Spider-Man PS4 - All Boss Fights & DLC (No Damage) on Ultimate Difficulty

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writing your memoirs don't forget the hyphen between Spyder and man get the chopper ready I won't be long I'm surprised you made it this far but your foolishness ends now you do know I can still see you right eight years of this insolence Oh for me you shouldn't have how is this happening What's Wrong Willie you seem angry I will destroy you best shot give me an opening you're out of your depth boy [Music] you are everything that's wrong with this city huh I was gonna say the same to you you know what to do [Music] [Music] everybody dude is uselessly as you live [Music] [Music] so should we kiss now yeah maybe later finally off to Rikers huh you know I think you've got more enemies in there than I do if you think this will be more than a minor inconvenience gotta go hey good luck Willie I have a feeling you're gonna need it idiot I'm the one who kept order in this city one month not you wish you had me back hi Herman seriously what's the money for Herman a warning if we connected on an emotional level wait I forgot you don't have them talk to me so we can interesting Herman what the only entered a shocker now mr. gotcha now let's talk [Music] honestly Herman why are you robbing again you know the police are watching your every move must be desperate which means you're not just stealing for yourself must be working with someone or for someone punch it out it's your choice like zero personality but your suit is awesome can we talk design details good work spider-man did you learn anything about his motive that's ride but he's not very talkative plus I think he hates me you have that effect on a lot of people but you love me right Yuri I tolerate you Wow that might be the nicest thing you've ever said to me Herrmann long time no see hey I'm no lawyer but I'm pretty sure that's a parole violation Oh guess we're stuck in here for a while want to play 20 questions no face punch it is yeah your gauntlets are all digital now aren't they have it your way you wanna fight so we can talk science remember our first fight and who determines the ideal ratio of no one needs real damage what are you doing this Herman you come clean I can help you [Music] no don't use banks anymore you're lucky if I'm actual cash if you really want to rob banks tried a trip to the range [Music] oh come on Herman you tell me who you're working for I can help you cut a deal you know we can protect you [Music] sorry Herman brought this on yourself literally [Applause] the angry drug lord drank alone there's a poem in there somewhere you know better and me never was the literary type [Music] to connect with money lead time so flattered but the exploitation of suffering thing gives me pause to tighten out the counter drug okay but otherwise candy sweet ask take out tombstones gang I need to clear out his men before I try the counter drug [Music] [Music] [Music] you need a recommended cooker mythologist no reasonable after they eat those inhalers hey you would want to bike would you Ronnie tired someone's been skipping cardio oh she's wearing down-home clothes [Music] our drug worked time to take him down the hell was that you dose me oh you know articulate it blocking agent I don't remember the last time welcome back to the human experience Lonnie he's exhausted my tongue feels like it's my Tom supposed to feel funny find you doing good running a soup kitchen or something super suit [Music] end of the day this is what I love great fight great challenge you and I are very different people [Music] can we say you're crazy drug lord days are done please sure for now hell of a run though not quite how I described oh that's too much to hope you'll be taking it easier now that your uh you know mortal hmm not a chance threat of death just ups the thrill hell of a left hook can't wait for the rematch I can't hmm I like you we're ready for you dr. Michaels is that the devil's breath it's called gr 27 not just be careful in the wrong hands don't worry I feel better already go 3:81 package is on the move this way dr. Michaels what the hell is that [Music] welcome aboard doctor yeah sure you do [Music] [Music] Yuriy I'm in pursuit of Martin leash I think he's got dr. Michaels and the devil's breath copy that more units coming your way he took Michael's a lot so that's good to make more Devil's breath whatever International we have authorization or domestic source Oh open fire why's everyone shooting Rockets all of a sudden you need to clear the guys in the trucks before you actually hey stop shooting say well you're gonna kill someone target lock free of oil he is coming he is coming and he was destroyed all better right what's your status have you apprehended Lee working on it take this are you doing to me giving you a new perspective I must be honest I was hoping to bring you here my abilities lend me a certain persuasiveness I've been watching I was waiting for you at City Hall you never came where were you this is real we're in my mind it was a shame so many had to die no heroes to save them that officer saved her life didn't he he was here because of you and Norman wanted to use he a futile gesture and where was Norman during office slinking away like a rent he knew what was going to happen and he fled Norman is a hidden cancer on this city must be excised with no trace of his corruption to return Norman hi I will break it apart and drag him into the light put on the mask become one of us one way or the other you will join me Oh welcome to the air show you depend on board sits in his ivory tower this isn't real true strength destroy the back I won't abandon you in the darkness Martin