CYBER Spider-Man! (Spiderman PS4 Silver Lining DLC ENDING)

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hey guys Dan here and it's time it's finally the December release date of spider-man's DLC I think this one is cool it's silver lining it's the third of three that I have announced so far and should be the conclusion to the storyline that we've been working through over the past I don't know three months or so so let's head straight in I'm excited for this I'm really excited for this silver lining VLC is installed access new campaign by going in game we know what to do we've done it we've done this many times already and I think it's going to be awesome oh I forgot about this spicy suit that we unlocked last time I can remember how we unlocked it but we did but I'm guys if you're excited for this leave a big fat thumbs up that'd be greatly appreciated because I know you guys love this game and I wonder if they're gonna do any more DLCs after this because they've been this game was the most successful game in 2018 by a long shot so I think I have to start it don't I I just rather got like some weird gold hump on my back as well this must be the this must be that in a camel update I guess oh man you're gonna have to forgive me I completely forget every time that we play a DLC I haven't played the game in the meantime there's gonna be new suits as well actually there's webbed shoe is that new I think that might be new I saw on Twitter something about about a new suit being added like an OG kind of soup and this one must be it so let's go OG for a little bit this one I really want to try complete all-district activities so maybe I can't do that one right now what what haven't we used yet I feel like we've used pretty much all of these let's use this bottom one let's do it webbed suit this might just be like a classic og one actually it might not be this is the classic og one isn't it oh yeah that's the one from the beginning of the game by in this game this must be the word like the og one anyway we've got three more suits to unlock they don't address Lee say what they are which is interesting like no information at all but maybe that will start when we start the DLC here we go silver lining the city that never sleeps episodes three silver sable return take back what's hers in this exciting conclusion to the city that never sleeps story line now what's interesting about this is last time I think it's hammerhead he's the guy who stole all the sable equipment the guns all that nonsense and this is when silver sable returns I don't like her by the way if you remember I don't like her at all she's pretty mean to spider-man but she's gonna return and she's gonna try and take this stuff back there's some mean weapons in here so I hope she does because I like them the mini guns the bazookas that even just the plasma rifles in the jet packs thoroughly annoyed me throughout this DLC so hopefully she takes them back and never uses them against me ever again here we go begin research notes what started as a museum heist a few days ago this is the recap into a brutal assault on the city and the casualties keep piling up last night after almost killing Maggio Don hammerhead oh yeah captain Yuri Watanabe was forced into administrative leave okay sources say she told the chief this won't stop me note follow up on this later feels like this isn't the end of her story he's earned I mean while hammerhead who was pronounced dead at the scene was revived and escaped custody and remember police are searching for him but there are no solid leads his men are continuing to target sable weaponry and vehicles including something called Project Olympus from what we can gather project Olympus is an Oscorp and sable funded initiative okay bio enhancement technology meant to transform people into indestructible super soldiers fantastic hammerhead is ruthless and insane and now apparently indestructible but first things first figure out where hammerhead is hiding man the question is what are we gonna do when we find him just give him some cake or something I mean we need a giant magnet The Dude's made of metal that could help out hey sounds like hammerheads guys are at it again already got any updates on Yuri yeah I mean Korea silver Sables home country is that a real country a little busy with our own war here in New York yeah be nice to talk about something other than hammerhead for a while yes spider-man beach DLC many sings okay if I survive if I survive we can go on vacation so there you go sets the tone they're going back to some random country to don't actually think exists I'm sorry if it does I don't I'm not being rude I just never heard so good legit be a country but it's also the spider-man world so could easily not be as well right it's that those are that those are the rifles I've been talking about and looks like this man's doing them super suits as well yeah there it is look okay casual it's like rhino that's what your minds me of is this a dance-off please my turn can i floss that'd be great what am i doing so this is gonna throw me straight back in I'm not quite sure how I'm supposed to take these guys down just focus is that all I have to do because otherwise I might not be able to do it I don't think the I don't think the cobble boxes are going to cut it I'm just gonna use the finishes someone's using EMP grenades as well where are you at yeah there you go beautiful smack your face into the concrete boom wait bow focus this seems like kind of new yeah they definitely they definitely cannot be damaged by my normal my normal attacks it's kind of adds to any double as well whoa okay that's bad it's really bad he's got a minigun of course the other minigun get away from me please just leave me alone how am I supposed to god I didn't not want to do that it's like it it's going back into like almost a tutorial I'm trying to figure out how to do this stuff alright I want you to get out here that desperately never gonna eat that rocket boy does he have one oh my goodness I think he does but he's a lot smaller oh it's cuz they're thugs of course it is and he's got this stupid minigun as well stop this I want to get you I want to get you I don't know how that works it coulda came towards me but that's fine how is there is there another way that I can do it I guess I just avoid their attacks and build up focus right alright can do it this way okay that kind of works so I have to dodge them those mini guns though as many guns are not nice Jews no often I don't think any of this is working okay that works okay that's not too bad it took maybe like five attacks in Soho maybe that is bad I'm not too sure I have my constant cuz every time I use circle we're just kind of oh it forget close he tries to hit me with a gun okay I need more stuff to throw let's go hit me boy hit me I dare you a day you're going hit me hey just need to build up focus here that's all I need what is battle focus that's new isn't it on suits where is it battle focus hybrid bio-memory rapidly generates focus for a short time okay let's do that like instantly this could be perfect why not use this before this recharges it's so quickly how good this is come here buddy that's so good that's much better than what I was doing before battle focus o P so those suits are in are these ones too these flying suits it's kind of like a group of I am alone it's like a bunch of super than in its oh my goodness what what on earth Aviv come here okay this is getting a little bit more intense remember what I was saying about the jet packs okay so I can get close to them so I can kind of knock them out of the air which is nice apart from that isn't much else I can do apart from just kind of hope that I hit them I can throw these as well looks like maybe right come here okay he's gonna come down to me I'm gonna finish you at least he's only take one finished finishing move that's good