Luigi tries his absolute best

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whoa do you guys how brave do we feel today oh it's very i just yeah i'm feeling like we test god do we want to try and see if we can beat master dk with skill minigames only turned on yeah yes okay here we are at horrorland nailed it definitely forgot to er no remember to press start recording on the right time anyways forgot to remember i love wizard mario i wish they brought the silly costumes how come they don't dress like that so they have a poll you remember when i asked you like what your favorite mini game is or what your favorite mario party game is and mario party 2 is at the top of the ladder and i'm just going to say the hot take right from the start if mario party 2 is your favorite you're blinded by nostalgia yeah that game's and it's just a small upgrade from mario party one the boards are better sure many games are okay it just has funny little costumes you have not played a video game since you were eight years old you're now 50. i i mean mario you do got cowboy are you on that one that's true i'll throw that out that guy's awesome anyway we got pirate hey guys sticker time good game oh that's pretty close right there let me just set up my uh my two emotes yeah i got oh oh wait dash i think you setting up that's a hit that's a hit i made them i showed joe that they're now twitch emotes on my channel that is so awesome where can we find you on twitch i'll drive all try subscribe do that and then you can spam hit and miss in every twitch chat on the platform you don't even have to watch his content you just have to pay him and listen you got bezos bucks you paying bezos listen listen amazon prime you get a little free sub thank you look all i'm saying is everyone has at least one teacher that has amazon prime that's not connected to twitch prime what yeah just everyone has like those one person okay if you all are in high school and you guys are affiliate streamers just start asking your teachers yo you want to pry if you're an affiliate streamer it's time to move to los angeles joe would you say that teachers want to help yeah you know yeah you'll do this for free i i will i will subscribe to your channel and then never show up like a great that's a hit that's a hit mentality right there teacher can you help me i'm trying to sub to xqc yo low roll peach today it's been two hey you'll never get susan first [Music] uh wait how do you get so many coins lucky spot yeah he gets the star next turn by the way uh he does he also rolls that is such a small amount of one there's not a lot of skill based games in this game oh i'm the enemy yeah so this is a pretty easy game i i well i out skilled him i went the wrong way oh it shows you which one it's gonna yeah if you stand right here you can just react to oh i didn't know you could psych me out like that i know that it's kind of cool actually yeah because if i'm right here i'm in the perfect spot to dodge all of them yeah yeah pretty hard mini game to win as the one go donkey kong he died i'm surprised he died if i'm honest you know he probably should have thrown that that's a huge miss from you're right because now you can get the star yeah i i was throwing that game for him oh you were yeah okay well thanks for telling me well oh yeah i just assumed that you knew oh okay awesome great role donkey kong okay so he gets it next time i mean listen i'm calling wait how well you can't use it this turn he can still chop call that yeah that's important you get the kick get the chomp call so you can fight the spineless bastard i got it [Music] jesus all right he got no skrill to my name just got just got twitch affiliate moved to los angeles california i think here i am remember whenever that big got me a 30 90 yeah 70. yo if you use the mushrooms yeah 60 chance you get this and then a 50 50 chance that uh oh no there was a 70 chance you got that well joe what do you do what are you doing what do you what oh then there's another bind you think he'll buy anything all right i saw the timeline where you bought the skeleton key i i thought that was like 99 of timelines i mean i i don't know you were very invested in me getting this star so i was like i guess i was just letting god decide where i went you know what i ended up in front of the star you know now i'll take tapping space you know what sucks i can't get the star you know who can no one no one no one can get you know who's gonna hit that mf chomp call next turn i don't think he will oh wait i can roll a 10. hey you know i think there's low rolls today man it's okay no one's close to it yeah yeah if anything you're just building up econ yo with the lad but we're gonna get dungeon duo yo we have not played dungeon due a single time and that is the best mario party mini game ever invented i love dungeon duo this game is also fun yeah so you just jump kick jump kick donkey kong what the [ __ ] don't go after the same one as me what come on yeah that's some time loss if you guys step on each other so yeah dash careful not to hit each other here we did we did great teamwork okay so dash i'm gonna hit the middle one twice you go right okay i'm just going to hit whichever one i want okay well it takes a village you said to jump kick but jump takes the hardest thing ever i don't think i'm jump kick anymore is this hard dk jump kick wasn't you put him on easy jump kick was good in six but i don't think this is good anymore i think you just yeah you're just smashing now yeah it's weird the meta has changed dk's literally done zero things yeah this genuinely does not feel like i'm playing with like a hard cpu that was awesome that was awesome i'm proud of you man it's