the. end. (Spiderman PS4 #9 ENDING)

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I don't think I'm ready I'm not sure I'm ready for this hey guys go welcome back despite a man where last time we unlocked this incredible suit we unlocked it right at the end of the last video so I haven't got to use it properly but today I'm sure we'll be able to use it fully cuz I'm fairly certain I'm like I've already been through his office computer are you thinking is penthouse buildings full of Sables men if they spot me other residents could get hurt in a firefight okay it's risky but we need that location wait for me to get nearby then make your move so yeah stuff went down last time a lot of stuff went down last time I'm not gonna go over it because if you're watching this you should have seen it already if not go back and watch but I'm we took down I'm Stan Rhino we took down electro we also took down the lizard's scorpion scorpion scorpion as well and now there's only Martin Lee and the main man Doc Ock himself as well as Devils breath that we need to take down now I'm gonna quickly just stop off at this tower okay I thought it was right here looks like it's over there just gonna do this quickly because we are one level away from a new super suit which I will try and do today if we've got time in between missions so I'm gonna need these to help ourselves let's quickly do this that's a small one there we go perfect and um yeah today I think we're starting off with MJ actually and it also looks like there's a big old is a big old convict base there yeah there is but those makeshift bridges those can't be safe they really can't be safe but as I said at the beginning we will be able to use this suit quite a bit and stop shooting me stop it okay I'm not the bad guy here come on guys it's all of you you're the bad guys but as I say I think we we can use this suit a lot today but we're gonna start off with MJ actually I think she's gonna do some super sleuthing oh no that's better I'm starting to learn these mechanics a little bit better now and let's do this MJ I need your help I bought a new suit maybe you could wear this suit I'm not too sure but let's go okay MJ I'm a couple blocks away let me know if you get into trouble I just basic alors it's like fingered long fingernails on the end of that that's pretty cool slash enemies eyes outs it's a little bit crazy to spider-man if you give them a little scratch maybe wash me luck or hey we gotta stop with some stuff I guess Norman's penthouse is on the top floor but the elevator is on lockdown need to get into the security room to unlock it I'm gonna run this like Trump's Tower there's the security room but that guard will see me if I go in phony those ends are pretty upset maybe I can rile them up to create a distraction how are you gonna do that just like make people angry left my stupid inhaler upstairs I heard they'll let you up if you claim special circumstances the health emergency might do it really come on let's go talk to security I'm with him let's see what happens not sure this is gonna do it need to act better come on buddy at it was terrible we have to get some more people to act like they've got an inhaler issues definitely stay away from the receptionist I've been coughing up a storm okay so she's going over that now why isn't Osborn down here this sort of thing never happens Tim the mayor and his friends are exempt security let one of his biggest donors back upstairs right away I knew it if one big boys club come on is that it should do it yep huh fast Jerry Cal here we got a situation sneak in here any rooms open just need to get to the door without being seen ooh this ez mode how's it a Taser rah I know a few sable agents who would love to meet you Wow MJ's MJ's gone rogue press square behind the enemy for a takedown can I run zap gotcha I like this thing remember I'm not that great at the stealth missions but with a Taser it's a little less stealthy turn around oh yeah the law it's nothing just MJ the Taser Queen workman's comp elevator controls in the security room what can I get him next to the stable agent bum-bum-bum damn gotcha Mary Jane Watson super spy could I know just say the gun that elevator the gun just disappeared there must be a security message measure even oh so she's did it no I'm it's clearing out and the elevators unlocked it's time to head upstairs so I'm the head of silver sable is taking care of Norman Osborn but I'm not 100% sure about the silver sable gang not sure what they're doing but I guess we're gonna find out you didn't see nothing hey that was Security's just disappeared now top notch this is it where's Norman coming out right on cue oh sweet yeah don't really need to be too sneaky do i I'm just walking behind people's backs it's great you see 9:00 don't make me chase you I've never been your biggest fan that's what you get the saying things out loud to a button it's just gonna hear you engage an argument with a button and let the whole plan be ruined just cool up spider-man be like sorry I was I was shouting a button I like to look at this let's see what Norman's got cleared out if he's hiding something up here I'm gonna find it House AI this is cool look at this place space is mad this looks important what is this thing Oh Oh hold on a second schematics for a prototype combat mask looks like it can reveal structural weaknesses why would you want that there it is that I'm wearing it wow this mask is incredible is it showing a door hidden in that wall I wonder where it leads how convenient I told you MJ steal it become the silver no silver surfers already taken the the wall scanner no let's forget it let's just go through here or not MJ you know it's here Norman bids his fabulous Osborn boys ah okay keypad behind the family porch what's the code though norman must like spy movies i need to find the code for that keypad where could it be behind the drink behind the cello I bet you can't even play cello right what else we got here are these the plans Department yeah tons of empty space right