come here I didn't know me finish that guy okay actually doubt Oh double I probably hit the double they're not even sick okay I do not like these I don't know I don't know how I can do this this is so mental that's so powerful it's properly Thurmond of the depends yeah okay I can't take this guy down can I I seem to make sure they catch these guys not a hello friend come here Vaness did battle focus let's do it it's my best friend right now I must be able to move these grenades no I'm gonna take this guy down here we go let's do it there that's it kill him I need to heal I've got to heal what's the easiest way for me to get off I guess triangle right way doesn't really bring them down that far come here yeah ok triangle works but not very well it's like it's ok okay go ahead go into midair these are intense though for a beginning part to a DLC she's pretty intense that'll work yeah it's needs to be bearer a min my thing whether you go quit speak oh oh there is what are you doing buddy stop right there get out of here okay done geez that's it so difficult so difficult I need to say I forgot about this guy what oh geez hey come closer I dare ya do is that just a regular dare or a double dog dare is this seat this silver sable yours no it would be so awesome if it was now is risky so risky yosef though used as an anchor [Music] oh she mad she real mad long time no see who do you work for hmm yeah he works for hammerhead where is this hammerhead whoa whoa we'd like go grab a coffee and catch up like normal she's so intense by the way I love your new hovercraft Evie tell me everything you know I talk a lot better without a gun in my face you have three seconds yeah just put the guns down one we're really gonna do this - six nine eleven seven three I don't want to fight this lady right now did you have just have said like hello did you have too quite well she's proper beating me up oh my goodness oh my goodness no stop that stop that right now stop that stop that stop that leave me alone you've been a little bit crazy now okay and she's countering me too okay this is how it's gonna be I'm gonna battle focus you've come here I can't do my focus attacks I'm gonna have to heal okay that was no that does no work I literally have no idea what to do she's insane absolutely insane maybe I can use wait what I'm on my camera a prisoner on burn oh I'm failing so badly right now get close yeah but if I get close she destroys me like properly come here I just want a little hug ok is that what I can do is dodge let's see that if I press square any point she just shooting see like she just dodges me she's mental there we go she just keeps like doing this though this is the weirdest fight so far I'm not even sure why okay okay we're gonna do this over so you can hear the three times and that's it it's all she's gonna let you do for a circle I just need to dodge her as much as I can so I can get some focus back this is really starting off real intense okay okay she shoots out your bullets as well that's not nice the suit powers ready so I can do some healing you cantí to catch her just before she goes for our guns otherwise she'll dodge you so there's a Dodge there's a Dodge Mac with a box and she doesn't even care how could she not even care about getting hit by these she just has like some kind of force field okay here are three times and that's pretty much what we can do but this basa fight it's gonna take forever if we can't do anything but that we have to get so close yeah there we go maybe I wasn't dodging enough I have to do it like three times in a row she's mental she just kicked me in the face he's got like school I aim boys got aim but on our legs found and so us yet I'll have to do it three times that's not even fair I dodged your first one one two three she just kicked me in the head she just kicked me in the head what what is happening did I do it oh yeah I'm good okay sweet that's it way too long damn you that was the weirdest fight ever that took me legit like 20 minutes yeah [Music] it's a translation I guess oh goodness when can spider-man get one of them sick little airships are what happened that you can thank me by not dying was she when it was the Empress potty to be fair and you didn't give it to her you good bro is this the person this game looks oh my goodness there we go here we go before she hurts someone so this is the crazy youtuber she like cloned my sim card did you see that but yeah she's a crazy youtuber stream up you guys know if you've seen it already if you haven't you're in for a treat it's like me but um more deadly I guess and more like a super villain I could never really turn down being a super villain but they've already a screwball has already taken my place so let's do this I can't believe how long that super say will super skill how long that silver say we'll fight this took me it was ridiculous right here we are the stage is set what's good boom drones of course themed superhero ready for space at 3:00 not really turn that frown upside down we're bringing joy to millions of fans in fact I've got big plans this season if we fifty million followers you 12.7 still a huge party huh it sounds like the perfect opportunity to shut her down once and for all okay better keep playing along until that party so yeah hats my um screwball is at the party IRL I mean no to get her behind bars before I turn into someone I hate what you want you don't to be a youtuber spider-man really so do we need to do this challenge now is it a bomb challenge it's Bob you know what let's do it let's do one let's just kill some time until Mary Jane somehow figures out how to ring us back it should be okay see why I mean it's like a fortnight challenge really need to shut this down the first bomb Duty where a bomb dude just cash screwballs fans are out of control let's go do it before the time runs out as well as we need to find the closest ones this one's definitely one of the closest we only have one minute 46 for this that's not nice where is that use square and X to ground strike oh my gosh I haven't done this before oh geez no no no I'm messing this up it's like I'm playing like Spyro or something this is so awkward there we go use photo bomb targets to earn bonus points during screwable challenges get the most points by perfectly time in the photo bombing of screwballs OMG so we done that before oh we have to floor it let's go yes I've got me some omg's right let's get out of here next one is up here man I am rusty on spider-man today guys apologies we're good though okay which one is it in I think I need to listen for the right 1/4 bomb that wasn't too bad that wasn't perfect but it was alright come on sort it out 47 seconds left this one yep I don't know where the talk is there it is oh I missed that one it kind of like randomly goes up and down where's the last one which is 300 meters we should be okay I think depending whether it's on the floor and then truck with what it's gonna truck okay this isn't good I don't know if I'm about to do this now spider my feels so slow today dive on it dive on it dive on that triangle next gone ten seconds oh man this is close no despite of I just got owned oh my goodness I lit she was trying to use l1 and r1 at the same time I got absolutely destroyed that was disgusting let's try this again we got some good OMG points as well so the annoying thing about that was at the beginning I failed the the ground and pound and if I hadn't have failed that I would have been fine I didn't realize there was in a specific box as well but we should be good now [Music] hey that's what happened to me your phone oh the crazy YouTube's got back to make some quick Bay about spider-man right this is the only one on the top of the building I think all right which one are we in definitely this one usually yes oh that was good 2421 ohms okay swear dive dive dive dive which ones are gonna be this one