CELESTE: Retro Games Have Bad Graphics™

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it's time to play so Joe you found this new game play cells T cells T I so I mean about the game of bunch on Twitter and we're doing it for the plus C's the fans out there and now I'm actually gonna play this game I've heard it's really good this is it plus II just just breathe oh Sh let me narrate okay she's using this tube breaking why are you so nervous oh wow that's close to ya let's breathe Joe oh I'm breathing a lot I mean [ __ ] oh this is our game oh yeah that's hard so Ellie we have a give you a platform being this channel to talk about one time you play Joe and melee ok so here's this story okay so I tweeted this do you member that make your own main thing that you tweet yeah I say you save it oh yeah I like that picture okay okay you bookmark it so I can go back to it and look at it but anyways so Joe and I met like six years ago maybe I do this five because there's never a first-rate college okay five years ago you almost died you oh you did die and I was at a melee tournament so I used to play melee at the time and Joe was there and I had to play Joe and tournament whatever in the bracket and we sat down very long story we both picked Sheik okay but the thing is that he and I both played the red Sheik sure you [ __ ] point Sheik yeah the screen that's why my cheeks sick my melee chic is still super good so we both had um you can the video is on YouTube okay I get the - now we edit it on screen right now yeah instead of this play we should just watch it here yeah give your analysis of the set from what 2014 whether you're is it something does that help no um anyways hi Bea Joe story shorter sure IV Joe and have you guys ever played in brackets since then no and I'm will never okay I was a little bit over his head for all of eternity and she does and I do and I bring it up and it's it's honestly hilarious and it's it's hilarious because I say it is it is that's kind of how our humor works actually yeah let's talk about that comment the gaslighting comment yeah so so recently I think when we uploaded our impossible quiz video that was the breaking point for a lot of people you know like the flash game impossible quiz woo no yeah you do it was a [ __ ] really fun game there's a like a flash game from [ __ ] middle school and what is your school what do you do it just ask you stupid questions okay I probably but anyways it's it's it's like dumb humor and everybody played it okay like who is our age but then Joe and I played it as if we've never touched this game before and we reacted the questions and very insincere ways and some people got really mad that we were doing that because they were like they don't even know the answer I played this game when I was an element but we still answered the correct like we clearly that the tyranny was that we knew what we were doing and still acted like we did but still did the right anyway okay I don't know how some people didn't pick up on it but the real [ __ ] of it was that it was a breaking point for some people a lot of people were like I can't handle this irony oh no you're too much yeah yeah but we very much heart then Honeyman or was going with that people just weren't happy yeah where did we that come from you asked me if I've done the impossible quiz yeah sure did I know who knows I probably was going somewhere and the thing is maybe not I do waste people's times professionally that's why I'm here we're wasting your time No just kidding Ellie do we need a call Josh back that's gonna pee everything oh thanks might be working out after all oh you're gonna hire Josh just so you fire him can we do that visa oh let's okay let's have Josh on for an episode and just say let's do like Mario Party and let's say loser gets kicked off the show but we all came up against us yeah we don't tell them yeah no of course now we just say loser gets kicked off the channel that's a good idea actually and then we just all three team up awesome I like that if we don't tell them like you just actively sabotage all the two beaches with them I mean ah see if we played on dolphin there's probably code word just makes it to where like player 2 wins automatically oh that's good it just have me win every game yeah that'd be good honestly I feel like what I'm thinking is like he is up winning like almost objectively okay but then just the result screen it still says player 2 wins yeah that's me Claire - that's me so Joe what do you think of this game the graphics aren't very good yeah the graphics suck doing right now it seems pretty easy so far okay I think I've got like 10 times maybe yeah that's not very many you're not very good in this game yeah I mean you take 11 11 times it's not very good yeah it's pretty it's pretty not great Spri not great mm-hmm see that this is a rough I don't know we used to do there no probably Joey's trying not dying there no okay anything about like that yeah so just to stop dying and then live yeah yeah wow that was that was really insightful okay I feel you're just yeah I like that a lot yes but anyway so I had a horror story happen to me last night okay I'm ready so I hung out with friends as I mentioned in the last episode your ex-girlfriend nope did not hang out my ex-girlfriend I listened to that story wrong okay okay but anyway with the her ex-boyfriend which is was your friend correct okay now you're on this right I'm on the right track so anyways anyways I yeah one of my friends he was like hey can you drive me to my car it's far away and his girlfriend was like blackout drunk okay and I said yeah but she's not throwing up in my car he goes oh she never does guess what she did she threw up in my car oh yeah after she said correct oh you're breaking this game yeah this game so glitchy yeah she's on fire cell ste is on fire this girl is on fire this girl's name is plus E oh yeah all right it is plus C definitely not yeah no that's times ended probably I can't believe you glitch the game like that Joe you're pretty good I'm a master glitcher Wow oh but anyways yeah she threw in my car yeah that [ __ ] just sucks man but [ __ ] does nothing they're gonna like do anything for you are they gonna they said I kind of big dictum because he was like hey Jacob I'm so sorry she did this I can give you some money for you can clean your car and I was like I don't care about the money I care about the time and someone's cleaning this car who isn't me right make her do it well she was passed out intoxicated well the next I don't got time for that okay right is it clean now yeah it's clean okay but I'm still gonna take it like it's steam clean yeah wait she just broke the mirror yeah I don't know that our reflections work this game doesn't really know logic at all you know so over it yeah this game looks like I was like May in the nineties yeah I think this is an NES game that I got like ported or something yeah probably that sounds right to me guy what sucks is like we're so clearly ironic about this and just joking this is so clearly a joke but people are gonna take us as for reals for reals they're gonna take us as for real speaking up for real that big L that's what it's gonna happen what's gonna happen yeah wouldn't you die again damn thanks Ali Adam wait where are you gonna return a map do you not like this game anymore oh I just wanna see what this is okay wow those graphics are better why didn't they do that for the whole game what are they doing I think this is part of the remastered I want to see this game came out like the 90s I'll look it up January 25th 2018 but in like 1998 right yeah like this