Black Cat's Heist! (Spider-Man PS4 NEW DLC)

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why hello my friends how are you doing it is time we are back and i am super excited to play the brand new spider-man dlc which to be honest i completely forgot about but hey we're here we're ready to play and it came out today it's uh it's due with spider-man and i think black cat i think that's what she's called i'm not 100 sure she's in the previous game anyway uh well in like the main game and i think it just offers more missions and stuff a little bit more stories so before you watch this make sure you watch the rest because of course there's going to be spoilers you guys have been asking for ages for me to show off my brand new suits as well so i'm going to do that to you too because we we got a lot of them we actually got a lot of them so let's hit start this is my save it is saying i it's congratulating me for finishing the main story that i'll qualify for a new game plus i'm not sure i want to do that i think i can just go in yeah there we go the heist is installed access new campaign by going in game and using the dlc menu let's do that let's do that instead so you're stoked i'm stoked too so this is one of the new suits that we unlocked i'm not sure which one we're gonna use but um it looks pretty sweet to be honest it's like a cell shaded comic book version hey guys how are you i'm super excited to be having streamed in a long time if you're watching us on youtube afterwards welcome back to spiderman i'm hyped and i hope you are too i haven't read anything about this dlc i've just i've just been excited to play it and to be honest it wasn't that expensive i thought it was going to be more expensive but also worries me at the same time because that could mean that there's not much to it anyway 66 let me show off my suit shall i so this one i got i can't remember how i unlocked this but i did i think i just straight i bought it we also got this one uh we haven't actually bought that one yet which is crazy which one's the black cat this is the black cat stakeouts one um which is the one that we haven't completed yet but she is in she is in this dlc that's like the main pull of the game i guess if that even makes sense uh what else do we have we have got ourselves oh yeah this one of course this was from completing the game this is spirit spider i think i'm gonna start off by using him there's just so many this shiny suit looks absolutely amazing we haven't actually unlocked that one yet the velocity suit iron spider this one which is one of my favorites actually the rest of the suit we haven't unlocked have i seen this one yet i haven't i don't remember seeing that one fear itself why don't i remember this one either i'm confused very confused but hey it's good we've got the stealth big time i do like this one which one should we go with first i kind of want i think i should go with this one because not everyone's going to have seen it and then the cell shaded one which one's the cell shaded one where is it oh it's right down here of course right let's grab this soup i think this skull power is the best as well dlc is what we need to go to the heist the city that never sleeps episode once there's two more apparently uh justin told me they're coming out in november and december as well so that could be cool the city never sleeps heist the heist where the felicity hearty aka black cat returns to new york spider-man's past makes trouble for peter parker's present let's hit that up switching campaigns result and losing all progress in july checkpoint that's fine i'm i'm so ready for this i'm so ready you know the suits are based on the spider-man comics and games and more yeah they're based on a lot of things uh but i'm i'm not that clued up on that stuff to be honest but hey that's fine here we go i'm gonna try and turn this up begin research notes my sources are saying the maji is mounting a comeback the old crime families were all but wiped out until fisk went away and they started filling the void the old dawns were working harmoniously for years but now that there's a power vacuum there's bound to be a power struggle it's only a matter of time before one of the families makes a move on the others better follow up with my sources in the force hopefully we can stop this crime come back before it even starts okay okay there we are what's good is there anything else you're gonna tell us hey pete i'm working on a story you might be interested in the oscorp expose new one it's about the majia crime families the mob i thought they went out with swing dancing both times they were in decline but with fisk and the demons gone lacosa nostra is making a comeback i love it when you talk dirty easy tiger so you know the feds raided the maggia last month sure well one of the dawns had this lost masterpiece painting called the maria and now they're displaying it over at manhattan mocha and and i have a source who says one of the families is planning to steal it back tonight sounds like there's more to it than just art appreciation i'll swing by the museum the sound sounds really low it should be fine for you guys i'm gonna keep uh turning it down and turning it up just so it doesn't blast your eardrums but i want to make sure that um you guys can hear it so it looks like there's some kind of old-school uh crime gang ready to come through i'm not sure how black cat is involved in that but i guess we're gonna find out i i'm gonna be super rusty at this game by the way because i haven't played it since we did the live stream for the spidey suits but i'm sure it'll be okay see we can do any collectibles on the way as well i'm not 100 sure if we if we pass any i'll just go for it and see see if we unlock any more suits i don't think i have that many there is one more that i want to grab which is for level 34. more towers to activate i think it's level 34. let me quickly check uh suits where is it where is it where is it oh wait oh wait there's new suits guys guys there's new suits uh this one ah complete the maria mission to unlock this suit complete the highest to unlock this suit complete all district activities in the heist unlock this one we got three new suits this one looks like a union jack one that's going to be cool and yeah this one unlocks at level 45 we're only three levels away so hopefully with some crime fighting today we should be able to unlock that which would be good yeah why can't i can't remember the controllers very well i'm sure i'll get them but i'm excited i hope you guys are too let's play some spider-man i don't actually know how long this is by the way so i leave a fear in one stream or two maybe i'm not expecting it to last more than that let's see what's going down over here mj looks like your source was right there's a small army of goons trying to break in stay on the line while i take a closer look just be careful if those guys are majia they play for keeps maria come on boss wants that painting we should have been in and out by now you want to try be my guest fighting dudes people do anything to avoid paying full price admission that's true uh okay we've got some got some fighting to do straight away this is good news very good news i'm gonna go on top of here i'm gonna take out this guy i think i remember how to do this get on the coffee bean and we're good right no definitely not good okay i'm starting to get into the into the swing of it already i didn't mean to focus kill you you can get out of here though well i need to remember how to do all these so this is the one where you fling him in the air when it goes red you need to get out the way whoa when i say red get out the way that's what i need to do let's finish the moves as well i am powering up my finisher moves pretty quickly though get out of here dude anyone else want some oh dude there we go sweet i'm not in my league dudes oh my goodness he just swung from you as i landed that's pretty good i like that so this is meant to be like an old gang i keep getting to dodge oh you know what you're just gonna get a finisher to the face i don't like you look at my glowing green butt as well appreciated hello i know some of these guys that's frederico frazelli and sal petrillo not salvation family right why would he want the maria it doesn't seem like his thing i'm gonna look around make sure no one got in a different way i'll let you know if i find anything i did not try and get that squirrel you didn't see anything happen search for breaches uh is this where a vent comes in huh front door is still secure better check the other entrances let's go i'm not quite sure why we're here but i guess we're about to find out is there an event though there's lots of people around the outside who it is oh there's scratch wait what scratch marks wolverine you here bro what's happening even park legally oh yeah no parking wait what's this what is this nope no one got in through here someone goes through here though they've cut a hole mj someone cut a hole in a skylight i'm gonna check it out let's do this it's all it's all coming back to me now it's all coming back to me now i'll go through super chats as much as i can guys but i do want to just focus on playing the game when i get a chance someone else slipped in through the roof looks that way no sign of anyone at all shouldn't there be guards here at night yeah maybe check the security booth near the entrance there should be cameras there too they would have seen whoever broke in guess so mj guess so right are these bones or a planet like a wooden planet security i need to talk to you please security here we go in before it's locked the security secure crazy he looks at the skull any clue about what happened to the guards will be inside is there a way to override the lock not without a guard's hand actually their hand print if you can't find the guards maybe you can lift prints from the things they touched oh really good idea always happy to blend a hand i wonder if there's a print on here spider-man's a csi now got a handprint since since when is his one looks like i'll need more since when has his suit been like a csi machine it's like the guards just vanished well i'm not sure they're doing this just vanished where can i find some more partial prints i forgot how much they talk when you're trying to talk cool identify guards wouldn't leave their stuff around like this unless they didn't leave voluntarily this is definitely my favorite um my favorite suit a hundred percent it's so different i mean it means he doesn't talk but still there's a bench there's something on here got him why could that be a print on here somewhere there we go i knew it was here somewhere okay i should have enough partials to reconstruct a