We Beat Portal

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[Music] the cake is oh oh hi be sure to like this video only if you get the reference I like the comments and subscribe to the comments please like every single comment if you get the reference somebody actually sent me a video on Twitter this morning of them liking every single comment on a video that's good so I'm pretty sure we've done that bit before but we're gonna do it again I think it's really funny to me like which like we forget so many bits it's cuz we're really bad at uploading footage on time like we we have been uploading consistently lately and we're still cycling through like old old footage you know yeah such as the Animal Crossing footage that I did not know that we did yeah we did do that and it's still not up yet by the time we're recording this what was something else Oh what about in one of the old Mario maker episodes when we talked about kovat and how it wasn't that big of a deal yeah we are just being it we were being hopeful oh yeah yeah yeah you know it's not about being right it's about minimizing the times that you're wrong so I think portal is one of the greatest video games ever made a portal to is it portal shoes in my top 10 greatest games of all time yeah but Joe has never played portal I I've never I've never finished portal would I be portal to you because I had it on PC and what can I die in here I don't know if you can I think you can oh I gotta close yeah I know I had this one on my xbox but for some reason just like the way it just like moved yeah it just it makes you feel a little nauseous can we turn motion blur off oh let's see I mean that wasn't really I mean I was about to just suffer for the sake of the job but you know if just if I don't for computer monitor well we'll see if that makes a difference for you I mean the others is a motion blur on it yeah uh in modern games they kind of let you turn motion blur off and that's that's really nice yeah it's a big dub that we have nowadays because I hate when motion blur is like on just turning and stuff like that especially on PC games where I can move the camera real fast yeah for I think world to portal to use motion blur is at least better it's I think I'm just out right to better I would say dude that I think that is the game that got me down the rabbit hole of life that I'm in yeah because I learn to speedrun i learned about speedrunning through portal to you yeah and I just love you did it like smash and all this you know portal speedruns are so sick they're so sick I think portal TAS is one of the coolest things I've ever seen yeah there's there's a bunch of sick Tech in the portal games now we wait which my favorite video game mechanic yeah this is part of the reason why I think portal 2 is better cuz uh the intro you know why the interest like this cuz yeah first portal that's like ah any game that has to introduce how mechanics work is always gonna be a not fun beginning yeah you know you're never really gonna be on the correct side of history mm-hmm because it's like do you want to treat your audience like they're toddlers or do you want to have people complain that they don't know how to play the game yeah pick one mm-hmm which I don't know I I really don't know what the best option is besides I personally don't mind being called a dumbass yeah yeah anyway no okay I don't want to be called a dumbass by myself and not knowing what's going on but I don't like waiting I'm more afraid of waiting than I am of being called a dumbass I agree with that I rather feel like a dumbass for 15 minutes then wait for 30 seconds yeah yeah which as long as you make feeling that good dumbass fun that's all game is because like I've been trying to play hollow night for years now and I know everyone says it's a great game and everything but it starts off so slow oh is a tutorial hell at the beginning it's not you totally how not not tutorial hell it's just it's a combination of things it's a lot of text at the beginning this is kinda not really but it's just like the game gets better when you get more abilities and it's just very slow at the start and it's just kind of a drag to me okay I get you cuz every I never really want to start the game from where I left off because I forgotten everything at that point it's like it's a Metroidvania right yeah okay okay yeah don't love the show but it's like there's some Castlevania games that I absolutely do adore and yeah yeah I do for I do like just the aesthetic portal sorry I was yeah just learning that but ya know I blue goo I think that there is still the remember the big tutorial yeah I I think that I don't think like babying it isn't necessarily the answer because well the cop had tutorial that you literally just like they who was IG in GameSpot I don't remember who yeah I just always thought it was a random the the people that couldn't get past cuphead tutorial when it was just jump in - and yeah complain about how it doesn't explain anything it's literally in the background that's why I'm like dude the tutorials actually help people like can get a game developer fix someone from being stupid I I think in that specific example that's a good question I actually I think i think the best kind of tutorial honestly is something similar so like what's belong key cuphead do when they just put what the moves do in the background yeah and then they just give you like a the tutorial for competent very very quick and when they do that it's just like you beat it and it just it's like no dialogue you have to mash through everything it's just these are the moves that's it and also it being optional is even nicer if you want to come back again you already know it yeah I think in the background to it it just flows better cuz yeah you Celeste also does that like all the moves anything you don't ever have to stop to like learn how to hit the jump button it's yeah bird in the background says alright here's how you jump dumbass but they also gave you like a simple level to learn how to do it so you don't feel stupid you feel smart for understanding it's so quick but the whole design is to literally understand it right yeah you learn alright I've jumped out climb and you fall off the bridge and like okay now I've - yeah we didn't fall for it they could have tricked you there you could have I think they tricked you there well they could have oh there's just another one yeah there's just okay okay I thought I had like big bring it for a second that's so satisfying yeah yeah portal is such a sick Tom's up for a game do you I don't really read science fair or something or I see fair Sun Sun [ __ ] they're trying to give us a good attack though like the tech school yeah I'm like which house is 12 year old 13 year old on you know why they're trying to get me to start saving to prepare I don't know they're trying to get me young but somebody said that they had portal I like the gamer side of the egg convention I'm a gamer yeah no I was like this game looks sick and the people that they're like yeah we made this we made this right here that's a pulp attack I was like I like that oh that's really cool dude I thought this was just like an indie debt I thought this was like it's a pulp only thing until portal 2 themed around so funny yeah oh you got lied to you yeah it happens my college recruiter when I was like in eighth grade all they got you know they didn't get my money I didn't go there that's I can't believe they tried to like pass it on the closest thing I ever did was back when I watched Newgrounds as a kid I wanted to make games but I had no idea how the [ __ ] flash worked oh yeah so I downloaded flash and they had like like a templates for like asteroids you know hmm I replaced one texture upload as a new ground game dem what can I say I'm your resume man I just downloaded like Super Mario World Mario dot PNG and replaced a little asteroids with that so just I just title it Mario in space please recreate that any gamer developers will pay you millions I think of nuts really special about gamer is that it's a word reserved for people on our our side of history yeah because we can say gamer all we want and it might be cringy but it's not as cringy as someone calling people gamers from the outside you know we say yeah it's not crazy for gamers to say game it is Depp did yeah okay so I think it's would you get shot by a little laser I forgot that oh yeah gotcha yeah that was impressive but damn but ya know it's like the one person whenever your mom says it yeah yeah that's a big one and so it's fun to say it I guess that just comes down to irony I guess it's fun just to say it cuz it's funny to say it because people say it a lot yeah does your family identify you as a gamer yeah they see me as a gamer dude my family they so I had an aunt died recently baby you and you might say damn that sucks yeah I wasn't really close to them and I do feel for my family but just let it be known that I am NOT you do not have to leave supportive comments for me because I am doing just fine yeah but my my family called and was like hey we want you to be like a pallbearer for the funeral and I was like okay well you know there's this whole like huh global pandemic going on right now how many people are gonna be things they're like oh like 50 and I'm like I don't even know if we can do that right now and I'm gonna have to politely decline and my family got all pissy at me because I'm not I'm putting myself before my family Wow yeah that is one thing that I have wondering about like how do funerals happen during this pandemic like I just figured that I think you just hold if I just don't think you hold a funeral and then hold a memorial like six months later yeah that for the record I I don't really