is the HD version I think right okay which not really that creative an HD version if you ask me right like oh we can't do that okay so apparently the game was made by Matt Thorson yeah and he's like 25 so I think that means it was made like 25 years ago oh right yeah yeah that makes that makes a lot of sense actually yeah I'm trying games older than me and I'm like really old Eliot I'm older than you right yeah no yeah you did anyone yeah I forgot just your age what what Josh is my age judge is your age you know what I meant I don't want action I didn't know what you meant brain people can I was siding with you Ally I take the heck Joe you're wrong I am wrong I think yeah you said Josh and I are the same age and I'm most definitely 13 years oh gosh I sound like a little boy I remember I played you said that so proudly well it's cuz I hear it all the time like when I'm on the mic and like overwatch games and stuff you're like I think I tweeted this one time but they're like are you are you a girl or do you just have not hit puberty yet and I'm like yeah say both dude I hate it getting gas a question I had puberty at a young age so people never asked me that it was probably one of the biggest blessings of my entire life I didn't hit pure retails like fifty even in probably the comments in this video they're gonna say is that a girl or a boy and I will now well what's the answer I so Ellie half of the reason we wanted you on the show is more popularity through my feet yes okay that's like that's the under higher reason this is just like a little small reason okay right we want to shit-talk your little brother Oh Oh No here's the thing Finn's friends probably watch us okay so you can you have a platform ah this is too much power for me so I just want to say it was like when we first became friends like you and I that was like when overwatch came out we played overwatch together here and there and then like your little brother got jealous that you were playing with Alpharetta she wasn't so then he he messaged me to play and I finally gave in him and played one day and he was the most toxic pieces he was like he went it all chat to greet the other team and then he went in like I don't know I've just never seen somebody so amazing like two years ago maybe so probably he was like 14 15 15 okay maybe 14 15 okay but but the thing is like he was in grandmaster at the time and so he thought he was all that and i think his diamond when I was playing with him oh really but he got up the Grand Master mm-hmm but that's what I would go in his room and he'd be like on the microphone like because of people out ice offense like you that is not a that is not a no you were so small and I'm sure that got him to shut up yeah but no he was just going all check I think going in all chat is like the meanest thing you can do I know yeah he's and one time I think I told the story when we said in another episode we wanted to talk [ __ ] on him but yeah not even talk [ __ ] is just like yeah this happened but he messaged me once he said hey are you Alpharetta and I said and I said but he knew yeah he did but I said why and he said oh I'm with some friends right now and they don't believe I'm friends with you oh no ha ha yeah so like really though please you're making me look like a fool and he's like I promise most AC is Alpharetta larrya's most got'em well jeez yeah oh man and Joe you're not allowed to played Minecraft with this oh yeah you remember that No so this is like a few years ago one day I tried to play Minecraft with bin and we played and then your mom asked you guys to go to dinner ok and then after dinner bin was like hey Joe I'm not I'll play Minecraft with you anymore I was like why not he's like oh my mom said she didn't want me to be playing with you since she doesn't know you wait I still don't get that good yeah no I've got a Christmas with you guys at this point wait I have no idea oh wait it was out after you came to dinner yeah this was like this was never I like went to Alaska like this was why laughter you guys knew me know the place he just didn't like playing with you that's also an option right yeah I guess we never gave that idea and he thought no because he's then said Joe and you start coming over more so that way my mom can get to know you no way I'm dead serious that doesn't make I don't get it either I think his brain I think that he never told him your mom who I was I think he just said I was playing with one of Josh's friends which still does not sound that great oh I can imagine it and like your little kid mine where you're like yeah it just that wouldn't change anything he just doesn't want me playing you should come over more Joe yeah I had a friend in third grade who looks like my best friend well my mom didn't like him because he was raunchy okay for a third grade Halloween anyone want to guess what Halloween costume was what it's not a guest Joe thank you lady clothes clothes honestly that's close WIPA what do you got Joe make it lady take it man no meet me on this channel yeah I know this channel is not about night he was a pimp Oh like grated pimp and all third grade no I was spider-man I was spider-man this [ __ ] was a pimp that's hilarious you have a gold train and everything yeah he had he's had like a big purple hat with like cash and in a little green feather no way and then like you know this definitely started a whole bunch of conversations parents in what happened with kids he goes I'm a pimp and we go what's that yeah and then I go home and go hey mom what's a pimp Oh No Oh where's the worst question you ever asked her parents I asked my mom what a [ __ ] was I love the [ __ ] worth so much it's my favorite curse word one time when I was like three or four years old I just remember this and we were in the car and I like flipped Josh off we didn't know what it meant and so I was like doing it and um my mom whatever my mom saw stopped the car got me onto the car and spanked me I don't worry she's like I don't remember that at all but yeah I was like and I was crying I don't even know what this means you're my mom why do we got so much [ __ ] as a kid really yeah she hit me with so she hit me she hit me no she didn't she told me once there's like you have to wear your seatbelt oh yeah ha ha or what oh no and then she goes you could fly out of the car and die just like I almost did oh I go white and she goes back in my day wearing a seatbelt was optional which is but then she goes but then I flew out the window as a kid and almost died she was my mom slammed on the brakes and I go now looking back I'm like 1 what a blame [ __ ] lie and two that's not the corsa trajectory you would go and we're in the backseat you would not fly out the window you could go out the windshield you tried hard then you die yeah and then I brought that up to her in my adult life and I like you remember what you said this [ __ ] and she's like yeah that happened I'm like okay cut the [ __ ] mom you can drop it listen here MA she swears by it maybe she just really really wants you to wear your seat belt forever and ever I don't think I'm gonna get to an age where she's gonna want me to stop wearing my seat belt to be fair but I I get what you're saying yeah once they have self-driving cars or even take naps dude I'm such a boomer when it comes to self-driving cars because I know like I'm never gonna be comfortable with that but if you grow up with a you're like oh that's that's just how transportation works yeah yo you need to get off of this level you need to get out of here I'm trying so you're just not very good at this game step it up come on are you serious