you can come back to the light why fight for these firming [Applause] [Music] okay did they take it yes how worried should I be very you're a popular guy where's the serum I'm gone oh yeah so called super fury you think you save people but you just make it worse this is your fault my fault he was under your protection you really need two of those stop we need to brief mr. Osborn now I'll go with her thank you I'll remember this and in turn leaves our oceans and rivers cleaner than when man first warriors mr. Lee this will be easier for everyone if you remain calm and do as I say [Music] are you rock for nothing I would like to speak to Mary Osborne Polly the man he is looking for what do you want I want you at Grand Central Terminal in 30 minutes by yourself well there'll be more blood on your hands please get away finally sorry I'm late it's kind of my thing why are you doing this paying off an old debt keep my distance for now [Music] time to discuss it first she's getting tired it's gonna sound just you're sick let me help you [Music] I don't want to hurt you nothing hurt me not anymore no brakes no problem the totally worked last time Yuri we still doing construction up 40-second first [Music] [Music] next up prison if that car goes back to the lab this is Mary Jane Watson please leave a detailed message and I'll get back to you as soon as I can uh hey it's me let me know when you want to talk texting isn't talking no no no not that kind of over [Music] please say no please say no huh okay okay and not okay what is there to figure out oh you think [Music] I know you you were on my neighbor's porch for Halloween [Music] [Music] still tricks up your sleeve guess I need more data before I can fulfill my contract here's all the data I need I beat you you ran away conclusion you lose not yet you'll find other challenges around the city once I've seen what you can do we'll talk about round two I try so hard to be likable why does everyone always want to fight me okay looks like things are somewhat under control I don't you said the ramp was secure it was let's go maybe it's not as bad as it looks love the optimism but in my experience when it looks bad it's usually worse look out [Music] sure I gotcha hold on you okay yeah welcome to the park just in time the fire looks like we made bro toys electronic why is he letting everyone out I'll head for the main control center and see how bad the situation got it I'll go join the party [Music] everyone just quietly go back into your cell and lock the door behind you okay please [Music] [Music] that doesn't sound good oh hi RINO hope you like surprise spider [Music] prai's is he talking about hey what's your status me just trapped in a prison with every criminal I put away this is too good to be true scorpion can you hold on a minute I was in the middle of a phone call and it was business okay not really electro rhino and now scorpion are all on the loose what's going on in the rest of the prison okay I'll keep tracking electro [Music] come on spider-man I thought this was a chase stop this guy go easy on you nobody ever takes me up on that offer but you're not time no see we're gonna have so much sorry no time to talk now let's me okay I thought you were serious heading into the city this is nothing [Music] [Music] [Music] electro stop how do you like my new suit dashing where'd you get it exclusive instead Gilligan good idea in fact we don't have to do this at all if you don't want to definitely [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] first and final [Music] [Applause] stay out of our way each of you has a job to do your debts will be repaid when we're done go [Applause] [Music] all these years all these are lies it's over Norman time to give them the truth [Music] [Music] [Music] Yury on my way to midtown who's attacking the precincts visit Octavius know if you know my moves you know I'm gonna wreck you surprise [Music] [Music] school's out taskmaster why are you stalking me an organization hired me to see if you're worth we recruiting I'd rather be jonah Jameson's foot masseur than work for anyone who'd hire you your loss they pay sex figures guess some people just deserve to be poor six figures now this is it hello spider-man we've never been properly introduced I'm Otto Octavius there is no Icarus is there no Martin needs no assistance to secure the antiserum Icarus was a ruse to get you into position into position niall isn't so recessing to work for a man like Octavius are you okay what's happening traffic's rough listen please coming for the antiserum we need to find Devil's breath lab before he dies on it right now that's great trap failed softened him up time for Plan B that was almost heartwarming electro you really grow in prison didn't you you're up no wait tonight insect spider-man I must break you got it you got my joke I'm so happy I get almost you gotta be I liked it better when you two were lovers a figure of use the wisdom of experience applying Eric he doesn't stand a chance again hate to be the pessimist but I don't think you guys are in testing this situation not complaining should check on Sparky confidence I like it what's happening Electro's been grounded spider-man I presume if you really cared about this city you'd be helping me expose Osborn for the criminal he is but killing innocent people I would have restored the power you're sick you need help I have all the help I need and we will not stop until Norman gets what he deserves I hate it when they team up I just need to catch my breath [Music] you pick on someone your own size right now that is no one by size so what's the end for these particular means readon you know [Music] I always like this so distinct be thankful