have a great relationship with like my maternal side of the family like individually some people on that side of the family like I do get along with but like as a whole not really yeah yeah just I never really talked about my family outside of my cool dad cuz they do get along with my dad very well cuz he's a cool guy but yeah we can get through they're actually nice but yeah so they're just like you need it you need to be at this funeral I was like no thanks and they didn't like that answer but oh well yeah it's kind of weird especially considering like I've been the Paul Bearer and one funeral is a stone important role ya know like usually it's you don't even do anything actually like uh my bowling I was on the bowling team in high school and there were two cubs wondering where that cave yeah my bowling coach died in high school pretty much and she it's like she's insanely old yeah he's like as a bowling coach would ya probably 85 so where's like it was sad but it was like well after the season and they're like yeah hey we want the bowling team we want you guys to be the pallbearers is like okay cool but like you don't we didn't do anything yeah like drinking I was like will this grow nice on the team because mm-hmm surprisingly the bowling team was kind of jacked they did have it like that oh that's close yeah I had yeah I had to put the casket in the back of a car and that was it but what do you have oh I had a I won just had to go to a funeral and I wasn't the scrawniest I was actually the most jack so they asked me to single-handedly carry the casket they just asked me to run a mile with you just to prove I could they turned the funeral all about you yeah they did would you ever lose this my mom's we don't have a good relationship because she shut her up in a funeral she's yes she hospital dude she's rolling over in her grave about that one yeah every time our channel like stops uploading consistently it's because it got haunted it's not our fault yes uh-huh it's Jacob's mom's ghosts just coming after us yep please don't ask my very alive mom about this dude okay so back in high school there's this one kid in bandit I only remember house meme started but the meme was that his mom died cool bit yeah but there is one point where like you know it's a high school you know just dumb high school bit one person didn't know that and then I'd like a band banquet or some [ __ ] mm-hmm the moms just they're like and so this girl like she got super pissed off at all of us his fault bad bit but she like approached the mom was like I thought you were dead ha which ya didn't I had to then explain to his mom why people thought she was dead mm-hmm but yeah because you are yeah pull a sixth sense on them sixth sense okay is that the one horror movie don't hoard movie I see dead people yeah okay oh yeah must be a horror movie I've never watched it because I thought a horror movie all this time it's probably one of the best films oh yeah it's super super good film Oh see that's one of the films where it's like I already know the plot twist in it oh it's just it's like Final Fantasy seven in that way for me it's like I know some of the plot twists already so it's like what do I have to gain from watching it I actually think that Sixth Sense is a phenomenal film even if you know the plot twist really because so hear me out the movie Sixth Sense the plot twist is the man's been dead the whole time and [ __ ] but here's the thing is that the movie is a design so you go back and watch it and then you're like oh all these interactions make sense now I watch the movie knowing the plot twist and it's a Fight Club scenario yeah okay cuz what it is is this man is like I think it's like I don't know if it's a divorce or his wife moved on or something I don't know he's trying to spend time with his kid yeah and he's he just down on his luck and then at the end of the movie he were the kid reveals that he sees dead people or I think midpoint of the movie he reveals he sees dead people and then reveals that his dad's been dead the whole time and yeah yeah so that that's it what the [ __ ] did I do wrong I don't know oh I think I needed to hit that switch that I just waited on okay I was annulled I figured that you did that but I was just like what yeah something to say [ __ ] she had something to say like I can't not wanting to wait but you're winning you on the platform so you can start waiting sooner yes I'll see optimal optimal like 20 seconds do you think I can make that jump I think you can I think you actually can I think it's a really precise jump though hell yeah I can promise you zero percent of the fan base believed you're gonna get that either hit me too I'm glad we agree none of us believe that the easier jump like two seconds ago I have faith in you in that jump that's a good part for me on 12 or 12 and it was like seventeen in this game it's not a very long game wait there's like is that really that short a very sane long portal to is very long so I yeah that's why I was like yeah we can just knock this out because I thought you know every couple months or so we always do like the long recording session we just upload it you know what I mean yeah just the one raw yeah so I thought like you know this could be an easy one because we uh we haven't done that in a while I don't get it I want every time we do that jump I'm always afraid we're gonna [ __ ] it up and like clip my foot then like just barely kill the momentum so I think in Pearl - that's uh easy to do okay oh you portal - I think it's good portal 2 is an incredible game but I also think it's the best sequel of all time like I I like thousand-year door a lot but thousand-year door is like so I don't know it's so it's disconnected it's disconnected yeah like that's kind of what I mean like I'm not considering thousand-year door just like because it's disconnected yeah like the game the gameplay itself I think is improved in 2000 you're doing like a lot of elements Billa yeah if you play thousand-year door and not playing Paper Mario 64 who gives a [ __ ] I also agree to Cammy for portal 2 I think ID for formal too but I think there's some stuff yeah like little ones just like an hour long so who cares just watch this but I think like I guess how I really feel about it is just they make it better they make it better but they add so many new things that builds upon existing mechanics and I think that's what's so interesting to me the goop dude the groups actually the group's incredible the groups are really fun [ __ ] what was it I just like that they give you the [ __ ] was a look gun right off the bat yeah guy not going off the bat you already have long haul this what well I was I thinking of there then oh no what I I was thinking of something else I don't know what I was thinking of I don't even think of like Metroid or something but yeah I don't know I just like enough you get all the [ __ ] right off the bat yeah because then you get to start playing the game immediately playing the games fun yeah which it's a surprisingly controversial opinion yeah I think it's hard to do right because obviously we want a jerk Celeste off for the millionth time but Celeste is a phenomenal example of that yeah I I hold drinks less off all day who sucks scheme's ass dude we're gonna start playing not board games but like some of those stupid [ __ ] games you'd find like Toys R Us on the channel just throw a webcam on see what happens like the plug and play games not plug and play games but also sure I was mainly talking about I don't know there was like randoms dumbass board games that have like giant walruses on them and [ __ ] like that I don't know man I'm just saying just let's go to Toys R Us buy some [ __ ] turn the camera on we're not a business and they yeah that's robbed them I don't think you understand how out of business works man I'm we have a Toys R Us near us and I don't know if it's completely gone is what I'm saying I I think they guided them it's like grave-robbing but corporations I mean okay that sounds genghis hell yeah yeah Liger you put it that way i'm down just to do it like i'm not the brain robbing america but like i don't think there's gonna be any skeletons in that in that casket man I will eat Geoffrey giraffe skin alive get a name Geoffrey hell yeah he's dead though or one of the two I'm neither I like in one of our recent videos I think was the Gulf episode okay we had a very long segment about how we're not gay and I forgot about that but a lot of the comments it was like typical alpha REDD+ bit some people got the joke some people didn't yeah some people were like wow they really did sound secure and I was like that was the joke yeah that's literally the bit that that is the bit but I did like the guys who would riff off of it and they would say I have never heard two more secure sounding men in my life I am also stream it's like what's that sub right like our slash is X I'm straight wait oh sure dude ah know what it is about this era games yeah probably it's just nostalgia and bias but I really like the color design like all these games blue and orange like super coming their complementary colors yeah but yeah never I see this game that else make this anything on black ops when I see this game on are fair to you I really think portal is one of the most innovative games of all time like I can jerk this game off forever I never really talked about it cuz it's just like I feel like everyone's yeah so I don't really feel like I need a you know just talk about it like indivisible as a game I played and I think that's in my top 10 of all time I think that games phenomenal it's only like 15 20 bucks but that's like a game I feel like I have to talk about cuz not enough people have played it yeah