handprint no bad well well well get off the get off the wall you don't have to always jump up the wall it's not always dramatic okay maybe it is look how far you just jumped don't we goodness right rewire the scanner boys oh it's one of these i should be able to reconfigure the scanner so it takes my data back import found accessing terminals this can be one of the mini games oh here we go i cut these out before i can upload my own data okay that's exactly what i was thinking um so what i normally do is get rid of these we need to get to a target of five um wait how can we do that though oh i remember now target of five we're at two so we plus five this this one's gonna need to go here so this is the bit i didn't show you we're at seven so we need a minus two which is achievable like this but can i get all the way up here though oh maybe i can maybe i can yeah i can okay sweet this one's done rotate that boom oh no what have i done wrong i need to change this no that's wrong as well oh i got ahead of myself maybe if i switch these two rounds yeah there we go switch that there boom target sometimes we have to do three though transmitting hand print now okay maybe not we're good whose handprint was it huh we will never know fine don't tell us we're in oh jeez what do you see they're alive looks like they were tranquilized no signs of a struggle definitely not hammerhead style so if not hammerhead who is there a camera feed let me check let me guess no um someone switched off camera five well that's suspicious let me turn it back on and see what they didn't want anyone looking at it's pointing at one of the paintings in the exhibit that has to be the maria and no one's stolen it yet i need to see this up close figure out what's so special about it okay so i think black cat has a reputation for like stealing things i'm not 100 sure but i'm fairly sure let's find out anyway no flip the spidey is a brilliant example of modern pastoral impressionism the saga of its repeated theft and recovery are almost as intriguing as the artwork itself looks like a pretty normal painting to me it is there's way more valuable stuff in that museum so why is the magia so worked up about this painting hang on mj someone's coming uh okay we're in trouble that was pretty cool not gonna lie way to make an entrance guys keep an eye out spider-man can still be here what is that i thought that was a sword i thought it was a sword we're okay we're okay gotta lock behind security glass hey tell frank we're gonna need to break out the big guns so they want the uh they won that painting this is the mission that um the new suit unlocks hammerheads guys called in reinforcements they haven't spotted me yet good try to keep it that way i mean i'm gonna try i can't make no promises but i'm gonna try well they're gonna see me aren't they let's just get this guy out the way because he's one of them brutes and i don't want to deal with those i remember those i haven't played for a while but i definitely remember those you wanna you wanna bench huh take the bench take the bench no get get off the moon [Laughter] what just happened my guy just went through the the big old moon that was unfortunate wasn't it i don't know who your boss is sorry oh that was sick i'm learning okay here's one of the brutes i need to be careful of this guy cops will be here any minute no no no steal it come on grab what you can and great now they're looting the other art gotta stop them before they make it out oh spice the way they came in wait so the way they came in as in like the roof or with the cars i guess we're about to find out let's do this you forget he's getting away where is he where is he where is he oh he's down there get him no oh he got away i didn't realize he was going that way i thought he was going to go to the roof mr bell mr fail it gives me a chance to quickly catch up on super chats it's your boy adam why you gotta be so rude freddie hill nico taurus plays thank you guys appreciate it where is this guy hiding i kind of need to get like as many people out the way as possible because they're going to be annoying where is he see this way surprise next time try the gift shop yeah i don't think so we're gonna have to stop loads of people from stealing stuff yeah we are we need you to disappear please thank you it's hard to maneuver around here there he is no got him there's a brute there i do not want to challenge that brute wait is he upstairs okay upstairs is fine don't mind that so much oh the aerial finisher as well let's go no wait he's going this way is he coming up this way hello sir where you going with that huh i don't think so i send you a poster of that piece for your prison sound yeah you guys are going straight to prison just saying it's so much easier throwing them in the air look at that see what i mean i can't let them escape oh i just hit him with a gun oh it's like red now no oh my goodness oh no he's shooting me shooting me shoot me stop that instantly i need to finish this guy because he is a brute okay this is actually it's actually pretty difficult more difficult than it looks anyway so when they get red they're almost at the end think so this is so sick i like this where's the other one he's over here somewhere you guys are really bad at this we got you where they will go huh what are they doing they're all running past me you guys are dumb oh my goodness flew straight into someone else i need to get all these guys out of the way they're super annoying you're trying to steal that art it's too slow where's the other guy where's the other guy there he is i've forgotten like the choices i forgot the moves where you can kind of drag things oh my goodness i forgot about that get smacked buddy how many more people want to come at me huh anymore anymore where are you i know you're up there oh there you are i don't think so i think that's everyone everyone's destroyed so quiet now my goodness that was powerful i think i got them all a lot of heart to put back though what about the maria this could have all been a distraction my thoughts exactly i'll head back there hopefully the glass was thick enough we got this so are we good is someone just gonna turn up though i feel like they are i don't want to steal this paint in myself and bulletproof nobody's getting near the maria anytime soon mission accomplished then i hope so yeah i didn't think so i told you i told you i'm gonna have to call you right back why what's going on you're good there she is black cat been working out no i'm i mean i've lost a lot of skin on my face so you swinging solo now you're back with your ex that's a lot of questions i'm just curious yeah i hear that's bad for cats how about you tell me why you're really here i was just waiting for the right moment look behind you oh my goodness why with the rockets every time every time my goodness great fantastic this is this is this is perfect right i'm using my spirit fire this is perfect oh did you just get me oh my goodness i'm gonna die i'm out i'm so dead she set me up proper i need to concentrate this is insane right i'm gonna have to do as many aerial attacks as possible to get some health back and avoid those guys because they're just brutal yeah i don't know i just want to get these guys out of the way they've got the rocket launchers whoa sir no way you just know please is he up there why are you doing this to me are you over there you are over there come here come here right now i can't get it i can't get down from here there he is what are you saying a little bit safer up here don't touch me with a bazooka ever again all right where's everyone else are you kidding me spider-man what are you doing you're not locking on oh man i'm a little bit worried i can drag those off that's good i think i split them up as well we good nice i don't have enough to take down the brute yet i like that she thinks i'm handsome even though i've got like skull for a face that's how you know you are someone special oh my goodness no no no that's what i needed brute come here come here whoa this is intense i need to get out of here as soon as possible that'll do no i didn't realize he had the rocket launcher straight away what okay i need to be way careful way more careful he says as he almost gets killed straight away i had a bad start last time you know whoa no don't pick on this guy click on this guy that's the stuff there's so many people i need to take this oh my goodness let me take the boot down as quickly as possible just so i can use them to get my uh get my health back up i need to use the focus for that yeah i was taking out those rockets you're gonna get some boy i used to make sure that i'm healing at the same time i should probably be using my gadgets as well so people just keep sneaking in with the rockets including you i see you oh goodness that guy got absolutely wrecked is this a brute i need the brutes come here come here slow coach you ain't getting my head my skele bone head that's why he's jealous isn't he i love that i can throw these rockets though well that was close it's the rockets as long as i don't get smashed by the rockets i'm good i don't think so i'm proper concentrating can you tell i couldn't get that one in time hello sir i'm just gonna run towards you is that okay oh he died yeah you can get out of here too oh i wanted to throw that up to this guy i think i'm good this time last time i just got hit by way too many rockets what can i pick up i want to hit this guy i need to remember how to get the one where you can fly towards them because i've completely forgotten is that everyone we good we good this time don't worry i like your new tricks and i'm tired of your old ones weren't you gonna stop stealing art who said i'm here for the art what are you doing [Music] oh no oh no you have to save the bad guys as well yeah this game is so cool right it's so cool i had to save the bad guys peter is everything okay sorry mj i just uh ran into an old friend who trouble so yeah black cat has a thing for stealing things well i'll upload this yeah i'll play the story use the trip mines i probably should i need to i need to look up the controls again because i'm using the same combos and getting destroyed um jane moldy cheese nice name captain skull toffee boy you have 100 done already that's insane good job buddy galaxy samantha mk games it's your boy uh soul takers i told you to call me sue toffee boy it's turbo kyle thank you guys she was working with hammerheads guys yeah she was probably watching me the whole time i was in there just tell me you didn't let her get away with the maria she didn't good she smashed it and stole a data drive hidden in the frame what sorry so what do you think was on that drive good question i'll start asking