behind the wall with a family portrait yeah we've got that already space unused in a Manhattan apartment yeah that's true is that here that big block I think it is this is a crazy apartment though see why stairs just ballooned I think Norman's being moved worried they might spot me I might have had something to do with that keep your distance I should be okay for now what was this work order for a keypad lock looks like he used Harry's last day as the code that must be the day Harry left for Europe when was that the Harry's last day we're gonna have to find like a message or something maybe if he's got a computer oh there we go let's go this place is massive Oh dude it could be back any minute need to find that keypad code look at this view Harry's last day I know he left last summer but was it July or August this kept a journal maybe he recorded the date there this apartment would be costing so much in real life I'm sure there are apartments that look over the whole of like the Brooklyn Bridge Central Park like this but they're like 2030 million dollars insane actually insane I mean locked up Harry's room once it untouched for when Harry returns from Europe my husband is still just what the key the mail be keeping the key to the room in his possession arm so so Norman's got the key let's hope he left it behind or in the fridge it's a decent fridge no go I hurry said his mom used to cook all the time I'll be surprised if Norman has ever even touched the stove oh wow this is uh this is grotty I'm smells like rich people I wonder if all this wine is from Norman's vineyard in Burgundy it could be cool this one though in a games room not some kind of wine cellar come on now use the space wisely it must be in here somehow a way there's even more there's an outdoor terrace but we can't use I like the fire pit though that's nice I thought was a person cities in a state of emergency but Norman's still manages to get his laundry and cleaning done for him what a hero what's a hero there we go hey dad on my way to dr. Michaels for one last shot before the and a big trip hey if you're gonna meet me there and could you grab my journal from my room I just wanted to record some thoughts on them being bond last day anyway listen I know I don't say this enough thank you Dad you know for doing this I love you Wow haven't heard Harry's voice and so long he sounds so tired I thought that journal is still here gotta check his room also I'm a little bit kind of skeptical about why Harry was sent away in the first place because seems too convenient right he wants to set this Devil's breath thing off but he sends Harry to the other side of the world get all this Norman certainly likes to remind guests of his status the photo was removed though I wonder what was there Harry maybe is there anything else to examine maybe let me just have a quick look I don't want to miss anything my Jo make me come back won't it I think we're goods let's just get to the task at hand I'm getting lost in this crazy apartment Harry's room but it's locked Oh wonder where Norman keeps the key under the flowerpot come on under a flowerpot bathroom I have never ever seen a bathroom with a sofa in it oh man look at us we used to be so carefree I miss those days look at this emperors that's the picture should be looking at what all these doors go so many nooks and crannies and rooms and things I need a key man Mary's mom Emily please find him for calling her the prettiest mom at Midtown but you might have been right score this must be the key for Harry's room gotcha this is the only room I hadn't been in and it's just another bedroom I mean look at the size this TV as well absolutely insane and jealous but this can't be for Harriet can it what okay this is the gaming setup I was talking about very nice is this the journal Harry's Journal his last entry is marked July 18 so oh seven eighteen that must be the code to that room let's read this actually really quickly leaving for Europe today not sure how this is gonna go dad said there's no risk but that's dad's no I wanted to read it you are staying here the antiserum is ready and I'm going to supervise production you will be completely vulnerable without me I seem to be completely vulnerable with you I'm going alone end of discussion keep team two on standby I'm getting some here short old I wanted to read that he's ready he's headed to the lab attack now can you follow not without alerting him somebody spiked Sables coffee today her men are set on double-secret probation alert okay then stay ready I've almost got the location the other Lois I need to use these laws and zap as many people as I can I'm able to get this guy actually come on come to Papa come to Papa I love this this is like so evil but so great at the same time so the issue is as well Norman Osborn's seeing dollar signs with the antiserum cuz obviously everyone's getting sick but that means that people are gonna pay for a cure so instead of giving out for free he's ready to just sell it which is kind of evil actually oh don't come this way turn around turn your butt around you like a Power Ranger anyway get the turn around you're just gonna stare at me like this huh I need to get round the corner fine you don't need to know anything go to sleep little puppy go to sleep I'm going to sniff your laundry hey can I not just go through this way be so much easier I need to be so careful I think there's stealth missions in here like your last stealth mission just so you let your guard down a little bit and then you're ready for the action right at the end there's a guy there well that was close yeah not quite sure to do about this one none of them care I don't think cuz I can't fight my way out of this like I would with spider-man well if I throw over there oh it's see it says who out effects I just run is this the way I need to go this is the elevator this is the wrong way I need to take them all down don't I July 18 bingo let's get in get in get in get in so slow they're gonna come back around I hope not this is crazy super creepy