all right just go up Joe Joe that's what I've been doing wrong yep yeah welcome I wasn't going up yeah see he's going left and right he needs to go up um well he still went right but he's got the right idea are you blue right now I didn't have a dash or that's a good guess are you what's up I'm just the more you guys make me talk though the longer we're gonna be on this screen sort le how about airplane food what's up with that right it sure is sure sure does le you have so many random responses in every single time you have one of them I just think yep this is the right decision yeah it was it was a [ __ ] decision cuz Joe and I we just kind of said let's get a third person alright that was it that was the discuss we go you know what let's spice it up in the bedroom Joe oh I'm not going to no bedroom okay anymore but anyway so then we were just like yeah let's bring you a third person and then we just said haha we just listed some people and we're like now that they're not funny that wouldn't work and then everybody else yeah exactly we said Josh we're like and we tried it it didn't work and then we just thought huh le and then we're like that works to know in a way like really well and then here we are here we are now let's play and sell ste yeah what is this game never heard I was not even doing well so yeah he's kind of fallen every over the place nice treating oh no GameCube controllers suck you can use a pro controller Joe are you thinking always man you know what the controllers yeah I think when you put me in that group message I just woke up and I was honestly kind of scared response I didn't know like didn't have your names on there because you just yeah I was like oh yeah this messaging me why are they here what was so funny to me was that when it showed me the group chat huh it said because on your screen it said let's play let's play yeah but for us it said let's play , le right it just sounded like a command rather than a question and here we are let's playing we're playing let's well one of us that's called let's play yeah that's all let's playing goes uh one person plays a game and then the other people just talk yeah because playing the game and talking is too hard that's really [ __ ] hostage people don't realize that I think the dumbest question we ever get is you grocery store to podcast like this [ __ ] it is a podcast dumbass whoa it's a WoW that's all yeah you just throws I talk about [ __ ] that people are interested in and then I put something up visually that people are interested in and boom you got a let's play but it's like if I had a podcast I talk about the same [ __ ] I do here alright maybe just a bit more structured but this gives you an opportunity to also make fun of the person playing the game I like yeah I think that's more important too it's like that's something you can always fall back on your ever ever made fun of you so I thought I'm gonna let the comments decide on that one only I've ever made fun of you heavy snow haven't ever have I ever had a dream and you want and you wanna end it what someone having a stroke Ellie wait okay to the stroke or to the light at the end of the tunnel yes Oh God well so Joe what are you you're even a library you're not reading anything I don't read that much I can't read I can't read you know that's the next line that's like Mr Krabs's oh yeah that's so good let's read let's read a script but each time we read a line we have to explain why it's funny oh I like the idea how do we do that see I think that's really funny cuz I give really annoying really quickly yeah and I do think it's funny that you're drawing attention to it because it yeah cuz like it's getting met it now yeah it is it's and you know what Mehta really means not very funny dank there today there there's a lot of honesty in that meta humor really isn't that funny it's just kind of taking a joke and doing it again but about the joke that's meta that was meta to me for me to say that I don't thing that I was like man I really hope this doesn't come out was only dickish dude it's so ok I will take [ __ ] from anybody because so I when I was catching up with my friend he said like this other friend I'm not fridge with any more presents they were a dick and they said he's like yeah they still talk [ __ ] on you all the time and then I felt a huge amount of self growth over the years cuz I just said that's ok yeah I felt no remorse or anything you felt nothing well yeah oh my oh you're supposed to go pack you should play a game that you can actually play oh yeah we turn on like Elmo for the snin 64 if you want and oh I know how to play Elmo I'll teach you freaking fighting lol there's a nominal game why would there be I thought like you had it or something we can get it we can go download it off the Nintendo mu paradise store Nintendo store that would actually be a really good idea you want to play Elmo I got a do you [ __ ] with Elmo yeah no I [ __ ] with mr. noodle which ones mr. noodle he's the one that I'm not gonna sit here and explain now word the Sesame Street explanation you know who I judge right yeah but I judge people who wear shirts that all just Walmart shirts our shirts are like Walmart plush shirts you know what I mean Plus ease yeah for the made by plus C's for plus YZ TM so like I'm thinking of people who have shirts I have like the Sesame Street crew dot PNG yeah on the street yeah yeah [ __ ] that person if you have that shirt please tweet a selfie of it at us right now well they can't right now but don't find a way okay you're at a stalker before real okay expect that to be a swinging of this lay it on me well not really but I don't actually know if I want to talk about it that's right I'll tell you later they might be watching well so anyways how about that food on airplanes [Laughter] okay they left at that yeah me too man anyways what was the awful thing we saw today oh yeah joe I sent you a tweet of someone's they reply to the Annoying Orange and said what the maze yeah Annoying Orange said knock knock and they said orange my mom died away or passed away and orange my mom passed away Wow that's really funny they didn't say orange you glad that's the best part dude yeah this guy replied to your tweet and he said yo is she in the Joe Joe's blanket and on the on top of the twitch pillow god you're so gamer I removed myself yeah you're you're full-on Internet girl now that's how did he tell that was a Joe Joe's blanket oh you can't even barely tell you you think that Joe Joe the fans aren't just like super decades that have stuff yeah they're like looking for a reason to scream Joe Joe's at every point in time sorry tweet a picture to him if you want you'll gain followers off of it but they're JoJo's Bizarre Adventure followers hey man that's true stock is stock yeah I know I'm not I'm not knocking it that's probably like half my followers we won't do that why are you why do you wear shoes inside I'm wearing shoes too why do you wear shoes inside because it's my goddamn right also gets cold Thomas Jefferson died for this George Washington Schatz George that's my boy George dude imagine if he just wasn't a person we don't want people are you chewing stop petting that I wanted what is it not really cool okay y'all shots of George though isn't it kind of funny that there was a George Washington and a King George that is kind of meta the King George they had like 14 daughters or whatever yeah no that's King Henry right they all had kids yeah well but like one of them Charlie had needed a boy but he had like a lot of girls I really would kill his wives or something oh that's cool he had like a lot of wife