without you okay Rhino let's wrap this up never send an eight-ton infant to do a man's job let's finish this they came to Cuba so you guys can Octavia's huh you have a name yet it's scary six dozen wheeler spider-man you know I won't tell anybody leave your skull come here pouch I will teach you the throw beer parts my jaw has already absorbed that particular lesson thanks didn't I hear those at the poetry class in the raft like upstairs good do you know what Octavius will do if he finds out you fail I failed yes you freakshow [Music] the other time might help you boys learn to play nice all right Yuri that's four down just octavius and Lee left something tells me they won't be as easy they're only half our problem though Devil's breath cases are getting worse and Oscorp is being coy about an antiserum I'm worried they're seeing dollar signs in a seller's market I'd expect nothing less from our beloved mayor leave devil's breath to me one of my best people is on it open it this is the only sample no no mark I told you I'm sorry was it Fox I was trying to help ya you don't help people just won't bring your parents back [Music] why do you insist I'm trying to save this piece of junk I'm trying to save you Martin don't let revenge win fight it [Music] must be punished for too long stop now never stop nothing this isn't you fight it Martin you can walk away no Osborn must suffer I know you can beat the demon [Music] is a big deal my parents this will all be over soon [Music] I will is stronger than your see about that he's almost down [Music] oh hey I know but this is the wrong way mark [Music] useless [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] that look on your face you can't imagine how satisfying it is ready for your final act [Music] [Music] Hey Hey where's Otto gone I would not worry about him right now he needs a hospital no oh [Music] and once again we have live footage of mayor Osborne being held captive on the rooftop for power you want me to beg not gonna happen the world will know the truth before they mopped you off the pavement tell them what you did I never everything you have is built on lies you stole my company my ideas now the truth the truth okay the truth is you were only ever worth a damn when you work for me the truth is you could never accept that I'm better than you you're a failure Otto and you always will be [Music] [Music] give me the antiserum Otto you've worked your whole life to help you're fighting the wrong [Music] have it your way please turn over the antiques terribly not horn pays for his crimes you've already enough to ruin on board No [Music] I know your weakness or dying [Music] the man who wanted to help people [Music] good such a disappointment Parker you know I tried to warn you Peter but you didn't listen yeah I won't let you been this means too much to me not more than it means [Music] you'll never [Music] [Music] please think of the menu word that man is gone you can't save me eater then I guess she left the save yourself [Music] [Music] Oh you look tired pocket not tired [Music] if you want to change the world you have to be the kind of man who can make the hardest decisions I couldn't agree more [Music] [Applause] [Music] Peter I saw you as a son I should have known you've turned on me just like all the others sir I've worshipped you your mind your conscience wanting to help others the way you never gave up that's because men do like us have a duty a responsibility to use our talents in the service of others even if they don't appreciate it we have to do what's best for those beneath us what do they understand it or not no you're wrong you are everything I wanted to be you just threw it away yes of course you're right Peter oh I see that down the neural interface oh thank you my mind but I can fix it we can fix it together if you'll help me do everything I can I'll make sure you get the best out know if they put me away no take my arm I'll be trapped in this useless body [Music] please Peter that wasn't me you said you'd never abandon me you promised remember and of course your rest easy knowing your secret is safe with me you do what you think is best doc it's all any of us can either even hurts [Music] Felicia We Need to Talk oh I do miss our little chats but I've got a run yeah she's shorted out my web-shooters with an EMP guess I'm doing this the old-fashioned way come on I want to help back off if hammer heads got your son you can't do this alone why not I've done everything else alone I'm saying you don't have to why won't you trust me we worked together before answered your own question didn't you [Music] valishia why don't you come to me with this because it's not your problem it's mine and I'll handle it maybe I don't think it's a problem wait listening the gang war stay away I'm better off on my own shooters finally rebooted its women time I can help you stuff hammerheads no killing no breaking the law your way won't get it done Felisha that's your son I just need to know you see and I'll take care of it [Music] stubborn little spider I just want to talk I control all night if that's what it takes ah yes I got to play harder they get did you get history last time don't work for me stop running stop chasing me trying to find out daughter can't let her get away this time that did it now to get in close [Music] [Music] now can we talk like human beings this feels pretty human to me I know what's on those drives you're stealing look at you brawn and brains you can't give hammerhead the last Drive once he has what he wants your son will just be a loose end let me help you what are you thinking stall him give us some time to find your son I missed you dad we're back together again not like that shame okay