Something Unusual Happens Inside The Grave

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first of all the baddest of life is a life which is a barrier which has a barrier between this world that we live in and a world that is unexplainable to us you can't understand it it is a life of a certain type with its own with its own with its own unreality and it is nothing like this world and it is not the year after the day of judgement nor is it this world it is somewhere in between Allah says in the Quran Bay now Homer borrows a whole area billion about the two oceans that meet in his life says between them there is a barrier the two seas do not mix so this we use the word Balasa and the same word is used for that life after here before the day of judgment Allah says in the Quran whoo-hoo that was a funny in a homeopath rune and behind them after the meaning after you die there is a better world until the day you are resurrected this points out to us that there is a life barrier that does not mix with this life and does not mix with the day of judgment but in a versa talks about not mixing particularly between the life after death and this world that you're living you can't mix you don't know what's happening to them they don't know what's happening to you and you cannot understand them when you are dead you understand what's happened there it's a Bourassa a barrier between this life in the next that when you're dead before the day of resurrection this bizarre world my dear brothers and sisters in Islam as soon as you die the soul begins to experience the Barossa well if you want me to give you a slight example if you want to get a closer to your minds in a very slight example it's not exactly like that consider dreams when you're asleep your body is in the room and everyone can see your body witness your body touch your body hear you but your soul is doing something different seeing something different hearing something different isn't that right it's in a different place don't even know where you are sometimes or often but your body is there - the living person the worsen who is awake all I can tell you is I see a body that's sleeping but you're in a whole different world some people are sleeping that I even know that they're sleeping they think it's reality and some people know that they're sleeping when they're dreaming have you ever experienced that you know you're asleep so the butters of world is similar to when your soul goes out when you're asleep similar you don't require oxygen have you ever seen yourself in your dream underwater and you're talking okay sometimes it's a result of the brain we know that but also the soul does go to place the soul doesn't need to survive on what use your body survives the body survives on food and oxygen but the soul doesn't so if you can understand dreams you can understand the Barossa as for me I don't think anybody understands the phenomena of dreams and the way the soul comes out when you're asleep and similarly we cannot comprehend the berserk world this versus world my dear brothers and sisters is a temporary station between here and Hereafter the day of judgement in this temporary berserk world a person is able to find out if they are going to heaven or hell because the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam said the hadith from Jerusalem says in al-kubra a one who managed the earth here for in a German who had family bada who a Solomon who in lamian German who family bada who assured them in our shadow mean the grave is the first part of the hereafter of the day of judgement if he or she is saved from Nepal assurance and torments of the grave then whatever is after it is going to be better and easier he'll be saved from more bigger things if he has not saved from the torments and punishments of the grave then whatever is going to come after that is going to be worse and we mentioned last week that our believer when he sees his place in general in the Angels show him in paradise in the grave he says o my lord let the last hour come I want to go to general and the disbeliever says when they see their place in Hellfire when the angels show him in the grave he says o my lord don't get the last hour come don't let it go because he knows that what's going to come after that he's gonna be worse brothers and sisters in Islam Albertus of life means that a person will be either punished or rewarded in a certain way in there and it is the sign for what is going to come next the promise of our Selim indicates or tells us that the dead people visit each other in their grave no the dead people visit each other in their grave for he said some olive are a hero Selim when you bury your dead then make their coffin make their shroud nice and put on beautiful fragrance to them make them presentable for the people of the grave you deserve what they visit one another for the prophet salaallah alayhi wa sallam told us about this scenario that it will happen he said has seen on a crane a Motorhome for in Nam yet Abajo know it as a reservoir own a vehicle would surround flah make their shroud nice for in their grave the dead people visit each other and in sahih muslim from salah salem said either either covina either kevanna a hadouken ah who failures in heaven if any of you put the shroud on your brother then make it presentable presentable meaning it's an image for someone else is going to see it and also there is a hadith of the Prophet SAW said Limoges in Bukhari and Muslim that now I would