I feel like everyone I talk to you always play Portal or they at least know what it is yeah I think Perla used to be in that position like pre portal 2 yeah like where everyone knew like if you knew a portal 1 you only had two good things to say I think when PC gaming became mainstream because I played this for the first time like via Orange Box but you know dude so I never got whenever I never got to play Portal 2 are never gonna play portal 1 yeah print one for two reasons one I tried it on my dad's xbox like that Xbox in my dad's house bought it got motions sake couldn't play it anymore yeah it's like man that's a shame so um wait I try to think of what the way turn around oh yeah I just do right there right I mean no like up there oh yeah yeah and then go through here yeah oh you're smart I would have just immediately started walking through there but yeah this girl she uh she's like the only gamer girl in the school is she's like play games yeah she played games and she is a girl well as like a male so yeah this is sick I'm straight game so when a woman tries to join your community and like solidarity you harass are endlessly no oh let that be a lesson to all of you but she gave me the orange box I was like oh sick she's like yeah it's this way you can play like half-life and portal yeah she's like she's like I know you haven't played them before it's like [ __ ] yeah and then she brought me the orange box case and I didn't have the heart filler in it and so I just borrowed it for a month but as for the ps4 and I did not have a ps4 like ps3 or whatever what Orange Box is on the ps4 is that is either on the ps3 and the Xbox of my mom's house or vice versa I appreciate some piously on xbox I didn't know that I'm pretty sure is on ps3 I mean I I'm not gonna yeah contend that you know she she gave it to me it's always held the game for a month yeah I just watched it let's play and just told her like yep this is what I thought of the game nice yeah but that's pretty much all I've done for half life which have you ever played the half-life games yes are they a lie I haven't okay I thought you're gonna like it talk to me about I don't know [ __ ] about that I was gonna ask you they're good oh well I've heard good things about them but I feel like it's also nostalgia I don't know I don't trust other people tell me old games are good yeah yeah I think I do agree that he's laying through final fantasy 7 right now almost done and I do not think this game is very good it doesn't look fine I think the remake is very good though and that's an opinion I I'm not strong enough to come out about yet well you thought the remake was good or what I thought the remake was phenomenal I'm missing something yeah I feel like a dumbass struggling through like old puzzles I clearly done in the past uh-huh um oh I think this is the one where you have to like oh wait god I'm [ __ ] stupid yeah yeah okay you did it which oh no it I just don't trust people that like gave me opinions back in 2009 I don't try and I don't trust people that listen to them back then yeah wait what'd you say I just don't trust people yeah I don't trust people's opinion on old media just straight up I think it's it's a different looking a little media now like yeah I whenever I ask people like for suggestions and they suggest something fairly old I always ask how recently they watched it that's not me trying to be a dick it's just I think it really changed your opinion and also like when you first watched it that matters - yeah now that makes sense yeah like I don't want to be a dick like I think one piece of media that I think is really good is a on ironically Sailor Moon oh yeah I think Sailor Moon is like super solid specifically like sailing moon crystal because like they redid it and it got a lot of [ __ ] for just looking people didn't like how unrealistic the proportions were which is funny yeah like they had very long legs but when they have very large tits gamers accept it yeah but yeah I don't know I recently started be watching and I still think it's good crystal or the crystal I like - crystal whenever I watch it I'm said they never did the final season for it they're doing it comes on September wait they are yeah oh I thought they canceled it no [ __ ] but to my knowledge they didn't I what I heard was like because I watched it as it was going up like I watched see the 3d crystal whenever you like and whenever I I heard online that they were just gonna do season 4 as a movie oh yeah they never did that so that is what they're doing okay but it's still coming up okay just because it was so long ago I think it's called Sailor Moon eternal I think is what they're I've never actually seen the final season Sailor Moon um I've seen the final episode like yeah eight years ago on YouTube at 360p no I think it's really cool I think Sailor Moon always has like good messages I think what's crazy is that they tackled a lot of [ __ ] that people never would have in the 90s and I think that's really cool I do think it's kind of I do think it's kind of like not while interesting I guess like comparing how they censored it back then yeah they definitely made cousins just be gay yeah or they may gave the order of that doesn't matter and Japan being cousins is it's a bad deal there so they just made the characters wait why the [ __ ] I don't know why isn't it why didn't all come out it might be as little as y'all know what's this oh did you just already do it I I think I already gonna love reading the comment on that ones yeah it's all right oh it sounds good I cuz they tackle like the topic of like being transgender in it in a manga and releasing like the 90s and I think that's really cool wait when does that happen that was the season that did not get localized that's surprising that America didn't like that huh and then [ __ ] like early 2000s probably I guess maybe I don't know yeah I think it was 90s yeah I just don't know like I know it started in the 90s I just don't know when it would have been out like also for the record this is the level that the we played at the tech demo that the guy used to say that he created all the [ __ ] I love the tours they're so cute there's a timeline out there where these got popular instead of like minions that's such a better timeline yeah they were stink about that what what oh god the one I put down almost [ __ ] killed me alright hey stop nice but what about minions we talk about Cowboy Bebop I'm on minions how much where they talk about what you're talking about Oh what's back there I wondered I don't know like this looks like it's a secret how we can beat the game wait wait Joe what is this safe hello can I tell you the cake is a lie well that's so funny that that's we should spam that we should think that 30 years guys please please let me know in the comment is the cake alive be sure to LIKE the video of it to ly be sure to dislike the video of its true let's see who's the real gamer out there I can't wait for someone a comment 32 people thought the cake was wasn't a lot there's your free karma there you go enjoy it or whatever you two does god I wish YouTube comments had like alarma so you knew how big of a dick people had oh I imagine YouTube karma that like I wish that we could just take away some people's ability to comment like I'm not talking about me nor toxic people I'm talking about the first type of people yeah we can probably just ban the word first on our channel if we really wanted to like who's watching the year 2020 am i right it's like 2017 music video wow good duck thank you but I don't know [ __ ] I'm holding it crepe you're getting [ __ ] up no I'm not I'm just no so I thought bullets suck ass [Laughter] nice nice nice oh yeah you almost got it someone clip that someone clip that put that in all shot are you gonna get em dude Oh surprise do you remember like the culture of twitch before clips were a thing put that in the gif you can't put that in a giffy cat odd shot it's so funny because like it's whoever came up with clips was just like they clearly just copied what was already popular but it was necessary you know III like I think clips are like I consider Clips a good addition to twitch and so I always give the good additions to twitch prejudice car yeah like oh no it's it's very hard for me to compliment twitch on a lot of the decisions they make yeah [Laughter] you like that [ __ ] I hope I die like that I hope I get drafted for war in the year 2043 and that's how I go out I'm not - in the war I just have to make this one shot I think the crate falls behind them and then you lose the war because that and then I just it's just like ah [ __ ] and well we failed voice we tried our best that's good though I think that's one of the best as I've seen I think the confidence behind it like makes it way worse and the fact it wasn't like a human player or anything for me what did it was just like we had to stare at that for like a solid seconds yeah but I know going back to it I think like enemies like Cowboy Bebop I think that they're still like based off all today yeah but I I think I've tried to re-watch Cowboy Bebop recently and it's just like I wish I was more into it that's fair yeah like it's if you don't if you don't give a [ __ ] hey you have to be cool with a lot of nothing happening in me Bop yeah it's just like just just how I am in like general like there are a lot of things that are like super cool and I wish I like thing because like things seems like something I would like and then I'm just like upset that I don't like thing I just want to do something funny hello wait what happens if you do the pedo portal above him and a portal below him do you make him fall forever probably sounds really hard I almost [ __ ] done yeah move