I can probably give us a couple days max so about your son is there a chance I'm later for now let's find him and he's safe we can talk about that keep in touch spider uh MJ's gonna kill me everyone hold tight we're gonna get you out of there Tom's will be safe with the police now for mr. tall dark and flat headed nice work bug kinda spore of my big night but we'll roll with it risks of live TV you like project Olympus in action finish it up what you will playing with the dolls so that's what they're wearing and Paris this season hate to say it but brushed gunmetal is not your color I'm trying to revitalize the mob over here that takes long-term leadership now I'm long term your parts warranty may be long-term but you you're nuts I'm just a guy who knows a thing or two about PR the city don't take the Mafia seriously no more don't respect us but after they see me break you in half all that's gonna change time to bring back the glory days Oh [Music] solid steel to refresh your credit i think i'm doing an okay job at that priest you're under arrest so yeah turning yourself into a crime against nature maybe not such a good idea after all huh pal you weren't listening when I said long term old school ma she's got patience knows how to wait to just the right moment Yuri [Music] you said something about fear how do you feel now just dandy [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] feel bad for the captain but I'm glad this monsters dead [Music] who says he's dead [Music] boss [Music] [Music] hey hey come closer Nigeria no is that just a regular dare or a double dog dare yours no it would be so awesome eh - what you okay yeah [Music] long time no see who do you work for he works for Hammer hammer where is this hammer hit whoa whoa if we'd like grab a coffee and catch up like normal people by the way I love your new hovercraft Evie tell me everything you know I talk a lot better without a gun in my face you have three seconds just put the guns down one we're really gonna do this - six nine eleven t7 three sable you seem a little stressed can we do some relaxing breaths in out tell me where to find hammerhead I wish I knew but if we stop punching each other maybe we can work together together never what did I do wrong here wait have you been listening to Jameson's podcast you are supposed to be the protector of this city and yet you have allowed that hammerhead to steal all of my weapons and supplies I didn't allow anything I'm trying to stop him from stealing your stuff then you are failing secretly working with him Wow I do not know you obviously and I do not trust you you will stay out of my way or suffer the consequences stay out of your way while you do what while I find and kill Emory with that he doesn't die so easily he has not met me [Music] [Music] damn you what happened to you I thought you were a good guy I am good at what I do but I am not the guy awesome translation I guess what happened that you can thank me by not dying [Music] okay the screwball must be here somewhere unless she's faking me out again this feels like a party she'd want to attend [Music] screwball don't move just because people are watching it doesn't mean you're any better of a person [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] everybody's got drones these days [Music] [Music] [Applause] finally time to get close to finish this [Music] con me cuz I wanted you to catch me look how many followers I gate yes yeah I know who I am right of course you do officially unfollowed let's get to work so where is this bass you talked about your toys are so much cooler than mine [Music] okay that should do it you two teaming up now cute but it ain't gonna do no boys can you mix it that's it nothing hurts me no more never love it's all it's time for me to be the fourth I always gonna be now I can get in close look at me you can't kill me you're going down keep trying jeeps fail [Music] hell no respect what's it gonna take do you know what I respect that guy your nose wonder quick yeah I missed keep on coming I'll make sure the next one hits [Music] coming hurt me not even close you to cut still I gave you one shape joined like to take what's behind door number three the shield in destructor [Music] [Music] love your tech table too bad I gotta use it to space you out [Music] time to get a person wait Falls him get ready to jump [Music] [Music] huh that was fun hey you have dinner plans I know this great pizza place I must have returned to some car Yeah right you have a war to fight do not like to fight do what I have to in order to help my people I know that's what heroes do I am no hero but you have taught me a few things oh yeah like what like how to disarm my enemies with bad jokes actually they're good jokes but I understand humor can be subjective Thank You spider-man for everything I don't do hugs Yeah right of course hey can I get a lift back to the city I'd swim but it'd take forever to get the river smell out of my suit [Music]
Channel: Mat579thew
Views: 6,668,464
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: spider man ps4, all boss fights, spider man ps4 ultimate difficulty, all boss battles no damage, spider man ps4 all boss fights, spider man ps4 silver lining bosses, spider man ps4 all boss fights no damage, spider man ps4 turf wars, spider man ps4 dlc bosses, spider man ps4 kingpin boss fight, spider man ps4 rhino and scorpion no damage, spider man ps4 doc ock boss fight, spider man ps4 hammerhead fight, marvels spiderman ps4 all boss fights, mat579thew
Id: VPmiGfRxQns
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 118min 47sec (7127 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 23 2018
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