around and i guess i'll start following cat prints awkward bit awkward how's the sound for you guys by the way hope it's good i'm kind of like trying to make the audio a little bit i'm loud a few we got new suit what is it it's this one let's see what it looks like oh it doesn't look as good as it does in the thumbnail and the thumbnail looks black but that's kind of like it's very similar to another one it's very similar to this it's okay it's okay i'm not a massive fan of it oh we can use it now anyway let's go i'm gonna use it anyway we don't actually have to unlock it okay it's kind of cool i'm not gonna lie reports of an explosion in the vicinity of let's go so we gotta do the next mission now can we fast travel anywhere nearby well we're done nine percent already i don't know how many missions there are gonna be it's gonna fast travel to here get a look at this new suit on the old um sounds good good why didn't i upload the new game suit stream cause you could see it now i was gonna play the dlc anyway look how cool that suit is i like it actually now that i've seen it close up i actually like it the suit power there isn't a suit power for this one unfortunately explosion but the skull power is really good what's going on she's a cat just get a dog which family set it up this time hammerhead again probably might be more nearby or spiderman comes under things time to go small wait what bots wait we have to be we get to be a spy look at that stick spider bot what's good all right little buddy butt spider butt does whatever a spider bot does dear son bombs every day oh it's got like a tracker where you at where you at look out is that a little rat it is i don't want this to explode though spider bottle see the bomb trigger where is it where is it i can hear it wait is it it's here somewhere where is it it's gonna explode it's going to explode frequency when one's nearby oh maybe there isn't one nearby no it says it is oh it's inside this one's disabled gotcha time to find the rest how many are there though bro how cool is this though i love that they've added like new stuff in like brand new stuff you haven't done before hey squirrel what's good buddy i got important job to do just one left one left okay we're good what happens if you run into people hello hello how are you wait what just happened she disappeared on me where's this one going to be it's around here somewhere is it you have you got the bomb huh do you see that squirrel oh it's down here i see it the squirrel like flew through the air onto the tree that was dope i like that it's on a mission better keep a lookout for more of these around the city that was very cool new maggio crime's now unlocked okay so that's like the uh that's like marvin lee's men and stuff trouble with arson that was sweet i love being spider-bot can i be spiderbot again i guess i can with all the missions and stuff right what missions are they oh they're just are they just in this area maybe they just appear every now and then hello spiderman sure things see in a few i can do rooftops keep me busy while i wait to hear from mj that music okay this is like crazy it's not black cat's style to work with guys like hammerhead hope mj can find out the story behind that data drive let's hope so i bet there's just like uh cat pictures on it right you know like piano cat and stuff secret videos simon's cat maybe who knows some kind of cat videos that's my theory for now to the roof i'm too low i'm too low over here nice backflip spiderman that's not what we need to do right now detective i presume hello friends i want to talk to you about the black cat i played the fifth not the new cat the old one 20 years ago i worked the case black cat is a copycat oh what happened to the original he died in prison but we never found all the paintings he stole i've got a new lead but the department doesn't want to waste resources on an old case wasting resources is kind of my specialty yeah great head to this location i'll fill you in on the way okay that's kind of cool get the cries the building loose we gotta find like stolen stuff this is my kind of jam i like this case is my biggest loose end so i went through the files the evil one last shot the old cat preferred to steal art but right before he got busted he hit a smoke detector battery smoke detectors that's random not really he stole the americium 241 inside him we thought he had a buyer for the radio isotopes but i was watching a movie the other night and saw something that gave me an idea what if he tagged the paintings he stole with those isotopes in order to help him find them once he got out what were you watching wait don't tell me spoilers so i was thinking if we tracked the isotope we could find the stolen paintings i have a scintillation counter in my suit that should do it yeah i'll call you if i find anything thank you spiderman is that like the stuff we use i could retire in peace so the stuff that we used to sniff out all the pollution and stuff last time because that was pretty cool wait which building is this the empire state i think i'm close to one of those stolen paintings it's up here somewhere or maybe it's not up here somewhere whoa look at this city though oh how cool does that look so cool it's down here somewhere maybe down here ah these like more side missions okay i can dig this i like it detective i found a stolen painting it was hidden in a fake power box i did not mean to do that yes i knew it leave it there i'll have someone pick it up in the meantime i'll send you some other locations we know harley's frequented sounds good wait did you see hardy the original cat's name was walter hardy i'll pull his files and have more details next time we talk cool so we got more collectibles people love collectibles campaign progress is 13 now so there's not just the original black cat felicia hardy the black cat that i know this appears to be a family business it certainly does okay that makes sense but yeah it's not just new missions there's new side missions as well i like that because like i said it wasn't that expensive the police scanner just recorded an active shootout around hudson and north moore isn't that area controlled by the magia yeah whatever black cat stole it might have just triggered a gang another one i'm on my way to check it out we had gang wars last time so here's what i got nobody knows what was on that drive in the maria painting the word is hammerhead now has the drive and the magia family are freaked out about it must have been pretty valuable if it made a notorious art keep ignore art i wonder why she's working for hammerhead she usually flies solo who knows i stopped trying to figure out felicia a long time ago felicia huh you guys on a first name basis now oh you jealous i mean you know i guess maybe well let's just keep each other in the loop okay nice flip spidey i saw that why does everything trigger a gang war huh every single time how much is it i think it was like seven pounds which i think is like it's close to ten dollars i think i'm pretty sure is that gang what they were talking about before someone gets killed what gadgets can i use i kind of like the web bomb here yeah that's good i love how they're right next to me but they still don't shoot me it's great easy mode guys okay what did i just say easy mode got them all look at that suit though it shines at night hope it's those new slippers i ordered definitely not this dude student playing fortnite i refuse to sign for this package how am i gonna destroy this guy okay that'll do get out of here dude well that was easy enough thank goodness i had the focus bar already all right you can get out of here i'm stuck behind a parking sign that's not good i want to use spider drone again what was it called is it called spider drone or like the mini spider whatever it was it was super cool we good here now i wish spider-man could emote like do do the floss oh you're right there oh geez i thought we were done i was talking about flossing look at that easy you can get everyone there's one left who you ain't going away that easy bro tell me the info you good all right all right all right i give up do i get time off if i talk you won't if you don't oh did the white head chick she told us to come down here make some noise oh suckerbait and i'm the sucker where'd you meet her oh waverly he's so scared it's a distraction the whole shootout was a distraction black cats set it up to draw police away from waverly street one of the other magia families this is rose i think maybe i can still catch her felicia takes her time she's nothing if not methodical is she now uh i'll keep you posted don't get jealous come on now bodega all right felicia where are you fen we need to vent oh they're her cat scratches i thought it was wolverine my bad my bad you have the same mo what was this cat poop no no it's no tattoo rooftop asphalt looks like i'm going up we knew that anyway let's go dude you good i love this there's her stakeout gear oh there it is what were you looking at felicia something shiny gotcha oh there she is she's right there so those stakeouts you can actually um you can actually find just to unlock the black cat suit but we haven't done that yet oh my goodness you made me jump oh hey spider felicia the magi are no joke you shouldn't be playing with them oh but i like to play spiderman he's working with the cat it wasn't me it wasn't me i swear spiderman oh no oh no what did he just do i can't even see hammerhead or any other crime family ouch okay i need to just calm down a second okay stop stop that i need to get this guy there we go this mini gun is insane and it's so heavy you can get cracked by it where'd too these guys come from man oh i'm get destroyed i just need to make sure i do as many aerial attacks as possible just to you know clear these guys out and heal up is this a brute i think it is okay where's that brute at huh there he is gotcha i love how they all stand back after i do something crazy they're like okay uh who's gonna take him this time whoa what happened there no i can't see i'm in a tree the tree is even against me you can get out of here you can get out of it too anyone else was fun and where is felicia see imagine him emoting right now like uh orange justice or something that'd be great greenhouse i like watching you reminds me of old times what's on that drive not entirely sure to be honest then why are you stealing it if i don't they'll kill my son whoa so someone's using her because they've got her son hostage damn it felicia has a son it can't be i mean it could be and i could be no no no no oh my goodness imagine if it was spider-man and black cat together so each family has a drive i wonder what's on him did you learn anything else uh well