gotta find the location of The Devil's breath left eye closed perfect sing in this room must be useful what are these things prototype hand grenades is this all like green goblin stuff I remember that from the films it could be comments that a real mad scientist thing going on yeah is that a heart gross blueprints are these like mice that spider webs they spiders they're spiders I'm pretty sure they're spiders Wow Norman wins the fancy map contest yeah looks like the Upper West Side looks like Norman's tracking dr. Michaels movements creep fest huh this shows all of oscorp's properties sable troop deployments their stationed all over the city I bet I can find The Devil's breath lab with this it must be an Oscorp property with a ton of stable protection frequented by dr. Michaels okay bravo Bravo Bravo okay so there's a B and C alpha team where are most of them located stable should check the patrol routes against Oscorp building good ol Alpha Team Wow so many records facility oscorp's going all in on defense would it be defense a records facility could be part where do these three categories overlap good old Alpha Team Devil's breath lab yeah 25 that's it okay I figured out now for Devil's breath this is it something Cathedral something I knew it tenting Cathedral oscorp's Records Department perfect place to hide a secret biotech facility gee r27 Martin old what is this and we are rolling I will be right next door just relax and let the medicine do its work [Music] Oh autos their auto they started office they creatively download I have to get this see I knew his spiders oh my god that's scary who's there why's that worries a progress bar damn it spider lady we have a breach Pilar number 42 so you've got to honor she could actually be spiders white a woman okay this is the ultimate stealth mission I've got the lab location and a lot more how far away are you two avenues over say the word and I'm there great keep the motor running yes might need your help buddy there's so many no no no no don't move don't move it's so fun so fun hmm right you need to come over here there's someone looking over there though I've got this MJ let's go okay there's someone coming rounds why did you have to come round for I can't throw it round the corner I don't want him to come around this way I can get you a coffee don't worry it's with the side of electricity though I'm about to get this guy now it's around yeah and she turn around okay let me see if I tase this guy got him I'm getting in I'm getting in it's there more people here as well yeah there must be I think I just saw a light no no one doing that laundry I don't like it for a sec oh that was close gotcha no you spider-mans here that's why I like to hear that balcony gotcha sweet come on Spidey let's go this is such a like savage was it me see you later jump oh the trust hey you are crazy you're amazing cute what a way to bond from jumping off a building it may seem we did it okay that was one of the hardest stealth missions we've done luckily we could just kind of run around and tase people but we've got the secrets we can see why Martin Lee hates Norman Otto we can kind of see that already just keeps like pulling its Research's money and all that stuff it's all adding up it's all so much to take in Harry SiC Norman and Lee and dr. Octavius I know my fault you are not alone you find Norman you find the cure thanks partner Wow sorry on and off it's so amazing I think there we go so much good for the world they can't throw their legacies helicopter great don't worry I'm on it this will all be over soon I promise this is building out to a finale isn't it but one second new suit new suit new suit new suit whoo I mean nice very nice defense shield experimental magnetic weave generates an energy show the temporary absorbs all damage what all damage ah um and I kind of want it I kind of can't afford it right now because I bought this let's see what's going on jeez let's see what's going down over here first if I feel like we need it we can always do it afterwards so I do want to after we've done the story I don't want to do a live stream or something where we go through and unlock all and I mean all of the suits because I think that would be pretty cool because that's probably one of my favorite parts of this game as well is being able to unlock all the suits I fast travel yeah that's faster I'm over here but for now I just kind of want to do the story and that the swaption thing is so strong but I think we might be able to get by if I do really struggle then I can unlock it but for now I think we're okay but let's see we've had the we've had the calm part we've had the hardest stealth mission now do we have the hardest action mission we're just about to find out there's AA school it's go a helicopter down Martin Lee should be in there actually he might be in there he might not be and we got barrel roll there he is open it oh my guess everything is making me jump mija yeah that must have been his um helicopter oh dude here we go things are about to get a bit messy well we still thin against demons before I can follow me into the lab time to KO those snipers yep I don't have a good relationship with these snipers so here we go this doesn't look too bad actually wait what what what no no no no don't you tell anyone about this we're gonna see Palin stop the thing amazing not today buddy get out of here where's the other sniper he is oh one second yeah he's definitely up there yeah I've messed this up already come on spider-man I just need you to latch on to one piece of the podium come on let's go out this sides I think it's up here where is he I get through these demons quick before Lee gets ahold of the antiserum where's the sniper though I just want to get the sniper likes they do the most damage okay yeah there we go everyone's on cooldown with a sniper at though I can see the rocket launcher guy but I can't see the sniper there was only one unless he got killed by accident goodnights okay this guy didn't see me I'm fine with that I'm sure there's