yeah something like that all right trying to do the trick Joe oh [ __ ] you did it I was not expecting to get that okay bit aside yeah that's a pickle perfect trick and I'm using a Gamecube I'm using a pro controller usually people use a macro for that because you have a three frame window yeah I have not played this game in like forever I never play the tune of my life this game in your life but hypothetically if you have please I haven't played this game like five months mm-hmm and usually I takes me like ten minutes of warm-ups do that once was that guy that's mr. Oshiro I think is a librarian yeah well he's running the hotel and now we're trying to leave the hotel he's getting real pissed off about it because you can check out anytime you like but you can never leave wow this is all I care about slicin video game though know why cuz that you don't fight him you just ride an obstacle and I think that's pretty badass okay you know that's okay Joe I'm glad you have passion I don't know why we did such a thing I'm sorry for making fun of you Joe for the first time in our friendship I can't think of a time right now in the moment yeah I could they don't make fun of you have you ever made fun of me no okay let's keep it that way or else or else I still have your poster hanging up in the front room oh you gave me in like 2017 you went to like the Pokemon Sun and Moon debuted you didn't want your poster so you signed it and gave it no you you said hey do you want it and I said oh yeah sure we can hang that up in the office and then you signed it and then gave it to me that's amazing I'll stay here and be here so Ellie how do you feel being a let's player now you're full on e girl well yeah we'll see about it you'll see in a month never happened yeah holy crap that's awesome I'll put the picture on the screen yeah well edit it on right now my signature do you think people will eventually realize I mean I don't think people will really a people get so mad every time you do really cuz they're always like you forgot to edit it in and I'm ready at first we did edit stuff in that's awesome man what do I sign it with a dry erase marker you're still there yeah it is I'm surprised that's awesome here I'll put it okay yeah so you can see my signature yeah it was dual sided so I picked the side you didn't sign parts hurt no look there it is it's all resolved see you I was just waiting for this moment thing so I do think the funniest thing about this was like because when we were interviewing you for this job the big interview Joe and I were like privately messing each other about how it was going okay what yeah and we were very surprised okay that you said yes sure I'll do it and then we mentioned money and then you go wait we get paid I don't know it was just funny how gung-ho you were about it and just thought it was like a passion project well I didn't I just thought you wanted me here for a couple times like and then you'll get rid of me you know like everybody does well like that's not only having a Josh right yeah I mean come on it's just come on you know okay so it's a pretty cutthroat industry so you can't be surprised when it happens but yeah okay so yeah say good things what about me in your secret interview yeah well I can read through join I miss it so no Joe and I miss each other so much I can't oh there's only a week ago now yeah but we we still talk regularly that is true also I love this I love that there's like a little reference to Mario Bros 3 right there yeah the first time you saw that oh god we didn't talk about the comment that we wanted to how are the guys I think yeah so so I was talking about the impossible quiz yes so the impossible quiz was really the breaking point for a lot of our fans who were just deemed us too ironic okay and I think the biggest reason was we talked about what what just some of the comments and there was one person that said they refer to our brand of comedy as gaslighting comedy okay and by that they mean we're not funny but we trick the people into thinking we are that's very true that's what we said that's like I know he agreed fool yeah that's the most painfully accurate description I've ever heard of my comedy I think that's yes yeah yeah you just tell them you're funny and then I mean we're they gonna do not believe you I mean it could but no being gasps lightly they can't right but like what else are they gonna do nothing no they're gonna subscribe they're gonna leave a like comment subscribe how's it feel to say that I feel dirty yeah yeah it goes away after a while you just start being drowning in irony no no I remember the first time I saw that was like I feel like I'm forcing them to do it they don't want you and then yeah like when I watch YouTube videos which isn't very often mm-hmm but people always say that at the end of their videos and it makes me not want to do it yeah you're just like out [ __ ] that are you like no like you can't tell me what to do but um but you should definitely leave a like comment be sure to tell us in the comments so what's your favorite pet what they have to be deceased oh oh no give some heartwarming stories that's what that's too far my heart just like pounded a little bit like that's called it's supposed to oh yeah I forgot it supposed to you did I say opposed no he's just said like it's supposed to you just said you say a pose yeah you know I have the word you're an English teacher yeah that's embarrassing agree I let's remain what I made fun of you right now where's your degree Ellie um Nursing nice and I should know that my heart pounds I've been more of like where's your English degree huh like the best part of having an English degree is people can't really correct my grammar anymore because but yeah I just yeah I did right wait I I have more credentials about grammar than you do but if you're wrong hey dude I went to a pretentious arts camp so like yeah I have I think that's more than an English degree honestly dude I went to those two oh you didn't are you talking about courts yeah yeah I think that did you go - um not for like a program thing I was gonna audition audition but never made it around to it yeah courts was sick I want to go back soon yeah I want to go back in this summer because they do all they're like you can still go it's like just regular people and they have like onstage weekend and you get to see like an orchestra performance a interpretive dance all that it's really cool dance I'm pretty good at that actually okay yeah I don't believe you do you want me to stand up right now if you do all edit it on screen no that might be the one time I actually follow through that might actually anything yeah yeah anything's hard so I don't do it none of this channel I mean I feel like this is a channel that we've really formed it around not editing pretty well yeah cuz it's just comedic yes because I know like okay so fob you know patreon.com slash fob fact that they've kind of like shield that and now they have people who are like go into other chats in their username is patreon.com slash flaw okay so origin of that Dylan just said huh you know what I think I'm just gonna meme it's like one day he just randomly said yeah I think I'm gonna meme patreon.com slash Bob into like existence so everyone else just does the advertising for us I go okay good luck and then he [ __ ] succeeded yeah I know it's genius yeah he said he was like you know it's like PewDiePie chair that's just kind of what we want to do and then just overnight it became exactly that all right I think it's a good meme I don't know yeah I make the meme there they just chill that they make money