like a movie this is like danganronpa life tonight's gonna be a movie my life a movie for real you wouldn't get it joe you're a short film picture but you have to run over the woman to put her in her car i just asked what is it like what was the question what did you say oh i said tonight's gonna be a movie [ __ ] because we're watching harry potter everybody my night your night yo it's actually daytime though yeah well last night was a movie guys my life a movie for real is that from something it's just instagram captions uh just you know the type yeah yeah i see exactly what you mean with it my life's a movie for real my life a movie for real yeah perks of being a walker huge dub yeah that's a massive that's it that's a guy for me because i didn't get one that's a miss from everyone else three misses on the board because no one else got one dash this one's for you thank you i earned it yo bowser oh i can't count all right we get it i'm poor all right the bank just told me toad no but now you get a skeleton key right now but what if what have you got a skeleton key i wish what if i got a troll that'd be awesome miss [Music] i like playing mario party can we just play more mario party i feel like we've been playing a lot of mario party yeah but like other other mario parties oh yeah yeah yeah let's do that party uh ten yeah and nine i did i i i i will play mario party eight but only the soda pop game nine and ten are only bad if you give a [ __ ] about the boards if you don't have any thoughts otherwise though i think nine has some of the best mini games of any mario party and it just sucks that it's in nine yeah if eight nine's mini game that's mario party can i play mario party island tour nope why is that the ds one 3ds 30s one i have it i'll bring it over i played them all and i was disappointed by all of them what's island tour here's not good but i have it on my 3ds i can bring it over hey dash you can ds you are one spot away from the star now and i feel like something funny might happen oh you [ __ ] there's no [ __ ] way he does it but you know you don't have enough points i'll throw this minigame for you [Music] oh i can't sabotage donkey kong you just have to play out play donkey kong it's just that simple oh [ __ ] i'll watch donkey kong you know i'm just gonna watch you guys oh oh dash you're tied with them nope displaying third then oh okay okay he's a whole cloud above you ooh he might fall though the donkey kong kind of kind of platforming keen great okay you're only like two turtles behind okay what the [ __ ] did you just call them parakoopa sorry thank you uh exactly oh he just touched that cloud oh my god you're so close though that was awesome you almost won [Music] that was the best i've ever played that mini game though yeah well that's embarrassing [ __ ] yo two points though i thought we would get four coins per third but you know that's that's fine we got we didn't need anything good thing we tied tactical oh yeah he's just gonna oh dash massive you can't get it i can't get it but you know you can give me some coins kong [Music] about this i'm ready to contribute to the pot all right guys i i asked for some coins thank you all hey if it's 20 you can make sure dk can't get the next star you could have just chomp called i could have that's true because i feel like you only use the chomp call on the [ __ ] you only ever use it in retaliation well yeah i wish we could d-pedal i wish the switch pro controller had a better d-pad yeah dude joy-con d-pad goes crazy i don't know joy-con d-pad is like one of the best i feel kong i post the miss button if i could i think he knows whoa oh [ __ ] do we tie we tie wait luigi yeah luigi was first yeah yeah did we tie though did we tie yeah we tied wow wow i'm coming down give him one anyway why would they give him a coin give it to third what that's not how splitting a paw works if you have two extra give it to the two well i'm pissed i'm pissed well wait it doesn't matter but i'm a big number better person type thing you know okay and this is why i don't [ __ ] understand that's a great turn that's an awesome turn actually if you think about it because not only did i use a double dice to get five which is below average even for a regular but i also lost the two coins that i had i also had three coins at the start of this turn to you know what for me oh it's you know it's just cool that's cool oh that's a great archer okay i want to see do i still get coins if i like shoot that other little labs that's cool thank you killed him uh you want to hit me you can yeah i'll just go ahead and tell you real quick if you don't that was awesome all right oh yeah i want to see do i get coins damn literally no you just make it easier for him yeah i just realized that um this is a bro you got him though oh my god now you're insane oh look at it look at him literally reading your inputs one more one more you got it nice try oh i don't get that one nice try william oh how is he hiding behind oh my god that was a nice try william tell but you know i'm really sad that they don't give coins for that they used to coins for that maybe it's i don't know maybe you have to hit both no you used to be like you just got coins rating one well yeah but that's used to this current year if they don't get points for one i don't see why they give coins for but oh that's cool he gets coins too yeah that's cool i i don't think there's any coins in the bank actually i i think i oh i landed on it and i think there's zero yeah you landed on it i went by it and i had zero points by the way very poor yeah um but that's uh i think joe's close as that one you just don't have coins for it yeah because thanks for the reminder