another sniper around here you know what if they ain't gonna show themselves I'm not - not you bothered over their ears I see em I didn't reach okay got you to stay that buddy I've got business to deal with how many are there I feel that there's so many out here there's rocket launches yeah it's a lot of demons sleep it off easier to take these guys out if they're split up that's true the demons chewed through sable please on the warpath well I'm kind of uh I'm kind of glad he did that because sable is super annoying web strike take down yet us do that you can be quiet okay now in the wrong way there's no way I expected to do oh geez you snitched on me didn't you you snitched whoa okay yeah this is getting a little bit out of hand now absolutely not we wiped out the agent stationed here they're not handling anything this is getting a little bit out of hands should John and it's a little bit more stealthy I think I still can just like that what did you come from yeah you get out of my face I don't think there's many left naturally and just a guy with a rocket launcher it's just the snipers they have so much they have so much damage that they go on you but these guys are looking to team up oh no I took out your men kidding me why I'm just gonna try and finish these as much as possible because they really really frustrate me what's the best way to do it though because they're like they fly I'm really dealt with the flying guys before oh my goodness that was a powerful shot yeah this is a little bit crazy yeah there we go you want the smackdown buddy I'll give you the smackdown you as well I didn't mean to finish to you I need as many finish as I can get for these flying guys they're like transformers they're insane and even if you're flying around they kind of like they homed in on you it's nuts or I'm getting these ground troops out the way saving the finishes for the flying guys yeah there we go right we just go have to load up finishes and just do them where you at come here boy yeah right into my trap did they get me at the same time that did look pretty cool to be fair right he's out of here I'm trying to throw this get him okay I think I've got one left yes there we go okay got my plan today and see you guys save up for the finisher and then just take them out swing past them triangle circle you're dead who's left huh there's one here oh there you are you hiding you don't wanna get the smackdown I didn't think so man I was the same yeah time to follow the inside get off spider-man come on coming through a door is obviously really difficult for you usually go through vents but let's do this I took way longer you should have EPEL oh she's literally done nothing my men destroy my equipment and cost my client means give me one good the reason you should not kill you right now listen I don't like you you don't like me but Lee has your client inside this building right now and he's gonna kill him if we don't do something we could fight each other you fight leave but not both Oh Joyce instead of some face eye contact but you can't see spider-man's eyes this mean we're good we'll help me secure Norman after that I'm making no promises for me control well he's gonna help us look at this place okay Lee no more running this ends tonight here we go this is it guys this is my I have to find a way to reach the Martin Lee I know a man who built feast is he down here I'm following the negativity right now keeps kinda got that powers when I roll it just like doesn't extra didn't mean to do that no way to go up it down yeah we need to be careful but look at this it's like a void into the unknown you you sure you want to do this don't really have a choice I told you let me just take a second I I missed that bit I completely missed that bit the video I told you he killed their parents I told you I knew I parents died because of me yeah exactly that I call me if I miss that far I love these bits by the way these bits probably my favorite parts the bits with like they're when were in scorpion as well last time very cool but to truly honor them Osborn must be justice I won't let you do this Martin there it is there's the shrine I also have a terrible feeling about this but I'll keep it to myself for now this is the room that we broke into before but we won't tell him that I think you knew anyway just the thing I want to know is whether he knows that Peter Parker is spider-man I think he has a hunch but it hasn't been confirmed that he knows please pay his anger its fueling his power because I'm close look at him moments earlier oh it's the it's Michael is right for the antiserum this is the only sample he's like I don't care pluck oh my god I told you I'm sorry was it Fox I was trying to help you don't help just in time this won't bring your parents back why do you insist I'm trying to save this piece of scum I'm trying to save you Martin don't let revenge win fight it he thought about it for a second and anyways I know they come the bus fight where's doc Alcazar that's the one guy I want to I'm curious about a correlate tripped him up by accident these computer screens are working quite well but I'd only use the MOR at the same time oh yeah look he changes from mr. negative to none this isn't insane dude I feel so powerful almost his pop was him sooner than that Brian's gonna use finishes when he I see to dodge everything and then use the finish on I can he's pretty good for that sword he must have taken some lessons huh now's my chance he's recharging get him get him I think so interesting that this is a direct product of Norman's work what is he trying to cure though that's the only thing that we kind of don't know is what he was trying to cure from him in the first place all these dodges are giving me like Oh a card amis finishes on it I've just noticed so we need to take this guy down normally which seems to be fine at the moment ok maybe not we just need to use this to heal we can recognize which is which like which move is which this is one I think I'm gonna jump every single one so that seems to