the portal we're just gonna put in the corner cuz that sounds like the easiest way yeah you make it suffer well well it's not the internal damnation I was hoping for yeah we did our best you know he suffered a little bit I love the turrets though they're so cute yeah I I do agree that there is a timeline out there where oh yes we did ah I knew about yes finally we dissolved a turn I'm gonna try and get that forever all right back back to a gaming back to the mash mm-hmm but yeah there is a timeline where turrets are better than our figures we have Mario in the turret also Mario and rabbits kingdom battle absolute banger of a game by the way that's what I've heard it's like a solid like 9 or 8 9 out of 10 from me like super good music by grant kirkhope also you ready for companion cube oh yes this is the kind of cube you want to [ __ ] I know there's sexy companion cube out porn out there some yeah there is just a guess there absolutely is yeah you mind looking it up I'm searching your search history you sick bastard let's do it to the viewer sorry okay I need to know the companion cube some of you guys might have the answer is there porn of companion cube but I want huge I want to know who already knows there is that's my question but yeah I don't remember what it was I think I don't know what video I saw that talked about this what's it like a game theory video or something I don't know well it's something just talk about how the companion cube is like people and like isolation hold on to like stuff like that's the that's game theory I think that's game theory that it's companion cube is the previous the previous okay well I'm not about that [ __ ] I'm just talking about like there are studies with that mention stuff like just people holding on to objects think about like Wilson and castaway you know yeah all right Joe I that I gotta take it that you found it yeah I found some it is definitely God that that sound was just so loud well yep alright I'll show you that later thank you yeah glad we got the answer we were looking at where there is in fact companion cube horn out there though this so everyone knows good but wait I found a secret Joe it's just the cake is a lie Oh Oh companion oh that's so cool sexy companion you know like like this and the game we found it see have you ever read like I don't know this guy's mean like the Rat Man or something yeah lab rat well yeah if you're like read his manga or Tomica is called I have it's actually like it's really cool yeah it's that's one thing that's like about this game is like actual kind of good lore I would just say good um no they really established which McCall it because that comic was designed to like link portal 1 and 2 I think yeah the yeah the I think that explains some of the events between uh it starts before portal portal 1 obviously yeah by like I think it kind of sums up it all some details yeah I think is what I'm trying to say which dude for old she was just a really good I think portal 2 is co-op is also one of the best coops I've ever seen I think it's the best co-op campaign in existence because it's like every other campaign I think about is always like play the single-player campaign but with two people they literally made like portal 2 is a long ass game and then they added like some it's I think it's like five five levels of like 15 or something yeah but like it's a lot it's a lot dude like they then no reason add that much and then and then there's there's actual like it impacts the story which is kind of cool it's not just oh you guys did it you defeated darker evil Prince it's like no like this is actually like import of the game like it makes sense alright you got this gamer shot I'm trying to figure out what I need to do where is electric ball mmm okay where's that blue line take or was that or was this electric no no no oh yeah you gotta get that electric ball there but okay how do you get that yeah look there got to get fall in there yeah well like where does that blue trail take you where's the power switch for that uh oh I haven't even gone over here hmm yeah well I'm just happy that I can't come back to these puzzles and feel stumped yeah that's that's a good feel that's replayability do you know okay where I'll choose I'm allegedly afraid to play protal to you just because even though I used to like you know I used to play it religiously I don't know if I could beat some of the puzzles now cuz it's hard I think I think you could I believe me yeah I mean like obvious I'd be able to because you know I'm a gamer but I like it it would take an uncomfortable leave a long time gamer shot I heard the little Xbox make a noise there did not sound happy about that yeah we really need to do this yeah I need to put this Xbox down this is the Xbox I've had since I was in middle school we talked about it a lot since sixth grade and boy it is begging for death yeah it's like the family cat that just needs to go the whole front of it is is just gone and that that wasn't a me thing that was like a catered Dylan thing I don't know who to point fingers at I think major and Dawn were the ones playing skate on my xbox so I'm gonna blame them I wait what what a skate had to do with the Xbox eaten destroyed oh well they played X played it on my xbox oh okay okay yeah yeah I didn't know if like something happened in skate they said yep [ __ ] the front of this alright gonna have to gamer it I'm so glad I didn't shoot right there see it's coming it's coming I'm not sick yeah gamer shot and now we got Auto say that's perfect I want to [ __ ] the cube [ __ ] the cube already dude I'm I already had sex with the cube personally for Friday it's a woman this is definitely a woman cube yeah if I'm attracted to it's a woman cuz I'm not gay oh she loves you fella cuz I'm gay she won't allow me alright gonna make it you can make it yes dude also we talked earlier about sorry good go ahead you already interrupted me and I gave up no you can talk you know I don't even care bro no just I was gonna say we're gonna talk about like people or get attached to this type of [ __ ] no valleca painting cubes I was gonna talk about how like we joke about not being gay a lot but I wanted to be known that the joke is not being gay it's more so toxic masculinity yeah just because I know a lot of people get that but I'd like to get that out there you know yeah clear that air yeah cuz I don't want people to think being gay is like the butt of our jokes cuz it's it's not but guys we got so attached to this cube and now Oh guys I don't want I don't want to kill the cube personally Oh bible thump guys oh this is gonna be epic yet but the key was so sexy there was so many good videos of the cube on the internet you know what deuces I wasn't actually gonna let it go I messed up oh well cubes dead cube person F yeah but we get ten gifted subs in the chat dude I guess I was editing the quarantine animal crossing footage from a while back that we all forgot about yeah we make a joke that you died because we trapped you in a single role bed and you you just had your eyes closed you just said you were dead and then Tyler said Joe if you died I wouldn't press f in the chat and then you said that is the meanest thing anyone is [ __ ] said to me what the [ __ ] it's me I stand by that with Tyler I wouldn't press F in the jet okay so like people might call it insensitive if like you livestream my funeral but let it be known right now I'm down for Carlton really oh yeah you can lecture my death Joe you you might be mine if you want to you oh I planned on it sick I'm clever on that page speaking of whoa topic change whoa what is this what does it say look right there oh Sh oh haha the cakes a lie how can a cake be real if our eyes aren't oh [ __ ] like no [ __ ] Cakes a lie idiot I saw that coming is there like an actual place where you can like climb up to it isn't that like an actual easter egg I don't know if it's an easter egg or if it's a glitch but yes I was it just like an actual room that they just show the camera on at the very end yeah oh that's kind of thick yeah so I think it might I mean I don't know what they were thinking when they made the game it very well could just be something like that you know yeah but but I I cannot speak for certain yeah that feels like an awkward jump it's that's pretty forgiving cuz I just kind of held forward yeah I think you're gonna like the in a Mario game how like if you hit the wall you like balance back yeah yeah that's kind of what I expected it has that's honestly kind of nicer than to expect no it's okay you can just keep hugging the wall buddy yeah that that's a nice nice game def moment I like whatever game does do [ __ ] that you know mm-hmm is easier not like easy level design just like oh yeah it's good quality of life [ __ ] surprise but yeah I know what you're saying and this is a rough puzzle oh whoa whoa I went fast I think that's one thing that's true Pierre about this game then portal to you what I feel like you gain speed a lot quicker in this game oh how do I not die um I'm gonna guess you use magic ball to kill everyone let me back that ass up blood crazy I like how it's the same PNG duplicated yeah I just put a portal at the end well yeah yeah just a guy just had to figure out where - a ball was okay right here should kill that turret I wish I could like turn the turrets against each other yeah this one's gonna die though eventually very slowly it will die oh there he goes oh I missed well now we're watching this cutscene we get to try again now trying spawn but what if we did it again I feel like I'm doing this wrong um I put the thing exactly where the one thing is like where the hole in the wall is right okay there are spots though that's what it was okay so one