it would help if you didn't miss by the man there we go that was really fast was the last one the last ones in the last one is with the truck right oh no that's bad I thought that was I thought was gonna be a gap it was not with 39 seconds I think we should be okay oh yeah we gonna be fine landed straight on it that's perfect hello friends how are you wait what wait what how did that just kick me off let me back on this thing you just spam square I think right 16 seconds that stop the truck and then throw the thing get to the back come on come on come on one one one why are you crouching much better Oh 2,200 OMG s but we're fine we only got one that's fine yes I'm good I'm fine the thing was hard okay it's true yeah except for you of course smooth challenging no unless you want me to think you're challenging in which case you up challenge me in you know he's digging a hole thank you okay I'll keep looking into hammer hits plans and I'll call you when I find something challenging geez spider-man is like the least considering he's a Suvero is the least smooth guy in the world he could literally do whatever he wants be the coolest guy in the world but no he just can't do it even be a massive air would be hammer heads guys okay I wonder why that turned up is yellow then let's go oh fast travel I can as fast travel to here let's do it let's take the lazy route spider-man get your high score on candy crush please that's all I ask of you okay he is little so a good sleeper not him nice all right let's hope that I've had my little rough patch of action ready oh jeez miles I'm super busy dude your new movie came out though right I'm pretty sure very sure I did nice truck I like the pink shuts open up leave me alone gotta get to that driver before they do there'll be easy keep enemies from breaking into the are it's one of these it's exactly like the it's exactly like the one with the cement truck isn't it yeah can you not drive it's just kind of chilling oh geez yeah there's definitely more guys coming oh my goodness looks like I can get these ones though the thugs I don't think you can hey get away from there please don't need any other nonsense around here okay these guys I can deal with it's the fat ones like I deal with get out it me to the face don't mind if I do okay yeah definitely got my rust dealt with whoa I need to be careful because I do not want to hit the the lightsabre guys I can hear them with those though that'll do come here oh jeez I should not stuck him to the door that was a bad idea actually or could have been a great idea hello sir how are you get in the trash boy you just shot his own guy come here is there a bazooka or there is old cheese okay that not hurt a lot come here I need to take these guys out this guy and the other ones I wanna know spider-man turn around turn around need to stop this guy opening the door like desperately bow focus battle focus oh yes that combo that was sweet okay maybe not stop with the door how is it so hard by the way to get a lorry door open how are you struggling with that I'm not complaining but it's gotta be one complex door don't be messing me around Friday gotcha oh my goodness calm it attack that was sick way up boy is that more coming or these last ones these better be the last ones I love this guy's this opens the door casually afterwards look it's not even that difficult it's like a tiny little thing are you struggling with that guy's no idea if we can find out where we can cut off his supply I'll try to cross-reference his men's activity with a city map I'll be nice I can't nail down a location good boy she sounds like she could really use the stuff hammer head is stealing from her she may be angry said D for emotion see the Spider Man can be smooth I take it back I take it back in terms of humor but not in terms of the ladies that it doesn't work that way unfortunately for him we were projects Olympus I feel like this is like a big games console that everyone once some crazy people get when the new Xbox has come out you know it when the wheel came out not you can get those things anywhere oh stop the convoy I mean this one's not too bad I don't mind these missions too much they are speeding up though okay I do mind it now what are you doing Spidey come on now buddy camera now don't mess this up you got one job I kinda need to cut them off but there's not really many places to do that especially when they're going down tiny little alleyways I don't know almost made it then spider-man bro this is really hard I'm finding it so difficult to control today I'm not even sure why maybe because the difficulties just ramped up it must be because I have never had this much trouble usually it's so fluid but today it's feeling conky well maybe I'm just feeling conky that's what it is all right coming in at least would have a timer on this one are they going down the same route oh my goodness spider-man I'm gonna get you a wheelchair you'll be quicker spider-man in a wheelchair would be pretty legit though you could use his webs too like could use his webs to propel it that'd be sweet okay we're catching back up how can messing this up so badly so I mean he's swinging round the lamppost instead of boosting for some reason right in this corner it's when they go down this alleyway oh that's better oh that's better yes triangle let's go that's better gotcha I think you just need to spam the scrap ah dear boys standard procedure exactly the same as all we did a minute ago let's go how many are there see each swinging Brown that's why I'm messing up one he's swinging round the lampposts didn't do that before triangle triangle triangle triangle I'm gonna seal plays I got to square my face then let's go put them all in Rikers Spidey there we go that's better no lamppost it's a lamppost they're messing me up looks like there's two more should be able to do this there see to cut the corners and then dive I know I thought I had that finesse that though it's the alleyway what are you doing they go like severe armored vehicle oh my gonna stop bathroom is he supposed to be there did you see that that was unfortunate we can still be saved with a transformer she's gonna kill some yep I knew that we were not gonna work together somehow I just knew what do we need to do that if Mita yeah okay we can still have stopped these so we still need to stop these we just need to stop them before she destroys absolutely everyone I keep forgetting which side is the driver's side because it's a little bit different better if only we could get to ride the car as well I'll be sick oh my goodness didn't realize we were the hope now massively so is she trying to get me with the red things to excuse me I was dealing with the car how did I fail that I'm just this isn't fair guys I am failing so badly in this episode my goodness Stephanie ramped up the difficulty to the last one but I kind of don't mind it at the same time oh geez that's a big bulldog let's go and somehow I got hit by that as well people going Spidey don't worry about it it so it's EMP grenades them properly they messed up spy tomorrow night all right let's get these dudes out of here let's do this as quickly as possible I need to remember if I can also stop the car afterwards I think that's why runner on the wrong last time there we go it didn't really give me much time it just crushed me right where we go now this is better we could have imagined this being your life New York City like these insane things just happening you think that no more like terrorism is crazy imagine if they had superpowers as well it'd be even more insane that's what's making it difficult oh that was good I like that I did that all right turning corners I need to make sure that I turn corners a little bit better why would I you grab that we're going round in circles on circles on circles I commit you what do I need to do I'm free mashing square just in case is that