oh yeah this episode is long yeah we're gonna throw it all together we have a random long episode with no real warning ever like once a month you make him watch it and then they have no choice yeah I mean they watch it and we're gas lighting comics gas lighting in can you imagine gas lighting nope me neither yeah and you don't think we're gas lighting either do you whoa what's that exactly gas allowing you to believe that gas lighting doesn't exist this is getting really deep yeah that's kind of like how abusive relationships go so I'm sorry for Anu y'all in there dang not again oh oh wait comedy ha ha ha laugh track oh when are we gonna have a laugh track what span can make I can make one I can just laugh into the mic my life is kind of annoying though so that's kind of good right what the [ __ ] do you I know where she was going with all that is the thing I can't like I can I can laugh a couple times record it and then play it all over each other and then like give us a laugh right now so what happens if you just layer that on top of each other on top of each other on top of it yeah and then like oh I'll do one like that and I can even do like oh ok I'm done doing this now just take my life yeah and then layer on top of mine yeah that's a little off track sorry yeah I just want to pay like a sitcom editor editor series just because like we don't need that much editing but what will they add to it I really like having the Seinfeld music I don't know what Mario maker episode that was a hold on no it was uh when the the thwomps above you kept hitting the switches yeah the blocks and then you it made you feel like you missed it for a second you know yeah and then we did the Seinfeld yeah la track yeah we did man remember we do what it I like how we edit only to make the videos worse yeah I still think one of our favorite videos ever like not mine but ours like collectively em is a peaches big victory so my god that's someone I say new Audi yeah which is like this is how you get a feel for the channel and we just put what was the first song stay by Rihanna I know it was the polymer game oh yeah see you again from fast and furious it's like Wiz Khalifa right yeah yeah hey anyways yeah and then we put toxic by Britney Spears over it and something else right ah three doors down I think three doors down I was right remember we had three doors down in for like two seconds and like in a transition between maps used a bunch of those like random like Movie Maker transitions - yeah dude so my kids they have to make a Julius Caesar project where they're gonna like pretty much make a video reenacting Julius Caesar just however they want yes no it's actually really react to them I don't think legally will be allowed to watch them haha cool but does anybody recognize you no no one okay the only person that's recognized me is my like my boss's son oh that's crazy yeah but watch what you say I've tried I've been trying really hard not to cuss on my recordings now oh really I know that that's okay yeah you tell me you weren't drinking on camera but I don't really drink at camera anyways the only time we really did was during sonic in the black night and that footage is [ __ ] gone yeah I don't know I only did it for the monkey ball to you oh yeah monkey ball fun game Oh Ellie you need to play monkey ball with us I let our drinking game okay like there's not really rule just kind of drink with it what'd you say Simpson said Ron we played that too oh yeah we got to find this Elmo game though no I can't picture it I I played it when i was a stump stupid kid uh Elmo counting I think it's counting you sixty-four elbows number journey okay I gotta see that bright girl all right you got this oh yeah this is a Theo he's a hipster that's also climbing up the mountain as same as my line oh yeah he's stuck inside this whoa the graphics are oh my gosh dude we have to play dead you want to play devil's number journey after this yeah I am so down I guess incredible that looks the graphics look better than cell ste yeah what the heck is this all ste game came out no $2 are you gonna beat the entire game I think so this games not that hard it's your first time well he's just a gamer that's all it really it's off you're in gamer instinct I'm proud of you for being a gamer Joe thanks man my parents weren't but yeah oh you came out to the met I mean they kind of always just knew it was a thing Ellie have you come out your parents as a gamer before um yeah once they saw me on my PC mm-hmm it was all over like so I called my mom and tell her I'm a gamer yeah I see you taking your phone outside thinker just gonna do it yeah well let me call my mom real quick oh no she might be at work that's okay no you should come out to your own parents oh yeah oh I think someone else got another closet for you hey mom yeah how are you doing okay I just wanted to ask you something no you're gonna tell you no I need to tell you something I'm sorry I'm a gamer okay I just didn't want this come as a surprise here I've been trying to come out to you about this for a while but because I'm wrong gaming okay so I've known since I was a little boy that I've always been a gamer okay and I is when you accept me thanks mom if you come out as a game where I'll accept you something else no I mean gamer she's actually thinks I'm coming on I'm not it means gamer gaming I'm sorry to raise my topic there's a lot of emotion in this a lot of emotion mom okay you want me to hang up I'm gonna leave you alone now I'm just confused I have been dealing with this internally for so long God my mom didn't like that at all did she no no she didn't even really wanna like entertain with it she did she she said yeah she just I I think part of her thought I was settling this into coming out for some reason dude I could be married which I am and she could still think I'm gay really yeah she's always thought I was gay yeah I don't think my parents think I am I think they're scared that I am I know my grandma thought I was I'm told like her last breath yeah my mom oh damn no I admit that more as a joke but I realized that that's just something dark might be but yeah my mom just I don't know I had like emotions you know I was like never really a into the whole toxic masculinity thing I was always pretty much pretty open with like how I felt and my mom thought that meant I was gay so here we are coming out as a gamer definitely thought that that punch line would have more of an oomph but she just really didn't care for it so where do we find this Elmo game again ok Nintendo eShop it's a paradise like you know yeah we can find it we're gonna find do we need to get it crackin and find the game no the game will take like two seconds to find yeah I'm confident in my gaming abilities I just came out to my mom as a gamer I can do anything ok you guys came out to your mom's gamer today yeah record it and then tweet it at us I want to see that oh no what why nothing I tweeted it make sure you tweet it at Elie drum as well no he's a part of it that Alfred oh no le part of this job is you have to have followers regardless if you want them or not I'm gonna I think I might make a new Twitter for that Oh make like a uh I try to make a private trying to have like an alt or what or you just want to have one for Mario maker and then people will ask you for feed pigs that's also an option davon just do what you want yeah yeah well put whatever name you want on screen Oh I mean people are gonna follow the one you have currently right now but it's not locked yeah yeah long long-term though if you create a second one that's not a bad idea yeah go for it you know