not much you lied sounds like she's helping hammerhead make a power play on the other crime families which could end badly for everyone the last thing the city needs is a gang war i'll let you know if i turn up any info on those drives he lied he's straight up lied right i want to check i might change the suits it doesn't look as cool at night so i'm going to go back to the skull suit we have gadget upgrades whenever we use them that much we have skills seven points uh press square and hold triangle to grab and throw any enemy in a direction uh after leaping off an enemy for air combat press x to explode okay we might do that you know what let's do this let's do this and then this one ground strike has a larger blast i don't really use ground strike do i what do we got here increases perch take down range stealth generates more focus we're almost at like max for these surprise attack upgrades web strike down so that nearby enemies are knocked back i'm just gonna buy this one oh it looks so much better oh no it's you wait a minute screwball uh don't tell me you're out of jail i sure am and i brought some of my fans with me why aren't they just the cutest they're helping me set up for my new show in fact i'd love for you to swing by what's that youtuber better get over there and check it out in spider-man's universe in in the good old uh city of new york that it is in this um in this game it's very easy to break out of prison like scarily easy to break out of prison and i'm not sure why but hey you know what it gives spider-man more things to do even if it is going after crazed youtubers who want views because she literally in the previous game she did do this four views that's what she was saying i feel back in the swing of it now guys let's do this well done thank you is this recorded yeah well it will be don't worry oh yeah spider boy i forgot about him screw balls fans back behind you guys this should be obvious but working with someone named screwball wait not the best idea what is what are they wearing are they just outfits they better be that guy kind of like blue skin as well oh my goodness you're getting absolutely wrecked guys you good oh my goodness look he's got red skin i've gone from youtubers having colorful hair to colorful skin changed screwball's getting others to do her dirty work there's a um oh that's kind of cool i am screwball or skull ranger who knows what is this can i be on the youtube video now is that what happens perfect way to kick off my brand new show starring yeah what are you gonna say scott she's got two million my followers will get angry and people will die i just love reality shows don't you there's a youtuber supervillain she had 2.7 million followers so don't screw up wow get challenge tokens so they're adding new stuff like that as well i kind of want to i kind of want to try one should we try one just for now let's do it i want to be uh i want to be on stream know what an emp emitter is 27 000 people watching as well if you don't disable them they'll knock out power across the city oh and if you don't disable them in the right order yeah i'd be uh we got him hurry but she's using a binary signal repeater of course i can piggyback on it to visualize the right path so convenient there's drones as well she's got like the proper livestream setup going on you know follow the signal trail to disable the emp's in the right order how do i i think my webs will disable them like that i'm trying to see if there's anything i missed just then i don't want to miss none use photobomb targets to earn bonus points the most points by perfectly time your photobomb when screwball's omg meter is full what is this bro what is this press l2 and r2 to activate this photo on target oh my goodness what is happening maximize your bonus points by pressing r1 when screwball's omg meter is full okay gotcha we got the booty shot [Music] she liked it we're good that was so got weird gotta keep moving where's the next one okay there's one down here oh there's loads okay did i get that one too yeah probably shouldn't get too close i messed that up there was a photo bomb thing around here i wanna i wanna try again there it is there it is we got it oh that was sick wait where's the next one of these how many are left oh there's six but we need to do the omg things because they're kind of fun i think my website and he's still getting so close to to my them what the youtuber challenge where's the next one oh it's over there oh we've got 20 seconds we've got no time to do an omg challenge i can't believe there's a super villain that is a youtuber got him we only got one but we got some good omg points that was kind of [Music] like fun what hey peter i might have found black cat's next target thank goodness really how because according to police dispatch there was just a burglary match in her mo i'm sending you the location hey if you find her don't let her play you again yeah i'll be on guard yeah come on spidey i don't know she just seems to bring bad luck wherever she goes black cat brings bad luck that's a little on the nose pete don't get don't get just don't get left behind this time peter come on sort yourself out buddy i'll catch up on super chats by the way guys after this mission i've got a lot soul takers jetpack tsm tyler orion bomb man glowing arrow kira francesca samurai nico uh taylor thank you guys appreciate it cops have blocked off the whole street if i can pick up the cat's trail maybe i can catch up to her looks like the security guard was hurt maybe the emt can tell me what happened whoa okay spider-man calm down you don't want to scare everyone spider-man uh i heard someone stole a rare book or something is the guard gonna be okay pretty bad case of photocaretitis basically a flashburn of his corneas but he'll recover i need to check the alley if felicia did this i've got to find her scan for clues it won't be this alley it'll be this alley spider-man you're going down the wrong one buddy a clue i keep pressing number one x even looks like it's volume two of a set where's volume one who knows there's a high-end pawn shop owned by the macho family around here felicia already took two data drives from other families did she just take a third there have to be more clues around here what's with all these dia drives probably would burn that guard's eyes if i analyze the residue i can track her it's science time watch out guys it's science time oh this one looks complicated no okay that one can go there and this one can go [Music] here what why did that just why does that just beep at me i think this one goes here this one was easy wait i haven't done it yet um this boom i could do science i can do science aluminium potassium perchlorate there's the trail let's see how am i doing i'm doing good how are you having a hard time focusing i can't be a dad technically i can be but bro that would be funny i need to tell mj she'll know what to do but how am i gonna tell her i should do it in person no if i do it in person it'll seem like it's a definite thing when it is not a definite thing looks like a member of the machio crime family hello you i like your shoes oh great i didn't do this here comes some of his brothers i did not do this i swear to you i want to i'm going to web on you thought like i told the cicero guys i do not work for hammerhead and i'm kind of insulted that you would even think that it's like a mafia kind of thing going on i just wanted to ask you a question all right busters the web bomb is so good by the way better get back on the trail probably should let's go those guys aren't gonna be any help whatsoever what is he sniffing though is he sniffing he's like a sniffer dog just a straight up sniffer dog yeah the suits are sick aren't they mj sending you a pic of a plate i need you to run got it i'll let you know what i find you get it the hell where's the drive she said she wanted to deliver to hammerhead personally didn't i tell you to get the drive oh yeah but she gave the other ones to him so i just figured so i tell you to do something and you don't do it now you know what happens next uh-oh wait wait wait wait wait wait wait okay i dig that i don't like this though why do i get in all of these situations by the way playing this game makes me even more excited so i'm going to new york in literally like less than a week i'm so excited trash bag for you i love how the trash bags do like um insane amount of damage oh there's a brute there's two brutes get out of my face i need to make sure i've got enough that's not the way i'm going to do it that's better coming in brute let's let's take it to the take to the streets face to the streets did he have a spider-man tattoo hold up he had a spider-man tattoo did you see 100 added spider-man tattoo he had like a spider web on his head great dear fellas it's probably overdue yeah i love how he walks away just with the skull just like beaming like a big smile amazing what level are we on by the way i don't think we went up a level yet have we got another day to drive oh we did and there's something else uh-oh there's this thing probably not a big thing but it could be a thing a little here we go it's going to be open it's kind of up that doesn't include the word thing okay the reason felicia's working for hammerhead is because he took her son i didn't know she had a son well certainly sounds like something hammerhead would do there's this other thing you know that she and i dated for a while yeah so oh yeah oh are you serious i mean i don't know for sure but it's possible ew i need to hang up now okay then she'll call back when she cools off right i mean it was pretty awkward bro you probably find out first and then sort it out but try to clear my head i'm not sure that was the best approach spidey oh yeah we got paintings to find as well right i think we're close to another suit which is the final unlock 45 so if we do a couple more missions we should be good i'm pretty sure we've already done 35 percent of the highest missions as well it's kind of surprising actually what else do we need to unlock more suits uh i want this one that's 100 of everything that'd be so funny everyone goes down in one wait what equalize everyone goes down in one hit including you that's an amazing one so you could do you could one punch everyone but everyone can one punch you i like that that's kind of cool uh what one should we wear let's wear this for now actually i still like the i still like the skull one it's so impressive especially on the night missions well i just need to wait for another mission now but i need to find some stuff on the way let's go and get another painting we could do a challenge a youtuber challenge actually i think i'm close to one of those stolen