all oh drones oh my goodness I want to destroy drawing Jews in web-shooters okay I need to get close enough though okay that's not too bad so when the square is up we can do it quite cut this corner that's what I'm talking about as long as I cut the corners I should be all right get out of here easy I've had thug oh there's more joints I can get on here though yes oh my goodness that was insane garden okay that is the wrong ways fighting you tell me how are you buddy see that she's got some like crazy transformer I'm out here just with some webs and I am definitely catching this a little bit faster to work on your technology I seem to be a little bit closer try go I'm warmed up now I'm good I'm good I only took me like 45 minutes but we're good this is epic though this is really epic what you gonna do oh no I'm on that okay I was on that she's insane I knew she was insane where's hammerhead I talk no coming you do you got a do [Music] look we both want the same thing if we work together we'll find him trust me she's a psycho right we work together finally like partners it's the handshake we've been warned in okay maybe not yeah partners what's that tracker I think I might be in a tracker I'm hoping it was tracker not like some kind of crazy EMP stuff we're by crazy Sable 77% sure she's not a robot I mean she could be she's full Turing at the emotion state oh that was that was some mission should we go get sushi let's go get sushi let's do it no sleep spider-man today gunfire at the humanitarian but why do they always target the police instead of doing good in the world huh huh me you guys there there we go miles was calling me after hang up on him again I felt oh jeez I feel bad a staple a chip in town exactly a fair fight just kicking him in the stomach I want to take this guy down cuz he's gonna be no problem see how I did that there I'm gonna get you to get smash oh my gosh that's pretty the cleanest thing I've done in this game so far so when you do if you do learn it you can you can make some pretty clean movements that's probably the quickest I've dealt with a mini mission in the whole game that was a right that and before there's more of them just masks hey you have to teach me how you do all that wish I could say there was an art to it mostly I just try to go where the bullets are yeah well I am in your debt what were these guys after these are humanitarian supplies bound for some carrier you've heard of this civil unrest hmm I heard it was more of a civil war indeed well these men attacked me and stole most of the supplies but they took them I do not know I'll keep an eye out and let you know if I find any nice to meet you David David obey me I wonder if to help is there on spider spider-man okay that sounded waitlist awkward in my head yeah because nobody that don't attached you to characters like that so I wonder if you will just like the guy who died before miles is dad talk to each other about our days like normal people how was your day my become unstoppable I'm making movements right now kind of all these phone calls bf easy are grading himself too many people around dude I'm not gonna be able to get close looking like this maybe if I ditch the suit we're playing as Peter Parker we haven't done that yet there well I'm just your average New Yorker do you like that yeah I think that's the place that got a three star review in the Google last week no wonder it's crowded there are some legit places in New York which is part of the reason why I love New York there's legit places here that have such a big following that they have such a massive line like me and Justin and um we're showing Jim we went to go get bagels there was a line like this out the door need to run an errand for Tony those have to be hammerheads mo better follow I'm gonna keep on going keep on going in close no jaywalking though you didn't see nothing you didn't see nothing little rat you've never me over be cool be cool hello guys nice tree on the skies nice cheese who's this Tony huh Tony [Music] [Music] what'll this beautiful though I think I've been pasta place like this where they have like the cars and elevators to keep people off the lock yeah yeah yeah gotta get closer to hear what they're saying um I can't get next to them maybe I can get above them need to get out of sight it'd be climbing walls until I'm hidden find a safe place to climb rewarding maybe I go around this way and the yellow bits safe I guess I'll just tell me right oh the rat almost jumped me then sigh a safe place oh wait is down there maybe I'm going this way but this is on the sidewalk as well none of these places are safe I don't really want to punch this guy cuz I'll get in trouble hello how are you yeah I am actually this is not safe I just ran up here please oh maybe down here actually find this truck no one can see me yes no I can climb up to the rooftop let's go reporters whip out the suit ready people are gonna see you anyway if I get above those guys I can hear them it's kind of cool they should have a suit this just be a parka that'd be amazing just fly it like next in line to shine my shoes maybe ain't that the truth anyways Tony said he needs his laptop guess it's got all kinds of important stuff on is that a laptop do slot see three huh huh if I can get Tony's laptop it could lead me to hammerhead okay thanks oh wait stimulating conversation guys but I've heard enough oh geez okay just put me in like that you're gonna do it to me like that huh Spidey all this thugs as well so I need to make sure that I'm gonna use this battle focus just so I can get myself this thug out the way I tried to stay inconspicuous but why don't I just be spider-man and just kick with their butts huh that seems like a good deal to me how do we deal with thugs we kicked them in the head I'm not sure it was needed to slam his head into the concrete but we'll go with that it's fine then we're gonna start on a little yard out is big thump then easy Mo's that began better I was real rusty at the beginning maybe I should do like practice sessions at the beginning gimme I wanna is it good enough to play for anion that'll be that'll be handy blueprints bag of money you don't want to take that spider-man huh you sure you don't want to take that you take a picture of it just in case just so you can remember it okay in here boy am I being here nope nope not in there oh he said c3 didn't he c3 1 2 is it that one up there there it is I knew it I now learn how to use New York car park spaces badda-bing looks like he's gotta find my phone app installed nice let's see where you are Tony what you got boy I'm coming to find you trust issues what are the radio signal make it quick this your tip was a good one I'm on my way to one of hammerheads top men if anybody knows where hammerhead is it's him that's great and one of his guys mentioned setting a trap for sable what do you think that means [Music] maybe properly warmed up now okay it's down here found you sounds familiar I kind of want to take down the thug Bob not today of course I'm spider-man so this time I didn't want to do the old stealth ruh-huh don't you touch me with that just wanted to go straight in maybe I had the option for stealth I just didn't use it I never really say okay don't do that don't do that there we go that's all I was trying to do trying to get through his legs oh wow that wasn't needed but I did anyway yeah I could but she doesn't really listen to me yeah or anyone what give me the address wait where'd the address Calexico building rooftop oh yes she put that thing on us so she knew where we were but - did the teleporting thing good backlit though appreciate it on propped on the back clip this is gonna be the trap right pretty sure this is fun of a sample you're headed into a trap you don't get it I'm trying to keep you from getting hurt I can take care of myself usually you can hammerheads been using your