i path you know yeah i just i just noticed that you're poor yeah thanks man i mean what did you want me to not notice yes okay yes that's that's actually it [Music] i mean you're you're close though because you have double dice yeah and also if i double dice and get like an average roll i think i go by the shop yeah and then you still have money but if i get too close to the star then someone chomp calls yo massive skeleton key by mario it was free all right here's a three yo what up joe [Laughter] bro i've gone seven i've used three dice [Laughter] i guess it's even possible for me to hit this now unlikely though uh who knows who might happen big if true that was the 17. oh lucky space though monkey's face is a double so i should have taken mushroom i think that's better than that oh well because now i'm eight away but i'm lucky that's you could just get a mushroom you could just get a mushroom [Music] you can be back in the game by winning this actually we're all back in we can't let him win i thought it was about to guys archery i was about to close my eyes oh no oh my god look at him freaking out he's spazzing bro okay so we just got a reaction like a different spot each time all right oh god okay i'm we're in a comfy spot there's a hitbox still okay dash you have not moved they call me luigi i like the grunts he makes arnhem tk makes for it [Music] well i'm glad we all won 20 coins because that was awesome chili dog that's his that's dk's classic thing dk is dogs not looking masterful today yeah i know i was i was genuinely asking earlier is he like actually on master or did you like like you made sure you turned him up right like this yeah no he's on master okay yeah he's on master he's on chili dog it's either master or oh oh no [ __ ] way oh that was ugh [Music] i he needs it honestly good on him [Music] yo item where does this put me i put you by this in the top left but i'm about to pop uh double dice and i need i should have gotten the mushroom that was way better play [Music] probably a miss but we'll see i think that's good for you then yeah that's awesome for me that's awesome for me look at that skeleton key yo i have a dab kind of what should you get rid of i think anything can get rid of the outside skeleton key is that what you do so it's like a little pattern yeah we gotta do it uh oh that hurts [Music] it's kind of [ __ ] on me a little bit but yeah no i dropped it so you can pick it you can land on the lucky space and then you get a chance for a skeleton key yeah i do then a chance i can actually you know move forward in the game an item back would be nice you might even get a skeleton key [Music] now you can use the custom dice block to buy a skeleton key yeah probably the most useless size in the game right there though actually i've never seen an actual application here we go it's possible well there it was two ones well it happens ow don't worry guys i will get a star this sucks toadette she's so tiny i just want to kill you right now [Music] like she would just be fun to punt you know i do actually i want to punt a toad so bad i i'm sure i can create something that's like i can probably yeah i can probably make like a life like like you know what what they make crash test dummies for i can probably make a toad yeah probably yeah what is six [Music] it's i could land on a versus and get steel coins i don't think that really matters right now [Music] i think i like if i unlock it i lose my skeleton key you know yeah that's true and why would i want to do that [Music] oh i mindlessly just mash a whenever i'm not doing anything i was like who the [ __ ] is spamming toadette crying and why it was oh [ __ ] this game's back there are so many mini games we just have not seen yet yeah which is insane to think about it yeah cause we have this is our sixth game and i've played like a handful on my own yeah i feel like i feel like most mario were not great yeah i died i'm so furious i did i did pretty bad i okay but you did worse i don't get how that did not get that rid of that block but that's cool it kind of looks concussed concussed that's a yes oh whale oh well do i have any new stickers oh no i still just have this one is by far the most yeah i don't like that one okay i won't do it then yeah that one is just i think that one's really good for online play probably make people quit yeah they're probably gonna i feel like they're eventually gonna add a mute stickers option for online they already have one the way they did oh [ __ ] that's a that's a [ __ ] you know what that is tell me that's a mess that's a miss you know it's probably a good thing that they already have it though because someone might not realize it and they're waiting for the patch you know oh yeah true oh you almost hit the 40. don't worry dr mogami silver is still plugged in all right we'll edit that out you want to press to return a game sorry the president was calling us yeah i hung up on the president he said we're playing mario party you said is it an emergency and he said no i just wanted to talk so you hung up on claudia's ass you can get the [ __ ] out here right it's not important enough for me right now i'm i'm i'm partying is this first turn today it doesn't matter i'm paying six i'm paying six and holding forward bye the star is not there yeah but i okay cool there he goes five points well now it's night [Laughter] well you know you live in you learn what did you learn sonic it's night time now [Laughter] you landed on a happening that's pretty huge now it's daytime my life a movie this is the worst film i've ever seen on ironically terrible film i want a refund [Music] i just wanted to hit aid in the text box all right why do they take