paintings where is it gonna be straight ahead of you buddy and then we'll do another one of those something here then we'll do one of the youtuber challenges [Music] wait it's not up here hi peter miles i was wondering uh wait is this a bad time no it's fine what's up oh uh nothing i mean yeah wait are you doing spiderman stuff right now a little bit yeah really like what specifically you mean what am i doing right now at this moment yeah unless you think that's like creepy or weird or something what is this yeah yeah it probably is i bet i sound like a stalker or something miles it's okay what did you want to talk about nothing nothing i'm sorry it can wait i'll call you back later what is this why am i following i'm like harry potter chasing the snitch right now oh it was the painting weird i found another stolen painting good work we could close a whole bunch of files before we're done how'd hardy die anyway escape attempt from rikers he drowned trying to swim to shore whoops it's like alcatraz and who knows maybe this will help you bust the new black cat right which is of course my goal gotta go bye goodbye oh i can read out some super chats actually i need to um i'm not quite sure how i'm gonna do this at the same time let's find a point to just chill out i need to wait for the next missions let me just quickly bust out some super chats uh pro gamer francesca lame uh jamila your three-year-old daughter loves the minecraft videos how funny thank you say hi to your daughter for me uh leland adam lame again no problem uh janie leland adam alex swag galactic star to denver two years ago oh yeah i remember you 100 thanks for stopping by still appreciate it boss official roaring lion boy taylor santos and diamond dudes thank you guys appreciate you being here if you're brand new leave a like subscribe all that good stuff uh i don't know how many more missions there's going to be but i want to find some more of those youtube challenges there's one right here uh let's go to it right now because i'm kind of intrigued by this whole idea of a youtuber's supervillain is um does anyone who knows like the marvel universe does anyone know if screwball is like a character normally or is it just for this game oh no she's back mj no first things first head to this address it's the last known address of the costa family safe house if my source is right they have the final data drive mk listen no you listen i i kind of overreacted the last time we talked not at all you reacted exactly how i would we weren't together at the time and it's not like i didn't date other people right wait you dated people like like plural the point is we're adults and there's a kid in danger so let's get to saving him i don't deserve you she's in the show that's kind of cool okay so i think i know what's on those drives years ago the families agreed to a joint accounting database in order to keep the peace put all their assets in one place and require all five data drives to access it so hammerhead steals black cat's son and then forces her to steal the drive so he can steal the assets from the other families hammerhead's trying to get rich quick and bankrupt the other families in the process we have to find that last drive before he does i'm on it i'm wanting it i'm on it okay cool so they're basically holding a lot of information on the uh a lot of information on the drives because they can use the blackmail i'm gonna do this challenge real quick because i want to vip that's cool that she's in the comics though because they've kind of tapped into like the online world it's kind of cool if they find one they'll give a chance i don't want to find out better send them back to prison where they belong i mean that's where all trolls live right in prison defeat our enemies before the timer runs out is there gonna be omg moments though i keep forgetting you can throw those in the air yes oh what's a picture so we have to defeat them in the highlighted area to get extra points [Music] this is my favorite spider-man game so far dude we're trending let's go number one on trending the youtube trending page is actually working come down here boys that's right that's gotta be a big one that's a terrible photo yeah this is my favorite bit of the um the spider-man game so far where am i going spider-man chill out oh we got a new zone she's not actually gaining any followers does anyone want to tell her what was that guy doing oh my goodness there's so many people i'm a little bit worried is a lot of people let's go that's so weird that she's saying that whoa okay i think this is the highlighted area right there we go so many omg's look how many we're getting we're getting that insane score on this oh no there's a whip there's a whip okay i'm gonna have to try and take this guy down can i take this guy down oh there we go i don't like the whips i can't remember how to deal with them [Music] she ain't getting no followers you got the same amount of subs is she on twitch she on youtube saw my subscribers i don't think she knows what she's doing guys and we're her main like we're our main focal point come over here dude okay you can throw mines but i'll throw them straight back at you i'll kill you no please don't my viewers are loving this i didn't let me do it this time whoa i panicked how do i finish these guys i completely forgot what what are you doing red voldemort what are you doing are you okay oh jeez okay yeah he's good he's good he's not good anymore is that everyone so close to perfection oh we almost got the max that was sick though i like that thank you how many subs did you get from that huh do i get a cut i better do right can we fast travel this yeah we can fast travel this let's go [Music] let's quickly go here that was cool though do you guys like that i love the screwball stuff uh the boring dudes nitro and panda gaming and the boring dude again thank you guys appreciate it let's skull spider-man just casually talking to a fake i like that right here we go so now we're going to investigate the last drive i don't know if that hints towards it can't be near the end of the dlc already for the missions but again it wasn't massively expensive which i do appreciate i think that's a big thing to that's a big thing to know some dlc's are like super expensive but how you guys liking it so far you liking him i'm so glad we got one of these every month as well until december let's see what happens my goodness spidey poser breadcrumbs and breadcrumbs what are you talking about you have this game it's very very good if you don't have this game it's definitely worth checking out i'm a youtuber being filmed by youtube that's so true felicia we need to talk oh i do miss our little chat already but i've gotta run spice that was embarrassing guess i'm doing this the old-fashioned way no oh okay i thought i was gonna have to fight people then back off if hammerheads got your son you can't do this alone why not i've done everything else alone yeah we can help you you don't have to everyone's just watching like what is happening you know what you're doing man why won't you trust me we worked together before answered your own question didn't you farmer's market oh no what's happening why didn't you come to me with this oh sorry guys it's mine and i'll handle it maybe i don't think it's a problem wait unless you mean the gang war because that's definitely a problem oh my gosh that scared me that legit scared me i don't think so all right if that was a legit grenade she just um she just uh she just killed spider-man that'll be legit this is not a good idea shooter's finally rebooted it's whipping time i can help you stop hammerhead how do i do this no killing no breaking the law your way won't get it done oh i don't think this is the best way no that's not good and i'll take care of him whoa oh my gosh i just want to talk i think i just do it this way still with me i could go all night if that's what it takes oh my goodness that one's turned out really badly it's like the underground in london as well guess i gotta play harder to get i need to get closer wait what she's got last time don't look for me i can see you she's got spider webs did you see that she's copying me she's a copycat as well wait what did she just do she is like elusive she's dropping emp grenades that's the problem are these fire escapes they're messing me up come on come on come on come on what did that say i wanted to take her down oh she's easy hey stop running oh i need to spam them i'm not chasing you okay i might be chasing you i know she's gonna get away she's so agile i can barely keep track that's what i'm trying to do spider-man here we go here we go gotcha okay careful she is a lady be careful please spidey look at that butt now can we talk like human beings this feels pretty human to me she's agile know what's on those drives you're stealing look at you brawn and brains you can't give hammerhead the last drive once he has what he wants your son will just be a loose end let me help you what are you thinking stall him give us some time to find your son i missed you glad we're back together again not like that shane okay i can probably give us a couple days max [Music] so about your son is there a chance i'm later for now let's find him when he's safe we can talk about that keep in touch spider i'm a skelebone [Music] mj's gonna kill me there's no way he's just paranoid it's okay dude don't worry but yeah she's always gonna kill you because you're always doing crazy stuff buddy yeah she's gonna stall hammerhead while we all try to find her son did she tell you if you're she didn't say of course she didn't are you sure she's not just plain 100 she wouldn't be working for someone like hammerhead unless she had to okay well i'm gonna run that plate number you sent me i'll let you know where it leads oh that's how i do the spins i was just trying to work it out let's go right we gotta wait for another mission time for a pick-me-up wait what eddie's pizza yeah let's go spider-man spidey you sound hungry you know it can i get the usual extra pepperoni i'm on it you want rooftop delivery yes please same rooftop as last time give me a few i'll let you know when it's ready yo spiderman just ordered a pizza that's kind of cool well i'm waiting on eddie let me head out into the city and see what's what he's actually ordered a pizza that's so cool right i think we're actually fairly close to getting all our skills we need one more skill point which is one more level and then we're at max level i would assume we're at max level anyway um what can we do i feel like if we go to do something let's go and get this tower but like if we go to do something the mission is just going to come up or the piece is going to be ready whichever