down now we just get to do this this is like I guess this is one spot where you could like honestly complain because it's like if you can do this puzzle once you can obviously do it five times yeah and I'm sure there are faster ways around this but they're not crazy apparent to me ya know like there's absolutely ways to optimize this but yeah oh god oh god oh I'm stuck on the wall oh my god it closed um this might not be the worst spot honestly yeah because they can't shoot you from there okay yeah no you're just fine cool I think I'm okay so there maybe it's not as bad as what I was thinking yeah I definitely don't think it was intended for you to be able to be out here yet me no I don't I'm gonna give him credit yeah okay that's fair I just don't know where the ball is gonna be I think it bounces right there okay there we go nice I bye and now we get we just know try it I wish the hitbox was a little bigger on that it's yeah yeah I think that's a reasonable complaint I think this is another thing that's improv portal to you yeah there's not much of this hit detection is a little better awesome awesome portal is just a charming game yeah which I I know it's like cliche word for video game review but it's like I in GLaDOS glad I was just such a good character that's exactly what I was gonna talk about like characters such an [ __ ] yeah perfectly though like all there recording like they develop all the characters pretty [ __ ] well I like their short moments I learned how to imitate the glados voice recently yes did did you see in mice oh yeah my Super Mario Bros 2 video on main channel yeah no I wanna say Super Mario yeah it was good oh I forgot I gotta actually like football and whole where's the whole fellas oh it's right here but how do I know and you're probably gonna have to cheap oral there she portal there jump down hit that and that's a cool puzzle yeah that's cool okay oh my god what the [ __ ] I think this Xbox controller has some joy Connor IFFT mmm-hmm joy Kandra I was I was sitting there thinking I wasn't pressing anything joy conjurer's yeah I know what I said okay okay at least it's yeah that's not bad this chip there's a lot of checkpoints in this game up yeah they said a lot of stuff down which I wonder thought that this would've been I didn't realise this game had this many checkpoints yeah okay so I gotta get this in here you should just shoot the ball in there there we go see that's it that's satisfying that's so satisfying this is a good game oh and it's saved again thank God it saved oh dude there's a way in portal 1 versus protal to you yeah where you can gain like insane momentum or really by going through like whenever you do that like you jump in one jump out the other like they're both on the ground next to each other if you like shoot it the right way it'll shoot your character out even faster lets you just do it instant infinitely just like gains same speed they took it out in portal 2 because it was honestly kind of us it was I don't they ever patched it out mm-hmm I don't think they were patched through this game I know portal 2 they had some patches but this one I don't think they were patched up but out early on I was like how you just like beat the game isn't like world records yeah oh wait that is so that also sends that out which makes me think oh okay yeah yeah okay I understand let me all your time it not really oh wait that's okay there yeah I I completely I think you're have to be like a ball thing again I think I was really like that that was a really good puzzle cuz they like showed the I pressed the switch and the things I needed moved very evidently so I was it was like use this and then you saw the slope and you're like oh I use a slope to go up but now how do I go up Oh with the mechanics I've already learned it's just a really good game yeah super well-designed dude how many people have portal guns I think people it's been like over $1,000 on a portal gun we actually a cool game store that's shut down probably like oh no oh no gravity crap oh crap oh no it's stuck god damn it no no no no how does this [ __ ] always happen dad oh wait what wait you jump up there I did know like you used to jump up oh my god what the [ __ ] Joe it's building speed by going back and forth so wait Jacob yeah yes this just it killed me it killed me what just happened I've never seen that it's it's so cool that was such a situational thing but it was building up speed so it launched me high in the I wish I got to explore it like yeah play with that a little bit more before we didn't need it yeah yeah that was cool dude honestly I think savestates I wish I would become like standard in games I can't why they're not yea like after playing with savestates so often nowadays and there's fine cuz you're just gonna like do the same thing over and over again I like how Nintendo emulation also has save states now more importantly you can just go back in time if you want to oh yeah yeah it's I think one thing that has been oddly progressive on yeah cuz they start doing that in like three DS games I think they did yeah yeah I'm not gonna do that same thing again cuz I would like to progress yeah but I would love to see someone like experiment with that because I'm sure like people who like speed reporter like already know that kind of [ __ ] well like if you don't experience experiment with that because I'd loved lo to see there's no way in hell it's like useful for a portal run you know but I still think it's interesting I just realize I don't have to use that left on the way back that's true yeah so death was in vain if I just need to make this jump right at the beginning I'm not it's that error where loading screens still take a long time yeah I can't believe how high that lifted me though that was kind of that's well it was where I've never seen I've just never seen that before do you do you come from so this gave us like a bunch of like insane aerial drift yeah like there's a lot of ways to like kind of like it's by just like kind of circulating like going circular like with the joystick like going clockwise with the camera you can like kind of just stray further in the air and just get more distance oh yeah like right there at least I know for a fact like that pro to you I'm assuming it's like that in portal 1 also but I don't know I you might have just been able to like do you can probably do some really dummy stuff with that what Joe what what is it man what's so funny huh watch my friend keep our attempts ooh all right we're back in the saddle again all right third time's a charm if you don't count that the actual three times yeah third time's the charm if you don't count the first try spoken like a true hero okay so now I got a go through here right isn't that the whole I don't know what you needed that for I won't lie probably no you're just stuck in here forever you were passing time with that all right I gotta hit this again there you go so all that was for that's stupid dumbass block yes so we get hit that Wow like yeah I agree Wow yeah this puzzle just keeps going yeah it really did I'm going the right way alright well no turning back now okay we got to see yes okay I'm pretty sure I've watched like this was like a lot of those if they used to be popular to speedrun I'm pretty sure or aisles big in this game oh no aisles are huge like that's what I used to do I used to only do I else know like um that makes sense actually yeah no aisles are insanely optimised the Machinima days actually people they would the world record holders is mainly just new Chim Chim guy that used to hold records in like 2011 for this game he would always be like an analysis of like every single level because like everything since it was insanely off from its own oh you're fine yeah I now realize what I could have done oh poor thing there use to be a store probably shut down like a year or two before you move down here and it's called hasting they had like a lot of cool stuff from like records oh oh yeah oh he stinks no but there was one by Mike Rinder college yeah yeah Hastings but yeah shut down recently and uh I guess fairly recently but what the I guess so holding back or forward I don't know but they had portal guns and one girl I dated bought one from there and it was like 40 bucks which was honestly pretty reasonable it was pretty plastic yeah but I wouldn't call it poorly made you wouldn't call it like it was sturdy sturdy dang like I didn't really have much application it was like plastic but like I think she thrown like a just threw on like an orange jumpsuit and call delicate shell shell caused play because he was it was good enough for that we I honestly really liked cuz I hate breath of the wild for this cuz breath the wild soundtrack is like super ambient because they want you to feel isolated yeah I don't think it works I do not think it works breath the wild I am NOT not a huge fan of mr. wild but I think portal is a game where it it works you got to shoot the thing on the left corner there yeah I'm just trying to orient myself yeah I think that's one I think that they changed that I think that they make it to where you don't flip like this important to you well yeah this is I'm looking away throwing the screen man oh yeah I look away look away oh my god oh it doesn't help that I'm like fumbling in it - yeah it's okay well I feel good about this next try Jo because I'm also getting a stomachache yeah oh god how do you make this game keep looking away Jo I'm almost done oh I'm done one more jump no that's still yes elevator fun fun fun fun Oh Tyler motion sickness oh yeah this is why I had to stop playing this game but like we got pretty far - I never made to this far in portal one cuz like I got to like it's almost over faith through