like 20 years to speak oh well yo red space that's hype that's add some spiciness to the game and now we're gonna fight donkey kong who might be on easy difficulty i don't know which one's cash ball uh the one where it launches you get 20 coins max from this if it's i think it's not oh this one okay yeah we just i think we all get three turns so it's just you go up and you just try and get [Music] unmoving cover the ones on my right yeah let me go ahead twice each yeah because i left one over here okay so he's got two you got to get up jump man jump man jump man [Music] i was really scared because they're like there's like that turnaround animation yeah i just got stuck in it well we all won that was awesome what the donkeys out he's like punch in the air i like that donkey kong i don't i'm too afraid of the donkey kong with this [ __ ] clapping the donkey kong that praise is the one that scares me the most donkey kong vote religious is a demon ironically his spin every time he aggravates an item is so oh my god he's rolling in oh yeah oh yeah yeah he this turn hey dash you know what you can do you know what you can do to stop him in this [ __ ] path i'm mashing it or dash hear me out you save your chomp calls because you need them for later he has two you need them for later oh both of them yeah yeah you never know what could come up i thought he's gonna get another chomp call me too if so donkey kong is ready to go to war with luigi i'm firing first [Laughter] luigi shot first no questions there oh wait you know what i got a sticker for this it's a fleet moment it lands right in front of him again doesn't matter i think you gotta yeah [Music] oh that's it for now yes right in front of you oh hey huge play nice if you don't get the star though realize he is firing back yeah no i'm 60 chance you don't mess it up 100 chance i mess it up here we go nah easy easy stargate wait okay three what's three stops in here bowser [Laughter] yeah yeah that is an option [Laughter] he looks proud of it too i i generally if you're in last place i see i think you have nothing to lose by going to bowser yeah except like you need 20 coins yeah fine we'll see you can get a thousand points oh bowser shuffle would be really funny right now boy that's huge that was a revolution i think i had the most coins have we are we finally did communism oh wait no dash had the most point communism all right who gets the two extra are there no that's wait wow that was perfectly divisible before i'm glad i could share it with all of you [Music] wait joe i would land on the bank i yeah yeah i know big big catch right here uh nine okay cool yeah you want to roll a seven [Music] i caught it you like dash you really are the demon on the side of my shoulder sometimes like you you you're the cronk you hear the mini yeah miniature cronk prank voice act same guy as the guy in the sword over california right oh my god did that just move right in front of him uh close to him yeah like he can definitely get this in this turn that's kind of funny actually then i mean what did i miss count oh i thought you lit junk counted a bowser on purpose oh no i i thought oh i thought i would have told you that was wrong oh i just thought yeah that's what that was a revolution oh that's it i thought it would have been so funny we split all the money again again by the star and you split it again yeah guys i actually think we should split again i i don't think we can split this no i was talking about you oh yeah yeah oh we're good this is we know this game works this is me one hamburger i go ah a hamburger helper big fan crazy yo that would i don't think it's cheeks this looks like it's up a tiny bit this one's so simple it's kind of scary yeah that's how i feel it's like no it can't be that simple yeah you know i see i'm like i i have about everything i think hair's going i guess hair could go a tiny bit lower he's just smiling yeah i know this is just oh i forgot to move the nose he's a hamburger he goes ah burger didn't matter damn he's [ __ ] perfect that was the least eventful version of that game i've ever seen yeah that was hardly moved anything but that's what made it so terrifying yeah i feel like if you didn't do anything you probably still got like 50. [Music] oh wait i can contest with the star [Music] not nice you got the star yeah i'm pretty sure it's probably i yeah you got the star oh red spot dk hates peach right now [Music] no but you can make it night yeah then you can lay on the happening spot yeah immediately after your life would be oh i literally rolled the perfect number nice nice eat [ __ ] donkey kong we're swinging with the vengeance now against master dk he's not really doing that much to see no no i think like he's throwing in the mini games too it's kind of sad yeah he's washed up what can i say he felt just like cranked up for those two games yeah he was on fire for those games but so it's it's just sad seeing him play like that you know no i i want the drama you know it's the mario brothers and then we are teaming together oh this one okay oh yeah this one works yeah we won it it's just splatoon which means it's good making splatoon music i wish this music sounded like bit crushed 30 times and then i'd say that's an awesome try i mean they're they all are all awesome tracks though is a thing yeah rap is crap platoon music's awesome i'm having a warranty dash and i were just shooting at this one goomba yeah a little while same with me and dk you guys wanted we won yeah nice we the marble your brothers this is a mario party game it's happening okay that's a mario part 8 ending game yeah i'm glad they kept those in yeah i'm surprised that he did though honestly yeah that's