project of litmus stuff I do then you know he's turned himself into some kind of giant freakin monster Frankenstein but not like this not by going right into a trap I ain't listening hung up on me nothing on the mini-map I've only just noticed it's probably in there the whole time for you but Wow following a transformer casually around New York City there's a collector building okay this is where we need to go all right like if they are they setting up for her to like die or something oh geez get off the get off the building get off the building spider-man spelling behave yourself jeez yeah better setup for her to die not sure I'm that bothered it's that is that evil is that bad she's she's treating me pretty badly so I guess you can't blame me all right she's probably good I mean you could I just do this yep do that why is it slo-mo it's so cool I missed it come on fire them all the aerial shots it's so cool there we go be free be free you good bro and you actually like help me out now I just saved your butt this is another one is there another one for you well there is I never realized I shouldn't have let them notice me I need to just make sure they're I'm in charge Doug home is coming I didn't realize how to break the outer casing burst boom now can you help me please thank you good idea hot you don't mind that's fine with me I need a focus to say this guy down I didn't spot that guy get someone down they hook live it up I just took them no I jumped into that idiot big bunch whoa I didn't even see you that my eyes are not working we're definitely gonna need to use this to take these guys out there especially since they've got the red nonsense too I don't think so stupid bullets interrupting my combos there seems like pretty legit Janee okay that Shields house that I just died instantly oh no I thought I said okay I was like I take it really casually and then it just shoots me in the head not pleased not pleased with that performance I have I'll use my battle focus actually if he does no that would be pretty nice Weiss is hugging me let's finish these guys and I like the shields the shield's put me off don't mind me just keep doing what you're doing yo I dodged that I have no idea what's going on this is insane actually insane there's so much happening a clunky tractor at all I need to take this guy out cuz he's annoying me 8 a health regen as well I need to get my bowel focus back no no I got stuck on there it's like poison this is crazy you're someone's doing business at least I got that guy he's got idea she could help a little bit more Phil it's a little bit more she's the one in a crazy spaceship I'll take you out though - taking out all my concentration family is there no no no not like this not like this I keep bashing into the aerials how crazy is this guys is that my laces - this is actually insane I convert he grab those either don't really do much okay that's what I wanted to do I need salad this as much as I can I think I'm doing alright cuz she does not we have the app that will focus is really no get off oh my goodness this is like a boss fight in itself and have ahead isn't even so it has showed up yet and she needs to do more of that just like a space invader exactly what it's like where are these guys at whoa where did I come from thing is I need to use all my focus for and I want to use it or the healing I've gotten caught in the red the red forcefield thing I don't even know where that's coming from hello she let him - got him today okay she is actually helping out good to know got him as well how many are left I'm used bowel focus again heal up real quick someone just fell from the sky I think there's only one dude left which is good I just need one more focus bar and then I can finish him off she's kind of just shooting him doing this hello sir how are you you good is he dead so if I if I'm patient enough she'll just kill everyone great that was crazy so much going on at the same time can we please get out of here now oh there he is look at I have always a proper cyborg he was bad enough to fight the first time wards there's no way he's fully made of metal dude so much trouble he's gonna grind me up we spider buggers Oh No I'm gonna start lucky you know helping at all look how strong he is you know what I was just about to mention how the beginning of the episode I completely forgot where she came where she went in the first episode of the DLC you'd remember and then she saves the day that's what I'm talking about who died who survives let's just say hammerhead survived because it's bound to happen yeah I think she's okay though this is good don't you jump Terminator 5 over here so much black ink on you know when he steals the girl great now we're gonna have to save silver sable don't give me thanks for the soft landing you're alive did you honestly think I was dead how did you find me same way she did yep watch out that girl has trust issues how long have you been watching me watching us long enough to know you're making a mistake hammerheads gotten too powerful do you really think I have a choice haier USB is that everything you need to know about that ugly thing sorry for what I did to you [Music] we worked pretty well there together as its you one more thing his head not as strong as you think it is this is full of meth Alicia let's see what's on this thing I hope it's not a virus a black cat virus that would be upsetting complete Olympus hideouts around the city to earn base tokens suits hold up we got a new suit we got a new suit this looks if Aaron Aikman I know nothing oh wait well that one's got scars this one okay the suits hmm complete all district activities that's normal complete the silver linings story to unlock this SUSE you must be about halfway through so this is the era a diamond armor it is chunky bro real chunky look at this it's really different I can't like it though it looks like kinda like Catwoman's head bars real chunky boots that they have those stolen humanitarian supplies in those other bases I should call David about that David yeah I told you David David I think I may have found those humanitarian supplies bound for some Korea great well there's just one wrinkle they're in heavily fortified bases guarded by Bionic Mad Men with futuristic weapons and impenetrable armor yeah she's quite wide Eddie cool why don't I scope out their hideouts first and get back to you Thank You spider-man yeah what a wrinkle that is let's go I think I can fast travel this cuz that's some really far yeah that saved us at least half the journey let's go hit the subway spider-man hit the subway you got this bro no don't cool David again come on you don't need to do the same thing again don't talk about the wrinkle where is his base in the hotel chill in a hotel or a sewer must be somewhere close by why must be underground I guess it's time for some urban spelunky do it look that suit that was gonna lie like that those days need to go to the oh yeah okay yeah that's where it was cool it's got like boosters on his feet that's why it's so chunky he's kind of taking a lot of expression from Iron Man over here we had the Iron Man suit he's got like headlights on his head this one's pretty spectacular I like it shiny as ever as well that's a new smell nice [ __ ] hope I find stable before the fumes overwhelm er beautiful that would be goods I love these shots why is that always a sewer I know an amazing spider-man it takes to make this city run it's just I'm pretty sure that a lizard guy for Norman Osborn he was in a sewer as well punk these guys just love to live in these dank places see where this leads looks like some loose bricks up ahead okay that's so cool hammerheads guys they've taken over an abandoned subway platform this gotta take these guys out then look around for sable to be fat to be fed this is a pretty cool I doubt what do you think right let's get him patrolling I do have note