The Battle of The Mahdi (World War)

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[Music] the earth will be covered in injustice inin Wars and in battles and you see that today mankind is becoming more and more unstable and unhappy and miserable and in difficulty in in turmoil and when the earth is covered with injustice as it is going towards that direction the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam gives us the glad tidings of a righteous ruler who will come a lot of the scholars agree that the first of the major signs will be the Madi l melody literally in arabic al Mahdi means in English the awaited one and the Anointed One so the chosen awaited one the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says he will fill the earth up with justice and peace as it was filled with oppression and wrong and with regards to this ruler a thousand and fifty a hadith have been narrated of which for asahi his name is Muhammad you find this hadith in Sahih Muslim Ross also a Selim says his name is like my name and his father's names like my father's name so his name is Muhammad the son of Abdullah and he resembles the prophet sallallaahu l'm not in his physical form but in his character allah said about the promise on Salem were in Nicola La Jolla canal him you O Muhammad are on an amazing character this is allah witnessing to this so he his character is is perfect this man Almohad he will resemble the character of the prophet sallallaahu and this is part of the beliefs of the Alesana that a person will come who will be from the lineage of the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam the Rasul says and the young minority men whether they fought looma the mandy is from my lineage as then from my progeny from the children of Fatima and he said he will rule and lead the Muslims until he transforms the world young Leo her Adlon camera mullah advil man vajura he will fill it with justice and peace as it was filled with injustice and tyranny so how many years did it take her the world to be in this terror and tyranny now Almohad ii in only a little while in a short span of time by the help of Allah with his knowledge and with his ability will change this state of the whole world from injustice to justice from tyranny to peace just as it was filled the other way so every day balances will be returned ali radiyaallahu anhu says LM a human al Bayt the mandy is from us from the family of the Prophet useless Allah who feel ila allah rabbul izza will prepare him for the office of leadership in one night so the melody doesn't know he is the MIDI in one night Allah will transform him the hadith mentioned that a king will die in the Arab peninsula and the sons of a king will fight and quarrel over leadership and to avoid the squirrel this man Muhammad Abdullah will leave medina in secret and go to Mecca because he doesn't want to be involved in the conflict nor does he want people to turn towards him so when he goes to Mecca his aim is to avoid getting tangled up in this leadership struggle yet people follow him from Medina into Makkah and they find him and they take him out and they bring him to the Kaaba and they they will make Behar to him when he doesn't want it and as soon as they have pledged allegiance two things will happen number one an army will march out from Syria to attack this progeny of the Rasul and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam listen carefully is in the house of Aisha of the ilaha an her and he is asleep and in his sleep he starts to move he looks uncomfortable Maya he's displaying what he's never displayed before discomfort and sleep to the extent that he is moving then he got up so she said yo Rasul Allah I have seen you do what you normally do not do so the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam said strange is the situation an army will come from them from Syria from my Ummah seeking a man from my progeny to attack him so the first people Amanda will fight are Arabs who are under the banner of Islam but they've heard gone wrong as they are approaching a group of them Allah spanner who at the ILA makes the earth swallow them they all die one person or a couple of people will be left just to tell the tale so when this happens realized that this is the one and the people that realize it initially or the first batch that go towards him the black flags will rise from the areas of Afghanistan and the flags will come towards him and they will traverse through the land until they come in help of them Athey the other signs of a malady aris wasalam said he will turn and fight an army that will also prepare an army against him in l4 spirited force in Persia Persia those days today is known as Iran whether it'll still be Iran that time were not only a los pantalones but our azuz and told us in messiah muslim that they will be an army from al force will also prepare themselves to fight and Mahadi he said he also wiped them off meaning he destroys them they have no more power he disarms them they no longer have any authority or ability as the second army that's the second sign so the age of the MIDI is an age of intense struggle the Muslims will come and the other side its opposition will come to face it and the opposition is so huge IET banners iet different flags and the each flag will be fourteen thousand men he says this whole batch will fight he goes litera he called al mohammed al Kubrick from Saddam called al mohammed al Cobra a lot of the scholars say al Mahdi will be leading this al mohammed or cobra the gigantic war the gigantic combat la caja de L état para la dia to Allah Allah territory Aikau mina semana [ __ ] that'll help you will see the flying object or the birds or whatever is flying on the outskirts of this world I'm gonna do it the war it'll drop from the sky it'll drop and if some scholars look at it and you can probably analyze it as being atomic warfare gases that make birds and objects in the sky fall this is the hadith of Prophet SAW said and when the two sides meet and the Muslims see this a third of them will run away and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says Allah will never accept their repentance ever because running away reduces and destroys the morale of everyone standing so then the campaign starts and the battle is hot in it's intense and a third of the Muslims will die and the third will be victorious just the third will be victorious and they will be there on the battlefield collecting the remnants and the booty of war and the hadith says from one tribe 99 have died and one person is left if a family had a hundred members in there for example they'll only be one of him alive the rest are all dead he says febre here honey met the new farah he goes on that day Muslims will not rejoice over any booty because what me Roth is there gonna be he said what inheritance can be given out the families are all dead the majority of people are dead that's how few cities he was saying like if a family had a hundred one of them will remain living so why will he be happy and what kind of inheritance is gonna look forward to giving so the whole world has gone out of our hearts that's what it means there's no more clinging to the dunya at all the only thing you look for is through the hereafter you want to make your family in the Hereafter that's all it really is and it's unfortunate that a lost man teller has to take out forcefully this world from our hearts the love of this world D&E that materialism as it has crept into our hearts today a lot of the people so you would think after such a calamity after such a colossal engagement or what is referred to in the books that preceded us as Armageddon as they have just become victorious and are collecting the things of the battlefield a voice will come out to them that all Muslims that that child has come in your lands go back to your family in your homes quickly for a Dajjal has appeared at the jail commonly known as Antichrist in the Bible and the first of the halal metal Cobra the first of the major signs as the advent of the Dajjal or the Antichrist so the Imam al-mahdi will send ten people ten riders to go and investigate and Scout see if the news is correct and the result says salawatullahi wa salamu alayh I know their names and I know the names of their fathers and I know the color of their horses they will be the best riders of the day so they will go and see the calamity has come that the jail has come who is the State Journal the first of the big signs of qiyama and understand when the signs the major signs are unleashed they will follow each other like beads on a necklace [Music] [Music]
Channel: MercifulServant
Views: 1,820,021
Rating: 4.8700981 out of 5
Keywords: Islam, Muslim, Allah, lecture, Reminder, merciful, servant, themercifulservant, islamic, signs of the end, end times series, the mahdi, imam mahdi, final war, war, battle, world war 3
Id: 4oED6xzX5K8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 55sec (715 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 26 2016
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