one comes first i kind of don't mind at this point i like imagine being spider-man's pizza like guy it's almost like a spawn on youtube spider-man sponsored by i've been to the place in the first spider-man film in new york i've been there justin took us there let's quickly do this what are you talking about i'm not doing anything don't look who was talking to me he was talking to me huh what's up dude what are you on huh oh these guys i think i've talked to them before haven't i oh can i fast travel to these now oh i definitely need to look at more of these uh yeah let's quickly go we've actually almost done half already i guess i could oh we'll see we'll see i want to try and 100 this game i don't know how far we are 400 percent in it though hi miles just calling you back what was it you wanted to ask before whoa he's got a voice it's no big deal or anything i know you're super buzzy i mean it's no big deal or anything i know you're super busy i was just wondering if there might be some time we could you know start training that was weird training yeah maybe just the basic stuff like swinging from a skyscraper or swinging from a low building or tree miles you're 15. you need to focus on school that's way more important than being spider-man if i finish all my homework early and you've got some free time one day i mean you started when you were 15 right and i nearly got myself killed at least 100 different times i can't let that happen to you okay yeah i get it talk to you later talk to you later what am i gonna do with that kid man that's cool isn't there a new film coming out soon i saw the music video for one of the tracks recently there's a new spider-man film coming out where there's two and you guys at the end of the last um the last episode of spider-man ps4 you guys were saying how um that's the film it's just them i'm excited to see it it's like the it's like a comic book style it looks so cool have you guys seen it all right let's go i just want to do another one of these waiting for this next mission to pop up so once if i do want 100 the game this is the way i'm gonna have to do it by unlocking all these so i know where everything is and i kind of want to find out what those youtuber missions are to be honest you love this game yeah this has been my favorite game for years to be honest it's so much fun like even to just casually play it's like got difficulty to it i think we've died twice so far no maybe once actually it's got difficulty to it but it's also like really doable and if you're if you remember the controls right we've been hit before this is oddss corp that was where the finale was all right your pie is ready oh i'm ready wait already dude if spider-man had social media how many followers would he have it'd be a lot right you could follow your favorite superhero that'd be cool hello it's good thanks max appreciate it buddy all right well there's loads it's hips and super chats the skull is still my favorite so far uh ugandan knuckles thanks for the 25 buddy appreciate it control uganda knuckles for again dogeworld uganda knuckles again all right pugs are the best thanks you're a life saver mayhem kids dogeworld and the chaos can you give us a shout out on the social media hey he's already asked for the social media shout out don't be desperate buddy all right let's get this pizza let's see what it's like better be good we haven't seen spider-man eat at all you know get that pizza let's go and the chaos thank you so much for becoming a member appreciate it and also dogeworld as well i need to work on some uh some perks for you guys all right let's watch spiderman eat a pizza better be good i love you but now i must destroy you this is to be able to get it to go to daytime i think it is i'm pretty sure it is great stream it's it's an interesting game right oh it doesn't go today i thought it was going to hey i followed up on that license oh it's registered to a storage company owned by one of hammerhead's old friends i'm there now give me a few minutes i'll be there as soon as i can in the meantime i'll just take a quick look around every time every time first things first look around see if the boy is being held here and if he is get him out safely let's do it what do i do if the kid looks like peter yeah stop i'm sorry that's not funny all right looks like we're going stealth mode you know how i feel about these stealth missions i'm not too good at them but um if needs must i have to become nj i have to channel mj and just become her this guy looks like he needs a nap okay stun gun let's get it zap that's so sick is that sheets of counterfeit bills oh yeah hammerhead's got a new hobby just chilling on the side of the street anyone could have picked those up wow you know about my sciatica yo mikey help me out will ya i want to zap this dude he's got a terminal case of being a wuss stop what is that i want to zap you i wanted to zap you no i told you i'm not very good at this i'm not very good at these uh stealth missions i think i need to knock the toolbox over i forgot how to do it but i'm good i'm back don't leave me yet somebody there oh there's somebody there i don't know [Music] further no hey who the hell are you i'm so bad at this so bad emily mcclure i see you there what's going on says maria um i'm trying to sneak around these guys black cat is actually if you if you want to find out what happens you can go backwards through the stream can i push it this way yeah i think that's better don't come this way i want to zap you bro i don't think i can zap you actually oh no oh no oh that's a lot of cash looks counterfeit good shot gotcha no sign of the boy here weird is the idea no no no that is to me wait how do i get past these guys maybe i throw a lure over the other side i'm terrible at this skin looks super cool yeah i know it's good isn't it not the mj one though nope why did you just do that i've taken a picture of this already i think it reset that's good oh this way i was looking for the magic tunnel with this one i might actually be able to zap him in perfect you okay down there of course smacked um a picture of that guy might help build a case if this goes south i'll see if my contacts on the force can positively id why was someone why did you not put it on silence oh i thought that was mj's first work no more no more slack golden opportunity mj is this could so to their distribution center well this is going to end badly right is it free no it's not free it's about 10 i think the cost of family is causing trouble acting like they want to go to war i got to have a sit down see what we do about this we're on high alert you see anyone don't take any chances take them out okay that's me um that's no good okay got all the shipping company data which will hopefully tell us where they're keeping or seeing i'll go through here i'll look through it later nope definitely can't go through here get out of here quietly right how did i get out last time oh oh he's coming he's got a big gun is it true hammerhead got shot in the head and lived yeah right one of the bullets right back at the guy who shot it after that he got the plate put in zap so hammerhead's got like a solid metal head i kind of like that it's a bit savage it's flying who's money clean it up made it me how about you how about no how about both of us oh the boxes i almost got zapped by the boxes then i'd be zapping but the box is almost at me that was bad okay we made it don't tell anyone you saw that rat why don't you go around this side don't say anything you don't say you saw anything okay i'm getting out of here you don't need to say a word i wasn't here animal hey mj zero never since the box yeah yeah it's true jam don't say that why do you word like pizza because i just ate pizza well while you were out enjoying lunch i was gathering evidence and trying to find a missing child i ate as fast as i could i've got stuff to follow up on i'll call you later oh look at his face no upside down he's after double pepperoni thanks yeah yikes big yikes that's kind of cool i like that good mission good mission and we only failed three times right oh we just leveled up let's go new damage increases unbelievable she expects me to just rush on over you're going to though aren't you and here i am right we're far away let's get this new suit what's the last one going to be do you guys know a missing child yeah missing child so black cat's child has been stolen there we go we got the full set look at that complete the whole thing oh um wait is that the suit enemies cannot block or interrupt your attacks even if they have shields you need 20 crime tokens for this one wow what's the um what's the reference for this guy i i feel like i've seen them before it's like jeans biker boots it's like a full bikers outfit i'm still all we got new um new abilities as well what do we get this is build up an electrical charge by performing air attacks and release that charge by attacking enemies on the ground that's kind of cool and feromatic harness reduces the duration of the electrocuted status effect i think i'm good with what i've got still what are you guys thinking of this suit huh what do you think when i get backpack tokens i will if i get some time what do you guys think of this suit i don't think it's that great it's a secret suit you like it don't trust black cats you could be mj the last suit is naked yeah that's the 100 one i kind of want that one low-key uh right let's head all the way up to the top we can fast travel to here because otherwise it's gonna be a long time we've done 50 of the campaign so far use the homecoming suit what's my favorite suit right now it's definitely the skull one i mean look at it it's insane and his toes are crazy you think it's terrible it's amazing oh you guys like it okay you guys like it i appreciate your um i appreciate your opinions hey peter i've been thinking it over and you're totally right i need to focus on school right now glad to hear it but i still want to stay active so i tried out for the basketball team that's okay right uh yeah yeah just be careful keep it believable don't do anything too flashy like what well no dunking obviously oh right that would be cool miles it was like uh that's like dash from the incredibles you know when he's like using his powers use the green suit buy the new suit uh it's the first suit spider-man war really the uk suit i need to unlock it first from an old friend unless i got it i might have it that's keeping something extremely valuable in that office above the bar a lot of guys in there if they spot me oh ellie's trying to get in my door one sec i'll draw them out then you sneak in hey oh hey bo my hero how do you say guys come on please what you've been saying say hi to everyone