be fine I'm just taking this in man this is so sick he must bust out a new move in a second this it's bound to happen come on show me a new move buddy I'm gonna leave this uncut so if I'm not speaking that's because I'm concentrating I didn't know what to die but I thought you'd want to see this in full it's like the final fight I just need him to wear down simple as you mad he's remembering come on late Martin you can walk away know what hold up hold up a second what this do come from my goodness oh why this escalated quickly a little bit too quickly for my liking the chemo oculomotor is own zombies this kind of funny Wow okay let's see all that wink me hits in whenever nope definitely not need to make sure we jump at the same time because that negative energy is a little bit nuts luckily when we do it I can't use a finish running skill so I can't hit the demon I just need to make sure that I dodge it no but yeah every time I dodge I seem to be gaining a lot of health which is good I should have used my skill points as well completely for God where is he it's just so insane dude I can't even keep up always gonna do aerial attacks because that's what gives me the most focus this is the craziest thing I think I'm just gonna swing around and see what happens okay he's gonna knock me out the air fantastic this is mad I need to concentrate I think I'm doing okay though what a Dodge succour dodge him and try not to attack him at the same time and then he brings his demon out as well that's what I combo though what yeah I think it's some some B's there yeah there they are I see use as much healing as I can oh just dodge that I mean it's not bad I'll give you that he's almost done sweet these are need to take like a couple of shots I think I don't want to use finishes so I'm good I will use my iron-on so I think let's go oh he's over there quick let's get him just recharged got it look how many of these guys there are kind of wish I had the shock wave right now I guess I think I'm doing okay though he's like one shot easy how mad is this though yes this is perfect I just need to wait for him there's I think these are unlimited actually oh my goodness and he's bringing this guy out again as well as long as I'm swinging when this guy is I think I'm okay he's so close to die in oh wow I keep forgetting you can do that this looks so cool I love the whole negative theme just makes everything look amazing I messed that up jump no wasn't really bad this must be close Oh wrong guy come on get the right guy get the right guy no wait you get is this so hard to a we will these jumps I think that's the idea I can either bring some in the air so I've got some more focus if I die now I'll be so mad I think dodging gives me the most maybe the house as supervillains go ones that can summon massive demons pretty nice get going this I my sweet still not the end though spider-man said it was the end of it ago I think it lied to me I've got enough focus I should just be able to swing around above them as long as I don't get hit like that yeah that we got it's sweet cuz I think they're never ending so as long as we're swinging around we good come on grab him it's when I don't get him in the air I miss out gasps one one kick to the face come on he's fading okay maybe not Oh slight it's like a UVO monster Exodia obliterate there we go hey I know none of that be careful but this is the wrong way mark it comes auch must be him because he wants revenge as well there he is right on time useless [Music] nah-uh don't smash at least it's in a highly protective glass bottle it's a bubble wrap that we gotta help to create this man we hope to create these prosthetics did I gotta getta getta getta yet he twice give him the serum I'm gonna take it up eating my suit is Rhett I spent loads on this is he gonna team him ask me he is he is he is he said he was gonna do it that's what he said he was gonna do to spider-man do you remember remember how long ago it was but he said he was thrown to the side but look on your face you can't imagine how satisfying it is ready for your final act so I could Disney Princess being stolen oh she gonna be mad Hey Hey where's Otto gone I would not worry about him right now he needs a hospital oh is that where he's gonna go got some extra injuries on top of our 14 broken bones huh I thought he was gonna rip our masks off then because I remember a few episodes back he said that's what he wanted to do 2d mask him and find out who he is I'm pretty sure that's what he said man Marcus's choice of t-shirts are always on point I need to speak to your head doctor there's no doctors here who's running this place me mostly yeah okay I'll do my best I'll need masks gloves whatever you have the sterile I don't feel so good you can thank me by not to die yeah I need to play the rest of this game come on oh my god but how do they operate on it without taking a suit off how is that don't believe me for a game - I swear I'll be mad look I'm kind of glad you know what I mean [Music] he'll live but he needs rest where's my no wait I forgot about this I completely forgot about this no Swami the ceremony she could go at any moment what [Music] where are you going I need to find Otto yes the anti zero maybe you can't maybe spider-man needs help from his friend Peter Peter help build those arms remember if anyone can find a weakness it's him [Music] go get em tiger tiger oh yeah [Music] spider-woman we didn't quite figure out what they were doing to the spiders did we what they called us be a spider all right way no that's not it maybe it's this one [Music] no no wait hold up hold up when I was talking about Spyder bro it might actually be happening to you come on come on we need to play this finale okay this is the last video I'm playing this till it ends you're looking better Spidey much better got up so many levels we'll be up to 36 I think 37 is the next suit skill points we need two splendas right I built the neural interface that means I can destroy it there must be something at the lab I can use okay I think