I go up yeah Sona keep this as stealthy as possible because I've been doing too well recently so let's try and keep it stealthy okay yep chins up okay maybe not let's see we can get it so they can denote is me that does not work oh geez okay yeah yeah yeah this is bad he didn't even see that coming there's snipers though that's a big problem I had to get that sniper out of here let's focus so we can heal a little bit oh geez I got spider powers boy all right here comes a barrel it's the stock as well which you can take out straight away goodbye sleep tight puppy Matt now it's powerful I like that oh you're back for more are you okay this is not actually too bad I would like a little bit more out there this will do I'm gonna hide over here try and hide over here let's go okay I've got a little bit more help now we're good no you need to teach respect for the spider-man of the other way around I like your suits though you know what actually our suits are kind of similar you know I didn't think I'd ever say that but we both look pretty good right now yeah smashed it absolutely smells do know I bet if I follow the power cables I'll find where they're holding same power cables so they can go in the roof down here near this one ends the oh wait oh that's not a load-bearing subway car wait what okay just destroy that base it's absolutely fine Don Lyons nice okay follow the yellow wire blocked squeeze through of course she can't spider-man you can you can squeeze through the tiniest of holes keep showing us that booty show us that booty buddy it's looking good in the new suit I had to say it was a staring me in the face what is that hold in a second can we swim yeah we can swim body bags I was about to say it's just turn they can't be body bags in there like bodies in that Canaan surely not it's got a little bit more dot don't remember his name sounds cousin I think Sal what's it Missy nah he just came out all blue I did not mean to I didn't know me to pull down that was a bad bad action by me I might have to get away with this am I good I think I'm good Bing yeah I will take whatever you're working on please what we go of it looks like their main base of operations sable jet nice that big good money to see hammerheads guys learning to fly in these things for the first time project island ok listen these pods require a lot of electricity I told you I just helped manufacture these things I didn't design them guess we got the wrong guy then on the bright side now we got our first no please I can figure it out yeah she's using the Oscorp employees to do his science for him basically this reminds me a lot of the amazing spider-man in the film I mean it's slightly different but the setting is very similar what else we got over here all this stuff belongs disabled yeah most of its overseas though what do you think of Boston I'm thinking about how she took over the whole city in a matter of days you mean back during that Devil's breath then yeah that was crazy that's so crazy when you got the right equipment true well we got those digging things not good if we want the best stuff we're gonna need her yeah okay how we gonna do that just keep taking her stuff she'll come to us he was right it happened that's soap we said uh oh that's the UM that's the blueprints for a spaceship they got all kinds of secrets up in there what's this oh it's a suit can we use it you said I'd be indestructible I said almost indestructible after all you are still human okay so heal it she wants to be a cyborg which is kind of achieved to be honest and I said they're testing on Oscorp employees too which is kind of crazy but very evil fits with the evil thing where else do I need to go I guess I need to look at everything looked over there I should have a look around see what I can learn all this xrt 89 subterranean troop deployment vehicle that's the real name I'm sticking with big boy yeah so this is like the mall from The Incredibles to an incredible was one Wow if hammerhead gets his hands on this thing we're in serious trouble this is a bigger ship right a bigger yet at times five he's like the drones maybe Oh sounds like she's cost on there a sunny horrific follow the yellow pipe follow the myosin super water what could possibly go wrong there's one takeaway from this underground lair thing it's that hammerhead should have fewer thugs with guns and a lot more safety expect you know Oh almost there's the oversaw the electrics there do you know where to do that here we go oh jeez get him yes get smash dude did he drill her shoulder that's pretty insane you came back for me of course why because I need you I work alone I used to say the same thing I know what's happening in some car yeah I know why this means so much do you think you know but you do not know what you like do to make you trust me your suit looks good spider-man is saying I think I know how we can take down that monster but I can't do it alone wait wait wait wait wait wait sigh boards new version cyborgs okay here's the plan yeah I mean that works she just took three amount were you that's not so bad as long as she actually helps though that wasn't too bad a Janine don't mind if I do scoop the whip I'm actually doing okay with this fighting now I was sucking at the beginning but this is much better I guess I have a little bit of help right now I was gonna but it's confused with enemies then they kinda go because they go the same gun okay this is actually not too bad I take this guy out this is a thug it's a thug boy maybe what would make you think that okay I need to get these lightsaber guys out the way as always get rid of the weird ones man I'm absolutely killing this one right bug come here don't you even don't wind up that punch I'm kicking you in the face ha ha good night I can see why they want these stable guns though they're um they're pretty legendary they're very good well okay what did I just say no slow-mo for this one still look nice though luckily there's a lot of stuff to throw here as well whoa okay this is get a little insane they're like literally birthing cyborgs in front of us and they've got the jetpacks now - great I need to make sure I haven't much folks as possible for this there's activate battle focus oh yeah oh yeah these guys I was gonna take you out can't bTW Oh nonsense today you two you're just watching huh that's what you get for watching this is insane this is like properly playing an action movie [Music] where is Sabol though I need her to help with the thugs it's almost like do an aerial attack it's not so bad and then we can tell other thugs the only thing is the bugs take two focus points there's another one we already should go hit that much it's kind of nice having like a helping hand okay take the back take the back take the back I'm not sure if I'm about the the red the red mold stuff not sure it's called the red moles but you know what I mean the plasma is she okay I think she's okay she can probably do without me no I did not mean to get that hit by that well okay it's all gone wrong I don't think I can use my spider abilities when I've got the red the red is affecting me this is a thug hey come here come here you look lost bless him oh look at that epic he's dead he's dead he's dead just calm calm yourself she was going in a weights all house amazing that was actually amazing we just smashed that dude that was I agree fist bumps she do the high-flying you could defeat hammer cut you uh no you left me hanging right oh you could have done it then Magnum it's get a big magnet there are medical records in here yeah mostly about that metal plate in his head carbon steel super strong pretty sensitive to via heat yeah to hit we gave you the info yeah that was funny yeah solemnly swear to do whatever you tell me to I will call soon yes like yeah it was great I love that that was cool I'm coming round to like an arcade finally it's getting there just