six mission or than chamber before I started like really wanting to throw up I don't think I've played portal in since I really started youtube I guess I played portal - no I haven't I play poker - co-op within the past few years but I don't think I've played portal 1 or 2 in a while I don't think I played portal 2 since it came out no no no been a while love this game though I play portal 2 since it came out I was gonna say I think this low twos have your like mess around the custom have some play with you I have their fun I honestly forget that they have like a custom map maker yeah see it's weird yeah because it was kind of I think prone to came out what 2011 yeah I think that's right has is it mostly peaceful as like ps4 I think maybe X what the [ __ ] how did oh yeah whoops I'm a genius yeah the no we're like that's the one never PC gaming like wasn't that in my opinion I maybe just cuz I didn't have a PC that I could game on but like PC gaming wasn't as reliable I wouldn't say I wouldn't use the word reliable I would just say popular yeah because like I remember I'm ever buying games not from Steam um like I remember I bought don't start from the don't start website and not steam oh yeah that's crazy I can't imagine something like that oh nice I was definitely overthink that puzzle yeah I'm just getting it out I was just gonna stand between the portals man but yeah yeah that's like one tech that's super sick on the speedrun for this actually is a Stanny shooting two portals standing calf way through them and like shooting one up further than like going through as it changes yeah like whoa Oh Joe look look dude it's real just wait to see what they're cooking with cake we are the cake we're the cake I'm not kidding I'm not a lie oh no oh no Jacob I think we're gonna die I think we're gonna die too Joe oh man if only we had a way to get out this wacky situation that we're in I don't know how he end up in all these wacky situation oh man let's just be honest and they really did not think this through imagine being GLaDOS and thinking like oh we didn't think that through Snivy oh wow I found GLaDOS I pop off yeah you're like oh make note of that for next time yeah yeah they can't escape through that can't they I mean you really should get rid of these wallets huh how about that yeah hardest jumping portal right there what are you doing stuck a lot of like we have not really given glaz much attention because we're talking over yeah but what one of the best get like characters and video games honestly yeah right what if that's how the game was like what it doesn't ended for me to land right on it no like what if that's what I chose his big plan oh just like flying tail wall and kill yourself that way would that be sick I wish we lost this game like I wish we weren't supposed to win poor whoa whoa oh cool we fell out of bounds ah sick man uh right here we were just playing a [ __ ] game dude always happen to us like we're good people okay wait we're like we're ambiguously good murderers I'm too scared so like load game cuz what if it takes me back to the beginning why is this only [ __ ] happen to us where do we do how'd you fall out but Joe why don't we inhale this always happens to us is there like a just as KMS button no may hit start all right um load game autosave let's see the one that's 51 seconds back alright alright I'm but a whole [ __ ] how how what if we're stuck in the loop actually dude is possible very big there's a very real chance that we just okay okay cool but alright I don't know I I don't know what happens origin more than that I every time I put a portal up on the wall the floor below me disappears okay I'm gonna try and put orange portal up there and jump god damn it okay are you maybe we're standing on top of a portal maybe that's what it is I don't know dude I okay okay okay but we can also try so okay so you know does this anything happen if I just chill all right I'm gonna i had a trick shot it that one was on you that one was on you I wasn't holding forward cuz I know you didn't put it up high enough the orange one was in a back sight oh okay well it's excuse me I'm trying not to clip out of the phone I I'm not blaming you the circumstances are a bit extreme right now okay so I have to put this here yeah okay okay floor still intact that's good that's a good sign yeah let's put this right at the top oh oh we still got floor baby yeah all right I don't think anyone has ever spent that long on that screen I'm inclined to agree with you there might be like a six or seven year old maybe no one who's beaten the game before yeah if you couldn't make it past that so if you couldn't make it past that screen you didn't make it to that screen yeah boy Wow yeah yeah none of that felt like it went according to plan I'll be real ma'am I don't think any of that was your fault thanks Joe just I'm just gonna put that one out there and thanks you're wondering I did the best with the resources I had which one of those resources for some reason wasn't [ __ ] floor famous tricked you yep I almost just walking in my dad all right this floor work let's I wake up and thank God for giving me [ __ ] floor now I can using this goddamn feet Oh count your blessings fold yeah really weird design flaw realize that people who don't have legs essentially don't have floor that's not true what a hot cake that one was right well we remove it I don't I don't even know what's going on anymore am I supposed to go this way I'm sorry I just can't move past what you just said yeah yeah I was trying really hard to think of something that's I think the best thing I could have done was immediately backpedal it's you better double down yeah like yes yes yeah we did it that's like chicken well what is the achieve oh details find the chickens test results oh boy did I we do we learned a lot about the chicken in that one to you yeah all right 20 are telling at me I forgot what what they wanted we where well am I supposed to go in there I'm talking miles dude it's probably I think they're both like fans yeah it both come from the same room um no is there like a little hole in in this room there might be yeah cuz I thought oh yeah like right here you know I thought that was a clear window yeah because I thought it was something like that we're supposed to go back through like the first there probably is there's keep looking through the windows yeah that's kind of spooky there should be three okay there's not well well it's kinda spooky there's no one there me and maybe it's we haven't gotten down here for I think I looked down here and I said no I've been there before but I don't think I have um wait wait turn around there you go that way go to there's look to the right okay that's a wall so that lap arrow that looks suspicious to me that does not sure what it could mean though okay okay we got voice yeah we both thought we [ __ ] up yeah and then it was voice that like secured it like if she didn't talk we would have we would have never known we companion cube for painting cube shoot yes remember when I said that thing about floor yeah um okay I still haven't recovered from it okay just making sure let's get cake this puzzle is easier because now you have both portals and you didn't initially wha-hoo it's so weird that you don't get both portals at the very beginning of this game still that always just Fox with me yeah it's it's odd like that's just more on to the waiting aspect but you know that's cool that's cool what you got to shoot it even further I think yeah there you go that's a hole okay I think we made it I think we were actually making progress in this game I'm just glad that we have a game and I feel wrong to brag about having floor now after my very ignorant claim but I am grateful don't let it go don't be confused let's let's just take this game home buddy I once knew Joe like a ceiling thing you have two shooters on the hour no I mean I'm supposed to I put the orange portal in the right place I guess I just I thought well I don't know what oh just mass job like every old game I yeah I thought I [ __ ] up don't worry all right yeah Jemma thought you [ __ ] up there thank you you're welcome I'm really glad there's all these graffiti pink oh wait no there actually is Lord for that that's yeah man that's a lab rat I think is his name yeah but I like thinking that if I call him rat man the ignorance pisses off somebody no like that's kind of just what I assumed but I was just uh I was letting you be known okay you're bringing it to the table yeah yeah yeah yeah that means the best character Oh we beat it yeah it's loading moving I love it when my game does that you know like when it loads the [ __ ] ground really harping on the on I'm just really I don't get that I don't get how that happened that's such a weird bug like okay if it happens once I get it yeah yeah but it was a consistent thing for I do cool good thing you didn't do that though yeah I agree oh no we lost a ladder oh I remember this was such a cool cool concept oh you're gonna get crushed you're gonna get crushed Oh get on that one oh well the other ones are short enough yeah well okay we can do that too yeah I guess there's no there's no need for the theatrics of almost killing yourself yeah we can just go with it we can just pretend you guys know what you saw dude you were back in the air of like 2007 like 2011 YouTube confer out like if you it was the era where it is on the internet it was real yeah I was referring specifically to like oh no no I like video game movie trailers yes like our there's like a legend zelda twilight princess movie trailer and it was just some people that they had a horse and a budget they just shot a really nice commercial and they they had a horse and like a minimum-wage