it sucked we've wasted our money oh that's rough go ha ha ha ha I pretty sure there's three Bowser's times the first one was the only that affected something yep if we both died last time we would have just lost all our half our Queens because they just totally just got [ __ ] on yeah I'll do that oh okay so this is just I have recreate image kind of minigame call and response kind of thing nice it's I thought the same game was a lot of fun I think it's good yeah there's a lot of strategy in it because I think you both have to pick up like okay you do this part I do this and toad was all crap also I wish the board shuffled like went at the start of this because now whoever was closer last game is now losing you see what I'm saying yeah no Bowser jr. I trusted toad I [ __ ] hate him so goddamn much right he choked I saw that he literally got underneath me mm-hmm and took the hit I was ground-pounding before he even walked under me mm-hm and he said Oh what is up toads or who my what is that a blues ass I'm checked what do you find in boos ass okay so who turns left we don't have a lot I can just break this in half just for the hell of it yeah might as well yeah we're not doing anything with it okay that could have been a star but okay I don't think peach is gonna do [ __ ] for the rest of the game so yeah I saw that okay [Music] thank you Bowser jr. thanks game and we don't know what that is because we know that what now it's yours how's your nightmare I hope you don't land on it that'd be funny I hope you do that would be funny um I thought you just gonna [ __ ] on my dream I am okay I don't want to know what it hits the world will never know then what if it was a flutter or what if it took you to the stars there's no way it would [Music] wha-hoo bro yeah this is the last two turns of mario party alright yeah yeah it feels like it I swear I never get good roles in a lot like the page turned to toad as he's already there yeah okay so that's a star of course yes realistically the next star is going to spawn in the top left oh right yeah right there yeah so because it's that there's that the place toads that the one at the end of the tunnel on the top left the tippy top left and then right before the boo those are all the star spawns on this map fact the other happening out of that to you yes we're off we secured it like in my mental tally I'm giving you a one star oh yeah yeah I'm pretty sure you guys have guaranteed one this now yeah is it orb star or coin star on this I think it's orb star I thought there's three in this one yes but like the coin star got replaced with the orb star eventually because the mini-game star stole thing but mini-game star is actually determined way what on how many coins you earn from the mini-games not actually how many minigames you won I have no clue what this minigame was whoever gets the most goombas in frame cool we tied yeah but yeah so that's plus ten for the minigame star that's how that works yeah which like when you see oh I got ten coins I guess you got ten coins Mary Lee I got ten coins it's a plus zero for the minigame star that's how I view it yeah because there's no net swing at all yeah yeah you can never add subtract from that last turn give me it one yeah I got to go down the fun slide yeah yeah I swear if you used this just use it well please for the love of God what's the worst that could happen he double 1 or 1/2 you [Music] mean least laying on our spot yeah there we go there we go two extra coins okay you saw the time line oh well that's not much better yeah net gain of two coins pretty uneventful turn Allinol but is that our space yep God okay big brain toad he knew he'd come back to it and the final 2v2 minigame mullet like mullet I get it Oh so what are we doing this game um you just hit the moles this is all so different between day and night Oh a vaguely remember this guy yeah good night it's the ground pound yes now you're just head ball and you can get cut pretty hard like cuz they they just appear right Oh code is already down for the count oh so Maya cuz I'm stupid told she showed he is he is choking yeah no I definitely watched Bowser jr. stand right in my way for a little bit okay there was gonna be told look at him he's blocking half this [ __ ] toad yeah it's got the double dude he did a little baby short hop and didn't even hit it I don't know you can start off in this key yeah alright dude I didn't lose that toad lost it he owes a 200 for my teammate I would have took it to gain three at the very least I've had a better than very least dude alright I'm pretty sure we got minigame star pretty sure yeah I think we got all the bonus stars honestly we beat you by one coin damn god I really wish it was we tied I we might win the mini-games trying yeah I was [ __ ] mean it because we got that oh yeah 50 coins the battle minigame counting for the minigame star is such [ __ ] there is an action replay coded on make that happen though oh oh well it's so lying on one coin though yeah yeah and now I get happening starter so if you did have your plus one cuz like the thing is the whole dynamics of the game would have changed yeah that one star was in play because what if Bowser didn't take what cared Oh didn't slow go on to the Bowser looks like but uh for our first game of no this is so much fun this is so funny to watch which me there's a lot of [ __ ] that happened that game that I would not have optimally chosen see I mean I think that's what it's fun about it cuz like yeah we just get to adjust to whatever the hell is going on obviously how many happening spaces can you believe that though can you believe our first game of this or what coin dude if I didn't land on that red space we would have won that's really funny actually wait wait remember went code through that orb and he landed on his spot yeah back put us in the coins that gave us the lead Wow let's go to the happening since I wanna see how many we were to want to see minigames yeah we lost by eight minigame coins yeah which is not bad no that's super low that's a battle minigame yeah you guys had way more orbs yeah I always feed orbs I always saw orbs yeah we are way up we weren't even close yeah okay um I would 300 and Bowser's damn I wish we had more chance times yeah next time we tweeted feed for it but you just let it happen we can slow go exclusively on to chance time I'm down alright alright I'll see you guys later there will be a next time next Saturday hell yeah holy [ __ ] that's actually really [ __ ] sexy a studio that's so much goddamn fun I just can't believe different
Channel: Alpharad Deluxe
Views: 436,102
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mario party, mario party 6
Id: pUjTdyeTnnc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 2sec (4382 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 28 2019
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