who's this is spider-man oh it's a cat you're not gonna like a cat say hi you go chill okay she's gonna chill over there guys right i think do i have the suit let me see what suit i can use i'm gonna change it because you guys want me to change it uh you need to complete the heist so you need to complete the whole story for the that suit should we use this one i can't use the naked one because i haven't unlocked it yet that's 100 on everything like literally everything i can't use this one cause i've got the backpacks i don't have this one yet let's use let's use green let's go green i do like the green one a lot all right who am i attacking first huh oh did i get another skill i think i can unlock the last skill yeah there we go we good oh no i did not realize there was so many people here okay this was uh a terrible idea i think i said that every time actually there's lots of things to throw my melee damage went up by 10 i'm at max level feels good to actually like properly complete a game for once let's grab you whoa yeah there's a lot of stuff that um there's a lot of stuff to throw here this is good vault to store his most high-value items like a kidnapped kid where the vault is no details yet but i've got more books to go through keep looking we bought a vault it's kind of psycho too many people with guns up in here you can get out of here yeah don't run away buddy i don't know what just happened but it was kind of cool put the guns down guns are not your friends or food hello friends how are you what is that someone's throwing like alcohol at me oh that how'd that work out for you huh that work out well oh geez okay yeah i'll take it back i take it back i take it back he's just running through the flames like he's some kind of superhero madman yeah you can get out of here too there's one left hello you coming in the wrong time dude i've got his head stuck in the side oh yeah we're gonna work together let's age go i might be older but i'm not old okay i need to take that guy down as soon as possible all right i need to get enough focus say that guy down as normal all right let's get over there whoa whoa okay hello sir it's later sir nice seeing you i'm out oh that was that was nice what was that that just threw at me she's not really doing much kind of need a little bit more help over here it's kind of cool that we're working together now get out of here big emp grenade oh we can use her emp grenades i'm gonna use this actually you ain't gonna do that to me again are you now no i just never mind man it's taking a lot of concentration there's a lot of guys there's not many left now which is good miss me we good we good out here don't worry you first spider look at this this is great i like the black wine glass she don't care she don't care at all did you find the location of the vault no but we're narrowing it down and it's definitely where he's keeping my son yeah speaking of him there's an overdue conversation do you ever miss this what are you getting shot at while you steal things i really tried going straight got a job that didn't involve breaking or entering even started wearing sweatpants on weekends what i wondered where you went it must have been hard for you especially with a child [Music] i need to go deeper if i'm gonna find him let me help if we're supposed to be working together some things i do better alone some things she has like she's coping with a whole spider thing i'll call you if i need an extra pair of hands she crazy she crazy but we got to help her find her son it's bad tony whale welcome back i haven't seen you for a while do you get any good info from that laptop is this isn't it should have something soon good in the meantime we've got another lead we think hammerhead's keeping her son in a vault but we don't know where the vault is once i crack these files maybe we can combine my chocolate with your peanut butter do not make a saucy joke out of that it's hard to resist to set up like that but i'll move the sauce thanks mj let me know what you find just standing on cabs over here so yeah we need to find out something time to kill sometimes kills so i'm going to read out some super chats too well yeah welcome back appreciate you uh thai cat i hope you had a good day doge world mats mayhem kids fortnite doll art shabir uh mayhem kids golden apple all units on alert a car bomb has been detonated who is this guy available hello check it out what do you want what are you doing hello yeah let's go um cosby doris world golden apple samantha stammers oh hey chloe thank you so much nice to see you again thanks for dropping by i'm reece g productions welcome guys right we've got some time to kill what was i going to do what do i need to unlock some new suits should probably check um i need to unlock some stuff i guess i need bass tokens do you need bass tokens for most of them i think you do there shouldn't be that many left really let's go unlock one of these because we need as many of these as possible if we're gonna be able to do it the big old hundred percent i've never i can't even remember if i've even 100 of the game ever but that would be mental if i could no go spider-man you ruined the momentum that's better there's a tower in the middle of central park let's go spiderman jumping in a bush this isn't fortnite buddy come on here we go corrupt signal let's get this going this one's a fat one let's go i just want the missions to come like right now you just see the close-up of spidey yeah let's see i just want to see what other suits we've got we've actually got a lot of them that is a crazy one let's switch to this for now it just looks so cool you buddy do you want a high five can i high five you i want to high five you he won't let me peter i finally decrypted that laptop finally i found a record of it being delivered to a shipyard near hell's kitchen that's got to be where the boy is thanks mj are we getting close to the missions already at this hour it's either a booty call or you found something hopefully your son i'm sending you an address meet me there let's go uh let me see if i can fast travel this though oh look there's another there's a gadget challenge okay that's kind of cool we need to fill in central park actually let's fast travel to here because it's like 2000 meters away uh dogeworld and we're gonna make another don't starve video yes i am uh i'm not sure when though because i completely forgot this came out uh and the chaos thank you being a fan for so long and for the five as well and jr awesome special i appreciate you appreciate you all thank you all for being here we got this buddy i hope you guys are enjoying this game again because i want to play it uh when each of the dlcs come out i don't want to find the paintings just yet but with three dlcs and the base game this is gonna be crazy to 100 all right let's see if we can find this this child shall we i'm hoping we can thank you for bringing that spider-man no problem no problem do the screwball challenges come to the dlc these ones do yeah these ones do she is in the normal game but these ones are the challenges yeah they're extra oh no snipers dude i'm not sure i can handle the snipers mj nailed it this place is isolated they could keep the kid here for weeks without anyone noticing hello that's so weird look at that if they spot us it's over we need to take them all out like we used to quiet as a cat sneaky as a spider i dig it i ship them don't tell mj if they spot us they might kill your son like i can help you take a current target is marked with a cat press right on cat marked enemies to request a black cat takedown okay this is good you can use black cat to compliment your stealth abilities use her to eliminate lone enemies or coordinate attacks on pairs let's see if we can change our skill real quick any of these better um stealth gadgets faster sprinting iron arms is mad blur projector yes blur projectors perfect it creates a distortion feel that you can obscure you from non-alerted enemies spiderman the vision pigeons pigeons why is there a danger for this one a lot of guys guarding this place this won't be easy right you're gonna help me or you're gonna be a punk i think we can go around on these uh wires actually 17 enemies this has to be the last mission has to be i think we should go all the way up to the top actually wait yeah do this one okay she got him no careful spider-man spider-man no what are you doing oh my goodness are you crazy man okay he's safe i can get this one myself right 14 left yeah get that one i'm glad she can help uh yeah got that one too good one let's keep it going she almost got spotted actually which is bad she can get this one but i kind of want to do it myself i like watching a man work where are the rest are the rest on the floor there's a danger to this one oh that's why can i make a noise go on go down there you know you want to she might be able to take him out and i can take out the other one yeah looks like about nine guys left one for life look at that oh i'm so good at the stealth thing now let's not get too carried away though right well he's safe not yet she's not safe now somebody there we can't take these guys out yet the hell is that go go go i might be able to split them up yep he's on top of the container that's not exactly what i wanted to do hang on a second get that guy get that guy bad luck for you good one we should team up more often why bad luck for me oh wait there's a guy over there by himself that was so loud i got seven left we've done 10. get up get up get up so she doesn't like she can be caught which is good there's only six left let's do this can i get this guy he's safe [Music] hmm patience spider it's these guys down here that are going to be annoying need to split them up they're just going around in circles no didn't mean to do that [Music] be quiet don't say anything i think we did it oh my goodness that would have been terrible that i've been so bad right at the end right where these dudes okay one down there he's safe he's safe get him no we'll be seen okay i think i'm good i got him to shut up can i get him to come all the way over here though i'm not going to risk it that'd be stupid come over this way i need to destroy you can you get him yeah here we go this is it we need her to take that guy down oh that was powerful let's go that's all of them sweet i didn't fail the the craziest mission we've done so far in terms of stealth that's a plus lots of places to hide a vault around here you check the shipping containers while i check in that building over there felicia what i'm sorry hammerhead did this to you yeah well he's about to find out you mess with the cat you get the claws oops so that's how she can climb things check out those shipping