like to take you on that journey just for the while to witness what is happening in the life of Alberta right now as we are living now things in the borough's are that are occurring firstly before I mentioned is hadith the Prophet Elias Elam told us that when a person dies their soul goes to a place a destination that you and I cannot see a witness in the brothers off world the soul goes either to where the believing Souls and good souls are gathered or it goes to where the disbelieving souls and the filthy or the bad souls are gathered and neither of the two neither of the two meet each other there in bliss there in punishment and when the believing soul goes to the believing place they're believing dead people their souls run to it like a person who is travelling going overseas you know how everyone runs to you to ask you about family and friends that they have back at where you came from right how were they doing how's their health health so similarly in the bodies of world the believing Souls run to the to this new soul that is just fresh dead person and they asked him about their brothers their sisters mothers fathers children relatives friends who they have left behind what are they asking them about they are asking them about their faith they are asking them about their deeds how were they doing they're coming close to Allah are they gone astray what's happening to them so it means that they miss them they miss them and they want the best for them but they don't know what's happening to them so this freshly dead person says to them what he knows about them if he tells them good they become happy because they know that if they die now they're gonna meet them they're gonna be with them especially especially family here any parents and children family brothers sisters because I lost my analysis in the Quran in and what about a man in shock on a bansuri yet what about the Redeem an economy him journey at Menominee mache and those who believe truly and they died Allah and their offspring believed with them and they died allah Spinetta allah will you reunite them together and will not take any of their rewards away so dead people who died believers will follow their believing family and that's the only concern of the souls of the people in the hereafter as for the bad soul goes to the bad destination they also run asking and if they tell them they're doing good they're actually get relieved and they're doing bad they also get upset because they have seen what has happened but if they go to the believing section and they ask them where is the soul or what is our relative do or our father or brother or whoever it is and the freshly that person says he baked he beat me sometimes he might say he beat me and he died before me they become very upset because they know that they didn't come to the believing souls site he went to the other side so they have no idea but these are examples of the things that are happening or will happen in the life of the Barossa we ask allah smother to save us from those punishments Ameen Arabella in a row so soul illallah wa sallam told us here are some of the ways in which the punishments can be lessened or forgiven and in your grave your light can be increased even though you'll get your deeds are not enough to increase the light or to make your journey better he said there are ways that the dead person can still receive benefit in here and in their grave and they state will be better Adam Adam no Adam in Carmen who in lemon fellas when a son of Adam dies all of their actions are cut off Hollis is nothing that you can do anymore except for three things a righteous child that will supplicate for you or an ongoing knowledge or a beneficial knowledge which you left behind that people can benefit from or an ongoing charity which you left behind that people can benefit from hongkong charity in a hadith it says that a person who is in their grave their deeds will be enough to give them as much light as it should be suddenly they see as time goes on nor more light and provision is given to them and they say oh my lord where is this light coming to me from and a reply comes to him saying la koala del Sol oh honey oh look you have a righteous child that is supplicating for you now because this is your work which he left behind after the Barossa world the people stay in there for only a lost my daddy knows how long the people stay in their graves until the day of judgement arrives and the law spanner Hatala informs or commands the angel is Ravi to blow into the trumpet for the world to end that is when the dead are risen and everyone on earth and in the heavens whom Allah wills will die the promise of Allah Salim said you'll stay in your graves for forty the Companions innovators had they say we don't know if you meant 40 years 40 days 40 hours Ilana 40 months but you stay for a while before the resurrection in that state the body decays it goes and if you opened up a grave you and see a body being punished similar as we said to the example of when you're asleep however it is being punished in a world that you cannot understand or being rewarded in a world that you also cannot understand
Channel: LoveAllah328
Views: 1,020,544
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Keywords: Something Unusual Happens Inside The Grave
Id: S_2amZnZbQ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 13sec (793 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 08 2019
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