we're gearing up they'll be a maybe a couple more missions until the end but I'm completing in this video I cannot leave this another day I cannot stop trying to kill me please all right what do we have so next suit I just quickly check 37 so next mission that we done let me have a look at soup mods oh man there's so many charged out to mesh trance generate gadget refers absorb incoming damage without resetting the combo counter reduces incoming blast and rocket damage automatic consumes a focus bar to heal you when you're low and health that's quite nice but I think I'm pretty on top of that already reduces the duration of electrocuted status I don't know I don't know if I need those skills we definitely need to improve upon let's do last stand let's just fill them up press triangle after perfect dodging immediately perform a second finisher on basic enemies that could be quite nice with one combo bar yeah I'm just gonna pile these that could be quite good the rest I think we're good alright let's get there here we go the old stomping grounds oh oh oh it's hitting us with it this is your last time to upgrade Garen abilities before the end of the story man I gotta change this number I must leave recent events give me pause what your rescue allows water despite his hatred it affected me I must return home reflect on this life I choose dang I think I'm actually gonna miss you in your death troopers unfortunately my agent right though I question that work they do not and those one continues to pay I am sorry so close to being good news indeed I will miss you in your bizarre witticism spider-man until we meet again what a strange violent lady there pretty much sums it up dude okay so we need to make sure we've got everything in order we have no skill points fair the one that so the only thing I can think of that I love would be the defense shield but I think the arms are gonna pull it out for us actually negative shock way it kind of depends we can change these in between right or maybe not this one I didn't quite figure out oh I can just stay in there for longer I guess that makes sense rapidly generates focus I think it's gonna be negative shock wave our arms and we can change these ones my gadgets honestly I don't use them that much I think we're good let's just go let's do it end of the story we made it guys let's see what happens I think I'm going to good suit for it as well I'm nervous the Martin Lee fight was good so this one I'm sure he's gonna be even better no no wrong suit though question mark we did the impossible doc but now I have to destroy it but a little creation of my own classic classic montage what's he gonna be looks like he has in his mind what he's gonna do already [Music] whoo that's what I'm talking about wit need new su I'm glad I didn't spend time to unlock it that's what I'm talking about Spidey let's go that was quick [Music] so we have used this is the same material it looks exactly the same as his arms so it must be the same material here we go by the way my favorite outfit so far I say that all the time but this one this one kills it it's awesome [Music] you want me to beg not gonna happen the world will know the truth before they mop you off the pavement tell them what you dig he's vlogging everything you have is built on lies goodbye wallet you stole my company my ideas now the truth the truth okay the truth is you were only ever worth a damn when you work for me stubborn truth is you could never accept that I'm better than you you're a failure Otto and you always will be [Music] you say we do here is flat go good that looks [Music] you got some guts dude it's playtime Auto you've worked your whole life to help look at that suit you're fighting the wrong [Music] have it your way I mean so worst case scenario automates not gonna die because we can just throw Norman on top the building right that's what you're saying okay this is gonna be tricky I can always I can already tell we need to figure out what to do rockets why is he so insane did that work oh it did okay I've got this see it soon as we throw one he throws one at you I haven't used all my focus to try and dodge things so as soon as you throw one I can't do it in time so I'm trying to figure out here a resupply use oh it's given me a new suitability that's it that's it I got it we out here I need to dodge one make him throw it not like that not like this so resupply it's obviously got a big big focus on gadgets which we haven't really been using that much so I'm kind of struggling a little bit I'm gonna laughs when can I um when can I hit him properly I think I need to wait for those things but I need to use like I just missed I need to do it exactly the right time otherwise you get hit that right time being not now because I missed now that's it need to make sure we dodged the other ones that come in not that there we go I can finish her in oh that's so cool alright we got it guys so we need to use all those things he throws us but we need to dodge the other ones whoa what am i doing just need to make sure you dodge the other ones come on Spidey no no no need to grab things but in the web-slinging is difficult on this [Music] that's the stuff just to make sure I grabbed these rocks and then we're good at least I can finish rim that there's a lot more damage than it that I'm can normally I think if I count them so one two and then three I should be able to get them roughly I think that's why I need to do this he only throws three at a time yeah one two three missed that one it's hard with the tower in there - one two three so I don't have to dodge the next one which is much better one two three oh I missed I was just too low one two three oh he just sideswiped it one two three yeah stuff dude stuff of dreams let's be careful now I was gonna finish her every time I missed that's why what's he gonna do next hello oh my goodness no he's made the floor fire this guy is no joke I can fire these on II think I need to stay around the outside yes this is so epic how you doing boy okay he's doing all right