that's a actually that's a what for me because that's why the desert like came like yeah when everyone died that was awesome which i still don't i don't get what the moral of that game was i'll be honest hell it just it feels like we just kind of died at the end the lucky you yoshi or she sounds like a cat to me like wow yeah it kind of does a little little cat yo yo what are you doing oh you can steal a star no you have 250 coins oh that's right yeah wait you got free coins hi guys so remember that the money i've uh you borrowed i want a bag [Music] i kind of i kind of need i kind of need it all back thank you donkey kong does not know how to mash it's hard man wait it's weird that it subtracts it like before i could go through the screen i know that does not really matter it's just i like it we we have forgotten about bring it sideways facing goomba he's awesome he's so cool uh yeah he's pretty cool i know who else is cool what would it you wouldn't what you wouldn't what get a skeleton key you wouldn't you wouldn't you wouldn't so don't i'm just i don't know i'm just i don't care yeah i mean you would i i guess i get this bad luck bad luck i'm just kidding joe you got this that one's awesome you got this koopa deku koopa okay don't say that i know wait i like winning a team game obviously what do i i have items not really skeleton key you're right and i can use it right now you have free eight coins let me see [Music] or i can go eight ninth hmm you get to steal coins and land on koopa bank no i i only don't keep a bank here because this is seven eight nine ten oh i did not count the red part yeah um because i'm thinking if i if i don't go i get to buy an item and i'm coin broke but i can earn it all back and i don't have to use my my key so that's awesome all me i came up with that decision i just can't buy a tin [ __ ] wait what i can't buy the the triple die anymore oh but you can't buy a skeleton that's true [Music] there it is i like how it's the catch this like the text has nothing to do with the image ever yeah there it is like what is this next time oh [ __ ] we're getting [ __ ] up in this game guys i think we all shoot at once all right just go awesome don't worry i'm keeping talking you're doing great joe distraction oh wait that wall went in we're making good time all right i believe you guys two more easy honestly a very hard mini game has the one oh my god look i scored [ __ ] five of them well as a team games yeah because like he was busy blocking our hits yeah i was that's how you score outside of the goal and he was distracted by that yeah i scored five of them so i mean if you were scoring a loan you probably would have made a single one so wow i i think it's kind of a team effort personally no i played soccer i'm awesome someone's ever said that that's a miss dk i don't know what he's even doing this for no one's that close i'm close to it i guess oh well [ __ ] you i guess i mean not really though i think of your great improvement here you're still closer yeah it's yeah okay okay i thought i thought i was like where you are me too oh wait he i forget you can take the eye this way too [Music] oh he's not gonna do anything for him though no because you have double dice i think you're oh wait i just remembered he'd move the star that was right there why the [ __ ] did he move it he could have gotten that one yeah i don't know i i i really don't know you guys bank 20 coins jesus christ huge get rich man luigi in fourth place yeah y'all thinking about investing and any and anything invest in the weeds yeah star stock is going up you want to push the money in those man you really called for communism and now you're the one percent kind of just like a song just like a snobby [ __ ] god i i just found out he bought a house the other day oh my god dude i didn't think he was gonna actually spend the money we give him why would he honestly like that's that's so [ __ ] up oh my god girl i i would never all right why use that why would you spend your money i just found out hassan makes money what the [ __ ] don't you just stream for fun man i thought i like to support streamers who enjoy what they do dude as an artist who's worked freelance for so many years you run into so many people when you just want to do your [ __ ] job and they're like well we just want to work with someone who wants to make something awesome just just a cool piece of art and i'm just like i can do that and be paid yeah like that's the i want to work with someone that pays me yeah like or do you think [ __ ] the goddamn mona lisa was painted for free dude yeah it probably should have been it should have been they could have dude he got paid in exposure why do you want money isn't that enough wow that's cool yeah oh just leave the icon there too that's kind of neat that's not bad i mean i could go this way i just wanted to get enough to get the shop those stars there if you go to the left you're pretty much guaranteed to get star first we're all pretty far behind yeah it's just i wish i got the item shop this turn that would have been great so now here's the interesting thing here all right you would think that joe on the screen is the poorest because he has zero coins but he has the skeleton key so i'm actually the righteous he's the richest hey i also have a skeleton key now notice how the person with 120 coins doesn't have the skeleton key he's actually the poorest do you okay well you're the poorest because you're in fourth place okay so we both suck there's like such a weird cooldown ah mario you have to be sad for so long man what do you do what let's press it again to put it down okay i thought the whole thing dude why is it so long all right then gg this