he's back to gaming yeah oh this is the one idea are you almost done yeah come on Jo I'm trying man my plan let's be runner probably would have been done with this by now dude have you ever seen the speedrun for this game nope it's actually insane ok well I actually have bit aside I have its design actually have yeah yeah I thought we were bidding oh no I I don't want a bit about the speedrun this speedrun actually is like it is sick like I have mad respect for the top players like you know I used the word bit and gag interchangeably okay but I can say bidding and people know what I'm saying but gagging no why is that why is that so different there's um there's a reason for that III don't have time for birds and the bees yeah I'm gaming okay I'm not gonna lie I was probably like age 19 when I realized what the birds and the bees mean because it's like the bees have stingers like a penis and the birds have beaks oh oh wait is that not I don't understand like why do they use that because the birds have but the birds and beating birds and bees don't they doesn't worry you just had to Ellie with have oh okay I'm just gonna get a word okay um but yeah I don't know have birds and bees ever had sex if so definitely not common I don't think that's possible for them to I mean they could die like birds aren't real though what huh you know give you those pictures but bees are yeah bees are but like bees aren't gonna be real for very long the the government says the birds don't exist I need a citation on that okay just good it's on twitter twitter it all so they decide this is the sake of spots right I've ever seen in a video game okay I've seen you do work died you know it's not very sick this but the picture that you're trying to find yeah birds no I liked something recently so while you look that up I want to bring it this up so Joe I think it's long enough in the video where you can take apart the bit and just mention that this is like your favorite game my favorite of all time I love this game the ninth chapter is coming out for free pretty soon and I'm extremely excited for it it's only like ten bucks I highly recommend everyone buys this game yeah ever since we started started Alfre at plus and like the let's play format this kind of been the forefront of Joe's like he always wants to play this game like I want to do like an actual speedrunner her I haven't got to play this game like a minute now is school yeah and I played on PC and my PC has been unplugged for almost two months now mm-hmm what just trying to set to think about Google birds don't exist our birds actually government-issued drones here it is oh the birds aren't real movement yeah it's a thing okay I got you yeah I just thought you meant like well not even the concept of them are real that's all I've been missing out on some oh no they just yeah they just don't exist they just don't exist this is a sick boss fight yeah it's I could go on a rant about this like if I ever make a channel for myself like I can only think about making stuff for like this game specifically then make things for this game sir that's what I get yeah but it's like there's so much it's narrowing it down to like what I want to talk to you about this game cuz like there's so much also that segment right there is really scary yeah you're doing well honestly no this is one of favor fights this is my most practice section just cuz it's fun this is like you know what game we should play what King of the Hat Oh actually we play at once I love that game yeah they sponsored us actually today really yeah twice they like us woah I love their game that's awesome yeah it's a fun game I liked a lot it was it was it yummy turf yeah I think so yeah the first time I played it with like the kitchen the kitchen yeah disturbed discourse server oh yeah I forgot him in there also I this is nothing to do with anything but I want to bring it up I'm really upset that someone remove dad let's all kiss Joe channel in that server they've removed I was about to say is it still there nope do want me to add it right now yeah okay hey just I have I have a picture on my Twitter if you like scroll far enough it's let's all kiss Joe and if we all just say nice you remember that yeah I'll add it I'll add it back ok I'm going there right now there's just something about it for me who killed it uh either me or like sweet I don't know who okay I thinks we might a killer cuz she didn't know who I was at the time also he was probably inactive yeah yeah but that's kind of the charm of it it's the one with the okay so Joe you live in the middle of [ __ ] nowhere now yeah and how tender been there Jacob in Durban I wanted to ask you if you wanted to play a game while we're at Mike's but I think it wouldn't work here yeah I have a game I called horse-girl game on tinder okay where I got course girl I just drove through tinder until I find a horse girl is it a bad taste for us to record us going through your tinder I think it is okay to I talked about that once with Dawn yeah also I hope my mics was fine I'll do it later Nick did earlier but so Don talked about how he thinks it's funny to do that however you're also like just putting a bunch of people on blast so you don't even know yeah yeah that's how I feel about it it's like cuz those are real people say you I know some people say like oh you just blow everything out it's like but that defilade all that rock comedy yeah buy you something I would definitely be funny but I don't think it's something like I could ethically do I agree Ellie you on tinder no it's a wise choice it's a dangerous game yeah have you ever tried it tried it yeah no I haven't like it's really funny to go through anyways oh my gosh what anyway do you forgive me you're on the mic don't you it's rough yeah you're just having a conversation but so I don't know I just feel like no I don't that's so understandable I don't want to be like you don't to be thundergirl talk about me that's annoying I think so going on tinder as a guy and going as tender as a girl is completely different experience one time I took one of my friends phones might have told the story I don't know but I took her phone and went on she never made tinder so I made one for her on her phone okay and I she had a picture with one of her friends when they went to like Nationals and it was on a beach I don't know where like a cheer say choir oh but she they were on a beach where and she had like her arms around her best guy friend uh-huh and then I thought it would be funny for me like create this narrative where like that picture was taken moments before he was eaten by a shark so I just wanted to see what guy cuz like if guys want to [ __ ] they will [ __ ] anything with no nothing yeah I know stretch yeah I have no strings attached like there could be tons of strings attached and they're like y'all do it but anyway so I just went through all these guys swiped riding like all of them yeah and then every time they'd be like hey you cute I like thanks I decided to make tinder because I'm trying to get over my boyfriend he was tragically eaten by a shark and they were like oh is that the guy in your profile picture and I go sadly yes they go ha anyways what are you doing tonight that was like all of the responses it was honestly really baffling how I left her tinder alone for like 30 minutes and by the time I came back they had like a hundred matches and then I just decided to tell all of them that I'm currently looking for a boyfriend not looking to hook up also my last boyfriend got ate by a shark that seems like like very honest it was very honest of you to put all that out of it