it's like punishing the world for no reason it's all about that three I think if you fall off it's not too big of a deal - seems like Otto Webb back no thanks okay some of the webbing like trying to stay in the air is actually ready to procore it's not the best system for this small area then when you're trying to dodge him at the same time it's kind of difficult because he doesn't throw and there's still really far away from him I think I'm doing okay he dodges as well but yeah I think I've got it down now it was really difficult in afib her it out with all this stuff going on well number three if you do it too far away as well he's sideswipes mostly one left and whites keep dodging he's too good at dodging he's taking a lot of hits now is all like too many too many for my liking yeah finish it to the base I think so I love this finish it uses own arm against them it's kind of what I'm doing with a suit anyway still sick though doing now always changing it back to fire Skye's mentor look how sick it looks though I don't take a picture geez it's not the time let's go I think I'm doing ok 1 2 3 yep got this Jesus they like close but not close enough that he's gonna hit you but he's gonna do it anyway there's so much damage to him he's taking quite a beat in dude he's definitely one of the most powerful super villain so far you think scorpion was powerful for electro as powerful nah it's all about Doc Ock one we kind of helped to create in the first place which is kind of terrifying he hates them so much I think I got the dodge in there as well by time the Dodge right I can grab any of these he's got the Dodge on definitely but in whoa I hit the tower I hit the tower yes I wanna finish this is intense but loving it dude yes I think if I get here it's not too much of a problem I've got finisher as well sweet I was about to say I have one I think with so many finishers dude what's he doing now he's going back to this okay I think this is it's like you're playing a movie it's just insane come on Spidey sort out so that's it sometimes you can't grab and then it just throws you back in which ain't great when you're trying to dodge these fiery nonsense oh come on spider-man there we go controller rip vinicky ripped out of his neck on he's broken my web-slinger's now what now what do I do I've been relying on them come on okay he knew I tried to warn you Peter but you didn't listen how did he know you I won't let you been this means too much to me not more than it means yeah that's right enter rage mode channel your animus the negative I'm glad that fight is over exactly my mind a little bit another lie oh look they're ripping apart the ripping each other apart I'm controlling this now you sure don't need to get close I guess and I do won't hit him let's go nice this cinematic still super impressive you're so much older as well he just hasn't got the energy to be a supervillain he hasn't got it yeah scream I mean that's not funny I don't mind this because it doesn't look too difficult winkeny hell I'm guessing if we just get hit by one hit then we're we're done for you can take quite a beating to be honest then I guess you left the other thing he's gonna he's not taking the option [Music] this isn't that so epic the music and everything is this incredible game design look how have you played a game that looks amazing this amazing before I certainly haven't it's not on PC by the way it's full on ps4 I'm playing on ps4 / oh don't know if it's any different but it looks phenomenal where your glass is now buster de tying himself up [Music] it's not looking good if you want to change the world you have to be the kind of man who can make the hardest decisions I could agree hanger your reps ya have to get that had no Webster [Music] rip the nf in the chat how did that mop break I saw he was sucking out of here I want to hear it I've knowed you turned on me just like all the others sir I've worshipped you your mind your conscience wanting to help others the way you never gave up that's because men do like us have a duty a responsibility to use our talents in the service of others even if they don't appreciate it we have to do what's best for those beneath us whether they understand it or not no you're wrong you were everything I wanted to be you just threw it away yes of course you're right Peter oh I see that now the neural interface affected my mind don't listen to him we can fix it No get out of here if you'll help me do everything I can I'll make sure you get the best out know if they put me away they'll take my arm I'll be trapped in this useless body [Music] please Peter so that wasn't me you said you'd never abandon me oh man come on here you promised remember and of course your rest easy knowing your secret is safe with me you do what you think is best doc it's all honey of his camp yes good choice [Music] goodbye old man see you later now what did I say at the beginning the beginning of this series nothing happens to Aunt May okay you hear me you hear me [Music] it's still viable we'll need the entire sample as a base to produce more doses how long will that take few hours maybe a day what if we use it to cure someone right now and there won't be enough to cure the others [Music] I'll give you a few minutes wait hold on [Music] you're gonna be okay ma'am I've got the cure right here take off your mask I wanna see Neffe you knew known for a while I never wanted you to work I did and I am so proud of you and been me to all the people you've saved I don't know what to do yes you do [Music] [Music] No I was convinced that wouldn't happen such a tough choice though but this is the result of that choice [Music] [Music] what did I say oh man [Music] as the doon get out of here you punk [Music] enjoy that toilet that looks awful mad I was convinced that wouldn't happen you know why because that surely has a knock-on effect for like the rest of spider-man as we know it now and this happens in the comics I'm not too sure hi Perry Jane Watson associate editor I knew you could do it what about you find a