donkey kong just wants the strawberry look at this man oh my god [Music] [Laughter] he's just happy oh that's 20 coins that's huge that's a lot dash has more money now more money mo problems that's what i always say on god brother sorry yo todd good game oh no donkey comes in third oh but dash is in fourth i feel like it could be a big man 23 who's not going to put their money on big man 23 let's be honest kamik might there we go give me 20 coins gold pipe oh boo bell that's okay that's huge dash just the reminder i did just buy you pizza i i listen i have a public enemy number one and he's for awesome you're you're trying to get into third place real good hey donkey kong wanna see my items friend look check this out buddy check this [ __ ] out ding ding ding ding you're showing him what's up it's really funny is there a second boo on this course or is there only the one do you have to steal three i think now i think there's one in the bottom left but you need a skeleton to get to it just saved up to steal three stars five turns that was a close one that would have been funny but they would have been hyped that would have been such high point uh skeleton key yeah so i'm glad you got it now yeah hey the game's not over nah i mean anything could happen yeah donkey kong could always oh oh you're gonna throw it all you're gonna get bet the farm or oh my god oh no oh no no i've seen the story before that's a miss that's a miss this is always really funny for two seconds and i think about how it affects me [Laughter] you lose you just have to you know hit every single speed boost all right i'll tell you when the when the lightning is coming up it's coming up now uh okay get avoidance on the amp coming up now oh it's fine you have a mild disadvantage so you know that's good oh my god and dk's clear the last lightning you lost he like laughed you pretty much oh my god you're doing something though that's cool dk just has 100 something coins now ah he needed it yeah he he kind of knew that's how that story would end i feel i bought a house hey you know you have you saw a hell of money actually yeah 44 is nothing to sneeze at yeah a hundred something we'll know hey i don't know what's up he's pretty lucky of you thank you i just wanted okay that's fine i was wanting money you know why i i was just hoping you played mario party for fun i mean you know i i should just want the exposure dude wait until people find out we get paid on this channel we get paid wait you get paid what i'll i huh i'm going to buy a triple dice no wait what what do you guys think i could buy skeleton key you guys love we don't get money wait this is a passion project yeah jacob you specifically asked if i wanted to do this we donate all for charity that's what i meant why we make money for charity you know you said there's no they said there's another okay but i gotta say we gotta drop this [ __ ] people will think we're serious yo dub damn hell i would like money that'd be awesome retweet cash app you watching oh that's actually cool yo cash up dude cash out doing that tweet is like every single day i i get it it's free advertising for them i don't have anything against them for doing it it's just annoying as [ __ ] though people like read like quote retweet with their cash app yeah i mute those people and if they just retweet stuff i turn reach retweets off oh yeah i i turn to retweets i think turning retweets off is my favorite thing to do for a person or my favorite feature on twitter yeah i do i people lose their retweet abilities so [ __ ] quickly for me yeah same as soon as i see like two things in a row because i feel like the people i don't like who retweet they retweet a lot yeah uh i some people only retweet which i kind of get that interaction big no small i got squished oh [ __ ] okay dick i saw that i actually wasn't doing anything if i pushed you that was on accident oh my gosh don't you oh god stupid trolling i need to win that minigame for the star too so that's a huge l for me go mario good good job buddy keep it up smile i think i went the wrong way but it doesn't really matter cringe that's so cringe for me it's a what four turns i guess dk could land on bowser and do communism that's a possibility that that is yeah there's also we haven't seen a chance time yet no it's on the table there's one near me actually i could land on it wow you know actually that's an l though because if you land on a blue space you get six yeah actually you're right but it is a dog because he gets to sleep also on the path to greatness though [Music] uh i'm just gonna dice block yeah cool um i will go up smile hey six to warp sure dude oh damn i don't get this star it's impossible for me to get it because dk definitely pops that uh triple dice next turn what come on man i was mashing in everything i always made the same mistake twice you're poor so they don't want it i understand oh i should have i should have had more money honestly it's on me well huge no that doesn't do anything dk rolls next turn how close is he oh he's got a triple yeah yeah he's got triple so like i'm pretty sure i don't get that start ah how do you press that on access so many times i pressed i because you press plus here so i was just like you know all right well i have my strategy are you counter clockwise or clockwise i go clockwise okay i'm going counter now okay i'm counter you're clockwise dash faces forward we can't lose dude it's [ __ ] up this is a game that [ __ ] up my hands oh he found you [Music] he got me oh they do i know that don't worry he's never seen jukes like these oh my god oh he read the code that was a master dk moment that was actually a master dk moment dude three turns left dk you