containers which ones how do i check them okay just a bunch of boxes better keep looking let's go this one down here pianos that's random building supplies and no kid got to be more containers with vents around here oh the vents okay that makes sense did not mean to do that whoa okay international what is this stuff yeah why is that there hammerhead's got stable weapons i wonder what else he has oh my goodness i actually made me jump bruh no we're well that answers done question yeah we're in trouble now don't say that it's really rude oh my goodness yeah i'm definitely not enjoying these weapons felicia where are you okay i'm just gonna get out of here real quick can i get rid of this i can let's go i don't want you using these things no more they're dangerous for you okay and more and more importantly me whoa what was that okay this is hard this is hard hell oh my goodness that was nuts um yeah i'm not quite sure what to do here felicia are you hurt oh no i think i'm dead i'm trying so hard the save was like the ones i hated the most as well it's those things man they're so powerful they've got the brutes as well you're gonna break me i'm gonna have to run around they got the craziest weapons oh my goodness let's go i need a double but i need to also heal can i get that from there i can okay this is working out so far need to get the points i think i'm okay now i got the i got the worst ones out of here let's get this brute out of here okay i think i've i think i've saved it who's this guy excuse me sir whoa okay yeah not him it's these guns these stable guns are madness that's better nope nope get out of there okay i've saved it i definitely saved it broody boy what's good you're out of here oh and i see you don't worry wow okay i need to change oh great there's two miniguns oh [Music] and more rockets okay i'm gonna need to change my um i'm gonna change my power okay i cannot change my power that's fantastic great now i can okay i'm gonna need to change this to spirit fire because it's so good rocket launchers miniguns what did you guys not steal from sable i know right oh that was close no no no these guys yeah i'm dead i'm not doing this properly they're homing missiles they're homing missiles i can't i'm stuck i'm stuck i'm legit stuck bro this is hard i'm trying to run around as much as i can just to avoid oh no i tried to catch it i couldn't oh my goodness i should have used my my ability my goodness dude a rocket the things that grab you around the waist and the miniguns insane that's hard jr awesome sebastian jackson what's good buddy abc's rocket launchers mini guns what did you guys not steal from sable yeah you get that out of here whoa that was close damn gotta clear these guys out and find felicia i need to make sure these guys die are you guys sure you know how to use those weapons okay looks like you do yes okay cool got myself a focus kill already this is good i have to dodge them first don't i come on get him in the air we just get him in the air spider-man is he dead who is the guy without feeling sure he's right there okay this isn't too bad i just need another focus bar and i'm good oh maybe not oh this is so difficult i'm not i'm not a fan of this this is the hardest so far uh jackson shannon stephanie doge and zayle say hi to daniel and eliana hey guys how's it going abc's rocket launchers miniguns what did you guys not steal from stable whoa that was close oh my goodness gotta clear these guys out and find felicia whoa i dodged it though they're killing their own guys i'm gonna throw it as much as i can of them oh wow okay crush that dude right we got one of these we're good focus bar done though use a little bit to heal as well okay this is nuts i was gonna try and hit that guy okay he's dead there's lots of people keep coming out though i think i've got did i get a guy yes oh thank goodness those are the most annoying guys i've done so far so it's so much easier about the rockets okay the rockets are back don't worry and that's it were they though tomorrow okay oh my brain that was madness let's go oh we weren't max level how nuts was that default what happens felicia that was the hardest fight so far love that though no no no you gotta be kidding me tell me you weren't just stringing me along sorry sweetie there's no sun but i needed help to pull off a job this big oh all you ever wanted was hammerhead's drive the entire wealth of the magia in the palm of my hand you gave hammerhead fake drives you think he's gonna be mad at me [Music] so the kidnapping your son that was all just a lie lie is such an ugly word i prefer misdirection do the right thing take the drives to the police hey i earned these besides hammerhead's on a mission and nothing is gonna stop him if anything i just helped slow him down a bit they cleaned up the whole yard check the vault oh time to go i'll raise a glass to you on the riviera who's gonna get in trouble there's a tracker on that drive oh no find her and kill her and if she's dumb enough to go to a little penthouse i've got a crew waiting there to send it sky high what about the drives i don't care about the drives i just want her dead got it we'll find her [Music] uh felicia's in trouble okay i'm trying to like think about what the last what the last mission would be i kind of want to keep playing though hammerhead knows where you are and he's going to kill you there's a tracker on his drive i don't get you spider i just calmed the hell out of you and here you are trying to save me how can you be so damn nice all the time it's not about being nice it's about doing the right thing you've got so many talents i wish you'd use them to help someone other than yourself yeah well you should know by now that's not how i roll people can change felicia love you spider i'll miss you wait your penthouse he's rigged it to explode don't worry i've still got all nine lives left damn it okay this has to be the final mission wait what was this mission called actually uh what mission how do i tell what mission i'm on follow the money oh wait we're still doing this mission okay you know what there was there was some inkling in my mind where i was just like is the sun real and turns out it wasn't okay i should have said it at the time and i could have predicted you guys turns out no the music's ramping up though what boom skis bro well that happened um wow uh to be to be continued it hairs for that no it hit us with the to be continued [Music] okay that's cool you know what i actually i really enjoyed that that was amazing did she die though who knows she looked like she knew what she was doing she also looked like she kind of knew what was going on between her and hammerhead she wasn't surprised when i was talking to her on the phone that was a spicy app that was a spicy spicy app i enjoyed that lowe's i hope you did too if you did leave a like they'll be great appreciate subscribe if you're brand new because you can guarantee that when the brand new dlc comes out which comes out in november it's about a month's time and there'll be another one in december as well i'm just seeing your reaction to it that was insane right but um yeah subscribe definitely because i'm gonna be playing more of this game when it comes out i kind of want a hundred percent it before the new dlc comes out so that it's easier to 100 the game that was sad i mean it was it was shocking i didn't think that was gonna happen but what do you guys think happened huh let's skip the credits just to see if there's any more um any more video any more cinematic there is there is listen in listening wow and they still haven't found a body no do you think she survived i don't know i mean anything's possible but so how's it feel to not be a dad lol no no i'm serious honestly i uh i'm kind of relieved yeah i've got a lot going on you know yeah you do but i think you're gonna be an amazing dad someday at the right time with the right person i like all the episodes ends with this with this scene very cool there you go so one thing we do need to check out though is if we have completed it yeah there we go you have finished the high story the avenger continues in the next campaign turf wars great job hero thanks game thanks game we unlock the spider uk suit this is so fitting you kidding let's go oh my goodness why does this bot look so i'm not even talk about that look spidey uk dude spidey uk i got new suit available or is it just talking about that one what was it talking about there's definitely no scroller wheel complete all district activities in the high so there's more suits i kind of i've got 53 of the suits i need to get more of them we've got the uk suit that's definitely fitting it's a good one look at those feats i like it right let me get to a position to do photo mode real quick um i can't remember how to do it i just want to get a good angle photo mode let's go let's have a look at it there it is looking snazzy i like it i like it a lot oh wait what there we go that's better can i make him a little bit uh [Music] yeah there we go there's the spidey suit the uk suit looking pretty nice i like it he looks like he's in the olympics right now for great britain i can dig that too but guys what do you think of the app that was cool right do you think she survived let me know in the comment section down below or in the live chat if you're watching live i hope you did enjoy and if you'd like to um see me complete the game 100 and unlock more of the suits before we get the next one um that'd be great let me know uh leave a like if you enjoyed subscribe if you're brand new guys i'm gonna have to end the stream here that was awesome let me know what you thought i thought it was great and check it out for yourself the game link will be in the description below after the live stream has ended thank you so much for watching guys i really appreciate you being here and i'll see you next time good wait i got more super chats robert gressel jr fortnite troller thank you so much appreciate it robert rainbow jeff uh jayden that kai finn dogeworld and dogeworld again thank you guys i'll see you later let me know what you think happened in the description below comment section down below and i'll see you soon good bye it's got the old music no [Music] you
Channel: DanTDM
Views: 4,063,510
Rating: 4.8988562 out of 5
Keywords: dantdm, dantdm spiderman, spiderman dantdm, spiderman ps4, the heist dlc, spiderman the heist dlc, thediamondminecart, minecart, no swearing, no cursing, dr trayaurus, tdm, the diamond minecart, trayaurus, grim, spiderman dlc
Id: UeYr4UbDaOE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 127min 27sec (7647 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 23 2018
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