job yet oh no but I'll be right with you honey thank you I was actually considering maybe a career change mm-hmm I think I might want to become a chef I'm sorry no it's you're a scientist a good one the last project I worked on I created a monster octopus that almost destroyed the city bear yeah I mean you do make a hell of a chicken curry I do still working on my dumplings though going camping oh now my new place isn't gonna be ready for about a week so I'm gonna be crashing with miles for the next few nights oh you know you can always stay at my place only if you want to know what I mean I mean I mean yes I mean no no I don't not want to be meaning I I do want to but only if you do I never stopped wanting to you me neither cute hey happy ending well happy-ish even the credits look cool also could we just go over the fact that miles got bitten by a radioactive spider doc ooh thinking about that could that open it to another game potentially speak well uh just yeah next gen spider-man - that would be cool but I guess so so I didn't think that was gonna be the ending at all I thought she'd be fine but then with the only that smallest amount of serum we couldn't save everyone but we could we said everyone but one which is uh which is all for what a game like what a game there hasn't been any game in the history of me doing YouTube that has made me stop and drop everything else just to play this and it I'm so glad I did and I hope you guys enjoyed it as well I think there's still more to this game as well there's way more suits to unlock which we could have done along the way but I kind of wanted to just find out what happened in this story I'm glad I did so if you guys want to see that enjoyed this leave a like that we greatly appreciate it I might do a live stream or two where we just go and grind out all the suits so I've seen a few different suits that look spectacular that I really want to try out so I'm definitely gonna do that it's just what a game what a game even though I just want to sit here on watch the end the end credits cuz even those look amazing I think end credits always go unnoticed when usually before that just the black screen and the rolling text comes up usually there's been someone that slaved away at the credits for ages and you can see that's happened here via the main reason they didn't think aren't May was going to die is because it just has a just has a massive impact a sociably character to die in the spider-man universe but speaking about that no spoilers but someone big dies in the amazing spider-man 2 film who is in this game so it's still alive so I guess they just kind of they mix it up every now and then that you could also just look at them as just separate ''tis so yeah it took me by surprise definitely oh wow FATA boom I am blown away I was by the way the first time I played this game it's not an expert or anything but I think it's in the way that you ask her into nervous Hey all right so where do you want this hey so Pete yeah I kind of got to talk to you about something I can't tell my mom about what's up well weird things have been going on like physically oh oh well you know you're at that age where where your your body starts to change and so you may be noticing some areas though for example not that things he's better that I just some I show you yeah no no no it's pretty weird right [Music] [Music] yeah number two that's coming out right look Stanley with his a traditional cameo and everything spider-man related man man I'm gonna skip this just cuz I think this is classic credits does it just pop us straight back in so that's got to be a second game has to be miles spiderbros real spider bars disappointed in originally per spider bro it's his real and I'm sure there'll be a second game it's even more oh yeah Harry as well kind of touched on him being ill Green Goblin we were so close wait that's but I'll keep trying I will find a cure it's hairy right I will I love you son yeah [Music] or they always stay after the credits always stop the credits that's second game confirmed that's pretty much it right it has to be which I am happy about cuz I can't wait to play this again on the play like a new rendition of it also I look at that view to bring like a new suit we might have done congratulations you finished the main story about the adventure continues you know change the time of day in research stations oh is that cuz different events happen at different times there might be the case got the Antioch suit is well let's have a quick look-see here so oh wait a second okay we also unlocked this which is I guess did we see that before whereas like naked spider-man you've got a hundred percent everything all backpacks we also have this to unlock this one we've got look at this though the spirit spider we to unlock that might goodness guys there's still more to this game if you enjoyed this series as much as I did please let me know by leaving a big fat thumbs up that we greatly appreciated leave a like if you were someone to see me go through and unlock all the suits maybe in a livestream or something your crime to be still with those criminals out there ready to be taken down insane guys thank you so much for watching and joining me through this series it means the world that you stuck all the way through to the end subscribe if you happen to be brand new as well to see what adventures we go on to next and for more spider-man as well and to wait until the next game comes out I'm sure that will happen and I'll see you in the next one have a good day and I'll see you soon goodbye [Music]
Channel: DanTDM
Views: 6,620,244
Rating: 4.9142542 out of 5
Keywords: dantdm, spiderman, spiderman ps4, dantdm spiderman, spiderman dantdm, thediamondminecart, minecart, no swearing, no cursing, dr trayaurus, tdm, the diamond minecart, trayaurus, grim, spiderman ending
Id: 1G3U-cAKom8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 93min 23sec (5603 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 23 2018
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