get in there the relationships good she gave us a high five that means you're getting on pretty well so I can't really complain can I be honest I guess I'll do some Spidey work while I wait for Sables car okay hey what's that what is that what is it son this is a trap what's with all the yellow stuff huh is this some weird street artist thing I hope so I'm gonna guess this some kind of super than anything though I'm leaving the mission of a mission bro wait what the police report looks like someone was killed during a mugging but nothing was stolen hmm what's with the audio recorder listen so you have some work-related stress huh it came to the right place that's my specialty so they tell me give me some more specifics about how you're feeling the sounds familiar everything stays confidential right of course good because the case file says one of nine there must be more of these out in the city there's a bunch of GPS coordinates here the deputy sounding familiar of treasure hunts but something tells me I'm not gonna find a chest full of gold at any of these places probably not probably not level 50 now just noticed do any skills left none we've actually max island skills we did that last time morning max our gadgets too but um wait suspension matrix if enemies in the air we can craft these actually let's do it why not we can upgrade them as well but we don't need to right now we already have that many tokens is just another one of those like missions you can do I'm just waiting for a phone call though pretty sure we absolutely smashed that last one considering how badly we started off we're actually not doing too bad now so I'm just gonna wait for the next stable phone call and hopefully we get to try and take down hammerhead especially if we work as a two because we'll be killing it though that was sick here we go I love how she does that it's so funny there's no point first rally oh my goodness okay into the wall sure sure come on spider-man stop don't call her back that'd be awkward probably doing international roaming that stuff is expensive it's that under the wood that'll be pretty pretty nice Tolkien spider-man solution is yep okay that is not it I think I've actually been on this pier in real life I'm fairly sure so sick all right then here we go this isn't really a base this is a ship but still may I come aboard thank you I think it's gonna be the final mission I think so anyway let's get to work black cow was a bit right now I feel like that was a really really random save and then she just gives you the info underwater oh it is invisible it's a ship though like an invisible ship no bad Gigi's gigi is for everyone not too shabby okay here we go stretch those fingers out I love this invisible floating Fortress thing but now that all of New York City has seen it hammerhead will probably be here soon I'm counting on it so let us work quickly we need to melt this boy melty boy I have acquired the classified laser array we need to calibrate it to prevent it from overheating don't make me do a puzzles I'm working on my master's in calibration let's do this you're gonna make me do a puzzle on you okay what's first both housing all right into place on it don't make me do the puzzles nice laser and it's a pretty sick laser housing done and done like we're in like a workshop we must reset the targeting field aerials of course I have no idea what you're talking about and navigate to the top of the nearby transmitters alrighty so we should talk about the strategy with hammer and soften it so I can knock him unconscious I get that part but how do you know it won't let us bring okay well Sheppard just remember my no killing rule okay I forgot you had that how's it look functional now we must get the targeting and power levels cool wait this doesn't involve shooting me does it not yet no but I do need you to launch those targets right okay okay ready let's do this oh my goodness are you kidding me pretty sick razor not gonna lie sane actually insane children on the inside we're all children once we got anymore oh we do really needs that practice huh okay go do that terminal and wait for me to activate the system system ready I'm going in this is one of the minigames okay okay maybe not sweet I'm happy with that what's good terminators here he's got pretty decent laser to this dude you two teaming up now you know okay let's do this wait what the lasers down attack em had to set up sabers laser strike no quite sure I'm gonna do this - oh so you can damage his different parts okay that's cool I'm trying I'm trying oh look he's actually struggling a little bit dodged it it's no actually that's difficult right I think I just need to make it oh jeez why don't I do this I'm kind of like whipping him up a little bit with the the webs oh geez what was that yeah definitely not okay let's try this again I think I'm whipping him up oh you just you just whipped it off so you can do it and it kind of slows him down but doesn't really slow him down enough the same will fight familiar is it easier than his original fight as well to be out here need to soften up that head of yours buddy defeat hammers okay this is literally gonna be the last thing as men I'm not sure if that's actually doing anything I think it might be making him just a little bit slower because it has got webs on him here it is I'm on empowered and sick over you good is that is actually insane I'm just popping him in the head a little bit tragic are you kidding me what's happening on a fly these is a sick this is a good fight it's actually feels like winnable other than unlike the sable pipe which is a little bit tragic no well he's trying to headbutt me this dude's insane oh no she's trying to do it as well do I just have to hit him now you do so I've taken the legs to bend him over and then hold him in place and then just absolutely take out his brain but I'm gonna bow poke this next time actually now Rory has to bring in the goons did you have to do that whoa okay I did not want to I did not want these guys involved at all but I can get focused from these I just need kind of it is yeah well that was great I need to keep a focus point that's guys whoa whoa he's fast so far at least she's shooting him at the same time that's good oh I dodged it too combo into this and got smashed whoops see I'm doing this but I'm not sure if it was working yeah there we go whoa okay I just got stomped absolutely stomped I took care of it by that time just trying to get away with it but did not know spider-man come on don't mess this up now I'm saying it like spider-man isn't me to be fair it's all me yeah here we go I want to try and do a focus on his head I don't know if I can can I do it do it jet I can't oh maybe I can okay I definitely need to save the focus then cuz that'll be sick so I definitely need to use the web's okay I was doing that right that's good to know okay that that stung why did you have to have the red stuff man it's about to get a little bit more dramatic this is a sick fight dude everything's feels so good so good well okay oh dude what ideas come from Rocky get some distance on this ship as well like with the dr. octopus fight that wasn't damaged space what is coming he's put me a punk you can't just do that buddy and it's getting away so I do need to web him up that's good to know oh no no why is that doing so much damage in a battle focus I need to get some help whoa okay I did not expect that it's properly webbing them up but you can't do many attacks so the webs are working definitely okay too much I didn't have any focus that's bad I really wanted to do a focus attack on him this is difficult but it's it's very cool yes soften that head of yours buddy smooth okay I like that but don't it mean you missed oh my goodness I shouldn't use my superpower already it's got like full-on armor now as well okay that's not too bad I don't mind that okay so we need to