job yeah and they like no they may like a really nice ashtray like to wear as like it there's a Zelda movie coming out yeah like everyone just accepted it I'm you have no concept of quality like at that point in time but I'm pretty sure that they were like I feel like there were just rumors about like movies for every single video gaming back in that time period a savage oh no like one yeah and then actually got one oh it did oh yeah Jo Jake if you don't about this a subscreen movie no it's awful I mean yeah I went and uh I didn't get to go see it by like [ __ ] yet again my old boss the one that I love my old boss but I really liked [ __ ] with him and he asked me to go watch this after screen movie with him because he an ironic Lee wanted to see it and I on eclis wanted to watch him get disappointed by it yeah so how does he do yeah like it's I just like bad movies but I still have not seen it yet which is unfortunate nice god [ __ ] damn hell I know I get how I'm just [ __ ] pixel yes like a girder right here there's like yeah I just like thee that was not your fault as the death just the fact that it did kill you though I'll take credit for it I am the one playing the video game and the one that people like to get upset at so I will take the credit I suppose well this one's a puzzle oh god dude that doesn't print imagine that's how they [ __ ] go out after escaping this entire labyrinth he just don't look at the ceiling what a concept I took my floors for granted and now I need to appreciate my ceilings they've come back for me yeah dude what's next there are foods with each other need I I guess you can't eat clausberger nothing in this game is sacred nothing is sacred yeah this is not God's game I'm just gonna where's the right place to go yeah I think it I'm just I'm just gonna go here do they think I do that I think I just wait for everything to be right are you probably just shoot again ya know I mean like you probably just stand up there there's probably like a wall up there that you can shoot at yeah before yeah trust me Joe I'm looking okay or yep sure I'm okay oh all right now shoot all right one more of these what a cool game is like this is you're we're exploring your [ __ ] in factory - yeah but you're doing it in a way where like you've seen these things before like these shoots but you've never seen like the the actual channels of it and I think it's so cool that they just I don't know like it's good this is the first game where I like I feel like oh I am breaking in you know what I mean yeah like you're not doing what the game developers want you to do your this is your adventure yeah it almost does feel like that I'm gonna get shoot orange portal on top of where pistons gonna hit and they right there like uh up above it you should walk out on it and then there's probably something back that way yeah where we came from I can make another gamer jump like I always have without fail you have it the one you've hit the hard ones alright want to see how long it stays there yeah that's right or not you know Michael link yeah nice yeah that wasn't Oh gamer Jam I liked him well yeah I forget things I can say no to this game that's like all GLaDOS needs to do is be like a little pre-emptive they see us escaping and following these graffiti signs just throw one graffiti sign above my path and then I fall for it yeah it's the coins in a Mario maker level that lead to the death bit yeah just that's all we need look dude the cake is a lie oh Jesus Christ it's written everywhere God they really wanted us to like post this on every comments section in modern day yeah we dude on one things weren't thinking of comments sections back then Oh what if they made the game with like the literal like the artistic integrity without focusing on like morality Oh that'd be crazy dude what what a novel concept for a video game like I don't think that'll ever happen yeah I don't think that not anymore at least yeah I saw the door active whoops hello hello um listen oh god I forgot there okay but honestly like I do hate when people have served memes into video games yeah um much like 80 media but I think the reason why is just cuz they don't age well like I guess you can say the same thing about like pop-culture references but like it's like memes have such a short lifespan compared to like Avengers you know something like that yeah it's try thing of what the word is like cultural sensations like I don't know like they're like Gangnam style icebucketchallenge you're out Anakin challenge well I feel like Gotham salt like that stuff like oh yeah you can still bring up today people will know about yeah but like there are people like I feel like back in the back when those were the thing like people actually like that was never gonna go away kind of yeah because maybe that's just because I was earlier and like yeah I feel in this era of Internet where they've learned a little bit about like what comes and goes at this point you know yeah like do you remember content used to be alright good who know bad oh I was going for I was gonna bring up the content of like here's funny news review all right now here's funny News Review and dubsteps interview like dump so that's an inserted and funny remix like like what's the the neighbors first like snatching your name snatching the neighbors I don't know man she was it it was just some well [ __ ] this is gonna bug me now actually goddamnit hiding in your windows oh like yeah I know we're talking you had that yes was it a Bed Intruder I think I did yeah like when that was like that was a that was the mean for like four or five months but yeah let's talk about how forgettable it was by proven by me not knowing what it was despite it being as big as it was yeah it's just it's weird yeah like people I we move on so much quicker from like viral videos nowadays because there's just so much more of viral videos yeah like yeah so stop complaining about our let's play go watch it I'm just kidding stay here yeah stay here yeah wait it's not where we just came from I don't think so no no that's a all right no this is like the end though I do this this just looks cool yeah like I just love the environmental like the tone change cuz now it's like all dark and everything takes the light oh I'm so cool yeah I'm glad I can read oh I can't I'm just guessing Oh God chicken I feel it nice I think nice gaming actually can't read either I was just hoping everything up when it's you says the cake is a lie if it hasn't I'm sorry guys we're starting to lie to you guys maybe or me oh you got him yep there's something like that I do care this was a cool little like yeah this is fine you thought you thought right I thought it was a definite possibility right oh my god Jacob white white yours would show you were the tetris video that we did like a year ago the night it never went live because there was awful content yeah yeah I remember it so the bet was Jacob would just play Tetris 99 inches purposely through and it's very annoying to watch for me yeah Bailey no that was the concept of it I'm just feeling that exact way because something looks so different yeah no no no like I'm not like that was you like trolling yeah but it's still like that was like it's just like that's scared adrenaline rush of like oh god dude I watched you play in less easy I'm always scared of what's about to happen that's fair okay says over here how do I get over there if only there's a way we could break the glass are you I guess we just use the door she says teeth I got a beta brace I think there's water they've been yeah the beach oh god okay I thought there was I thought I was so sure there's water right there I was freaking out for a second what I need see okay what I know is if we're the first people to get this way why are there all these blood like my god how do I not see this coming oh yeah true isn't this supposed to be sad or oh I got oh that's right that's right that's right god this game was so [ __ ] smart [ __ ] dude sick like this game is so sick that was it's such a big brain kind of puzzle you know where it's just like you this is how it would feel if you're actually breaking out like you would have to do with the resources you have right yeah which TV phone is probably my favorite part about all this yeah here I just have to let him know all right oh we're almost there we're good oh oh well god this doesn't think I'm gonna play for royalty in all honesty yeah I'm down we just going to portal porous freak oh I see a laser down there I'm gonna take friend with me big friend where's laser tonight oh no I was sending that laser in from the previous portal hurry off Gladys's radar because they haven't said anything in a while I I think so I feel like this is all loadings oh yeah your call dude call I call him when I see him yeah I think I was a good read from me like I absolutely knew that abyss is absolutely not gonna have anything on the other side of it okay well maybe I'm just a dumbass nice not nice nice nice it really is a shame that for what's now gonna be a very hot fun II alpha red plus moment of the the floor with no feet is buried in like a an hour into of supercut essentially oh [ __ ] I don't I do not remember this what the [ __ ] I just jump into the John the trenches throwing the trenches yeah that there we go [ __ ] forgot about that yeah I did to you at least that sounds like quicker yeah it's a quicker because there's no waiting I just go into hole more like that's that's super streamline cuz I'm just trying to move up essentially no but then I see slant and that means I have to go at an angle I want to go in there so I can jump on slant or slant there oh that's almost so sick though hey okay I got it whoa well watch it buddy all right all right