no like it feels honest cuz you're like that's so specific and she has a picture of him her at a beach with a boy so yeah that's yeah it adds up but yeah I don't I don't know I know 10 News it kind of sucks oh I don't I stopped using it for like any like relationship game yeah at this point I just do for the game yeah your fire is so funny now what what is it it's my bio is a my name is Joe and I like to party we should tax the rich not really a party type or the religious type or the racist type that's it I changed you like once a week yeah my favorite was uh I'm gonna ruin your life and cash a check doing it I I think that's easily my favorite there wasn't one that blue type that was like three paragraphs long yeah but I can't remember that at all that's like a bio started with like six foot four eight inches it's a bold opener what's a good opener I don't think I got any matches with that bio I can't imagine you would has nothing to do with you bud no it's my tune there's a [ __ ] post and I accept yeah but the same girl who I was talking about she was really trying to get with this guy she'd really like for a long time and it just just never really seemed to work he just wasn't interested right so after a failed night pretty much her and I went to IHOP she was so pissed she just wanted some someone you know yeah so our I hop server was oh there's oh I thought you meant like a discord server I was like wow talking the IHOP server virtually server we sure can so anyways as I was saying yeah we she was like you know what [ __ ] it he's a human being Oh like that's kind of like her requirements at the time oh wow yeah she's dark place and so then he texted her and he just gave him her number yeah just left it on the tab okay bold move yeah but anyway she left it there and then we went home and they started texting and here's odd guy just like he didn't say anything that really duck out it was odd okay and then I decided to reverse lookup his phone number on Facebook just guess I can creep on him yeah yeah okay and so I found it okay and his profile picture was him doing a sick kickflip oh my god and then his bio on Facebook said I skate you skate we skate yeah skate that should be your tinder bio Joe Ali do you want a ride to nearby oh yeah okay you're giving me a lot of power I know I have nothing to lose okay and probably nothing to gain either absolutely nothing to gain I talked today I tried to like a little bit of never I like first got to my hometown yeah every single person I met they only want to talk to me about the office I'm not even kidding oh no that's so funny dude I love the office okay no let's talk about your Twitter bit right now oh yeah can you talk about it yeah I think so Joe he's not even watching the office right now no I am now okay okay so Joe is just on Twitter talking about the office as if he's never seen it before and he he's like it's like just finished the office season one it's pretty good too white so funny but Michael shouldn't be allowed to run a big business like that which is just like yeah that's the [ __ ] joke of the office like they called Pam girl yeah you did call Pam girl but the best part is people responding you're like oh Michael really grows on you after a while the show gets so much better yeah everyone sends it the favorite part my favorite is Microsoft Office is Twitter yeah there's like 2 million followers they tweeted at me saying don't worry the show gets better today really yes and so ideally Oh Ellie we can show you the world of corporate Twitter do we do corporate with Twitter with Ellie yeah we you we're just gonna DM corporate Twitter accounts on Twitter okay I try to get sponsorship but in reality it's just called harassment yeah but we get paid for it so it's cool well hey they get paid to read it so like we're just all doing our jobs just doing each other a favor at this point are you just going through all those yeah this is the final level and so what happens is you fall down the mountain yeah as soon as you get to the top pretty much and says a lot about our society yeah but now you're climbing your way back up it they last so you personally I fought last chapter or that was the battle line is what big holler because it's like mad line but bad yeah good line caught you at the bottom oh no you just kind of make after you beat up battle line she's like okay let's be friends and so you get a second - and so it's like alright let's climb up the mountain even faster now yeah I see I noticed the - yeah the whole game over no these are all things right I think it's a it's expanding upon the previous levels it's because every single level introduces like three new gimmicks like this levels was a these fuzzy things and then like some moving platforms okay and so now it's like hey remember this let's do it again but now with two dashes and you've mastered it yeah you've mastered now they're able to build upon and make even harder oh yeah keep jumping to that yeah that's bad line yeah she's helping you climb up the mountain even more now okay because the entire time she was like fighting you and trying to kill you oh I've watched specifically you do this part I've walked in on you I remember this part didn't on you all I'm saying is I'm not as good as I used to be fight this controller controller right yeah it's a controller okay all I say is people use a bad controller when you lost the Elian melee to no control if you want to take the John then I'm if you want to give me that John le like if you're trying to give me that John you don't deserve it you I don't want it what I don't want the John you don't want to explain it's just the excuse Ellie you know what a John is right no I guess not I played mammal a it's just there anyway to say no excuses for some reason have you ever thought about how it's really not that funny oh yeah it's not but yeah it's really weird all right yeah no John just so strange to me I like because it's making fun of somebody I agree but the thing is it's an inside group of friends you're not a part of like a group of friends started making fun of John because he would always make excuses they're like a no John's but then you realize oh I'm not a part of that group of friends but I'm gonna say it anyways which that's just kind of our humor right yeah you know how many people probably say God what do we even say I in order a creeper is that our catchphrase now no that is not our catchphrase yeah what do we have we have plus ease we don't really say things do we know we did we I will say that as bad as our humor is we keep it pretty fresh please leave a like and subscribe and leave a comment at the end of the now leave one now and another one at the end yeah all right yeah one one now and one at the end everyone thinks you can only comment once on a YouTube video no no I want to can this be them with the most lot of comments on your sure can be I have a conversation with yourself down there for me yeah are they are you wanting them to roleplay as you or what or are you wanting them to like are you gonna play as me why not because I'm new here what are the rules what that's a that's a different joke okay I know where you know I don't know what you mean Mulaney but that prima no that's Lou in town yeah anyways well we know I'm new here what is that I know that you're well I don't know I don't remember but my friends and I say it a lot I like that I like it then yeah I to him new here I know here we played so my friends and I we played comedy night that game is [ __ ] awful it's so good yeah what I me just kept going up on stage and singing I'm new here what are the rules [Laughter] yeah I like it it's a good time God calm I played comedy and I I played it for like an hour yeah cuz in steam-cleaning I just played like 18 differents like eight different steam games and I put them all into one video yeah and there I played all over for like 15 minutes yeah and then I play comedy night for like an hour and a half and Dylan used like 20 seconds of the footage and on her couch Joe it okay wait no no let him crawl on my finger oh yeah be one with the ants okay is he going he's on your finger is he really yeah yes he's go off come here little guy I'm gonna eat you don't what what if I went then we might need to talk to Josh again why so tell him he's fired right and doesn't like me probably cuz you're like a 30-foot behemoth to him oh I probably Wow that's the biggest compliment admitted yeah I don't know comedy night uh I don't know if people were just racist yeah people are racist a lot online yeah especially when they could do it on stage with an anonymous avatar yeah my favorite thing though yeah because I think I remember I played comedy night for a little bit and then I handed it over to Cade Oh Cade playing comedy night is the funniest thing I've ever seen or you have the aunt yeah I got him what's his name mm-hmm yeah God is alive no my band-aids are in this photo yeah did you cut yourself yeah I work at an old-school bagel cafe [ __ ] love bagel cafe come see me sometime you and Joe uh-huh but um yeah so I'm slicing bagels right yes my hand of all times that's what this is sure to hit the bagel instead well I mean I hit the bagel but I hit my hand as well yeah you know I bucks with the pizza bagel I think that's so cool oh yeah hi mr. Eagles how I do you guys just have like legit pizza bagels they make a pizza on a bagel yeah oh I think it's been like you know pizza bagels do you buy like Walmart or like warm a microwave know like Bagel Bites yeah things are so good well I haven't had like Bagel Bites pizza roll kind of things and like probably years honestly my skin the aunt tickles yeah do you want him no you still have the aunt yeah joe do you want him no not really i'm gonna give him to you know wait does this mean you have like twenty eight rooms left hi so there's a we're at the final client 28 rooms it's just 28 checkpoints okay but this is the first time they've like showing you where checkpoints yeah this is the only time there's actual checkpoints is this game over yet there's all's and can we play a game with better graphics soon like almost number journey yeah who the [ __ ] is miss AI remember that out that was almost neighbor mr. noodle yeah you know I'd be doing something weird and Elmo noise is either like human being yeah okay I remember mr. noodle now what a weird [ __ ] yeah I don't know why I remembered him whenever you did it in the ELMO voice but that's what it took for me to remember it yeah that's a good one oh wait Hamilton actor daveed Diggs raps Sesame Street's classic rubber duckie there's so much has just happened in that sentence I don't know what you said just now I don't either remember at one time when Katie's Perry's boobs were on Sesame Street wait a minute oh I remember that she was on Sesame Street but I don't know her her boobs me me Street I guess that might appall means her boobs are on a TV Harry Sesame Street let me let me just show you because okay yes she was she was on she was on Sesame Street like that Wow oh wow she sure does and then she sang and then she dressed like this and she did hot and cold oh wow for a Sesame Street but it's what does she say she said something like it was a parody of her own song but she was like Elmo's hot and he's I don't know what someone's sexually attracted to Elmo right yeah like I want to say no that's one of the things where I want to say no so somebody is somebody has to be yeah like you kind of sit there and you're like yeah someone's attracted it's everything right but then it's like when you say weird [ __ ] not like feet but like when you say stuff like Elmo yeah I never say Elmo Kermit the Frog wingy it's the voice that does it for them you think yeah Kermit's voice is pretty yeah who's your first childhood crush I was like a fictional character I thought Sailor Moon was cute I didn't watch it as a kid because I wasn't a girl always had a crush on Linc Linc I'm linked Zelda from Zola yeah just I don't remember what game I think Twilight Princess really did it for me that's fair and him in that game you know I I get that one yeah yeah my friends are like sexually attracted to Ganondorf like oh yeah I think that's just objectively bad yeah I agree but they're passionate about it so I just let him be uh who is my I think like my first one it's like a super basic answer is probably just like peach or something yeah see I never had a thing for peach I'm sure I think of people my first like you know childhood crush was I don't remember that far back and not peach I'm just trying to think like games I play it I really don't know I mean I had a huge crush on like Selena Gomez Victoria Justice oh yeah yeah both of us do we bonded over it well we've had many discussions on this couch about yeah Lena Gomez I really like Victoria Justice though I have the same birthday it's her Pam Falco yeah that's true he doesn't same birth a thousand voices Falco which is more important to him right you messed up yeah shouldn't done that run killer which is kind of sucky cuz it's at the end yep it's at the very end but what is that like a like a eight second loss yeah but like the runs only 43 minutes so okay eight seconds at the end yeah gotcha man I saw the checkpoint right there you should hit it oh I'm just saying no I know yeah I see I'm just trying to be as helpful as I can right here no I can tell I want to throw this controller I'm inputting straight right I spent like 80 bucks on that controller don't break it Joe be sure to LIKE comment subscribe so I can buy another controller what breaks that one okay I'm using joystick I don't care anymore he's in gamer mode I am a gamer don't say any gamer works please I couldn't I couldn't think of one what slurs yeah please don't slurs oh you're right you know who doesn't say slurs me hmm that's that's a good answer that's a good answer a lot of people do lesser people would say Sasuke Oh sausage sausage does not say slurs yeah don't don't give me no no Joe did we beat the game yet are you there yet no look out there son what a good movie are we there yet with icecube sure we could have been a lot Skynyrd's but I'm sitting in the crack I just realized that I'm moving you're like drowning in that I know it's pretty drowning Oh Joe I'm tired can we play Elmo no yeah ya wanna play Elmo just end it right here Oh like just doing you sure we got to get down the mountain though okay just jump off it is yeah what house are you gonna get off you just well let's just enjoy this yeah well look at this art bless you thank you oh maybe B did an entire game and I don't know what happened my foot uh-huh touch that thing she just connected it oh hey don't skip the cutscene I wanted to watch that no we didn't don't worry we can watch this cutscene one to indict a hundred eighty five times that's so many Joe that's so many Joe that that is a lot of jail is that it alright
Channel: Alpharad Deluxe
Views: 603,383
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: celeste, alpharad, alpharad plus, ellie, josniffy, egg, good game, episode 1
Id: o5RxLN_WWTo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 44sec (4544 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 07 2019
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