know some say he's more likely to win when there's three turns left i want to get like a list of can and there i wish there's a way to like disable and enable specific mini games what if he accidentally just dropped the other dice he could he could okay that'd be huge that'd be funny dash i just want to say uh you're back and forth because you dueled them for 100 coins just so you know you know i i think that it was just unlucky really you could have gotten a luck based mini game instead or like a different mini game entirely that i i think is the right decision also joe were perfectly tied for first oh sweet he's kind of hyped oh just dk get this too ah oh cool wait wait i'm right there i think dk snipes it from you oh he does damn it he could leave uh he's smarter than that that's an l that is tilting yeah all right master dk moment if only he didn't have 100 free coins let me get those yeah glue remember i said it's funny until i realized how it affects me yep oh this joke's not funny anymore and now he lands on bowser oh my god what a few revolutions actually that's fine yeah i think you and i are both cool with her yeah i think we'd love that actually luigi moment confuse dk you know i think bowser revolution is awesome i think he takes the star and i'd always want that i would never want anything less oh oh yeah okay just burn money why don't you well that's 20 coins out of the econ i guess yeah that's huge i guess maybe [Music] oh my god he did it nice i go this way yeah it'll always point you to the direction automatically yeah which is kind of cool dub i think you're gonna get a skel or the uh chomp call though because then i thought about it then you'd have the power you'd have a lot of power then yo now it's day [Music] nice yeah joe i think we're having one of those games where you and i are so close to where it really just it bonus stars yeah essentially bonus star moment oh my gosh that's right on dash's path too right uh that is in my path is it i'm taking the i train ah actually i can't i don't have the coins for it that is sad ah me when my mom turns the lights on in the morning to wake me up [Music] i guess just you could try yeah yeah how far am i 30 oh not a great odd i mean i can't get it in this turn anyways so yeah i know it's not even that and you can oh you're you walk by two banks you can't get it oh yeah that's true you could you skeleton key steal coins yeah well now because three four five six oh you're right it's day eight nine ten i i guess i could do this and just risk not getting it i guess go for bowser wait wait this is the most accounting i've ever done one two three five cool i i [ __ ] that up earlier because i look at the right the wrong one so i don't trust that anymore uh dice block starts on five five yes [Music] all right how did you have him have him i don't want him what are you trying to do i just oh happening star then like i i don't see myself getting to 30 even if yeah so i don't know just i'd much rather just not go far see what happens this turn and then just play let me look at the map because you can hit view board on one uh shops by hitting live viewport okay so a little cringe moment here actually yeah you can't go to the right even yeah well i'm gonna take this but it's just that oh yeah i see what you mean i don't grab the star but i land on a red space which is oh i don't actually i start on the blue space oh that's awesome how nice and now i chain call yo it's on the left right now bottom watch me sister yeah yeah the bottom watch again again bottom right i think i lost it all right you should have won right you did lose it because it was bottom right okay i hate that noise honesty yeah because it feels like it's nickelodeon like 2000's like it sounds like the rugrats thing how many turns are left in the game like two oh yeah not many yeah i was like we're coming to the end aren't we snow world yo snow world oh [ __ ] i lost wait is it a by x i'd be yx yeah all right we're good oh sorry that's not the right button that one was me [Laughter] all right well dk goes first go dk [Laughter] he stuck the landing imagine if you could skip it for everyone you know and it just guesses what you would have gotten yeah yo nice someone would have tweeted about that number that's true anyway oh that's a good one that's a good one right there oh lost the momentum oh that [ __ ] saved it awful completely terrible nice oh we all did like one rotation better yeah and then there's donkey kong i had a really good momentum at the start mine was just kind of bad yeah i lost it i definitely lost at one point yo that's huge good game actually i think it's been a good game because donkey kong's here your turn donkey kong [Music] what's he gonna do oh my god he's gonna roll chance time it it would make sense if he did [Music] she's not going to though right no is that what this is i don't think we oh he's stealing coins oh that makes sense yeah that makes total sense actually oh and now we're landing on a versus mini game oh god oh [ __ ] i just wanted to hit start so we can get past that text box please only take eight coins from me donkey kong awesome nice [Music] boo awesome enemy big fan of boo [ __ ] yeah okay let's all go this is a scary game for me oh dude i lose nothing popping off i miss the old games where they would make comments about how like you know aren't we just counting here yeah i think so yeah we don't need to practice counting hey all right no commentary for 30 seconds uh-huh the last one coming trolled this imagines one zooms on i wish we could skip this i don't care watch them jump yeah just show me a number [ __ ] nice joe we needed that the most yeah awesome and we contributed the most