Jonathan's game so sick I love watching this I'm [ __ ] sick of this guy he's been [ __ ] me up at least they're like not great at doing their job that's so sad that buying it's so bad why it's felt so oh god oh god oh the Xbox did not like that not a little bit of front fell off the Xbox after that one actually you it's overheating now there's a little bit of smoke coming now no how long until we get the red ring of death yo dude is excellent well Microsoft fix that still definitely No then we'll still send it in yeah Wilson it in well take it to Microsoft directly then how can they say no oh hey I thought I could just like save it dude if you have a mouse though sense of shots are like really easy actually yeah much like that's what a lot of the speedrun is yeah it's just like doing those types of shots speed runs so tricky it's so cool though it's insanely technical yeah if you want to watch here is the thing we will not give you a good gameplay but we will talk about well jerk off a game all day we will jerk off game but I was moreso saying we can talk about people who have lost lakes tragically and I do sympathize for that lost their legs they let that go on record my footless viewers and legless still matters not between the lake listen yeah I have no trying to start a civil war whoa who's this robot mill oh it's GLaDOS I always liked the theory that it was like a woman in a straitjacket right here no I ha theory is that I think that's just like isn't that just like cannon yeah but like this was I'm in theory that like these were all these fan theories I read before portal 2 came out oh yeah so like studying the lore of GLaDOS was like who what why she looked like that but then like the lore of portal 2 just kind of confirms everything about GLaDOS that you need to know did know glass I was like really fleshed out yeah she's like I'm honestly sad story arc yeah it's like [ __ ] depressing it's really [ __ ] up like I'm pretty sure that she's like this because she was trying to save the world I think I don't remember it's been so like their portal - yeah I'm down you'd like that trick shot yeah I like the potential of it mm-hmm imagine if it worked though if it worked though if you hit that if it hit though stuff it back into me why don't we jump in it I was just thinking do it jump in okay like we can't defeat her but we can feed ourselves mm-hmm yeah look let's just see let's just see what it feels like I will take her with us then okay we die if we do that what she died too and that's important information hey she doesn't realize we're dead though I think she knows now yeah okay for science Aperture Science I'm surprised they headed like you think gave you the option to jump in there I'm sorry they have like a dialog box for that yeah like I know that sounds like a weird time to complain just like observation of a sake oh no yeah I feel you I feel like this game's quirky you know where they would be like haha dumbass yeah something like that what you the second one is edgy it cusses second one says the damn word she sure didn't buy that buy that dialogue alone I had to make sure my mom was cool with me playing it that was second one went hard yeah Wheatley was sick right we leave a sick dude there's potato GLaDOS switch now that I say it just sounds like it's a pickle Rick joke wish ooh ooh they did it first for the record wait what they did it first they did yeah does that just fall in their game sucks I'm not bluffing at you I'm just laughing it well you like it's not your fault and I acknowledge that yeah I don't have like a huge distance I do not remember this like ever being difficult I think it's an Xbox controller thing I really feel like this is a type of game where if you're not using a mouse and keyboard it's yeah this game it's still a shooter it's incredibly enhanced by a mouse and keyboard but we wanted the chivos we got to get the Chivas mean for grinders what a cool boss fight though oh yeah I just lost my I saw the boss fight for this an honesty well here we are dude I'm gonna get hurt fighting for two though our growth is a lot of fun all the fight portal choose just a phenomenal game there's like one part of the game where it's like ant and that's it yeah let's play through portal 2 that can be like a game we actually finish because we don't have a lot of this I think I'm gonna look down because the game's lagging I'm gonna wait until the timer pops up there it is oh I think you died yeah it says you're looking down you didn't see the rocket launcher I guess yeah yep nice huh well I will no longer look down that's what I get for teabagging him so many times before you know he felt good about that too right yeah it's not a [ __ ] question but like there's definitely people that have joined the military because yes how many people tea-bagged in IRL definitely a handful there yeah like there has to be a good amount right I I would I would be inclined to agree or get blocked well you saw that right yeah I sure did I mean I didn't really cuz I don't know pal but yeah I was just just stayed open honestly this is kind of a chore to a routinely like go and do this you know yeah that's kind of young where the [ __ ] am I you shot too good oh you shot a the same portal twice oh well is that a gun what wait okay I was reading the dialogue okay I was like yeah we yeah we characterized personality why she smelled Bernie I don't know that's just good that's just good like humor the humor in this game has always has always been looked phenomenal sounds like the portal to feel like when life gives you lemon mantasy lights manager you think like and it feels wrong jerking off world to you during portal 1 let's play but you know it's just it's a phenomenal series yeah it's that hit right um I feel like the game wanted it - yeah I feel like it could have hit Morrison yeah a little a little higher doubt that's so not hitting I just line it up like right about there that looks good no it doesn't you know yeah I think you had the right idea was that wall I think you whoa oh she might swing into this one possibility gamble yam gamble Oh yo okay what's a doing it's like up to there that's right we got a lonely there's oh well you got to use all the mechanics we've learned throughout the adventure adventure it's not about the journey not the destination people I dropped them serves you're right Beach dude there's so much dialogue that's going on yeah there's a [ __ ] ton in this game I hope you don't die because we only have a limited amount of time hmm I wonder if we can win I would prefer that Joe I I would very much like it so I gotta ask we've asked you to comment a lot of [ __ ] and since there's gonna be one video the comment section is gonna be a [ __ ] jumbled mess but I gotta ask if you have you ever played this game before only comment if you haven't cuz I want to know like what would you think about it it just has a mere spectator yeah and also comment what was your least favorite comment that you saw yeah just reply to your least favorite comment and just say this was my least favorite cause I like that's it I like having that segment it's like alright this way you guys can find the bad comments for us yeah yeah I love it whenever we promote like Armageddon for the Comets versus the Comets no idiot [ __ ] fool right God at that time guy yeah easy GG easy oh wait where's this one go oh I touch this swag crap watch what I think like right there perfect those like though I need to realign a little bit like right right there Yeah right there nice nice like it's so simple you know it's it's still fun though like dude this was revolutionary yeah you have to realize that this would be cool if it came out today I think that's what really marks a cool game is thought not that it held up for its age it's that would it still be like revolutionary today and I think it would yes I don't think most games have this good of a physics engine nowadays especially like one like this because whenever I can like to see myself in it you know what I mean yeah you can see like something the portals and [ __ ] yeah like right there yeah that's so sick I just have a really fun cause that's the way around listen cuz look it's a whole world and the transition is seamless you know that's the impressive part about these games oh look at that look at this wow the pc version would have had more than portals yeah sure the PC version goes like near infinitely yeah whoo we did it we're dead that was the that was the theory for so long a shell died also what was so crazy was how they announced portal 2 was an update to portal 1 wait really they changed the ending I changed the final cutscene oh this is it yeah this is oh I don't know if since this is the Xbox 360 version I don't know if this is like updated or not I don't really know ok so right there it ends with you looking at that yeah when portal 2 is almost about to be announced it showed shell being dragged back uh-huh and that was all the the change was uh-huh and how sick was that that's how they had pseudo announced the game they patched the ending but in like a subtle way getting dragged back into the world of portal that's so [ __ ] cool this game is so good also this is an area you can actually get to yeah because that's you're not supposed to because apparently clipping out about is super [ __ ] easy do that is true actually the floor does not exist in this game more like the floor is alive [Laughter]
Channel: Alpharad Deluxe
Views: 381,138
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: portal, alpharad, alpharad plus, josniffy
Id: YWZDOr3863A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 99min 43sec (5983 seconds)
Published: Sat May 23 2020
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