do that to get rid of the okay that make sense to me that definitely makes sense these guys are actually gonna get in the way of my webs to dodge that what he just put it on in time phone quick quick quick anymore so all of those just explode that's fine yeah this is good this is good come we've nowhere near as fast so as long as I dodge him which I'm not doing a very good job oh yes so this is the second stage I wonder if they'll be a third as long as I can do this I'm good just with the minions the meters just like kind of just birdie and wing she's sable I'm not gonna lie it this isn't helpful right now don't don't go on the plot do not go on the floor okay I think we're good I think he's gonna he's gonna make his shield again by don't minds or maybe not actually oh yeah I did now come and save will help me out here thank you where you at I missed ad she missed draw down but how much of the floor he's made into Reds let's do some bowel focus saying get some out back I'm trying I'm trying to try and write all right stops my gadgets he knows what he's doing huh man he's put it back again as long as the minions on here I'll be fine you have to get the minions out of the way first I didn't want me to do that so as long as yeah as long as his minions are out of the way I'm kind of okay I'm trying I'm trying my wets keep running out I should have upgraded them ready this is when I should have upgraded everything's working though oh he's quite shield back again how does this man do it okay can I get him all right you guys just stay out of that okay and come on and messing up yes oh this is really intense I'm gana the one - I couldn't do the focus they want me to join absolutely not he needs reinforcements okay okay he's got to do with a gun as well not fun of these guys whoa just dodged in there as well to be honest I don't really need the I don't really need the the Bombers until he's like until he's weak until all of his guys are out cuz otherwise he just keeps regen in anyway so I'm gonna keep on whizzing around these red things are annoying too how did his shield come down I didn't do that am I done why he sped that up as well okay we go work together it is happening it let me dodge that I'm not doing this again I feel like we're pretty close I just need some balm there we go man I really wish I had more web shooters this would be way easy way much so much easier this nun uh not now not now not like this he almost stopped me he almost stopped me his goons are gone this better be the last one no Thomas able someone stable that's gone it's definitely a problem because I haven't got enough web-shooters I'm oh man I'd like keep doing that man this is taking all my concentration right now and he's back again it's a really small window and you can do this but get him get him get him get him get him yeah okay sweet do I have focus other thing I do we try to iron whoa calm yourselves so we have to do this again as well kana don't mind I can swing above these right the goons are gonna have to go interrupting what I'm doing okay got one goon that is actually he's trapped in his own goons which is kind of okay whoa dodge it Spidey dodge it hey guys maybe I can't get him when he's doing the red things whoa okay this is fine we need to get the bombs and then we can take him out Oh what shoes come on web Cheers I don't think I can can I have great them now gadgets gadgets web shooters I need a backpack token that's why I don't have them because I haven't been collecting the tokens at all see I'm a bad person bad bad person progress come on if I'm not using the focus to get him let's do it now whoa that it that left me in a bad spot real bad spot why is it I found it I'm good I'm good oh don't get shield back again guess so quick I still need to hit those red things that'll be bad then can properly focus but I've got it whoa come on come on come on yes that was a good place to get him actually whoo I can't do it the lace is down my thumb is hurting him I am I am she gonna play soon apply this at him let's go [Music] who needs a laser hard when you can just explode the man yo he's gonna be a melty mess or some kind of mega mech that's made of fire what's it gonna be he's gonna be fine yep he's cool he's fine this is one insane supervillain and now we'd have a laser actually what it was pretty fun to be fair that was good hey you have dinner plans I know this great pizza place I must have returned to some car Yeah right you have a war to fight do not like to fight do what I have to in order to help my people I know that's what heroes do I know hero but you have taught me a few things oh yeah like what like how to disarm my enemies with bad jokes actually they're good jokes but I understand humor can be subjective Thank You spider-man for everything hey comes on shake no high-five though we didn't get the high-five earlier which is fine I don't do huh yeah nice try of course hey can I get a lift back to the city I'd swim but it'd take forever to get the river smell out of my suit still crack in the jokes is that him done for them hammerheads done I enjoyed that was fine that was that was good I like that I guess the only thing I did find around him was the black cat intervention but who am I to complain it was pretty sick overall the dlc was great I think was six hours of content not too bad and that's that's just story content as well not including my unlocking everything finding everything oh oh that's cute I'm glad they did that oh I love that create some of the greatest stories in the world and he inspired spoole to be greater certainly did collapse for that that was a nice that's a nice touch who did it I am gonna skip it though to see if there's any post story it could set up for another DLC those egos ego heads oh it's miles okay ready spider boy get used to it just try to keep up bro just jump off the building it's fine [Music] so how does that end huh well or not find out next time we did it did we unlock a new suit as well I'm pretty sure we did you finished this concludes the city that never sleeps saga a great job hero thank you okay wait hammerheads finished but his men are still a mystery I'm a spiders work is never done true next suit that's all we care about it's this one oh my goodness hello I am I was not expecting that I was expected some kind of ripped suit to be honest let's hit photo mode real quick look at this thing we've got a cyborg eye cyborg arm a battle belt all kinds of bandages that's sick look how cool that is that's that is the best suit so far I don't care what you say that is awesome a cyborg arm what is this from I don't even know if this is from anything or whether it's just like made for the game that is so nice like a bandana as well like a ninja bandana eyepatch bro this is cool come looks like mad-eye moody from Harry Potter scars all over the place I think he's stapled together that's the coolest suit so far that's that's so nice I like that guys we did it we did it we complete all of the DLCs I wonder if they're going to bring out any more DLCs I have no idea but I hope you enjoyed watching the whole spider-man playthrough because it's probably one of the longest playthroughs we've ever done if you didn't enjoy it please leave a like that we greatly appreciated subscribe if you are brand new let me know what you think of the new skins the new suits whatever you want to call them I think they're pretty cool especially this one and I'll see you guys in the next one good [Music] posters parsing wagon candles canvas of fulcrum a band
Channel: DanTDM
Views: 4,438,019
Rating: 4.8921719 out of 5
Keywords: dantdm, spiderman, spider-man, dantdm spiderman, spiderman ps4, spiderman dlc, spiderman ending
Id: 0uM6MgfWnqw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 112min 15sec (6735 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 21 2018
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