to you well i actually did put 10 coins in yep but that was just all i had i i did too yep we all did massive hit dub and now we're tied for first again i hope holy [ __ ] i hope it's high that'd be kind of hype luigi time i like how we both have half price star coming up oh yeah true no i mean i don't think it's a bad play for you unironically it's just funny because it's like it screws over jacob specifically yeah but you know and i'm buying you pizza yes i'm not buying you um your slices are three dollars each now implying that it is that you pay for them oh is that in front of me is that behind me that's that's behind you oh in front of you that's interesting yeah hey joe yo pizza pizza man this is cringe yeah do you want a panini [Laughter] [Laughter] you are stacked right now dash you won it's like the exodia we just end the game now except we had turns you can miss yeah like just in case yeah you know i can never go too far you know i never put it past you to roll a zero i same [ __ ] same dude all right next our location is [Music] that's what it's kind of close to me yeah woohoo it was closer you're right and then what happened dash i don't know i must have closed my eyes [Music] well we're doing this huh yeah sorry man all right i've been trying to avoid this conversation for a while now well it looks like you're gonna get pizza all to yourself whatever is going to get dash pizza i mean like i have to go buy him pizza probably dude donkey kong can't mash at all [Music] all right there you go you can have him well that's some bad luck for me [Music] but you know what i got this yo i have someone cheering me on how could i possibly lose i have the power of god and anime on my side you guys get a tilted key awesome thank god because i plan on making it to the next start [Music] huge like honestly [Music] because there's no chomp calls for now yeah true messy memory i remember this one wait uh it shows you the room and then you have to like uh reorganize it yeah oh i'm [ __ ] yeah hold on i'm still [ __ ] pull out my phone i remember like two of them yeah [Music] do you the song jammer though [Music] how do you close it oh you can close the curtain are you doing it you press b all right well i'm done all right i think i'm done i know you could hide that's sick yeah just so no screen peeking that makes sense yeah oh wait there's a pot [Laughter] dude i'm so mad [Laughter] i didn't see that nice nine [ __ ] donkey kong opening his curtains the biggest [Laughter] dude i'm so mad i realized donkey kong's tai was one of them oh that's an l that's so funny it's really funny ah well you know yeah you lose something my god it's the bowser space no [ __ ] way no [ __ ] way i don't think this could possibly affect anything yeah it's just i feel like he's gone in the most yeah bowser's faces i've seen like a single game give him a star revolution yeah the only thing that could hurt his bowser shuffle yeah it would just be an insult to injury last turn hurt for peach uh and what's crazy is that because you stole coins if we tie in stars you definitely win now yeah oh more money he's a money guy money man you're in third now that's a hit he could win the next mini game and he'd beat me by one coin [Music] damn i wish you got a skeleton key yeah the same keys it would have been huge if there was a skeleton key on this okay so if most days you hit this [Music] oh it would be so funny yeah we're off by one i it was close to it [Music] shops closed what the [ __ ] the only thing that should be closed is your mouth i have an xbox to buy my son [Laughter] just open up [ __ ] i have a [ __ ] xbox to buy all right is this one with a threesome perfect position for me okay no it's not it's all right it's last year anyway the game's over dash no let me turn around can we add one more turn hold on i know it's last turn it's still i know it's impossible yeah i know you're doing a bit impossible like the burger anyways flames like the grill like the grilled charle and the plant-based burger all right guys we can do this together oh my god stop calm down skewer scurry for the third time this game [ __ ] yeah it just keeps getting better [Music] you know if he gets me he gets me i don't really care that much yeah i know like if i'm being honest wait now he beats me by one coin [Laughter] i think he outplayed you that's a good game [Music] no [ __ ] okay it didn't even matter how'd that happen i think that's dash right [Laughter] oh god [ __ ] damn you're like oh my god [ __ ] ggs joe that's a good game that's a good game for me i'd like to say i think i played that last turn like kind of well the last the second to last but it's also great i think dash getting giving you the chomp call was what really wanted for you to force you to buy your own pizza for some reason you call that effort device told [ __ ] talking toad what or donkey kong um coins collected dk still the money guy uh i had mini game star by one coin [ __ ] i had mini games started just by one hidden blocks items used uh joe type of donkey kong i move the furthest i that's surprising because if you consider the first three turns where you got once yeah yeah slow rolls item spaces you had event star no chance time bowser big man oh my god dash grinded i that this was a 15 turn holy [ __ ] played a different game how did i not even notice i knew that i honestly yeah i specifically played all the quiet ones just sneaking in
Channel: Alpharad Deluxe
Views: 289,195
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Z_Dew5Lk0J8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 40sec (3880 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 14 2021
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